3-2105 - Vendor Invoice Management For SAP Solutions 16.3

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Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions 16.3 ‘OpenText Suite for SAP Solutions opentext> Professional Services Learning Services The sofware described in hits Workbook is furished underalicense agreemen!crnon dlsclonure agreement the “Agreement wilh Open Text Corporation or one ilsafiiies (Open Test). he zftware maybe weed or copied anly in accordance with Be tome oft Agreement. The iarmation contaned mf Wort2nc tthe valuable propery of Open Text and represen re searcts of Open Tex. No part of hs Workbook may be copied. produced, anal r ianamitied in ay form or by any means without the prior ween concent of Open Feet. The inlomnation conlinad inthis Workbook i subject lo change withou! noice, If thi Workbook ic provided in bth pied and flectone tors, he elacrcrac oem wil govern he event of sy eneeseery. Open Text maker no representations at ‘worraies concerning uch information or the ctware deserbed inthis Weekook exanpt 2s exprociy set fort the ‘Agreement, (Copyright © 2019 Open Test Al ight reserved. Trademarks omned by Open Te. OpeniTet Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulons 16.3 -First Editon: Maven 2019 Comments er suggestions aboul tis manual can be sent lo Learning anleniDewitopentent.com. Based on OpenTex! Vendar Invoice Mangement tor SAP Solutions 16.3.1 Devaloped by OpenTex! Leaming Content Development and Learning Services Course Name. Vendor invoice Management for SAP Solutions Course Number: 3-2105, Part Number, 3-2105-183-00 ii ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions 46. 1. 18, Business Center Capture for VIM ... Architecture vo BEC customizing aliont Applications... Optimizing OCR recognition ‘Classical methods ‘Continuous Self Adaptive methods Invoice data extraction process... ‘An optimized invoice- accelerator application . ‘Configuring SAP for BCG ‘Administering BCC for VIM Evaluating BOC Exercise: Change your existing OP Document Type (2NPOM#NY) io BCC specific 15-46 ‘Summary. Tips, tricks, and traps ‘Configuring the Fiori Task App — a Seting wp launchpad content ‘Summary. Optional VIM Configuration Objectives Spacial topics. Retum to Vendor... PDF Log.. Incoming IDacs Extended ECM oo ‘Supplier Self Service —— ‘Supplier Relationship Management (SEM) . Business Warehouse Content Integration with the SAP Adapter for the Ariba Network . Integration wth Vendor nice Managemeat Advantages of VIM integration Exercise: Viewing the PDF Log Profiles ‘Summary. ‘Administration and troubleshooting Objectives VIM admis General maintenance SAP AP processes... ‘Mass change of Pasting Date ulility ~ Momth End reporting: parked invoices ‘Year End reporting: parked invoices ‘Technical upkeep of the software Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Worldiow administration... cones 1B ‘VIM tables for Administrators con Abt Troubleshooting a Role resolution... : Workitem Role flow Authorizations... invoice Approvals Workflow triggering EntorprisaScan . Archive Center log files... “The Application Log Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians xi ai ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Text Conventions This workbook uses the following conventions: “Convention What itis Used For ‘talc Halics are used for Workshops and Exercises, Monospace Monospaced text is used fo represent sample code, S {i ) represent an element of syntax you must substiute with a specific value. This icon represents a lesson symbol where the student watches the instructor. This ican represents alleccon symbol where the student follows along with the instructor. This ican represents lesson symbol where the students perform the exercise on their own. This icon represents an optional ar advanced lesson symbol where the students perform the exercise on their own. This icon represents 3 note that supplies additional information. This icon represents a tip that supplies additional shortcut information, This icon represents a collection of Tricks, Tips, and Traps that is used the end of a chapter. This icon represents.a caution that supplies warning information. Vendar Invoiee Management fer SAP Soluliens 2 iv ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions opentext | Professional Services Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Learning Services Solutions 16.3 ‘Student Attondance Form ‘Student Name: Position: Company: ‘Street Address: Phone Number: Management (1 Technical Other O Implementation C1 End User 0 ‘Administrator C1 Federal Government [1 Legal O Other Government Manufacturing D1 Education Financialinsurance C1 Integrator O Other O Chapter 1. Vendor tnvaice Management overview Vendor Invoit Management overview Objectives (On completion of this section, participants shauld be able to: Describe the challenges a typical Accounts Payable department faces. Explain how VIM is suited io solve these issues ‘© Describe the latest VIM functionality © Compare Simple and Classic VIM modes OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions (VIM) provides a quality, functionally rich Accounts Payable application, which is easy to deploy. Its functionality is geared towards medium to high valume invoicing scenarios ‘and works in tandem with shared service centers. Next, we discuss the ‘common Accounts Payable challenges, which drive the need for a VIM olution. ‘Accounts Payable Accounts Payable is typically a labor intensive and time consuming sat of challenges processes. involves the ingestion of hundreds, up to tons of thousands, of invoices a month. The invoices are oftan papar-baced, or they are electronic and arrive alongside attachments that reflect the original paper- based layout. Thase invoices are often the result of purchase orders that alsa create their awn paper trail Together, this multitade of paper, electronic images, and electronie trancmission must pass through many {gatos in order for the payment process to occur. Therefore, each decuriant Must pass through many hands and might be copied or alterad, as well as being stored muttiie times during its joumey. This process is wrought with many opportunities for error, loss, and delay. ‘The typical process is described next. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 1-1 AP business process As the figure illustrates, a.normal invoice to pay process might look like the flow without VIM following: 4. Tha mailroom or other racipiant recaives the incoming paper invaicos and sends them to Accounts Payable (A/P). 2. AIP parks the invoice in SAP. parked invoice ar document is a temporary document. Itis not included in the General Ledger AP liability account but does display in the Vendor account detail screen. Alternatively, A/P may send the invoice to the appraver priar to parking. 3. AVP informs the originator of the purchase (by e-mail, inter-office mail, pphone call, sticky note, ec.) to verify and approve the invoice. AP may also send & copy of the invoice ta the originator. 4. The originator or a separate approver approves or rojects tha invoice and notifias A/P of the decision. The originator may kaep a copy of the invoice. = the invoice is rejected, AJP must process the parked document. ‘Thay can delata it or request additianal information fram the vendor. lf waiting for vendor information, AJP must track the parked ‘document, — Ifthe invoice is approved, AIP makes any requested changes and posts the invoice. Various users may keep copies of invoices and information requests throughout the process. Therefore, there is a risk that paople de not have: the most up-to-date copy of the invoice ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 1. Vendor tnvaice Management overview Correspondence between the involved parties must be captured and ‘racked manually. This is a typical process. for manual invoice verification. Many departments may be involved. When the departments are in differant cities, countries, and time zones, communication and accuracy become very challenging. Challenges in traditional. In summary, the following challenges are often seen ina typical AIP Tnwoice processing process: There is a large amount of manual activity for approvals and exception processing, © Duplicate payments and postings are misplaced and invoices get lost. © There is an unpredictable variation in workloads due to cyclical volume @ Aucit and compliance concarns arise due to contradictory documentation. © There is low visibility of volume data, throughput statistics, and bottlenecks. Lengthy cycle times ara eammon. © Ahighly skilled workforce ends up performing low valued tasks. Receipt Captare Inqurte & Excopaions Mulching Approvals Discounts & Payments Hogh sont of Toe many Lack of Lack of paper Invescen sescepoms compbance contrat . . . = ese toh taenar fn rtarstane ‘onion cmos en tery sere dct rian States ieriamedin, (west coe 5 5 - . 5 Figure 1-2: Typical statisties: AP challenges Manual keying of invoice data and resolution efforts involve time-consuming hictorical research, communication with the vendor, process documentation, requests for additional information from multiple parties, ‘manual routing. and the labor-intensive process of monitoring and providing update reports on the status of unpaid invoices. AAP siaff resources can spend a large amount of time addressing these: problems, while vendors and buyers experience a wide range of disinceniives and disadvantages. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 13 Chapter 1. Vendor invoice Management overview Effects by Role Lines of Business: = Reavis > Worvhawe Crk * Goat Carat On «Pree tanagar / ener Many roles are involved in the invoice process. In the next figure we visualize the different roles which are affected in each area ofthe ‘Strategy & Operations oo Figure 1-3: Parties involved in invoice processing Within these different areas, there are different organizational challenges which must be addressed: ©) Strategy & Operations - Management's View — High A/P cost per transaction — Aneed for better reports toimprove the process = Reguiarly missed discounts = Duplicate invaice processing © Finance & Procurement - Buyer's View = Not their core jab = Resolving invoice issues is nat a high priority — Not automated nor a value-add process © Finance & Procurement - Accounts Payable's View = Takes too much time - manual, labor-intensive = AIP blamed for laie payments, lost invoices — Nottime for root-cause analysis to reduce problems — Storing massive amounts of papers inefficient and costly Lines of Business - Approver's View = Manual approvals take too much time — Paper invoices are last or misplaced Paue 1-4 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 1. Vendor tnvaice Management overview Business Pariners - Supplier's View = Limited insight into the status of an invoice — Misinformation about invoice status. Inability to property pian for payment What is Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions by OpenText? Based on the challenges presented, the limited resources that companies employ, and the need for streariningineficient processes when possible, ‘OpanTaxt Vendor invoica Management for SAP Solutions (VIM) isa logical choice for AP dopartmonts that run SAP. ‘Simplity —Transtorm— VIM makes it easy for clients to implement the solution and transform their ‘Accelerate AP process to gain efficiencies, thereby improving supplier relationships land saving time: and resources, \VIMic a prapackaged composite application that acts as an add-on to the ‘SAP ERP system. Itcan be laveraged to simplify the processes in the lifecycle of purchase orders and invoices. ‘As an option for VIM, OpanTaxt Businaes Center Capture for SAP Solutions (BCC) further extonds VIN's capabilities automating the capture of paper invoices. BCC uses optical character recognition (OCR) to extract invoice data. The combination of BCC with VIM enables end-to-end automation of paper invoice processing. ‘The objectives in 2 VIM implementation are for invoices to be processed more efficiently, problem invoices io be more quickly brought fo resolution, ‘approvals fo be expedited, and payments to be on time. What does APinvoice In order to accomplish these objectives, VIM has been designed to fully Processing look like automate the invoice process with as litle manual inlervention as possible. ‘with VIM? When manual intarvention is required, itis alse captured in the digital record of the invoice process. VIM conducts an invoice from ingestion through to Payment and keeps track of it along the way, thereby reducing the errors and complexities introduced by manual processing. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 15 Chapter 1. Vendor invoice Management overview ‘A high-level look at this new digitally focused processing is pictured next. vets nbor tovoice (ecaremyatim) Recognition Venetian a & = oO B BE Archivagter SA Ries Captrs ‘South ‘Cee arto tee Marra ERP EAP) VIM process overview mage capture Figure 14: The invoice process with VIM When VIM is integratad into the Scan to Payment process, it can ba viewed in several stages. The following must be comploted: © Image capture: © Key dats capture: © Validation of tha data © Creation of the SAP document © Posting of he SAP document ‘Typically, companies will receive invoices via mail or via e-mail In both cases, the invoice image must be saved and SAP must be notified that an invoice has arrived. For ingesting the invoice, companies can use 2 scanning device that then invokes Enterprise Scan software. It ‘subsequently calls SAP. Or, they might employ an SMTP interface that routes e-mail invoices from the e-mail server to the SAP VIM application. in both cases, OpenText Archive Center (or another third-party long term archiving solution) is used fo store the incoming invoice image. This image is now available in the archiving solution and is linked to the new VIM_ Document Processing (DF) dacument. Now that the invoices are reflected in SAP, it ic time to extract the key data fields from the image. There is a pre-defined jab running in SAP which looks {or the notification that an image has been archived and is queued in SAP for processing. When 3 new invoice is detected, the BCC server is invoked (GBC is being used) and the OCR process begins. All fields which are identified during extraction are saved with the Document Pracessing document that was created in tha previous step. Paws 1-8 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 1. Vendor tnvaice Management overview ‘Validation of the Now, the dacumient becomes ready for validation by the company document personnel. At this stage, another jab has run which notifies the persons Fosponsible for checking the invoice extraction (or for manual extraction the case where OCR is nat employed). The document is openad by the coder, the fields in the invoice are either validated, corrected, or complemented. (Creation of the SAP. Once completed, the invoice is saved. If itis deemed to not be 3 duplicate document invoice. then the business rules for invoices are applied ta the data being submitted. Hit passes. all of these rules, an SAP document is created and the next step of the workllow is invoked. Posting of the SAP_ Now the Document Procassing dacument and the respective SAP document document are available for the levels of approval that are necessary in this ‘company. (this is configurable). After approval, the SAP documents then posted in SAP. Product overview Vendor Invoics Managementis part of 2 larger group of OpenText products: ‘OpenText Suile for SAP Solutions. sap ariba (X\, EIGYS/4.HANA 54° Successtactors SAPHybris(x) I Microsoft Information Delivery nota CM SucceseFacos Figure 1-5: OpenText Suite for SAP Solutions \VIMis a packaged business solution that is developed and tested in coordination and partnership with SAP. tis buitt using ABAP. Fiori, SAP Netweaver Portal, and SAP Workflow technologies. VIM is a technical solution, but itis builton years of experience and bast practices in the industry. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Pave 17 Chapter 1. Vendor invoice Management overview Commercial offering: SAP and OpenText both sell the VIM solution. Itis branded differently ‘SAP vs OpenText according to which party is eelling it © SAP-SAP Invoice Management by OpenText © OpenTaxt - Vendor Inveice Management for SAP Solutions, For this course, we refer to it exclusively as VIM as sold by OpenText. To further sagragaia the offering, VIM has two different product offerings which are being concurrently developed and maintained. VIM 7.5 VIM7.5's the-evolution of the VIM solution from its inception. This version is currently being further developed (Le. ithas not reachad an EOM status). ‘vim16.3- VIM/16.3 is OpenTexts latest release of the VIM product. Itruns exclusively con the SAP S/4HANA system, staring with release 1610. ‘The following figure shows the various versions of SAP and the version of VIM which it can work in conjunction with. 2018 2018 2020 and beyond ‘SAP ERP, SAP Sue on HANA, ‘SAP Sirpie Finance, SAP 'SH1611 fan Proms, HEC) SAP SiN 1690 (ce Prormse, HEC, priate Cloud) re ‘SAP sanana vi +1610, 1700, t800 fon Promse, HEC, > = MT eee a Figure 1-6: VIMISAP version matrix ic madie) Both versions can be run in the private Cloud. Ongoing, OpenTaxt will work jointly with SAP to develop VIM for the public cloud offering. This course uses VIM Version 16.3 SP1 in conjunction with Business Center and BCC Version 16.3.1 running.on SAP Sit HANA 1709 as the raferance system. Paue 1-8 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 1. Vendor tnvaice Management overview 2018 2019 2020 and beyond |SAP ERP. SAP Sue cn HANA, [SAP Simyte Finance, SAP [sibHANA 1511. 1810 ‘SAP Simple Finance, SAP ae > os eas Stantane an e “For all new installations use BC/BCC 16.3 with all SAP environments “Consider version dependency between VIM and Business Center Version 16.3 Figure 1-7: Business Center'SAP version matrix ‘To understand which VIM version supports which SAP version, read SAP Note 2339258 In version 16.3, the product has been delivered with two modes for operation. They are technically supported by the same foundation, yet, they ‘support different methods of invoice processing. Thay are the Simple and the Classic Mode. (Classic Mode is to a large exient compatible with previous VIM versions 7.0 and 7.5. ILoffers proven architecture and a configurable framework and many options to extend the pre-delivered invoice management logic. For VIM 16.3, the classic approach was updated and extended to meat SAP SMHANA requirements and optimizations and to fallow SAP strategy to. post all invoices thraugh one invoice transaction: VIM Baseline configuration (discussed in later chapters) uses transaction MIRO or all invoice types including Non-PO invoices. (Classic mode is the choice for organizations upgrading from SAP ECC and older VIM versions who want to gradually adopt to new SAP SHANA ‘concepts and maintain their approach tn invoice processing (Classic mode provides powerful SAP GUIWebgui based tools like VIM Workplace and the VIM Analytics report a web partal for invoice coding and approval. which can be integrated with SAP NetWeaver Portal and SAP Fiori Apps for different tasks like simpli coding, approval, and confirming price and quantity on PO-rolated invoicss. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 1-8 Chapter 1. Vendor invoice Management overview VIMs Classic Made is made up ef camponents that provide different pieces of the process as shown in the next figure: =e ) k= === Figure 1-8: Components of VIM 16.3 Classic Mode Invoice Entry = These are the options far introducing an invoice inta the VIM ‘system. This includes paper-based invoices which are scanned and invoices which arrive electronically (EDI. Anba Network, SAP Idoc, ‘e-mailed invoice images, etc.) OCR (Optical Charactar Recognition) with BCC (Business Center Capture) — This component automates the capture of invoice data fields by using OCR technology Inbound Channels = These make up the processing framework for inbound invoices Document Processing — This component captures invoice metadata, handles suspected duplicate invoioas, and collaborates with the ather components Invoice Approval — This component receives a list of invoices to be approved, checks ‘for appropriate approvers, and allows those users to code and approve the invoices Paue 1-10 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 1. Vendor tnvaice Management overview © Web Portal = This is.a Java based Approval Portal infrastructure running on SAP NetWeaver Application Server (Java stack}, It's similar'te the GUI Invoice Approval but has 3 Web interface © Flo Apps: = These apps allow the user io perform muikiple invoice-related tasks, using standard SAP Fiori tachnology © Exception Handling (Invoice Exception) — This component allaws for the handling of exceptions that arise before the SAP document is created. VIM Reporting / VIM Analytics / BW exiractor VIM Reporting uses various reports to analyze the status of invoices inthe SAP system. = VIM Analylics overlooks the invoices in progress in a unified dashboard © Unblocking Workflows — This component determines the agents necessary to rectify a blocked invoice and to carry it through to completion @ Auto Post and Manual Post — This component distinguishes between invoices which can be auto- posted and thase which cannot © SAPGUIWorkpiacs = Thic component, commonly referred to as the VIM Workplace, is the main GUI Ul for a super user of Vendor Invaice Managament Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page Chapter 5. VIM Baseline scenario flow New processing features in VIM 16.3 Unified posting Parked and held documents Simplified baseline Summary ‘Thare ara come VIM processing details which differ from previous versions due to changes in the latest release of SAP and VIM. They are nated here: VIM 16.2 baseline configuration posts invaices using SAP transaction MIRO land the BAPIs for SAP abject type BUS2081 (BAPIs for logistic invoices). This is according to SAP's recommendation for SAP S/MHANA. This is true for PO and Non PO based invoices. Nan PO invoices were posted using ‘transaction FB6O and finance BAPIs in previous VIM versions. Parked and heli MM documents can now be processed within the VIM Document Processing (DP") workliow. Previously, there was a soparate workflow which was required for parking documents. ‘Thace naw features rasultad in a simplified baseline configuration with the following functionality: © Posting of all invoices via MIRO and logistic BAPIs Processing of parked and held MM documents within ‘VIM Document Processing (DP"} workflow. ¢ Simplified baceline rolas: The care roles are naw AP‘ Processor and AP Expert ‘© Unified process options: There is consistent configuration across different roles © Optimized processing: The sequence of logic modules and business rules has been reviewed and impraved ‘This chapter described the processes that will be required once VIM is installed. The five main stages will encompass the capture of the invoice image, the capture of key data, the validation of that data. the creation of an ‘SAP document according to business rules, and the posting ofthe invoice in ‘SAP. Two simplified sconarios were given io furthor visualize how VIM ‘automates the complex series of exchanges in the Scan to Payment process. Lastly, some of the key changes to VIM baseline processing for version 16.3 were introduced, Paue $18 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM Objectives (On completion of this section, participants shauld be able to: Find the tables and link tables necessary for ArchiveLink: Summarize the objects neaded fo customize ArchiveLink © Traverse the SAP IMG in the space for ArchiveLink: © Perform the basic steps necessary to customize ArchiveLink ArchiveL ink for VIM ArchiveLink is @ universal intartace te intagrate external, compliant archive systems with the SAP system. It enables many scenarios for the integration of documents directly with business processes. Itis an easy and fast implementation. as the processes are pre-released and standardized. These Archivelink features can be taken advantage of in the VIM context afior customizing is complated = | ' S a = igure 6-1: ArchiveL ink Customizing for VIM. Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Pave 6-1 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Custamizing for VIM In this chapter we will do a conceptual review of Archivelink and then moves into the actual system steps required for getting startad with ArchiveL ink configuration. “ArchiveLink is part of SAP standard basis functionality, but historically, has had its own release schedule. As such, its functionality is dependent on its version. SAP OpenText EnterpriseScan Figure 6-2: Overview of SAP ‘ArchiveLink funetionality A Giont ArchiveLink leverages the SAP components to provide the following functionality: Archiving from SAP to Archive Center ‘Archiving from scanning client Archiving of SAP data Viewing of documents Administration of document links ey Paws @2 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM SAP elements used in ArchiveLink Function medules ‘The advantages of this functionality are: It provides an universal interface to imiegraia avery external, compliant archive system with SAP (such as OpenText Archive Center). @ Acomplex customer-specifc storage system application is not needed. © Many scenarios, witich integrate documents directly with business processes, are provided. tic especially eacy to uce when integrating SAP Business Workflow. © Mtenables an easy and fast implementation because of many released standard processes. @ Web access to Business Documents via an HTTP interface is provided ¢ ArchivoLink compliance certification by SAP guarantees full Archival ink-related functionality of he archive system. ‘The SAP-delivered functionality of ArchiveLink is built using foundational objects in standard SAP. Database tables, function modules, and the GUI interface are all key elements in any SAP functionality. The same is tue with Archive ink. SAP uses database tables and their relationships to each other for housing master and transactional data that represents the business and its underlying processes. it also uses them to hold configuration data, which tells he system how to behave when executing certain processes. In ArchiveLink the following types of tables are utilized: ¢ Customizing tables (‘meta tables”) - these tables hold information about the objects that describe the Archivel ink scenario. ¢ Linktables - these tables hold the key to linking a document to an SAP object. ‘Tha specific tables used in Archivelink will be diccusced in detail later in this chapter. ‘A function modula in SAP is a set of ines of ABAP code that has a definite interface. In these modules of code, there are input parameters and output parameters, tables of data that can be passed back and forth, and explicit ‘outcomes that can be reported back These madules are called from certain places in the system and can be re-used mutiple times. ArchiveLink ‘employs function modules for the following tasks within Archivelink: © Queries for customizing settings © Document archiving © Document display © Document ratriaval/download Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Pave 6-3 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Custamizing for VIM SAP tables in detail ‘Customizing tables and the data they store Link tabes Understanding the SAP database tables and their relationships to each cother is key to understanding any SAP functionality. Here, we will present several kay tables which we utlize for controlling Archival ink functionality. ‘The table names are included here for reference, but the table contents are created separataly via transaction codes which will be covered later. © TOAVE - Document type definitions © TOAAR- Logical archive definitions @ TOAOM - Document type / logical archive linkage ¢TOAPR-- Pre-setfings for dacument archiving with workflow @ TOAD! -Links documents associated with SAP data records (objects) © TOADL-Links print ists; different structure ‘These are a few examples of tables in the SAP database which are exclusively used in conjunction with ArchiveLink. The names.of most tables begin with ‘TOA’, meaning “Table for Optical Archiving’. When a document is archived and shall be linked to an SAP object, this link isnot stored as part of the object information in the applicable application module. Instead, some ceniral ArchiveLink link tables hold all object-to- decument link information. This structure yialds come advantages: © Application modules do nat have to deal with archive document information; therefore, documents can be linked to all types of objects without further preconditions on the application side. However, this does rot imply that all archiving seanarios are applicable across all applications. © Multiple documents can point to the same SAP abject. ‘The structure and application of link tables TOAO1-03 and TOAHR is detailed on the following pages. "Archivelink provides muliple link tables with the same structure in order to enable the administrator ta distribute table entries to differant database table spaces. ArchiveLink customizing determines in which table to store link entries for each document type individually. Paws @-4 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM SAP ArchiveLink configuration Building blocks. SAP Document Class SAP Document Type SAP Object Type Figure 6-3: ArchiveLink in VIM “Tha main building blocks for archiving in SAP are: the SAP document class, the SAP document type, and the SAP object type. This category can also be thought of as the tachnical document class and is used to distinguish between archive formats (ALF, ASCI, FAX, PDF, DOC). ‘This category places an SAP document class in context and serves as an identifier for similar documents in SAP (FIINVOICE, SDOORDER, DO1, tc.) Its the semantic descriptor for the documents role. Many standard document types are delivered with SAP. Differing document types are often handled by differing workflows. This category specifies the type of business object that the document will relate to and the nature of the object itself (Le. BKPF, PREL, DRAW, FIPP). Iwill describe the intemal format. key entries, and properties of the SAP data sets. These are usually predefined and used within one SAP module. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Paue 6-5 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Custamizing for VIM Content Repository The Content Repository (some places in SAP it is stil referred fo-as the Figure 64 ‘An entry in ink table ‘Toagt Archive ID) is defined in SAP. It rapresents the logical place within the archiving solution, where the archived decumant will reside. In SAP, tha nomenclature for Content Repository is upper ease and two charactors i length. tt must match the actual name of the Logical Archive within the archiving solution. ‘These conogpts come together, along with Document ID and Archive ID to form the complete identification of a document that is being archived. This is most easily seen in an example of one such entry in an SAP Link table. The instructor will log on to the SAP system and shaw the following structure within SAP itcel Tair tvey Gon Seomon rare Samnen te ol ‘Jam @00 GhR CNH AD Table TON] Display The above entries are described as: @) Mandt-the SAP Client. © SAP Object -the SAP Business Object that this document is linked to, © Object ID-- the identifier for the above SAP Business Object. Archive ID- the Content Repository (also referred to as the Logical Archive) whara the document is stored, © Archive Doc ID - the Archive Server ID for the image. Archive Objact -the ArchiveLink Document Type which describes the Archive Date the initial date of storage for the image. © Reserve - the technical description of the file -or the Document Class. Paws 6 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM Table TOAOt - Document Elements in the Link Table 1. To view table contents in SAP. the instuctor can use transsction SE16 or SEIGN. This is called the Dsta Browser (an example of the SE16 interface is shown in the previous figure). 2. Toretiove an antry in the table, the instructor will populate some of the fies on the selection screen presented. This might include Client, SAP object type, SAP document type, or SAP document class. 2. Onve an entry is presented on the resuil screen, it can be highlighted by clicking an the grey square on the left-most side of the row. The ‘eyeglasses icon can then be used to look at the full contents of this record. In the below figure, the relationship of the link tables and the SAP abject, type is depicted. ad SP one re Une rr ‘one “oan Comm, [REIN | seat [Aree | [Coon [Bein [sear] | SAPOH vo | Oma | Acro teoe | 121059 [1998 129,00 mor | iooeuaeseni eee | s2000 ror | s090n19998 ES Figure 6-5: Tables, Object Types, and Link Tables An SAP table storesa sat of static attributes for each archived document. ‘The archive ID and doc ID that are created for an archived document are linked using its unique set of static atrbutes in the link table (e.g, TOAD). This requires an SAP abject type (illustrated above), Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Pave 6-7 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Custamizing for VIM Basic customizing steps Figure 6-6 Customizing for ArchiveLink basic customizing For ArchiveLink set up, basic customizing has to be done almost avery time ‘a new type of document is prepared for archiving. However, the mantioned steps do not nead to be caried out each time. An ‘existing logical archive may be reused fora new document type. provided that the logical archive is used appropriately (for example, has the proper document retention period) ‘An existing document type included in SAP standard may also be used. In this case, setting up a new ane is not required. But the link of the document type to the designated logical archive is required. So far. the focus has been on understanding the conceptual elements of ‘ArchiveLink - how it works behind the scenes. The rest of the chapter will deal with configuring ArchiveLink within the SAP system, in preparation for a VIM project. There are several tasks that must be completed. The following can be used asa check list for ensuring you have completed all of the necessary steps: 1. Create/check SAP document class with transaction OAD? - This is only Necessary if a non-standard document class must be used for archiving. For example, ASCII is a non-standard document class for archiving document lists. 2. Craate SAP document types with transaction OAC2 -An SAP document type must be created far each differant kind of document to be archived. Far example, one document type for fax invoioas and anather one for invoices from document fists. 3. Greate link information with transaction OAC - Link the SAP object typeand.an SAP document type with an Archive ID and a Link table. Pause €8 Vendor Inveice Manasement for SAP Sulutiens Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM ‘The following figure helps to reiterate the relationship between each of the elements being created. Scanned Image Logical Archive definition Figure 6-7: Object relationships in ArchiveLink basic customizing ‘There are several different menu paths or transaction codes that might take the user to the same place in the SAP system. Throughout this course, ‘transaction codes will be primarily used. Hawever, it should be noted that whenever a customizing task is being performed, if@ transaction cade can bbe used then there is alco a corresponding menu path within the SAP IMC. ‘The SAP IMG can be reached as follows: 1. Type InSPRO in the command field of the SAP GUI (the /n instructs the system to opan a new” session and closes the current session. In order 4p open an additional session, replace the “n" with ano"). 2. Click the SAP Reference IMG button. This is the root of the SAP IMG. 3. Drill down to the appropriate level of the IMG to find the configuration step you need. ‘The SAP IMG houses all comfiguration steps forall functionality within the SAP system. Itcan be daunting and itis easy to get lost. “The best remedy is to dick on the binoculars at the top of the screen, type in familiar phrase (for example, ArchiveLink) and ‘the systom will return a hit list of manu paths where the ‘configuration steps contain the word ArchiveL ink. ‘Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulians Pave 6-9 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Custamizing for VIM ‘Transaction SPRO All of SAP customizing is performed in the IMG. GF Imekmentation Gude Edt Goto Aditonal Information Unkies System Heb o! «se O00 SHR PHOT AD Display IMG SB Gh Casting 8c Sets BC Sets for Activity Activated BC Sets for Activity Sucre perenne) ili | Enterprise Content Management Integration Genre @umness Teale [ i He i ies eee { \ Pause @10 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM ‘The IMG is generally broken dawn into sections by functionality and tends {tp comaspond to the roles of those configuring the system. For instance, ‘tmchnical communication and sysiam paramaters would generally be a tack for an SAP Basis expert, and this isin a distinct location in the IMG. Other ‘examples would be Separate configuration areas for VIM consultants, ArchiveLink consultants, Netweaver portal consultants, and functional business consultants, [Ga Mcivel ink customizing might aio be reached via the OpenTed IMG, which is transaction code: infoptlspro. From there, navigate to Crocs Component Configuration -> SAP Archivel ink Configuration. & third altemative is to access SAP transaction cade OAM! and then to navigate to the menu Customizing -> Basic Customizing For the purposes of customizing the basic ArchiveLink settings required for this course, the steps will be carried aut on a transaction by transaction basis, which is described next. ‘Transaction OAD2 This transaction is necessary if a non-standard document class must be used for archiving. For example, ASCII is the non-standard document class. {for archiving document-lists. Ifa new Document Class is required, press the New Entries bution and pracead. [A OAD2is useful when an adiions document cass required. In this case, its important to add the correct mime type éo that the browser can ditinguich which application to start when opening the images. Vendar Involee Management for SAP Soluliana Paws &11 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM os + €M OOO SHH HHOH AD ev Change View "ArchiveLink: Document classes": Overview $@ reves BARB KE Figure 6-9: Transaction OADZ ‘Transaction OAC? The next customizing table manipulated by the wizard is the list of acument type definitions (illustrated in the next figure). You can access it via transaction OAC2. It stores the dacument type name, description, and document class (fram QAD2) assignment. A fourth attribute “status” is also included, but it has no significance in the context of Archivel ink archiving, For an existing decument type, you may alter the description and dacument lass here. Moreover, you can add descriptions in other languages than the ‘one used for ezeating the document type. This is strongly recammended for companies operating SAP in mukiple languages. You may also choose to create a new document type directly here. To do: this, click the New Entries bution to invoke the New Entries: Details of (Created Eniries dialog, then enter the requested document type atrbutes. Pans @-12 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM Figure 6-10: ‘Transaction OACZ Hf you do £0, do nat forget to link the document type to @ logical archive aflerwards (described in the next step). o «O00 SHH PHOT (Change View "Global document types": Overview Po tents BER BR BK ‘Transaction OAC3 This transaction is used to establish a link between the given SAP object type, document type, and the logical archive. You can review and alter this information using this transaction. The screen that appears contains an overview of all the links defined (illustrated below). The fields have the following meanings: 1. 