Student Teaching Observation 4

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Teacher: Ms.

Natalie de Heras
Date: March 9, 2021
Subject: Math
Grade: 4th Grade
Whole Group Intervention
Common Core State Standards:

4.MP.1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

SWBAT recall prior knowledge about mathematical concepts and problem solve in
order to work through the problems.
I will be reviewing content that will be on their math benchmark. I am aiming to give
them better test taking strategies and problem-solving strategies for their upcoming
I Can Statement:

I can make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 4.MP.1


 Zoom (video, chat, screen share and sound)

 Technology (iPad, laptop, Chromebook, etc.)
 Whiteboard
 Notebook and Pencil
Time Allotted for Lesson:
50 minutes
Anticipatory Set:

 TW prompt students to go get their whiteboards to indicate to them they are starting a
math lesson
o If students do not have their whiteboards, they can write on paper or use the
chat to share their answers
 TW introduce the activity. We are going to be reviewing problems for your upcoming
benchmark. It is very important to follow along and work through the problems with
the class.
 I want everyone to get their whiteboards ready. We are going to model what it is like to
be a 100% classroom. I am going to count down from three, and when I get to one, I
want every single student to show me their whiteboards! This is what it should look
like the entire lesson.
 Fun Incentive: If we have 100% participation with at least 90% correct answers,
Ms. de Heras will put a sticker on her face!
 TW open the lesson for the students
 Our focus today is practicing for our math benchmark. I have included Test Tips
throughout the lesson! So be sure to be on the lookout for those!
 Reviewing content for their benchmark is the main focus.
Teaching/Instructional Practices

 TW share the Presentation on the screen

 Throughout the lesson the TW make sure to monitor student engagement and
encourage them to share their answers on their whiteboards
 NOTE: Each question has a set of four answer choices for students to choose from.
There are also models and visuals included.

First Problem: Which fraction represents the decimal 0.03?

 Focus: Math Benchmark Practice

 Test Tips will be given to provide strategies for their benchmark in order to do better
 TW present the problem and encourage students to start solving on their whiteboards
by giving them wait time
 TW ask students to present their answers on their whiteboards in order to monitor
 SW listen to the teacher and follow along by solving the problem on their whiteboards
 When you get your answer, put it in the chat!
 Show me your whiteboards!
 TW talk students through this problem thoroughly so they have the skills to do this on
their own
 Test Tip: Check the place value to help determine your answer.
 This fraction reads three hundredths. Meaning, 3 out of 100. So, our answer is C.
 SW watch the teacher model the strategy

Second Problem: Use the fraction bar below. Which of the following fractions is GREATER
than ?

 TW present the problem and encourage students to start solving on their whiteboards
by giving them wait time
 TW ask students to present their answers on their whiteboards in order to monitor
 SW listen to the teacher and follow along by solving the problem on their whiteboards
 When you get your answer, put it in the chat!
 Show me your whiteboards!
 TW model a strategy for how to find the answer on the benchmark. Drawing a line on
the fraction that is asked in order to compare it to other fractions. The fraction bar is
very useful!
 Important Information:
o The fraction bar can be used to help the students on multiple problems during
their test
o I want to get them to understand the importance of it and how useful it can be in
solving problems
 SW watch the teacher model the strategy and participate in the chat, on their
whiteboards, or out loud when called on

Third Problem:
Which of these is equivalent to ?

 TW present the problem and encourage students to start solving on their whiteboards
by giving them wait time
 TW ask students to present their answers on their whiteboards in order to monitor
 SW listen to the teacher and follow along by solving the problem on their whiteboards
 When you get your answer, put it in the chat!
 Show me your whiteboards!
 Important Information:
o Building strategies to find equivalent fractions is very important for their
o Although there aren’t any direct questions like this, the students need to know
how to find equivalent fractions in the answer choices
 Show me your whiteboards!
 We are going to go through all of the answer choices so we can be 100% confident in
our answer. When you are taking your benchmark, you should look at all the answer
choices to double check.

