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Liceo Augusto D’Halmar

English Department
Mr Octavio Liberona Alegría

Cuarto Medio
Reading: ‘Ready for the Road’


Choose from sentences A-H which best fits each gap in the text (1-8).

Ready for the road

What is the best age to learn to drive? This may seem like a simple question,
but there is a surprising difference between the legal requirements in
different countries, and a lot of disagreement on national levels.
Until just recently, in New Zealand you and its influence on driving skills, and
only had to be fifteen to be able to the results suggest that age makes a
drive. Then the New Zealand big difference. The research has
government decided to raise the legal shown that there is a part of the brain
age to sixteen, suggesting that they that helps to control impulsive
might toughen this up and make the behaviour and warn us of imminent
age go up to seventeen in the not-too- danger.
distant future. (4) _____ Interestingly, there is
(1) _____ Unfortunately, the changes evidence to suggest that a lot of
to the law have not gone down well in development happens between the
rural areas where there is almost no ages of sixteen and eighteen, and so a
public transport and parents have to new seventeen- or eighteen-year-old
chauffeur their kids around whenever driver will be safer than a new sixteen-
they want to go anywhere. year-old driver. In other words, there is
(2) _____ Many New Zealanders who a scientific reason why teenagers can
were against the raising of the legal at times be more careless and rash,
age argued that the government and their impetuous nature can
shouldn't have bothered since sometimes get the better of them when
statistically the highest number of they fasten their seat belts and sit
accidents will come in a driver's first behind the steering wheel.
year. (5) _____ The statistics are frightening
(3) _____ However, in the USA, where but clear. Sixteen-year-old drivers are
you can begin driving at the age of more dangerous than any other
sixteen, there has been a lot of teenage drivers, being involved in
research done into the question of age thousands of fatal accidents each year

and being a principal cause of death (8)_____ In many countries, then,
amongst teenagers. One interesting there is some debate as to what the
discovery is that accidents are more best age is to become a driver. In
likely when a teenage driver is general, because of the horrifying
accompanied than when he or she statistics, there is a growing feeling that
drives alone. With two or more the age should be made higher. With
passengers, the fatal crash risk for more and more young drivers on the
sixteen- to nineteen-year-old drivers is road, the debate will no doubt continue.
more than five times what it is when
driving alone. Why? Maybe it's simply A.
because they become distracted by the this to avoid the typical family
presence of other people in the car. Or rows and shouting that
maybe it's because teenagers are sometimes follow.
more likely to take risks and break B.
speed limits when driving with their age of 25.
friends since they want to show off and C.
go fast. Whatever the reason, the whether that first year is at the
discovery has led to many states age of 15, 16 or 17.
implementing a system known as D.
'graduated licensing' rules where some in the US as an argument
sixteen-year-olds are not allowed to for raising the legal age of drivers
carry other teen passengers, drive at there.
night or drive alone until they have E.
driven a certain number of hours. something to do with the fact that
(6)_____ In the UK, where you need to the fatality rate of drivers was 60
be seventeen to get a provisional per cent higher than in
driving licence, parents are seen as neighbouring Australia.
contributing to the lowering of F.
standards amongst young drivers. of drivers aged between 17 and
Traditionally, British parents used to 21 that they should not have
take their kids out on practice driving passed their driving test.
lessons and these practice lessons G.
would help the young drivers to gain many teens must learn to drive so
confidence and experience. that they can help out with the
(7)_____ The UK Driving Standards work.
Agency suggests that learners should H.
have forty-five hours of professional saving lives, but one problem of
lessons, plus another twenty-two hours the scheme is that parents have
of private practice. However, a recent to enforce it, and many are not
study shows that today's young doing so.
motorists only have an average of 29.9
hours of professional lessons before
taking and passing their test, and 27
per cent of young drivers say they had
no practice at all with their parents.

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