0bj. type ~The SAP abject to which an archived document of the specified document type (see below) becomes linked, 2. Doc. type - The archived document to be processed according to this link information entry. 3. S (Cstatus") - Effectiveness of the link customizing entry. "means active, everything else means inactive. 4. Content R. ID of logical archive - (cantamt repository) that will rzcaive documents of the specified document type. 5. Link-Name of the link table where this association is stored in the SAP database. 6. Ret. per.- Retention periad of an archived document (only for documentation} interpreted as number of months. ‘Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulians Paws &-13 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM For editing existing You first have to switch from display mode to change mode by clicking the Pencil and Glasses icon. After this, you may also create naw entrias by clicking tha Now Eniries button. Archiving scenarios Before we discuss the more complicated aspect of customizing the ‘seenarios which require workflow, itis prudent that we discuss the archiving seenanas themselves. Early Archiving In VIM there willbe multite document types that flow through the Early ‘Store and assign [Storing for subsequent ny is used in VIM processing. This indicates that the storage of the document happens before its ascociated businass object is entored, Pane 14 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM ‘Scenario-dependent customizing for Workflow ‘Workflow Document Figure 6-12: ‘Scenario dependent ‘customizing, Workflow Tash Workllow Parameters Customizing document archiving with workflow comprises elernents of basic customizing for SAP ArchiveLink (as all scenarios da) as well as scenario ‘specific parts. In VIM itwill be necessary to invoke workflow. Therefore, in this section we will discuss how io integrate workllow customizing on top af the basic layer of customizing ‘The Archivelink document type customizing wizard merges all involved document type-related customizing steps inio a single action, relieving you cof walking through all necessary steps yourself (2. you can sill use the wizard for workflow document types). "You can only use the wizard to link the Archivel ink Docurnent ‘Type to one SAP Business Object. Therefore, you will need to do: additional customizing (ACS) after using the wizard. ‘Setting up a document type for archiving with workfow is therefore menfoned in the next figure as a single customizing step that is shared between the basic customizing and scenario dependent customizing blocks. (atetalateietatoiatiotebia SS ee umd In this customizing scenario, workllow-specific values must be populated. ‘These are the object method, the warkfiow task, and the warkflaw parameter. This tells the system what will happen to the object when the first worklow step is executed. ‘Tasks are a part af the SAP Workflow camponent. They direct certain steps cor an activity in the system in the overall workflow definition. Parameters may be passed for the abject method that is called. These are not necessary in the VIM context. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 6-15 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Custamizing for VIM ‘Agents In addition to the work item recipient specification in the context of Set up of a Workflow ArchiveLink customizing, atleast one agent must be assigned to 2 workflow task — meaning that only the ascigned agents are allowed to execute this task. This implies that, performing document archiving with workhow, tha work item recipient determined by Archivel ink customizing must also ibe assigned to the warkiew task implied by the document archiving step (otherwise, archiving the document will fi) Let's take an example for illustration. The information that SAP requires \when setiing up 2 document type is stored in multiple configuration tables. However, there is no need to maintain each manually. Instead, ArchiveLink provides a document type customizing wizard that automates editing of the involved tables into a single dialog sequence. During this sequence, you are queried for all of the document attributes discussed in previous steps. For the Store for Subsequent Eniry sconario, for incoming invoices, handled by the SD module. the following values would be used for the workflow parameters (Agent may be handled with the wizard or without per the following instructions): seemtcert [omens ‘Object Metbod TDF - Regisralion of Obj ‘Workow Task ws00237300| Wortiow Parameters | NA 1. Invoke the customizing wizard by entering transaction OADS. In the initial screen, chick the Continue button. 2. Enter the name of your new decument type and a meaningful description for it. The name must bagin with ¥ or Z. 3. You are queried for a document type template. if you know an already existing document type whose atinbutes you would lke to use as ‘suggestions for your new decument type, you can enter its name here. Normally, you can leave this field emply. Press Continue. 4. Select option Workflow document type (this is critical). Press Continue, 5. Enter the document class (fle format) that documents of this type shoul have. For scanned documents, this is usually FAX, but other choices are possible. 6. _Entor the SAP object type that the document type is to be linked to. Furthermore, most of the workllow-related parameters discussed before are to be entered here: Eniry section: Only neaded for preparing ‘Store and Enter’ andlor ‘Storing for Subsequent Entry’. Assignment section: Cnly naeded for preparing ‘Store and Assign’ _andior "Storing for Subsequent Assignment. Paue 6-18 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM Ifyou are preparing “Store and Assign’ only, nothing outside of the abject ype needs to be entered. The wizard will display 2 warning inease you have omitted ane ore mare entries, but this is okay, confirm it fo continua. 7. The workilow parameters dialog appears only if you have filled out the Entry section of the previous dialog. It presents a list of possible workflow parameters forthe chasen SAP objact type and method. Fill in the parameter values, if required. (this is not required during this. ‘raining class) Press Continue. 8. Enter the basic customizing attributes of the dacument type: Content Repository ID (logical archive ID), link table, and document reterion period (number of months). Recall ratention period is purely for documentation purposes in this dialog. Click Continue. 9. This and the remaining dialogs let you decide which presettings (lists of available document types for archiving; usually grouped according to departments or businass areas) you want to include your dacunent {ype in. Ifyou want to add your documant type to one or mora of the existing presettings, mark them in the list presented here. ifyou want to create 4 new presetting to add your document to, you may enter ana (or more) at the next screen. Make the following entries: ID: A unique four-character, alpha-numeric identifier. Since the list ‘of prasotings is presented in alphabetical order of these IDs, your identifier will decide the position at which your new setting will ‘appear within the presetiings list. ¢ Name: The presetings description that will be presented tothe user ‘when he is about to Stora a docurnant. ‘You should choase at least one existing entry or specify at least one new presatiing in this step. 10, Foreach presetting chosen, specify here the warkliow agent responsible for processing a stored document of the given type. Make the follawing entries and then click Continue: @ OT (abject type” — left column): The type of the target agent. © ID: The specific agent for this documenttype. The value mustbe an ‘existing one with regard to the chosen agent type OT. "You may leave the two aforementioned fields emply. In this ease, the SAP user who archives a document is automatically chosen as the responsible agent for this document. In this training class, these fields will be left empty. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 6-17 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Custamizing for VIM ‘11. Lastly, enable the desired storage scenarios by making checkmarks in the corresponding columns. (For viewing the complete column headings, you may widen the columns. by dragging them with the mouse). For this training class, we will use ‘Storing for subsequent entry. 42. Confirm the final wizard dialog by pressing the Complate bution. ‘Agent assignment is performed outside of the customizing wizard. If you de-not want to restrict a workflow task to specific agents, youcan declare it as a “general task’. This indicates thateveryone isallowed fo execute it. This is the recommended configuration for cases without spacial mctricion requirements. IW itis required that a task must have a specific agent assignment: 1. Enter transaction PFTS; the Maintain Standard task screen appears. 2. Enter the number of the task to be maintained in entry field Standard task, i.e. 30001128 for the default “document entry” task and click the Display (glasses) button; the Standard Task: Display screen appears. 3. Chose manu iter Adcitional data -> Agent assignment -> Maintain; the Standard task: Maintain Agent Assignment screen appears. 4. Toassign a specific agent, continue as follows: Click the displayed task name and choose menu item Agent assignment ~> Create; the Choose agent type (possible values in next table) dialog appears. Choose an ‘agent type. Depending on the chosen type, a selection dialog appears where you can search for and select a specific abject. 5. To declare the tasks a “general task Click the Properties button: the ‘Task: (task name) dialog appears. Select option General task and confirm with the Transfer button. Label | Name Description Examples us User ‘Single SAP User as JOESMITH maintained in SAP user management P Person Employee as maintained | Joe Seah, in SAP HOM Personal #123 s Position ‘The SAP wer with ie | Dieter of Sale position maintained Finance Manager c eb AILSAP users with this job | Malesial Handler assigned Line Worker ° Organizational | Seif detined oet of SAP | Payee Unt users Adminstration NASsiee Group Paue 18 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM Label | Name Description Examples a ‘Work Center| Members of @ certain | Ptant 1000 aspectol the company | GA Inspection At Empty | none The user who archives he docunnea The above table shows the possible types of workflow agents for document archiving with workflow. ‘Mostof the types assume a set of multiple SAP users as possible work item ‘executors. All included executors can access the work iter in their respactive workplace inboxes; as soon as the first ane opens the work item, it automatically disappears from all others’ inboxes. Since itis almost always reasonable to have a group of users as a workflow ‘agen, “organizational unit’ is the mast commonly used agent type. Example of setting up a Here, we show the steps used in invoking the customizing wizard to create Workflow Document an Archivel ink Document Type. ‘Type: using the Wizard, transaction OADS 1. Invoke the customizing wizard by entering transaction OADS. Tee | Be [cnet 2. Click the Continue bution. Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Page 6-19 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM ‘ona BGan OG Figure 6-14: Create the ArchiveLink Document Type 2. Enter the name of the new document fype and a meaningful description fort. The name must bagin with "Yor 7. Click Continue to proceed. Paue €-20 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM eee Sew cet Figure 6-15: Document Type template option 4. If there is an existing document type whose attributes could be used as ‘suggestions ("template") for the new document type, it could be entered here. Normally, this field is left empty. Click the Continue button, Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Page 6-21 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM Sa ies aed Figure 6-16: Activating Workllow 5. Select the Workllow document type check bax. Click the Continue button. Paue @-22 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM Figure 6-17: Document Class 6. Choose the Document Class FAX. Click the Continue bution. Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Paae 6-23 Seo | 3 come Oca | Figure 6-18: Business Object and Workflow specifies. 7. Enter the type of SAP objects that documents shall be linked to. Begin vith (OTXIPFOIR, which is for the incoming Document. Also, enter the Workiow Mathod and Task which correlate to the scenario you are am — Method: IDF- Registration of document — Task: ws000297300 Press the Continue Button. A warning will pap up, click on the Green (Check mark ioon to accept it. Paue @-24 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM ces [3 conte Onn Figure 6-19: Content Repository, Link table, and Retention period 8. Make the following entries: ‘© Cont. Rap. ID- The ID af the lagical archive (use V7 for training) ‘that shall receive the documents. (©) Link- The name of the link table where Archivel ink shall store document links. TOAD! is one example. ‘+ Retention per. - Designated document retention periad (numberof :months). This is only for documentation. Documents will not be deleted automatically. This parameter can be left empty. 9. Click Continue. Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Paws 6-25 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM Figure 6-20: Existing Preseltings 410. Ifa new precetting ic dacirad, press Continue. Otherwise, choose the Pane €-28 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM tu tee oan Figure 6:21: Create new presetings Optional: Choose an identifier. 0000 wauld appear as the first entry. ZZZZ would appear as the last. Far this training class, use OOF, where your user number. Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Page 6-27 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM e__ ee 1 Figure 6-22: Choose the Archiving scenario 112. Choase the Archiving scenario using the check bax ’Storing for ‘Subsequent Entry (this scenario and the others are described in the ext section). Click Continue. Paue €-28 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM ee arses at Figure 6-23: Complete the Wizard 43. Confirm the final wizard dialog by pressing the Complate bution. Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Page 6-29 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM Linking additional Now that the Archive ink Document Type has been created, the additional Dbjects iothe SAP Business Objects which will reference your archived image, should be ‘ArchiveLink Document inked to this Archive ink Document Type. Use OAC3 to eraate naw link Tye ontriee via transaction OAC3. os € GOO SHR NHAH AD es DDisplay View “Links for Content Repositaries”: Overview SBEB | fo Content Rapetoris Pane €-30 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM Presettings Praseltings are used to pre-populate the values a user needs to start the archiving scenario. The system allows these to be saved for convenient rouse. A prasetting folder represents a preset group of Archive ink Document Types. The group contains the types that are related by workplace or by application. Grouping types together in a preset group provides a more effective overview of Archivel ink Document Types on the initial screen of the storage process Store Documents (transaction cade ‘OAWD). oO -«M OOO SHH PHHA ADA OD © Change View "Entries": Overview > Newetes IS BBB Figure 6-25: Transaction OAWS: ‘Step by step Tho below ctaps iterate how to view andlor maintain document archiving prosettings: 1 Enter transaction OAWS; the screen Change View ‘Default setting’ ‘Overview appears, displaying a list ofall defined presetfings on the right window pane. 2. Add, rename, or delete presettings, using the taskbar buttons. 3. To view/edit on document type level, continue as follows: © Mark the presetting you want fo viewledit by clicking into the empty rectangle button fo the left of the list entry. @ Inwindow section “Dialog Structure’, double-click Entries; the ‘screen Change View ‘Entries’: Overview appears, displaying the list ‘of document type entries of the chosen seting. © You may now add, change, or delete document type items, using ‘the taskbar buttons, Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Pause &-31 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Custamizing for VIM lo ‘Store documents ‘ArchiveLink provides personalization options for each SAP users archiving presettings. To maintain your personal view, enter transaction OAWD ('Store documents"), then chaose menu item Settings -> User settings. The dalog which is shown in the next figure will appear. "€H GOO SAK EHH DD e SEER4EO Figure €-26: Transaction QAWD for personalization of PreSettings ‘Several of these options are explained here: - Fastpath to storage scenarios: When disabled, no scenario loons are displayed in the presetfings lists (Iransaction CAWD). To select a ‘scenario, you must double-click the document type name; this will bring Up another dialog bax giving the choice among the enabled scenarios. © Display kay not tong text: Normally, the presettings list will represent presettings by their names. However, names need not be unique. To have an unambiguous presettings identifier displayed, select this ‘option; presattings IDs will then be displayed instead of their names. © Limit view to::Soms users who are archiving documents will never need to visit more than one specific presetting (that commesponds to their business activity or department) In this case, this option can be chosen {io jump directly into a setting when a document should be archived, omitting tha intermadiata step of choacing one of the available presettings. In order to activate this option, select the desired presetting from the list prior to opening the User settings dialog. Paue @-32 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Customizing for VIM : Customize an ArchiveLink Document Type for Workflow In this exercice you will create a Workflaw-enabled Archival ink Document ‘Type using the Customizing Wizard (transaction OADS). We will use the ‘scenario of incoming invoice images that are manually indexed (non-OCR)_ ‘Adhere to the following naming conventions: @ Document Type - ZiHi#t_INW (whore tis your ascigned participant number) © Document Class - FAX SAP Business Object -JOTXIPFOIR, © Workflow Task - WS00297300 © Workflow Method - Registration Incoming Document B Customize an ArchiveLink Document Type 4 Log onto the SAP system with youruser User where ti your assigned pertcpant 1. 