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In addition to being served as a fresh vegetable, tomato is also

consumed in the form of various processed products, such as paste,
juice, sauce, puree and ketchup. Generally, in processing these
products, different by-products including peels, seeds and pulps are
produced. The rational disposal of Tomato waste represents not only a
resource problem but also an environmental and economic one for the
Tomato Processing Industry.

Tomato Processing By-Products indicates the alternative sustainable

solutions for the recovery of tomato processing by-products as a
source for animal feed and valuable components as well as their
possible approaches for value-added utilization in energy,
environmental and agricultural applications.

Aimed at agricultural or food engineers who work in the Tomato

processing industry and are seeking to improve their by-products
management by actively utilizing them in effective applications. 

Key Features

 Includes tomato processing by-products, their quantification and

 Approaches tomato waste for animal feeding
 Brings successful case study of tomato processing by-products


Food scientists and technologists, Agriculturists, crop cultivators, agricultural

engineers, farming specialists, biologists, Professional working in the food and
tomato processing industry. Researchers working in the edge of food,
environmental and energy fields, Energy, Environmental, agricultural and
chemical engineers

Table of Contents

1. Identification, Quantification and Characterization of Tomato

processing by-products
2. Tomato waste for animal feeding
3. Ingredients for food products
4. Extraction and formulation of valuable components from Tomato
processing by products
5. Biomaterials
6. Biochar production from the pyrolysis of Tomato processing residue
7. Vermicomposting of Tomato processing by-products
8. Environmental applications of tomato processing by-products
9. Energy applications of tomato processing by-products
10. The biorefinery concept for the industrial valorization of tomato
processing by-products

The food industry, as one of the largest industries around the world, is of
primary importance to all national economies. The increase in the world
population is leading to a sharp increase in the food production demand
in the upcoming years. Under these circumstances, high volumes of food
industry wastes attract increasing socioeconomic, political, and scientific
attention. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization,
approximately one-third of food produced for human consumption is lost
or wasted globally. Most recent research from FAO in 2019 indicates that
13.8% of food produced in 2016 was lost from farm to fork, excluding the
retail and household stages of the global food supply chain. Improved
waste management systems are among the challenges identified by
the 2030 Agenda, taking into account the increasing number of
malnourished people as well as the depletion of natural resources.
National legislation and international regulatory frameworks indicate that
waste prevention and minimization along with by- and coproducts
valorization (while keeping food and feed safety and quality standards)
are vital strategies for an effective management system that enhances the
sustainability of the food industry. This chapter includes an extensive
introduction to the concept of food-derived waste recovery by providing a
literature review on definitions, points of origin, distribution, and food
waste amounts. Strategies, policies, treatment methods, and recovery
impacts for food waste are discussed as well.


Unsurprisingly food production leads to the generation of many co/by-

products and waste materials along the chain from collection through to
various stages of processing and final manufacture. Such cogenerated products
can pose environmental and economic problems thus reducing the profitability
of the food industry. However, within the problem lies the solution as these
coproducts are rich in a variety of biomolecules of high relevance to the food
and nonfood (e.g., pharmaceutical, cosmetic) industries and which can
command high value for the agro-food industry. In this chapter an overview is
presented of some of the high-added-value biomolecules identified in the
different by-products generated by the most important industries (cereals,
roots and tubers, pulses and oil crops, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and milk);
the corresponding target compounds in each case as well as their potential
applications in key sectors as food, pharmaceutical or biomedical are also
outlined. The reader is guided to a number of relevant published articles for
more in-depth descriptions that are beyond the scope of this chapter. In the
updated version of the chapter, more recent and relevant findings have been
included in order to provide a useful resource for the reader.

Food wastes are mixtures constituted from different phases, whereas their
components can be divided into macro- and micromolecular groups. In a
third level of division, components can be further classified according to
their structural characteristics and physicochemical properties. This
simple consideration, moving from macroscopic to micromolecular level,
allows the separation of target and nontarget compounds gradually in
different streams. Based on these principles, a holistic methodology (the
so-called 5-Stage Universal Recovery Process) was herein designed to
ensure an optimized management of the available technologies and
recapture several kinds of valuable compounds from any waste source.
This methodology was further developed to a more general approach (the
so-called Universal Recovery Strategy), which includes all the relevant
information in each case (e.g., waste distribution, availability, and
production data, and microstructure) for the designing of a particular

The industrialization of processes dealing with the recovery of compounds
from food wastes includes numerous issues such as laboratory research,
transfer to pilot plan and full-scale production, protection of intellectual
properties, and development of definite applications. These parameters
are necessary in order to ensure the sustainability of the process, the
economic benefit for the involved food industry, and the perpetual
establishment of the derived products in the market. In addition, a
working scenario focused absolutely on the extraction technologies and
not on the investigation of tailor-made applications is doomed to fail.

