The Worldwide Incidence of Preterm Birth A Systematic Review

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The worldwide incidence of preterm birth: a systematic review

of maternal mortality and morbidity

Stacy Beck,a Daniel Wojdyla,b Lale Say,c Ana Pilar Betran,c Mario Merialdi,c Jennifer Harris Requejo,d Craig Rubens,e
Ramkumar Menon f & Paul FA Van Look g

Objective To analyse preterm birth rates worldwide to assess the incidence of this public health problem, map the regional distribution
of preterm births and gain insight into existing assessment strategies.
Methods Data on preterm birth rates worldwide were extracted during a previous systematic review of published and unpublished
data on maternal mortality and morbidity reported between 1997 and 2002. Those data were supplemented through a complementary
search covering the period 2003–2007. Region-specific multiple regression models were used to estimate the preterm birth rates for
countries with no data.
Findings We estimated that in 2005, 12.9 million births, or 9.6% of all births worldwide, were preterm. Approximately 11 million
(85%) of these preterm births were concentrated in Africa and Asia, while about 0.5 million occurred in each of Europe and North
America (excluding Mexico) and 0.9 million in Latin America and the Caribbean. The highest rates of preterm birth were in Africa
and North America (11.9% and 10.6% of all births, respectively), and the lowest were in Europe (6.2%).
Conclusion Preterm birth is an important perinatal health problem across the globe. Developing countries, especially those in Africa
and southern Asia, incur the highest burden in terms of absolute numbers, although a high rate is also observed in North America.
A better understanding of the causes of preterm birth and improved estimates of the incidence of preterm birth at the country level
are needed to improve access to effective obstetric and neonatal care.

Une traduction en français de ce résumé figure à la fin de l’article. Al final del artículo se facilita una traducción al español. .‫الرتجمة العربية لهذه الخالصة يف نهاية النص الكامل لهذه املقالة‬

Introduction birth results from the interaction of several pathways or the

independent effect of each pathway. Causal factors linked to
Preterm birth, defined as childbirth occurring at less than 37 preterm birth include medical conditions of the mother or
completed weeks or 259 days of gestation, is a major determi- fetus, genetic influences, environmental exposure, infertility
nant of neonatal mortality and morbidity and has long-term treatments, behavioural and socioeconomic factors and iatro-
adverse consequences for health.1–3 Children who are born genic prematurity.9
prematurely have higher rates of cerebral palsy, sensory defi- Approximately 45–50% of preterm births are idiopathic,
cits, learning disabilities and respiratory illnesses compared 30% are related to preterm rupture of membranes (PROM)
with children born at term. The morbidity associated with and another 15–20% are attributed to medically indicated
preterm birth often extends to later life, resulting in enormous or elective preterm deliveries.10,11 Estimation of preterm birth
physical, psychological and economic costs.4,5 Estimates indi- rates and, ideally, their proper categorization (e.g. spontane-
cate that in 2005 the costs to the United States of America ous versus indicated) are essential for accurate determination
alone in terms of medical and educational expenditure and of global incidence in order to inform policy and programmes
lost productivity associated with preterm birth were more on interventions to reduce the risk of premature labour and
than US$ 26.2 billion.6 delivery.
Of all early neonatal deaths (deaths within the first No data have been published on the global incidence of
7 days of life) that are not related to congenital malforma- preterm birth. Preterm birth rates available from some de-
tions, 28% are due to preterm birth.7 Preterm birth rates veloped countries, such as the United Kingdom, the United
have been reported to range from 5% to 7% of live births in States and the Scandinavian countries, show a dramatic rise
some developed countries, but are estimated to be substan- over the past 20 years.6,12 Factors possibly contributing to
tially higher in developing countries.8 These figures appear but not completely explaining this upward trend include
to be on the rise.9 Events leading to preterm birth are still increasing rates of multiple births, greater use of assisted re-
not completely understood, although the etiology is thought production techniques, increases in the proportion of births
to be multifactorial. It is, however, unclear whether preterm among women over 34 years of age and changes in clinical

