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Discuss the importance of quality partnering and strategic

alliances. How is your company doing this?
Quality partnering and strategic alliances are applied where multiple parties work together for
a similar project or mutual benefit. Partnering is crucial for total quality mainly due to the
fact that quality in the market is defined by the customer. External partnering between
organizations allows for continual improvements in processes and products, relationships
between customers and suppliers, and customer satisfaction. Internal partnering within an
organization can improve relationships among employees and among departments within an
organization.In many cases, manufacturers do not have any link with their suppliers or
customers and these results in unwanted products. Therefore, the collaborating and alliances
leads better products, customer satisfaction and services. These kinds of alliances replace
the traditional relationship and opens up a much wider picture. The benefits can be realized
only if there is a proper objective defined between the pair. In addition, strategic alliances
with similar competitors may result in quality improvement, which in turn results in more
income as well as brand name. There is systematic way for alliances and must be followed
up. Only benefiting partnering should be kept as main focus. Nowadays bigger companies
relay on their quality of product or service that’s why this norms become more important in
current era. Research and development centers are real example of this.

Traditional supply chain supply chain with quality partnering

Fig. 2.1.1( by:Mr. Vraj Patel)

How my company doing this?

My company doing quality partnering and strategic allainces in every department. As our
products mainly depends on quality of product. For example, for the quality of materials used
in gear manufacturing my company partners with Quality Standard Society around the world.
As well as my company has Research and Development centre for quality improvement.
In addition with this my company also provide funds and technology to our supplier to
implement quality management in their company also for good and better product. As well as
my company has ties with other manufacturing company for the quality assurances.

2. Discuss the various forms of quality partnering and

strategic alliances. Focus on the process model.

Various forms of quality partnering and strategic alliances are:

 Partnering with customers: Quallity mainly depends on customer. They
plays important role in decisions about product’s quality. The best way
is by collaborating with customers. So that they get involved early in the
product development cycle. Allow them to observe and use prototype
models. Get their feedback at every stage in the product development cycle
and make changes according to that. Partnership with customers leads to
customer satisfaction.
 Partnering with suppliers: This type of partnering builds trust, loyal
relationship with supplier to achieve better quality. This step is good for
quality and productivity. This provides continous improvement inn product
 Internal partnering: Internal partnering is creating an environment and
establishing mechanisms within the managers and employees in mutually
supportive alliances that maximize the human process and efforts.The
overall purpose of internal collaborating is to use the full potential of the
workforce and focus it on the continuous improvement of quality. By having
all the workforce of the company working together by giving their full
potential better quality can be achieved.
 Potential competitors: In most of cases competitors are considered as enemy
but this is not the good way in this corporate world. But by partnering with
competitors has many advantages like quality improvement, new
technologies. A prime example of this is some part of Apple’s iphone are
made by Samsung.
 Global partnering: The partnering concept, like all contemporary business
concepts, has a global aspect. Companies that market to customers
worldwide should examine the possibility of partnering with suppliers
 Education and business partnerships: This helps organizations to improve
their employees knwledge about new technologies. It also improves their
skill set and way of dooing work.

3. Discuss the importance of quality culture.

Quality culture is perhaps the most affectable factor in product’s success.Before we

understand the importance of quality culture,we must know the concepts of the
organizational culture.Organizational culture has daily rituals.Organizational
culture includes following factors.
1)Business environment
2)Organizational values
3)Cultural role models
4)Organizational rites,rituals and customs
5)Cultural transmitters.
By having this in organization people taking steps necessary to drive
quality.Organization's people should make customers realize that they are valuable
to us.There are many things to do internally.It must be driven and assisted by senior
management who also have a responsibility to set up a atmosphere that encourages
a customers oriented cultures and value of performance in day to day operations.
A company culture that focuses heavily on the quality that can be accomplished by
active engagement with consumers and their needs,monitoring quality performance
not only through department of sales and marketing but also across all levels of
To remain competitive in marketplace,a company should create an environment that
fosters positive collaboration where employees are treated with dignity and trust.In
turn,companies reduces the cost by creating a quality culture and making
performance an intrinsic attribute. Quality culture consists of:
Defining quality culture is not easy. It’s better to highlight some characteristics that
generally organizations with quality culture share. These characteristics are:

 customer input is used to improve quality

 behavior matches slogans
 suppliers are treated as partners
 work is done in teams
 executive-level managers are both involved and committed
 peak performance is a top priority

