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TRƯỜNG THPT VÕ VĂN KIỆT Thời gian làm bài : 45 phút
Ngày thi : 26/10/2018


Mã đề : 122
Họ, tên học sinh:..........................................................................
Số báo danh:.......................................

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. preferred B. arrived C. refused D. relaxed
Question 2: A. technique B. technology C. school D. cheapen

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. memory B. tradition C. socialize D. animal
Question 4: A. noisy B. polite C. social D. party

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 5: Could you please give me a(n)_______ with the cooking?
A. hand B. arm C. finger D. head
Question 6: The girl was used ___________ birthday presents from her brothers.
A. to be receiving B. to receive C. to being received D. to receiving
Question 7: When you see your brother _________ the plane, you may _________ to call his name.
A. get off / claps your hands B. pass by / whistle and clap your hands
C. look at / throw a stone to him D. get off / jump up and down
Question 8: The windows are so dirty. They need _______________.
A. to clean B. cleaning C. to be cleaning D. cleaned
Question 9: Many Americans pay much attention to physical _________ when choosing a wife or a
A. attraction B. attractiveness C. spirits D. interests
Question 10: She is leaving her husband because she cannot ________his bad temper any longer.
A. put up with B. put away C. put off D. put up
Question 11: She asked me ___________ the seat ___________ or not.
A. if / was occupied B. if / had occupied
C. whether / was occupied D. whether / had occupied
Question 12: The local health organization is reported __________twenty-five years ago when Dr.
Audon became its first president
A. to have been set up B. to be setting up C. to have set up D. to set up
Question 13: A number of questions _____________ asked when the Director came.
A. were B. is C. was D. are
Question 14: The teacher said to his pupils, “The Sun rises in the East.”
A. The teacher said his pupils that the Sun rose in the East.
B. The teacher told to his pupils that the Sun rose in the East.
C. The teacher told his pupils that the Sun rises in the East.
D. The teacher asked to his pupils that the Sun rises in the East.

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Question 15: Peter was ______ a hurry to go so he did not stop ________me.
A. over / greeting B. in / greeting C. over / to greet D. in / to greet
Question 16: By the time you come back here next year, work on the new subway___________.
A. has completed B. will have completed
C. will have been completed D. will complete
Question 17: When you are in a restaurant, you can raise your hand slightly to show that you
A. noisy B. attention C. politeness D. assistance
Question 18: My brother said that he _______ to the dentist __________.
A. is going / tomorrow morning B. was going/ the following day morning
C. would go/ morning after D. was going/ the next morning
Question 19: He’s always _____________to his parents’ wishes.
A. confident B. expressive C. supportive D. obedient
Question 20: “If I were you, I wouldn’t buy that book.” Dr. Smith said to his little son.
A. Dr. Smith suggested that his little son should buy that book immediately.
B. Dr. Smith advised his little son should buy that book.
C. Dr. Smith advised his little son not to buy that book.
D. Dr. Smith suggested his little son buying that book.
Question 21: John asked me ____________ that film the night before.
A. had I seen B. if had I seen C. that I saw D. if I had seen

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
Question 22: Tom: “Can I have a sandwich?”- Daisy: “__________________________”
A. Yes, thank you B. Yes, of course. C. Yes, that’s right. D. Yes, it is.
Question 23: Pete: “You look great in this new dress.” – Jane: “____________.”
A. With pleasure B. Do not say anything about it
C. Not at all D. I am glad you like it

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 24: He had never experienced such discourtesy towards the president as it occurred at the
annual meeting in May.
A. rudeness B. politeness C. encouragement D. measurement
Question 25: I didn’t think his comments were very inappropriate at the time.
A. suitable B. exact C. correct D. right

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 26: The students are advised to concentrate on their studying.
A. pay attention to B. confide C. be interested in D. remember
Question 27: I truly appreciate your help. Thanks to you, I got a well-paid job at a state-own
A. lot of money B. compulsory C. poor paid D. permanent