2. Type snOADS into the command fel, and press enter. 3. Glick the continue button. 4. Enter the name ZiHt_INV in the field Doc. Type. (i should be replaced by the particant number assigned by the insructo). 5. Enter a meaningfil name inthe name field, and click continue & Leave te template Boc.ype ld Blank, and click contin 7. Chock the workiow document tye check box, and cick continue. 8 Type FAX in te document class fel, and chick continue. 8. Type /OTXIPF-OIR inthe Obj, Type fold and WS00297300 inthe Task field and cick continue. 10, Click the Groen check mark when the warning pap up appears, 1, Populate Cont-Rep. and the Link flds, with Ad and TOACI respectively, populate Retention per. = 120foptionaly), and press Conte 42, Donat choose an existing preseting. Click Continue. 1, For your preseting, use ID = 0032 where 22s your partiipant number: Populai the Name feld wih something meersngfu,fckide your name or parbipant number far quck reference lator Chick Continue 14. Choose the ‘Storing for Subsequent Entry’ scenario (the first check: box). De not populate any other fields. Click Continue. 18. Click the Complete button. Vendar Involee Management for SAP Soluliana Paae 6-33 Chapter 6. SAP ArchiveLink Custamizing for VIM 16. When the prompt for a customizing request is presented, click on the Paper icon to create @ new request. Give it a descriptive name. Use the ‘Save ican and assign your customizing to this request for the rest of the: class. [Ants exercise, the stops forthe Customizing Wizard ae dictated. However, the single SAP transactions could be employed Summary In this exercise you will link three additional SAP Object Types to your Workflow Decument Type(s) (created in the previous exercise) using transaction OAC3: Link Z##_INV (manually indexed invoicas) with JOPTIV1001, BUS2081 and BKPF. Link additional SAP Object Types 1. Type OAC3 into the command fold. 2 Press Enter. 3. Use the Eyeglasses icon to move into the Change View. 4. Find the existing entry for your document type, highlight it 5. Click on the Magnifying Glass icon to view the details. 6. Glick the Cony icon. 7. Change the following field: 2 Object Type 8. Click the Green check mark. 9. Save your entry. 110. Repeat for each abject type and document iype cambination. In order to set up the link between SAP and Archive Center, the standard ArchiveLink interface is used. In order to ulize this interface for VIM, tha concepts of Archiveliink ware introduced. From these concepts we see that we can link a document to a descriptive document type, to a decument lass to describe its file format, to an SAP object to describe its processing. and fo a logical archive to tell where it will be placed on the Archive Center. In order to invoke the more robust workllow scenarios, we investigated how 1p customize workflow settings associated with a document type. Paue @-34 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 7. VIM Role Framework VIM Role Framework Objectives Ga completion of this section, participants should be able to: Build a VIM Role ¢ Explain Role Determination in VIM workllow scenarios © Identify Baseline Roles What is the VIM Role Framework? Roles In Vendor Invoice Management, a role is used to define 2 group of various business users who parform the came business tacks within an activity. Role definition in VIM is configurable by the customer, allowing for unique business situations to be accounted for. A VIM role wil ultimately determine: which SAP Agent will be called for certain workflow tasks. Essentially this {lls the workflow whose inbox to send a workflow task to So, VIM Workflow queries VIM Role Resolution in order to determine the SAP User and their authorizations, which is then sent back to the workflow for correct routing of tasks. This is depicted in the figure below. ‘Ata high level, the VIM role infrastructure: Isa thin layer over the SAP workflow rule framework. Provides one intuitive standard infrastructure for maintenance © Is used in VIM Central Reporting Vendar Invoiee Management fer SAP Soluliens Pave 7-1 Chapter 7. VIM Role Framework Baseline Roles Some of the standard VIM rales that are provided out of the box by OpenText are: © Scanner + indaxer © Duplicate Analyst Accounts Payable Expert © Accounts Payable Processor # Buyer (PO) # Requisioner or Requestor Receiver (PO) # Approver © Cader Vendor Maintenance # ConiractAgent (PO) * TaxExpon Information provider © Service Requestor # Service Approver Step by step: Create a In order to create a Roe, the following steps should be fllowed Role 4. Type the /OPTICP_CXS transaction code into the command fiald. Press Enter. GF betes fet Ge Selena tes Setem Hee o -€H G00 & rnat ‘Change View "Role Maintenance”: Overview Noein BRO EF oe Marten rocket Cade Mle FoweTz SA exeear Eat son OPTI 08S Ar racorsson "AP mcenor CP_SCxs 0s Bae cos Dave 08 ack Art eos Indexer cos Inlet Beater 0s a FO AP Recess - Oecument roc 0s ¥ ar PO er (208 © mPo_uD_cwe Nan PO Dupe Chas -Oosamant Pras 008 APO THOHEEFR Hen PO near -Onoment roceang 2. Select the New Entries button, Paws 72 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 7. VIM Role Framework [able View Edt Goto Sefecton’ Utiiieg System — Help o[ «OOO BHF New Entries: Overview of Added Entries | roms «SC S BRB | New Entries interface «ale Mabtenance Product Code | Role loos, |z_OOAPBROCESSOR 8. Populate the following fields: = Product Code - Possible values for Product Code are: 005 and PIR. = Role- The name of the new role. — Description - The description of the new rale. — Additional Key Determination Function Module - If applicable, enter ‘the name of the function medule which will determine the agent. (In ‘order io reach the other fields in this interface, the user must scroll ‘tothe right, pictured in the next figure). & ale Vow EM Gots Secon Uiy Saale I Oo. Km GOO SHH ONL New Entries: Overview of Added Entries Figure 7-4: SBRERE Other Fiekss inthe Role ‘creation interface — Key Determination - If applicable, select the check box. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Paue 7-3 Chapter 7. VIM Role Framework ‘Arole must have a template assigned to it. A template carries with it tributes that with the help of template fields and field mappings will corralate to the SAP business objact attributes. This is raferrad to as the VIM Role Framework. A visual description of this is depicted in the next ‘igure. Role Templates Figure 7-5: VIM Role framework ‘To summarize the main concepts af the VIM Role Framework, itis made up of Roles, Role Templates, and Template Fields. We have covered roles, ow we will bok more closely at Role Templates. Each role is based on 3 Role Template. Role Templates control how a Role is resolved. One template can be re-used for mulfiple rales. A template is usually defined by the Configuration consuliant. There are three types of Role Templains, ‘© Organizational Unit based - In this type of template, role resolution is ‘semi-dynamic. This is because this template tells the workfiow to send the task toa cerfain Organizational Unit. This could be a Wark Center or ‘@ Position. Since assignments of personnel to each Organizational ‘Object can change, the routing can change as well. For instance, if the template assigned 2 Work Center to a Role, all of the personnel who are attached to that Work Center (perhans Tax Agents) would be the recipients of that workflow task. Pause T4 Vendor Inveice Manasement for SAP Sulutiens Chapter 7. VIM Role Framework Function module based - In this type of template, role resolution is dynamic. Custam lagic or baseline lagic can be incorporated into @ function module that is assigned to the tamplate. An example of this would be logic that determines that the Buyer (Role) is the PO creator. ‘The PO creator is determined by a function module which extracts the PO craator from the Purchase Order. ¢ Fiold based -In this typo of template, role resolution is static. This used 1p be referred to a Key Determination typa. This type of tomplate is made up of template fields pointing to multiple business abject atinbutes. This type allows foreasy maintenance without the need for programming. i Cie Vw "Tenelae Deity Oro oo. Fem ooo ene Cone nD ee ‘Change ew “Tele Wei”: Oren o me DEORE ER In many cases, a standard delivered Role Template from OpenText will meet the needs of the customer. However, if need arises for a custom Role Template, the following series of steps can be followed: 1. Type the JOPTICP_9CX2 transaction into the SAP command field. 2 Press Enter. 3. In the Product Role Templates Configuration Overview screen, douible- lick Template Definition in the navigation pane. 4. In the Template Definition Seren, populate the following folds: ‘© Template ID - A descriptive character string fer the new template, 4 Deserption - The description of the new template © Type - Function Module Based, Org Unit, or Field Based. ‘© Object Type - For org unit based templates only. The Organizational Unit type (Le. Position, Work Center) © Agent ID - For org unit based templates only. The organizational units identifier (i. Position number or Work Center number). © Function Module - For function medule based temples only. Vendar Involee Management for SAP Soluliana Paue TS Chapter 7. VIM Role Framework Greating Role Template Role Template Fields must only be maintained for Field-based templates. Fields and Field Details Template Fields enumerate they key fields used in role determination. Once the Fialds and their value sats are populated, the Field Details should be maintained. This distinguiches how each field bahaves according to Product (Code. For mare information on haw to create the Fields and Field Details see the VIN 16.3.1 Configuration Guide pdf. ‘Step by step: Once a template definition is created, it can be assigned to multiple VIM ‘Assigning Templates = roles. toRoles 4. Type transaction code JOPTICP_9CX2 into the SAP command field. ‘Alternatively, navigata tothe VIN-specific Eacy Accass menu, expand the Roles folder, and highlight Template Maintenance. OF Hens Gt Envctes Ear Sistem Hb oo” «sm coo SHR DNL SAP Easy Access OpenText Vendor Invoice Management ae Aotermen we fH & Egon Bevo + Figure 7-7: ° Mat 0P Cosaare = takes moe ait iia Ra Manton © sero Moe fe Mesure = G09 Martrsece Uety 5 1 al Sloe Matemance + Re Testy © B) Coder/Apgrover Opters Congestion Barve Anson Pause TS Vendor Inveice Manasement for SAP Sulutiens Chapter 7. VIM Role Framework «8000 Gh OHHH aD ov Change View “roduc oe Template Coviguraton”; review i 9 wm: RSOKREB | meee) ier sin nkosi { Pigue 7: ‘Transaction JOPT/ comes) cP ocx? ee a | = =——T re | fae] | a ee 3. Click on New Entries. ‘@ Table View Edt Gaty Selection Wilting System tile j Oo! “48 G00 Sh CNOFT New Entries: Overview of Added Entries: j Figure 7: roa Tete Catan | Pas gil ay eae Ame New Product Role a) | Template configuration J o i a i T o 9 T =I Oo T a ‘Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulians Paue 77 Chapter 7. VIM Role Framework 4. Specily the following fields: © Product Code © Responsible party © Template 1D © Active check box [A Tite Active check box is nt salacted, then the Rola to template assignment will not be used by workflow. This allows for multiple assignments to be in configuration, but for exactly ane torbe picked up by the system at any given time. 5. Save your enties. Role Determination or Ai this stage, the Roles have been created (Le. AP Processor), the Resolution ‘Templates have been created (1 ORGUNIT), the Template to Foole assignment has been made (Le. the AP Processor role in Product Code 005 willbe determined by Org. Unit). The last remaining step is to establish which organizational unit for Product code 006 will be the AP Processors. This is Role Determination. In this step, you define the runtime values that the system uses to resolve rales for a given product cade. ‘These values are populated in the following manner: Step by step: Selting up 1. Type transaction code /OPTICP_9CXA into the command line. ‘Role Determination Alternatively navigata to the VIM Easy Access Menu and choose the ‘Simple Mode Role Maintenance option. Oo. «ml Coo SHR OND ‘SAP Easy Access OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 5 Te & Rotem we 4 Ww [pcre Figure 7.10: i ‘Menu for launching the ‘ "hk hc cde ad Chea ype ‘Single Mode Rie ‘en + 1G) Temote Martenance i { fr Paws 7-8 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 7. VIM Role Framework & pes Ge Geto Gomer Seem mee } 1 oO. "MH GOO SHR PENH ADDSes | Maintain Role / User Management - Template based i { vapiay (orange | a Rs ae Tam Figure 7-18: Role J User Management maintenance transaction 3. Ensure you are in Change mode and on the left pane, highlight the role that you want to assign values to. Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Paue 7-2 Chapter 7. VIM Role Framework 4. Inthe right hand pane: = the tamplata type is Field-hasad: ‘+ Maintain values for the fields displayed, = the template type is Function module-based: © New Func. Modulo- Entor the: custom function module for role determination. = the template type is Org. Unit, fillin the following fields: + New Agent Type- Select the agent type (US for user ID, S for position ete). * New Agent Id- Depending on the agent type, select the agent Id (GAP user ID, position etc.). 5. Save your enbies. Fail Safe and Default Key Within the User Assignment interface, in the last diagram, the fisids for Fail Safe and Default Key were introduced. These are explained further here: Fail Safa - if Role Determination fails for this Role, the tack ic assigned to the agent in the Fail Safe fils, © Default Key - Ifa particular user should always be the default agent for 4 task, then that agent should be in the Default Key field In order to populate these fields, use transaction cade /NIOPTICP_9CXt0. ss GR Gee Get Stn Heb ol 1H GOO HK ENOP AD es Display Fail Safe Role / User Management Dongen /orange Paue 7-10 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 7. VIM Role Framework Exercise: Identifying Template definitions ln this exercise, for each of the listed VIM roles, you will identify the active template ID used and details behind each template definition: VIM Role ‘Active Template ID | Template Details (Business Object attributes, ane Type Fa, oF Org Unit) ‘OO5/INFO_PROVIDER LOWRECENER, ‘entity template definitions 4. Enter transaction code /OPTCP_9CX? into the command field. 2. Press Enter. 3. Find the listed VIM role, and enter the details into the abave table. : Creating two new Roles Vendar Invoiee Management fer SAP Soluliens Page 7-11 Chapter 7. VIM Role Framework 2 In this exercise you will create two new roles for product code 005: © 2##NDEXER © Z#HAPPROC Create two new rofes 1. Enter transaction code /nOPTICP_9CXS inte the command field, press Enter (Alternatively you could open the VIM Easy Access Menu, open the Feoles folder, and choose Role Maintenance). 2. Affer ensuring you ara in Change mode, click on the New Entries button. 3. Farthe two VIM roles, enter the Product Cade, Role, and Description fois. 4. Save your entries. : Connect your New Roles to a Template definition 2 Connect your roles to one or mare template definitions 1. Retum to the /OPT/CP_9CX2 transaction code main menu (Alternatively you could open the VIM Easy Access Menu, open the Roles folder, and choose Template Maintenance). 2. Highlight the Product Fale Template Configuration folder in the left hand ane. 3. Click on the New Entries button, 4. Populate the relevant fields far each of your new rales and your new template. Exercise: Connect the new Roles to Agents Connect your two Roles/Template assignments to an SAP User, Work Center, or Organizational Unit 1. Enter transaction code /OPTICP_9CX4 in the command ‘islet (Alternatively you could open the VIM Easy Access Menu, open the Feoles folder, and choose Simple Mode Role Maintenance). 2. Prose Enter. 3. Highligh the Product Code with Active Template on the left hand pane. 4. Double click this folder. 