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Question 1: Complete the sentences. Choose the correct form of comparison.

1) This comedian is so funny! He is _______________ than the one

we saw saturday. (funny)
2) English is much _______________ to learn than Chinese. (easy)
3) Watching a movie at home is _______________ going to the movie
theater (cheap)
4) My father is _______________ yours. (old)
5) Carol is _______________ Diana. (pretty)
6) The book I'm reading now is much ______________________ than
all the books I've read in the past. (interesting)
7) Dogs are usually _______________ than birds. (heavy)
8) Smith is _______________ than his sister. (young)
9) I _________(can/can’t) play the guitar _____________ (good) as I play
the piano.
10) Sometimes, a car is __________ (expensive) as a house.
11) Does Luis come here ________________ (frequently) as Marisa?
12)Disney movies are ______________ (popular) than other animation
13)My dad runs ________ (fast) than me.
14)_______ you swim? Yes, I _______.
15) Can she fly a kite? Yes, ____________.
16)Can you make a cake? ____, __________.
17) Can you sing? Yes, ___________.

Question 2: Complete the text below with the available words.

dry / weather forecast / the best / rain

Welcome to the ________. Now, let’s see what the weather is like today. In the north
of the country it’s very windy and cold. There is a chance of some _____ too, so don’t
leave home without your umbrella! The temperature is around 10º centigrade.
In the east it’s rainy all day today, I’m afraid. The temperature is a bit higher, at around
13º. In the west and middle of the country the weather is __________, it means no
rain for you, but it is quite windy and the temperature is just 10º. The south of the
country has __________ weather today. It’s cloudy most of the time but sunny this
afternoon. The temperature is around 15º.

Question 3: Put the words in order.

a) She / a / singer / better / I / than / am.

b) louder / voice / is / Her / mine. / than
c) taller / is / than / She / I / am.
d) is / am. / I / tennis player / than / She / a better

Question 4: Identify comparative/superlative forms

The Rodriguez Brothers Circus is in town! Most of the performers are human! There is
Leopold, The Strongest Man In The World.

His father also worked in the circus, but Leopold is stronger than him, he has bigger
arms and bigger legs too!

Another performer is Clara. She says she has the longest hair in the world. It's about 4
meters long! She also has a daughter who works in the circus. Her name is Sue-Ellen.
Her hair is a bit shorter, but she wants to grow it as long as her mother's.

The highlight of the circus are the three clowns, Pit, Pot and Pat. They all wear long red
shoes, but Pat's shoes are the longest and sometimes, he falls over because they're so
long! They perform for about twenty minutes and they are always the most popular act
with the audience, especially the children. Many people think Pit, Pot and Pat are three
brothers, but Pat is older than the other two - he's their father! He's the oldest clown in
the country, but he has a lot of energy.

Tomorrow will be the longest day because the circus is leaving town and everything
must be packed away into big trucks.

Question 6: Write some sentences

A) a mountain / a hill (high)

b) cars / bicycles (expensive)

c) d) speaking / writing (easy)

e) a plane / a train (fast)

f) the country / the city (big)

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