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An ISO-9001 Certified Company

(AERB Recognized Laboratory: AERB/RSD/Recog-Cal/01/2015/4126)
Certificate of Calibration
Issued and Performed by: Nuvia India Pvt Ltd, E-11, B-1 Extn, Mohan Co-operative Ind. Estate, New Delhi 110044

E-mail:, Tel.No: 011-49384300

Certificate No.: NICC00363/10 Date of issue: 25.02.2021

Date of receipt:22.02.2021 Re-calibration due date: 24.02.2023
Customer Name: Toyotsu Rare Earths India Pvt. Ltd
Customer Address: Plot No. 2D & 2E, APSEZ, Atchutapuram Visakhapatnam, (A.P.)

Postal Code: 531011

Job Reference no.:357/10
Instrument Name: Radiation Survey Meter
Scintillator detector
Instrument serial No: 203P3444 PR 203F4292
Temperature: 25 ± 3⁰C Pressure: 1 bar RH: 45-75%
Method: IAEA Safety Reports Series No.16-2000 – Calibration of Radiation Protection Monitoring Instruments.
Orientation: The instrument was mounted horizontal with the beam normal to its Detector.


Applied Instrument Range Unit Applied Observed Reading Relative intrinsic

Nuclide Exposure (Background MU % Error (R.I.E %)
Co-60 0.1 µSv/hr-30 µSv/hr µSv/hr 4.974 4.68 7.52 -5.75%
µSv/hr 14.914 14.40 7.52 -3.45%
Overload µSv/hr 300 OL - OL
% %

Calibrated and Approved by

Kritika Kaur
Radiological Safety Officer

Status: Instrument fit for use.

1. The reported expanded uncertainty is 7.53% is based on standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k=2, providing a level
of confidence of approximately 95%.
2. Exposure rates are derived from measurements made by Exradin A5 ion chamber sr no. XY123302and standard imaging electrometer Supermax sr
no. P130781 calibrated at BARC and uses calibration factor 1.224 x 1011 R/h/A at 20⁰ C and 760mm of Hg with a measurement uncertainty of ±5%
3. The readings quoted are averages observed after the detector has been exposed for a period sufficiently long to enable it to reach
4. If the fluctuation of the observed reading was greater than ±10% of the average reading, then the minimum and maximum
observed readings have been considered.
5. Before using the instrument the user should be familiar with its characteristics (energy dependency, directional dependence, etc.).
Such information may be obtained from a type test report.
6. The calibration was done on the date of issue of the certificate.
7. The certificate meets the requirements of AERB and is satisfactory for use. (R.I.E ±15%)
8. This calibration was performed using a Hopewell Design Inc G10 gamma Irradiator located in laboratory premisis of Nuvia India,
9. The Mean Energy of Co-60 is 1.25 Mev & Ion chamber used for reference radiation field is of 100 CC
10. In case of repair, broken seal, opening of instrument, damage, malfunctioning due to wear and tear, calibration validity is void.

This certificate is issued in accordance with the laboratory accreditation requirements as per the AERB requirement.
It provides traceability of measurement to recognised national standards, and to units of measurement realised at the
National Physical Laboratory or other recognised national standards laboratories. This Certificate may not be reproduced
other than in full, except with the prior written approval of the issuing laboratory.

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