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Choose the most suitable word or phrase.

1. Donna shouted ______the man furiously.

A. on B. at C. to D. with
2. We are concerned about the ______of your business plan.
A. viable B. via C. viability D. visibility
10. Most foreign students are staying in the …………. of the college or the university.
A. institute B. housing C. academy D. dormitory

4. ______of the solar system began in the 19th century.

A. Explore B. Explorer C. Exploratory D. Exploration
5. She has no communication ______her family.
A. with B. to C. on D. towards
6. There is a very interesting ______about life in the Arctic.
A. news B. documentary C. service D. entertainment
7. Colleges responded quickly ______the demand _______new courses.
A. to/ with B. at/ for C. for/ to D. to/ for
8. The information was verbally ______to officials in July 1998.
A. communication B. communicative C. communicator D. communicated
9. It’s an entertaining and ______documentary.
A. inform B. informative C. informing D. information
10. The group posted the name of the men ______the Internet.
A. on B. in C. to D. at
11. The article was an excellent piece of investigative ______.
A. journal B. journalism C. journalist D. journalists
12. A child’s development is an ______process.
A. interact B. interacting C. interaction D. interactive
13. She felt ______for all the children living in such terrible conditions.
A. pity B. pitiful C. pitying D. pitfully
14. His opinions ______genetic testing are well-known.
A. of B. with C. on D. for
15. The ______of the magazine has declined since last year.
A. popularize B. popular C. popularity D. popularizing
16. He was good at making stories. He had an ______mind.
A. invent B. invention C. inventor D. inventive
17. He made repeated ______of being involved in the robbery.
A. deny B. denied C. deniable D. denial
18. ‘Mark hasn’t got many friends here, has he?’ ‘______. He has few friends here.’
A. Not at all B. No, he hasn’t C. Yes, of course D. Yes, he has
19. ‘David can’t ride.’ ‘______.’
A. Melanie can’t too B. So can Melanie C. Neither can Melanie D. Either can’t Melanie
20. ‘It was a super show, isn’t it?’ ‘______.’
A. Great, I enjoy it B. Thanks, you’re C. It’s my pleasure D. Yes, but it was quite
really kind boring
21. Herbs ………….in soups and sauces.
A. often use B. often use C. often use D. often use
22. The BBC World Service broadcasts ______the world.
A. through B. above C. over D. throughout
23. Through television, ______can see and learn about people, places, and things in faraway places.
A. TV seers B. home viewers C. audience D. fans
24. That man is an air traffic ______.
A. control B. controllable C. controller D. controlling
25. He asked me whether I had come to Mary’s birthday party …………..
A. last night B. the previous night C. the yesterday night D. the last night
26. This kind of _______ has to be used within 3 days of purchase.
A. produce B. production C. product D. productive

27. He continued ______although nobody was listening.

A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. Both B&C
28. These flowers _______.being kept in warm places.
A. are to use B. are used to C. get use to D. used to
29. I said “no” but he kept ______me.
A. to ask B. on asking C. with asking D. to asking
30. Despite the noise, she went on ______.
A. to work B. working C. with working D. to working

II. Put the words or phrases in the correct order.

1. bought/ they/ TV set/ newspaper/ this/ haven’t read/ they/ since/
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
2. I/ hearing/ not/ the competition/ After/ the condition/ for/ to enter/ decided/ ,/
→ __________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. again/ he/ me/ I/ not/ if/ will/ talk / to/ apologizes/ him/ to.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________

III. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1. I was too sad to keep on working.

 I was so

2. The last time they met the Queen was in 1991.

 They have

3. “Who will you spend your summer vacation with next year?” Jane said to us.

 Jane asked

4. It will be necessary to pay this bill before the end of the week.

 This bill will need

5. Shall we go swimming after class?

 Let’s

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