Food-processing by-products’ exploitation includes the recovery of fine
chemicals and production of precious metabolites, such as natural antioxidants,
enzymes, starch, pigments, etc., which are value-added products of high
significance to the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and food industries. Contemporary
biocatalysis is based upon new tools and methodologies to improve a wide range
of production processes. The development of modern biocatalytic procedures
promotes advances in the environment (bioremediation), food (bio-based
functional ingredients), and also renewable and clean energies (biofuels) sectors.
However, despite the obvious benefits of biocatalysis, the major drawbacks
associated with the exploitation of enzymes are, in many cases, the high
production costs and the low yields obtained. In recent years there has been a
substantial amount of knowledge gained on the richness of food wastes and by-
products in valuable enzymes, with high prospects in several environmental and
food processes. This chapter deals with the recovery and utilization of enzymes
from food wastes, by describing the major aspects of practical importance.

Winemaking by-products, especially grape skins and seeds, have received
a lot of attention due to their high content of free and fiber-bound
bioactive phenolics. In vivo studies have documented the health benefits
of these compounds, delivered as powders or capsules, toward
cardiovascular disease and possibly type-2 diabetes. One important
technological challenge is to formulate these compounds in functional
foods, in order to deliver them with the diet. In line with this approach,
this chapter summarizes the strategies so far applied to formulate grape
bioactive compounds in foods with the aim to (1) preventing their
interaction with food components that can lead to a decreased bioactivity;
(2) achieving a controlled release in the digestive tract; (3) protecting
from heat, oxygen, and light exposure during food processing and storage
that can lead to degradation; and (4) masking negative impact that they
can exert on the sensory properties of foods that can decrease consumers’
liking. An array of applications for micronized grape antioxidant fiber and
encapsulated phenolics is presented.

Plant-based by-products are a source of bioactive compounds because
they retain a huge amount of phytochemicals and are very rich in dietary
fiber (DF). Many beneficial properties, mainly its hypocholesterolemic
and prebiotic effects, are well known for a DF that is considered an
important functional ingredient, and in this sense, nutritional and health
claims are allowed in European Union for those DF–enriched food
products. Therefore new sources of this component are always under
investigation, such as plant-based by-products, which are mainly
composed of insoluble fiber; and as the health properties are largely
associated to the soluble fraction, different approaches are being
developed in order to increase the amount and availability of the soluble
fiber, that is, chemical procedures, enzymatic treatments, or physical
methods. From this latter, for example, high hydrostatic pressure has
shown to be useful to solubilize fiber in by-products such as okara or
apple pomace. Among phytochemicals, phenolic compounds receive
major attention because they play a role in the prevention of oxidative
stress–associated diseases such as neurodegenerative and cardiovascular
diseases. They can be recovered from plant wasted easily, but the focus is
in the design of sustainable and feasible procedures for food industries to
maximize the yield of the target compounds using green technologies such
as supercritical fluids that appear useful for many plant by-products, for
instance, grape marc, berries pomace, potato peels, and broccoli leaves.
Nevertheless, most plant by-products end up landfill or incinerate, or in
better cases for animal feed or the extraction of pectins (mainly citrus and
apples). This chapter reviews the different approaches gathering the main
investigations to carry out the valorization of plant-based by-products,
some very promising, others interesting but few sustainable and cost-
efficient at industrial scale. Researches and industries should go hand in
hand together to achieve sustainable proposals following the premises of
the circular economy.

