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Área personal ! Mis cursos ! PREGRADO ! INGE058G1-


Quiz 3

Describing a city

En esta presentación de powerpoint encontrarán la

forma de describir aspectos de una ciudad.

Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives

Explicación acerca de como usar los adjetivos en sus

forma comparativa y superlativa.

Quiz 3

You are going to write about a city. Work

individually. Think of a city in Chile or another
country. Write a description including the following

1. Location (Where is it?)

2. How to get there.
3. The weather.
4. Tourist attraction.
5. Activities to do in that city.

Follow the structure included in the powerpoint

presentation “Describing a city”, which is on the new
Siveduc. Write your text using between 120 and 150
words. Use the vocabulary and structures contained
in Unit 9 of the American headway 1B to describe
cities. Include at least 3 cases of superlative forms of
Deadline to hand in your work: 6 January 23:59.

Write your work in Word format using Arial 12. Save

your file with your name.

Pauta de Evaluación Quiz 3

Quiz 4

You are going to write about people. Work


Find a picture of a group of people doing different

things like the previous slide. Write a description of
the picture including the following aspects:

1. Name of the people

2. What they are doing NOW.
3. What they do.
4. Physical description.
5. Clothes.

Follow the structure included in the powerpoint

presentation (Slide 14 “Who is who?”), which is on
the new Siveduc.

Write your text using between 120 and 150 words.

Use the vocabulary and structures contained in Unit
10 of the American Headway 1B.
You must send your work before 20 January at

Lab session 19 August

Unit 1

Aquí encontrarás la explicación de las formas

verbales, vocabulario y pronunciación de los
contenidos incluidos en la primera unidad del
programa de estudios.

Lab Session 19th August

Exercises on CAN and past of the verb TO BE


List of irregular verbs

Lista de los verbos irregulars más communes.

English lab 2nd September

Quiz 2

Responde estas preguntas en forma tan completa

como sea posible.

1. When was it? (incluye la fecha)

2. Where were you?
3. Who were you with?
4. What did you wear?
5. Where did you go?
6. What did you do?
7. What was the weather like?
8. What time did you get home?
9. Why was it a memorable day?

Graba tus respuestas a estas preguntas (no las

preguntas). La grabación debe durar entre 1 minuto
y 1 minuto y medio. Envía tu grabación (mp3) y el
texto de tus respuestas (en formato de Word) a
través de antes de las 23:59 del
jueves 26 de septiembre de 2019. Después de esa
hora, la opción para enviar el quiz no se encontrará
disponible en la plataforma, por lo tanto, si no fue
enviado, se le asignará la nota mínima.

El puntaje para la nota 7.0 es 20 puntos, según la

pauta que se adjunta.


Oral Quiz

Lab session 30th September

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