Fig 2.3.1 Main elements of Quality culture ( by: Mr. Vraj atel)

4. Explain the difference between traditional and modern

quality cultures .
Traditional quality culture and modern quality culture differs from each others in
many ways. Organization that establish and sustain the culture of performance can
differ sustainability from those with a traditional culture. The variations in
following area are noticeable:
 Operating Philosophy:- In traditional culture, the organizatios main goal is
short term goal and profit. Methods used to maximize profits in short term
can have a long term negative effect. While long term effects of various
factors are not considered in traditional cultures but in modern cultures main
focus is long term planning.
 Management approach: Traditional culture is person orianted while quality
cultutre is team orianted where team work matters. In organizations with
traditional cultures, managers think and employees do. Managers are seen as
“bosses” who give orders and enforce policies, procedures, and rules. In
organizations with quality cultures, managers are seen as coaches of the
team. They communicate the vision, mission and goals, provide resources,
remove barriers, seek employee input and feedback, build trust, provide
training, and reward and recognize performance.
 Attitude towards customer: In traditional culture main focus is on profit as
well as many other factors like income, while in modern culture main focus
is customers satisfaction. For example, there are many companies who
produce lower quality product just for sale and profit mainly chinese
companies but when you see companies like Apple, TATA they mainly
focused on customers satisfaction. Due to this cultutre they built up
customer base who can pay high amount of money for their product due to
their service and quality. And I remember one quote here, which is well
suited for modern quality culture “ Customers are God.”
 Problem solving Approach:- In traditional culture, when problem aries
employees blames each other or other different for the problem. While in
modern qualitu culture employees try to find out the roots of problem and
started to think how we can solve this matter in timely manner.
 Relationship with supplier:- In traditional cultures companies do not share
any kind of data with supplier beacjuse they think that it will ruin their
business or supplier ask more money for their product. While in modern
traditional culture suppliers are considered as a part of company and
company share some data with suppliers for improvement in quality of
product. During my internship in Elecon Engineering Co. Ltd. I saw that
they maintain good relationship with supplier by sharing some data as well
as threy give training to supplier’s employee regarding quality.
 Performance improvement approach:- in traditional quality approach they
improved in performance only when problem arise while in modern quality
culture there are continous improvement in perforance whether there is
problem arose or not, while modern culture focuses on improvement of
people, products and processes the working environment and every factor
that affects performance at core of operating philosophy.

5. How do you understand who is cusomer?

Anyone who is interacting with company is considered as a customer. Whether they
are traditional customer or supplier or employee of the company.
Customers in an organization are considered as end users.An organization do
several processes by which it produces it products.Before these processes take
place,an individual who interacts with companies called as suppliers.People who
have interact with companies after these all processes and when product is launched
in markets are called as customers.Customers and suppliers both are external
entities in traditional perspective.
In total quality setting definition of suppliers and customers are slightly
different.Any workers whose work precedes that of another employees is a supplier
for the employee.Any employees whose work follows that of another employee and
is dependent on it in some way is customer. Any employee whose work precedes
that of another employee is a supplier for that employee. Correspondingly, any
employee whose work follows that of another employee and is dependent on it in
some way is a customer.

Fig. 2.5.1 Customer Supplier

View( image by myself: Vraj Patel)

 How my company doing this?

My company’s motto is ‘ Customers are God.’ Whether they are traditional customer,
supplier or employee. Whether they buy small thing or buy thing my company equally
treat to all customers. My company has department for customer relations in which
they develop different methods for how to develop relation with customers and how
to maintain relations with customer whether they are employee or supplier of
company. Here I explain how I say employee of my company as a customer, my
company has different departments, whe product complete from one department it
moves to another department for further processing then previous department become
supplier and new department become customer. So every department has to satisfy the
need of customer. By adding this chain finally product become good in quality.

6. Explain customer defined value, value analysis and retention. 

Customer defined value:- It is important for any company to understand how

customers define value. The value of a product or service is the sum of a
customer’s perceptions of the following factors:
 Product or service quality
 Organization’s image / reputation
 Sevices provided by organizations
 Selling price of service or product
 How product or service is advanced in technology

Value analysis:- It is the most important analysis for the organizations as it's the
analysis which helps the organization to produce a product that satisfies the
customers. Its helps to understand what
customers actually value and what they don’t value.
The customer value analysis is based on following steps:
 Determine what factors customer value most.
 Rate the relative importance of factors.
 Assess your organizations performance relative to the prioritized list of
 Ask your customer to rate all factors of your products comparing to same
products from other companies.
 Repeat the process at several period of time.