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 28: John said Mary to wait a second while he got his books.
Question 29: As soon as the alarm clock rang, she woke up and was getting out of bed.
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Question 30: I will phone a friend of mine as soon as I will be in London.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
In Japan, politeness and good manners are very important and business meetings are very formal.
Business cards are also important and they (31) _________ these at the beginning of a meeting. They
always look at them (32) _____________, so you should do the same as they might think you're rude
if you don't. A lot of communication is non-verbal. They are very good listeners and may ask a lot of
questions to check they understand everything. In a conversation they wait longer (33) ________ they
reply than westerners do, so it's important not to speak in those long pauses but to wait for their reply.
In their culture it's rude to ask direct questions or to say 'No' or 'I disagree'. In business it takes a long
time to (34) __________ a decision because they have to ask everyone in the company. When they
say 'Yes' it may mean 'I understand', not 'I agree', and when they smile it might be because they don't
know (35) __________to say.
Question 31: A. change B. exchange C. purchase D. barter
Question 32: A.  carefully B. caring C. careful D. care
Question 33: A. since B. before C. as long as D. after
Question 34: A. make B. get C. take D. gain
Question 35: A. who B. that C. what D. when

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Vietnamese generally shake hands when getting and parting. Using both hands shows respect, as
does a slight bow of the head. In rural areas, elderly people who do not extend their hand are greeted
with a slight bow. Women are more likely to bow the head slightly than to shake hands. Vietnamese
names begin with the family name and are followed by a given name. For example, in the name
Nguyen Van Duc , Nguyen is the family name. People address one another by their given names, but
add a title that indicates their perceived relationship to the other person. These titles are family related
rather than professional. Among colleagues, for example, the younger of the two might combine the
given name with the title of “Anh” ( Older Brother ). A basic greeting combined with the given name
and title “Xin chao” (Hello). Classifiers for gender and familiarity are also combined with the
greeting. In formal meetings, business cards are sometimes exchanged on greeting.
Vietnamese people have a strong sense of hospitality and feel embarrassed if they cannot show
their guests full respect by preparing for their arrival. Therefore, it is inappropriate to visit a home
without having been invited. Gifts are not required, but are appreciated. Flowers, incense, or tea may
be appropriate gifts for the hosts. Hosts also appreciate a small gift for their children or elderly

Question 36: Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. To show respect, they do a slight bow while using both hands to shake.
B. Elderly people in rural areas do not often shake hands when greeting and saying good-bye.
C. Vietnamese women never shake hands, so they bow the head slightly when greeting.
D. In most cases, Vietnamese greet each other with a handshake.
Question 37: How are Vietnamese names generally formed?
A. A given name, a middle name, and then a family name
B. A middle name, a given name, and then a family name
C. A family name, a given name, and then a middle name
D. A family name, a middle name, and then a given name
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Question 38: Typically, Vietnamese will be addressed ____________.
A. with their given name and a title “Mr” or “Mrs”
B. with their family name in formal situations
C. with their given name, even in formal situations
D. with their full name and a title which is family related
Question 39: The Vietnamese have a very strong sense of hospitality, but _____________.
A. they always prepare for their arrival
B. they often feel worried about what other people will think
C. they do not like to be visited unexpectedly
D. they cannot show their guests full respect
Question 40: According to the last paragraph, the Vietnamese ___________.
A. sometimes give the host’s children gifts
B. usually welcome guests with flowers
C. always require gifts for their children or their parents
D. often offer gifts to the hosts on their visit

B. WRITING: (2ms)
Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the word(s) provided:
Question 41: “Water these flowers every day or they will die”, she said.
→ She asked _________________________________________________________
Question 42: They got the workers to repaint the house last month
→They got the house __________________________________________________
Question 43: “I can’t go to your birthday party tonight, Jack” said Mary
→ My girlfriend apologized _____________________________________________
Question 44: I haven’t seen him since I left my hometown.
→ The last time ______________________________________________________
Question 45: “Why don’t you ask your boss for a pay rise?” She said.
→ She suggested ______________________________________________________
----------- THE END ----------

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