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Rani Patel

Activity: Wheelchair Archery

Sources: FlintRehab. (2019, February 16). 5 Fun Activities for Spinal Cord Injury Patients.
Retrieved from
Passionate People Team. What is Wheelchair Archery? Retrieved from
Mayo Clinic. Spinal Cord Injury. Retrieved from

Equipment: A bow, couple of arrows, a target, strings for the bow, finger tab, quiver to hold the
extra bows, arm guard, and chest guard.

Activity Description: The goal of this activity is to build upper body strength and endurance.
This activity can assist the participant in restoring a bad posture. It also helps to advance hand-
eye coordination because it requires the participant to focus on the target before releasing the
1. Gather all the equipment needed for the activity and place the arm and chest guard on the
2. The participant should be positioned at least 90m away from the target.
3. It's time to begin the activity and at this point the participant should nock the arrow. This
means they have to fit the arrow between the bow and the string.
4. Then the participant should anchor the bow which means to pull back the arrow.
5. They should aim the arrow at the center of the target. The instructor should assist the
participant when needed.
6. Lastly, the participant should release the string and follow their arrow. They get points
according to the position of the arrow on the target. Once all the participants have played
this activity, it's time to give rewards to the winners. Also praise the participants that did
not win the game to boost their self esteem.

Primary Social Interaction: The primary social interaction pattern for this activity is multilateral
interaction because this game is competitive and includes more than 3 participants. Each
individual is playing for their own victory rather than playing for different teams. They are
interacting with other participants during the game which helps to build social skills.

Adaptation: Spinal Cord injury is a very critical condition in which the patient loses control over
their legs, arms, or upper body movement. They might lose the ability to perform everyday tasks.
It can also affect their social lives, physical and emotional well being. This injury can cause
permanent changes to the body which include weakness, sensation, and losing the ability to use
the rest of the body (below the area of the injury). Spinal cord injury is caused by the damage to
the nerves connected on the spinal cord. It can also be caused by any disruption to the spinal
cord. This injury can be described in two ways which include complete and incomplete.
Complete means that the patient has lost all control to movement below the injury point.
Incomplete means that the patient has some sensory function below the injury point. An
adaptation that can be used during this activity is to strap the participant on the wheelchair for
better support and posture. Assist the participant when they are having difficulty lining the arrow
between the bow and string. Another adaptation that can be used during this activity is by
incorporating a mechanical release tool that can help the participant release the arrow. Lastly,
giving mouth tabs to participants that are limited to using one arm because of their spinal cord
injury. The mouth tab will help participants to draw the arrow and anchor it back for release.

Participant: 21-year-old man with a C 1-8 Spinal Cord Injury

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