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 (Some bacteria, such as Vibrio cholerae,

CHAPTER 4 have two chromosomes, and some bacteria

have a linearly arranged chromosome.)
FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY  Their DNA is not associated with histones
OF PROKARYOTIC & (special chromosomal proteins found in
eukaryotes); other proteins are associated with
 They generally lack organelles. Advances in
 all living cells can be classified into two microscopy reveal a few membrane-enclosed
groups, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, based organelles (for example, some inclusions).
on certain structural and functional However, prokaryotes lack other membrane-
characteristics. enclosed organelles such as nuclei,
 In general, prokaryotes are structurally mitochondria, and chloroplasts
simpler and smaller than eukaryotes.  Their cell walls almost always contain the
 The DNA (genetic material) of prokaryotes complex polysaccharide peptidoglycan.
is usually a single, circularly arranged  They usually divide by binary fission, where
chromosome and is not surrounded by a DNA is copied, and the cell splits into two cells.
membrane; This involves fewer structures and processes
 the DNA of eukaryotes is found in multiple than eukaryotic cell division.
chromosomes in a membrane-enclosed
nucleus. Eukaryotes (from the Greek words meaning
 Plants and animals are entirely composed true nucleus) have the following distinguishing
of eukaryotic cells. characteristics:
 In the microbial world, bacteria and  Their DNA is found in the cell’s nucleus,
archaea are prokaryotes. which is separated from the cytoplasm by a
 Other cellular microbes—fungi (yeasts and nuclear membrane, and the DNA is found in
molds), protozoa, and algae—are eukaryotes. multiple chromosomes.
 Both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells can  Their DNA is consistently associated with
have a sticky glycocalyx surrounding them. chromosomal proteins called histones and with
 In nature, most bacteria are found sticking nonhistones.
to solid surfaces, including other cells, rather  They have a number of membrane-enclosed
than free-floating. organelles, including mitochondria,
 The glycocalyx is the glue that holds the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex,
cells in place. lysosomes, and sometimes chloroplasts.
 E. coli bacteria use their fimbriae to attach  Their cell walls, when present, are
to the urinary bladder, resulting in infection chemically simple.
 Cell division usually involves mitosis, in
COMPARING PROKARYOTIC which chromosomes replicate and an identical
AND EUKARYOTIC CELLS: set is distributed into each of two nuclei.
Division of the cytoplasm and other organelles
follows so that the two cells produced are
 Prokaryotes and eukaryotes both contain identical to each other
nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and
carbohydrates. PROKARYOTIC CELL
 They use the same kinds of chemical
reactions to metabolize food, build proteins,  Prokaryotes make up a vast group of very
and store energy. small unicellular organisms that include
 It is primarily the structure of cell walls and bacteria and archaea. The majority are
ribosomes, and the absence of organelles bacteria.
(specialized cellular structures that have  Although bacteria and archaea look similar,
specific functions), that distinguish prokaryotes their chemical composition is different.
from eukaryotes.  The thousands of species of bacteria are
 The chief distinguishing characteristics of differentiated by many factors, including
prokaryotes (from the Greek words meaning morphology (shape), chemical composition,
prenucleus) are as follows: nutritional requirements, biochemical activities,
 Typically their DNA is not enclosed within a and sources of energy.
membrane and is usually a singular, circularly  It is estimated that 99% of the bacteria in
arranged chromosome. nature exist in biofilms
 Gemma obscuriglobus has a double
membrane around its nucleus.
THE SIZE, SHAPE, AND  However, a number of environmental
ARRANGEMENT OF BACTERIAL conditions can alter that shape.
CELLS  If the shape is altered, identification
becomes difficult.
 Most bacteria range from 0.2 to 2.0 µm in
diameter and from 2 to 8 µm in length.  Moreover, some bacteria, such as
Rhizobium and Corynebacterium are
 They may be spherical-shaped coccus
genetically pleomorphic, which means they
(plural: cocci, meaning berries), rod-shaped
can have many shapes, not just one.
bacillus (plural: bacilli, meaning little rods or
walking sticks), and spiral.  Prokaryotic cells usually lack membrane-
enclosed organelles.
 Cocci are usually round but can be oval,
elongated, or flattened on one side.  All bacteria contain cytoplasm, ribosomes, a
plasma membrane, and a nucleoid.
 When cocci divide to reproduce, the cells
can remain attached to one another.  Almost all bacteria have cell walls.
 Cocci that remain in pairs after dividing are  Some structures play specific roles, for
called diplococci; those that divide and remain example: in bacterial virulence (capsule), in
attached in chainlike patterns are called bacterial identification (cell wall or flagella),
streptococci and in targets of antimicrobial agents (cell
 Those that divide in two planes and remain
in groups of four are known as tetrads  Plasmids encode information such as genes
for resistance to antibiotics or the production
 Those that divide in three planes and remain
of toxins.
attached in cubelike groups of eight are called
sarcinae  Plasmids may be exchanged between
 Those that divide in multiple planes and
form grapelike clusters or broad sheets are
called staphylococci STRUCTURES EXTERNAL TO THE
 Bacilli divide only across their short axis, so CELL WALL
there are fewer groupings of bacilli than of  Among the possible structures external to
cocci. the prokaryotic cell wall are the glycocalyx,
 Most bacilli appear as single rods, called flagella, axial filaments, fimbriae, and pili.
single bacilli
 Diplobacilli appear in pairs after division GLYCOCALYX
 and streptobacilli occur in chains  Many prokaryotes secrete on their surface a
 Some bacilli look like straws. substance called glycocalyx.
 Others have tapered ends, like cigars. Still  Glycocalyx (meaning sugar coat) is the
others are oval and look so much like cocci general term used for substances that surround
that they are called coccobacilli cells.
 bacillus refers to a bacterial shape.  The bacterial glycocalyx is a viscous (sticky),
 When capitalized and italicized, it refers to a gelatinous polymer that is external to the cell
specific genus. wall and composed of polysaccharide,
 Bacillus cells often form long, twisted chains polypeptide, or both.
of cells  it is made inside the cell and secreted to the
 Spiral bacteria have one or more twists; they cell surface.
are never straight.  the glycocalyx is described as a capsule.
 Bacteria that look like curved rods are called  The presence of a capsule can be
vibrios determined by using negative staining,
 Others, called spirilla (singular: spirillum),  If the substance is unorganized and only
have a helical shape, like a corkscrew, and loosely attached to the cell wall, the glycocalyx
fairly rigid bodies is described as a slime layer
 Yet another group of spirals are helical and  In certain species, capsules are important in
flexible; they are called spirochetes contributing to bacterial virulence (the degree
 spirochetes move by means of axial to which a pathogen causes disease).
filaments, which resemble flagella but are  Capsules often protect pathogenic bacteria
contained within a flexible external sheath. from phagocytosis by the cells of the host.
 There are also star-shaped and rectangular  Another example involves Streptococcus
prokaryotes pneumoniae which causes pneumonia only
 The shape of a bacterium is determined by when the cells are protected by a
heredity. polysaccharide capsule.
 Genetically, most bacteria are  Unencapsulated S. pneumoniae cells cannot
monomorphic; that is, they maintain a single cause pneumonia and are readily
shape. phagocytized.
 The polysaccharide capsule of Klebsiella  Gram-negative bacteria contain two pairs of
also prevents phagocytosis and allows the rings; the outer pair of rings is anchored to
bacterium to adhere to and colonize the various portions of the cell wall, and the inner
respiratory tract. pair of rings is anchored to the plasma
 The glycocalyx is a very important membrane.
component of biofilms  In gram-positive bacteria, only the inner pair
 A glycocalyx that helps cells in a biofilm is present.
attach to their target environment and to each  Each bacterial flagellum is a semirigid,
other is called an extracellular polymeric helical structure that moves the cell by rotating
substance (EPS). from the basal body.
