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SMLE 2019


Glory Team

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any correction, comments or


Medicine: 2-10
Surgery: 11-12
Pediatric: 13-16
OB/GYN: 17-18
Ethics: 19
Glory Group 18th of December

● A 65 y/o pt and a k/c of HTN and DM. He is in the ICU after a ​hip/pelvic
fracture​ following a fall (something like that). What is the most likely cause
of death in this pt?
A. Stroke
B. Pulmonary embolism
Answer is: B ​“commonly after orthopedic surgery”

● Numbness in ring finger and little one when elevate the hand; cause?
A. Chronic Shoulders dislocation
B. Ulnar.
Answer is: ​Cubital tunnel syndrome (ulnar)

● Patient had numbness of little finger and ring finger ...worsens when
raising arm...wats most likely diagnosis:
A. Ulnar nerve entrapment > ​“SAME AS CUBITAL TUNNEL”
B. Chronic shoulder dislocation
C. Carpal tunnel syndrome.
D. Stenosis in cervical
Answer is: A

● Elderly with hx of dementia for 1 yr diagnosed with Alzheimer's , what is

the best investigation to reach the diagnosis
A. Doppler carotid
B. MRI brain
C. Electroencephalography
Answer is: B “​ATROPHY​”

● Cough and wheezing bilateral

A. Systemic steroid
B. Systemic steroid +iv fluid
C. Systemic steroids i
D. Ventolin + iv fluid
Answer is: D, ​should be started with SABA.
Glory Group 18th of December
● Patient with pulmonary hypertension Chronic thromboembolism. How to
A. QV ratio
B. Echocardiography
Answer is: A

● Pt with no previous medical hx come with DKA scenario and IV NS is

already Initiated, What’s the appropriate next step in management ?
A. Potassium chloride
B. Sodium
C. Insulin

● Patient with hyperlipidemia started on anti lipid then developed ​facial

flushing​, the doctors prescribed to him aspirin to relive this adverse effect:
A. niacin
B. Atorvastatin
C. cholestyramine
Answer is: A

● productive cough and fever given antibiotics he become ok then worsen

(SOB) sx x ray show pleural effusion dx ?
A. parapneumonic effusion
Answer is: A

● how long does it take to manage ​neurobrucellosis​:

A. 2weeks
B. 6weeks
C. 6months
Answer is: C, Please it comes to my exam no 6 weeks.

● Facial plethora and JVP distended, which of the following is most common
associated with this condition?
B. Adenocarcinoma
C. Squamous cell carcinoma
Answer is: A
Glory Group 18th of December
● Pt had chronic constipation what you will give everything was normal ?
A. sena
B. lactulose
C. debulking agent
Answer is: C “FIBERS”

● patient with ​CHF​ came for follow up he is on​ ACE, diuretic and PPI​ what to
add X ray normal
A. Nothing

● ​Stable patient with ​Tachycardia​ (150 bpm), Management?

A. Oral amiodarone
B. IV Adenosine
Answer is: ​carotid massage if not in choices > B

● Pt 35 y/o K/C of ​DM, HTN, Dyslipedemia​ On medication not controlled his

HTN they don't mention any drug. The Q is What will you give him :
B. Alpha
Answer is: D

● Pt with dyspepsia specially before going to bed respond pbrtially to antacid

A. Ppi
B. lifestyle modification
Answer is: B

● Pt had CT with contrast develop anaphylaxis ttt

A. epinephrine
Answer is: A

● Pt with fever and central line culture showed Gram +ve

A. Antibiotic + remove central line
Answer is: A
Glory Group 18th of December
● What type of necrosis after ct contrast
A. Tubular necrosis
B. Glomerular necrosis
Answer is: A, ​acute tubular necrosis (ATN)

● Picture of STEMI and asked pf management:

A. Primary coronary stent
B. streptokinase and revascularization
C. thrombolytic
Answer is: A

● Case about vit B deficiency ( forget what exactly the symptoms)?

A. B1
B. B2
C. B6
D. B12
Answer is: dear who wrote the Q, wallahi if you didn't it would be better.

● patient with adrenal insufficiency symptoms, how to confirm Dx ?

A. Syncatherin
B. Lowdexamethasonetest
C. Cortisol Level
Answer is: A
Glory Group 18th of December
● Patient with reactive arthritis, c​oming with active pai​n, appropriate
A. Sulfasalazine.
B. Methotrexate.
C. Cyclosporin.
Answer is: ​both A and B used but sulfa preferred especially if reactive arthritis followed
GI infection.

