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Each player controls one grot tank, with AV10 all round and BS3. These follow the normal rules for tanks and are open-

Before the Tournament/Game, a Game Tier is chosen. This dictates how many Teef they are allowed to use to buy
upgrades for their tank.

Tier 1 - Mek gits - 10 Starting Teef

Tier 2 - Mek Boyz - 15 Starting Teef
Tier 3 - Apprentize big mek - 20 Starting Teef
Tier 4 - Big Meks - 25 Starting Teef
Tier 5 - Mek Bosses - 30 Starting Teef

Upgrades are bought in secret and revealed before tanks are deployed.

7 Teef - Kannons
5 Teef - Lobba
8 Teef - Zzap Gun
2 Teef - Shoota
4 Teef - Twin-Linked Shoota
4 Teef - Big Shoota
6 Teef - Twin-Linked Big Shoota
6 Teef - Rokkits
9 Teef - Twin-Linked Rokkits
7 Teef - Deffgun
8 Teef - Kustom Mega Blaster
9 Teef – Grotzooka

Mobility Upgrades: (may only take one)

3 Teef - Legs - Grants Move through cover
5 Teef - Wheels - increase maximum movement by 1 inch
8 Teef - Trakks - Increases maximum weapons by 2
10 Teef - Big Trakks -Increases max Movement by 1 inch, increases max weapons by 2
3 Teef - Mono-Wheel - Extra D3" movement, adds 1 to your audience bribe.
7 Teef - Bouncy Legs- Grants move-through-cover, and gives a 5+ Dodge save against ramming.
10 Teef - Hova-tech - Reduces the Maximum weapons by 1, Counts as a Fast Skimmer.

Crew Upgrades:
6 Teef - Driving Practice - May re-roll Dangerous Terrain Tests, D3" extra movement.
5 Teef - Firing Drill Practice - may fire 1 additional weapon. Culminative effect.
4 Teef - Targeting Practice - +1BS. Culminative effect.

Other Upgrades:
^ Teef - Bribe the audience. You can choose how much to bribe them. See below for the point of this.
5 Teef: Extra loader - Increases Maxium Weapons by 1 -May be bought mutiple times-
8 teef: Bomb Squigs! - May release 1 bomb squig onto the field. (see Ork Codex) -May be bought mutiple times-
5 Teef - Upgraded Armor - Increases one armour value armor values by 1. Culminative effect. However, you can only
put so much armour on such a small tank, so maximum armour values are F13, S12, R11
10 Teef - Kustom Force Field - Provides a 5+ cover save from Ranged attacks.
4 teef - Sooped up engines - You may ignore the first Immobilized result of the game. Multiple purchases means you
may ignore the first several Immobilised results.
6 Teef - Shunta - When ramming, the rammed tank is shoved the same number of inches as the strength hit it took, in
the same direction as the ramming tank, in addition to other affects.
8 teef - Mini Deff-Rolla - Confers D3 Str 6 hits when ramming plus other Deff-Rolla effects (see Ork codex)
4 teef - 'ard case - See Ork Codex
6 Teef - Grabbin Claw - see Ork Codex
2 Teef - Red Paint Job - see codex
3 Teef - Grot Riggers - see Codex
5 Teef - Wrecking ball - see Codex
5 Teef - Reinforced Ram - see Codex

Note Out of the Shunta, Reinforced Ram and Mini Deff-Rolla, you may only take one.
Sabotage: (may only be used once per player per game)

1 Toof - Sneaky Gits - Forces one reroll of an Enemy shot during the game
3 Teef - Engine gunk - causes One enemy tank to reduce their movement by D3 each turn. May be bought multiple
times for use on more than one enemy.
5 Teef - Stealin Ammo - Forces one enemy to re roll successful hits for one turn, (must declare at beginning of the
game). May be bought multiple times for use on more than one enemy.
10 Teef - Stealing der stuff - Take one enemy weapon from an Opponent. (They lose the weapon unless they steal it
back, you gain the weapon for your Loot Pile.)

Different clans have different attitudes to warfare and therefore have different approaches to building their Grot tanks.
Each has a clan trait, that doesn't cost anything, and then a selection of unique upgrades. Once you choose a clan, you
cannot choose another.

Goffs Upgrades: Front and Side Armour count as 12

10 Teef - Deff-rolla-Wheels- Increases maximum Movement by 3, Confers D6 Str 8 hits when ramming.
3 Teef - Big Horns - Increases bribe effect by 2.
5 Teef - Extra Eavy armor - reduces maximum movement by 2, Ignore all Engine hits from damage.

