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402 responses

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Page 2: Vote for the Resolutions

For each debate format, select the resolution you would like to see debated for the 2011-2012 school year.

Team-Policy Debate Resolutions

a. Resolved: That the United States federal government should substantially reform its revenue generation policies. 161 40%
b. Resolved: That the power of government to engage in search and seizure within the United States should be substantially reduced. 136 34%
c. Resolved: That the United States federal government should substantially change one or more of its policies on land transportation within the United States. 94 23%

Lincoln-Douglas Debate Resolutions

a. Resolved: When in conflict, personal freedom ought to be valued above economic security. 141 35%
b. Resolved: America’s leadership role in the world is overvalued. 123 31%
c. Resolved: That preservation of justice is the ultimate justification for law. 104 26%

Page 3: Optional (but helpful) Information

We'd like to take this opportunity to ask a few questions. Your answers give us the opportunity to make Stoa processes better. All questions are optional, and if you don't want to answer, merely
click to the next page to tally your vote!

What was your overall impression of the TEAM-POLICY resolution choices?

I loved all of them! I voted for which topic I want to see debated. 59 15%
1 or 2 were keepers, but I didn't like all of them. 232 58%
I didn't like any of them. I voted for the best of 3 bad resolutions. 66 16%

What was your overall impression of the LINCOLN-DOUGLAS resolution choices?

I loved all of them! I voted for which topic I want to see debated. 64 16%
1 or 2 were keepers, but I didn't like all of them. 231 57%
I didn't like any of them. I voted for the best of 3 bad resolutions. 45 11%

What do you think of the new process of resolution development? - The Subcommittee members.
Loved! 78 19%
Almost loved 40 10%
Okay, feelings are mixed 26 6%
Disliked 3 1%
No Opinion / Don't Know 156 39%

What do you think of the new process of resolution development? - Membership vote.
Loved! 243 60%
Almost loved 32 8%
Okay, feelings are mixed 6 1%
Disliked 2 0%
No Opinion / Don't Know 32 8%
No Opinion / Don't Know 32 8%

What do you think of the new process of resolution development? - February discussion among members.
Loved! 140 35%
Almost loved 40 10%
Okay, feelings are mixed 22 5%
Disliked 5 1%
No Opinion / Don't Know 97 24%

What do you think of the new process of resolution development? - March 1 resolution release.
Loved! 186 46%
Almost loved 31 8%
Okay, feelings are mixed 38 9%
Disliked 28 7%
No Opinion / Don't Know 31 8%

What do you think of the new process of resolution development? - Stoa's own resolution (though other leagues may adopt)
Loved! 120 30%
Almost loved 48 12%
Okay, feelings are mixed 61 15%
Disliked 34 8%
No Opinion / Don't Know 48 12%

Anything else to say?

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