● Infective endocarditis, no comorbidities organism:

A. Staph epidemic
B. Streptococcus
C. Entero
Answer is:
Infective Endocarditis.>
● Native​ = staph aureus
● IV abusers​ = staph aureus
● Prosthetic
➔ Early​ = staph.epidermidis
➔ Late ​= Strep.viridans
● Dental or oral ​= viridans

● 18 years with rheumatic fever and mild MR and mild MS, he should have
the prophylaxis until which age?
A. 40
B. 28
C. 20
D. 21
Answer is: A
Antibiotic prophylaxis rheumatic fever
Drug of choice: IM penicillin G benzathine
Usually administered every 28 days
Rheumatic fever without carditis: 5 years or until the patient is age 21 (whichever is
Rheumatic fever with carditis: 10 years or until the patient is age 21 (whichever is
Rheumatic fever with carditis and permanent valvular heart defects: 10 years or
until age 40 (whichever is longer)
Prophylaxis should be life long in all patients with severe valvular disease who
have close contact with young children because young children have a high rate of
GAS carriage.
Glory Group 18th of December
● Burn case black soot over nostrils and mouth 40% carboxyhemoglobin
(Carbon monoxide toxicity):
A. Hyperbaric oxygen.
B. Intubation and ventilation.
C. Carbonic anhydrase inh.
Answer is: B

● Pt with RUQ pain and tenderness and mass, investigation showed

Entamoeba histolytica , and there is abscess 12 X 14 cm I think, and asking
about first next step in ttt?
A. metronidazole
B. laparotomy
C. percutaneous drainage
Answer is: A

● Poor weight gain (flat buttocks) what is the most appropriate investigation?
A. Anti endo
B. Duodenal biopsy
Answer is: A if positive > referral for biopsy

● Girl with palpitation stop suddenly no other complain how to manage

A. Holter
Answer is: B

● Female with swelling in her leg with blood strike Labs shows high WBC,
and high temp?
A. Strep. Pyogenes
B. E. Coli
C. Stap aurus
Answer is: A

● What is More associated with liver cirrhosis:

A. Aflatoxin
B. Lead toxicity
C. Wilson dis
D. Hep B
Answer is: D
Glory Group 18th of December
● Patient has a sudden cyanotic episode while a family picnic he was
previously healthy, EX : cough and chest x ray they found trachea shifted
to left , what could be the reason of tracheal shifting
A. Right middle lobe pneumonia
B. Right lung consolidation
C. right lung collapse
Answer is: ​Right lung hyperinflation

● Patient with intact femoral pulse but absent distal pulses , on ECG he has
afib, what's the NEXT step​:
B. embolectomy without imaging
C. Duplex
D. vascular doppler
Answer is: D

● Case of see poemdd appendectomy came back with retrocecal collection

2*2 cm Mild tenderness in site of operation what to do?
A. Observation
B. Abx
C. Percutaneous drainage
Answer is: B

● presentation lymphedema, what is the important thing in hx to ask about?

A. Medication
B. Family hx
C. Trauma
D. Smoking
● Answer is : C

● Case about a child with increased water consumption and going to the
toilet, not to mention Urine and serum osmolality, not mention any
electrolyte, with no response to ​water deprivation test, no other complain:
A. central DI
B. peripheral DI
D. medical terminology sound like drinking too much water
Answer: Nephrogenic DI
Glory Group 18th of December
● Preventable factor for dyslipidemia and coronary heart disease in
A. female
B. Diet
C. Smoking
D. Physical Inactivity
Answer is: C

● frontal sinus headache how to reach the diagnosis.

A. full history and examination
B. CT sinuses
answer is: A

● Old patient with pain in her proximal and distal interphalangeal pain
bilaterally for many months, no marked stiffness in the morning, case
didn’t imply that it’s affecting her life, examination didn’t show any
inflammatory findings at the joints, labs showed elevated ESR, what’s the
best way to manage this case?
C.Finger splint
D.Weight loss
answer is: C
In another recall, the ESR was normal. In any case, the correct answer is finger splint.

● Case scenario pt with hepatomegaly and pitting edema and raised jvp and
in echo there is bilateral hypertrophy what is highest diagnostic field.
A. holter monitor
B. CT of heart
C. coronary angio
D. stress echo
Answer is: B

● Pt was stabilized after variceal bleeding, how to prevent rebleeding?