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States of America (USA).
Centro Rosarino de Estudios Perinatales, Rosario, Argentina.
Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization, 20 avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
Population Research Center, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA.
Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
Perinatal Research Center, Nashville, TN, USA.
Consultant, Val-d’Illiez, Switzerland.
Correspondence to Lale Say (e-mail:
(Submitted: 14 January 2009 – Revised version received: 18 April 2009 – Accepted: 18 April 2009 – Published online: 25 September 2009 )

Bull World Health Organ 2010;88:31–38 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.062554 31

Worldwide incidence of preterm birth Stacy Beck et al.

practices, such as greater use of elec- relevant databases, conducting manual Representative estimates
tive Caesarean section. For example, searches, contacting experts active in This article does not attempt to pres-
the increasing use of ultrasonography the field, screening the reference lists ent national-level estimates for preterm
rather than the date of the last men- of retrieved articles and reviewing con- birth. Instead, its goal is to estimate
strual period to estimate gestational age gress abstract books.16 the incidence and number of pre-
may have resulted in larger numbers To locate data available after 2002, term births worldwide and map the
of births being classified as preterm. we performed an updated systematic geographical distribution of preterm
Changes in the definitions of fetal loss, search in September 2007 for national- births at the regional and subregional
stillbirth and early neonatal death may level data on preterm birth rates us- levels. The best estimates available for
also have contributed to the substan- ing the following online resources: each country were used to produce
tial increases in preterm birth rates PubMed, MEDLINE, University of such estimates. When the same data
recorded in developed countries in the Michigan–MEDSEARCH, MD Con- set was presented in multiple reports,
past two decades.13,14 sult, Google Scholar, Cochrane Central the report providing the most com-
In developing countries, accurate Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane prehensive information was judged
and complete population data and Database of Systematic Reviews and to contain the best available estimate.
medical records usually do not exist. the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Data referring to specific groups of
Furthermore, estimates of the rate of Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). women (e.g. young adolescents aged
preterm birth in developing countries We also attempted to access public vital 15–16 years or women with HIV in-
are influenced by a range of factors statistics and population-based medi- fection, of high socioeconomic status,
including varying procedures used to cal records, including web sites of the with suspected malaria or over 40 years
determine gestational age, national dif- ministries of health of the 193 WHO of age) were not considered representa-
ferences in birth registration processes, Member States. Our search terms were tive of the whole population and were
heterogeneous definitions used for pre- limited to “preterm labor,” “preterm la- disregarded.
term birth, differences in perceptions bour” and/or “preterm birth” combined The following types and sources of
of the viability of preterm infants and with a word defining each country. Eli- data on preterm birth, listed in order
variations in religious practices such gible data sets included those presented of preference, were used in the analysis.
as local burial customs, which can in journal articles, national registries 1. Population-based national-level data
discourage the registering of preterm and information sources provided by were used if available for countries,
births.15 These issues make measure- government and international agen- regardless of any other data collected
ment of preterm birth and comparisons cies through the internet. This search in the systematic review (either pop-
across and between developing coun- yielded a total of 2023 citations, of ulation- or hospital-based).
tries difficult. which 125 were reviewed in full text 2. Subnational population-based data
The World Health Organization and 25 were included in the review. were used when available for coun-
(WHO) conducted a systematic review The modification of the search strategy tries with no national-level data, re-
of the worldwide incidence/prevalence for data after 2002 was based on an gardless of any other data collected
of maternal mortality and morbidity in in-depth analysis of the effectiveness in the systematic review.
the period 1997–2002 to contribute to of the different databases in the larger 3. Facility-based data were used when
systematic review.18 available for countries without na-
the knowledge base in this area.16,17 Data
tional or subnational population-
extracted for that review and relevant
Selection of studies based data.
to the estimation of preterm birth rates
4. Regression model estimates were de-
are used for this study, along with data Criteria for study inclusion in the re- rived for countries with no existing
from a supplementary search carried out view were availability of data on inci- preterm birth data.
for the years 2003–2007 to bring the dence/prevalence of maternal mortality
estimates up to date. This manuscript or identified conditions of morbidity, If more than one estimate was available
presents an analysis of preterm birth specified dates of the data collection within the same data type and source
rates worldwide in an effort to under- period, inclusion of data from 1990 on- category (see above), a decision was
stand the global extent of this public wards, sample size larger than 200 and made through a consultative process in-
health problem, gain insight into exist- a clear description of the methods used. volving predefined criteria as to which
ing assessment strategies and map the We extracted data from the included estimate should be considered the best
regional distribution of preterm births. studies using a specifically designed or most representative. For countries
data extraction form that contained 48 with national-level estimates (mostly
Methods items distributed in five modules.16 The developed countries) from consecutive
three modules relevant to the analysis years, an average was calculated using
Search strategy of preterm birth rates were designed data available from the five most recent
The methods used in the WHO sys- to collect information on: (i) general years. In addition, an average estimate
tematic review have been described characteristics of the study, such as de- weighted with the size of the study was
elsewhere.16 In brief, we searched for sign, population and setting; (ii) pre- calculated if subnational data (either
published and unpublished data on term birth rates; and (iii) quality of the population- or hospital-based) were
maternal mortality and morbidity re- preterm birth measurement, including available for more than one year and/
ported between 1997 and 2002. The definition and method or procedure for or from more than one population or
search strategy included reviewing 10 diagnosis, if reported. hospital.