 The EPS protects the cells within it,  The rotation of a flagellum is either
facilitates communication among them, and clockwise or counterclockwise around its long
enables the cells to survive by attaching to axis.
various surfaces in their natural environment.  (Eukaryotic flagella, by contrast, undulate in
 Through attachment, bacteria can grow on a wavelike motion.)
diverse surfaces such as rocks in fast-moving  The movement of a bacterial flagellum
streams, plant roots, human teeth, medical results from rotation of its basal body and is
implants, water pipes, and even other bacteria. similar to the movement of the shaft of an
 Streptococcus mutans an important cause of electric motor.
dental caries, attaches itself to the surface of  As the flagella rotate, they form a bundle
teeth by a glycocalyx. that pushes against the surrounding liquid and
 Vibrio cholerae the cause of cholera, propels the bacterium.
produces a glycocalyx that helps it attach to the  Bacterial cells can alter the speed and
cells of the small intestine. direction of rotation of flagella and thus are
 A glycocalyx also can protect a cell against capable of various patterns of motility, the
dehydration, and its viscosity may inhibit the ability of an organism to move by itself.
movement of nutrients out of the cell  When a bacterium moves in one direction
for a length of time, the movement is called a
 Some bacterial cells have flagella (singular:  “Runs” are interrupted by periodic, abrupt,
flagellum), which are long filamentous random changes in direction called “tumbles.”
appendages that propel bacteria.  Then, a “run” resumes. “Tumbles” are
 Bacteria that lack flagella are referred to as caused by a reversal of flagellar rotation
atrichous (without projections).  one advantage of motility is that it enables a
 Flagella may be peritrichous (distributed bacterium to move toward a favorable
over the entire cell environment or away from an adverse one.
 or polar (at one or both poles or ends of the  The movement of a bacterium toward or
cell). away from a particular stimulus is called taxis.
 If polar, flagella may be monotrichous (a  Such stimuli include chemicals (chemotaxis)
single flagellum at one pole; and light (phototaxis).
 lophotrichous (a tuft of flagella coming from  Motile bacteria contain receptors in various
one pole; locations, such as in or just under the cell wall.
 or amphitrichous (flagella at both poles of  These receptors pick up chemical stimuli,
the cell; such as oxygen, ribose, and galactose.
 A flagellum has three basic parts  In response to the stimuli, information is
 The long outermost region, the filament, is passed to the flagella
constant in diameter and contains the globular  If the chemotactic signal is positive, called
(roughly spherical) protein flagellin arranged in an attractant, the bacteria move toward the
several chains that intertwine and form a helix stimulus with many runs and few tumbles.
around a hollow core.  If the chemotactic signal is negative, called
 In most bacteria, filaments are not covered a repellent, the frequency of tumbles increases
by a membrane or sheath, as in eukaryotic as the bacteria move away from the stimulus.
cells.  The flagellar protein called H antigen is
 The filament is attached to a slightly wider useful for distinguishing among serovars, or
hook, consisting of a different protein. variations within a species, of gramnegative
 The third portion of a flagellum is the basal bacteria
body, which anchors the flagellum to the cell Archaella
wall and plasma membrane.
 The basal body is composed of a small  Motile archaeal cells have archaella
central rod inserted into a series of rings. (singular: archaellum).
 Archaella share similarities with bacterial  Pili are involved in motility and DNA transfer.
flagella and pili  In one type of motility, called twitching
 A knoblike structure anchors archaella to the motility, a pilus extends by the addition of
cell. subunits of pilin, makes contact with a surface
 No basal-body type anchor has been found or another cell, and then retracts (powerstroke)
for pili. as the pilin subunits are disassembled.
 Archaella rotate like flagella, an action that  This is called the grappling hook model of
pushes the cell through water, and, like pili, twitching motility and results in short, jerky,
archaella use ATP for energy and lack a intermittent movements.
cytoplasmic core.  Twitching motility has been observed in
 Archaella consist of glycoproteins called Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Neisseria
archaellins. gonorrhoeae, and some strains of E. coli.
 The other type of motility associated with pili
AXIAL FILAMENTS is gliding motility, the smooth gliding movement
 Spirochetes are a group of bacteria that of myxobacteria.
have unique structure and motility.  Although the exact mechanism is unknown
 One of the best-known spirochetes is for most myxobacteria, some utilize pilus
Treponema pallidum the causative agent of retraction.
syphilis.  Gliding motility provides a means for
 Another spirochete is Borrelia burgdorferi, microbes to travel in environments with a low
the causative agent of Lyme disease. water content, such as biofilms and soil.
 Spirochetes move by means of axial  Some pili are used to bring bacteria
filaments, or endoflagella, bundles of fibrils that together, allowing the transfer of DNA from one
arise at the ends of the cell beneath an outer cell to another, a process called conjugation.
sheath and spiral around the cell  Such pili are called conjugation (sex) pili
 Axial filaments, which are anchored at one  In this process, the conjugation pilus of one
end of the spirochete, have a structure similar bacterium called an F+ cell connects to
to that of flagella. receptors on the surface of another bacterium
 The rotation of the filaments produces a of its own species or a different species.
movement of the outer sheath that propels the  The two cells make physical contact, and
spirochetes in a spiral motion. DNA from the F+ cell is transferred to the other
 This type of movement is similar to the way cell.
a corkscrew moves through a cork.  The exchanged DNA can add a new
function to the recipient cell, such as antibiotic
FIMBRIAE AND PILI resistance or the ability to digest its medium
more efficiently.
 Many gram-negative bacteria contain
hairlike appendages that are shorter, straighter, THE CELL WALL
and thinner than flagella.
 These structures, which consist of a protein  The cell wall of the bacterial cell is a
called pilin arranged helically around a central complex, semirigid structure responsible for the
core, are divided into two types, fimbriae and shape of the cell.
pili, having very different functions.  Almost all prokaryotes have a cell wall that
 Fimbriae (singular: fimbria) can occur at the surrounds the underlying, fragile plasma
poles of the bacterial cell or can be evenly (cytoplasmic) membrane and protects it and
distributed over the entire surface of the cell. the interior of the cell from adverse changes in
 Fimbriae have a tendency to adhere to each the outside environment
other and to surfaces.  The major function of the cell wall is to
 As a result, they are involved in forming prevent bacterial cells from rupturing when the
biofilms and other aggregations on the water pressure inside the cell is greater than
surfaces of liquids, glass, and rocks. that outside the cell
 Fimbriae can also help bacteria adhere to  It also helps maintain the shape of a
epithelial surfaces in the body. bacterium and serves as a point of anchorage
 For example, fimbriae on the bacterium for flagella.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae , the causative agent of  As the volume of a bacterial cell increases,
gonorrhea, help the microbe colonize mucous its plasma membrane and cell wall extend as
membranes. needed.
 When fimbriae are absent (because of  cell wall is important because it contributes
genetic mutation), colonization cannot happen, to the ability of some species to cause disease
and no disease ensues. and is the site of action of some antibiotics.
 Pili (singular: pilus) are usually longer than
fimbriae and number only one or two per cell.