A. octreotide
B. bb
C. Nifedipine
Answer is: B
Glory Group 18th of December
● Patient fully conscious , alert the put him in high o2 flow after one hour co2
increase and ph 7.21 but the patient is still conscious
Answer is: decrease oxygen

● Patient came from Al-Hajj, and is complaining of headache, fever, cough…

what type of precaution?
Answer is: ​Cipro for adult, rifampin for pedia and Hib, ceftriaxone for pregnancy.

● Pt heavy smoker with symptoms of GERD, upper endoscopic examination

show’s squamous cell with high-grade dysplasia, the next step in
A. Council smoking cessation
B. Endoscopic mucosal resection
Answer is: B

● 58Y OLD male, smokers , alcoholic came with sx of Progressive dysphagia

for the last 3 months with melena with weight loss. what to do?
A. Urgent referral for upper endoscopy
B. PPI for 4 wk
Answer is: A

● HyperK 6.6 ​Low bicarbonate​ in the optional Initial Treatment?

No Ca clogunate
A. iV bicarbonate
B. insulin and dextrose infusion
C. hemodialysis
Answer is: B

● Acilivir treated pneumonia precaution

A. Airborne
B. Droplet
C. Contact
Answer is: B

● 53 old women hypertensive but not diabetic presents with ulcer on the right
leg lateral malleolus , viable ulcer bed dead skin around ulcer what is next
A. venous duplex
B. arterial doppler
Answer is: A
● Same question repeated in the same exam same session but there was one more
choice: checking pulse
Glory Group 18th of December
● Pt after hit by car presents with SOB; OE: pt slightly confused; chest:
decrease air entry and hyper-resonant
CXR: hyperlucency on one side
What is the most appropriate next step??
A. intubate
B. needle decompression
C. other not related to nest step
Answer is: B

● Dm Rt leg swelling .. Angiography showed diffuse disease 2 days later

developed firm tender partially mobile swelling irreducible nonexpansile
below the inguinal crease .dx ?
A. Psoas abscess
B. Saphena varix
C. Femoral hernia
D. Pseudoaneurysm
Answer is: B

● Nerve affected after mastectomy

A. long thoracic.
B. intercostobrachial
Answer is: ​it was with loss of sensation in the inner arm > B

● Pain on rectal 6 and 12 area the patient can’t tolerate the pain during PR
A. anal fissure
B. hemorrhoids
C. anal fistula
Answer is: A

● Child who’s planned to have surgery on examination there’s an upper Right

sternal murmur that disappears when lying supine , next step?
A. Reassure
B. Cardio consultation
Answer is:

● 8 days Post appendectomy with abdominal pain, distention, inability to

pass stools, In exam: ​feculent material​ discharge with signs of ​peritonitis
B. iV antibiotic
C. Exploratory laparotomy
Answer is: NEXT ABx IV then LAPAROTOMY
Glory Group 18th of December
● 40-Y/O female with 12-year history of varicosities, complaining of LL edema
and heaviness when standing. Distal pulses are intact, and there is bilateral
varicose in the great saphenous vein territory. What is you management?
A. Sclerotherapy
B. endovenous laser ablation
Answer is: B

● 4 day after aortic aneurysm repair, pt develop hypotension, tachycardia .

Low urinary output, no fever . Warm extremity in touch. The pt not improve
even with fluid restrictions. What type of shock?
A. Hemorgic
B. Cardiac
C. Anaphylactic
D. Septic
Answer is : D

● pt with hyperthyroidism, exophthalmos. In treatment for 10 months ,TSH

0.001 T4 very high ,Scan show deffe uptake multinodular enlarged goiter ?
B. Continue treatment
C. Near total thyroidectomy
D. subtotal thyroidectomy
Answer is: C

● Pt post PTC has fever, on per rectum and by exam there was anterior
Boggy (which mean large) . What is YOUR management?
A. Percutaneous Drainage
B. IV Abx
C. IV paracetamol
Answer is: A

● 15*15 mass in the breast getting larger and the skin overlying is intake and
thin due to mass effect what to do
A. Chemo
B. Radio
C. Radicalmast
D. Simplemast
Answer is: D for large phylloid
Glory Group 18th of December
● 8 years old came with his father, the father complaining that the child is
look bigger than other children in his age, the child more than 95 percentile
in height and weight
A. modifies living factors
B. decreased carb
C. observations
D. admission
Answer is: A