Europe faces the challenge to shift to a sustainable food system and looks
at current opportunities for change. Europe’s food system is a large and
complex one, and it has a great impact on the environment. One of the key
challenges is to deal with food waste at different stages along the food
supply chain. This chapter presents variants of the valorization of food
waste resulting from the processing of cereals (bran, germ) and fruits and
vegetables (tomatoes, grapes, onion, carrots, apples, tropical fruit,

The demand for the valorization and reuse of by-products is stronger than
ever and is considered a serious challenge to the worldwide economy and
society. In the field of food, processing by-products represents a major
environmental issue that urgently needs to be solved. A panoply of studies
has been carried out on food residues, particularly on fruit and vegetable
wastes, in order to identify and quantify the phytochemicals present and
evaluate its biological safety and efficacy for humans. The bioactive
compounds present are mainly polyphenols, fatty acids, minerals, and
vitamins. Especially, the cosmetic field may benefit from high-added
value ingredients. This chapter aims to revise the potential applications of
bioactive compounds extracted from fruit, vegetable, and cereal by-
products as active ingredients for skincare products. Their potential
emollient, antiwrinkle, or antioxidant activity is critically reviewed and

This chapter is focused on the role of polyphenols and other antioxidants from
by-products to be used in new fortified foods or supplements adding value and
potential functionality to the recovered compounds. The residues can be a
potential for the food industry with new options of available products for
consumers. The goal of this part of the book is to highlight the possibility of
extracting bioactive compounds from waste fruit and vegetable origin and the
possibility of their exploitation for new products in cosmetics, foodstuffs,
nutraceutical or dietary supplements with nutritional value-added and also
increasing the economical profits, improving the sustainability of the agri-food
systems, and generating novel high-value products. Techniques of recovering,
fortifying, and optimization of some beverages and supplements as well as
polyphenols interactions and applications will be discussed by the explanation of
studies such in vitro, clinical and in vivo. Finally, through this chapter, some
insights on the regulations and health claims associated with these ingredients are
also included.

Sustainability and environmental impact are becoming essential items for

the food industry around the world, as resources become more restricted,
demand grows, and ecological problems are increased. Industrial food
processing ensures that the required resources to produce food products
are used most efficiently. In our times the food industry should be as
efficient as possible in terms of yield and environmental impact. Besides,
recent changes in the legislative frameworks, ecological concerns, and
increasing attention toward sustainability have stimulated industry to
reconsider their environmental management policy and face the ultimate
utilization of their resources. Subsequently, there is a need for a new
guide covering the latest developments concerning the ecological impact
of different food industries, as well as the environmental impact of food

Food Waste Recovery Group provides insights into the food and
environmental science and technology sectors, and this line is publishing
different books and reference documents. The books deal with
innovations in traditional foods, innovation strategies in food and
environmental science, sustainable food systems, nutraceuticals,
nonthermal processing, food waste recovery technologies, saving food
efforts, bio-based products and bio-based industries, and the valorization
of food processing by-products (e.g., from coffee, cereals, meat, grapes,
and olives). The group has also prepared handbooks for personalized
nutrition, shelf-life, food quality, innovative food analysis, nonalcoholic
drinks, and textbooks for specific food components such as dietary fiber,
glucosinolates, proteins, lipids, carotenoids, and polyphenols. Following
these considerations, the current book covers the environmental impact of
the agro-food sector and food industries. The ultimate goal is to support
professionals and enterprises that aspire to improve the efficiency of the
food industry and to diminish its environmental footprint.