32 Bull World Health Organ 2010;88:31–38 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.062554

Stacy Beck et al. Worldwide incidence of preterm birth

Table 1. Variables included in the regression model, number of countries modelled, and predictive power of the model, by region, in
a systematic review of the worldwide incidence of preterm birth

Region/grouping a Predictor variable b No. of countries Adjusted R ²

Africa Proportion of urban population
Total expenditure on health
30/52 0.644
Life expectancy at birth (male)
Under-five mortality
Asia Government expenditure on health
Low birth weight 25/47 0.424
Under-five mortality
Human development index
Europe, North America c and Australia Immunization coverage for DPT3
and New Zealand Total expenditure on health 9/43 0.421
Government expenditure on health
Healthy life expectancy at birth (adult, female)
Latin America and the Caribbean Immunization coverage for measles
and Oceania (excluding Australia and Per capita total expenditure on health
New Zealand) 23/37 0.603
Mortality rate (females)
Low birth weight

DPT3, diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, third and final dose.

For application of models, country groupings were defined based on sociodemographic similarities.
See Appendix A ( for definitions and sources of variables.
In this analysis, Mexico was included in Latin America rather than North America.

For hospital-based preterm birth total number of live births in the region following country groupings: (i) Africa;
estimates, results from more than one (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America (ii) Asia; (iii) Europe, North America
study were combined if the studies excluding Mexico, Latin America and and Australia and New Zealand (ENA);
were comparable with regard to the the Caribbean and Oceania) or subre- and (iv) Latin America, the Caribbean
year, type of population and charac- gion. Estimates of the number of live and Oceania excluding Australia and
teristics of pregnancy (i.e. singleton births for the year 2005, the regional New Zealand (LCO). These groupings
versus all births). In cases where stud- and subregional country groupings and are based on similarities among the
ies were not comparable, we included the development status classification countries for better fit of the regression
data from the study that best repre- used (developed, less developed, least model and they differ slightly from the
sented the general population (e.g. developed) were based on those of the United Nations classification, which is
the characteristics of the population United Nations.19 Fourteen countries used in reporting the findings. Separate
and of the pregnancies), contained the with populations below 100 000 were models in each region provided better
larger sample size and was conducted excluded from the analysis. predictions than a unique model for
most recently. Studies including only the whole data set, indicating that
singleton pregnancies took precedence Statistical analysis the variation observed in the rates can
best be described by different subsets of
over those including both singleton Preterm birth rates for countries where predictors.
and multiple pregnancies. This deci- no eligible data were available were Variables were selected for inclu-
sion was based on the general tendency estimated using a multiple regression sion in the region-specific multiple
to exclude multiple pregnancies from model. This model aimed to capture regression models based upon their
the denominator in most primary stud- the relationship between sociodemo- availability for all countries (Appen-
ies. If no data were available for only graphic and health indicators and dix A, available at: http://www.who.
singleton pregnancies from a country, the preterm birth rates in countries int/reproductivehealth/publications/
studies including all pregnancies were where a rate was available. The model monitoring/en/index.html). For each
considered. For countries where the was then used to derive estimates and of the four regions, the best model was
only available study was a controlled their 95% prediction intervals (95% selected by maximizing the adjusted
trial and where no known relationship PIs) for countries where no data were R-squared, a measure of prediction
between preterm delivery and the inter- available.20 Given that preterm birth capacity of the model. Models with
vention in question existed, both arms rates are expressed as proportions, a severe collinearity problems (variance
of the trial were combined. logit transformation of the proportion inflation factor greater than 10) were
Estimates provided in this analysis (instead of the proportion itself ) was not considered. Variables selected in
refer to year 2005. Coverage of avail- modelled and then back-transformed to each model and the R-squared values
able estimates at global and regional the original scale. Separate multiple re- achieved are listed in Table 1. Since
levels was defined as a percentage of the gression models were developed for the these models were selected for their