● Baby with recurrent epilepsy attack, have recurrent chest infection + poor
weight gain,In x. Ray there is: Puffy infiltration in the lung bilaterally And in
auscultation there is fine crackle
A. bronchopneumonia
B. cystic fibrosis
C. bronchiectasis
Answer is: B

● 12y or 10y boy k c of asthma he take saba when he play football with team.
How will you ask about compliance of asthma medications?
A. Ask if he can continue full time of play with school team
B. How much he use his inhaler frequently
C. Ask about night attack
Answer is: C

● 6 years child presented to ER 1 h after generalized tonic clonic seizure

lasting 4 m , on examination he was active with congested throat,
temperature is 37.9 management ?
A. diazepam
B. phenytoin
C. paracetamol
D. Amoxicillin
Answer is: If seizure has been resolved > C

● Infant with hypoglycemia how to deliver glucose

A. Central line
B. Peripheral line
Answer is: A
Glory Group 18th of December
● young female pt C/O Lt wrist pain and Lt knee pain for months .mother
reports that she has swelling also and she has a normal period between
attacks; labs normal; examinations normal. What is your Dx?!
A. acute rheumatic fever
B. septic arthritis
C. juvenile idiopathic arthritis
D. other not related
Answer is: C

● A dehydrated infant has poor oral intake from the past few days and vomits
everything eats. After further investigations, he was found to have
pneumonia. What is the indication for admitting this patient?
Answer is:
Admit the child if one of the following:
➔ Apnea or grunting
➔ Oxygen sat < 92%
➔ Poor feeding
➔ RR >70 in infant, >50 in older.
➔ Inability to tolerate oral
➔ Comorbidities (chronic lung disease, asthma, DM)
● 14 years old female ​newly diagnosed type 1 DM​, she is wearing glasses for
5 years, first visit should be after ?
A. 6 month
B. 12 months
C. 5 years
Answer is: C

● Kid with Bleach ingestion 30-mins ago, came to ER, given IV fluids and
wide spectrum ABx, he is stable. What is you management?
A. Observe
B. Water dilution
C. NGT aspiration
Answer is: A

● Child had delay skin rigor, depressed fontanelles, sunken eyes. What is the
% of dehydration?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
Glory Group 18th of December
D. 20
Answer is: B

● Child with frontal bossing and depressed fontanelle i think. What’s the
most likely cause:
A. Vitamin A deficiency
Answer is: B

● Pedia with Egg allergy contraindication:

A. Yellow fever
Answer is: A

● New born K\C of G6PD deficiency came for routine check up bilirubin high
indirect bilirubin high Hemoglobin 70 ?
What is the treatment?
A. blood transfusion
B. reassurance
Answer is:
➔ Observation and Avoid triggers
➔ If bilirubin more >20 mg/dL > phototherapy
➔ If severe hemolysis > transfusion

● child received 1dose of varicella vaccine before one year and came to the
clinic today for the second dose:
A. give the second
B. ignore and count today’s dose as the first.
C. do PCR to check the level before
Answer is: A

● 3 y/o pt has severe URTI Symptoms, brother died with similar symptoms
due to septic shock. What vaccine to be avoided?
(Answer: Varicella)

● Peds pt with immunodeficiency, what vaccine to give?

Glory Group 18th of December
C. Annual Influenza
Answer is: C

● 12years old with abdominal pain +hx of step mother insist him to drink milk
before sleep for the past 3 days
A. HYDROGEN BREATH TEST test post oral lactose
Answer is: A

● 2 weeks old, presents with history of vomiting after 1 hour from feeding
and passes stool 3 times per day, upon examination a small upper
abdominal mass was felt. Asks about initial investigation.
A. Barium swallow
B. Abdominal US
C. Abdominal x ray
D. Ct abdomen
Answer is : B

● Child presented with ulcers on mouth and gingiva erythematous based and
pale in the center. Dx?
A. Coxaci
C. Herpes
Answer is : C
Glory Group 18th of December
Obstetrics & gynecology
● post episiotomy with tear grade 2 , she is on oxytocin 20 infusion and you
want to repair the tear but there is bleeding from above obscuring this ,
uterus is soft , what to do ?
A. Manual exploration
B. Methylergonovine
C. Increase oxytocin
Answer is: C

● 15 year female no menstruation come with galactorrhea which

investigation should do first
A. Prolactin
Answer is: A

● Female pt with placental invade deeply in uterus ??

