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Effective Reading

Unit 1
The Power of Double-speak

p. 7
1. Euphemism - a word or phrase used to avoid saying an unpleasant or offensive word:
"Senior citizen" is a euphemism for "old person"; The article made so much use of euphemism
that often its meaning was unclear.

2. Double-speak - deliberately euphemistic, ambiguous, or obscure language

3. Offense – წყენა; შეურაცხყოფა
4. Deferred [dɪ'fɜ:d] – 1) შენელებული 2) გადავადებული
5. Stigmatize – დაღის დასმა; ჩირქის ცხება
6. Deferred success – a euphemism suggested as an alternative to “failure”, in order not to
stigmatize pupils who have not achieved a pass in a particular subject
7. Dumb down - the act of making something simpler and easier for people to understand,
especially in order to make it more popular
8. Inarticulate [ɪnɑ:'tɪkjulət] - გაურკვეველი; Unable to express feelings or ideas clearly,
or expressed in a way that is difficult to understand: When it comes to expressing their
emotions, some people are hopelessly inarticulate; His speech was inarticulate and it was
obvious he had been drinking.
9. Accusation - ბრალდება
10. Merit - the quality of being good and deserving to be praised or rewarded, or
an advantage that something has: Proposals will be judged strictly on merit by
an external committee; I fail to see the merit of organizing the work in that way.
11. Challenged - შრომისუუნარო; არასრულფასოვანი
12. Differently-able – disabled
13. Deny – უარის თქმა; არდაშვება
14. Blended family – a family that consists of two adults, the child or children that they have
had together, and one or more children that they have had with previous partners: Single-
parent families and blended families now outnumber traditional families.
15. Sinister – მავნე; ავი; ბოროტი; დამღუპველი
16. Afflict – to make someone or something suffer physically or mentally: He was afflicted
with severe asthma.
17. Deplore– to say or think that something is very bad; condemn: The editors deplore
the lack of attention given to climate change.
18. Dehumanize [di:'hju:mənaɪz] – deprive of positive human qualities: It's a totalitarian
regime that reduces and dehumanizes its population.
19. Mask [mɑ:sk] - შენიღბვა
20. Civilian – სამოქალაქო პირი
21. Comprehend – მიხვედრა; ჩაწვდომა; გააზრება
22. Soft target – a person or thing that is relatively unprotected or vulnerable, especially to
military or terrorist attack: Farms are a soft target for arsonists.

p. 8
23. Desensitize - აღქმის / მგრძნობელობის შემცირება
24. Gruesome – შემზარავი
25. Remote – შორი, დაშორებული; აქ: განსხვავებული
26. Witness – იყო მოწმე
27. Grief – მწუხარება, დარდი
28. Hypocrisy [hɪ'pɔkrəsɪ] – ფარისევლობა, თვალთმაქცობა
29. Glorify – განდიდება; to praise or honor someone or something, or to make someone or
something seem more excellent than is actually true: The film glorifies the past too much;
He has been glorified in the press.
30. Justify – გამართლება
31. Denounce [dɪ'naun(t)s] – გაკიცხვა, გმობა

32. Cowardly ['kauədlɪ] – ლაჩრულად, მხდალად
33. Rebel group ['reb(ə)l] – მეამბოხეთა ჯგუფი
34. Ally ['ælaɪ] - მოკავშირე
35. Label – a word or a phrase that is used to describe the characteristics or qualities of
people, activities, or things, often in a way that is unfair: He seems to be stuck with the label
of "troublemaker".
36. Selflessness – თავდაუზოგაობა, თავდადება; უანგარობა
37. Inhumane [ɪnhju'meɪn] – არაჰუმანური, არაადამიანური
38. Friendly fire – during a war, shooting that is hitting you from your own side, not from
the enemy: Three soldiers were killed by friendly fire when a mortar bomb hit their truck.
39. Naïve [naɪ'i:v], [nɑ:'i:v] - გულუბრყვილო

Unit 2
Fairtrade Not Free
p. 23

1. Fair trade- პატიოსანი, ურთიერთსარგებელზე ორიენტირებული ვაჭრობა, რომელიც

დაფუძნებულია სავაჭრო კანონმდებლობის პრინციპების დაცვაზე; a system of
trading with a developing country in which a good price is paid for their exports, and the
people who produce the goods have good working conditions and are paid a fair wage: The
use of child labor goes completely against fairtrade principles; It's important that the benefits
of fairtrade reach the poorest communities.