5. Ensure you are in Change made. 6. Populate Agent Type and Agent ID (a suggestion would be to use Agent ‘Type US and your SAP User ID: User-ii}). Paws 7-12 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 7. VIM Role Framework 7. Click Save. 8. Repeat for the second Rolo. Summary In this chapter, the concept of the VIM Rote framework was introduced. The ‘concept of a role to define the users responsibil in the system was introduced. Templates for assigning certain enteria for role determination were discussed, along withthe eventual assignment of a iemplate io a ole. Lastly, the assignment of values or agents fo the Product Role Template combination wat covered. With these throe new coneapts, the VIM Role framework i fully defined, Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 7-13 Chapter 7. VIM Role Framework Test your knowledge 4. Which type of template can be used in the following scenarios: ‘The Requisitioner should be the value inthe fisid Requisiioner within the [PO in the tine item fla ‘Thera are two users who handle all vendor maintenance for the erganization. They belong to the Master Data group. Each AP Processor should awn one Campany Codes invoices. Each Buyer should be assigned to handling invoices for a specific Plant. Paue 7-14 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 8. Business Center Inbound Configurat 8. Business Center Inbound Configuration Objectives (On completion of this section, participants shauld be able to: dently the elements of Inbound Configuration @ Monitor incoming documents in Inbound Processing © Customize aspects of Inbound Processing \ViMuses Business Center Inbound Configuration for incoming invoices. itis acigned to receive and pre-procass documents in many formats. When used with VIM, it supports scanning, OCR, e-mailed invoices, invoice uplead, and OT Archive Pipelines (batch Load, stand-alone scanning without OAWD) as input. oe at Figure 8-1: Business Center inbound processing Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Pace &-1 Chapter 8. Business Center inbound Con! uration Architecture Customizing Inbound Configuration Inbound Configuration determines. or generates (@.g. manual indexing) all index data from invoices. Index data is saved in so-called mapping ID's. From these tables the cubsaquent procassas pick up the index data. Invoices can be paper, PDF, XML and DOC formats. Itean be extended through customizing and additional sarvioa modules for flexible cupport of all incoming formats. This might include for example, rendering of IDOCs ‘and XML files of extracting data fram XLS and other formats. Inbound Configuration is a Business Center component, an OpenText add- ‘on to SAP (used here for VIM). Invaice input occurs through SAP channels such as [Docs, the non OGR interlace, the global RFC interlace, or the ‘OpanTaxt OCR interface. Onca into the systom, the framework then hands the document off to the DP pre-processing steps in order to determina how it should proceed through the VIM framework. +A Scenano Classiication desoribes the business context Y + Registration Types define the inbound touch paint of an incoming document (registration) } 2S + input Channels distinguish how the inven document wit aie * Document Handiers are used to route the document rough the | HI required tasks for negestration to VIM. J Rez + Service Modules are the technical implementalion of each task vw With Inbound Configuration, customization dictates how a document is, imported or captured and then dispatched, in the case of VIM toa subsequent workliow or to archiving. Inbound Configuration allows the user fo configure scenario classification. ‘Scenario classification registers documents for further processing in Business. Cantar according to their businacs context, for example: Sales Orders, Delivery Nates, or Invoices. The user can also configura haw the documents are processed coming fom different channels. Each document runs through dafined process stops, which ara indicated by the inbound handler process. Each procass step comprises several sarvios modules. Pause #2 Vendor Inveice Manasement for SAP Sulutiens Chapter 8. Business Center Inbound Configuration ‘These Service Modules which are integrated components of Business (Center Inbound offer specific functionality Peer eet Service Modules Figure 8: Inbound Configuration Each document runs through defined workflow staps indicated by the Inbound Configuration process. Workflow steps eansist of an ordored number of Service Modules. These Service Modules are integrated ‘components of the framework that offer the defined functionality. You can ‘enhanoe the Service Modules by adding new entries in customizing. In order to start customizing, the user should aocess the transaction code INIOTXIPFOO_IMG. This will open up Business Center specific configuration. Navigate to Inbaund Configuration, where the main configuration items are located, imoteme 1a Document Management wilh QuenTex! eDOCS OM Paue 8-3 Chapter 8. Business Center Inbound Configuration Display IMG oO “€8 G00 ShK Display IMG } SB ei Existing 8C Sets 6 BC Sets for Activity Activen. | Seacire j ~~ penifext Busnes Center for SAP Sokcars > General Setings f i “The following items can be configured from here: Channels uniquely identily the source of an incoming invoice to the VIM system across the landscape. This can be. for example, paper through ‘scan, fax, email, oF [Doc. To configure a channel, you need the registration type. © Scenario Classification registers documents for further processing in Business Center according fo their business context. In other words, it ives a semantic description of the process which should occur for the incoming data (i. Vendor Invoice Management should be triggered for incoming invoices). Paue @-4 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions & Change View "Scenario Classificetion”: Overview oO “em G00 HK HHO TD es Change View “Scenario Classification”: Overview S Nveme BS ORE Chapter 8. Business Center Inbound Configuration } t i i eo. # ‘Tekever Froceas Foundation Inbound Processing) E-nwoicing requiras some special considerations. ‘The start of the incoming document workflow can be triggered by specific information that is extracted from the incoming e-mail. For example, the type of attached document that should initiate the incoming decument workflow can be specified. If the e-mail has other dacuments with different mime types attached, these documents are handled as simple attachments ‘tp the specitic work item. In order to-effectuate this, the function module (use default FM JOPTIC_IDH_CUSTOM_MAIL_HANDLER) would be populated in the parameter called IDH_MAIL_ATT_HANDLER. This parameter is in the Webflow Constant Table (/PTGWFUZ_CONST). ‘A.couple of options exist for monitoring the activity of e-mail based input. ‘The first is to view logging e-mail data via SAPconnect inbound send requests (Transaction Code: SCOT). From the main menu, acoass Utiliies - > Inbox Overview. The user can also view incoming e-mail data in the IDH table JOPTICT_IDH_MAIL. This table data is available as input for reporting later. [A The standard product dows not support sending e-mails back io the sender or forwarding messages to SAP Business Workplace. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 8-11 Chapter 8. Business Center Inbound Can! uration The Document Pipeline EDI configuration Incoming documents can be handled using the OpenTaxt Document Pipeline. Document Pipeline processing must be linked to the defined function module of the inbound Configuration inside SAP. A specific RFC mode must be set that matches the customizing enizy on the remote Document Pipeline. ‘Additional information on the Document Pipeline can be found in the OpenTaxt Business Center for SAP Solutions configuration guide. ‘The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) scenario in VIM is based on the standard SAP document format Intermediate Document (IDoc). IDocs allow Document Handler -> Registration > Early Archiving. 4. Double-click this task to execute i 5. Click on New Entries. Pave 18 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 8. Business Center Inbound Configuration 6. Use the following values to create a table entry: © Document Type: Z##_INV (your own) © Channel: AWD © Module Handler: INDEXING © Classification: PS03_VIM_INVC 7. Press the Save ican. Summary In this chapter we introduced Business Center's Inbound Configuration tool. This tool is used far configuring the system to handle incoming documents from inception through to the trigger of the VIM system processing. We introduced main configuration elements and also covered exceptional inbound scenarios such as invoicing and Ariba invoicing. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 8-17 Chapter 8. Business Center inbound Cont Paue 18 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing Document Processing Objectives (On completion of this section, participants shauld be able to: Identify the main concepts of Document Processing configuration Configure Documert Types, Process Types, Process Options, and Business Rules ‘© Recognize advancements in Document Processing, coined Best Practices’ © Perform some advanced configuration options Document Processing Overview Document Processing can be explained as the pre-precessing of all incoming documents that are to go through VIM. Itis an intermediate stop along the way as 2 paper or electronic invoice becomes an SAP posted dacument. This is 2 way for invoices to be checked for erraneous or missing data and duplicates prior toattempling to post the document in SAP. The input to Document Procascing is the papar based invoice, the output is an ‘SAP document. ‘Anta Natwerk cates Figure 9-1: Decument Processing in the VIM Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Pace ot Chapter 9. Document Processing Customizing [An overview of the steps involved in customizing the Document Processing Document Processing follows: 1. identify and configure the various Dacument Types 2. Greate relationships between Document Types and respective Archivel ink Document Types 3. Make determinations about manual versus automated processing of Document Types 4. Identify any logical modules required for each scenario 5. Identify the process types required for each scenario 6. Identify and configure the indexing screen fields 7. Identify and configura all roles required within each scenario (or process type) 8. Identify and configure the process options associated with each swim lane 9. Identify and configure the business rules (process type determination) 10. Configure the Business Rules Framework (BRF) 11. Configure global customization settings Figure 9-2: Decument Processing Pane 92 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing Main concepts ‘Some of tha basic concapts of Document Processing are newly introduced. A detailed explanation of each follows. Product Codes Product Cades delineate the VIM system according to the functionality. These codes. when seen in the technical namespace should clus the user cor daveloperin to where the functionalily lies or its use. The following product codes are typically referred to: 005 - DP Document Workfiow © LIX- MM Invoice Exception Workflow @IAP- Invoice Approval Workflow Best practicesfor Best Practices are used to support automation and compliance and improve document processing process control and consists ofthe following three features: Logic Modules - newly introduced @ Businaes Rules - changed in this version ‘© Auto Past Determination - newly available Each element of Bast Practices will be further explained in this chapter. Document Types The DP document type is not the same as the SAP dacument type. The DP ecument type controls how the scanned dacumant is analyzed for ‘exceptions and routed for resolution. It also determines which SAP ‘transaction will be called for document creation and the fields available for indexing. The person doing the scanning must choose the document type when setting up the scan. I the incorect document-type i chosen, the incaract SAP document type and workflow willbe initiated. The document {types wil map to either an SAP PO invoice, an SAP Non PO invoice, a (Credit Memo, or a Freight Only Invoice. ‘Documents ypes should be used as global templates for invoice A processing; whereas more detailed configuration for processes and Serean layouts can be dane athe invoice characteristic level. This willbe discussed leer Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Pave 8-3 Chapter 9. Document Processing Step by step: Selling up As a resull of swimlane workshops (discussed in the chapter on custom Document Types Implementation Methodology), a project team is ready to start the Document Processing configuration. The main building block for this. ‘configuration is the Document Type. In mactcaces, OpenTaxt would recommend copying one global document type as a template for a customers own Document Type. The following steps outline how to do this: 1. Enter Transaction Code /OPT/VIM_1CX1 in the command field. 2. Press Enter. 2. Altematively, navigate to Vendor Invoice Management > Document Processing Configuration -> Document Type Configuration -> Maintain Document Types. ( OpenText Configuration °o ~ «8 @OO SHK EES DD ‘OpenText Configuration { SB] Esting BC Sets G8 BC Sets for activity Changelog Where else us Figure 9-3: Maintain Document Types menu path 4. Execute the Maintain Document Types task, by double-cicking on the Execute ican, Paue 9-4 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing © Change View "Document Type Definition": Overview o -¢€M GOO hk DHHHK AD es (Change View “Document Type Definition": Overview SE Neots BR ORR B Figure 9-4: Non PO global template for Document Type 5. Highlight one of the existing Document Types (this example will use the ‘Non PO Processing VIN16.3 (NPO_S4) Document Type) and press the Copy as icon (two paper documents side by side). [seme (2 0 IB Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Paue 9-5 Chapter 9. Document Processing 6. Rename the new Document Type with @Z or Y prefix. Populate the relevant fields for Basic Configuration: eed Porm/ansern zon PrN Eee Description - A.description of the new dacument type Number Range - Maintain the number range which affects the Document Processing Document Type ID ‘Classifier - Choose the classifier from the drop-down list. This repracents spacial invoice types cuch as down payments Document Index Type - This tells the system the origin of the data Invoice Type - This distinguishes between a PO and Non PO Default Archive Doc. Type If there is a 4:1 relation between the DP ‘document type and an ArchiveLink document type, select the ArchiveLink document type defined in the SAP ArchiveLink process. Ifyou do not have a fixed relationship, you can leave the field empty and create a mapping relationship laier or you can use & ‘dummy archive document type which is used for all non assigned DP document types /SAP FI DacType - Enter a fixed document type of function madule Figure 9-6: Custom Document Type Configuration Paue 98 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing 7. Save your changes by pressing the Green check mark icon or by pressing Enter. De Speoty objce to be cape x ‘The entry to be coped has eoetertorerts Cea Figue 7: a (et omy ery) vith all dependent entries, © Cord oF pst the erm tse 8 Click the copy all button. ol “th GOO SHH CHHS 1D ev ‘Change View "Document Type Definition": Details of Selected Set | b OF Doce Type 280 mpO__ Nan PO Pecans — [remeron be FO mee Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Paue 9-7 Chapter 9. Document Processing 8. Click on the Green check mark. oO ~€8 GOO Shik HHH AD ew Change View “Document Type Definition": Overview GG tome BS ORB BR Daun Payment Paces OM 7 5 ‘Nee PO Pree i cl Figure 9-9: New custom Decument Type ‘Additional fields in. The above sieps create the framework for a custom Bocument Type. Document Type deficition However, to affect the Document Type further, additional configuration is needed. This is explained next (or oonemare ype 508, N0 Inert Dera PO eva ‘ane Conga - ss asa am ta RO See ante arr on ‘ne ‘i Ont ema ‘vam ie Type ‘argue Oc = tu Tipe a ln con Oe. Type 200_22¢ Us OnomigInweeme SAP FDacType se ‘oh Lsoeen ater “ab 250 Maen “oh 3500en er ‘eh Sonn tae 1a Stow ee Figure 9-10: Indexing Screen Configuration Pane 9-8 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing oeuren foun Cenigaten can Date Defauk Process Type 200 = [a_PROCESEOR Daeg ostng Step Optom Dupe Gre Dats eatng le [AP_PROGESEON | Dupkate GeckGp 4 | 4-Seup (LIPPER ALDAT XBLNA), apay Ie Data Duplate Gheckitole _-AP_PROCESSOR ‘9 Dashboard Deer mane Populate the applicable fields for Procass Configuration: Document Posting configuration group — Default Process Type - Select the Process Type to be used if no other process type is determined. An example where this is used is when a document has no errors.and should directly be created in SAP. © Rescan Data group — Rescan Role - ifthe document data is not legible orifit must be re-scanned, it willbe routed as @ work item to this role. 4 Dislog Posting Step Options group = Posting Roole- Select the role that is responsible for posting the document (via dialog), if background posting fails. — Display Index Data- Select this check box to display the index document ina separate session while document posting so the user is able to reference the index dats. = Skip Dashboard- Select this check box to skip the dashboard step. Display Image- Select this check box to display the archived image linked fo the document in a separate session when the user processes the work item. © Duplicate Check Data group — Duplicate Check Grp- Select the duplicate check group defined. — Duplicate Gheck Roie- Select the role that gets the work item if the sysiem identifies the document as a potential duplicate Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Pave 9-9 Chapter 9. Document Processing Tome Dewerat| (S40 Tax Ostman Lage nth OF Ta Tae > Ta Cetera a Open Tet Ta Tate SP Ta Oates Lage 2 arr Tax Deternn ‘Gamer Pcten Hae ‘Tax Cade ro er Master 2 roe seg 3 cane 4 a 4 Figure 9-12: Tax and Line Item configuration for Document Types © Tax Configuration - This is a complex determination and the nuances of this configuration are covered in deta in the VIM 16.3 ‘Configuration Guide. Please see the subsequent note for an ‘explanation of the functionality associated with this configuration, [A When data ows to VIM irom extemal systems like an OCR syste, the tax code may not be supplied. However. for auto tax calculation, the tax code is important. Therefore, VIM provides & ‘tax code determination rule that tres to determine the tax code comesponding to the supplied tax rate, Line Item Configuration — Ling item data- Select the check box ifling item data is used that needs to be managed for the document (for example PO lines). @ Ignore Htams from Ext System - Select the check box ta indicate that no ling itemts should be taken into account. This means ling items are not mapped and nottransferred to VIM. This could be used for NPO invoices where line items are not relevant. PO Line Automation See the Vendor Invoice Management for SAP. ‘Solutions 16.3 Configuration Guide for configuration steps. This fold is described in the subsequent note. Paue 9-10 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing ‘VIM provides a feature to maintain PO fine determination. PO line numbers are important for PO invoices but when data is captured from exiornal systams like GCR systems, the PO line number often is not supplied. The Maintain PO Line Determination Procedures help the system to determine the PO line numbers. Process Types ‘AProcess Type defines what is going te happen to the invoice based on ‘some criteria. It could spell out specific invoice handling, such as the Process Type which parks the Non PO invoice in the background. Orit could dictate excaption handling. For example, ifa PO ic not roleased or is incomplete, what doas the system do with the invoice next? Essentially, Process. Types define the process flow. Process Types will specify tha Roles that are invalved inthe defined process including the initial actor of the process (Le. who executes this artion?). Process Typas also define the user's options at this stage of the process (i.e. Greate @ New PO). And lastly, Process Types define the background set up for the Batch Data Communication interface (BDC) that will be used in creating the resultant SAP dacument. Process types correspond one to-one with swimlane diagrams. Each document type requires at least one Process Type. But process types may be used in more than one document type. Step by step: Selling up In onder to configure a Process Type: 1. Type the transaction code: /OPTISPRO into the SAP command field. 2. Press Enter. 8. Navigate te Document Processing Configuration -> Process Configuration -> Maintain Process Types (typing the transaction cade / nIOPTIVIM_8C.X1 into the SAP command fiald will get the user to this same spat), Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 9-11 Chapter 9. Document Processing O° ~«€8 GOO Sh OpenText Configuration SS esting acsets 8 BC Sets for activity. Changelog = Where: else used Smear + B_Wender invoice Managernent ‘Decarent Pracesng Confers General Cong ation Category Speck: Confusion Document Type Conuraton Pane i i | i i { ; Paws 9-12 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing Change View "Process Type Definition”: Overview ] o “€H GOO hk CNH DIev Change View "Process Type Definition”: Overview 7 wwe BSORE FE i escape jase=e0o00osssosm—) 5. On the left, highlight the Process Type Definition folder 6 On the right, highlight the Process Type that is the closest match for the process you are trying to create. 