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Battle of Britain part I

Battle of Britain
Part I
Mariusz Łukasik
Janusz Światłoń
Arkadiusz Wróbel

First Edition
Lublin 2009
Color profiles:
Janusz Światłoń

I n June 1940, after the fall of France, ground opera- or captured in the battles over the Channel. They consti-
Arkadiusz Wróbel

tions in Europe came to a halt. Henceforth, only the tuted the core of the Luftwaffe’s most experienced and
Series Editor:
Damian Majsak
battles taking place in the sky and at sea would provide best-trained cadres. Such crippling losses were never
English text: Tomasz Szlagor
evidence that a war was still being fought. For the first made good, despite the Germans implementing a mas-
Proof reading: Tomasz Szlagor
time in modern history, naval and air forces alone would sive and competent training program.
determine the outcome of a large-scale armed conflict. Officially, the Battle of Britain, as it came to be known,
Małgorzata Rodziewicz Whilst the opposing warships clashed only occasionally, lasted from 10th July to 31st October 1940. Obviously,
the air war began to dominate events due to its intensity clashes took place both before and after that timeframe,
OW KAGERO and the numbers involved. albeit on a reduced scale. Most sources agree on four
ul. Mełgiewska 7-9
20-952 Lublin
Following the defeat of the Allies on the continent, two main phases of the battle:
tel./fax (+48) 081 749 11 81 armies faced each other – the battered remnant of the – Phase I (known to the Germans as the Kanalkampf)
tel. (+48) 081 749 20 20 British Expeditionary Force and the hitherto invin- started on 10th July 1940 with the first major Luftwaffe
e-mail: cible German war machine. The two were separated air raids against coastal shipping;
by the English Channel, a strip of open water approxi- – Phase II, commencing on 12th August, saw the Luft-
mately a dozen kilometres in width at its narrowest waffe focus on airfields and industrial targets;
ISBN 978-83-61220-19-0
point. Realizing that they stood little chance at sea – Phase III heralded the bombing of civilian targets, in-
© All rights reserved against the mighty Royal Navy, the Germans knew that cluding London;
© Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. the key to defeating Great Britain lay in achieving air – Phase IV, dated from 7th to 31st October, witnessed the
Wykorzystywanie fragmentów tej
książki do przedruków  w  gaze-
superiority. There was no doubt on either side of the Luftwaffe daylight offensive fizzle out in favour of night
tach i czasopismach, w audycjach Channel that victory in the forthcoming battle would bombings.
radiowych i programach telewi- go to whichever side controlled the airspace over the On 17th October 1940 Hitler decided to postpone the
zyjnych bez pisemnej zgody Wy-
dawcy jest zabronione. Nazwa contested area. invasion of Great Britain indefinitely. However, German
serii zastrzeżona w UP RP The Battle of Britain proved to be a turning point in the air operations across the Channel continued. Having
Dodatki dla modelarzy dołączo- war for Europe. It was the Luftwaffe’s first major failure, been curtailed by unfavourable weather conditions dur-
ne do niniejszej publikacji sta­
nowią integralną część książki
and a portent of things to come. Although not entirely ing the winter of 1940/41, the air war over the Channel
i  nie mogą być sprzedawane defeated, it suffered an unacceptably high rate of attri- front flared up again in May 1941. During that month
­oddzielnie tion, and the morale of its personnel suffered accord- the Luftwaffe launched its last massive air raid against
Cena detaliczna: 58,00 PLN ingly. No fewer than 2,500 German airmen were killed London, despatching some 700 aircraft. Shortly after-

