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Food Sustainability Initiative

By: Camryn Fischer, Intern

Table of Contents

Executive Summary………………………………………………………………….. ​2

Problem………………………………………………………………………………. ​3

Project Description…………………………………………………………………… ​5

Cost Analysis…………………………………………………………………………. ​7

Assessment Strategy………………………………………………………………….. ​8

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………. ​9

Appendix…………………………………………………………………………….. ​10


Executive Summary

Foodstuffs’s mission is to provide the highest quality foods and services to those that live in the
Chicagoland area. Foodstuffs has been successful in providing homemade meals, such as appetizers,
soups, salads, sandwiches, breads, and pastries to its many customers, never compromising taste or
quality. While this mission is always prioritized by staff and appreciated by customers, Foodstuffs
could improve their role as a food service provider in a world that needs greater food sustainability by
implementing the ​two-pronged food sustainability initiative below:

1. The Meatless Monday campaign​ aims to target the impact that meat has on carbon emissions,
water, and the ecological footprint which, therefore, impacts climate change. The campaign will
consist of the following:
❖ Redesigning of the salad, soup, sandwich, and deli menus, to include a meatless special each
❖ Creation of marketing tactics, such as posters and emails, that prioritize the education of
customers on the impacts that choosing meatless meals one day per week can have on the
❖ Incorporating a Meatless Monday campaign will allow FoodStuffs to make an impact within
the company on their own environmental footprints, while also educating and inspiring
customers to think about their own.

2. Donating excess food to A Just Harvest​ ​will allow Foodstuffs to give back to those who are
struggling in our community, while also working toward reducing food waste.
❖ A Just Harvest provides daily meals to those affected by homelessness or food insecurity in
Rogers Park and the greater Chicagoland area. While working to decrease poverty and food
insecurity, they also provide services to create jobs and educate local areas on topics, such as
urban agriculture.
❖ Foodstuffs almost always has extra bread and deli products every day, leading to a large
amount of food waste. By pairing up with A Just Harvest, Foodstuffs can help those in their
community and decrease the amount of daily food waste.

The need for action in greater food sustainability initiatives at Foodstuffs is clearly seen in the
following statistics:
❖ According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, about ​15%​ of total annual
greenhouse gas emissions are due to animal agriculture, ​41%​ ​coming from beef (Waite, 2019).
❖ Emissions from agriculture contribute to the most powerful global warming gas, CO, which
has ​increased by 42%​ since the industrial revolution and is at its highest peak in the last
800,000 years​ (Mann, 2016).
❖ Food waste accounts for ​8%​ of greenhouse gas emissions and only seems to be growing.
Greenhouse gas emissions directly contribute to increasing temperatures, presenting a major
problem in meat consumption and food waste across the globe (Siddiqui, 2019).



As a profitable gourmet grocery store, Foodstuffs has the opportunity to use its platform to engage in
sustainable change, which could have the potential to elevate expectations across competitors. Being
located in the suburbs of Chicago, where sustainability isn’t widely practiced, Foodstuffs can use the
initiatives proposed to make a community change. Foodstuffs faces problems with environmental
footprint and food waste daily, both of which are global concerns that demand action.

Environmental Footprint

A study on different diets, including an omnivore, vegetarian, and vegan diet, uses carbon, water, and
ecological footprint measurements to determine the effects that meat consumption has on the
environment. This study of 153 health adults measured the amount of food consumed by each
participant for 7 days and recorded the impact. The study found that the omnivore group (O) had the
largest carbon, water, and ecological footprint. The O group had an ​increase​, on average, ​each day​ of
about 1500-1700 grams (3.3-3.7 pounds) of CO2 equivalent, 500-750 liters of water, and 10-12 square
meters (110-130 square feet) of land in comparison to a vegetarian (VG) or vegan (V) diet (Rosi,

Graph a​ represents carbon

footprint, accounting for
greenhouse gas emissions.
Graph b​ represents water
footprint, accounting for
consumption of water
Graph c​ ​represents
ecological footprint,
accounting for the amount of
land and sea required to
produce a unit of food.

The study presented above, together with the statistics in the executive summary, demonstrate the
impacts of meat production and the positive effects that one day and one meal without meat can have
on carbon emissions, water consumption, and land usage. Promoting the reduction of meat by
providing customers with delicious meatless meals one day a week and posters in each Foodstuffs
location explaining their impact, is an easy and affordable way that Foodstuffs can use its platform to
do good for people and the planet.


Food Waste

The United States is widely known for overconsumption, which is an overarching effect on many
increasing environmental crises globally. A quote from National Geographic’s documentary ​Before
the Flood,​ paints the perfect picture of U.S. overconsumption, in terms of electricity. “​Electricity
consumed by ​one​ ​American at home is equivalent to ​1.5​ ​citizens of France, ​2.2​ citizens of ​Japan​, 10
citizens of China, ​34​ of India and ​61​ of Nigeria (Fisher, 2016)”.

