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Assignment 3

1. Surgical Site Infection

2. A. Hospital Acquired Infections

B. Surgical Infections

C. Surgical Procedures

D. Causes of SSI

E. Prevention of SSI

F. Risk Factors of SSI

G. Treatment for SSI

3. Prevention of Surgical Site Infection

4. This study aims to assess the knowledge and practice level regarding the prevention of surgical site

infection of selected staff nurses in RPGMC.

Specifically it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the staff nurse.

1.1 Age

1.2 Assigned Unit

1.3 Job Experience

1.4 Staff Position

2. What is the level of knowledge of RPGMC Staff nurses towards prevention of surgical site infection?
3. What is the level of practice of RPGMC Staff Nurses towards prevention of surgical site infection?

3. Is there a significant relationship between knowledge and practice of RPGMC Staff nurses towards

prevention of surgical site infection?

4. Based on the findings of the study, what nursing techniques and nursing training program may be


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