Bull World Health Organ 2010;88:31–38 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.062554 33

Worldwide incidence of preterm birth Stacy Beck et al.

predictive power, the subset of variables

Table 2. Characteristics of the estimates and reports used in a systematic review to
included in each model should not be estimate the worldwide incidence of preterm birth, by region/country grouping
considered causally associated with
preterm birth. Instead, such variables Variable Africa Asia Latin America Developed Total
should be viewed as the ones produc- and Caribbean countries a
ing the smallest prediction error for the
Total 22 22 13 35 92
specific data set analysed.
The preterm birth rate was defined Study design
as the number of preterm births divided Cross-sectional 10 13 4 29 56
by the number of live births. Country Cohort/controlled trial 3 5 2 1 11
data (actual and model-based) were Survey 9 4 7 5 25
combined to produce regional and Type of estimate
subregional estimates weighted by the Population-based: national 0 6 3 23 32
total number of live births. For a region Population-based: subnational 1 5 2 5 13
or subregion, point estimates and confi- Facility-based 21 11 8 7 47
dence limits for the number of preterm Estimate based on
births were computed by multiplying Adolescents 1 1 0 0 2
the rate (point and confidence limits) Mixed ethnic group 0 1 0 0 1
by the total number of live births. Tribal group 0 2 0 0 2
Lower socioeconomic class 1 1 2 1 5
Results Not specific (general 18 15 11 29 73
Descriptive analysis
Unspecified 2 2 0 5 9
Information from studies was available
Preterm birth definition
for 92 out of the 179 countries included
Less than 37 weeks gestation 17 16 11 31 75
in the analysis, which represent 115.3
Other 1 1 1 0 3
million births (85.8% of the estimated
No definition reported 4 5 1 4 14
total number of births in the world in
2005).19 Characteristics of the studies Diagnostic procedure
and the estimates derived from them Ultrasound 2 1 0 2 5
are presented in Table 2. Last menstrual period 2 4 0 6 12
The majority of the studies were Best obstetric estimate 6 0 6 0 12
cross-sectional analyses of prospective Other 0 0 0 2 2
surveys or retrospective case records; No method reported 11 18 7 25 61
around half applied to national and Denominator used
subnational populations and a large Live births 3 8 2 16 29
majority pertained to samples repre- Pregnancies 1 3 4 8 16
senting the general characteristics of Deliveries 18 12 7 10 47
the population. In Africa all studies a
Europe, North America (excluding Mexico), Australia and New Zealand comprise the developed countries
except one were facility-based, whereas
in Europe and North America about
80% were population-based. There was
general agreement across the studies on for the other regions. In 3 countries the same number in North America,
the definition of “preterm” based on (Afghanistan, Cyprus and Somalia), while 0.9 million occurred in Latin
gestational week (less than 37 complete model-based indicators could not be America and the Caribbean.
weeks), but the procedures used to de- computed because of missing values for The highest rates occurred in Africa
fine gestational age were not reported one of the predictor variables. For those and North America, where 11.9% and
in 65% of the cases. Only five reported countries the estimated preterm rate for 10.6%, respectively, of the births were
using ultrasonography as the diagnos- the United Nations subregion to which preterm. Europe, where 6.2% of the
tic method. Most of the estimates were the country belongs was used in comput- births were preterm, had the lowest
based on preterm rates computed using ing the global estimate. rate (Table 3).
deliveries as denominators (Table 2).
Model-based estimates were derived Global incidence
for the remaining 87 countries, which We estimate that 9.6% of all births
represent only 14.2% of all births in were preterm in 2005, which translates To our knowledge, this is the first at-
2005. As shown in Table 1, estimates to about 12.9 million births definable tempt to provide global, regional and
were modelled for 30 countries in Af- as preterm (Table 3). Approximately subregional estimates of the incidence
rica, 25 countries in Asia, 9 countries in 85% of this burden was concentrated of preterm birth. The estimated 12.9
ENA and 23 in LCO. Regression models in Africa and Asia, where 10.9 million million preterm births that occurred in
derived for Africa and LCO had better births were preterm. About 0.5 million 2005 represent a substantial problem
predictive power than those derived preterm births occurred in Europe and for already overtaxed health, education