COMPOSITION AND  They may also assume a role in cell growth,
CHARACTERISTICS preventing extensive wall breakdown and
 The bacterial cell wall is composed of a possible cell lysis.
macromolecular network called peptidoglycan  Finally, teichoic acids provide much of
(also known as murein), which is present either the wall’s antigenic specificity and thus make it
alone or in combination with other substances possible to identify gram-positive bacteria by
 Peptidoglycan consists of a repeating certain laboratory tests
disaccharide connected by polypeptides to
form a lattice that surrounds and protects the
entire cell. Gram-Negative Cell Walls
 The disaccharide portion is made up of  The cell walls of gram-negative bacteria
monosaccharides called N-acetylglucosamine consist of one or a very few layers of
(NAG) and N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM) (from peptidoglycan and an outer membrane
murus, meaning wall), which are related to  The peptidoglycan is bonded to lipoproteins
glucose in the outer membrane and is in the periplasm,
 Alternating NAM and NAG molecules are a gel-like fluid in the periplasmic space of gram
linked in rows of 10 to 65 sugars to form a negative bacteria, the region between the outer
carbohydrate “backbone” (the glycan portion of membrane and the plasma membrane.
peptidoglycan).  The periplasm contains a high concentration
 Adjacent rows are linked by polypeptides of degradative enzymes and transport proteins.
(the peptide portion of peptidoglycan).  Gram-negative cell walls do not contain
 Although the structure of the polypeptide link teichoic acids.
varies, it always includes tetrapeptide side  Because the cell walls of gram- negative
chains, which consist of four amino acids bacteria contain only a small amount of
attached to NAMs in the backbone peptidoglycan, they are more susceptible to
 The amino acids occur in an alternating mechanical breakage.
pattern of D and L  The outer membrane of the gram-negative
 Penicillin interferes with the final linking of cell consists of lipopolysaccharides (LPS),
the peptidoglycan rows by peptide cross- lipoproteins, and phospholipids
bridges  The outer membrane has several
 As a result, the cell wall is greatly weakened specialized functions.
and the cell undergoes lysis, destruction  Its strong negative charge is an important
caused by rupture of the plasma membrane factor in evading phagocytosis and the actions
and the loss of cytoplasm. of complement (lyses cells and promotes
Gram-Positive Cell Walls phagocytosis), two components of the
defenses of the host
 In most gram-positive bacteria, the cell wall  The outer membrane also provides a barrier
consists of many layers of peptidoglycan, to detergents, heavy metals, bile salts, certain
forming a thick, rigid structure dyes, antibiotics (for example, penicillin), and
 By contrast, gram-negative cell walls contain digestive enzymes such as lysozyme.
only a thin layer of peptidoglycan  Part of the permeability of the outer
 The space between the cell wall and plasma membrane is due to proteins in the membrane,
membrane of gram-positive bacteria is the called porins, that form channels.
periplasmic space.  Porins permit the passage of molecules
 It contains the granular layer, which is such as nucleotides, disaccharides, peptides,
composed of lipoteichoic acid. amino acids, vitamin B12, and iron.
 In addition, the cell walls of grampositive  The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of the outer
bacteria contain teichoic acids, which consist membrane is a large, complex molecule that
primarily of an alcohol (such as glycerol or contains lipids and carbohydrates and consists
ribitol) and phosphate. of three components: (1) lipid A, (2) a core
 There are two classes of teichoic acids: polysaccharide, and (3) an O polysaccharide.
lipoteichoic acid, which spans the  Lipid A is the lipid portion of the LPS and is
peptidoglycan layer and is linked to the plasma embedded in the top layer of the outer
membrane, and wall teichoic acid, which is membrane.
linked to the peptidoglycan layer.  When gram-negative bacteria die, they
 Because of their negative charge (from the release lipid A, which functions as an endotoxin
phosphate groups), teichoic acids may bind  Lipid A is responsible for the symptoms
and regulate the movement of cations (positive associated with infections by gram- negative
ions) into and out of the cell. bacteria, such as fever, dilation of blood
vessels, shock, and blood clotting.
 The core polysaccharide is attached to lipid  Archaea may lack walls or may have
A and contains unusual sugars. unusual walls composed of polysaccharides
 Its role is structural—to provide stability. and proteins but not peptidoglycan.
 The O polysaccharide extends outward from  These walls do, however, contain a
the core polysaccharide and is composed of substance similar to peptidoglycan called
sugar molecules. pseudomurein.
 The O polysaccharide functions as an  Pseudomurein contains N-
antigen and is useful for distinguishing acetyltalosaminuronic acid instead of NAM and
serovars of gram-negative bacteria lacks the d-amino acids found in bacterial cell
CELL WALLS AND THE GRAM STAIN  Archaea generally cannot be Gram-stained
MECHANISM but appear gram-negative because they do not
contain peptidoglycan.
 The mechanism of the Gram stain is based Acid-Fast Cell Walls
on differences in the cell wall structure of gram-
positive and gram-negative bacteria and how  acid-fast stain is used to identify all bacteria
each reacts to various reagents (substances of the genus Mycobacterium and pathogenic
used for producing a chemical reaction). species of Nocardia.
 Crystal violet, the primary stain, stains both  These bacteria contain high concentrations
gram-positive and gram-negative cells purple (60%) of a hydrophobic waxy lipid (mycolic
because the dye combines with the acid) in their cell wall that prevents the uptake
peptidoglycan. of dyes, including those used in the Gram
 When iodine (the mordant) is applied, it stain.
forms large crystals with the dye that are not  The mycolic acid forms a layer outside of a
soluble in water. thin layer of peptidoglycan.
 The application of alcohol dissolves the  The mycolic acid and peptidoglycan are held
outer membrane of gram-negative cells, and together by a polysaccharide.
the crystal-violet iodine is washed out of the  Acid-fast bacteria can be stained with
thin peptidoglycan layer. carbolfuchsin, which penetrates bacteria more
 Because gram-negative bacteria are effectively when heated.
colorless after the alcohol wash, the addition of  The carbolfuchsin penetrates the cell wall,
safranin (the counterstain) turns the cells pink binds to the cytoplasm, and resists removal by
or red. washing with acid-alcohol.
 Safranin provides a contrasting color to the  Acid-fast bacteria retain the red color of
primary stain (crystal violet). carbolfuchsin because it’s more soluble in the
 Although gram-positive and gram-negative cell wall’s mycolic acid than in the acid-alcohol.
cells both absorb safranin, the pink or red color  If the mycolic acid layer is removed from the
of safranin is masked by the darker purple dye cell wall of acid-fast bacteria, they will stain
previously absorbed by gram-positive cells. gram-positive with the Gram stain.
 In any population of cells, some gram-
positive cells will give a gram-negative
response. These cells are usually dead.  Chemicals that damage bacterial cell walls,
or interfere with their synthesis, often do not
ATYPICAL CELL WALLS harm the cells of an animal host because the
 Among prokaryotes, certain types of cells bacterial cell wall is made of chemicals unlike
have no walls or have very little wall material. those in eukaryotic cells.
 These include members of the genus  Thus, cell wall synthesis is the target for
Mycoplasma and related organisms some antimicrobial drugs.
 Mycoplasmas are the smallest known  One way the cell wall can be damaged is by
bacteria that can grow and reproduce outside exposure to the digestive enzyme lysozyme.
living host cells.  This enzyme occurs naturally in some
 Because of their size and because they eukaryotic cells and is a constituent o
have no cell walls, they pass through most perspiration, tears, mucus, and saliva.
bacterial filters and were first mistaken for  Lysozyme is particularly active on the major
viruses. cell wall components of most gram-positive
 Their plasma membranes are unique bacteria, making them vulnerable to lysis.
among bacteria in having lipids called sterols,  Lysozyme catalyzes hydrolysis of the bonds
which are thought to help protect them from between the sugars in the repeating
lysis (rupture). disaccharide “backbone” of peptidoglycan.
 the gram-positive cell wall is almost
completely destroyed by lysozyme.