w w w . k a g e r o . p l
wards the Germans shifted their attention Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring’s 2nd rosters were up to their authorized strength.
to the east by starting the war with the So- Luftflotte was to bear the brunt of the fight- The fighter units (Jagdgeschwadern) were
viet Union. ing, being assigned to cover the London to rely on their combat-tested Messerschmitt
By July 1940 the Luftwaffe had amassed area and counties along England’s southern Bf 109 Es and Messerschmitt Bf 110 Cs. The
some 2,700 frontline aircraft for the immi- coast. Generalfeldmarschall Hugo Sperrle’s bomber units (Kampfgeschwadern) had a wid-
nent air battle with Great Britain. Sources 3rd Luftflotte was to operate over the south- er variety of types on strength: Dornier Do
vary as to the actual composition of this for- western coast, mainly against the port ar- 17s (mainly of the Z variant), Junkers Ju 88s
midable force. Len Deighton mentions 1,260 eas of Bristol, Plymouth and Southampton. and Heinkel He 111s. The dive-bomber units
bombers, 316 Ju 87 dive-bombers, 893 Bf 109 Furthermore, Generaloberst Hans-Jürgen were equipped with Junkers Ju 87s. The noto-
single-engined fighters and 280 Bf 110 twin- Stumpff’s 5th Luftflotte was to add its weight rious Stukas were to suffer devastating losses
engined fighters. The Germans were sup- to the onslaught by launching attacks from in the forthcoming battle, a fact that would
ported by a somewhat token contingent sent Norway and Denmark against the eastern effectively end the legendary status they had
by the Italian Regia Aeronautica, amounting coasts of England and Scotland. All the par- acquired during the early phase of the war.
to 180 aircraft. ticipating units had been resupplied after the The Luftwaffe sporadically deployed other
Reichsmarschall Herman Göring slated three campaign against France; most were rearmed types of aircraft throughout the battle, but
of his five Air Fleets (Luftflotten) for the task. with the latest equipment, and their personnel their importance was marginal.
During the Battle of  Britain, the Luftwaffe
experimented with new paint schemes, main-
ly for fighter aircraft. The RLM (Reichsluft-
fahrtministerium), the Reich Air Ministry, an-
ticipated that it would be necessary to adapt
German aircraft camouflage schemes to  suit
the new theatre of operations. The earlier
scheme, devised in March 1938, featured RLM
70 Schwarzgrün and RLM 71 Dunkelgrün
on the upper surfaces, with RLM 65 Hellblau
on the undersides, separated by a low colour
demarcation line. On factory-fresh machines
delivered to operational units RLM 70 was
to be replaced by RLM 02 Grau, whilst the
division line between the colours was moved
up towards the spine, leaving the fuselage
sides in RLM 65. During the interim period
however, RLM 02 was in some cases used
to replace RLM 71 (as can be seen on ar-
chive photographs). Furthermore, as might
be expected under wartime conditions, older
aircraft sometimes had their RLM 70/71/65
camouflage scheme “upgraded” at unit level
by the simple expedient of raising the colour
division line on the fuselage.
Photo via Marek J. Murawski