34 Bull World Health Organ 2010;88:31–38 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.062554

Stacy Beck et al. Worldwide incidence of preterm birth

Table 3. Preterm birth rates, number of preterm births by United Nations geographical region/subregion and percentage of births
covered by the estimates in a systematic review of the worldwide incidence of preterm birth

Region/subregion a Preterm births Preterm birth rate Percent coverage

b b
of estimates c
No. in 1000s 95% CI % 95% CI
World total 12 870 12 228–13 511 9.6 9.1–10.1 85.8
More developed countries 1 014 982–1 046 7.5 7.3–7.8
Less developed countries 7 685 7 109–8 261 8.8 8.1–9.4
Least developed countries 4 171 3 891–4 452 12.5 11.7–13.3
Africa 4 047 3 783–4 311 11.9 11.1–12.6 72.7
Eastern 1 686 1 481–1 891 14.3 12.5–16.0
Middle 602 535–669 11.6 10.3–12.9
Northern 407 290–523 8.7 6.2–11.2
Southern 228 191–265 17.5 14.6–20.3
Western 1 125 1 036–1 215 10.1 9.3–10.9
Asia 6 907 6 328–7 486 9.1 8.3–9.8 90.9
Eastern 724 650–798 3.8 3.4–4.1
South-central 4 467 3 944–4 991 11.4 10.0–12.7
South-eastern 1 271 1 062–1 480 11.1 9.3–13.0
Western 396 290–501 7.9 5.8–9.9
Central 49 21–77 3.8 1.6–5.9
Europe 466 434–498 6.2 5.8–6.7 94.8
LA and the Caribbean 933 858–1 009 8.1 7.5–8.8 79.3
Caribbean 48 33–63 6.7 4.7–8.8
Central America 295 263–326 9.1 8.2–10.1
South America 591 524–658 7.9 7.0–8.8
North Americad 480 479–482 10.6 10.5–10.6 100
Oceania 91.0
Australia/New Zealand 20 20–20 6.4 6.3–6.6
Rest of Oceania 16 11–20 6.4 4.6–8.2

CI, confidence interval; PI, prediction interval.

Countries categorized according to United Nations classification.
Whereas PIs were calculated for country estimates based on the model, CIs were derived for the regional/subregional aggregate estimates that utilized data from
studies as well as modelled estimates.
Refers to the proportion of live births for which data were available and model-based estimates were not generated.
Excluding Mexico, which is included under Latin America.