Fourth Problem: Which fraction has the same value as the point shown on the number line?
 TW present the problem and encourage students to start solving on their whiteboards
by giving them wait time
 TW ask students to present their answers on their whiteboards in order to monitor
 Test Tip: If your answer is not one of the choices, check to see if there are any
equivalent fractions.
 SW listen to the teacher and follow along by solving the problem on their whiteboards
 When you get your answer, put it in the chat!
 Show me your whiteboards!
 TW model a strategy for finding the correct answer
 SW watch the teacher model the strategy and participate in the chat/ out loud when
called on
 Important Information:
o This is another strategy to model how to find equivalent fractions in the answer
o I will be modeling why certain answer choices are wrong and how to find the
correct answer

Fifth Problem:
Polo wrote the fraction 1 as the sum of two fractions. Which shows how Polo could have
written it?

 TW present the problem and encourage students to start solving on their whiteboards
by giving them wait time
 TW ask students to present their answers on their whiteboards in order to monitor
 Test Tip: Remember what one whole is as a fraction! This is very important for
students to understand so I want to jog their memory about what one whole actually
means when represented as a fraction. This will also help with later concepts such as
subtracting mixed numbers with regrouping.
 SW listen to the teacher and follow along by solving the problem on their whiteboards
 When you get your answer, put it in the chat!
 Show me your whiteboards!
 Important Information:
o Decomposing fractions is a big skill on their benchmark
o A really big concept is getting students to understand that one whole is any
number over
Sixth Problem: What is the length of the tallest building and the shortest building combined?

 TW present the problem and encourage students to start solving on their whiteboards
by giving them wait time
 TW ask students to present their answers on their whiteboards in order to monitor
 SW listen to the teacher and follow along by solving the problem on their whiteboards
 When you get your answer, put it in the chat!
 Show me your whiteboards!
 Important Information:
o Knowledge of line plots and how they work are extremely important to
understand for their benchmark
o The students need to know that the line with ticks is like a ruler and the
numbers indicate the length
o The X’s indicate one object

Seventh Problem: The line plot shows the lengths of Ritchie’s toy cars in feet.

 TW present the problem and encourage students to start solving on their whiteboards
by giving them wait time
 TW ask students to present their answers on their whiteboards in order to monitor
 Test Tip: Check to see if the answer choice is written in simplest form. THE biggest
skill on their benchmark is equivalent fractions. The students need to be able to identify
that their answer choice might be presented in simplest form and they need to be able
to identify that.
 SW listen to the teacher and follow along by solving the problem on their whiteboards
 When you get your answer, put it in the chat!
 Show me your whiteboards!
 Important Information:
o I am including another line plot in order to solidify their knowledge of them
o Since there was a little confusion with this concept, it was important for me to
include a second line plot problem
o I used my knowledge of their past Simple Solutions quizzes in order to
determine that they need additional help with reading line plots

Eighth Problem:
6 3
Raelyn had of a whole sandwich. Her mom ate of the sandwich. Which shows the fraction
8 8
of the sandwich that she has left?
 TW present the problem and encourage students to start solving on their whiteboards
by giving them wait time
 TW ask students to present their answers on their whiteboards in order to monitor
 SW listen to the teacher and follow along by solving the problem on their whiteboards
 When you get your answer, put it in the chat!
 Show me your whiteboards!
 Important Information:
o Subtracting fractions with like denominators in word problems is one of the
main skills on their quiz
o I am also going to ask them why the answer choices are wrong in order to
achieve higher order thinking

Nineth Question: A student tracked all of his math test grades for one quarter. He put that
information into the table below. Which line plot correctly shows the data from the table?

 TW present the problem and encourage students to start solving on their whiteboards
by giving them wait time
 TW ask students to present their answers on their whiteboards in order to monitor
 Test Tip: Use the chart to find your answer. Students have not been exposed to a
problem like this before even though it is on their benchmark. It is important that they
understand they need to extract the information from the chart provided in order to find
the correct answer choice.
 SW listen to the teacher and follow along by solving the problem on their whiteboards
 When you get your answer, put it in the chat!
 Show me your whiteboards!
 Important Information:
o Analyzing a table in order to pick a line plot to represent it is another important
concept for their benchmark
o Students have not directly had a problem like this, so I wanted to expose them
to it prior to their benchmark