In the U.S., where consumption is up to ​61 times more​ than another country in a given category,
recent studies report that more than ​50 million​ people may experience food insecurity this year, due to
the impacts of Covid-19 (Hunger in America is Growing). On top of this fact, ​40% ​of food is wasted
each year across the nation. Of this wasted food, which accounts for about ​125 to 160​ pounds, a good
amount of it is edible and nutritious (Food Waste).

While the connection to food waste doesn’t seem directly related to the consumption of electricity, the
statistics from ​Before the Flood ​in conjunction with the facts presented on food waste, express the
paradox of consumption in the U.S. There is clear contention in the facts presented, where as a nation
we are overconsuming, yet many people live insecure of basic resources. This problem boils down to
the wasteful consumption that exists in the U.S., across the world, and at our Foodstuffs locations.
This is a problem faced all along the production and supply chain and we can help by acknowledging
our role and creating internal action plans to decrease our company food waste.

​Figure 2​ ​This image is taken from a Harvard Law and Policy study, depicting the global
implications of food waste (Siddiqui, 2019).


Project Description

Meatless Mondays Campaign

The implementation of the Meatless Monday campaign will include the following two actions from

1.​ ​Designing a Meatless Monday menu ​would be a collaborative effort among chefs, store managers,
C-suite positions, and kitchen staff from each of the 4 locations, due to the family-like nature at
Foodstuffs. The team assigned to this task could start by using Foodstuffs most loved meals and
conducting research to find a meatless alternative. The designing of the menu could be taken to outside
professionals, however, the current staff has the passion, knowledge, and experience to take this on.
With the reputation for having the highest quality gourmet meals, Foodstuffs has the opportunity to
encourage its customers that meatless options can be just as delicious.

2.​ ​The creation of marketing posters and emails​ is an action that

should be taken to an outside marketing consultant. The Meatless
Monday marketing tactics can include infographics and posters
regarding the impact that customers will have by choosing a meatless
option. An example of this type of tactic can be seen in the image to
the right (Meatless Monday) Also, Foodstuffs can create posters and
emails that provide information on the meatless specials offered at
each store every Monday, while explaining the impact each specific
meal has on the customers environmental footprint.

Donation to A Just Harvest

When Foodstuffs closes every night, the bread department, sandwich station, and deli always have
leftover food items that go to waste. By ​donating to A Just Harvest​, Foodstuffs can eliminate their
food waste and support people in our community. This action would include an employee to gather the
leftovers at the end of the shift and drive around 15-40 minutes, depending on the Foodstuffs store
location, to the A Just Harvest in Chicago. Depending on the leftovers, this could be done anywhere
from 2-5 days a week.

To keep track of our efforts and hold ourselves accountable with our food waste, we should document
how much food is saved by measuring what we give to A Just Harvest at the end of the night, creating
a monthly update on our food sustainability efforts to our customers.


Impact on the Triple Bottom Line

The goal of implementing a food sustainability campaign at Foodstuffs called “Foodstuffs for the
Planet” is to demonstrate that we care about the impacts that food production has on the environment
and that we will create sustainable action. Both the implementation of the Meatless Monday campaign
and donating to A Just Harvest, allows Foodstuff to impact the triple bottom line through ​people​ and
the ​planet​.

❖ The Meatless Monday campaign is an educational tool for

customers to think about the environment and change their
behaviors. By presenting customers with information on their
individual impact by cutting out meat one day a week and
providing them with meatless solutions, Foodstuffs is directly
impacting their customers.

❖ Foodstuffs makes a direct impact with people by pairing up with

A Just Harvest to ensure that our excess doesn’t go to waste and,
instead, is being given to people who need it in our community.

❖ The Meatless Monday campaign is a direct response to

the effect that meat has on greenhouse gas emissions
and, thus, the climate change. By creating a menu that
encourages people to choose meat alternatives,
Foodstuffs is using its platform to create awareness and
sustainable change for the planet.

❖ Pairing with A Just Harvest for donations demonstrates

that Foodstuffs acknowledges our food waste tendencies
and wants to better our environmental impact by
choosing to support those who may be struggling in our
local community.


Cost Analysis

Direct & Indirect Costs

The only direct costs for implementing the two-pronged food sustainability initiative would be the cost
of a sustainability marketing specialist to create posters, infographics, and emails for the Meatless
Monday campaign and the extra 2-5 hours of work payment per week for the employee who delivers
the excess food to A Just Harvest.

Hire Rate Cost

Marketing Specialist $80/ hour (15 hours a week for $2,400

2 weeks)

A Just Harvest driving $20/ hour (2-5 hours per week) $40-$100

Total Cost: ​Fixed Cost: ​$2,400 Variable Cost: ​$40-$100

Although ​97% ​of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and happening in our world, there
still is a debate on the facts of climate change in the media and among people across the nation. For
this reason, an indirect cost of taking an environmental stance could be the loss of customers, due to
disagreement on Foodstuffs action for the environment.