and social service sectors worldwide. towards the need to focus on identifica- moderate to profound impairment at
Like many other indicators in the tion of risk factors and preventive inter- 18–22 months of age.21,22
area of maternal and perinatal health, ventions in the disadvantaged regions Clearly, different risk factors play a
preterm birth rates reflect the stark of the world where the concentration role in the high rates of preterm birth
health disparities between developed of preterm births is highest. Moreover, in different regions. In North America,
and developing countries. Our analysis striking inequalities exist between the increasing age of women giving
shows that the burden of preterm birth developed and developing countries birth, which leads to more maternal
is disproportionately concentrated in in terms of the survival chances of a complications and Caesarean sections,
Africa and Asia, where about 85% of all preterm infant. In many developing may partially explain the high rates.
preterm births occur (31% and 54%, countries, infants weighing less than Increased rates of multiple pregnan-
respectively). In comparison, around 2000 g (corresponding to about 32 cies may be another explanation. In
7.4% such births occur in Europe and weeks of gestation in the absence of Africa, on the other hand, high levels
North America together. It should be intrauterine growth retardation) have of preterm birth are probably due
noted that the high absolute numbers little chance of survival. In contrast, the to intrauterine infection or lack of
and proportionate share of the overall survival rate of infants born at 32 weeks availability of drugs, such as tocolytic
burden in developing regions are linked in developed countries is similar to that agents.23 Identifying ways to address
to the greater number of deliveries in of infants born at term. According to preventable causes of preterm birth
those regions. recent evidence from the United States, should be a top priority in developing
Preterm birth is one of the most about 50% of infants born as early as regions of the world.
significant problems in perinatology. 22–25 weeks of gestation may survive, One of the strengths of this analy-
The findings of this analysis point and half of the survivors were without sis is that it was constructed on the basis

Bull World Health Organ 2010;88:31–38 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.062554 35

Worldwide incidence of preterm birth Stacy Beck et al.

of a large systematic review aimed at births were based on a limited number only in terms of associated mortality but
mapping the epidemiological distribu- of studies and sites, whereas for North also with regard to short- and long-term
tion of maternal and perinatal health. America a more comprehensive range morbidity and financial implications
Using the rigorous methods of system- of studies was available for calculating for health-care systems. Very high rates
atic reviews, including a comprehensive the estimates. Limitations of data and are observed in North America as well
search strategy, we screened 64 585 diagnostic procedures may result in as Africa, but the burden in terms of
citations and included 2580, of which underestimation of the true incidence absolute numbers disproportionately
489 (8.2%) presented data on preterm in a given setting. For these reasons, we affects developing countries, especially
birth.16 To bring the data up to date, did not attempt to develop country- those in Africa and South Asia. Unfor-
we later performed a search specifically level estimates with this data set and tunately, there are currently no effective
for nationally representative data on present here only subregional, regional diagnostic measures for preterm labour
preterm birth rates for the time period and global summaries. Standard defi- resulting in preterm birth, and no effec-
2002–2007 and identified a further 25 nitions and consistent measurement tive early interventions for prevention.
data sets. Maximum efforts were made procedures are needed to facilitate de- The use of modern technology allows
to identify regional, survey and local velopment of more precise estimates for survival of many preterm neonates in
reports from countries where a nation- meaningful international comparisons. developed countries, but such care
alized data monitoring system does not An additional challenge for future is not widely available in developing
exist or vital statistics are incomplete. analyses is finding ways to distinguish countries. As this situation changes and
The stringent inclusion and exclusion and quantify very early, early and late countries develop and apply technolo-
criteria used to select data on preterm preterm births. These categories pres- gies that raise survival rates, the mor-
births and the detailed information ent important differences in terms of bidity burden will increase. Thus, the
extracted from the primary articles neonatal survival, short- and long-term development of strategies for improving
ensured a structured and consistent morbidity and health resources invest- access to effective care in developing
assessment of each rate and, thus, the ment, and thus are critical to analyse. countries must remain a top research
quality of the analysis. This strategy Data coverage was lower for Africa and operational priority. Developing
also allowed us to avoid bias in data and Latin America and the Caribbean such strategies will depend on a bet-
evaluation and rate prediction. When (less than 80% of deliveries) in com- ter understanding of the etiology of
estimating rates based on the statistical parison with the other regions. How- preterm birth and improved estimates
models, utmost care was taken to verify ever, it is reassuring that the models
of the incidence of preterm birth at
accuracy and reproducibility. derived for those two regions, which
The data presented here should, the country level. Our analysis is a step
were used to estimate rates in a larger
however, be interpreted with caution. As forward in this direction. ■
number of countries than the models
in any systematic review, data extrac- for other regions, had better predictive
tion and analysis depend on the qual- Acknowledgements
power than the other models.
ity and strength of available primary It should also be noted that the We thank Metin Gulmezoglu, Felipe
information. Major discrepancies in aggregate figures for regions and the Santana, Genc Kabili, José Villar, Gilda
study types, assessment of gestational estimates for countries used in the Piaggio, Alain Pinol, Alexandre Peregou-
age and population admixture existed analysis could hide inequalities be- dov and Evelyn Jiguet for their participa-
in individual reports, as well as incom- tween population groups within coun- tion in the systematic review. Paul FA
plete reporting of such characteristics. tries and regions. For example, racial Van Look was with the World Health
For some countries, data were obtained differences in preterm birth rates are Organization at the time of this study.
from medical facilities or from official well documented in studies from the
agencies. The representativeness or United States.24 Further reports should Funding: UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/
completeness of those reports may be consider exploring such inequalities. World Bank Special Programme of
limited. Many of the studies included Research, Development and Research
in this analysis diagnosed preterm birth Training in Human Reproduction,
on the basis of the timing of the last
Conclusion Department of Reproductive Health
menstrual period or a clinical estimate This analysis demonstrates that pre- and Research, WHO, funded the study.
rather than ultrasound. In addition, term birth is a significant perinatal
for some regions estimates of preterm health problem across the globe, not Competing interests: None declared.