Tenth Question:
7 5
Solangie was baking a pie. She needed cup of flour. She only had cup of flour. How much
8 8
more flour does she need to make her pie?
 TW present the problem and encourage students to start solving on their whiteboards
by giving them wait time
 TW ask students to present their answers on their whiteboards in order to monitor
 SW listen to the teacher and follow along by solving the problem on their whiteboards
 When you get your answer, put it in the chat!
 Show me your whiteboards!
 Important Information:
o I did not include any answer choices for this question
o I wanted to test their problem-solving strategies in order to determine how well
they can extract information from a word problem to solve
o We went over strategies to extract information from a word problem, so they
should be able to extract the important information from it
o Also, excluding answer choices is another way of achieving higher order
thinking within the lesson

Note: I have included more questions than I believe I need as a precaution. I want to
make sure I have enough questions for the lesson.

Eleventh Question:
5 2
What is the difference between these mixed numbers? 5 -3 =X
6 3

 TW present the problem and encourage students to start solving on their whiteboards
by giving them wait time
 TW ask students to present their answers on their whiteboards in order to monitor
 Test Tip: Eliminate the choices you know are wrong! That way, students can narrow
down their thinking and choosing an answer is less overwhelming if they are unsure.
 SW listen to the teacher and follow along by solving the problem on their whiteboards
 When you get your answer, put it in the chat!
 Show me your whiteboards!
 Important Information:
o Subtracting with mixed numbers is a huge concept on their benchmark
o We have been discussing how to do this, so they should be able to solve this
problem with ease

Twelfth Problem:

 TW present the problem and encourage students to start solving on their whiteboards
by giving them wait time
 TW ask students to present their answers on their whiteboards in order to monitor
 SW listen to the teacher and follow along by solving the problem on their whiteboards
 When you get your answer, put it in the chat!
 Show me your whiteboards!
 Important Information:
o The main purpose of this equation is to test their ability to find an answer with
an equivalent fraction
o The students need to convert the improper fraction to a mixed number in order
to find the correct answer
o This will test their problem-solving strategy in solving a multi-step problem –
an extremely important concept for 4th grade

Thirteenth Question:
All 15 students in the class need cup of glue for their project. How much glue does the
teacher need to buy for her class?

 TW present the problem and encourage students to start solving on their whiteboards
by giving them wait time
 TW ask students to present their answers on their whiteboards in order to monitor
 SW listen to the teacher and follow along by solving the problem on their whiteboards
 When you get your answer, put it in the chat!
 Show me your whiteboards!
 Important Information:
o Students need to extract the information for the word problem in order to solve
o They need to multiply the problem and then divide the mixed numbers

Closure: Chat Explosion!

 TW use chat explosion as a lesson closure/ exit ticket from the lesson
 TW prompt the students to use two sentence stems for our chat explosion
 In a moment, I will open the chat to everybody. I want you to use at least one of the
sentence stems that I provided for our chat explosion. You can either: Tell me about
one thing you liked about this review or Tell me about one thing you still want to work
on. I will give everyone a minute to think of their sentence. Then, I want you to put
your response in the chat.
 I want to see my chat explode with responses!
 Although I have already done a chat explosion as a lesson closure. I am using the
strategy again in order to see what else students would like to work on before they take
their benchmark. I also like to get instant feedback on the lesson in the zoom, so
students do not have to go to an alternative website.
 Make sure your responses are
o Appropriate
o One of the sentences stems I provided
o Respectful
o Kind
o Remember our Carrillo character traits
o If students cannot respond appropriately, we will not do this again.

I have included a positive reinforcement at the conclusion of our lesson. This is to make them
feel confident in their ability to be a good test taker!

 TW check for understanding throughout the lesson on their whiteboards and from the
o Listening to discussion and having students share what they wrote or thought
o Using the chat to determine understanding
 Thumbs up, thumbs down participation.
 TW ask them to show their whiteboards to check for completion and participation.
 TW check their whiteboards for completion to check for comprehension/ utilization of
breaking down the word problem strategy presented

 Observer may sit in Zoom.

 SW be seated at their desks and on Zoom for the entire lesson.
 TW support students throughout the lesson as a small group or individually.
 Optional: breakout room for additional personalized student support if needed.

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