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Mega Bhattarai

In this document, case study given by our teacher Mr. Avash Koirala has been solved.

What types of training should be used to provide the different competencies? Give your
rationale based on: on-the-job training, off-the-job training and management
development. (10 Marks)
The manager obviously lack technical skills and competencies related to operating the
machinery and equipment. Therefore the competencies that need to be developed using the
management training program should be the technical competencies. The management in the
production plant should be able to you know how to operate the machinery and equipment so
that they are able to provide useful operating instructions to the hourly employees they need
to monitor. If the management does not have any understanding of the machineries and
equipment they are responsible for there is a higher probability that they won't be able to
monitor the hourly employees in an effective manner. The employees will have no guide or
mentor when they come across any problems when operating the machineries or equipment. 
Another important competency that needs to be built in the management is effective
communication and interpersonal skills because the management should be able to to
convey their point in the most effective manner to the workforce they monitor. With the use
of enhanced interpersonal skills, managers will be able to keep the employees motivated by
discussing things in a problem-solving manner rather than using a confrontational style.
Similarly when employees will feel that their concerns are being addressed they will become
more productive and showcase better teamwork.
Next important competency that needs to be built in management is a switch in leadership
style to transformational leadership where the managers will be willing to provide support
to their team members and inspire the employees to trust the management. When the
managers are trained to become transformational leaders, they will be able to keep the
employees motivated and productive leading to achievement of organisational goals.
With the training program the managers will be able to operate the machinery and equipment
as well as know how to give instructions to the hourly employees related to operating and
using the machineries. Most of the operational and technical problems will be solved with
this training program.
 Confidence among employees: Management training will create skills and
communication so people can offer better productivity and healthy work
accomplishments at workplace.
 Efficiency and effectiveness in work accomplishment: Training improves work
efficiency and effective decisions making in organizational context.
 Effective decision making: Management training will assist people to take effective
decision in case there will be a no. of alternatives.
 Effective planning: Training can be delivered to develop planning related knowledge
skills and capabilities in trainees.
 Controlling skills: It is most important skills in manufacturing and services business
which can be taught to employees.
 Development of people skills: How to communicate with subordinates? It may be
again taught and guided to trainees or employees through management development
On the job training:
Methods of job preparation are ones that are provided to workers within the daily work of a
problem. It is a simple and cost-effective form of preparation. By employing such a teaching
system, even inadequate and semi-skilled workers will be well trained. In real working
conditions, the workers are educated. The motto of such teaching is "learning by doing." Job-
rotation, coaching, temporary promotions, etc. are examples of such on-job training
On-the-job training gives employees motivation to start the job. Some reports indicate that
people learn more efficiently if they learn hands-on, rather than listening to an instructor.
However, this method might not be for everyone, as it could be very stressful
Example: New trucking employees could ride with experienced drivers. They could ask
questions about truck weigh stations, proper highway speeds, picking up hitchhikers, or any
other issues that may arise
Off the job training:
Off-the-job planning approaches are those that offer training separately from the current
working situation. It is usually seen in the case of new jobs. Workshops, conferences, etc. are
examples of off-work teaching approaches. This technique is expensive and successful if and
only if a significant number of staff have to be trained within a limited period of time. Off-
work training is also referred to as vestibule training, i.e. the workers are taught in a different
environment (may be a classroom, entrance, reception area, etc. known as a vestibule) where
the true working arrangements are duplicated.
Example: Truck drivers could use simulators to practice responding to dangerous driving
In order to improve the technical competencies of the managers, they should be provided on
the job training where they worked alongside trained machine operators. By experiencing
one on one training sessions, the managers will be able to build upon their existing technical
skills and eventually learn the use of machines and equipment as well as to provide
instructions to the hourly employees. 

In order to enhance the interpersonal skills, training program should be organized related to
communication skills. An external trainer can be hired to provide the managers with
effective training sessions that can help in improving their communication and interpersonal
In order to improve the leadership style of the managers, leadership training programs
should be conducted. The training program can be conducted in-house with a panel of
internal and external trainers. This way the trainee managers will be able to learn from expert
in the field
2. How will you evaluate the training effectiveness of these managers and employees? (5

The most common model for analyzing and evaluating the results of education training and
development programs is the Kirkpatrick Model, developed by Donald Kirkpatrick in 1995
for his Ph.D. dissertation. The model consists of four levels.

The Kirkpatrick Taxonomy Model

Kirkpatrick Taxonomy is one of the most widely used methods for evaluating the
effectiveness of corporate training programs.

The four levels used in this are:

 Level 1: Reaction: This is the level where you gauge how the participants responded
to the training given to them. To be able to identify if the conditions for learning were
present, you can ask the participants to complete a short survey or feedback forms and
gauge their reactions to training.

 Level 2: Learning: In the second stage, the idea is to understand what the
participants learned from the training. In most cases, practical tests or short quizzes
before and after the training are used to assess this.

 Level 3: Behavior: This is the stage that takes place a while after the training. In this
stage, you try to assess whether the participants actually put what they learned into
practice in their job roles. This can be done either by asking participants to complete
self-assessments or by asking their supervisor to formally assess them.

 Level 4: Results: In the last stage, you need to evaluate whether the training met the
stakeholders’ expectations by determining the return on the expectations, also known
as ROE.

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