w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
On the other hand, the Germans had noted or victory bars, usually painted on the rud- cross, was an individual aircraft letter. It was
during the Battle of France that large, light- ders (of Bf 109s and Bf 110s alike). Also com- painted in the colour assigned to a particular
coloured areas on an aircraft’s fuselage sides mon was the custom of painting the propeller Staffel. This letter was often repeated on the
made it too conspicuous. Frequently therefore, spinners in Staffel-specific colours. Bright-col- wing undersurfaces outboard of the crosses
such areas were toned down at unit level. This oured rudders and engine cowlings, in turn, (usually in black), and sometimes also on the
practice did not follow any particular scheme; helped to quickly distinguish friend from foe upper surface of the wings, outboard of the
rather, it reflected the whim of the individual in the heat of an air battle. crosses, in black or in the colour of the in-
workman and his paint spraying equipment. Unlike the freely applied additional markings dividual aircraft letter. The fourth and last
Generally speaking, the basic German cam- described above, the system for designating character, painted in black on the fuselage,
ouflage paints – RLM 70, RLM 71, RLM 02 staff rank was far more precise. Combinations identified which Staffel the aircraft belonged
– were used for this purpose, singly or in vari- of chevrons and bars identified the machines to. The following table shows how the system
ous combinations. It is known that some units flown by Geschwader and Gruppe command- worked.
mixed the colours to make different shades ers, as well as those allotted to officers of the Apart from the aforementioned markings, ad-
of grey. Therefore, identifying the camou- HQ flights. Single-engined fighter units iden- ditional graphic elements were sometimes used
flage colours of individual aircraft is a task tified their individual machines by means to help crews identify aircraft of their own
that can only be performed with a measure of fuselage side numbers, which were painted unit while forming up. Good examples of such
of uncertainty and speculation; all the more so in Staffel-specific colours. A notable exception markings are the white rectangles, painted sin-
because many aircraft were only partially pho- were the Jabo (fighter-bomber) units formed gly or in groups, on the tails and wing upper
tographed, usually from one side, and most- during the course of the battle, which carried surfaces of some Ju 88s and He 111s. Another
ly in black and white. Although the British black triangles on the fuselage, and used sin- example of this type of marking can be seen
reports on captured German aircraft provide gle, block letters instead of digits to identify in the narrow, white fuselage bands, painted
many interesting details, they tend to simplify individual aircraft. directly aft of the wing trailing edge on some
and generalize on the issue of camouflage. The Luftwaffe’s twin-engined fighter units, Do 17s. The opulence and variety of the cam-
The camouflage schemes used on  the Luft- along with its bomber units, used a four-char- ouflage and markings found on aircraft partic-
waffe’s bombers are far less of a challenge acter code (known as Verbandskennzeichen – ipating in the Battle of Britain make it a most
to identify. Throughout the Battle of Britain not to be confused with Stammkennzeichen, intriguing subject to study and research. For-
the old RLM 71/70/65 colour set was opera- factory-applied letter codes), painted on both tunately for aviation enthusiasts, and model-
tive. Only in the later phase of the battle was sides of the fuselage, to identify individu- lers in particular, there are many photographs
the colour scheme modified by painting the al aircraft. The first two letters (or a  letter from the period. The authors of this book have
aircraft undersides in black for night opera- and a digit) denoted a Geschwader, and were done their best to analyse and verify available
tions. As for national insignia, some excep- painted in black ahead of the fuselage cross. documentation to produce the following colour
tions can be found as far as the exact location The third one, painted directly aft of the plates and descriptions.
and shape of the designs are concerned. This
was usually the case with machines that had Fourth letter
been repaired using elements retrieved from Third letter colour
I. Gruppe II. Gruppe III. Gruppe IV. Gruppe V. Gruppe
older, unserviceable aircraft. Unit badges and white 1. Staffel - H 4. Staffel - M 7. Staffel - R 10. Staffel - U 13. Staffel - X
pilots’ personal emblems abounded. In the red 2. Staffel - K 5. Staffel - N 8. Staffel - S 11. Staffel - V 14. Staffel - Y
course of previous air campaigns many Luft-
yellow 3. Staffel - L 6. Staffel - P 9. Staffel - T 12. Staffel - W 15. Staffel - Z
waffe fighter pilots had amassed considerable
green (Gruppenstab) B C D E F
victory tallies. They were proudly present-
ed in the form of so-called Abschussbalken, blue (Geschwaderstab) A

Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-1 ‘White 11’ of III./JG 53. The Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-1 „Biała 11” III./JG 53. Maszy-
aircraft was finished in RLM 70/71 on upper surfac- na ma zmodyfikowaną kabinę późniejszej wersji. Sa-
es, and RLM 65 on  the undersides, with colour division molot w kamuflażu RLM 70/71 na górnych i RLM 65
line in mid-fuselage. Typically of this unit and this peri- na dolnych powierzchniach z rozdziałem kolorów
od, it was later given an irregular coat of RLM 02 ap- w połowie kadłuba. Dodatkowo, charakterystycznie dla
plied over the original RLM 70/71 upper surface scheme tej jednostki w tym okresie, malowanie zostało uzupeł-
to create a ‘reverse mottle’ effect. This intricate pattern nione o specyficzny motling wykonany farbą RLM 02
was highly individualistic. The red cowling band was JG zarówno na bokach kadłuba, jak i na górnych powierzch-
53’s temporary marking. The white segments of the Balk- niach płata. Polegał on  na zakryciu dużych powierzchni
enkreuz are significantly reduced. Code number ‘11’ and oryginalnego kamuflażu tak, że pozostały tylko nieliczne i
vertical bar of III. Gruppe are white, without the usual nieregularne jego plamy. Miał on indywidualny charakter w
black outline. przypadku poszczególnych maszyn. Czerwony pas na osło-
nie silnika to element rozpoznawczy jednostki. Kadłubowy
krzyż o zmniejszonych białych polach, numer 11 i pionowa
belka białe bez czarnego konturu.

Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-1 ‘Brown 2’ of 6./JG 54, autumn Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-1 „Brązowa 2” 6./JG 54, je-
1940. The aircraft is finished in RLM 71/02 on upper sur- sień 1940. Samolot w kamuflażu RLM 71/02 na górnych
faces, and RLM 65 on  the undersides, with colour divi- i RLM 65 na dolnych powierzchniach z rozdziałem kolorów
sion line in the upper part of the fuselage. The camou- na górze kadłuba. Dodatkowo, malowanie zostało uzupeł-
flage was supplemented along fuselage sides by a cross- nione o specyficzny motling na bokach kadłuba wykona-
hatch overspray of RLM 70, within which are patches ny farbami RLM 70 w postaci krzyżujących się ukośnych
of RLM 02. Fuselage machine gun troughs are in yellow. pasów i RLM 02 w postaci wewnętrznych plam. Rynienki
Unit’s emblem was painted just forward of the cockpit, kadłubowych km-ów w kolorze żółtym. Przed kabiną po
on either side. The brown ‘2’ was black-outlined. obydwu stronach kadłuba godło jednostki. Brązowy nu-
mer 2 przed krzyżem z czarnym konturem. Na stateczniku
uproszczona swastyka bez białych pól.

Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
JG 27, pilot Uffz. Paul Wacker, 30 listopada 1940. Samolot
Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-1/B, W.Nr.6313 coded ‘White G’ of 2./JG w kamuflażu RLM 71/02 na górnych i RLM 65 na dolnych po-
27, flown by Uffz. Paul Wacker, November 1940. The aircraft is fin-
wierzchniach z rozdziałem kolorów na górze kadłuba, z deli-
ished in RLM 71/02 on upper surfaces, and RLM 65 on the under- katnym motlingiem wykonanym szarym kolorem. Osłona silni-
sides, with colour division line in the upper part of the fuselage. ka, kołpak śmigła i ster kierunku w kolorze żółtym. Maszyna
The camouflage is supplemented by a fine stippling of grey. En-
ma zmodyfikowaną nową kabinę i osłonę pancerną za głową pi-
gine cowling, propeller spinner and rudder are yellow. Note modi- lota. Samolot po uszkodzeniu silnika wylądował awaryjnie
fied canopy and armoured plate behind pilot’s seat. Uffz. Wacker koło farmy w Worth Matravers w hrabstwie Dorset. Pilot trafił
was on a reconnaissance sweep over England on 30th November do niewoli i jak wyjaśniał maszyna była świeżym „transfe-
when his engine blew a cylinder and forced him down on a farm- rem” z jednostki II.(Schlacht)/LG 2, stąd niezamalowane jesz-
land at Worth Matravers, Dorset. The pilot was captured. During cze oznaczenia w postaci czarnego z białym konturem trójkąta
his subsequent interrogation he explained that his aircraft had
i białej w czerwonej obwódce literze G. W chwili zestrzele-
only recently been transferred from II.(Schlacht)/LG 2, hence the nia maszyna miała na maszcie anteny trójkątny proporczyk
black, white-outlined triangle and white, red-outlined ‘G’ markings z czerwonym napisem Gerda na białym tle. Na sterze kierun-
on the fuselage. At the time of its forced landing the aircraft had
ku, prawdopodobnie tylko po lewej stronie trzy czerwone belki
a small, triangular pennant attached to the aerial mast, oznaczenia zwycięstw powietrznych poprzedniego właściciela
on which the name ‘Gerda’ was painted in red against
white background. The three red victory bars, most prob-
ably painted on the port side of the rudder only, record-
ed successes scored by the aircraft’s erstwhile owner, an
unknown pilot of LG 2.
Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-1/B, W.Nr.6313 „Białe G” 2./

Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
Messerschmitt Bf 110 C, 2N+BN, 8./ZG
Messerschmitt Bf 110 C coded ‘2N+BN’
76, lato 1940. Samolot w kamuflażu RLM
of 8./ZG 76, summer 1940. The aircraft is fi-
71/02 na górnych i RLM 65 na dolnych po-
nished in RLM 71/02 on upper surfaces, and
wierzchniach. Czarna kodowa litera B w bia-
RLM 65 on  the undersides. Black, white-out-
łej obwódce powtórzona na dolnej i górnej
lined code letter ‘B’ was repeated on lower and
części płata. Białe w kolorze eskadry no-
upper wing surfaces. Spinner tips are in the
ski kołpaków śmigieł. Na przedzie kadłuba
Staffel colour of white. Unit’s emblem – three
po obydwu stronach godło w postaci trzech os
wasps above a cloud – was painted on either
nad chmurą. Litery kodowe na kadłubie w nie-
side of forward fuselage. Fuselage code letters
typowych szerokich odstępach.
are unusually wide-spaced.

Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
Messerschmitt Bf 110 C-6 coded ‚2N+RH’ of 1./Erp.Gr. 210, crewed by Lt. Erich Beudel (pilot) and Ogfr. Heinrich Diemer (Bordfunker), 29th June 1940. The
aircraft is finished in RLM 70/71 on upper surfaces, and RLM 65 on the undersides. Black, white-outlined code letter ‘B’ was repeated on lower and upper
wing surfaces. Blue, white-outlined code letter ‘R’ was repeated in the same colour on lower and upper wing surfaces. Spinners are blue, white-striped. The
Staffel emblem is painted on either side of forward fuselage. On 29th June 1940, whilst on an anti-shipping sortie over the Channel, the aircraft was shot
up by Hurricanes of No 151 Sqn RAF and force-landed near St. Omer-Arques, France. Of note is the lack of the central rear Bordfunker’s panel, which has
been completely removed, a common feature of Bf 110s operated by Erpr.Gr.210.

w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
Messerschmitt Bf 110 C -6, 2N+RH, paki śmigieł. Na przedzie kadłuba po oby-
1./Erp.Gr. 210, pilot Lt. Erich Beudel, dwu stronach godło eskadry. Samo-
strzelec Obergefreiter Heinrich Diemer, lot podczas ataku na konwój na Kanale
29 czerwca 1940. Samolot w kamuflażu La Manche został uszkodzony przez Hurrica-
RLM 70/71 na górnych i RLM 65 na dol- ne’y ze 151. Dywizjonu RAF i awaryjnie lądo-
nych powierzchniach. Niebieska kodowa li- wał koło St. Omer-Arques. Maszyna ma zde-
tera R w białej obwódce powtórzona w tej montowany centralny panel kokpitu strzelca,
samej kolorystyce na górnej i dolnej części co było charakterystyczne dla wielu maszyn
płata. Niebieskie z białymi paskami koł- tej jednostki.

Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
Messerschmitt Bf 110 C ‘3U+AS’ of 8./ZG 76,
summer 1940. The aircraft is finished in RLM
76, lato 1940. Samolot w kamuflażu RLM
70/71 on  the upper surfaces, and RLM 65
70/71 na górnych i RLM 65 na dolnych po-
on undersides. Black, white-outlined code letter
wierzchniach. Czarna kodowa litera A w bia-
‘A’ was repeated in black on lower wing surface.
łej obwódce powtórzona na dolnej części płata
Spinner tips are in the Staffel colour of red.
w kolorze czarnym. Czerwone w kolorze eskadry
The red fox, the emblem of 8. Staffel, was paint-
noski kołpaków śmigieł. Na przedzie kadłuba
ed on either side of the forward fuselage. Code
po obydwu stronach godło 8. Staffel w postaci
letters are unusually wide-spaced. A four-digit,
czerwonego lisa. Litery kodowe na kadłubie w
illegible Werk Nummer can be seen just ahead
nietypowych szerokich odstępach. Przed statecz-
of tailplanes.
nikiem na kadłubie biały, czterocyfrowy, niezna-
Messerschmitt Bf 110 C, 3U+AS, 8./ZG ny Werk Nummer.

Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
Messerschmitt Bf 110 C-2, W.Nr 35xx, coded ‘L1+LL’ of 15.(Z)/LG 1, crewed by Oblt. Otto Weckeiser (pilot) and Uffz. Horst Bügow (Bordfunk-
er), 27th September 1940. The aircraft is finished in  RLM 70/71 on  upper surfaces, and RLM 65 on  the undersides, with low colour division line.
The aircraft’s nose is painted white. Four bars painted in white on  tailfin record victories scored on 13th and 15th August (two on the latter date)
and on 11th September. Yellow code letter ‘L’ is repeated on lower wing surface in black. Spinner tips are in the Staffel colour of yellow. Of note
is an armoured-glass panel mounted to the windshield. On 27th September 1940 the aircraft was forced to belly-land near Oxted, Surrey (the crew were
taken prisoners).

w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
Messerschmitt Bf 110 C-2,W.Nr.35xx, L1+LL, nia i 11 września. Żółta litera kodowa L powtó-
15./LG 1, pilot Oblt. Otto Weckeiser, strzelec rzona na spodzie płata w kolorze czarnym oraz
Uffz. Horst Bügow, 27 września 1940. Samolot żółta w kolorze eskadry przednia część kołpa-
w kamuflażu RLM 70/71 na górnych i RLM 65 ka. Samolot ma zamontowaną pancerną osłonę
na dolnych powierzchniach z niską granicą ko- przedniej szyby wiatrochronu. Maszyna została
lorów. Biała przednia część kadłuba, na statecz- zestrzelona i lądowała awaryjnie koło Oxted,
niku cztery białe belki oznaczenia zwycięstw Surrey.
odniesionych odpowiednio 13 i 15 (dwa) sierp-

Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
Dornier Do 17 Z coded ‘F1+BL’ of 3./KG 76, 1940. The aircraft is finished in RLM 70/71 on upper surfaces, and RLM 65 on the undersides. Code letter ‘B’
and spinner in the Staffel colour of light yellow. Of interest are the little-known emblem of the unit, which was carried on either side of the forward fuselage
below the cockpit, and a narrow white band around the fuselage, aft of the wings. The aircraft is upgunned with two additional MG 15s on either side of
the rear cockpit.
Dornier Do 17 Z F1+BL, 3./KG 76, 1940. Samolot w kamuflażu RLM 70/71 na górnych i RLM 65 na dolnych powierzchniach. Kołpak i litera kodowa B w
jasnożółtym kolorze eskadry. Na przedniej części kadłuba pod kabiną, po obydwu stronach mało znane godło eskadry. Za płatami wokół kadłuba biały wąski
pas. Samolot uzbrojony w dodatkowe karabiny MG 15 po bokach kabiny.

Arkadiusz Wróbel

w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
Heinkel He 111 H-1 coded ‘G1+BH’ (White ‘B’) W.Nr 6305 of 1./KG 55. The aircraft in typical finish of RLM 70/71/65. Of special interest is the crew’s per-
sonal insignia of ‘prancing bull’ painted on the port side just ahead of the aircraft’s letter code. The aircraft’s individual white letter ‘B’ was repeated in black
on lower surface of the wings, outboard of the crosses. This He 111 was shot down by RAF fighters during a Luftwaffe air raid on the Bristol Aircraft Com-
pany’s plant at Filton on 25th September 1940, and crashed at Westhill Farm, Studland near Swanage in Dorset. Of the crew of five, four were captured,
including the pilot Fw. Fritz Jürgens and navigator Hptm. Karl Köthke. The flight engineer, Uffz. Josef Altrichter, was severely injured and succumbed to
his wounds.
Heinkel He 111 H-1 G1+BH (białe B) W.Nr 6305 z 1./KG 55. Samolot w typowym malowaniu RLM 70/71/65 z indywidualnym godłem „brykającego byka” w
kolorze białym na kadłubie przed literą kodową G po lewej stronie. Litera indywidualna samolotu B w kolorze białym powtórzona na spodniej stronie płata
na zewnątrz od krzyża w barwie czarnej. Maszyna została zestrzelona przez myśliwce RAF podczas ataku na zakłady lotnicze firmy Bristol w Filton 25 wrze-
śnia 1940 roku i lądowała awaryjnie w południe w okolicach Westhill Farm, Studland niedaleko Swanage w Dorset. Spośród pięcioosobowej załogi czterech
lotników dostało się do niewoli w tym pilot Fw. Fritz Jürgens i nawigator Hptm Karl Köthke. Piąty z nich Uffz Josef Altrichter został poważnie ranny i
wkrótce potem zmarł.