7. Press the Copy ican. ‘Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulians Paae 9-13 Chapter 9. Document Processing o “€8 GOO HK EHH aD ee Change View "Process Type Definition”: Details of Selected Set Process Type {ser Process Hon 0 [nace (9 Figure 9-15: Process Type definition 8. Populate the following fds: @ Process Type (number): Three digit unique number - use an 800 or ‘900 series number for custom Process Types, tis wil distinguish ‘them during an upgrade for regression testing purposes @ (Process Type: Adescription of the Process Type © Intl Actor: Th inital role that will recsive the work am «Intal Actor Function Module: The custom function module which determines the intial rol, rifal actor is lft blank Is Excoption: This fiat marks the pracess typo as an excoption (which assumes this is not relevant for background document posting) # Charact. Check This fil is relevant for characteristic specific ‘configuration forthe following kinds of process types: — Process types that are specific oa single charactanistic or ‘Multiple characteristics — Process types that need to be checked for specific invoice cetogories in specific characteristics only — Custom process types that need to be executed only for certain invoice categories of a charactastic Pane 9-14 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing “The Characteristic check box tells the VIM system tn check the characteristics configuration before the check defined in the process type is executed en the invoice. Baseline configuration provides the chack box as selected for the baseline prooacs types ‘that need additional checks to be performed for the characteristic configuration ‘© Create SR - This indicates that the process type will create & ‘Service Request in Background (only for CRM SSF). “Additional fields are available for Process Type definition. Please refer to the OpanText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Configuration Guide v6.2.1 in the OpenText Knowledge Center for a complete lst of field descriptions 9. Press the Copy ican in the application tool bar: oO "«H GOO Shk CHHF 1D ew { ‘Change View "Process Type Definition”: Details of Selected Set b Pree Type 900 as Capes rooms Tree eat le Toad te In tacepen Cnet, Cook Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Page 9-15 Chapter 9. Document Processing 410. Choose the capy all bution. o “«“E GOO FHK CCHS 1 ee Change View "Process Type Definition": Details of Selected Set u Figure 9-17: Coafirm dependent entry copy 11. Press the Green check mark and then Save your entries, Paue 9-18 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing Siep by step: Assigning a. In order fo use @ Process Type in the configuration for Document Type: ‘custom Process Type lo processing, it must be assigned to the Document Type. Follow these steps Document Type ip assign your new Process Type ta your Document Type. 1. Type the /OPTIVIM_1CX1 transaction code into the command field, Alternatively, navigaie to Vendor Invoice Management Document Processing Configuration -> Document Type Configuration > Maintain Document Types. [ OpenText Configuration | ° “€8 @00 SHH Poe aa ‘OpenText Configuration { SB eistng ecsets © 68 8c Sets for activty Changelog Where else us | rune 3 +B, Vender brsce Henagonat i BS Document Processing Confiwation > BS General Contguraton , » Category Speake Confguraton Document Type Configuration ; (Eorenoeerts esate | ~ BS @ Characters Specie Document Type Configuration t 7B Speofic Country Sectngs > Lage Module Processing ’ Process Configuration 7 How Contest Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 9-17 Chapter 9. Document Processing o ~«€H GOO HH OHHH D7 Os ‘Change View “Document Type Definition”: Overview S@ Nwertis DORR H ‘own Payment Pocesing VIM 7 | ‘Mon PO Prvcesang 70 recess wand Figure 9-19: Document Type definition screen 2. Inthe Document Type Definition Overview screen, select the relevant Document Type. 4. Click on the Magnifying glass icon to display the details. 5. Assign the newly created Process Type as the default Process Type for this Document Type. & Doe wen Ge Gee Sakemnetem vemey Sytem HOD j e «a ee sno 9 tev DRO OB Figure 9-20: Assigning 2 new Default Process Type to's Document Type Paue 9-18 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing 6. Enter the newly created Process Type into the field Default Process, Type. 7. Save your entries by pressing the Save icon. Configuring Auto-Post In VIM 7-5 and later, hare is the capability to dynamically determine determination whether or not s Document Type is auto-posted. a a a aT | e -€8 O00 Sih CHDL AT Os t Chong view “Document Pocemes: Orevon SE mews HITKER Sseleg/tneallé cheracrere Figure 9-21: Auto Past determination for VIM Decument Types: Configuring Auto-post The criteria for determining whether or not a Document should be auto- deteminatien posted allows for the use of fields, of data, and of user input. ol 8 000 SHA COT AT OpenText Configuration | SB citing acces | SABC Sets for mctvty © Changelog §=— Where ce ‘Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulians Paae 9-13 Chapter 9. Document Processing ‘The task ‘Auio Posting Determination - Fields’ has pre-configured values, from Baseline and the option to include customer specific fields. This configuration indicates which folds will be used to determine dacumiants for auto-pasting ‘Tha task ‘Auto Pecting Determination - Data! doas not have pre-configured values from Baseline, but does have the option to include customer specific data. This configuration indicates which data will be used to determine documents for auto-posting. User Input- There is also the capability to allaw tha user, during indexing, to deterring whether or not a document shauld be Auto pasted. Tstew Oonone Clevade metal rane “Pome /Cunge ©) Open Comments OF ‘epense Tyee Requester Era ety D Indexed On waeetre Processing Logic Logic Modules are used to streamline document processing by providing a Modules mechanim for adding or subtracting trom the data that is available, ‘according to logical processing (code based class methods). Business Rules Vs. Logic In the past, this was accomplished by Business Rules. Yet now, there is a Modules clear separation. Business Rules are for checking data. And Logic Modules are for changing data. ‘The Logic Module data enrichment is scheduled before the business rules run or at the start of a process, but can be triggered ‘torun at additional times. Pane 9-20 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing G_HEAD_006: Example A straightforward example of a Logic Module is one delivered with baseline Logic Module which determines Vendor Name from the value in the field Vendor Number. Inthe figure that follows, saveral other examples af Logie Module functionality aro shown. Example ~ slmpia enrichment: [Example - more complex enrichment: Examote— comes enrichment retrieval of missing dats retrieval with few conditions Feisleval with many conditions Vendo = 1000 Vendor ] [vendor = 1000 Company Code = 1000 Purchase Order = AS6BO2EES Purchase Order Document Tyee= P75) Geman Code = 000 Company Code = 1000 Payment Terms = GrossAmeurt = 20000 Gross Amount = 35000 1000 wendor =[ ao] [vendor = 1000 1000 ‘Purchase Ore Purchase Onder »| aS00013344 PO75 Company Code Company Cede = 1000] TOI) Gross Amourn = 20000 Grew Amount = 35000 Figure 9-24: Logic Module example use cases. Step by step: “The main tasks for configuring Logic. Modules are found under the VIM Customizing Logie specific IMG. transaction code InJOPT/SPRO. Navigate to Document Modules Processing Configuration -> Document Type Canfiguration > Lagic Module Processing. «ms 900 Sn OpenText Configuration SB oeestingecsets 63 BC Sets for actvay. ‘Change fog i Figure 9-25: Defining Logic Modules ievthe IMG Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Paae 8-21 Chapter 9. Document Processing o -emoooe rat ane ‘Step 1: Module Definition - This is the frst IMG task, called Logic Module Processing in the VIM IMG. Execute this task to display existing Modules or to create new ones. There are many pre-dalivered Modules. Asingle Module is further defined by a Class Method. Figure 9-26: Pre-delivered Logic Modules ‘Step 2: Processing Definition (clustering module IDs)- This is the ‘second IMG task. Here, the Modules defined in the previous step are grouped (or clustered) together fo form a sequence of data operations. This step also defines when each Logic Module gets executed. 1 Change View "Mode Processing Step": Overview ] ° «M8 OOO Shh HEAL AD es | ‘Change View “Module Processing Steps": Overview o wom ASE EE | Paue 9-22 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing ‘The concept of clustering these Modulas IDs inio Process IDs is. depicted in the next figure. Figure 828: ‘Grouping Module 1D G_MAIN_001 N_MAIN_001 N_SPEC_001 PLMAIN 004 P_SPEC_001 ~ Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Page 9-23 Chapter 9. Document Processing Step 3: Processing Mapping - This steps maps the Process IDs to the Document Types, according to certain criteria, |S ew et Gms Seam in mer 0 “4M OOO Shh OHOL AD es Charge View "Procesing Mapoirg': Overien o mite BSORE ‘Step by step: Defining Business Rules AAs previously mentioned, Business Rules are the set of rules that describe the operations, definitions and constraints that apply to an organization. And more specifically to the processing of an organization's invoices. In VIM, Business rules are applied to detect any exceptions before attempting to post the invoice data to the SAP database. The Business Rules are actually ‘executed at the following points: The beginning of the DP workflow ¢ User action via the DP Dashboard © Configuration dependent points ©) Within the Excaption Workfiows Business mules can be used to examine, change, or fix the metadata of an invoice, ta determine Key values in an invoice and to affect the process flow. Essentially, once you have a Document Type and a Process Type, you are prepared fo configure the Business Rules as well tis done in the Document Type Configuration. In this step, you define haw the system determines a Process Type for a given Document Type. ‘Business Rules are offen referred to as Pracess Type Determination Rules, Use these terms interchangeably and take note when one or the other is used. Pane 9-24 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing 4. Type the /OPTIVIM_4CX1 transaction code into the SAP command field. Alternatively, navigate to Vendor Invoice Management -> Document Processing Configuration > Bocument Type Configuration - > Maintain Document Types. (© OperiText Configuration oO ~€8 @O00 SHR EHO aa OpenText Configuration SE] etiting bc Sets GSC Sets for acthity Changelog Where else us | Figure 9-30: Maintaia Document Types menu path 2. Execute this task. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 9-25 Chapter 9. Document Processing ° ~«€8 OOO SHH CHHL AD et Change View “Document Type Definition”: Overview i SE Kwetis MA ORE B | Figure 9-51: Document Type definition screen 3. Inthe Document Type Definition Overview screen, select a Document ‘Type and double-click Proc. Type. Det. Sequence. oa ee eo oy Ge e “eH GOOF CHON AD ed | ‘Change View "Proc. Type: Det. Sequence": Overview o om DSOREE 7 i = [eater = Sh ame : | eta : | oma sone S 4 Setar . L ai Paue 9-28 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing 4. Inthe Proc. Type. Dst. Sequence Overview screen, select a step and double-click Sequence Steps. OF aie rev Em Gt Seton ces Uy Seem eb 9) TM GOO She LOHH DA ep | Change View "Sequence Steps": Overview | & reves BROKE E 0? Document Type WH5S_64 | Nan FO Paces Saep tt 10 tea Vendor (PO) Sear sep Sap. Pel. eck Type Oc Farcion e a Function _ ~ /OPT/VIM DETERATNE_pROC201. | Figure 9-33: Sequence Step definition screen 5. In this step you define, for a given Sequence Step Id, the fields that need to be considered for validating data. This maans you spacify the fields that will be checked in the business rule. You can also enter a function module. Then you do not spacify a field, but rather a step, which will be executed for this business rule.To define sequence steps: Populate the following fields: Step Seq. - Enter a numeric value that identifies this step. © Field Name - Enter the field that should be considered for ‘evaluation, © Check Type - Instruct the system as to which method the field ‘should be checked by. For instance, if Table Field is selected, the ‘system validates that the value of the decument field at runtime ‘exists in the check table mentioned in the Table field, ‘© Table field - This is the check table for Check Type Table Field. © Check Function - This is the function module that is called for ‘Check Type Function Module. [A The business rule chock fancion lary offers adcitional check function modules that are not directly delivered as pre-customized businaes rules. You ean use the function modules 26 new businass rules depending on your needs. The new library is located in function group /OPT/VIM_PROC_TYPE_LIBRARY, ‘which has been created to collect such function modules. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 9-27 Chapter 9. Document Processing Business Rules. Framework 6. Save your entries with the Save icon in the application toolbar. (OpenText Best Practioss includes the Business Rules Framework (BRF). This allows for dynamic decisions as to whether or not a Business Rule is run for a specific scenario. With the BRF, 2 Business Rule can be ‘configured to run: © Always © Never © Periodically © Condition-based © Blind © Check-function based © Counter-based © Randomiy pal on Block at vender invoice vendor neice check FO number ‘Creck PO member ; Check crrncy heck vee Check vendor Check VAT mabe check dulce heck duplicate (heck oie dite Cre noice cate heck tom dita Check tem data Check iterate {heck toon data valid | [Check item data valid ‘Check tern data vali ‘heck marditry data Check mandtory data Check mandatory ta Aneel ected Figure 9-34: Different Vendor calegaries \Vendor invoice calegories allow the customer to dictate the level of checking that should be done for each incoming invoice. It is @ ropracentative confidence lavel in the incoming data. The White list wauld be for the highest confidence or most reliable vendors, whilst the: black list would be for those which are typically most problematic. Paue 9-28 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing Siep by sep: Configuring 1. Open the VM specific IG. the Business ules 2 Navigat to Vendor Invoice Management > Dacumant Processing Configuration -> Process Configuration ->Business Rules Framework (BRF). o ~€F GOO SHH FPO 1D ee (OpenText Configuration SB Biistng ec sets GS.BC Sets tor ectivty Changelog Where else used Sere = BS vender invoce Management | & exc Company Core om Races Type: G Marta Proce Ope G tame BOC Poona | EG neem ten temene © tama eee mere @ Maresn Sean Locators £3 rn © Marea BAF Vendo Gras | + BG rurean on Veo Gre Agere + BG recon SAF Check Type 1D Noe So enwoae Harton BRE Schemaea Assay 3G Marcon 68 Resoeren Figure 9-35: Business Rules Framework in the IMG 3. The steps for configuring the Business Rule Framework are @ Define the Vendor Groups - There are pre-configured Vendor ‘Groups, and they can alco be created as custom. ‘© Create the Vendor Group Assignments — These are customer ‘specific and none are delivered. © Define the Check Types - These are pre-configured, only the names can be changed. ‘@ Maintain the Check IDs - One entry is pre-configured, AM_4000, ‘which checks if the amount is over 1000. Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Page 9-29 Chapter 9. Document Processing Figure 9-36: © Complete the Schemata Assignment — This requires customer ‘specific configuration and answers the following questions: — Which documents (Company Code / Vendar Group / DP Document Type)? Which rules (Exception Class / Process Type}? = Which limits (Check IB)? = Which check (Check Typay? Process Options are the available choicas a user has in a dashboard. So, for example, while coding an invoice, an AP Processor might have the option to post a PO invoice, park 3 PO invoice. run the Business Rules on that invoice, oF refer the invoice for additional information to another user. ‘These are the Process Options for the Process Type defined as Process PO lnwcice. Typically, there are others 2s well. Below is a sampling of some ‘of the options that may be canfigured for processing invoices. Th [able wow Bae Geo Sencinn oteiy Waking Sistem He Oo. «a 900 She OD Change View “Process Option Definition Maintenance View": | SEG Nwotes BAOR HK Process Option Detiston Mastinance View | Opto... espn ‘2000 Change Decunsrt Tyee 2001 Greate New PO 2002 nye PO 12003 Chonge Vera Master 2004 Create thew Verde 2008 Great Ragaton “2O0E Change Regsstion 2007 Poet Goods cit 2008 averse Gaads Racent "2008 Pest PO Immce | 2010 Park PO imme 2012 Park Naw P0 Invaice “2012 fool Busnes ties | 2013 Sard Back u Certa System 2014 Retiager OF Weeklow 2015 Sear Approval Process BOLE Pest Mon P0 Invece | 2017 Change Process Type 2018 Approve Sendce Fray 2018. Few Save Fotry Paue 9-30 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing Siep by step: Configuring In order fo configure the Process Options for your Process Types, fallow Process Options these steps: 1. Type the transaction code: /OPTISPRO into the SAP command field. 2. Press Enter. 8. Then navigate to Bocumant Processing Configuration -> Process Configurabon -> Maintain Process Options. o €8 @00 SHR PHOS AD OpenText Configuration SS wasting eC sets © 63. BC Sets for activity ‘Change log ‘Where else ( Seanee \ © BL Vendor Invace Managorent Figure 9-57: Maintain Process Options task 4. Execute the transaction. Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Page 9-31 Chapter 9. Document Processing OF Take ven Git Gen Sdecamoten tes Sym teh °o “em OOO SHH ENAHS Change View “Process Option Definition Maintenance View": Overview | Figure 9-38: $2 [ heme | DS ORRE | ‘receat Gyn Denar Masunce Yew Process Options HEGGaT? 