The book consists of 12 chapters. The assessment of the environmental

performance of food and beverage production is presently carried out
using numerous single- or multienvironmental issue standard methods.
In Chapter 1, the human impact on the environment and the basics of the
life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies are briefly outlined.
Independently of the number of mid- or end-point impact categories
accounted for, all these methods give no more than a partial schematic
representation of the environmental impact of a product or activity. They
are useful for in-house product improvement and, except for the carbon
footprint labeling, cannot be presently used for external communication
to environmentally unconscious consumers.
Chapter 2 reviews the environmental impact of organic agriculture. The
nutritional value of organic food, and productivity and profitability of
organic farms are also addressed. Organic farming has been shown to
reduce soil degradation, increase agrobiodiversity, and eliminate
pesticides. Chapter 3 presents a systematic review of the studies
developed on poultry and pig production, confirming the importance of
feeding processes (from crop cultivation to manufacture and transport) as
the largest source of environmental impact in the overall chain. Some of
these studies reported that improving feeding practices may mitigate the
ecological footprint of animal production. In this context, precision
feeding is highlighted due to applicability in modern poultry and pig
Chapter 4 focuses on the environmental impacts associated with egg
production and industry to provide an update of the global situation and
identify the main opportunities for reducing these impacts. The
environmental impacts associated with poultry farms can be attributed to
three primary sources: feed production, energy use, and emissions from
housing and manure management. Also, other factors such as
productivity, poultry genetics, mortality rate, and coproducts generation
are essential issues to be considered.
Chapter 5 deals with the environmental impact of the pasta industry.
Notably, the cradle-to-grave environmental impact of 1kg of dry pasta,
produced from a medium-sized pasta factory located in the north of Italy
and packed in 0.5-kg polypropylene bags, was investigated by using a
well-known LCA software in compliance with the Cumulative Energy
Demand, PAS 2050, IMPACT 2002+, ReCiPe 2016, and Product
Environmental Footprint standard methods. All these methods allowed
durum wheat cultivation and pasta cooking to be identified as the primary
and secondary hotspots. Improvements in the cultivation phase were
outlined by resorting to conservative farming systems with low N fertilizer
inputs. The replacement of the ordinary home gas-fired hobs with a more
ecosustainable pasta cooker reduced the damage to “climate change” and
“resource depletion.”
In Chapter 6, the environmental impact associated with the production of
dairy products, along with details of the leading method for estimating the
impact, LCA, is discussed. The extensive use of LCA to assess the
environmental impact of dairy products is presented, along with an
overview of critical studies in this area. The acidification, eutrophication,
and global warming potential were found to be the three most assessed
environmental impact categories. In addition, a case study investigating
the environmental impact associated with producing fluid milk in the
Republic of Ireland is presented.
Chapter 7 presents an overview of the food industry with an emphasis on
raw materials of ice cream, the processes and methods followed, and their
effect on the environment and human health. For example, raw material
extraction of this supply chain contributes a significant impact in all the
categories of LCA. In contrast the production unit and refrigeration
consume high energy, which accounts for the depletion of the ozone layer.
Chapter 8 describes the cheese production system and its associated
environmental aspects that can result in potential environmental effects.
After that, it discusses the main methods of impact reduction in
environmental management following cheese production cases. It also
presents the main contributing flows, the analysis, and interpretation of
the associated environmental impacts, based on the LCA method. Chapter
9 provides an overview of sugar technology and points out the essential
characteristics of generated effluents. Moreover, it deals with the
environmental impact of the confectionery industry, explaining the
biotechnological utilization of its effluents within the biorefinery concept.
Tea is one of the most widely used drinks in the world, whereas the
demand for this product is increasing day by day. However, traditional tea
production does not meet this demand. Therefore the chain of tea
production consumes a lot of energies and materials to achieve a higher
yield of tea in cultivation and processing steps compared with traditional
tea cultivation and processing. Chapter 10 provides an overview of tea’s
life cycle from production into consumption/waste management before
providing insights into the LCA of this supply chain.
The refrigeration of foods has significant impacts on the environment,
such as direct emissions through refrigerant leakage and indirect
emissions through large amounts of energy consumption. Chapter
11 investigates how cold chains of the food sector contribute to
environmental issues and identifies best practices that allow decreasing
the environmental impact by lowering energy consumptions and quality
losses. These best practices can belong to investments in more efficient
technologies or the implementation of maintenance and operational
practices as well as better coordination through different actors of the
Chapter 12 deals with the environmental impact of food waste. Since one-
third of global produced food is lost or wasted throughout the entire
supply chain, the respective environmental impacts that are attributed to
these materials are also significant. For the European Union, this
accounts for 88 million tonnes (Mt). Due to this high amount, 186 Mt of
CO2 equivalents (CO2e) can be related to food wastage in the European
Union, which accounts for 4% of the overall European Global Warming
Impact. Food waste prevention, for example, by donation preventing
especially the amount of meat and dairy waste, may achieve savings
exceeding even 1000 kg CO2e t−1 saved food. Also, the valorization of food
processing by-products could result in considerable GHG savings up to
500 kg CO2e.
Conclusively, the current book is assisting food scientists, technologists,
engineers, and chemists as well as environmentalists, environmental
technologists, and engineers, researchers, academics, and professionals
working in the food industry. University libraries, institutes, laboratories,
food companies, and regulatory bodies could use it as a textbook in
undergraduates and postgraduate level multidiscipline courses dealing
with food and environmental science and technology, sustainable food
consumption, food processing, especially in postgraduate programs.