 The cellular contents that remain the cell wall and enclosing the cytoplasm of the
surrounded by the plasma membrane may cell
remain intact if lysis does not occur; this wall-  The plasma membrane of prokaryotes
less cell is termed a protoplast. consists primarily of phospholipids which are
 Typically, a protoplast is spherical and is still the most abundant chemicals in the
capable of carrying on metabolism. membrane, and proteins.
 Some members of the genus Proteus, as  Eukaryotic plasma membranes also contain
well as other genera, can lose their cell walls carbohydrates and sterols, such as cholesterol.
and swell into irregularly shaped cells called L  Because they lack sterols, prokaryotic plasma
forms, named for the Lister Institute, where membranes are less rigid than eukaryotic
they were discovered. membranes.
 They may form spontaneously or develop in  One exception is the wall-less prokaryote
response to penicillin (which inhibits cell wall Mycoplasma, which contains membrane
formation) or lysozyme (which removes the cell sterols.
 L forms can live and divide repeatedly or
return to the walled state.  In electron micrographs, prokaryotic and
 When lysozyme is applied to gram-negative eukaryotic plasma membranes (and the outer
cells, usually the wall is not destroyed to the membranes of gram-negative bacteria) look
same extent as in gram-positive cells; some of like two-layered structures; there are two dark
the outer membrane also remains. lines with a light space between the lines
 In this case, the cellular contents, plasma  The phospholipid molecules are arranged in
membrane, and remaining outer wall layer are two parallel rows, called a lipid bilayer
called a spheroplast, also a spherical structure.  The polar heads are on the two surfaces of
 For lysozyme to exert its effect on gram- the lipid bilayer, and the nonpolar tails are in
negative cells, the cells are first treated with the interior of the bilayer.
EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid).  The protein molecules in the membrane can
 EDTA weakens ionic bonds in the outer be arranged in a variety of ways.
membrane and thereby damages it, giving the  Some, called peripheral proteins, are easily
lysozyme access to the peptidoglycan layer. removed from the membrane by mild
 Protoplasts and spheroplasts burst in pure treatments and lie at the inner or outer surface
water or very dilute salt or sugar solutions of the membrane.
because the water molecules from the  They may function as enzymes that catalyze
surrounding fluid rapidly move into and enlarge chemical reactions, as a “scaffold” for support,
the cell, which has a much lower internal and as mediators of changes in membrane
concentration of water. shape during movement.
 This rupturing, called osmotic lysis  Other proteins, called integral proteins, can
 antibiotics, such as penicillin, destroy be removed from the membrane only after
bacteria by interfering with the formation of the disrupting the lipid bilayer (by using detergents,
peptide cross-bridges of peptidoglycan, thus for example).
preventing the formation of a functional cell  Most integral proteins penetrate the
wall. membrane completely and are called
 Most gram-negative bacteria are not as transmembrane proteins.
susceptible to penicillin as gram-positive  Some integral proteins are channels that have
bacteria are because the outer membrane of a pore, or hole, through which substances
gram-negative bacteria forms a barrier that enter and exit the cell.
inhibits the entry of this and other substances,  Proteins attached to carbohydrates are called
and gram-negative bacteria have fewer peptide glycoproteins, and lipids attached to
cross-bridges. carbohydrates are called glycolipids.
 However, gram-negative bacteria are quite  Both glycoproteins and glycolipids help
susceptible to some b-lactam antibiotics that protect and lubricate the cell and are involved
penetrate the outer membrane better than in cell-to-cell interactions.
penicillin.  For example, glycoproteins play a role in
certain infectious diseases.
STRUCTURES INTERNAL TO  The influenza virus and the toxins that cause
THE CELL WALL cholera and botulism enter their target cells by
first binding to glycoproteins on their plasma
MEMBRANE  Because the fatty acid tails cling together,
 The plasma (cytoplasmic) membrane (or phospholipids in the presence of water form a
inner membrane) is a thin structure lying inside
self-sealing bilayer; as a result, breaks and  Because the plasma membrane is vital to the
tears in the membrane heal themselves. bacterial cell, it is not surprising that several
 This dynamic arrangement of phospholipids antimicrobial agents exert their effects at this
and proteins is referred to as the fluid mosaic site.
model.  many compounds specifically damage plasma
 These compounds include certain alcohols
 The most important function of the plasma and quaternary ammonium compounds, which
membrane is to serve as a selective barrier are used as disinfectants.
through which materials enter and exit the  By disrupting the membrane’s phospholipids,
cell. a group of antibiotics known as the polymyxins
 plasma membranes have selective cause leakage of intracellular contents and
permeability (sometimes called subsequent cell death.
 This term indicates that certain molecules
and ions are allowed to pass through the
membrane but others are stopped.  Materials move across plasma membranes of
 Large molecules (such as proteins) cannot both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells by two
pass through the plasma membrane, possibly kinds of processes: passive and active.
because these molecules are larger than the  In passive processes, substances cross the
pores in integral proteins that function as membrane from an area of high concentration
channels. to an area of low concentration (move with the
 But smaller molecules (such as water, concentration gradient, or difference), without
oxygen, carbon dioxide, and some simple any expenditure of energy by the cell.
sugars) usually pass through easily.  In active processes, the cell must use energy
 Ions penetrate the membrane very slowly. to move substances from areas of low
 Substances that dissolve easily in lipids concentration to areas of high concentration
(such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and (against the concentration gradient).
nonpolar organic molecules) enter and exit
Passive Processes
more easily than other substances because
the membrane consists mostly of  Passive processes include simple diffusion,
phospholipids. facilitated diffusion, and osmosis.
 The movement of materials across plasma  Simple diffusion is the net (overall) movement
membranes also depends on transporter of molecules or ions from an area of high
molecules concentration to an area of low concentration
 Plasma membranes are also important to  The movement continues until the molecules
the breakdown of nutrients and the production or ions are evenly distributed.
of energy.  The point of even distribution is called
 The plasma membranes of bacteria contain equilibrium.
enzymes capable of catalyzing the chemical  Cells rely on simple diffusion to transport
reactions that break down nutrients and certain small molecules, such as oxygen and
produce ATP. carbon dioxide, across their cell membranes.
 In some bacteria, pigments and enzymes  In facilitated diffusion, integral membrane
involved in photosynthesis are found in proteins function as channels or carriers that
infoldings of the plasma membrane that facilitate the movement of ions or large
extend into the cytoplasm. These molecules across the plasma membrane.
membranous structures are called  Such integral proteins are called transporter
chromatophores proteins or permeases.