2. Taste buds - გემოს რეცეპტორები; any of a large group of cells found mostly on the tongue
that allow different tastes to be recognized
3. Jar – ქილა
4. Deliberate marketing ploy – მიზანმიმართული მარკეტინგული ხრიკი
5. Mislead – შეცდომაში შეყვანა
6. Expose – გამჟღავნება, მხილება
7. With a view to / of – იმ მიზნით, რომ
8. Fair deal – პატიოსანი გარიგება / შეთანხმება
9. Commodity [kə'mɔdətɪ] – სამომხმარებლო პროდუქცია
10. Range – ასორტიმენტი
11. Premium ['pri:mɪəm] – დანამატი ნომინალურ ღირებულებაზე
12. Co-operative – a company that is owned and managed by the people who work in it:
The magazine is run as a cooperative.
13. Drop in the ocean (a drop in the bucket) – a very small amount compared to the amount
needed: My letter of protest was just a drop in the ocean.
14. Dent – ნეგატიური ზემოქმედება
15. Industrialized country – განვითარებადი მრეწველობის ქვეყანა
16. Profit margin – მოგების დონე

p. 24

17. Sweatshop - a small factory where workers are paid very little and work many hours in
very bad conditions
18. Consumer Boycott ['bɔɪkɔt] - an occasion when customers stop buying a particular
product or stop buying from a particular company as a way of expressing strong
disapproval: The threat of a possible consumer boycott of diamonds has persuaded
the industry that it has to tackle (გამკლავებოდა) the problem of human rights abuse.
19. Seek – to try or attempt: They sought to reassure the public.
20. Sustainability – მდგრადი განვითარება
21. Indigenous [ɪn'dɪʤɪnəs] – მკვიდრი, ადგილობრივი
22. Carving – a decorative object made from esp. wood or stone, or the art of making patterns
in or objects from these materials
23. Hand-woven ['wəuv(ə)n] (weave wove woven) - ხელნაქსოვი
24. Handicrafts – ხელნაკეთი ნივთები
25. Artisan [ɑ:tɪ'zæn] – ოსტატი, ხელოსანი; someone who does skilled work with their
26. Ancestor – წინაპარი
27. To name but a few (To mention but a few) - used when you are mentioning only a
small number of people or things as examples of a large group: This is a feature of
languages such as Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese, to name but a few.
28. Disintegration - დეზინტეგრაცია, დაშლა, ნგრევა

Unit 5
Next Top Model – Globalization for TV!
p. 51

1. In the running - having a chance of being successful, esp. in a competition or election

1. Host [həust] - ტელე / რადიო წამყვანი
2. Rapidly – სწრაფად
3. Spread – გავრცელება
4. Glamour ['glæmə] – a quality of someone or something that causes excitement and
admiration because of its style or attractive appearance: Who can resist the glamour of
5. Genre [ʒɔŋrə] – ჟანრი
6. Humiliation - დამცირება, შეურაცხყოფა
7. Entire – მთლიანი
8. Crew – გუნდი
9. Change of scene – a move to different surroundings: He decided he needed a change of
10. Climax - კულმინაცია
11. Draw out – to cause something to last longer than is usual or necessary: The director drew
the meeting out for another hour.
12. Humanly possible - able to be done by people: Rescuers are doing everything that is
humanly possible to free the trapped people.
13. Solemnly – საზეიმოდ; ოფიციალურად
14. Desperately ['desp(ə)rətlɪ] – 1) ძლიერ, უსაზღვროდ 2) სასოწარკვეთით, უიმედოდ
15. Pick over – to examine a group of things carefully in order to choose the ones you want:
She picked over the strawberries, selecting the largest ones.
16. Put somebody out of their misery - to stop someone worrying, usually by giving that
person information that they have been waiting for: We try to put our students out of their
misery and give them their exam results as early as possible.
17. Catch a glimpse - თვალის მოკვრა
18. Display – შოუ, ჩვენება, წარმოდგენა
19. Convinced – დარწმუნებული
20. Couturier [ku:'tjuərɪeɪ] – a person or company that designs, makes, and sells expensive
fashionable clothing
21. Trash - უვარგისი /უხარისხო რამ, სისულელე

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22. Reservations - შენიშვნები