A. placental abruption
B. placenta increta
C. placenta percreta
D. placenta accreta
Answer is: C ➔ Accreta > deeply attached to uterus
➔ Increta > deeply attached to the muscle wall.
➔ Pancreta > to the serosa and organs

● Pt with IUFD what u will do

A. Wait the decision
B. Vaginal delivery to prevent the complication of CS
C. do CS
Answer is: A

● Pregnant 13 Weeks on examination there’s suspicious cervical lesion and a

healthy fetus , next step ?
A. Cervical curettage
B. Pap smear
C. Cone biopsy
Answer is: Colposcopy

● UTI pregnant 28 week :

A. Nitrofurant
B. Ampicillin
C. Cipro
D. Ceftriaxone
Answer is: D
Glory Group 18th of December
● Primigravid with irregular cycle came with abdominal pain she has hx of
trying to conceive for the past 3 months
A. Confirm pregnancy test
B. Pelvic us
Answer is: A

● ​Patient with ectopic pregnancy brought by her neighbor her husband work in
military, B-HCG was 5000, size 4 cm what is the cause of selecting surgical
A. hcg level
B. size
C. social history
Answer is : C

● Ectopic pregnancy did salpingostomy and now for the last 3 weeks the
bhcg reaches plateau its 3500
A. Methotrexate
B. Salpingectomy
C. Follow up
D. Laparotomy
Answer is: A
● Endometriosis and pt scared of cancer ?
A. End dose not have relation with cancer
B. Increase the risk of ovary epithelial cancer
Answer is: B

● 59 years old with menopause 10 years patient with adenomatous

endometrial polyp Endometrial US revealed 19 mm ?
A. Hysterectomy
B. Hysteroscopy and polypectomy
Answer is: A

● Meigs syndrome which type of ovarian cell

A. Germ cell
B. Epithelial
C. Sex cord stromal cell
Answer is: C

● Old pt after hysterectomy what may cause her to stay more in the hospital?
Her UO is 35ml per hr
A. Decrease oral fluid intake
B. Decrease urine output
Answer is: A
Glory Group 18th of December


● Consultant prescribed penicillin ABx for a Pt, the pharmacist said that this
pt is allergic to Penicillin, what to do?
A. Refuse gently
Answer is: A

● Mother with IUFD, after delivery asked for her fetus to be admitted in NICU,
what stage of grief?
A. Denial
Answer is: A

● Pregnant after 10 years of infertility, on 8th week diagnosed with complete

abortion, she is crying and her husband is overwhelmed with emotions,
how to approach? Choices:
A. Show sympathy
B. Explain management

● Peds pt, diagnosed with Asthma, father smokes, what is a good advice for
this patient?
(Answer: talk to the parents about smoke cessation)

● Hernia patient wanted the surgery he threatened to complain the

A. Talk to administration
B. Do surgery
C. Consult physician
D. Ethical committee
Answer is:
Glory Group 18th of December
Commonly Mistaken Questions
● Couples with infertility ask about surrogate pregnancy which not allowed in
ur hospital and u are not sure whether allowed in Saudi or not?
A. Warn them might not be allowed in KSA.
B. appointment to check yourself and then tell them.
C. Referral to a colleague who can help to do it.
Answer is: B

● Hormonal therapy in post-menopausal women?

A. refuse
B. Send her to another doctor
“I got it doctor opinion was it’s harmful and she insisted”
Answer is: A

● Highest causing factor of endometrial cancer:

A. late menarche
B. early menopause
D. progesterone tumor
Answer is: C ​All choices are protective, except C.

● 12 years old female. obese with acne, she was irritated in the clinic. What
kind of problem?
A. Behaviour
B. Mood
C. Anxiety
Answer is: B > IRRITATED.

● 45 y/o female with hx of 12 years ​myomectomy​; presented with bleeding;

what is the possible reason for her bleeding?
Answer is: adenomyosis

● Best prophylaxis against traveller’s diarrhea:

A. Fresh fruit and vegetables
B. Peeled fruit
C. Daily antibiotic
D. Drinks with rice
Answer is: B
Glory Group 18th of December
● A case of concealed abruptio at 34+2 days what next ?
B. Cardiotocography
Answer is: ​if confirmed B, If only symptoms do US first

● Hemorrhagic disease of newborn post-delivery day 5 comes with umbilical

bleeding severely increasing :
B. IV vitK
Answer is: A

● 12 months child Came to clinic with his mother complaining about

gastroenteritis symptoms, which was managed by Oral rehydration
Solution, 1week later the child became lethargic and Tired and dehydrated
what it's responsible for his symptoms?
A. Mild lactose intolerance
B. Mild lactose intolerance
C. Mild glucose intolerance
D. Mild sucrose intolerance
Answer is: B
Here, if his symptoms are immediately after ORS >> glucose intolerance.
But in this case, his symptoms are ​ 1 week later​ ; it’s less likely to be due to ORS.
Lactose makes more sense.
Also, temporary lactose intolerance might happen post-gastroenteritis.