 When viewed with an electron microscope,  Facilitated diffusion is similar to simple
bacterial plasma membranes often appear to diffusion in that the cell does not expend
contain one or more large, irregular folds energy, because the substance moves from a
called mesosomes. high to a low concentration.
 they are artifacts, not true cell structures.  The process differs from simple diffusion in its
 Mesosomes are believed to be folds in the use of transporters.
plasma membrane that develop by the  Some transporters permit the passage of
process used for preparing specimens for mostly small, inorganic ions that are too
electron microscopy. hydrophilic to penetrate the nonpolar interior of
Destruction of the Plasma Membrane by the lipid bilayer
Antimicrobial Agents  These transporters, which are common in
prokaryotes, are nonspecific and allow a wide
variety of ions or small molecules to pass
through channels in integrated membrane osmotic lysis as a result of excessive water
proteins. intake
 In this process, the transported substance  A hypertonic solution is a medium having a
binds to a specific transporter (integrated higher concentration of solutes than that inside
membrane protein) on the outer surface of the the cell (hyper means above or more).
plasma membrane, which undergoes a change  Most bacterial cells placed in a hypertonic
of shape; then the transporter releases the solution shrink and collapse or plasmolyze
substance on the other side of the membrane because water leaves the cells by osmosis
 In some cases, molecules that bacteria need
are too large to be transported into the cells by Active Processes
these methods.  Simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion are
 Most bacteria, however, produce enzymes useful mechanisms for transporting substances
that can break down large molecules into into cells when the concentrations of the
simpler ones (such as proteins into amino substances are greater outside the cell.
acids, or polysaccharides into simple sugars).  In performing active transport, the cell uses
 Such enzymes, which are released by the energy in the form of ATP to move substances
bacteria into the surrounding medium, are across the plasma membrane.
appropriately called extracellular enzymes.  Among the substances actively transported
 Once the enzymes degrade the large are ions (for example Na+, K+, H+, Ca2+, and
molecules, the subunits move into the cell with Cl-), amino acids, and simple sugars. Although
the help of transporters. these substances can also be moved into cells
 For example, specific carriers retrieve DNA by passive processes, their movement by
bases, such as the purine guanine, from active processes can go against the
extracellular media (substances outside the concentration gradient, allowing a cell to
cell) and bring them into the cell’s cytoplasm. accumulate needed materials.
 Osmosis is the net movement of water  The movement of a substance in active
molecules across a selectively permeable transport is usually from outside to inside, even
membrane from an area with a high though the concentration might be much higher
concentration of water molecules (low inside the cell.
concentration of solute molecules) to an area  Like facilitated diffusion, active transport
of low concentration of water molecules (high depends on transporter proteins in the plasma
concentration of solute molecules). membrane
 Water molecules may pass through plasma  Active transport enables microbes to move
membranes by moving through the lipid bilayer substances across the plasma membrane at a
by simple diffusion or through integral constant rate, even if they are in short supply
membrane proteins, called aquaporins, that  In active transport, the substance that crosses
function as water channels the plasma membrane is not altered by
 Osmotic pressure is the pressure required to transport across the membrane.
prevent the movement of pure water (water  In group translocation, a special form of
with no solutes) into a solution containing some active transport that occurs exclusively in
solutes. prokaryotes, the substance is chemically
 In other words, osmotic pressure is the altered during transport across the membrane.
pressure needed to stop the flow of water  Once the substance is altered and inside the
across the selectively permeable membrane cell, the plasma membrane is impermeable to
(cellophane). it, so it remains inside the cell.
 bacterial cell may be subjected to any of three  This important mechanism enables a cell to
kinds of osmotic solutions: isotonic, hypotonic, accumulate various substances even though
or hypertonic. they may be in low concentrations outside the
 An isotonic solution is a medium in which the cell.
overall concentration of solutes equals that  Group translocation requires energy supplied
found inside a cell (iso means equal). by high-energy phosphate compounds, such as
 Water leaves and enters the cell at the same phosphoenolpyruvic acid (PEP).
rate (no net change); the cell’s contents are in  One example of group translocation is the
equilibrium with the solution outside the transport of the sugar glucose, which is often
cytoplasmic membrane used in growth media for bacteria.
 A hypotonic solution outside the cell is a  Some eukaryotic cells (those without cell
medium whose concentration of solutes is walls) can use two additional active transport
lower than that inside the cell processes called phagocytosis and pinocytosis.
 Cells with weak cell walls, such as gram-
negative bacteria, may burst or undergo CYTOPLASM
 For a prokaryotic cell, the term cytoplasm and they replicate independently of
refers to the substance of the cell inside the chromosomal DNA.
plasma membrane  Research indicates that plasmids are
 Cytoplasm is about 80% water and contains associated with plasma membrane proteins.
primarily proteins (enzymes), carbohydrates,  Plasmids usually contain from 5 to 100 genes
lipids, inorganic ions, and many low-molecular that are generally not crucial for the survival of
mass compounds. the bacterium under normal environmental
 Inorganic ions are present in much higher conditions; plasmids may be gained or lost
concentrations in cytoplasm than in most without harming the cell.
media.  Plasmids may carry genes for such activities
 Cytoplasm is thick, aqueous, as antibiotic resistance, tolerance to toxic
semitransparent, and elastic. metals, the production of toxins, and the
 The major structures in the cytoplasm of synthesis of enzymes.
prokaryotes are a nucleoid (containing DNA),  Plasmids can be transferred from one
particles called ribosomes, and reserve bacterium to another.
deposits called inclusions.  In fact, plasmid DNA is used for gene
 The term cytoskeleton is a collective term for manipulation in biotechnology.
a series of fibers (small rods and cylinders) in
the cytoplasm.
 use of atomic force microscopy shows that  All eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells contain
prokaryotic cells have a cytoskeleton similar to ribosomes, where protein synthesis takes
that of eukaryotes. place.
 Components include MreB and ParM,  Cells that have high rates of protein
cresetin, and FtsZ, which correspond to the synthesis, such as those that are actively
microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and growing, have a large number of ribosomes.
microtubules of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton,  Ribosomes are composed of two subunits,
respectively. each of which consists of protein and a type of
 The prokaryotic cytoskeleton assumes roles RNA called ribosomal RNA (rRNA).
in cell division, maintaining cell shape, growth,  Prokaryotic ribosomes differ from eukaryotic
DNA movement, protein targeting, and ribosomes in the number of proteins and rRNA
alignment of organelles. molecules they contain; they are also
 The cytoplasm of prokaryotes is not capable somewhat smaller and less dense than
of cytoplasmic streaming ribosomes of eukaryotic cells.
 Accordingly, prokaryotic ribosomes are called
THE NUCLEOID 70S ribosomes and those of eukaryotic cells
 The nucleoid of a bacterial cell usually are known as 80S ribosomes.
contains a single long, continuous, and  The letter S refers to Svedberg units, which
frequently circularly arranged thread of double- indicate the relative rate of sedimentation
stranded DNA called the bacterial during ultra-high-speed centrifugation.
chromosome.  Sedimentation rate is a function of the size,
 This is the cell’s genetic information, which weight, and shape of a particle.
carries all the information required for the cell’s  The subunits of a 70S ribosome are a small
structures and functions. 30S subunit containing one molecule of rRNA
 Unlike the chromosomes of eukaryotic cells, and a larger 50S subunit containing two
bacterial chromosomes are not surrounded by molecules of rRNA
a nuclear envelope (membrane) and do not  Several antibiotics work by inhibiting protein
include histones. synthesis at prokaryotic ribosomes.
 The nucleoid can be spherical, elongated, or  Antibiotics such as streptomycin and
dumbbell shaped. gentamicin attach to the 30S subunit and
 Proteins in the plasma membrane are interfere with protein synthesis.
believed to be responsible for replication of the  Other antibiotics, such as erythromycin and
DNA and segregation of the new chromosomes chloramphenicol, interfere with protein
to daughter cells during cell division. synthesis by attaching to the 50S subunit.
 In addition to the bacterial chromosome,  Because of differences in prokaryotic and
bacteria often contain small usually circular, eukaryotic ribosomes, the microbial cell can be
double-stranded DNA molecules called killed by the antibiotic while the eukaryotic host
plasmids cell remains unaffected.