5 “cite Me PO | ‘ang ‘ange Venter eater Click on the New Entries button, OF Tate ven Git Goto Seecenotem Utes System Heb ee New Entries: Details of Added Entries $80.8 «mM O60 SHH FHHE ' Paue 9-32 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing 6. Populate the following fields: Option Id - For objects in the customer name space, use ids starting ‘with “Brooe © Option Type = BDC Action = Referral — Class Method — Call Transaction = Worklow Task [2A tan Option Type of Referral is chazen for this process option, and the customer requires 2 note to be sent along with the referral. then the REFER_COM_REO (Product Code 005) field in the ! PTGWFUZ_CONST table, chould be cat to "X" for the process ‘options in the range from 2700 to 2730. If no comment is necessary, this field should be left blank. This is the default setting, “The effect of this value being populated is that the referring user must enter 2 comment for processing to continue. © BDC Configuration ID - ifthe Option Type is BOC Action, this field must be populated with a BDC ID. These are covered furtherin the: next section. © Confirm Check Rules - If this is active then the end user will see an additional popup that asks ifthe business rules should be checked. ‘© Auto Action Required -Select this check bax to lat the system try to post the document (create SAP dacument) in the background. The ‘transaction that is called for posting depends on the process type ‘configuration. © Recheck Proc Type - Select this check box to let the system try to run the business rules as defined. © Confirm Execute -If this is active then the end user will see.an additional popup that asks the user for a confirmation to execute ‘the option. © Confirm Completion - If this is active then the end user sees an additional popup that requests confirmation that the option was ‘successfully executed. - Digplay Index Data - Select this check box te instruct the systom to: display indexing data of the DP document in a separate window ‘while executing this pracess option Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 9-33 Chapter 9. Document Processing Document Status - Select the status set for the dacument ifthe ‘option is executed successfully. [2A Alter Display index Data s selected for @ certain Process Option, the feature is applied to all Document Types. 7. Save your entries with the Save icon. Maintaining BDC The BDC ID is an SAP Business Data Communication ID. The BDC ID is Procedures for used by the system to procass an SAP transaction to creats an SAP Document Processing Document. BDC allows the user to populate data into SAP transactions without programming, yet maintaining the integrity of the data by conducting all application logic checks. Some advantages of using BDC IDs are: © BDC IDs are optimized for both dialog processing and background processing, BDC IDs can be used to set dynamic Parameter IDs. @ BDC IDs can be used to configure new user collaboration actions. BDC IDs eliminate the need to code parameterized transactions. © BDC IDs can be used to configure BDC success messanes. ‘away fram BDC technology, in favar of BAPI technology in order to BDC ID configuration may stil be used in VIM; However, VIM is moving A conform to SAP's strategic direction. Pane 9-34 Vendor Inveice Manasement for SAP Sulutiens Chapter 9. Document Processing Step by step: Defining In order to Define a BDC ID: BDCIDs 4 Type transaction code /OPTICP_9CX1 into the command field ‘Altaratively, navigate to Vendor Invoice Management > Document Processing Configuration > Process Configuration > Maintain BDC Procedures. oO! “« OpenText Configuration SS esting Bc sets. | 68 BC Sets for activity ‘Change lag 900 SHR END Vendar Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Paws 9-35 Chapter 9. Document Processing T Change View "BDC Definition”: Overview oO -«moo00 gn ONoHaDe Change View "BOC Definiton”: Overview 9G me DEORE E 3. Glick on the New Entries push button. Paue 9-38 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing oO “MH OOO SHR PPHh DA ev ‘New Entries: Details of Added Entries 93 0B 0€ Confpaaten Id a Figure 9-42: BDC definition detail sereen 4. Thora are two options at this point, the firsts to populate the Custom EDC Function field, located at the bation of tha screen. This averidas all other values of the configuration if populated. The template to use for defining this function module is: template: (OPT! VIM_IF_BDC_DOCLINES_ PO. 5. you are not using a custom function module, then all of the fais in {he previous figure should be populated. In this option, yau will define the SAP transaction code, the mode for calling the transaction (synchronously or asynchronausly), and ultimately map the index fieks {rom the invoice fo the SAP screen fields that are required by the chosen transaction code. 6. Save your entries by pressing the Save ican. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 9-37 Chapter 9. Document Processing : Creating a Document Type and a Process Type Y Create a new Document Type (copy NPO_S4). Then create a new Process Type (Copy 200) and assign your Archive ink Document Type from the previous exercise as the Default ArchiveLink Document Type. 4. Execute Transaction Code: /OPT/SPRO. 2. Then navigate to Document Processing Configuration -> Document Type Configuration -> Maintain Document Types. Salect Document Type NPQ_S4. lick the Capy ican. 5. Use the following data: © DP Document Type = ZNPOWINY (Where # = your User #) © Description = User ### NPO invoice Document Type © Document index Type = Online Indexing © Default Archive Document Type = Z##NV (your Archivel ink Document Type from previous exercise) 6. Press Enter. 7. Choose Copy all Entries. 8. At the information Pop-up indicating number of entries copies, click the Green check mark. 9. Save your entries with the Save icon. Create your own Process Type and assign the Process Type as the default for your new Document Type. 110. Navigate to Document Type Customization Items. ‘11, Execute Transaction Code: /OPTISPRO, 12, Then navigate to Document Pracessing Configuration > Process Configuration -> Maintain Process Types. 18. Execute this task. 14, Serol down unt you see Process Type 200. 18, Highligh i 16. Press the Copy ican 17. Give your Process Type the Proc. Type ID of Si. 48. Change the field Initial Role fo be equal to your cusiom indexing Role: ZiRINDEXER. 119, Save your entries with the Save icon. 20. Them navigate to Document Processing Configuration -> Document Type Configuration -> Maintain Document Types. 21. Select your new Document Type ZNONPOR#INV. 22. Glick on the Magnifying Glass to display the details. Paue 9-38 Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing User Process Options 23. In Change made, Change the field Defauit Process Type to be your new Process Type 9. 24, Save your entries with the Save ican. Test your configuration, using OAWD. 25. Open up the EnterpriseScan client. 26. Click the Scan button. 27. Type sn/OAWD into the SAP command line. 28, Press Enter, 29, Find your respective pre-setting which has your ArchiveLink Document Type. 30, Double-click this preseiting. 31. Choose the Grean checkmark fo stare a single document. 32, Wait forthe message at the bottom of the SAP screen. Work item ## created. 33. Launch VIM Analytics. 34, Ensure your Work liem was created with your Process Type. ‘After testing the cusiom Dacument Type and Process Type from the previous exercise, it becomes apparent that there is functionality missing for the user (Role) that executes this warkfiow task. This is because we have not yet defined User Process Options. ‘Once Process. Options are definad, then itis pescible to ascign them to users (oF roles) in the Document Type configuration. This then relates the ‘actions that are possible in 4 given scenario to the user that is expected to execute them. Itwill alter the visible buttons and options on that user's dashboard when they open .a work item. Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 9-39 Chapter 9. Document Processing Below is an example of User Process Options that have been configured for an AP Processor within the Process Type Procsss NPO Invoice o ~€8 G00 “HR OOo Ae (Fic) Process IDEA PO Processing -oodoaND00058 | tare cpome Bere crea rare Pope comments ajoepley image SE srmssmenutes Set to Chactee ‘Opentext:| Vencer invoice Management fer SAP* Solutions: or cpt fo 2 ee ‘Charge tee Tee [owes Gore Tre ‘cls eres as Tat to els = ae re hate morass ee (Ss te arn Figure 9.45: Process Options for an AP Processor in the Process MPO Invoice scenario ‘Step by step: Defining In this example, the configuration will be shown for a swimlane which User Process Options corresponds lo our own example scenario. In this swim lane there are: Roles - Examples are: INFO_PROVIDER, Zi##INDEXER. and Z#HAPPROC ‘© Process Options - Examples are: Rafer to Z##4PPROC, Rafer to Z##NDEXER. Refer for Information, Change Document Type, Enter Index. etc. User Process Options - Examples are: The INFO_PROVIDER has the abilily to Refer to Z8#APPROC. The swim lane follows, Pane 9-40 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing ‘To configure ane of the User Process Options for the example Process ‘Type (SH), follow these steps: 1 Type the transaction cade: /OPTISPRO into the SAP command field. ‘Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulians Paae S41 Chapter 9. Document Processing 2. Navigate to Document Processing -» Process Configuration -> Maintain Process Types. oO “€8 O00 SHH ET (OpenText Configuration SE Eisting BC sets. 68 BC Sets for activity Change ic, Execute this transaction, ol 1«H @00 SHH OHHH Change View “Process Type Definition": Overview 92 twee BSCR E oe Dado Sucre reves Tyee Deter { nl “roc... hoc. Type “hi core Feestin Mi User Process Option | “635 pacang Gross Amour (WO) Ap_pnocesson i aa8 64 Check Venda/Camnpery Adéress AP_PROCESSOR 435. PO Dita exits (NEO) AP_PROCESSOR Figure 9-46: Highligh! the desired Process: Type 4. Highlight the Process Type which the Process Options should be: available in. Paws 9-42 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing 5. Double-click User Process Option. o +48 O00 Gh COOK AT ev (Change View "User Process Option": Overvem o ere DS ORER =" ae re Se rekon Toke Onin ame Figure 9-47: Edit the desired User Process Options 6. Highlight the relevant Process Options. 7. Click the Copy icon. "At his stage, itis also possible to choose the New Entries bution and proceed fo create a Process Oplion from scratch. To do this, populate the following fields: © Option Id -This is a numeric process option identifier © Description - This is 8 description of the user's option ¢ From Actor - Select the source role that initiates the work item © ToActor - Select the target role that receives the work item if the action is performed. This is only available if the option is a referral © Check FM - Enter a check function module to restrict the ‘option for a role. You find the interface for the check function ‘module using OPTIVIM BL_CHECK FM_2012. For this example, tne User Process Options willbe copied instead, ‘Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulians Paae 943 Chapter 9. Document Processing oe! jem GOO Shr COOL AD es ‘Change View “User Pracess Option: Overview of Selec Set games (omnes terreno nen) ae, from el a Sis we teri | pean ‘aoe ast Sor a Figure 9-48: Customize the User Process Options [Inthe previous figure, not he fld named Sequence. This Bld ‘was introduced with VIM 7.0:SP3. Itallows the customer to configure the display order of the process options shown in the dashboard. 8. To assign this Process Option fo the new user, populate the From Actor field with the appropriate Role. 9. Save your entries by pressing the Save icon, Summary of DP So, to reiterate, each Document Type encompasses many process flows objects (which can visually represented as swim lanes). Swimlane diagrams will ‘each correspond to one Process Type which needs to be configured. And each Process Type will nscessitate Process Options to be configured. ‘These Process Options will be subsequently assigned to each of the Roles {user Process Options) involved in the process. Figure 9-49: Pane 44 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing The Index screen Document Types will have multiple Process Flows. Each Process Flow should be rapresanted by a Process Typa. © AProcess Type can have multiple Process Options. © Process Options are then assigned to Roles, resulting in User Process Options. ‘The next component to configure in Document Processing is the Index ‘Screen itself. The Index Screen can be extended, depending upon each customer's unique requirements. Here, we will discuss how to configure the index screen for each Document Type in the DP Process. The newly released Index Screen has mare functionality which means more configuration. Siep by step: Configuring To configure index screen options for Bocument Types: the lndexser860 4 Type the JOPTIVIM_ICX1 transaction code into the SAP command field. Alternatively, navigate io Vendor invoice Management > Document Processing Configuration -> Document Type Configuration - > Maintain Document Types. & OpenText Configuration «8 GOO SHR EE Figure 9-50: Maintain Document Types Task 2. Execute this task. Vendar Involee Management for SAP Soluliana Paws 945 Chapter 9. Document Processing o “€8 O00 Hk OHHH a7) ‘Change View "Document Type Definition”: Overview SG nwo BOR BR BK 2. Inthe Document Type Definition Qverview screen, select document {ype and double-click Index Screen Options. eo 7€8 O00 FHKE PHCh AD ee (52) Process IDEA - PO Processing 66000000008 Nepren cpem: Bp iateecatpane SPopencommars: Gg oepinyimaps mE cmimemien ij Sette coocuee Opentext: | Vencior invoice Management for SAP* Solutions GageCuc Tres hwrgebeaneit Fe soo acres uss = tara o re ate fr Hota omen fete 19 Bre Bore ox e] Figure 9-52: Index Sereen Options configuration 4. Inthe Index Screen Options screen, assign the appropriate configuration for each combination of Process Type and Role. Pause 9-48 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing 5. Fora given Process Type and Role, the following fields are explained: (© Allow Changes - Select this. check box for a given role to allow all users in the role to change the index data. Prerequisite - The document should not have been submitted, yet. [Fi] Process IDEA - 0 Processing - onon00000908 ates opts Bb secures SPlopencomments |G Deplay image imate muss Sette echt (opentext™| Vendor Invoice Management for SAP* Solutions 18 Times Rowaw say ew ae Figure 0-53: Result of Indexer Role with “Allow Changes” for the Indexing sereen ‘Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulians Paae 947 Chapter 9. Document Processing ‘Show Duplicates - Select this check box to display the duplicates identified by the system below the index data screen for the role ‘that is processing the wore item. An example of tis is it might be relevant for the DUP_CHECKER role to look at the duplicates to decide whether or nat the document is actually a duplicate, For the: AP_PROCESSOR role, showing duplicates might be of lesser importance as the document might have already completed the ‘duplicate chack process. and might be ready to be pasted or parked. Initisl Tab - The user can configure each tabstrip of the naw indexing screen for the tab that is shown inially; the tabs are: = Basic Data- this tab shows the basic indexing information which je alco. available on the invoice document - this is the default tab in focus for the user (as shown in the previous figure) — Line Item Data- this tab shows the relevant line items — Accounting Deta- this tab shows additional SAP specific data for the accountant to post the document — Tax Data- this tab shows relevant tax information — Process Date- this tab shows relevant process information and also provides access to the duplicate invoices Enable Simulate- Select this. check bax fo allow a user io simulate ‘skipping certain business rules. The Simulate process will chack ‘the relevant business rules. For example, if any DP document had an Invalid Vendor (PO) exception, this can be simulated by ‘selecting the current role and selacting Enable Simulate. The result ‘ofthis is @ push button in the DP Dashboard. An example is shown: in the figure that follows. Pane 948 Vendor Inveice Manasement for SAP Sulutiens Chapter 9. Document Processing F ceomen ot Gre See Goniet aon oe i "\€M G00 FHKE ENCH AD Oe [Rr Process IDEA - Po Processing - COoooan0N95 Dutton buster enema Rows [marta] scise ‘opentent™ | Vendor Invoice Management for SAP* Solutions BERRBEGURESSEEE ‘eu Ta rae ‘corer vet Quren.srcn Sa. ret. ts ‘curt Pce Pac 91 gta ct ‘Gury crear i oe ‘curiae ? ener ‘Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulians Paae 949 Chapter 9. Document Processing Enable Bypass- Selact this check bax in bypass the business rules. For example, if DP document had an Invalid Vendor (PO) ‘exception, the role executing this work item could bypass thic rule if ‘the configuration was set to Enable Simulate and Enable Bypass. Dis Obsolete- Select this check bax to hide the Obsolete button in ‘the DP Dashboard for the selected DP document type and the ‘currant rola (coe next figure). © Dis.Rescan- Select this check bax to hide the Resean button in the DP Dashboard for the selected DP document type and the current role (see next figure). a a on ° "48 O00 SHH DoLn AD Ow (Ba) Pcees EEA Koren ROR | toreecrmes Brisicetree SPormconmen senna mms OPENLEXt | vendor invoice Management for SAP* Solutions LL Figure 9-55: Result of empty Dis. Obsolete and Dis. Resean configuration @ Show Match- Select this check bax to display the matching area ‘within the item data subscreen for PO invoices to the user. This is relevant to execute the matching for PO related documents based ‘on the SAP proposal. Pane 50 Vendor Inveice Manasement for SAP Sulutiens Chapter 9. Document Processing Index screen Header and Other than configuring the details of the index screen, the customer can liem fields decide which Index Header fialts and Index Item fields should be available. Thisic done within the Document Type configuration as wall. This is dona in the same dialog for Documant Type Maintenanca. oO! «8 000 SK CHHL ID ev ‘Change View "Index Header Configuration": Overview: > soem BSAORKR BK OP Decor Type 200_08 sretr Dame tan 90 bar dex Weate Contretns Feld Name nccessmry ~ | erron rime - ArrRIBTE, - armasoTE2 = ASTRISOTE - | ASTRIBTTES Hide ° aomcos Hide - aoTo_cALE Input - oro soor Input - nara ‘Biapiay Gly + 7 Diapiay onty ~ nar Display only . BARCODE Hide * Figure 9-58: Changing the Index Header Field configuration Each field must be indicated as Display Only, Hide, Requirad, or Input. ‘Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulians Paae &-51 Chapter 9. Document Processing Global Configuration Global Configuration will affect the functionality of an entire process. These parameters for parameters should only be changed with careful consideration. These Document Processing parameters ara housed in a configuration table of eanstant values. ‘Step by step: Access the In order to open the table. 