At this point, I would like to thank and acknowledge and contributing

authors for their dedication to this book project. Their acceptance of my
invitation, collaboration, and respecting deadlines is highly appreciated. I
would also like to thank the acquisition editor Megan Ball, the book
managers Laura Okidi and Lena Sparks, and all colleagues from Elsevier’s
production team for their assistance during the preparation of this book.
Finally, those collaborative editing projects of hundreds of thousands of
words may contain gaps or errors. If you have any comments, revisions,
or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

The assessment of the environmental performance of food and beverage
production is presently carried out using numerous single- or multi-
environmental issue standard methods. All of them are compliant with
the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology but diverge along the
number of impact categories and materials covered, the models used to
characterize the environmental impact, and even for the free use of
different normalization and weighting factors.

In this chapter the human impact on the environment and basics of the
LCA methodology and main life cycle impact assessment methods are
briefly outlined. Independently of the number of mid- or end-point
impact categories accounted for, all these methods give no more than a
partial schematic representation of the environmental impact of a product
or activity. They are useful for in-house product improvement and, except
for the carbon footprint (CF) labeling, cannot be presently used for
external communication to environmentally -unconscious consumers.

Whether the life cycle impact of foods and beverages is mostly affected by
fossil cumulative energy demand (CED) and consequently by greenhouse
gas emissions, the CED indicator or CF appears to be the most
straightforward and cost-effective method usable by 99% of the European
food and beverage enterprises to start improving their sustainability, even
with the help of secondary instead of primary data. Any additional
environmental impact category or alternative method can be included,
primarily if the LCA modeling is carried out using the LCA software
nowadays available.

Bioethanol is a widely recognized alternative to fossil fuel to
abate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To date, bioethanol is mainly
produced from food crops affecting virtually every aspect of field crops,
ranging from domestic demand and export to price, and land allocation
among crops, which have created a concern about sustainability of
bioethanol from food crops. This chapter compiles the LCA studies on
bioethanol from food crops focusing on the GHG emissions and the
production cost to discuss its environmental and socioeconomic impacts,
as well as the ongoing efforts to improve the sustainability of bioethanol
from food crops. Various efforts are underway to determine
environmental sustainability of bioethanol; however, application of
multiple approaches may enhance the decision making process. Although
the GHG emissions and production cost depend on the feedstock, plant
size, utilization of coproducts and the production processes, and
industrial symbiosis/circular economy approach can improve the
economic and environmental sustainability of bioethanol. However, the
production of bioethanol from food crops needs to be regulated to ensure
food security, and requires border analysis to mitigate economic and
environmental risks.

One-third of food is lost or wasted throughout the entire supply chain. For
the European Union, this accounts for 88 million tonnes (Mt). Due to this
high amount, the environmental impacts that can be attributed to this
waste are also significant. 186 Mt of CO2-equivalents (CO2e) can be related
to food wastage in the European Union, which accounts for 4% of the
overall European Global Warming Impact. This number accounts for
2.1 kg CO2e/kg of food waste. Compared to greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions of food, food waste emissions account for 15.7%. Against the
background of these relatively high impacts, the savings that can be
achieved by appropriate food waste prevention, valorization, or recycling
are particularly attractive. Food waste prevention, for example, by
donation preventing especially the amount of meat and dairy waste, may
achieve savings exceeding even 1000 kg CO2e/t saved food. In case that,
food residues are used as a by-product before they are introduced in the
waste regime, considerable GHG savings up to 500 kg CO2e could be
shown. Disposal is the least preferable treatment of food waste, as high
environmental impacts may occur, and no valuable resources are

Perishable foodstuffs present a limited shelf life and a high sensitivity to
the ambient temperature. To slow deterioration and to deliver safe and
high-quality products to consumers, their processing and distribution
from farm to fork should occur within a specified time in a chilled or
frozen state. Food refrigeration has a significant impact on the
environment, first of all, through direct emissions related to the eventual
refrigerant leakages of refrigerants characterized by huge global warming
potential and, second, indirectly through the emissions generated by
nonrenewable energy consumption generated in power plants where fossil
fuels are still primarily used. In recent years, significant progress has been
made, for example, better system design and leakage sensing have been
developed to reduce direct emissions. However, emissions are still
relevant. Energy consumption is related to the temperature set during
logistic activities, the storage time, and the behavior of the operators.
Furthermore, the energy consumed for processing and storing foods then
wasted throughout the supply chain is lost. The present chapter
investigates how cold chains in the food sector contribute to
environmental issues and to identify best practices that allow decreasing
the environmental impact by lowering energy consumptions and quality
losses. These best practices can belong to investments in more efficient
technologies or the implementation of maintenance and operational
practices as well as better coordination across actors of the chain.