 These molecules are extrachromosomal
genetic elements; that is, they are not INCLUSIONS
connected to the main bacterial chromosome,
 Within the cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells are  Carboxysomes are inclusions that contain
several kinds of reserve deposits, known as the enzyme ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate
inclusions. carboxylase.
 Cells may accumulate certain nutrients when  Photosynthetic bacteria use carbon dioxide
they are plentiful and use them when the as their sole source of carbon and require this
environment is deficient. enzyme for carbon dioxide fixation.
 Evidence suggests that macromolecules  Among the bacteria containing
concentrated in inclusions avoid the increase in carboxysomes are nitrifying bacteria,
osmotic pressure that would result if the cyanobacteria, and acidithiobacilli.
molecules were dispersed in the cytoplasm.
Gas Vacuoles
 Some inclusions, such as magnetosomes,
are membrane-enclosed organelles, while  Hollow cavities found in many aquatic
other inclusions, such as carboxysomes, are prokaryotes, including cyanobacteria,
enclosed in protein complexes anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria, and
halobacteria are called gas vacuoles.
Metachromatic Granules
 Each vacuole consists of rows of several
 Metachromatic granules are large inclusions individual gas vesicles, which are hollow
that take their name from the fact that they cylinders covered by protein.
sometimes stain red with certain blue dyes  Gas vacuoles maintain buoyancy so that
such as methylene blue. the cells can remain at the depth in the water
 Collectively they are known as volutin. appropriate for them to receive sufficient
 Volutin represents a reserve of inorganic amounts of oxygen, light, and nutrients.
phosphate (polyphosphate) that can be used in
the synthesis of ATP.
 It is generally formed by cells that grow in  Magnetosomes are inclusions of iron oxide
phosphate-rich environments. (Fe3O4) surrounded by invaginations of the
 Metachromatic granules are found in algae, plasma membrane.
fungi, and protozoa, as well as in bacteria.  Magnetosomes are formed by several gram-
 These granules are characteristic of negative bacteria
Corynebacterium diphtheriae, , the causative
such as Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum
agent of diphtheria
and act like magnets
Polysaccharide Granules
 Bacteria may use magnetosomes to move
 Inclusions known as polysaccharide granules downward until they reach a suitable
typically consist of glycogen and starch, and attachment site.
their presence can be demonstrated when  In vitro, magnetosomes can decompose
iodine is applied to the cells. hydrogen peroxide, which forms in cells in the
 In the presence of iodine, glycogen granules presence of oxygen.
appear reddish brown and starch granules  Researchers speculate that magnetosomes
appear blue. may protect the cell against hydrogen peroxide
Lipid Inclusions
 Lipid inclusions appear in various species of
Mycobacterium, Bacillus, Azotobacter,  When essential nutrients are depleted,
Spirillum and other genera. certain gram-positive bacteria, such as those
 A common lipid-storage material, one unique of the genera Clostridium and Bacillus, form
to bacteria, is the polymer poly-b- specialized “resting” cells called endospores
hydroxybutyric acid.  As you will see later, some members of the
 Lipid inclusions are revealed by staining cells genus Clostridium cause diseases such as
with fat-soluble dyes, such as Sudan dyes. gangrene, tetanus, botulism, and food
Sulfur Granules
 Some members of the genus Bacillus cause
 Certain bacteria—for example, the “sulfur anthrax and food poisoning.
bacteria” that belong to the genus  Unique to bacteria, endospores are highly
Acidithiobacillus—derive energy by oxidizing durable dehydrated cells with thick walls and
sulfur and sulfur-containing compounds. additional layers.
 These bacteria may deposit sulfur granules  They are formed internal to the bacterial cell
in the cell, where they serve as an energy membrane.
reserve.  When released into the environment, they
Carboxysomes can survive extreme heat, lack of water, and
exposure to many toxic chemicals and  Germinants identified to date are alanine
radiation. and inosine (a nucleotide).
 Although true endospores are found in  Because one vegetative cell forms a single
gram-positive bacteria, one gram-negative endospore which, after germination, remains
species, Coxiella burnetii , the cause of Q one cell, sporulation in bacteria is not a
fever (usually a mild disease with flulike means of reproduction.
symptoms), forms endosporelike structures  This process does not increase the number
that resist heat and chemicals and can be of cells.
stained with endospore stains  Bacterial endospores differ from spores
 The process of endospore formation within a formed by (prokaryotic) actinomycetes and
vegetative cell takes several hours and is the eukaryotic fungi and algae, which detach
known as sporulation or sporogenesis from the parent and develop into another
 Vegetative cells of endospore forming organism and, therefore, represent
bacteria begin sporulation when a key reproduction.
nutrient, such as the carbon or nitrogen  Endospores are important from a clinical
source, becomes scarce or unavailable. viewpoint and in the food industry because
 In the first observable stage of sporulation, they’re resistant to processes that normally
a newly replicated bacterial chromosome and kill vegetative cells.
a small portion of cytoplasm are isolated by  Such processes include heating,
an ingrowth of the plasma membrane called a desiccation, use of chemicals, and radiation.
spore septum.  Endospores of thermophilic (heat-loving)
 The spore septum becomes a double- bacteria can survive in boiling water for 19
layered membrane that surrounds the hours.
chromosome and cytoplasm.
 This structure, entirely enclosed within the THE EUKARYOTIC CELL
original cell, is called a forespore.
 Eukaryotic organisms include algae,
 Thick layers of peptidoglycan are laid down
protozoa, fungi, plants, and animals.
between the two membrane layers.
 Some eukaryotes cause disease, but others
 Then a thick spore coat of protein forms
are part of the normal human microbiome
around the outside membrane; this coat is
 The eukaryotic cell is typically larger and
responsible for the resistance of endospores
structurally more complex than the prokaryotic
to many harsh chemicals.
 The original cell is degraded, and the
endospore is released. FLAGELLA AND CILIA
 Depending on the species, the endospore
might be located terminally (at one end),  Many types of eukaryotic cells have
subterminally (near one end), or centrally projections that are used for cellular locomotion
inside the vegetative cell. or for moving substances along the surface of
the cell.
 When the endospore matures, the
vegetative cell wall ruptures (lyses), killing the  These projections contain cytoplasm and
cell, and the endospore is freed. are enclosed by the plasma membrane.
 The endospore contains a large amount of  If the projections are few and are long in
an organic acid called dipicolinic acid (DPA), relation to the size of the cell, they are called
which is accompanied by a large number of flagella.
calcium ions.  If the projections are numerous and short,
 Evidence indicates that DPA protects the they are called cilia (singular: cilium).
endospore DNA against damage.  Algae of the genus Euglena use a flagellum
 The highly dehydrated endospore core for locomotion, whereas protozoa, such as
contains only DNA, small amounts of RNA, Tetrahymena use cilia for locomotion
ribosomes, enzymes, and a few important  Both flagella and cilia are anchored to the
small molecules. plasma membrane by a basal body, and both
 These cellular components are essential for consist of nine pairs of microtubules (doublets)
resuming metabolism later. arranged in a ring, plus another two
microtubules in the center of the ring, an
 Endospores can remain dormant for
arrangement called a 9 + 2 array
thousands of years.
 Microtubules are long, hollow tubes made
 An endospore returns to its vegetative state
up of a protein called tubulin.
by a process called germination.
 A prokaryotic flagellum rotates, but a
 Germination is triggered by high heat, such
eukaryotic flagellum moves in a wavelike
as is used in canning, or small triggering
molecules called germinants.
 to help keep foreign material out of the
lungs, ciliated cells of the human respiratory
system move the material along the surface of diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, or
the cells in the bronchial tubes and trachea active transport.
toward the throat and mouth  Group translocation does not occur in
eukaryotic cells.
