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1- Read 

the text below and answer the questions.

Christmas is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. For
two millennia, people around the world have been observing it with traditions and practices that are both
religious and secular in nature. Christians celebrate Christmas Day
as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings
form the basis of their religion. Popular customs include exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees,
attending church, sharing meals with family and friends and, of course, waiting for Santa
Claus to arrive. December 25-Christmas Day-has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1870.

a. What is the definition of Christmas according to the text?

b. When did Christmas start?

c. Who is Jesus of Nazareth?

d. What do popular customs include?


2- Mark True or False.

a. Christmas is a only commercial phenomenon. ( )

b. Waiting for Santa Claus to arrive is a part of Christmas celebrations. ( )
c. Christmas day is on December 25th. ( )
d. Jesus of Nazareth was a spiritual leader. ( )

C. Translate the words below into Portuguese.

1. Worldwide: _________________________________________________________________
2. Birth: _____________________________________________________________________
3. Sharing: ___________________________________________________________________
4. Gifts: _____________________________________________________________________
2- Put the verbs on the bracket into simple future the phrases below.
a. You ______________________________ the book which you need. (to find)
b. He_______________________________ you tomorrow (to call)
c. She _____________________________ me with the English (to help)
d. They ______________________________ in the disco. (to meet)
e. It ____________________________ a sunny day tomorrow. (to be)
f. We ____________________________ well the job. (to do)
g. I _____________________________ next week. (to travel)
h. You ________________________ to the movies next Monday. (to go)
i. She _____________________________ a book tomorrow. (to read)
j. We _______________________ new friends (to make)

3- Put the phrases below into negative and question form.:

a. She will meet you at home.
neg.: _______________________________________________________________________
int.: _______________________________________________________________________

b. I’ll work hard tomorrow.

neg.: _______________________________________________________________________
int.: _______________________________________________________________________

c. They will play soccer tomorrow.

neg.: _______________________________________________________________________
int.: _______________________________________________________________________

d. It will cost 47 dollars to fix the car.

neg.: ______________________________________________________________________
int.: _______________________________________________________________________

e. We will take the children to the park.

neg.: _______________________________________________________________________
int.: _______________________________________________________________________

f. The girls will talk to you.

neg.: _______________________________________________________________________
int.: _______________________________________________________________________

g. We will arrive on time.

neg.: _______________________________________________________________________
int.: _______________________________________________________________________

h. The bus will leave at 10 o’clock.

neg.: _______________________________________________________________________
int.: _______________________________________________________________________
4- Complete the sentences with the future continuous and the verbs in the box.

lie see use sleep watch take work wait decorate listen
a. When you come back home I ................................................ in my bed.
b. In a few days' time we ........................................... on the beach.
c. I'll call Jim at six. - No, don't. He ............................................ in his office then.
d. I'll tell him. I ........................................... him on the train as usual.
e. We can't meet you on Saturday. We ........................................... our house at the weekend.
f. In a ten years' time most people ........................................... electric cars.
g. I'll come at one o'clock. - OK. I ........................................... for you.
h. It won't be easy to get in. The warden ........................................... the gate closely.
i. Will you help me tonight? - Sorry, I ........................................... to the concert on the radio.
j. This time tomorrow my sister ........................................... her entrance exam.

5- Complete the sentences with the best form using simple future or future continuous.
- Shall I say hello to Sharon? I ....... to her today.
a) write
b) be writing
c) will be writing

- Can I help you? I ........ you that blouse.

a) will be showing
b) will show
c) won't show

- Good Lord! The engine has stopped. - No problem. Bill ........ a look at it.
a) is having
b) will have
c) will be having

- Why don't you have dinner with us? I ........ anyway.

a) will be cooking
b) am cooking
c) cook

- This time next week we ........ round the Aegean Sea.

a) sail
b) will be sailing
c) will sail

- If you take three cassettes, you ........ one cassette free.

a) are going to get
b) are getting
c) will get
- I ........ my work before they arrive.
a) will be finishing
b) finish
c) will finish

- By the end of this century everyone ........ English.

a) will be speaking
b) is going to speak
c) speaks

6- Make questions in the present perfect to complete the dialogues. Use the verbs in the box.

start reach cover read clean turn paint do change update

a. - What time ............. you ..................................... the windows?
- By 5 o'clock, I hope.

b. - When ............ Samantha ................................................... the book?

- She'll give it back to you in two weeks' time, she promised.

c. - How many projects ............... you ................................................... when you finish this one?
- This is only my second project.

d. - When .............. Susan ............................................... the portrait?

- Before the end of the day, I would say.

e. - ............ you ................................................. the oil before we collect our car?

- Yes, I will. I'll have done it by one o'clock.

f. - ............ the show ................................................ if we come in two hours?

- I'm afraid it will start in an hour.

g. - ............ Angie ................................................ her CV by the time she goes to the interview?
- She's already done it.

h. - When ............ you ........................................................... all the topics?

- When I finish my lectures.

i. - ............ we .................................................. the top of the mountain before the sun sets?
- Don't worry. It's just two hours' walk. ............ my hair ............................................ grey in a ten years' time?
Who knows?
7- Complete the sentences with the future perfect (will have done) or the future continuous
(will be doing) and the verbs in the box.

Disappear arrive cook watch replace move finish fly teach listen

a. When we reach Portsmouth we ........................................................ our voyage.

b. When I drive my car I ................................................ to the new CD.
c. In a twenty years' time thousands of species ....................................................... from this planet.
d. In a few hours' time we ........................................... on the plane.
e. I'll meet you at four o'clock. - At four?
f. I'm afraid I ................................................ English.
g. We ............................................................... the wheels before you come back from the shop.
h. Shall I buy a pizza? - There's no need. I ........................................... as usual.
i. I'm sorry, we can't come tonight. We ........................................... the new documentary on TV.
j. My new PC ............................................................ by the end of this week.
k. The Johnsons .......................................................... in their new house by Christmas.

8- Type the correct modal verb into the box.

can couldn't  have to  might must  ought to  shouldn't  was able

a. It's very cold today. Do you think it __________________________ snow later?

b. You __________________________ leave your door unlocked when you go out.
c. They __________________________ have filled the car with petrol before they set off.
d. My motorbike broke down in the middle of nowhere, but luckily I
__________________________ to fix it.
e. Mum says we __________________________ watch TV after we've finished our homework.
f. You don't __________________________ pick me up at the station. I can get a taxi.
g. This is impossible, it __________________________ be a mistake!
h. Jim __________________________ have seen me because he walked past without saying

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