This chapter presents an overview of the food industry with an emphasis
on ice-cream raw materials, the processes and methods followed, and
their effect on the environment and human health. Raw material
extraction contributes a major impact in all the categories of life cycle
analysis, whereas the manufacturing process leads to fossil fuel depletion.
Furthermore, the cultivation of crops may contribute to global warming
due to land-use change. The production unit and refrigeration consume
high energy, which accounts for the depletion of the ozone layer. Finally,
further development and improvement are required to combat the
problems associated with ice-cream production.

Distilled Spirits is the “go-to” guide for identifying the best practices and options available
for distilled spirits product development. The book is a valuable reference for current and
prospective distillers, including researchers in distilling and chemical engineering and
students brewing and distilling programs. With an increase in the number of new start
distilleries, the need for guidance on distilled spirits production has risen dramatically. This
book examines the impact of raw materials and production processes on spirit quality,
flavor and aroma compounds, and as indicators of poor quality. The book covers the entire
production process, derivation of flavor and aroma compounds, definition of spirit quality,
and identification of defects for Scotch whiskey, vodka, rum, and gin.

Key Features
 Includes chemical methods of analysis for assessing spirit quality
 Presents best practices for designing and running a sensory panel
 Provides identification methods to determine aroma and flavor defects

R&D, Professionals in the beverages/distilling industry; beverages quality managers

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Scotch Whisky
3. Vodka
4. Rum
5. Gin
6. Methods of Analysis
7. Sensory Panels

Whisky and Other Spirits: Technology, Production and Marketing, Third

Edition continues to provide details from raw materials to the finished
product, including production, packaging and marketing. It focuses on the
science and technology of the process as well as the environment in which it is
produced. Today, environmental concerns and sustainability of products has
taken on a new level of importance. Traditional ways of packaging and
marketing have also changed dramatically in recent years as the technology of
packaging has moved from a staid bottle industry to spirit products that cross
traditional beverage categories and packaging.

This new edition provides the latest changes in industry and the beverages
market. All chapters are updated, with new chapters added to help improve
research and development, and to increase production of not only whiskey but
other spirits such as gin and rum and white spirits. This new edition also
discusses trendy reduced alcohol and no alcohol products.

Key Features

 Presents a detailed look into current global situation for whisky and
spirits production
 Highlights craft distilling and the challenges craft distillers face by
presenting the art of spirit production in clear detail
 Presents insights into how marketing has changed for distilled products,
with an emphasis on new mobile technologies


Fermentation scientists, brewers and distillers; employees in many areas

(technical, production, R&D, marketing) of the alcoholic beverage industry,
alcohol manufacturers, beverage technologists. Students studying whisky and
alcohol, and individuals with an interest in whisky who want to have an
advanced understanding of the science behind whisky

Table of Contents
1. An Introduction to Whisk(e)y and the Development of Scotch Whisky
2. Irish Whiskey
3. Japanese Whisky
4. Indian Whiskies
5. North American Whiskies: A Story of Evolution, Experience and an
Ongoing Entrepreneurial Spirit
6. Scotch Whisky: Raw Material Selection and Processing
7. Distilling Yeast and Fermentation
8. Contamination: Bacteria and Wild Yeasts in a Whisky Fermentation
9. Batch Distillation
10. Grain Whisky Distillation
11. Maturation
12. Blending
13. Sensory Analysis
14. Whisky Analysis
15. Co-products
16. Water - An Essential Raw Material for Whisk(e)y Production
17. Designing for Sanitation, Energy Efficiency and Process Control
18. Global Packaging Developments
19. Marketing Scotch Whisky in the 21st Century and Previously


Food Engineering Innovations Across the Food Supply Chain discusses the
technology advances and innovations into industrial applications to improve
supply chain sustainability and food security. The book captures the highlights
of the 13th International Congress of Engineering ICEF13 under selected
congress themes, including Sustainable Food Systems, Food Security,
Advances in Food Process Engineering, Novel Food Processing Technologies,
Food Process Systems Engineering and Modeling, among others. Edited by a
team of distinguished researchers affiliated to CSIRO, this book is a valuable
resource to all involved with the Food Industry and Academia.

