Fast Food Case Study

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Running Head: Fast Food Case Study

Fast Food Case Study


MGMT 448(Section 02)

Professor Brown

Azusa Pacific University

Fast Food Case Study

In the fast food case study, I believe that there a couple of problems that the franchise

of Surf-N-Turf is doing and it is mainly the way it is managed. For one, the fact that the

manager is telling the consultant who was sent from headquarters that he already knows the

issue is the main cause of the high turnover rate if he is not willing to hear outside opinions.

This definitely shows that he does not value his employees time and probably never gives them

compliments on their work at the job. “Negative reviews succeed in chasing away customers

from your business to your competitors. Research shows that one negative review drives away

22% of prospects, around 30 customers. The percentage of lost customers increases with an

increase in negative reviews. Three negative reviews drive away customers by 59.2%. More

than four negative reviews increase your lost customers to 70%.” (McCambridge 2019). I

believe that the negative yelp reviews of the way it is managed and how it takes so long to get

food is hurting them by not allowing them to be known in the community in Indianapolis. I

believe that the problem is how they manage it and not by the employees and if the manager is

saying how the kids who they hire do not want to work and they hear that from you as a

manager of course they will not want to listen to you especially if it is just temporary for them.

Glassdoor and Vault is another reason why the employees always want to leave because the

reviews were saying how it is not a good place to work at. “Without an employee retention

strategy in place, your employees are more likely to consider other job opportunities and

become disengaged.” (House 2017). Also, this explains a lot about the turnover rate especially

since the franchise and Daniel Clark did not have a good retention strategy to make them stay

and want to work there for a longer period of time. I truly believe that they need to create a
Fast Food Case Study
new plan for the business and to totally reinvent the way they manage into a more inclusive

culture there at the franchise.


The new plan for the franchise of Surf-N-Turf in Indianapolis can start off with a couple

things and mainly to get rid of their poor performing managers. First off, I believe that the

incentive system there at the franchise is terrible and needs to be looked at once again to

better motivate the young workers. The incentive system should consist of the hard work that

employs put in and not the outcome of their selling points because that can discourage many

youngsters in my opinion like an employee of the month gets an amazon gift card and free

lunch for the day they receive the award. Another thing is that the crew that they have working

there should be more involved in decisions of the business and to let the employees when they

get hired test their strengths so they can be more satisfied at their job doing what they want to

do to get by. I believe also, that since they are a younger crowd it is a known thing that they

are not going to have that job for a long time and they know they can leave and quit whenever

and get a job similar to it but there should be more reason to stay. A good way to go about it is

making them feel more comfortable with management on what should change and how the

managers can make their job easier because it is evident that they do not ask their employees

on advice if owner cannot even stand them.


There are much evidence to support my plan and I will explain why in a couple of ways.

“Approachable people also have an information advantage over those who are more difficult to

talk to. If you're a skilled conversationalist and able to keep up a good rapport with people,
Fast Food Case Study
you'll get the scoop earlier than those not as skilled. Employees will trust you more, and

interviewees will be more likely open up to you. You'll have a stronger network and more

loyalty from your team. “ (Camarote 2016). I believe that if the managers were more

approachable and asked their needs at work or ways to improve their work life they would

definitely be more engaged and it shows with evidence. From experience, I have had an

approachable manager and one who is not approachable on your needs at work and I definitely

would work with my manager who is more approachable any day. I believe that once those

managers are gone and the new plan is constructed of making changes and listening to the

employees more often you will begin to see results in a three month period. In the end, the

fast food chain can be a tough crowd but they are more defined by management than the

employees themselves.
Fast Food Case Study

Camarote, R. (2016, July 22). The best leaders know these 6 tricks to being more approachable.

Retrieved February 21, 2021, from


House, C. (2017, October 31). 5 ways your employee retention Strategy impacts your bottom

line. Retrieved February 21, 2021, from


Leidner, R. (1993) Fast food, fast talk. Service work and routinization of everyday life. Los

Angeles, CA: University of California Press.

McCambridge, J. (2019, September 24). Yes, negative reviews can impact your business but you

can overcome. Retrieved February 21, 2021, from




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