Customer Retention:- It is the index of customer loyalty rather than satisfaction.

Customer retention is desired end which means customers are not only satisfied with
your service or product but also willing to come back when it is necessary next
time. A company’s ability to attract and retain new customers, is not only related to its
product or services, but strongly related to the way it services its existing customers
and the reputation it creates within and across the marketplace.

7. Discuss product innovation models for customer retention.

There is a big difference between attracting customers and retaining

customers.Innovation is key to success, it is a key to customer loyalty, a key to
provide superior cost as well as quality of product. Organizations also develop
lotyalty programs to encourage their customers to buy their product again or use
their service again and again. There are mainly five process steps in product
innovation model:
 Target the opportunity:- Find out the customers need and use them to
guide innovations.
 Explore the idea:- conduct a thorough research on the proposed
innovations in marketplace.
 Develop alternatives:- develop different alternatives for the innovations,
prototype and test them.
 Optimize the solution:- Select the best alternative and optmize it for
 Commercialize the innovation:- develop and apply an effective marketion
program for innovation.

8. Discuss employee empowerment.

In tradition point of view employee empowerment means involving employees for

certain things or activities. While in quality focues modern environment empowered
employees are given ownership of their work. Meaning they are responsible for the
product or service produced by the proceshow s they are in charge of. This quality
gives employee pride and a sense of ambition towards achieving the best product or
services. This yields dedicated, motivated employees who feel a strong sense of
ownership and who are physically, intellectually and emotionally involved in their
work. Employee empowerment also means giving up some of the power traditionally
held by management, which means managers also must take on new roles, knowledge
and responsibilities.It does not mean that management relinquishes all authority,
totally delegate’s decision-making and allows operations to run without
accountability. It requires a significant investment of time and effort to develop
mutual trust, assess and add to individuals' capabilities and develop clear agreements
about roles, responsibilities, risk taking and boundaries.
In the employee empowered organizations, managers provide an open,
nonthreatening, creative environment and employees get involved physically,
intellectually, and emtionally. In such situations, employees will be more willingly to
observe, sense and ponder the following questions. 
 Why is it done this way?
 How could it be done better?
 Will the customer want the product like this?
By answering these questions, employees will continually improve the quality of the
products and service. Thus, empowerment is a core role in total quality enviroment
because it is human who gets the work done and makes the service performed.

Fig 2.8.1employee empowerment

(image by myself: vraj patel)
 How my company doing this?

My company give employees certain level of permissions for change in production as

well as management. Also my company provide full management support to
employess in their views for production as well as in conflicts. Also my company give
some decision makinf power to front line emloyees to handle the sitution. This thing
elenimate ‘let me ask my boss’ barrier upto certain high extent from my company.
Also my company send employees to different seminars for customer service,
problem solving, conflict resolution skill improvement and new technology
knowledge related seminars.
My company empower employees by giving them access to information and data that
can be used for their decision making process. Also boundries for employees
responsbilities are clearly defined in my company. My company has social style
testing to make sure right person with right personalities doing right job.

9.    Discuss leadership for quality .

Leadership is the ability to inspire people to make a total, willing voluntary
commitment to accomplishing organization goal. The key concept is inspiring
people to exceed the goal. That is the philosophy of continually improving peopel,
processes and products. Improvement on these areas can also, in turn, to improve
quality, value, productivity, service, market share, longivity, business expansion
and return on investment. There nine elements in the concept of leadership of