Feeding the world’s population with safe, nutritious and affordable foods
across the globe using finite resources is a challenge. The population of the
world is increasing. There are two opposed sub-populations: those who are
more affluent and want to decrease their caloric intake, and those who are
malnourished and require more caloric and nutritional intake. For sustainable
growth, an increasingly integrated systems approach across the whole supply
chain is required.

Key Features

Focuses on innovation across the food supply chain beyond the traditional
food engineering discipline

Brings the integration of on-farm with food factory operations, the inclusion
of Industry 4.0 sensing technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) across the
food chain to reduce food wastage, water and energy inputs

Makes a full intersection into other science domains (operations research,

informatics, agriculture and agronomy, machine learning, artificial
intelligence and robotics, intelligent packaging, among others)


Food science/technology engineers/Food Industry personnel, undergraduates

in Food Engineering education programs

Table of Contents

Food Engineering Across the Supply Chain

1. Food Processing in Operations Research

Sustainable Food Systems

2. Sustainable Food Systems

3. Sustainability of the food supply chain; Energy, Water and Waste

Food Security
4. Strategies to mitigate protein deficit

Advances in Food Process Engineering

5. Key technological advances and industrialisation of: Extrusion

6. Key technological advances and industrialisation of: Microwaves

7. Advances in freezing technologies

8. Key technological advances and industrialisation of: Novel drying


Novel Food Processing Technologies

9. Update on emerging technologies including novel applications:


10. Update on emerging technologies including novel applications: 3D


11. Update on emerging technologies including novel applications: High

Pressure Processing

Food Process Systems Engineering and Modelling

12. State of the art in food process modelling (linkages of modelling to food
health outcomes as enablers, advances in modelling quality, sensory and

Engineering Properties of Food and Packaging

13. Packaging innovations

14. Advances in polymer packaging

Food Engineering for Nutrition and Health

15. Fermentation

16. Resource recovery from co-products for healthy foods/ingredients

17. Dairy-based encapsulation delivery systems by atomisation-based


Food Engineering Education

18. Food engineering education - undergraduate teaching

19. Novel strategies for strengthening food engineering education

Innovations of Food Engineering in Australasia

20. A New Ice-Cold Storage System for On-Farm Cooling of Milk

21. Innovations in Australia - Historical perspective

Industry 4.0 and novel sensors

22. Industry 4.0 and the impact on the Agrifood industry

23. Food Industry 4.0, concept, implementation, and suppliers

24. Potential applications of nanosensors in the food supply chain

25. Sensors for Food Quality and Safety

26. Concluding Chapter View less >

White Wine Technology is a solutions-based approach to help address challenges in white
wine production. The book explores emerging trends in modern enology, including
molecular tools for wine quality and analysis of modern approaches to maceration
extraction, alternative microorganisms for alcoholic fermentation, and malolactic
White Wine Technology focuses on the technology and biotechnology of white wines,
providing a quick reference of novel ways to increase and improve overall wine production
and innovation. Its review of reviews recent studies and technological advancements to
improve grape maturity and production and ways to control PH level make this book
essential to wine producers, researchers, practitioners, technologists, and students. 

Key Features
 Covers trends in in both traditional and modern enology technologies, including
extraction, processing, stabilization, and ageing technologies
 Examines the potential impacts of climate change on wine quality
 Provides an overview of biotechnologies to improve wine freshness in warm areas and to
manage maturity in cold climates
 Includes detailed information on hot topics such as the use of GMOs in wine production,
spoilage bacteria, the management of oxidation, and the production of dealcoholized

  View less >

Enologists and researchers, professors, and academicians in wine technology, wine
microbiology, and wine composition and analysis 