w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
Arkadiusz Wróbel

w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
Junkers Ju 87 B-1 coded ‘6G+AT’ (Yellow ‘A’) Junkers Ju 87 B-1, 6G+AT (żółte A) z 6./St.G 1 lot-
of 6./St.G 1; Norrent-Fontes, August 1940. The air- nisko Norrent-Fontes, sierpień 1940. Samolot w ka-
craft in  standard finish of RLM 70/71/65. The Staffel muflażu RLM 70/ 71/65. Godło eskadry pod kabiną
emblem was painted under cockpit on either side po obydwu stronach kadłuba. Oznaczenie uzupełnione o
of the fuselage. The strip around the spinner in the wąski pasek na kołpaku w kolorze eskadry (żółty). Litera
Staffel colour of yellow. The individual aircraft letter indywidualna samolotu powtórzona w kolorze czarnym
was repeated in black on lower surface of the wings, na spodniej części płata na zewnątrz od krzyży. Maszy-
outboard of crosses. Note the lack of the small siren na ma zdemontowane śmigiełko syreny na lewej goleni
propeller on the port main landing gear leg. podwozia.

Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
Arkadiusz Wróbel

w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
Junkers Ju 87 B-2, T6+HL (żółte H) W.Nr. 3360
Junkers Ju 87 B-2 coded ‘T6+HL’ (Yellow ‘H’) W.Nr. 3360 z 3./St.G 2 „Immelmann”, St Malo, 10 sierpnia 1940.
of 3./St.G 2 ‘Immelmann’; St Malo, France, 10th August Samolot w kamuflażu RLM 70/ 71/ 65. Godło eska-
1940. The aircraft in standard finish of RLM 70/71/65. dry herb Wrocławia, pod kabiną po obydwu stronach
The 3rd Staffel insignia, which represented the city of kadłuba. Oznaczenie uzupełnione o żółty nosek koł-
Breslau’s coat of arms, was painted under the cockpit paka. Litera indywidualna samolotu powtórzona
on either side of the fuselage. The strip around the spin- w kolorze żółtym na przedzie osłon podwozia, oraz
ner in  the Staffel colour of yellow. The individual aircraft w kolorze czarnym na spodniej części płata na zewnątrz
letter ‘H’ was repeated in yellow on the front of the main od krzyży. Biały numer seryjny 3360 na górnej części
landing gear wheel spates, and in black on lower surface statecznika pionowego. Maszyna ma zdemontowane śmi-
of the wings, outboard of the crosses. Serial number giełka syren na goleniach podwozia. Samolot 10 sierp-
‘3360’ was painted in white on the top part of the tailfin. nia 1940 roku został zestrzelony nad hrabstwem Sussex
Note the lack of siren propellers on main landing gear przez myśliwce RAF.
legs. The aircraft was shot down on 10th August 1940
over Sussex by RAF fighters.

Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
Junkers Ju 88 A-1 coded ‘4D+DC’ (Green ‘D’) of Stab II./KG 30, summer 1940. The aircraft in  standard finish of RLM 70/71/65. Atypically
for Ju 88s, engine nacelles under the wings were painted along their entire length in  the colour of the upper surfaces. It was a distinctive feature
of many machines operated by II./KG 30. The II. Gruppe’s crest was painted on either side of the nose. Spinner tips were painted red, as was the background
of the crest. The green individual aircraft letter ‘D’ was repeated in black on lower surface of the wings, outboard of the crosses.
Junkers Ju 88 A-1 4D+DC (zielone D) ze Stab II./KG 30, lato 1940 r. Samolot w kamuflażu RLM 70/ 71/ 65. Nietypowo dla Ju 88, gondole silników malowane
na całej długości pod płatem w kolorze górnych powierzchni, element charakterystyczny dla wielu maszyn II/KG 30. Godło dywizjonu pod kabiną pilota po
obydwu stronach płatowca. W kolorze tła godła dywizjonu (czerwonym) przednie części kołpaków śmigieł. Litera indywidualna samolotu D w kolorze zielonym
powtórzona w barwie czarnej na spodniej części płata na zewnątrz od krzyży.