23. Keen – having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm
24. Bandwagon - an activity, group, movement, etc. that has become successful or fashionable
and so attracts many new people: a bandwagon effect
25. Jump on the bandwagon - to become involved in an activity that a lot of others are already
involved in because it is successful
26. Pick up - აიტაცო (იდეა)
27. Tune in – to watch or listen to a particular television or radio programme or station: Be
sure to tune in to next week’s show; Will the millions of viewers who regularly tune in stay
loyal, now that their favourite host is gone?
28. To be drawn to (draw drew drawn) - მიზიდვა (მიგიზიდოს)
29. We get a privileged glimpse – უნიკალური საშუალება გვეძლევა თვალი მოვკრათ
30. Upright - სწორად, ვერტიკალურად
31. Winding – ხვეული
32. Catwalk – პოდიუმი
33. Inch = 2.54 სმ.
34. Assignment – დავალება
35. Hot light – a powerful light used in television production
36. Hot temper - სიფიცხე
37. Escape – თავის დაღწევა
38. Feed into – to have an effect on something or help to make it happen: The report's findings
will feed into company policy.
39. Daydream - ოცნება
40. Fabulous – 1) დაუჯერებელი, განსაცვიფრებელი 2) ლეგენდარული
41. Relate to - to understand a situation or someone's feelings because you have experienced a
similar situation or similar feelings: The culture that he describes is so different from mine
that I sometimes find it hard to relate to.
42. Reckon ['rek(ə)n] – ფიქრი, მიჩნევა
43. Wide range – ფართო დიაპაზონი
44. Damaging – საზიანო, მავნე

Unit 8
Fear and Fakes
p. 83

1. Inhabitant - მცხოვრები, ბინადარი

2. Candlelight ['kændllaɪt] – სანთლის შუქი
3. Means of communicating – საკომუნიკაციო საშუალებები
4. Blood-curdling – შემზარავი, საშინელი
5. Advent ['ædvənt] – დადგომა (ეპოქის, მოვლენის); მოსვლა, გამოჩენა
6. Decent– შესაბამისი; მისაღები, კარგი; ღირსეული
7. Superstitious – ცრუმორწმუნე
8. Overcome – დაძლევა, გადალახვა
9. Suspicion - ეჭვი
10. Boundary – საზღვარი
11. Sighting – an occasion when you see something or someone, especially something that is
rare or trying to hide: This is the first sighting of this particularly rare bird in this country.
12. Ghost [gəust] - მოჩვენება, აჩრდილი
13. Magic – ჯადოქრობა, მაგია
14. Fascination – მომხიბვლელობა, მოჯადოება
15. Yeti – a big creature like a human covered in hair that is believed by some people to live in
the Himalayas [hɪmə'leɪə(z)]
16. The Loch Ness Monster - a large creature that is believed to live in Loch Ness in Scotland,
although its existence has not yet been proved
17. Media coverage – მედია გაშუქება
18. Haunted – a haunted place is one where ghosts often appear: This room is said to be
19. Ancestral [æn'sestr(ə)l] – მემკვიდრეობითი, საგვარეულო
20. Pop up – მოულოდნელად გამოჩენა

21. Crop circle – an area in a field of crops where the crops have been made flat in a regular
patterns, often a circle or series of circles, which people sometimes believe has been done
by aliens (= creatures from a different planet): a crop circle expert who spent three days
studying those circles concluded they were caused by some unexplained natural phenomenon.
22. Wheat fields - ხორბლის მინდვრები
23. Stun – თავზარი
24. Revelation – გამჟღავნება (საიდუმლოს)
25. Propose a theory – თეორიის წამოყენება
26. Spooky – 1) ავბედითი, შემზარავი, საშიში 2) ზებუნებრივი, უცნაური
27. Encounter [ɪn'kauntə], [en-] – მოულოდნელი შეხვედრა
28. Cue [kju:] – ილუზია; ნიშანი
29. Draft (Brit.) = Draught (US) [drɑ:ft] - ორპირი ქარი

p. 84

30. Astral body ['æstr(ə)l] - ასტრალური სხეული

31. Flock of birds – ფრინველთა გუნდი
32. Abduction – მოტაცება (ადამიანის)
33. Prevalent ['prev(ə)lənt] – ფართოდ გავრცელებული
34. Doubtful – საეჭვო
35. Hypnosis [hɪp'nəusɪs] – ჰიპნოზი
36. Distorted – დამახინჯებული
37. Plant – აქ: ჩანერგვა
38. Subject ['sʌbʤekt] – სუბიექტი, ადამიანი
39. Upsurge ['ʌpsɜ:ʤ] – ზრდა, მატება
40. Preoccupied – აზრებით შეპყრობილი; შეწუხებული
41. Superbug – a type of bacteria that causes an illness that cannot be cured by antibiotics
42. Sharp decline - მკვეთრი ვარდნა (შემცირება)