Expected Effect of Investment: Quantity and Quality

In terms of ​quantifiable​ impact of the Meatless Monday campaign, the effects of having 10 customers
choose a beefless dinner once a week can have the following impacts (Meatless Monday):
❖ A reduction in water footprint by around ​100​ filled bathtubs.
❖ Save enough water for ​17,000​ thirsty people.
❖ Cut around ​7​ miles of CO2 emissions from a car.
❖ Reduction to the ​15%​ of GHG related to animal agriculture

In terms of ​qualitative​ enhancements to the Foodstuffs brand, there are many enhancements generated
from the Meatless Monday Campaign and Donating to A Just Harvest. Some of these include:
❖ Giving back to our community
❖ Decreasing our environmental footprint
❖ Increase in customer care and social awareness
❖ Sustainable business impact through direct action


Assessment Strategy

Meatless Monday Marketing

Short Term Measurements

❖ Number of customers​ who choose a meatless option each Monday.
❖ Increased ​number in overall customers ​that come into Foodstuffs.
❖ Foodstuffs should aim to increase customers by ​5 -10 customers​ each week for both.

❖ The Meatless Monday specials can have a special sticker put on them when ordered, so that the
employee working at the register can keep track when checking out customers.
❖ The number of customers that purchased something at the store at the end of each day could be
a clear indicator of increased customers, which is calculated automatically at the register.

Long Term Measurements

❖ Monthly measurement of ​quantifiable impacts in carbon, water, and ecological footprint
based on customers who choose a meatless option.
❖ Research the specific impacts in water, carbon, and land footprint for each meatless meal
option and multiply the impact for each category by the number of customers who chose the

Donation to A Just Harvest

Short and Long Term Measurements

❖ Measured ​amount of food​ given to A Just Harvest, calculated before each donation is given to
A Just Harvest.
❖ Monthly posting in Foodstuffs stores and through email of the environmental impact of the
donated food with regards to food waste.
❖ This measurement can be done daily by using the scales that are at each Foodstuffs location
and calculated monthly by adding up each donation for the given month.



The two-pronged food sustainability initiative presented in this proposal is an ​opportunity​ for
Foodstuffs to become a business with a mission that goes beyond its high quality products and
excellent customer service, connecting to a ​greater purpose​ for the people and the planet. The
implementation of the Meatless Monday campaign and donations to A Just Harvest are actions that
work toward decreasing Foodstuffs environmental footprint, while educating and inspiring customers
and connecting to our local community through justice oriented action.

In a world with ​infinite​ choice and ​finite​ time, Foodstuffs has the opportunity to differentiate itself
from neighboring grocery stores by implementing sustainable actions and attracting customers to their
greater mission to be a business for the planet. With this food sustainability initiative in place, I am
sure customers will use their finite time to choose Foodstuffs because of our choice for the planet.



Appendix A: Memo

Appendix B: References

Appendix C: Logos


Appendix A: Memo

To: Foodstuffs Staff

From: Camryn Fischer
Date: February 18, 2021
Subject: Foodstuffs for the Planet Initiative, Ready to go!

I am excited to be writing to you about the approval of a food sustainability initiative for Foodstuffs
called ​Foodstuffs for the Planet.​ Below is an outline of the two part initiative including the change
proposed, its purpose, and the value it will bring to Foodstuffs.

Part 1: Meatless Monday Campaign

● Creation of a Meatless Monday menu, including a meat free special at the soup, deli, sandwich,
and salad stations each Monday, which will be created collaboratively among the staff
● Marketing campaign, which includes the creation of posters, infographics, and emails, in order
to get the word out about the Meatless Monday menu and educate our customers on the
benefits of choosing a meatless option
● Decrease each store’s carbon, water, and ecological footprint
● Become a leader in creating more sustainable business practices in the Chicago area
● Encourage customers to learn and act in an environmentally friendly way

Part 2: Donations to A Just Harvest

● Donation of excess food at the end of the day at each Foodstuffs location to A Just Harvest.
● Decrease our food waste footprint
● Connect to our community by giving back to those in need

I hope that this initiative is something that each of you feels proud to be a part! I look forward to
seeing the positive environmental impact created by Foodstuffs with the help from all of you.


Appendix B: References
“The Benefits of Meatless Monday - Meatless Monday.” ​The Monday Campaigns,​ 28 July 2020,

Fisher, Stevens, director. ​Before the Flood.​ National Geographic Documentary Films , 2016.

“Food Waste.” ​NRDC​, 16 Feb. 2021,

“Hunger in America Is Growing.” ​Feeding America​,

Mann, Michael. “Causes.” ​Before the Flood​, 21 Oct. 2016,

Rosi, Alice, et al. “Environmental Impact of Omnivorous, Ovo-Lacto-Vegetarian, and Vegan Diet.”
Nature News,​ Nature Publishing Group, 21 July 2017,

Siddiqui, Usaid. “World Food Day: The Fight Against Food Waste.” ​Center For Health Law and
Policy Innovation,​ 28 Oct. 2019,

Waite, Richard, et al. “6 Pressing Questions About Beef and Climate Change, Answered.” ​World
Resources Institute​, 13 Sept. 2019,


Appendix C: Logos

One of my friends named Molly Macintosh created the images and logos seen in my proposal. She is
currently a media and digital design student at Boulder University and is always asking for any chance
she can have to practice designing images and logos, in order to build her portfolio. The images below
were created by Molly from a sketch that I provided for her.

Image 1: Image 3:

Image 2: Image 4:


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