w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
Junkers Ju 88 A-1 coded ‘3Z+HM’ (Blue ‘H’) of 4./KG 77, September 1940. The aircraft in  standard finish of RLM 70/71/65. KG 77’s em-
blem on either side of the fuselage. The individual aircraft letter ‘H’ was blue, white-outlined, repeated in the same colour on wing upper surfaces,
and in  black on  wing lower surfaces, outboard of the crosses. Spinners most probably also in  RLM 24 Dunkelblau (dark blue). Of special interest
is the large, white rectangle painted on port side of the rudder, repeated on port wing, inboard of the cross.
Junkers Ju 88 A-1 3Z+HM (niebieskie H) 4./KG 77 wrzesień 1940 r. Samolot w kamuflażu RLM 70/71/65. Godło KG 77 pod kabiną pilota
po obydwu stronach płatowca. Litera indywidualna samolotu H niebieska z białą obwódką powtórzona w tej samej kolorystyce na górze płata oraz w kolorze
czarnym na jego spodzie na zewnątrz od krzyży. Prawdopodobnie kołpaki śmigieł w tym samym kolorze RLM 24. Na sterze kierunku po lewej stronie duży
biały prostokąt, jako element identyfikacyjny, namalowany także na lewym skrzydle po prawej stronie krzyża.

w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
Junkers Ju 88 A-1 coded ‘9K+HL’ (Yellow ‘H’) W.Nr. 7036 of 3./KG 51. The aircraft in  standard finish of RLM 70/71/65. White serial num-
ber ‘7036’ is painted in  the top part of the tailfin. On 28th July, following a raid on Crewe, the aircraft was forced down (probably due to lack
of fuel) near Bexhill, Sussex. The entire crew was captured. The Gruppe emblem was painted on the either side of the fuselage, under the cockpit. Spinners
were painted yellow, as was the individual letter ‘H’, repeated in black on wing lower surfaces, outboard of the crosses. Of note is the white-outlined front
edge of engine nacelles.
Junkers Ju 88 A-1 9K+HL (żółte H) W.Nr. 7036 z 3./KG 51. Samolot w kamuflażu RLM 70/ 71/ 65 z białym numerem seryjnym 7036 na gó-
rze statecznika pionowego. 28 lipca samolot po nalocie na Crewe musiał przymusowo lądować prawdopodobnie z powodu braku paliwa niedaleko
Bexhill w hrabstwie Sussex. Cała załoga trafiła do niewoli. Godło dywizjonu pod kabiną pilota po obydwu stronach płatowca. Dodatkowym elemen-
tem oznakowania jest żółty nosek kołpaka śmigła oraz biała przednia krawędź osłon silników, jak również litera indywidualna samolotu H
w kolorze czarnym na spodniej części płata na zewnątrz od krzyży.

w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
Battle of Britain w w w . k a g e r o . p l
Junkers Ju 88 A-1 coded ‘9K+LR’ (White ‘L’), W.Nr. 5045, of 7./KG 51. The aircraft in standard finish of RLM 70/71/65. White serial number ‘5045’ painted
in the upper part of the tailfin. Spinners were painted in the Staffel colour of white, as was the individual letter ‘L’, repeated in black on the lower surface of
the wings, outboard of the crosses. Underwing crosses were not painted over dive air brakes. The Staffel emblem was painted on either side of the fuselage,
under the cockpit.
Junkers Ju 88 A-1 9K+LR (białe L) W.Nr. 5045 7./KG 51. Samolot w malowaniu RLM 70/ 71/65 z białą literą L na kadłubie powtórzoną na spodniej części pła-
ta, na zewnątrz od krzyży w kolorze czarnym. Dodatkowo kołpaki śmigieł w białym kolorze eskadry, na stateczniku pionowym numer seryjny 5045 w kolorze
białym. Na spodzie płata krzyże belkowe nie zostały uzupełnione na hamulcach aerodynamicznych. Pod kabiną godło eskadry po obydwu stronach kadłuba.

w w w . k a g e r o . p l TOPCOLORS
Note: The decals do not apply to all of the color profiles.
Masking foil for the cabin of Ju 88 in 1:32 scale.
Uwaga! Kalkomanie nie dotyczą wszystkich sylwetek.
Folia maskująca – kabina Ju 88 w skali 1:32.

Artwork caption can be found on page 34.

Opis sylwetki znajduje się na stronie 34.

ISBN 978-83-61220-19-0

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