43. Scathing ['skeɪðɪŋ] – მწვავე, გესლიანი
44. Psychic ['saɪkɪk] – აქ: ნათელმხილველი
45. Medium ['mi:dɪəm] – a person who claims to receive messages from people who are dead
46. Deceased [dɪ'si:st] - გარდაცვლილი
47. Oddly enough – რაც არ უნდა უცნაური იყოს
48. Cold reading – the technique, or an instance, of using likely guesses and assumptions, then
narrowing in on any positive responses, in order to give the impression of having
information about a person or event
49. Relevance – მნიშვნელობა; რელევანტურობა, შესაბამისობა

p. 85

50. Hoax - თაღლითობა

51. Hoaxer – თაღლითი, გაიძვერა
52. Revenge – შურისძიება
53. Gawp [gɔ:p] = Gawk [gɔ:k] - to look at something or someone in a stupid or rude way
without thinking: Don't sit there gawping like that - give me a hand! They just stood there
gawking at me.
54. Gasp [gɑ:sp] - to take a short, quick breath through the mouth, especially because of
surprise, pain, or shock: When she saw the money hidden in the box she gasped in surprise.
55. Practical joke - a joke that makes someone seem silly and involves a physical action rather
than words: She glued her boss's cup and saucer together as a practical joke.

Unit 9
Saving Souls – at What Cost?
p. 101

1. Exorcism ['eksɔ:sɪz(ə)m], ['egzɔ:] - the removing of evil spirits from a person or place by
the use of prayer: The exorcism was broadcast on television.

2. Exorcist - someone who performs exorcisms

3. Violent - ძლიერი, ინტენსიური; გაშმაგებული

4. Fit - შეტევა, კრუნჩხვები
5. Obscenity [əb'senətɪ] - უხამსობა, ბილწსიტყვაობა, უშვერი სიტყვები
6. Spin – spun – spun - ტრიალი

7. Gag [gæg] – to put a piece of cloth over or in a person's mouth to stop the person from
speaking, shouting, or calling for help: He was left bound and gagged until the next morning.
8. Convent ['kɔnvənt] - ქალთა მონასტერი
9. Suffocation – გაგუდვა
10. Crucifixion [kru:sə'fɪkʃ(ə)n] – 1) ჯვარცმა 2) ტანჯვა, წამება, ტკივილი
11. Accuse – ბრალდება, დადანაშაულება

12. Notion – ცნება
13. Drive out - გამოდევნა

14. Shamanistic [ʃæmə'nɪstɪk] – relating to or typical of shamanism (= a form of religion
involving a person who is thought to have special powers to influence spirits):
Shamanistic traditions are preserved in the folklore of isolated mountain valleys (მთის
ხეობა); The plant has long been used in shamanistic rituals by groups in southern Mexico.
15. Faith – რწმენა; აქ: სარწმუნოება
16. References – ცნობა, ინფორმაცია; წყარო (საინფორმაციო)
17. Dybbuk ['dɪbək] – (in Jewish folklore) a malevolent (ბოროტი) wandering spirit that
enters and possesses the body of a living person until exorcised
18. Rabbi ['ræbaɪ] – რაბინი; a religious leader and teacher in the Jewish religion
19. Healing – განკურნება
20. Possessed – someone who is possessed is thought to be controlled by an evil spirit
21. Jinn [ʤɪn] – in Arab and Muslim traditional stories, a magical spirit who may appear in
the form of a human or an animal and can take control of a person
22. Recite – წარმოთქმა
23. Koran [kɔ'rɑ:n] – ყურანი

24. Biblical reference ['bɪblɪk(ə)l] - ბიბლიური წყარო
25. Disciple – მოციქული; მიმდევარი
26. Aversion [ə'vɜ:ʃ(ə)n] – ზიზღი

p. 102
27. Genuine - ნამდვილი, ჭეშმარიტი; რეალური
28. Sprinkle – მოპკურება, მოსხურება
29. Holy water ['həulɪ] – ნაკურთხი წყალი
30. Attendee [əten'di:] – მონაწილე; დამსწრე
31. Relic ['relɪk] – (წმინდანების) ნეშტი, წმინდა ნაწილები

32. Reconcile – შეთანხმება, შეთავსება; to find a way in which two situations or beliefs that
are opposed to each other can agree and exist together: It is sometimes difficult to reconcile
science and religion; It's difficult to reconcile such different points of view; How can you
reconcile your fur coat and/with your love of animals?

33. Steady – მყარი, მტკიცე

34. Well-meaning – კეთილი განზრახვების მქონე
35. Go along with – დაეთანხმო, მხარი დაუჭირო (იდეას); to support an idea, or to agree
with someone's opinion: Kate's already agreed, but it's going to be harder persuading Mike
to go along with it.
36. Strangle – დახრჩობა, გაგუდვა

37. Tourette’s Syndrome [tu’rets], [tuə’rets] – a rare illness of the brain in which a person
makes noises and movements that he or she cannot control, often saying offensive words
without meaning to
38. Schizophrenia [skɪtsə'fri:nɪə] - a serious mental illness in which someone cannot
understand what is real and what is imaginary: He was diagnosed with paranoid

39. Televise - ტელევიზიით გადმოცემა
40. Venture – სარისკო ქმედება


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