 Customer focus:- this means the organization's primary goal is to meet or

exceed customer expectations in a way that gives the customer lasting value.
 Obession with quality:- Every employee aggressively pursues quality in an
attempt to exceed the expactations of both internal and external customers.
 Recognizing the structure of work:- To optimize the structure in the work
place, the work process should be analyzed, evaluated, and studied
continually in an attempt to improve them.
 Freedom through control:- Leaders must ensure that managers and
employees take control of work process and methods by collaborating to
standardize them.
 Unity of purpose:- When there is unity of purpose, all employees pull
together toward the same end.
 Looking for faults in systems:- 85% of the failure is because of the
management failure. So leadership should focus on correcting systemic
 Teamwork:- A team of people working together toward a common goal can
outperform a group of individuals working toward their own ends.
 Continuing education and training:- In the age of high technology, it is
necessary to wrok hard and work smart.
 Emphasis on Best Practices and Peak Performance:-  Leaders emphasize
identifying and deploying best practices as one more way to ensure
consistent peak performance.
 How my company doing this?
My company looking for these qualities in interview itself.We will hire the best
leaders from all across the globe.As my company main aim is to give full satisfaction
to the customers as mentioned earlier.My company would arrange monthly seminars
and workshops for these.My company would hire specialist in these field so that they
can assist each and every workers who requires it.Teamwork is the main factor and
my company would give some tasks to employee or workers that's helps them to
increase teamwork skills.My company would arrange some little games which will
help to increase their unity and by do so they have fun simultaneously. 
10.  How to lead for a better quality change?
The use of simulations to enhance professional crafts has a long history. Simulations
can be used to accelerate the learning curve, and reduce the risks associated with
training. The authors of this article have developed a series of simulation exercises
designed to help participants learn key integrated project skills in an accelerated
fashion. Drawing on Total Quality Management (TQM) concepts of process
improvement and the ideas of educator Malcolm Knowles, these small-scale
simulations model project team interactions, build on shared experience, and use
experiential learning for project managers. The simulations share the common theme
of building organizational effectiveness while simultaneously accomplishing project
goals efficiently.
Leading people in organizations through change initiatives require a concerted and
systematic effort. The following change-implementation model is designed to help
leaders systematically overcome the various factors that inhibit organizational change:
 Develop a compelling change picture.
 Communicate all change pictures to all partners.
 Conduct a comprehensive roadblock analysis.
 Remove or mitigate all roadblocks identified.
 Impletement the change
 Moitor and adjust.

 How my company doing this?

It is a human behavior that people do not like change much. All of a sudden change
make them uncomfortable. Employees need time to get use to it. So in order to
achieve better quality change give them hind and idea about change in near future so
that they can be well prepared.
Change factor is a very vast process and it can not done over a day. For that we have
to consider so many factors. 
My company following very basic and most popular rule 5W's.

5W's stand for 

1) Why
2) When 
3) What
4) Where
5) Which 
11. Social Networking Assignment


New battery technology could lower cost to

store solar

My point of view:- World is running out energy day by day.

Petrol , diesel and coal in earth core are reducing at very high
rate. So now we have to move towards usage of renewable
energy like solar , wind ,hydro. From this solar energy is easily
and constant available throughout the world. But in current
era it cost to many for middle class people to have equipment
which can store solar energy. This innovation has ability to
change the world and our dependence on limited resources.
This technology can help many countries like india, america
who started to use solar energy at very high level. I think more
research should be done in this so world can get more benfits of
solar energy. And we can save the world together.

Sushil Kumar’s Point of view:- We can move one step forward

by accepting solar energy in our routine life. Till last decade
solar enerfy are mainly used for our body to get some vitamies
but now we can use it for as a energy in day to day life. I think
that there should be more research done in equipment used for
solar power generation because in current era the equipment
are too bulky and large in weight. So we have to consider the
factor that we have limited amount of land. So we have to
develop some technology that can store high slar power using
very tiny equipment.


Air pollution is killing thousands more people than Covid in

the world's biggest cities
My point of view:- We know that our biggest enemy is pollution.
But knowingly we are responsible for pollution. We have to take
some steps for reducing pollution and mainly air pollution. I
visited delhi last year and I feel very suffocating there due to
pollution there are plenty of vehicles on road which cause
pollution. There is less connectivity through rail or bus inside
delhi and outward delhi due to that people prefer more personal

Sushil kumar’s point of view:- we have to think seriously about

pollution throughout the world by considering Delhi as an
example. If we did not wake up then every city in world become
delhi. Also it increase Global Warming which result into higher in
sea level. Also we have to invent some technology that can purify
the air in big volume. Also every country should plant millions of
trees every year to protect our future.

Collaboration Between Robots and Humans Makes
Complex Bridge Building Easier

My point of view:- This is the best result of using robot in real world. And I
think that this is starting and by technological improvement we can use robot in our day to
day life for various purpose. But we have to also maintain the limit of robots because many
people can loose their jobs by introducing robots. And after some years human being become
worthless for any work. Here I want to share one of my experience of Robotic technolgy:
When I am in grade 8 I saw an operation done by doctors who perform from india and patient
is in london. At that time I become speechless and I knew about how this technology can
change the world.
Sushil kumar’s view:- This is the best news. I think that implementation of robot makes
easier life for human beiengs. It also provide good quality in work. I can say that in future we
can built large bridges in hour using only robots.

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