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ELEG 682: Optics and Photonics, Spring 2021

Homework # 2 Due in class Friday, March 12th, 2021

Readings: Chapter 2, 3 of Saleh & Teich
Problem 1: Michelson interferometer to measure refractive index changes
A michelson Morley interferometer built out of green laser pointer (λ= 532 nm) has a
transparent glass cell of length 10 cm inserted in one of it’s arms. The glass cell is full of
air (n = 1.000276), which is slowly being pumped out of the cell. As the air is pumped
out, the refractive index, and therefore the optical path length in that arm changes. How
much should the refractive index change by to cause a phase shift of π? This phase shift
causes a constructive interference to turn to destructive interference pattern, thus leading
to a observable difference in the interference pattern.
Problem 2: Bragg reflection
Consider light reflected at an angle θ from M parallel reflecting planes separated by a
distance Λ, as shown in Figure 1. Assume that only a small
fraction of the light is reflected from each plane, so that the
amplitudes of the M reflected waves are equal. Show that the
reflected waves have a phase difference ϕ = 2kΛ sin θ, and that
the angle θ at which the intensity of the total reflected light is
maximum satisfies
sin θ = . (1)

This equation defines the Bragg angle θ. Such reflections are
encountered when light is reflected from a multilayer structure.
We will study Bragg reflection in detail later in the context of
Figure 1: Bragg angle
photonic crystals.
Problem 3: Parameters of a Gaussian beam
A 1mW He-Ne laser produces a Gaussian beam at a wavelength of λ = 633nm with a spot
size of 2w0 =0.1mm.
a). Determine the angular divergence of the beam, its depth of focus, and its diameter at
z = 3.5 × 105 km (approximately the distance to the moon).
b). What is the radius of curvature of the wavefront at z = 0, z = z0 , and z = 2z0 ?
c). What is the optical intensity (in W/cm2 ) at the beam center (z = 0, ρ = 0) and at the
axial point z = z0 ? Compare this with the intensity at z = z0 of a 100 W spherical wave
produced by a small isotropically emitting light source located at z = 0.
Problem 4: Optical Trapping
a). Starting with the expression for intensity, how that the point (ρ = 0, z = 0) is where
a Gaussian beam has the maximum intensity. Plot the variation of intensity around this

point as a function of ρ and z either together or separately. FYI- dielectric particles can
get trapped in region of maximum intensity, and we use focussed Gaussian beams to trap
such particles.
Please read the accompanying article on optical trapping, and using equations 1-4 and
accompanying text of the paper, calculate:
b). How much power would you need in a λ =1064nm Gaussian beam focussed to a beam
waist of w0 = 50µm in order to balance the gravitational force on a 100nm silica sphere
with the scattering force? Assume np = 1.45
c). Show that for small displacements around the intensity maxima, the gradient force
follows Hooke’s law. This provides the restoring force(in both ρ and z direction) and
enables particles to get trapped in the intensity maxima.

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