Deffskulls Upgrades: Sabotage costs 2 Teef less (Minimum price of 0 Teef, you can't pay minus one Toof!)
11 Teef - Looted Tek Gun -Range 24 Str 8 Ap2 Lance Assault 2
1 Toof - Looted Shoota - See Shoota Entry
4 Teef - Lucky-Blue Paint Job.- Confers a 6+ Invulnerable save to the tank.
5 Teef - Tinkerin' - +1 strength and -1 AP to weapons. If 1 is rolled to hit, resolve hit on yourself. (Gets Hot! for

BadMoons Upgrades: May have one extra weapon on their tank

10 Teef - Twin-linked Deffgun
7 teef - Shiny bitz - Reduces enemy BS by 1 when they attempt to shoot - Enemy gain 1 Teef extra if tank destroyed
10 Teef - Rich gitz - Gains 5 Teef per match win or lose. (in addition to any Teef earned)

Evil Sunz Upgrades: All Mobility upgrades cost 2 Teef less (minimum price of 0 Teef)
4 Teef - Scorcha - See Codex
2 Teef - Burna - see Codex
2 Teef - Real Red paint job - Grot tank counts as Fast

Snakebites Upgrades: The Crew gains Feel No Pain

2 Teef - Rok Chukka: Assault1 Str5 Ap6, Range 12"
4 Teef - Big Rok Chukka: Heavy1 Str6 Ap5, Range 12"
6 Teef - Lil' Squiggoth: Grants Move-through-cover, Increase maxium weapons by 3
2 Teef- Extra krew - Grot Tank Commander gains the Eternal Warrior upgrade, and wounds is increased by 1.
Culminative effect.

BloodAxes Upgrades:May sell weapons to other Players (any prices are bargained) This does not include the Blood-
Axe specific weapons, there too good to give away!
5 Teef - 'Umie Mortar: see 'umies Codex
7 Teef - 'Umie Autocannon: See 'umies Codex
9 Teef - 'Umie Lascannon: See 'umies Codex

Your Tank may be armed with a maximum of two weapons, not counting upgrades. If you have too many weapons to
arm your tank with, the others go into your Loot Pile. Between battles, you can re-arm your tank with any weapons you
have in your Loot Pile, or sell the weapons in the pile to a passing mek for half their original value, rounded down.
The Tank has three crewmembers. These give bonuses depending on what Crew Tier they have acheived. Note a
crewmember has to survive a set amount of games to 'unlock' the next tier and you cannot use a crew tier that is higher
than the game tier. This is independant of the tank surviving the battle and the three crewmen are independant of
eachother. If one is killed, there is no cost for replacing the grot, but they restart at Tier 1.

Tier 1: Staring point

Gunner - allows one re-roll of missed shot per game
Driver - increases movement by D3
Commander - allows one re-roll of damage on a enemy tank per game

Tier 2: Crew Member survives 3 games

Gunner - Allows two re-rolls of misses per game
Driver - Increases Movement by D6
Commander - -Allows one Reroll of damage on enemy tank per game, Increase bribe by 1

Tier 3: Crew Member survives 5 games

Gunner - Allows 3 re-rolls of misses per game
Driver - Increases movement by D6, May reroll Difficult Terrain
Commander - Crew Gains 5+ Invulnerable save, Allows one Reroll of damage on enemy tank per game, Increase bribe
by 1

Tier 4: Crew Members survive 8 games

Gunner- allows 4 re-rolls of misses per game
Driver - Increases Movement by D6+2, May reroll Difficult Terrain
Commander- Crew Gains 4+ Invulnerable save, Allows one Reroll of damage on enemy tank per game, Increase bribe
by 2

Tier 5: Crew members survive 10 Games

Gunner - allows 2 re-rolls of misses per turn
Driver - Increases Movement by D6+2 May ignore difficult Terrain
Commander - Crew gain 3+ Invulnerable save, Allows two re-rolls of damage on enemy tanks per game, Increases
bribe by 3

If all three crew are killed in one battle, the Tank is wrecked

The tanks consist of the hull and the engine, and the crew poke their head otu occasionaly too.
When a shot hits a tank, roll to see where it hits on the tank
1 = Crew. Roll to wound on a crewmember of the shooters choice, who has the profile of a grot, except for a 6+
invulnerable save (by the simple tactic of ducking!).
2-5 = Hull, resolve the hit as normal.
6= Engine. Instead of rolling on the Vehicle Damage table after shots are rolled to penetrate, roll on the Engine Mishap
Table below.

