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1- Write an essay integrating the contents dealt with this year –from module 1 to

module 7-

This essay analyses the work processes carried out this year on the subject "La Construcción de la
Tarea Docente Específica en la Enseñanza en el Nivel Primario".

Previously, it is worth considering that at the beginning of the year I had to write what my
expectations were for this year, to which I answered: I hope to generate critical thinking for the
realization of educational projects, being able to generate creative didactic sequences, learn the
dynamics of Primary school classrooms in the English area, generate interest in my students when
I practice, and learn to exploit my potential as a teacher. Although, I can say that I believe I have
managed to acquire most of these teaching skills, I can admit that they must continue to be
worked on continuously throughout the teaching practice.

To begin with, we reflect on changing teacher-centered classes for student-centered classes as a

way to motivate students who are interested in learning. This promotes skills such as
collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity. I find this approach very interesting,
since if the students do not feel interest it is very difficult for them to learn.

For instance, through reading "Characteristics of Young learners" I learned to analyze my plans
based on multiple intelligences, learning styles and specific needs of each student. This can be
closely related to the first work carried out, since what is being promoted is to focus educational
practices on the importance of recognizing students as the main actor in their own learning
processes. As well as "Nine steps to learner autonomy" from David Nunan, showed the main
characteristics that, as a teacher, should be taken into account to foster autonomy in students, for
example: allow learners to create their own goals, help learners identify their own preferred styles
and strategies (to raise awareness of learning strategies and multiple intelligences), encourage
learner choice, and encourage learners to become researchers (as in Project-Based Learning).

Moreover, we focused on applying all the previously learned techniques in a new virtual context,
taking into account the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the “Handy Guide to Teaching Online”
material could be perfectly adapted to the planning of classes taking into account getting the right
equipment, choosing a live lesson platform and communicating with students asynchronously. This
material was very useful for the planning of teaching practices in order to adapt the content to this
new context. Additionally, we learned how to adapt a course book to suit the Task-Based
Approach for teacher who do not have the time to plan a TBT lesson, by re-ordering activities,
creating new activities, adapting the original ones, letting the grammatical activities last, and
seeking a more communicative approach where the student can express their own ideas,
experiences and beliefs.

Furthermore, in the Project-Based Learning we continue working with the idea of engaging
students in all aspects of their inquiry by enabling them to ask questions, make decisions and to
reflect on their learning. The focus of learning would be on inquiry where students would be able
to engage in topics that they are naturally curious about through authentic activities, which should
have some meaningful connection with the students' interests.

Taking everything into consideration, all the aspects worked during the year are related to each
other through the search for critical analysis, reflection at the time of planning, promoting
student-centered classes and the need to generate motivation in students. All these aspects are
very important to generate students’ interest, with the objective that they can express their ideas
and beliefs in real contexts, as well as ensure that students can reflect on their own learning
processes, seeking to generate meaningful learning, and promoting autonomy, creativity and
reflection from a communicative approach.

2- Write a personal reflection on your practice period. Take into account the
sequences you planned, the explanatory videos you recorded, how you evaluated
the productions sent by the students, among other aspects you consider relevant.

My experience this year in teaching practices was interesting; I learned to adapt myself to the new
virtual context for planning tasks for students. The organization with my colleague Inés was very
productive and enriching, we were able to organize ourselves to create didactic sequences that
stimulate a communicative response.

As we had no prior contact with the students, it was a bit difficult to know if they were going to
respond well to our activities, since what we planned was very different from what they were used
to. However, we had very favourable responses from the students which made me feel very good.

When making the explanatory videos I tried to show myself in an enthusiastic way, because I know
that these are difficult times and we have to try to motivate the students, we always appreciated
the effort they constantly made to carry out the activities. What is more, I added lots of images to
the videos that are fun and show what I'm trying to convey.

For the correction of the works I focused more on the ideas that the student was trying to convey,
if the idea he was trying to communicate was correct I congratulated him and at the end of the
correction I marked the grammatical errors (if there were any).

It was a great experience to learn to teach virtually, what I found regretful is not being able to help
the largest percentage of students who could not or wanted to do the activities.

 Step 1: Make instruction goals clear to learners

 Step 2: Allow learners to create their own goals
 Step 3: Encourage learners to use their second language outside the classroom
 Step 4: Raise awareness of learning processes
 Step 5: Help learners identify their own preferred styles and strategies
 Step 6: Encourage learner choice
 Step 7: Allow learners to generate their own tasks
 Step 8: Encourage learners to become teachers
 Step 9: Encourage learners to become researchers

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