36 Bull World Health Organ 2010;88:31–38 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.062554

Stacy Beck et al. Worldwide incidence of preterm birth

Incidence mondiale de la naissance avant terme : revue systématique de la mortalité et de la morbidité
Objectif Analyser les taux de prématurité dans le monde pour Asie, tandis que l’Europe et l’Amérique du Nord (Mexique inclus)
évaluer l’incidence de ce problème de santé publique, cartographier accueillaient chacune 0,5 million de naissances de ce type et
la distribution par régions des naissances avant terme et mieux l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes 0,9 million. Les taux de prématurité
connaître les stratégies d’évaluation existantes. les plus élevés étaient relevés en Afrique et en Amérique du Nord
Méthodes Les données relatives aux naissances avant terme dans (11,9 % et 10,6 % de l’ensemble des naissances, respectivement)
le monde ont été extraites dans le cadre d’une revue systématique et les plus bas en Europe (6,2 %).
antérieure des données publiées et non publiées sur la mortalité et la Conclusion La naissance avant terme constitue un important
morbidité maternelles, produites entre 1997 et 2002. Ces données ont problème de santé périnatale partout dans le monde. Les pays en
été complétées par une recherche supplémentaire couvrant la période développement, en particulier ceux d’Afrique et du Sud de l’Asie,
2003-2007. Des modèles de régression multiple spécifiques aux subissent la plus forte charge en termes absolus, bien qu’un taux
différentes régions ont été utilisés pour estimer les taux de prématurité de prématurité élevé soit aussi observé en Amérique du Nord. Une
dans les pays ne disposant pas de données. meilleure compréhension des causes de naissance prématurée
Résultats Nous avons estimé qu’en 2005, 12,9 millions de et de meilleures estimations de l’incidence des naissances avant
naissances, soit 9,6 % de la natalité mondiale totale, étaient terme à l’échelle des pays sont nécessaires pour améliorer l’accès
intervenues avant terme. Environ 11 millions (85 %) de ces à des soins obstétricaux et néonatals efficaces.
naissances prématurées étaient concentrées en Afrique et en