THE CELL WALL AND GLYCOCALYX  However, eukaryotic cells can use a
mechanism called endocytosis.
 Most eukaryotic cells have cell walls,  This occurs when a segment of the plasma
although they are generally much simpler than membrane surrounds a particle or large
those of prokaryotic cells. molecule, encloses it, and brings it into the cell.
 Cell walls of some fungi also contain  The three types of endocytosis are
cellulose, but in most fungi the principal phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and receptor-
structural component of the cell wall is the mediated endocytosis.
polysaccharide chitin, a polymer of N-  During phagocytosis, cellular projections
acetylglucosamine (NAG) units. called pseudopods engulf particles and bring
 (Chitin is also the main structural component them into the cell.
of the exoskeleton of crustaceans and insects.)  Phagocytosis is used by white blood cells to
 The cell walls of yeasts contain the destroy bacteria and foreign substances
polysaccharides glucan and mannan.  In pinocytosis, the plasma membrane folds
 In eukaryotes that lack a cell wall, the plasm inward, bringing extracellular fluid into the cell,
membrane may be the outer covering; along with whatever substances are dissolved
however, cells that have direct contact with the in the fluid.
environment may have coatings outside the  In receptor-mediated endocytosis,
plasma membrane. substances (ligands) bind to receptors in the
 Protozoa do not have a typical cell wall; membrane.
instead, they have a flexible outer protein  When binding occurs, the membrane folds
covering called a pellicle. inward.
 In other eukaryotic cells, including animal  Receptor-mediated endocytosis is one of the
cells, the plasma membrane is covered by a ways viruses can enter animal cell
glycocalyx, a layer of material containing
substantial amounts of sticky carbohydrates.
 The glycocalyx strengthens the cell surface,
helps attach cells together, and may contribute
to cell–cell recognition. CYTOPLASM
 Eukaryotic cells do not contain  The cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells
peptidoglycan, the framework of the prokaryotic encompasses the substance inside the plasma
cell wall. membrane and outside the nucleus
 This is significant medically because  The cytoplasm is the substance in which
antibiotics, such as penicillins and various cellular components are found.
cephalosporins, act against peptidoglycan and  (The term cytosol refers to the fluid portion
therefore do not affect human eukaryotic cells. of cytoplasm.)
THE PLASMA (CYTOPLASMIC)  The cytoskeleton of eukaryotes consists of
small rods (microfilaments and intermediate
filaments) and cylinders (microtubules).
 The plasma (cytoplasmic) membrane of  Recall these correspond to the MreB and
eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells is very similar ParM, crescetin, and FtsZ of the prokaryotic
in function and basic structure. cytoskeleton, respectively.
 Eukaryotic membranes also contain  The cytoskeleton of eukaryotes provides
carbohydrates, which serve as attachment support, shape, and assistance in transporting
sites for bacteria and as receptor sites that substances through the cell (and even in
assume a role in such functions as cell– cell moving the entire cell, as in phagocytosis).
recognition.  The movement of eukaryotic cytoplasm from
 Eukaryotic plasma membranes also contain one part of the cell to another, which helps
sterols, complex lipids not found in prokaryotic distribute nutrients and move the cell over a
plasma membranes (with the exception of surface, is called cytoplasmic streaming.
Mycoplasma cells).  Another difference between prokaryotic and
 Sterols seem to be associated with the eukaryotic cytoplasm is that many of the
ability of the membranes to resist lysis resulting important enzymes found in the cytoplasmic
from increased osmotic pressure. fluid of prokaryotes are sequestered in the
 Substances can cross eukaryotic and organelles of eukaryotes.
prokaryotic plasma membranes by simple
 Attached to the outer surface of the rough  Nuclear pores control the movement of
endoplasmic reticulum are ribosomes which substances between the nucleus and
are also found free in the cytoplasm. cytoplasm.
 As in prokaryotes, ribosomes are the sites of  Within the nuclear envelope are one or more
protein synthesis in the cell. spherical bodies called nucleoli (singular:
 The ribosomes of cells are somewhat larger nucleolus).
and denser than those of prokaryotic cells.  Nucleoli are actually condensed regions of
 These eukaryotic ribosomes are 80S chromosomes where ribosomal RNA is being
ribosomes, each of which consists of a large synthesized.
60S subunit containing three molecules of  Ribosomal RNA is an essential component
rRNA and a smaller 40S subunit with one of ribosomes.
molecule of rRNA.  The nucleus also contains most of the cell’s
 Chloroplasts and mitochondria contain 70S DNA, which is combined with several proteins,
ribosomes, which indicates their evolution from including some basic proteins called histones
prokaryotes. and nonhistones.
 Some ribosomes, called free ribosomes, are  When the cell is not reproducing, the DNA
unattached to any structure in the cytoplasm. and its associated proteins appear as a
 Primarily, free ribosomes synthesize threadlike mass called chromatin.
proteins used inside the cell.  During nuclear division, the chromatin coils
 Other ribosomes, called membrane-bound into shorter and thicker rodlike bodies called
ribosomes, attach to the nuclear membrane chromosomes.
and the endoplasmic reticulum.  Prokaryotic chromosomes do not undergo
 These ribosomes synthesize proteins this process, do not have histones, and are not
destined for insertion in the plasma membrane enclosed in a nuclear envelope.
or for export from the cell.  Eukaryotic cells require two elaborate
 Ribosomes located within mitochondria mechanisms: mitosis and meiosis to segregate
synthesize mitochondrial proteins. chromosomes prior to cell division.
 Neither process occurs in prokaryotic cells.

 Within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells is
the endoplasmic reticulum, or ER, an extensive
ORGANELLES network of flattened membranous sacs or
tubules called cisternae
 Organelles are structures with specific
 The ER network is continuous with the
shapes and specialized functions and are
nuclear envelope
characteristic of eukaryotic cells.
 Most eukaryotic cells contain two distinct,
 They include the nucleus, endoplasmic
but interrelated, forms of ER that differ in
reticulum, Golgi complex, lysosomes, vacuoles,
structure and function.
mitochondria, chloroplasts, peroxisomes, and
 The membrane of rough ER is continuous
with the nuclear membrane and usually unfolds
THE NUCLEUS into a series of flattened sacs.
 The outer surface of rough ER is studded
 The most characteristic eukaryotic organelle with ribosomes, the sites of protein synthesis.
is the nucleus  Proteins synthesized by ribosomes that are
 The nucleus is usually spherical or oval, is attached to rough ER enter cisternae within the
frequently the largest structure in the cell, and ER for processing and sorting.
contains almost all of the cell’s hereditary  In some cases, enzymes within the
information (DNA). cisternae attach the proteins to carbohydrates
 Some DNA is also found in mitochondria to form glycoproteins.
and in the chloroplasts of photosynthetic  In other cases, enzymes attach the proteins
organisms. to phospholipids, also synthesized by rough ER
 The nucleus is surrounded by a double  Thus, rough ER is a factory for synthesizing
membrane called the nuclear envelope. secretory proteins and membrane molecules.
 Both membranes resemble the plasma  Smooth ER extends from the rough ER to
membrane in structure. form a network of membrane tubules
 Tiny channels in the membrane called  Unlike rough ER, smooth ER does not have
nuclear pores allow the nucleus to ribosomes on the outer surface of its
communicate with the cytoplasm membrane.
 smooth ER does synthesize phospholipids,
as does rough ER.