Table of Contents
1. Assesment and control of grape maturity and quality
2. White grape quality monitoring via hyperspectral imaging: from the vineyard to the
3. Use of GTH in the winemaking of white varieties
4. White must extraction
5. White must preservation by UHPH without SO2
6. Use of Pulsed Electric Fields in white grape processing
7. Ultrasounds to process white grapes
8. Settling. Must cleaning
9. Application of Hanseniaspora vineae to improve white wine quality
10. Improving white wine aroma and structure by non-Saccharomyces yeasts
11. Biological acidification by L. thermotolerans
12. Nitrogen management during Fermentation
13. Tasting the terroir of wine yeast innovation
14. Malolactic Fermentation
15. Pinking
16. Prevention of the light-struck taste in white wine
17. White wine polyphenols and health
18. Enzymes applications in white wines
19. NIR for white wine analysis
20. Ageing on lees
21. Barrel ageing of white wines
22. Use of different wood species for white wine production: wood composition and
impact on wine quality
23. Impacts of phenolics and pre-fermentation antioxidant additions on wine aroma
24. A Glance through Aroma of White Wine
25. Inertization and bottling
26. White Winemaking in Cold Climates
27. White wine production in cold regions of China
28. Dealcoholization of white wines
29. White wine tasting: understanding taster responses based on flavour neuronal

Addressing Global Hunger: Lessons Learned from Syria and Venezuela offers an
innovative tool for engaging in efforts against hunger and brings forward a hybrid
approach for identifying mechanisms of how global hunger is established,
identified, addressed and eradicated within personal and social constructs and
values. As the global population continues to grow, the world is challenged with the
evolving dynamics of food and nutrition sovereignty. In this deeply researched and
vitally important book, the authors aim to bridge the global divide between research
and practice to establish a contemporary perspective on tackling global hunger
while applying knowledge learned.

Sustainability is becoming a major item for the food industry around the world, as
resources become more restricted and demand grows. Food processing ensures that the
resources required producing raw food materials and ingredients for food manufacturing
are used most efficiently. Responding to the goals of sustainability requires the maximum
utilization of all raw materials produced and integration of activities throughout all the
production-to-consumption stages. To maximize the conversion of raw materials into
consumer products, food engineering and food processing challenges should be met.
Sustainable Food Processing and Engineering Challenges covers the most trend topics and
challenges of sustainable food processing and food engineering, giving emphasis in 
engineering packaging for a sustainable food chain, food processing technologies, Industry
4.0 applied to food, food digestion engineering, sustainable alternative food processing
technologies, physico-chemical aspects of food, cold plasma technology, refrigeration
climate control, non-thermal pasteurisation and sterilization, nanotechnology and
alternative processes requiring less resources, sustainable innovation in food product design
Edited by a multiple team of experts, the book is aimed at food engineers who are seeking
to improve efficiency of production systems and also researchers, specialists, chemical
engineers and professionals working in food processing.  View less >

Key Features
 Covers the most trend topics and challenges of sustainable food processing and food
 Brings developments in methods to reduce the carbon footprint of the food system
 Explores emerging topics such as Industry 4.0 applied to food and Food digestion

Researchers, specialists, chemical engineers and professionals working in food processing.
New product developers, Researchers, academics and professionals working in the food

Table of Contents
1. Industry 4.0 applied to food
2. Pasteurization of juices with non-thermal technologies
3. High-Pressure Processing; Principle, Applications, Impact and Future Prospective
4. Cold plasma
5. Pulsed electric field
6. Ultraviolet light assisted titanium dioxide photocatalysis for food safety
7. Bioplastic for sustainable food packaging
8. Intelligent packaging
9. Active packaging
10. Food digestion engineering

Food Technology Disruptions covers the latest disruptions in the food industry, such as the
Internet of Things, digital technologies, modern applications like 3D printing, bacterial
sensors in food packaging, electronic noses for food authentication, and artificial
intelligence. With additional discussions on innovative distribution and delivery of food
and consumer acceptance of food disruptions, this book is an essential resource for food
scientists, technologists, engineers, agriculturalists, chemists, product developers,
researchers, academics and professionals working in the food industry.

While innovations play an important role in food production, disruptive technologies are a
revolutionary type of innovation that can displace an established technology and shake up
the industry...or create a completely new industry. Currently, digital technologies and smart
applications lead innovations in the food sector in order to optimize the food supply chain
and to develop and deliver tailor-made food products to consumers with new eating habits.

Key Features
 Covers digital technologies in agriculture, food production and food processing, modern
eating habits, personalized nutrition, and relevant innovative food products
 Brings alternative protein sources, novel functional foods and artificial meat
 Discusses the Internet of Things, digital technologies and modern applications like 3D
printing, smart packaging and smart food distribution

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