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1. I am absolutely sick of council mismanagement.

Building an apartment in the middle

of a community park? How absurd. Let’s put up a concrete structure that looks
hideous, ostentations and outright ridiculous in the middle of a beautiful park that
serves as a meeting place for the community. What morons are employed in the
planning department? Disgraceful.

Issue: Building in middle of park

Contention: The council is absurd in building in the middle of a community park
Techniques used: attack, emotive language, exaggeration, rhetorical questions
Intention: The use of emotive language positions the reader to see the idiocy of the council,
the rhetorical question allows the reader to further reject the actions of the council.

In this article the author is stating how absurd the council is for building in the middle of a
community park. The authors use of emotive language is to highlight the idiocy of the
council, the rhetorical question allows the reader to further reject the councils actions

2. The obesity epidemic has hit new heights with the most recent consensus concluding
that more than 60% of adult men and 50% of adult females are overweight. The
statistics get worse I’m afraid. In a recent study by the CSIRO from a size pool of
over 3000 children, the results were staggering, half of those children were considered
dangerously overweight. We are
literally, eating ourselves to death!

Issue: To many people are obese

Contention: People need to stop eating so much food

Techniques: Exaggeration, Evidence, Emotive Language

Intention: The use of exaggeration is so the author believes that obesity is much worse, the
evidence is there so that the author has some authority behind his opinion
Here we can see that this articles writer believes that people need to stop eating so much. This
can be observed through his use of making the problems seem worse than they are, and using
statistics to help his point seem official.

3. It seems that everywhere I walk I am confronted by the reality that today’s youths are
more disrespectful, crude and in so many cases outright defiant and violent. The city
is practically crawling with armies of thugs as was seen recently with the outrageous
display of youth behaviour at Federation Square. But then what do we expect from
youths that sleep on floors, drink until their livers bleed and stab each other for a

Issue: Todays youths are extremely disrespectful

Contention: Someone needs to stop youth’s destructive behaviour

Techniques: Emotive Language, Attack, Anecdote, Exaggeration, Rhetorical Questions,


Intention: The authors use of anecdotes is to establish that this is a real world problem and
not just something you read about, the use of exaggeration is to make the youths seem more

In this article youths are depicted as violent thugs, and the author believes that someone must
stop them, he uses an anecdote to make the reader think that the issue is a real world problem
and not something that is just written about, exaggeration is used to make them seem less
human and relatable by making them seem savage and animalistic.

4. Just last week I wasn’t able to find a parking at Chadstone shopping centre. It got
worse. I had to line up at the cinema for a whole 15 minutes, added to this I was
forced to line up like a peasant for refreshments for another 10 minutes. I blame it
squarely on enemy aliens, specifically Asylum Seekers. These ‘Illegal’s’ storm into
our country, hell bent on stealing everything that isn’t tied down and then proceed to
clutter my life. Sounds ridiculous and overblown? Sure is, but I’ve just taken a page
out of Government Policy.
Issue: Illegal immigrants
Contention: The Australian government should stop allowing immigrants into the
Techniques: Hyperbole, Emotive Language, Generalisation, Attacks, Anecdote, Hip
Pocket Nerve, Sense of Security.

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