 Smooth ER also synthesizes fats and  Human white blood cells, which use
steroids, such as estrogens and testosterone. phagocytosis to ingest bacteria, contain large
 In liver cells, enzymes of the smooth ER numbers of lysosomes.
help release glucose into the bloodstream and
inactivate or detoxify drugs and other VACUOLES
potentially harmful substances (for example,  A vacuole is a space or cavity in the
alcohol). cytoplasm of a cell that is enclosed by a
 In muscle cells, calcium ions released from membrane called a tonoplast.
the sarcoplasmic reticulum, a form of smooth  In plant cells, vacuoles may occupy 5 to
ER, trigger the contraction process. 90% of the cell volume, depending on the type
of cell.
 Vacuoles are derived from the Golgi
 Most of the proteins synthesized by complex and have several diverse functions.
ribosomes attached to rough ER are ultimately  Some vacuoles serve as temporary storage
transported to other regions of the cell. organelles for substances such as proteins,
 The first step in the transport pathway is sugars, organic acids, and inorganic ions.
through an organelle called the Golgi complex.  Other vacuoles form during endocytosis to
 It consists of 3 to 20 cisternae that resemble help bring food into the cell.
a stack of pita bread  Many plant cells also store metabolic wastes
 The cisternae are often curved, giving the and poisons that would otherwise be injurious if
Golgi complex a cuplike shape. they accumulated in the cytoplasm.
 Proteins synthesized by ribosomes on the  Finally, vacuoles may take up water,
rough ER are surrounded by a portion of the enabling plant cells to increase in size and also
ER membrane, which eventually buds from the providing rigidity to leaves and stems.
membrane surface to form a transport vesicle.
 The transport vesicle fuses with a cistern of MITOCHONDRIA
the Golgi complex, releasing proteins into the  Elongated, irregularly shaped organelles
cistern. called mitochondria (singular: mitochondrion)
 The proteins are modified and move from appear throughout the cytoplasm of most
one cistern to another via transfer vesicles that eukaryotic cells
bud from the edges of the cisternae.  A mitochondrion has two membranes similar
 Enzymes in the cisterna modify the proteins in structure to the plasma membrane
to form glycoproteins, glycolipids, and  The outer mitochondrial membrane is
lipoproteins. smooth, but the inner mitochondrial membrane
 Some of the processed proteins leave the is arranged in a series of folds called cristae
cisternae in secretory vesicles, which detach (singular: crista).
from the cistern and deliver the proteins to the  The center of the mitochondrion is a
plasma membrane, where they are discharged semifluid substance called the matrix.
by exocytosis.  Because of the nature and arrangement of
 Other processed proteins leave the the cristae, the inner membrane provides an
cisternae in vesicles that deliver their contents enormous surface area on which chemical
to the plasma membrane for incorporation into reactions can occur.
the membrane.  Some proteins that function in cellular
 Finally, some processed proteins leave the respiration, including the enzyme that makes
cisternae in vesicles that are called storage ATP, are located on the cristae of the inner
vesicles. mitochondrial membrane, and many of the
 The major storage vesicle is a lysosome metabolic steps involved in cellular respiration
are concentrated in the matrix
 Mitochondria are often called the
 Lysosomes are formed from Golgi “powerhouses of the cell” because of their
complexes and look like membrane-enclosed central role in ATP production.
spheres.  Mitochondria contain 70S ribosomes and
 Unlike mitochondria, lysosomes have only a some DNA of their own, as well as the
single membrane and lack internal structure machinery necessary to replicate, transcribe,
 But they contain as many as 40 different and translate the information encoded by their
kinds of digestive enzymes capable of breaking DNA.
down various molecules.  In addition, mitochondria can reproduce
 Moreover, these enzymes can also digest more or less on their own by growing and
bacteria that enter the cell. dividing in two.

 Algae and green plants contain a unique  The 9 refers to the nine clusters of
organelle called a chloroplast, a double microtubules, and the 0 refers to the absence
membrane-enclosed structure that contains of microtubules in the center.
both the pigment chlorophyll and the enzymes
required for the light-gathering phases of The Evolution of Eukaryotes
 Biologists generally believe that life arose on
 The chlorophyll is contained in flattened
Earth in the form of very simple organisms,
membrane sacs called thylakoids; stacks of
similar to prokaryotic cells, about 3.5 to 4 billion
thylakoids are called grana (singular: granum)
years ago.
 Like mitochondria, chloroplasts contain 70S
 About 2.5 billion years ago, the first
ribosomes, DNA, and enzymes involved in
eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotic cells.
protein synthesis.
 The theory explaining the origin of
 They are capable of multiplying on their own
eukaryotes from prokaryotes, pioneered by
within the cell.
Lynn Margulis, is the endosymbiotic theory.
 The way both chloroplasts and
 According to this theory, larger bacterial
mitochondria multiply—by increasing in size
cells lost their cell walls and engulfed smaller
and then dividing in two—is strikingly
bacterial cells.
reminiscent of bacterial multiplication.
 This relationship, in which one organism
PEROXISOMES lives within another, is called endosymbiosis
(symbiosis = living together).
 Organelles similar in structure to lysosomes,  According to the endosymbiotic theory, the
but smaller, are called peroxisomes ancestral eukaryote developed a rudimentary
 Although peroxisomes were once thought to nucleus when the plasma membrane folded
form by budding off the ER, it is now generally around the chromosome
agreed that they form by the division of  This cell, called a nucleoplasm, may have
preexisting peroxisomes. ingested aerobic bacteria.
 Peroxisomes contain one or more enzymes  Some ingested bacteria lived inside the host
that can oxidize various organic substances. nucleoplasm.
 For example, substances such as amino  This arrangement evolved into a symbiotic
acids and fatty acids are oxidized in relationship in which the host nucleoplasm
peroxisomes as part of normal metabolism. supplied nutrients and the endosymbiotic
 In addition, enzymes in peroxisomes oxidize bacterium produced energy that could be used
toxic substances, such as alcohol. by the nucleoplasm.
 A by-product of the oxidation reactions is  Similarly, chloroplasts may be descendants
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a potentially toxic of photosynthetic prokaryotes ingested by this
compound. early nucleoplasm.
 However, peroxisomes also contain the  Studies comparing prokaryotic and
enzyme catalase, which decomposes H2O2 eukaryotic cells provide evidence for the
 Because the generation and degradation of endosymbiotic theory.
H2O2 occurs within the same organelle,  For example, both mitochondria and
peroxisomes protect other parts of the cell from chloroplasts resemble bacteria in size and
the toxic effects of H2O2 shape.
 These organelles contain circular DNA,
which is typical of prokaryotes, and the
 The centrosome, located near the nucleus, organelles can reproduce independently of
consists of two components: the pericentriolar their host cell.
area and centrioles  Moreover, mitochondrial and chloroplast
 The pericentriolar material is a region of the ribosomes resemble those of prokaryotes, and
cytosol composed of a dense network of small their mechanism of protein synthesis is more
protein fibers. similar to that found in bacteria than
 This area is the organizing center for the eukaryotes.
mitotic spindle, which plays a critical role in cell  Finally, the same antibiotics that inhibit
division, and for microtubule formation in protein synthesis on ribosomes in bacteria also
nondividing cells. inhibit protein synthesis on ribosomes in
 Within the pericentriolar material is a pair of mitochondria and chloroplasts.
cylindrical structures called centrioles, each of
which is composed of nine clusters of three
microtubules (triplets) arranged in a circular
pattern, an arrangement called a 9 + 0 array.

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