● Child needs non invasive MV (BiPAP). Where do you administer it?

B. Pediatric ward
C. Pediatric ICU
D. Neonatal ICU
Answer is: c

● Female with regular menses come for infertility evaluation?

A. 21 progesterone.
B. Lh/ fsh ratio
Answer is: A
Glory Group 18th of December

● Most common/important risk factor for esophageal cancer:

A. smoking
B. Barrett's
Answer is: A

● Young man presented with multiple episodes of vomiting the last one was
bloody he is vitally stable ( BP 110/76 ) What is the most appropriate?
A. conservative management
B. Upper GI endoscopy
C. Sengstaken
Answer is: B

● Male with swelling & sinuses in axillary area what origin of these ?
A. Apocrine gland
B. Eccrine gland
C. Follicular gland
D. Sebaceous gland
Answer is: C

● child present with supracondylar fracture and has no pulse so what’s the
appropriate next step for management ?
A. K wire
B. surgical exploration
C. Hand elevation
D. Observation
Answer is : B

● Young pt c/o syncope attack during micturition and cough Examination

and ECG normal
A. Holter monitor
B. Reassure and education
Answer is: if single attack B, if multiple A

● What is true about celiac?

Glory Group 18th of December
A. Biopsy has no role in diagnosis
B. Can’t affect adult
C. Simple blood serology test can confirm dx
D. Successful Treatment of gluten free diet consider diagnostic
Answer is: C

● 57 ys old with atenolol 100 1st visit 160/100 2nd visit 158/95 then 160/99
A. stop atenolol n start hydrochlorothiazide
B. Dec atenolol n start hydrochlorothiazide
C. Dec atenolol n start CCB
D. Stop atenolol n start ACE
Answer is: C

● Dm obese what is the best advice?

A. decrease caloric intake
B. exercise
C. exercise with low carbohydrates intake
Answer is: A

● Pt with TB. CXR revealed pleural effusion. How to knowledge the effusion
is due TB?
A. Pleural protein over serum is < 0.3
B. Pleural LDH > 100
C. Pleural WBC > 1000
D. Pleural LDH over serum > 1/3
Answer is: C

● What indicate adequate systemic perfusion?

A. Cardiac index
B. Mixed venous O2 saturation
C. Central venous pressure
D. pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
Answer is: B
Glory Group 18th of December
● meeting with pt family and discussing the condition the doctor talked about
the disease pathophysiology, complication and treatment, what he did:
A. Paraphrasing
B. Summarizing
Answer is : B

● Patient post term, was delivered with meconium aspiration, after delivery
was intubated and suction was done, was put on inotropes . After 2 days
now he becomes hypoxic with increased oxygen neads. Pre ductal o2 is 92
and post ductal o2 is 81. What to give?
A. Mgso4
B. inhaled NO
C. surfactant lavage
D. urgent cardiac catheterization
Answer is : B
inhaled nitric oxide (NO)

● drug not contraindicated in renal failure:

A. Metformine
B. Nitro
C. Lithium
D. Last one I forget but it was contraindicated i'm sure .

● scenario of patient with ​vascular​ problems in lungs causing him pulmonary

HTN, which class/group of pulmonary HTN ?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3

● Dm obese what is the best advice?

A. decrease caloric intake
B. exercise
C. exercise with low carbohydrates intake
Answer is : A
Glory Group 18th of December

● 32 Years old female come with leg swelling and pain with denial of
travelling or surgery for past 6 years and no medication use. What question
you should ask the patient?
A. HX of trauma
B. smoking
C. medication
Answer is: C

● Which medication is safe in stable 3rd stage kidney disease

A. Metformin
B. Warfarin
C. Nitrofurantoin
Answer is:B

● RED reflex in which age:

A. All ages
B. 6 months to 1 year
C. Something years
D. Preschool
Answer is: A

● Burn case black soot over nostrils and mouth 40% carboxyhemoglobin.
(Carbon monoxide toxicity):
A. Hyperbaric oxygen.
B. Intubation and ventilation.
C. Carbonic anhydrase inh.

Answer is: B

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