Present Vs Present Progresive

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NOMBRE: Ginny Samanta Navarrete Losada

FICHA.: 2068896

COMPETENCIA: Gestión empresarial

AREA: Ingles

2. Present Progressive Grammar Stuctures with examples

3. Spelling -ING rules with 3 examples by each one.

Verbs that end in -e remove the -e before adding -ing. If they end in -ee, they gerund normally.

love loving

come coming

see seeing

2 Single-syllable verbs that have only one vowel and end in a consonant double that consonant
before adding —ing

run running

win winning

sit sitting

3 Two-syllable verbs with the accent on the second syllable also double the consonant.

begin beginning

prefer preferring

admit admitting

4 Verbs ending in a single vowel + L, double the L before adding —ing in British English but not
in American English.

ravel travelling (UK)

travel traveling (USA)

5 Verbs ending in -y make the gerund normally.

play playing

study studying

carry carrying

4. The list of 100 unknwn words taken from the video "Learn how manage people and be a
better leader"

1. interpersonal skills habilidades interpersonales

2. character traits rasgos de personaje
3. professional expertise experiencia profesional
4. subordinates subordinados
5. co- workers Compañeros de trabajo
6. customers clientes
7. leadership liderazgo
8. management administración
9. needs necesidades
10. samples muestras
11. Deadline plazo
12. Quality calidad
13. Delivery entrega
14. Assertive positiva
15. Honest honesto
16. Respectful respetuoso
17. Suggestions sugerencias
18. Graphs gráficos
19. pictures videos fotos, videos
20. experience experiencia
21. logic lógica
22. carrot zanahoria
23. stick palo
24. consultative de consultación
25. big picture cuadro grande
26. Values valores
27. life goals metas de la vida
28. self uno mismo
29. employer empleador
30. challenges retos
31. career goals objetivos profesionales
32. training capacitación
33. Strengths fortalezas
34. Weaknesses debilidades
35. Singapore singapur
36. workforce skills habilidades de la fuerza laboral
37. qualifications calificaciones
38. developed desarrollado
39. industry partners socios de la industria
40. sectors sectores
41. training providers proveedores de formación
42. affordable asequible
43. subsidies subsidios
44. bite- sized modules módulos del tamaño de un bocado
45. traits rasgos
46. leader líder
47. explain explique
48. success éxito
49. Pull jalar
50. Push empujar
51. Influencing influir
52. Styles estilos
53. Responsibility responsabilidad
54. Accept aceptar
55. Team equipo
56. Hired contratado
57. Promoted promovido
58. Wanted querido
59. Supervisors supervisores
60. Sometimes algunas veces
61. Rapport compenetración
62. Unhappy infeliz
63. Feel sentir
64. Better mejor
65. Reiterate reiterar
66. Views puntos de vista
67. Fail fallar
68. Another otra
69. Cons contras
70. Day dia
71. go wrong ir mal
72. know saber
73. prefers prefiere
74. information información
75. procces proceso
76. hear oír
77. face to face cara acara
78. phone calls llamadas telefónicas
79. meetings reuniones
80. site sitio
81. visits visitas
82. product producto
83. testing pruebas
84. logic lógica
85. think pensar
86. centres centros

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