4. Type the /OPTIVIM 10X12 transaction cade. 2. Allematively, navigate to Vendor Invoice Management > Document Processing Configuration -> General Canfiguration -> Global Canfiguration. Webflow Constant lable SS Hs Bidsting BC Sets 68 BC Sets for activity Change log Where strucure ~ BS Vendor Invoice Management * BS _Decumert Pracessng Configuration ~B_ General Confgration >A Incoming Dacument Processing > BR MuthBackend Scenarios + BS © marean Doane urbe Ranges + BB © Harta Custemiang Proffes for Index Screen “BS ete et bia nontle + BS © Mantan Dupicate Check Procedures, > Adtomated Une Precessing 8 ae B Category Specfe Confguraten = Document Type Configuration oman Fanllnntinn Figure 9-57: Global Configuration parameters 3. Execute this task to display the Weblliow Constant Tabl [LA The Webfiow or Z Constants in VIM are numerous and crucial for processing. Please refer to the VIM Reference Guide 16.3 for a complete listing of constants, their use, and their propased stings. Paws 952 Vendor Inveice Manasement for SAP Sulutiens Chapter 9. Document Processing ‘Chapter 32 Z constants for product code 005 WPO miter oe em OCR Bes st Soy ean as | apo cost exsvaeaten | plan del coat) ‘ADD Cost Fat Caen specie ‘sector ate oe mapysing cf = Aidit coat For mice ormation sew Sten 1015. “Matting ncn smn for [tomer speci cout ars La Opes Tent Vi beer Management te SAP Solute - Confer GaadeVIM-CED. Figure 9-58: Excerpt ofthe VIM Reference Guide - Section on WebFlaw (Z) constants This table controls many aspects of processing. As these options arise in context specific situations, it will be notated what the specific parameter is ‘and what its value should be. ‘Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulians Paae 9-53 Chapter 9. Document Processing ‘An excerpt of the table is shown below. o €8 990 Shr HHHH DD ov Display View "WebFlow Constant Table": Overview S@ER FUERTE REE Prva gh 2 ery te rere '® One yp fr Oo Raynes sD woo 1° Deep ft MOM FO hen ree ay wl OF mon (® Dec yp fr FO when drat Ranga we OF wc OF Da ps be rede arg OF mt x ext Soest pctcpaed ef VM ne rps OM x ‘be_ro_fOSTIaG_ OXI Eat Fo allcarge a nN seucare[{OPT OREO, PONCE PL ‘De_eAB_ APO SELECT Par MIRLYMIIY wth OP sat: Aeroe Seat ws atig O = yet) [Depo PRCEGEAE_ EXIT Eat FH wo ange rape aca (ELJOPTPVIN. GET, PROPOSAL £117) preret fom sary ue at OF WF sa Ge raveng some water at 01 Gantt 0c {tenes a ent (Template /OFT/EDK MAGES ATT_TOH) [EXARGE_JRPSRING SCR Ache IXPont ClO Une ope Sree | x ‘Figure 9-59: Web Fiow Constant table used for Global Configuration settings Characteristic specific rules and configuration A Invoice processing differs between companies depending on legal or ‘specific company-basad settings. VIM supports flexible pracessing by defining individual invoice characteristics. An invaice characteristic is determined during runtime and depends on the corresponding index data of the document. in the baseline configuration, VIM delivers the country as @ Unique invoice characteristic. Therefore, configuration that was previously Country-specific, prior to VIM 7.0, is now handled in Characteristic-specific settings. VIM delivers sets of rules to control business and regulatory scenarios for each cusiomer. They are grouped inta two distinct types. They are’ ‘Complatoness Chack Rules and Tax Related Rules. This is achieved by (OpenText with the Core Infrastructure and the Baseline Content. Paws 54 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing ‘Coreinfrastructure We have briefly covered much of the Core Infrastructure. Itinaludes Document Types, Process Types, and Invoice Types. We have not yet covered Invoice Catagories. Invaice Catagories are used to defina tha business rules for specific invoices. Certain business rules. are applicable to ‘only some invoices that are processed in @ specified characteristic. Other business rules need to be skipped for only some invaices of a characteristic. ‘The following invoice categories are supported by VIM © Damastic- Invoices raised by vandors in tha same country. © Intra-Community - Invoices raised by vendors in the European Union (EU) to companies in the EU. Applicable anly to EU countries. ‘¢ Triangulation - Invoices raised by vendors in the EU to companies in the EU for a delivery of goods or services originating in another EU country. ln-this case, both the vendor and the company are in difforent EU ‘countries. Applicable only to-EU countrias. Import - Invoice raised by vendors outside the company's country. @ Domestic Material - Invoices raised by vendors in India where the Purchase Order is a Material PO. Applicable only to India. © Domestic Service - Invoices raised by vendors in India where the Purchase Order is a Service PO. Applicable only to Incis. Import Material - Invoices raised by vendars outside India where the Purchase Order is a Standard PO. Applicable only to India ‘© Import Service - Invoices raised by vendors outside India where the Purchase Order is a Service PO. Applicable only to India. Non VAT - Invoices without VAT amount. Applicable only to China. VAT Common - Invoices with WAT provided but the VAT amount is nat deductible. Applicable only to China. © VAT Special - Invoices with VAT provided and the VAT amount is deductible. Applicable only to China. Baseline Content Baseline Content is the implementation of the business rules 3s interpreted by OpenText. This is pre-delivered with the product and is available as an ‘accelerator for companies to modify as required This content includes: Document types for specific processes ©) User interfaces for each process implementation © Screen field configuration specific to the document types ¢ Business rules implemented for each characteristic: In the baseline configuration, VIM dalivers three document types as global nase 20 [eemectinn [ie — ——— = poason “3 [ows | Cown Payment Processing Vendor Involee Management for SAP Solulians Page 9-55 Chapter 9. Document Processing ‘Specific processing is configurad for the PO, NPO invoice types and for Down Payments, ‘These global templates cover the basic configuration, and in combination with the country-specific invoice characteristics enable global companies to process invoices. Besidas the glabal configuration of the document types, the detailed characteristic configuration provides, in the baselina delivery, settings for all countries. Specific countries and a global country templats are delivered to support all requirements from the process point of view. IW there is a need to enhance the delivered baseline, for instance to create new characteristics or new invoice categories, ar to customize region specific tax determination please consult the OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solubions 16.3 Configuration Guida. ‘Step by step: Defining In order to define Characteristic Specific Settings for Document Types: (Characteristic setti9g® 4 Typ9 the JOPT/SPRO transaction into the SAP command fiald to ‘access OpenTaxt Configuration and navigate to Vendor Invoice Management -> Document Processing Configuration -> Document ‘Type Configuration -> Characteristic Specific Document Type Configuration. oO -€H GOO ShKR Prot 00 ee (Openext: Configuration SF eitating BC Sets G8 BC Sets for activity. Change log Where else used Figure 9-60: Characteristic Specific Document Type configuration task Pause 958 Vendor Inveice Manasement for SAP Sulutiens Chapter 9. Document Processing 2. Execute this task. (DF ote ew Eft Gene Sen Ost System eh o) "€G GOO Ghk CNHL DA Change View "Characteristic Specific Attributes": Overview 90 wie BAORR BE ce Oe | . Invoice © Porting ose ro “Tnweice Porting avs a» F Tewoies © Fosting Dave ne fete on the Vendor Tnosien © Posting ste = Date em the Veeder Inveice ~ Foxting! ort en Deve on the Vendor Tevslas © Posting Osta oo purceme syrtan Date wronting oats | om [pave on the vendor Tuvsice ~iposting. eve es bata on the Venton Invoice © menting osve ™ [iets ex thn enses Zeveies —~pesting owes [pets an the Vendor teveias ~ posting outa | inate on the Vendor Emvoien © Ponting Sate ureene syrten oats = Posting onte inate om the Vendor Zoveice © Ponting oate inate on the Vendor tnvoian © posting Oats hbets cx tho Vendor Inveise Routing Date bata on the Vendor Involes © posting Dave inate om the Vendor Taveies © pasting ate Tmwoise © posting oat 3. Inthe Characteristic Spacifc Attributes Overview screen, double-click a characteristic to display the Characteristic Specific Attributes Details ‘Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulians Paae 9-57 Chapter 9. Document Processing ‘Change View "Characteristic Specific Attributes": Details > Nevis BR BE In the Details screen, are the fields which can be set according io each characteristic. So, for a ceriain Document Type, for a certain characteristic (euch as courity), the customer can decide how fields are populated. An example, that is pictured in the next figure, shows that for the Characteristic DE (Germany) for a certain Document Type (not shown), the Posting Date ‘should be the Date on the Vendor Invoice and the Conversion Date should be equal to the Posting Date “€8 GOO HK PHO 1 ee Poateg ate ‘Die on ie Vent rvs Ceram Date Die Aer unt Sep Yow ‘Steg ow FM Fe Res. ee Ot Ret ae eg, (90% outa vata Tips ind a Det. Sse Cate ‘Ducat Date a ‘Joou /voa_Ri_ el BAGELINE GATE ea ee de wae (Ce. ore eee Figure 9-62: Characteristic specific configuration for Document Types For definition of all of the fields within the Characteristic Configuration, please see the VIM 16.3 Configuration Guide. “These fields should be examined fo understand the effect each of them has con the processing of the invoice. Use thace fields to determine if an invoice i a cimple invoice, fit should be traatad as a dawn paymant, and what the: 's baseline date is for due date calculations in the SAP system. Paws 958 Vendor Inveice Manasement for SAP Sulutiens Chapter 9. Document Processing Other Characteristic Characteristics can also be used to alter the Indexing Screen and the specific setiings Process Typas. After the Characteristic Specific Aitributes forthe Document ‘Type ara configured, then the other options can be travarced on the Laft Pane of the Details Scraan. This is chown in the next figure. © TatleVien lt Gam Schein Utes Stern Heb °o “€8 G00 Hk HHDL Change View "Characteristic Specific Attributes": Overview Figure 9-63: OE Nevete MAR EK ter Characteristic pectic configeration In this figure we see the following options: ‘© Index Header Configuration -Double-click on this option to list al isis: that should be configured for the Indexing header. Here, the detail pane displays the various atinbutes that can be modified for 4 screen fic ‘The configuration also allows you to-configure screens per role or par invoice type. Ifno role is chosen, itis applicable for all rales. ‘© Index Item Configuration - To configure the attributes for the item screen, double-click Index item Configuration in the Dislog Structure. ‘The same altribuies are available forall fields within the Indexing Detail. © Characteristic Specific Process Types - On the Characteristic Specific Attributes Overview screen, select a characteristic and double-click the: (Characteristic Specific Process Types link in the Dialog Structure. These must be mainiained in the characteristic configuration, © Characteristic Specific Screen Configuration - On the Characteristic ‘Specific Atfibutes Overview screen, select a characteristic and double- lick the Characteristic Specific Scrsan Configuration link in the Dialog ‘Structure. [A 115 importantio note thatthe indexing soreencsplayed is generated at runtime, based on the document type and characteristic being processed, Vendar Involee Management for SAP Soluliana Paae 9-59 Chapter 9. Document Processing : Creating User Process Options and Changing the Indexing Screen 2 Create User Process Options for your custom Roles: The User Process Options will be ROO## and RO1#. 4. Execute Transaction Code: /OPT/SPRO. Then navigate to Document Processing Configuration -> Process Configuration -> Maintain Process Options. 2. Execute this task. 4. Click on the New Entries push bution. Populate the following fields: © Option fa: “20%, e. g. "2099" © Option Button Text: “Reter* © Option Button ican: leave blank Option Taxt: “Refir to 2##INDEXER" e.g. “Rafer to 290INDEXER™ © Option Type: Select “Referral” irom the list © Select the check box : Override Res. Actor Select the check box: Camments Required Select the check box: Canfirm Execute ‘© Select the check box: Confirm Completion 6. Save your entries. 7. Repeat, but use the following fields: © Option id: “O1i##", e. g. 0190" © Option Button Text: “Refer” © Option Button ican: leave blank © Option Text: “Refer to Z##APPROC" e.g. "Refer to Z99APPROC” © Option Type: Select “Referral” irom the list © Select the check box : Override Res. Actor © Select the check box: Camments Required Select the check box : Confirm Execute Select the check box: Canfirm Completion & Save your entries. Now, Assign these newly created Process Options to your custom Roles (thereby creating User Process Options). 9. Execute Transaction Code: /OPT/SPRO. 10. Then navigate to Document Processing Configuration -> Process Configuration -> Maintain Process Types. 11, Execute this task. Pane 960 Vendor Inveice Manasement for SAP Sulutiens Chapter 9. Document Processing 142, Scroll down and find your 9 Process Type 43. Highligh 14, Move to the left hand pane. 18, Double-click User Process Option. 416. Click on New Entries. 117. Make the following two entries (taking note to use your awn custom rales): TE peer ot Geo Seecumctee wate Soe ° 7<@ @0@ 6 NNdD Hn oO! AD NOE Dleer PON PON SOIT } meneem OB 18, Save your entries. Test your configuration, using OAWD. 19. Open up the EnterpriseScan alent. 20. Click the Scan button. 21. Type /n/OAWD into the SAP. command lina. 22, Press Enter. 23. Find your respective pre-setting which has your ArchiveLink Document Type. 24, Double-click this presotting.. 28, Choase the Green checkmark to stare a single document. 26. Wait forthe message at the bottom of the SAP screen. Work item # created. 27. Launch the Business Center Workplace. 28, Launch VIM Analytics. 29. Ensure your Wark ltem was created with your Process Type. 30. See which inbox the work ite isin. 431. Access that user's SAP Inbox or VIM Workplace and launch the task. ‘Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulians Pause &-61 Chapter 9. Document Processing 32. Ensure your new User Process Option is available. 33. Try referring it on to-the Z#RAPPROC Role. Affect the Indexing Sereen 34, Execute Transaction Code: /OPT/SPRO. 35, Thea navigate to Document Processing Configuration -> Document Type Configuration -> Maintain Document Types. 36. Execute this task. 437. Navigate to your custom Document Type Z## NONFO. 38. Highlight i. 39. In the left hand panel, double-click on Index Screen Options. 40, Click Now Entrios. 41. Type in your custom Process Type and Gustam Role (ZsINDEXER) and make the selections shown below: © iever EA to Sec otea ling rie= tb =G@eee gon OnDe Sn OF Figure 9-65: Index Screen option configuration 42, Save your entries. 43, Relaunch your warkitem and notice the differences in the Indexing Seroen, Paws 962 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processt Other Configuration Several miscellaneous configuration options are caverad in this section. options Figure 9-66: Has 2 duplicate invoice arrived? Dupseate Cheek Logie Duplicate checking ic carted out after tho OCR fields have been imported ‘and validated or when the indexer submits the manual index. The check which is employed depends on the Document Type. For a Baseline Nen-PO Invoice Duplicate Check (KR), the following falas ‘would be placed in a Duplicate Check Group and then checked together to decide whether or not two separate documents are duplicates. © Invoice date @ Vendor reference number © Vendor number [A inthis version of VIM, the only Duplicate Check Grup is Check (Group 4 which is described above. Customers can define their own if required. For a Baseline PO Invoice Duplicate Check (RE), the following fields might be placed in a Duplicate Check Group and then checked together. © PO number © Invoice date @ Vendor reference number © Vendor number Duplicate Checks can also be accomplished via a duplicate check function module. Vendar Involee Management fer SAP Solulians Paae 9-63 Chapter 9. Document Processing Step by step: Defining Ifa user chooses to send a decument to be scanned again, there should be escan reasons an appropriate reason attached. This will aler the scanner and provide a Javel of documentation for the action taken. In order to configura Resean 4. Run the /OPTIVIM_1CX7 transaction. 2. Alternatively, navigate to Vendor Invoice Management -* Document Processing Configuration -> Procass Configuration -> Mainiain Rescan Reasons. o “€H GOO SHH Er: (OpenText Configuration SB Baiting BCSets 68 BC'Sets for activity Change log ‘soanre Figure 9-67: > BS Caregen Specte Confganen ‘B ociment Type Cantwtan ‘Maintain resean reasons q Process Conligaraton task ~ By © Manta Process Types + BB @ Enchae Conrpary Codes fen Process Types Manian Proce Opti @ Manta BOE Procedures Paws 964 ‘Vendor invoice Manawement for SAP Solutions Chapter 9. Document Processing 3. Execute tis task Change View "Rescan Reason Definition Maintenanc | o «8 GOO Shr | ‘Change View "Rescan Reason Definition Maintenance _ S seventies ROR BB | rau: cai nage | Seton aed | 02 Mesing pages oO | 04 Rejected n OCR Validation o | (99 Others» see cornments w | |. Maintain the Reason Codes, the Descriptions, and indicate ifthey are required or not. 5. Save your entries, ‘Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solulians Paws 9-65 Chapter 9. Document Processing Obsolete Reasons If the Obsolete push button is visible in the Application Toolbar (haw to aflect this was discussed previously) then the reasons for marking a document as obsolete chauld be configured. In ordar to create these roacons, proceed as Fallows: 4. Type the /OPTIVIM_1CX8 transaction code into the SAP command field. 2. Press Enter. 2. Altorativaly, navigate to Vendor Invoice Management > Decument Processing Configuration -> Process Configuration -> Maintain Obsolete Reasons. 9! ‘OpenText Configuration SS BEkisting BC Sets 63 BC Sets for activity suuaue + BS Vendor invoice Management Figure 9-69: Mainiain Obsolete 4. Exacute this tack. 5. Maintain the Reason Codes, the Description, and indicate if thay require the user to enter comments or not. 6 Save the entries. (One example of a reason for marking an invoice as Obsolete ‘would be if it was a Return to Vendor scenario. (Process Option 2026). Pane 968 Vendor Inveice Manasement for SAP Sulutiens Chapter 9. Document Processing Summary 2 : Maintaining Duplicate Check Logic and Reason Codes Maintain Duplicate Check Logic 4. Execute Transaction Code SOPT/SPRO. 2. Navigate to Document Processing Configuration -> General Configuration -> Maintain Duplicate Check Procedures. 3. Execute this option. 4. Select a Duplicate Check Group. 5. Press the COPY icon. 6. Choose Copy ALL entries. 7. Prefix the name of the new Duplicate Check Group with: O#8 (where fit ‘is equal to the Group #) 8. Select new duplicate check group and GROUP FIELDS. 9. Add or remove new duplicate check fis. 40. Save your entries. Configure Rescan Reason Codes 1. Execute Transaction Code: /OPT/SPRO. 2 Then navigate to Document Processing Configuration -> Process Configuraéion -> Maintain Rescan Reasons. 3. Create new reason code. 4. Save your entries. Configure Obsolete Reason Codes 4. Execute Transaction Code: OPT/SPRO. 2. Then navigate fo Document Processing Configuration -» Process Configuration -> Maintain Obsolete Reasons. 3. Crate new reason code. 4. Save your entries. In this chapter, the main concepts used in Document Processing were introduced. Because Document Processing is the area of the system where itis determined how an invoice will low through the system, many configuration tasks were introduced. This included Document Types, Logic Modules, Business Rules, the Business Rules Framework, Process Types, Process Options, and User Process Options. Vendar Involee Management for SAP Soluliana Paue 9-67

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