13-How To Find Your Superstar Ghostwriter On Upwork

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How Upwork works

Pros and cons

How to make a job listing on Upwork

How to explore profiles on Upwork


Upwork is an amazing place to meet good ghostwriters. It is the best place to meet freelancers
who have all kinds of skills and services to offer your business, not just ghostwriting. But
ghostwriting is all that we use it for.

Rates and writing skills will vary a lot on Upwork so this route does take a lot more time to get
your book written. It adds a whole new arduous step to the publishing process.

Finding a ghostwriter on Upwork will be more time consuming and frustrating than using a
ghostwriting company, but it is worth it when you find an amazing writer.

We recommend to begin experimenting and searching on Upwork once you have confidence in
the publishing model and your publishing skills.

There are 2 ways to meet writers on Upwork:

1. Job listing (they come to you)

2. Explore profiles (you go to them)

Do both. Create a job listing and explore profiles on Upwork.

Each approach attracts very different kinds of writers.


Generally speaking, a job listing attracts writers who are:

● Looking for work

● Cheaper
● Not as good

When exploring profiles, you will find writers who are:

● Not advertising themselves, because they get plenty of work

● More expensive
● Better

There are 2 options for pay: pay per hour and fixed price. You only want to do fixed price.
Calculate your fixed price based on a per 100 words rate for 30,000 words.

$1.50 - $1.99 per 100 words = $450 - $597

$2.00 - $2.49 per 100 words = $600 - $747
$2.50 - $2.99 per 100 words = $750 - $897
$3.00 - $4.00 per 100 words = $900 - $1200
$4.00+ per 100 words = $1200+

It's all about balance. A higher rate does not always mean higher quality. You don’t need to pay a
ton for a great writer.

Remember you are working with people. Some have egos and many will overvalue their own
abilities. They are just trying to make money too. It's all a negotiation.

When searching for a writer, you are just exploring profiles and reaching out to those that look
interesting. Start a conversation and discuss the project.

You are literally hiring someone for a job, so treat it that way. Inspect and analyze resumes and
writers’ previous work.

There are so many good writers on Upwork, so keep looking until you find the right person for the

How do you know who is the right person for the job? That is for you to find out. Whoever you like
the most and want writing your book. You don’t truly know until you’ve worked with them.

Agree to a fixed rate beforehand. Hourly rates are a very ambiguous metric so you don’t know
someone’s actual price until you talk to them.

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