Incidencia mundial de parto prematuro: revisión sistemática de la morbilidad y mortalidad maternas
Objetivo Analizar las tasas de prematuridad a nivel mundial para de ellos se concentraron en África y Asia, mientras que en Europa
evaluar la incidencia de este problema de salud pública, determinar y América del Norte (excluido México) se registraron 0,5 millones
la distribución regional de los partos prematuros y profundizar en el en cada caso, y en América Latina y el Caribe, 0,9 millones.
conocimiento de las actuales estrategias de evaluación. Las tasas más elevadas de prematuridad se dieron en África y
Métodos Los datos utilizados sobre las tasas de prematuridad a América del Norte (11,9% y 10,6% de todos los nacimientos,
nivel mundial se extrajeron a lo largo de una revisión sistemática respectivamente), y las más bajas en Europa (6,2%).
anterior de datos publicados e inéditos sobre la mortalidad y Conclusión El parto prematuro es un problema de salud
morbilidad maternas notificados entre 1997 y 2002. Esos datos se perinatal importante en todo el mundo. Los países en desarrollo,
complementaron mediante una búsqueda que abarcó el periodo especialmente de África y Asia meridional, son los que sufren la
2003–2007. Las tasas de prematuridad de los países sin datos carga más alta en términos absolutos, pero en América del Norte
se estimaron mediante modelos de regresión múltiple específicos también se observa una tasa elevada. Es necesario comprender
para cada región. mejor las causas de la prematuridad y obtener estimaciones más
Resultados Estimamos que en 2005 se registraron 12,9 millones precisas de la incidencia de ese problema en cada país si se desea
de partos prematuros, lo que representa el 9,6% de todos los mejorar el acceso a una atención obstétrica y neonatal eficaz.
nacimientos a nivel mundial. Aproximadamente 11 millones (85%)

‫ مراجعة منهجية ملعدالت وفيات ومراضة األمهات‬:‫معدل االنتشار العاملي لوالدات الخدج‬
‫ بينام يقع حوايل نصف مليون من‬،‫من هذه الوالدات يف قاريت أفريقيا وأسيا‬ ‫ تحليل معدالت والدات الخدّج عاملياً لقياس انتشار هذه املشكلة‬:‫الغرض‬
‫ وتقع‬،)‫هذه الوالدات يف كل من أوروبا وشامل أمريكا (باستثناء املكسيك‬ ‫ واإلملام‬،‫ وتحديد خرائط التوزيع اإلقليمي لوالدات الخدج‬،‫الصحية العمومية‬
‫ ووقعت أعىل‬.‫ مليون والدة خدج يف أمريكا الالتينية ومنطقة الكاريبي‬0.9 .‫باسرتاتيجيات التقييم املوجودة‬
‫ من‬%10.6 ‫ و‬%11.9( ‫معدالت والدات الخدج يف أفريقيا وشامل أمريكا‬ ‫ جرى استخالص البيانات الخاصة باملعدالت العاملية لوالدات الخدج‬:‫الطريقة‬
.)%6.2( ‫ ووقعت أقل املعدالت يف أوروبا‬،)‫ بالرتتيب‬،‫جميع الوالدات‬ ‫أثناء مراجعة منهجية سابقة للبيانات املنشورة وغري املنشورة الخاصة بوفيات‬
‫ ُتعد والدة الخدج مشكلة صحية عمومية هامة يف الفرتة املحيطة‬:‫االستنتاج‬ ‫ وألحق بهذه البيانات‬.2002 ‫ و‬1997 ‫ومراضة األمهات املسجلة بني عامي‬
‫ والسيام يف‬،‫ وتنوء البلدان النامية وحدها‬.‫بالوالدة يف جميع أنحاء العامل‬ ‫ واستُخ ِدمت مناذج تحوف‬.2007 – 2003 ‫بحث تكمييل يغطي الفرتة‬
‫ بالرغم من‬،‫أفريقيا وجنوب أسيا من أثقل األعباء من حيث األعداد املطلقة‬ ‫متعددة خاصة باألقاليم لتقدير معدالت والدات الخدج للبلدان التي ليس‬
‫ ومن الرضوري اإلملام الجيد‬.‫مشاهدة معدالت مرتفعة أيضاً يف شامل أمريكا‬ .‫لديها بيانات‬
‫بأسباب والدات الخدج وتحسني مستوى تقدير وقوعها عىل الصعيد القطري‬ ‫ مليون والدة‬12.9 ‫ كان هناك‬،2005 ‫ قدّر الباحثون أن يف عام‬:‫املوجودات‬
.‫من أجل تحسني الحصول عىل رعاية فعالة للحمل والوالدة‬ )%85( ‫ مليون‬11 ‫ وترتكز حوايل‬.‫ من جميع الوالدات العاملية‬%9.6 ‫ أو‬،‫خدج‬

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