1-2 - the engine survives unscathed

3- the engine splutters and jerks. Move the target tank it's full distance forwards and treat as having moved next turn.
4- the engine stalls. the tank may not move next turn.
5- the engine rips itself apart. treat as Immobilised
6- the fuel ignites. Treat as a 'Ramshackle' Vehicle exploding
Games last for 4 turns default, carrying onto a 5ifth turn on a 4+ and a 6ixth on a 5+.
The Battles are fought in an arena with a participating audience, who will throw Random items into the arena.
Deep Strike a box into the arena each game turn (when all players have gone once more). The player with the highest
audience bribe can choose to reroll the scatter if he so wishes. If there is a tie, there is no re-roll as the audience is torn
between two or more tanks.
The box will remain there until a grot tank drives onto it to pick it up. When that happens, roll a 2d6 to find out what's
in the box...

2- Zog me.. - the Loot was actually a high yeald explosive. center a Str 10 Ap 1 blast on the Grot Tank. Roll for damage
as normal.
3- Squig! - the Grot tank takes D6 str 4 hits on its front armor as they try to avoid the angry squig.
4- Warboss's Ire -Sumpthin bout da look of the tank upset the warboss. lose D3 teef from before upgrades after the
5- Experimental Teleporta pack - Remove the Grot tank from the field, Deep strike it the following turn.
6- Dats a box! - No effect
7- Dats a box o stuff! -add 2 Shootas to your Loot Pile.
8- Teef. - Some Ork in the audience clearly voted on the wrong team, gain 1 Toof.
9- Warboss's favorite - Gain 1 Toof from each enemy Team after the match prior to upgrades... as his Nobs give you a
cut of the bribes.
10- Lucky! - Some Mek up in the audience droped his experimental Kustom mega blaster, in the following shooting
phase you may fire it once at any target in range. the power cells expire at the end of the turn and the angry Mek
"retrieves" his gun at the end of the match.
11 - Big Box o teef! - Gain 5 teef
12 - Squig Fuel - For the remander of the game, Treat the Grot tank as "fast"
In games of Tier 4 and above, roll three dice and discard the highest.

Often, the arena contains pits, or land mines or some other suitable danger. Set up the dangers as you would terrain.
If a tank hits one of these dangers, they take a dangerous Terrain test with a modifier of minus however many point
above 10 the armour value on the side entering first.
(i.e a tank with side armour 12 is shunted sideways into a danger marker. He takes a dangerous terrain test with a
modifier of -2. he rolls a 3, which fails due to the modifier, and is duly Immobilised.)

If more than two turns go by without any tank taking damage beyond a Crew Shaken/Stunned result, the Warboss
declares that things are to easy and realeases something on to the field to 'Make dis mor in-trest-ing' Roll a D6.

1- D3 Nobs
2- D6 Nobs
3- D3 Tankbustas
4- D6 Tankbustas
5- D3 Killa Kans w/ Rokkits
6- Battlewagon w/ 4 rokkits, kannon, deff roller

These are treated as having Rage, but if two tanks are the same distance away, they will go for the tank with the lowest
audience bribe. Bribes are treated as being that many more inches away from the Surprise unit. (i.e A tank is 9" away,
with 3 Audience bribes. Another tank is 11" away, but didn't bribe anyone. The unit will go for the tank 11" away,
because the closer tank has 'Bribed' its way out of rage and is treated as 9+3(12)" away.)

The last tank driving wins! If more than one tank survives, then the tank that suffered the least penetrating hits may
claim bragging rights.
For ongoing campaigns, after each battle finishes the Grot tanks are awarded Teef to spend on upgrades depending on
how well or badly they did.
-blowing up an enemy tank- Gain 3 Teef.
-Immobilizing an enemy tank - gain 1 Toof.
-Survive the game - Gain 2 Teef.
-Compete in the game - Gain 1 Toof.
-be the sole surviving tank - gain 6 Teef.
-finish the game immobilised - lose 1 Toof.
-be destroyed - lose 3 Teef.
Note you cannot have 'minus Teef' The minimum Teef is 0 and and losses beyond that are ignored.

These can be spent on additional upgrades between battles. Once an upgrade is bought, it is kept until destroyed or
stolen. (if you buy a weapon and suffer a Weapon Destroyed result, or someone steals it, you lose the weapon and will
have to buy it again.)

There are also bonuses for surviving set amounts of games. These are in addition to any upgrades purchased.

Survive 5 games - Gitfinda (see codex)

Survive 10 games - Re-roll Dangerous Terrain tests
Survive 15 games - Armour Values are +1
Survive 20 games - Infiltrate special rule.
Survive 30 games - Scout special rule.
Survive 50 games - Turbo-Boosters special rule (once per game)

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