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Bus 120 (Tue): Essentials of

Winter, 2021 (Chandigarh Campus) (India)
Meets once a week (Tuesdays)
(Online – synchronous Session)
(CRN 15966)

Important - Classes begin: 11th Jan., ‘21 Class meets once a week on
Dates for - Last day of classes : 03rd Apr., ‘21 Tuesdays at 9:30 am
Winter - 2021
Jan. – Apr.‘21 - Examination / Assessment period: Final Assessment Period
April 5th – 18th April, ‘21
(Regular) - Holidays:
Module  26th Jan Tuesday Republic Day
 29th Mar Monday Holi
 02nd Apr Friday Good Friday
+ any other as notified via FVI notifications / announcement.

Faculty Shyam Vyas, Ph.D Office: UFV , Chandigarh, A Block

Contact Phone: 9811030360

Skype : shyambabuvyas

Office Hours Tuesdays 12:30 – 1:30 pm (right after the class session).
– others by prior appointment – so as not to disappoint you.
But I have an open door policy and you can take a chance anytime on any working day.

Prerequisite Bus 100. Students without Bus 100 and those with low proficiency in English may find this course difficult.
Anyone that is not involved, & not ready to work hard & learn, will find this course tough.

Course An introductory seed course examining the business function of marketing.

Overview Students explore the fundamental principles of marketing mix, starting with the role of
market research, market segmentation, target market selection, consumer behavior, product
development, and branding for both consumer and institutional products including goods
and services. Students examine pricing and distribution channel management in both
traditional retail and on-line formats. Finally students examine the concepts and techniques
used in developing ethical marketing communication using the promotion mix elements.
Student develop & assess marketing effort/plan of real world brands/ company in local
business settings. Case/readings/assignment and project studies are used to emphasize
fundamental marketing principles and essentials.
Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr

Learning Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to :

LO1. Demonstrate the importance of marketing to the success of a business and to the needs of
LO2. Evaluate a firm’s business environment and how it impacts a firm’s survival;
LO3. Explain the approaches and tools used to conduct market and marketing analysis;
LO4. Describe the various bases of segmentation and the strategies and tactics that can be used to
Position products;
LO5. Evaluate how the consumer buying behaviour differs from business buying behaviour;
LO6. Describe how the elements of the marketing mix (product, place, promotion and price) are
Created and integrated to position products in a selected target market(s);
LO7. Demonstrate how the marketing mix elements are integrated in designing a marketing
strategy and marketing plan.

Required Required Text: Principles of Marketing, 17th ed. by Kotler & Armstrong
Resources and as discussed /finalized in class.
Open Text
Principals of Marketing

Additionally suggested readings –referrals :

This professor’s Major Slides, articles, cases, readings – shared with class.
Any other major text in Marketing.
Your best resources are class discussions on topical areas, case discussions, & your class
notes. (please look up the relevant text chapters & read on topical area ahead of every class)

Suggested - read marketing/ business/ financial & general newspapers, business

Supplemental magazines & watch relevant tv channels to stay “environmentally alive”, and alert to
Resources happenings in marketing environment.
Textbook companion website for text – and any readings and experiences from the real

Methods of
Evaluation Attendance / Participation 10%
MidSemester Assessment 1 15% 30%
MidSemester Assessment 2 15%
Final Assessment / Examination (Comprehensive) 30%
Sem. contribution to grade – (Quizzes/Assignments/Cases & 30%
Group Marketing Project and any class activity / exercise)

Additional Optional Bonus Write-up Scheme Pts up to 5% of grade

offered as extra credit set of 10 assignments

*Important: Form your marketing group (max 3 persons), select a

product category of interest to your group, identify major
competitors, target market(s), consumer Segments, fill-out MPC,
NPS (Non-Paying Sponsor) Formats, and begin your fact based
assessment of the NPS and its competitors’ marketing effort using
Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr
exploratory & descriptive research tools and activities. Assess if the
NPS/firm is conducting its marketing effort effectively or not. Make
your recommendations to improve the firm’s marketing effort. At
end, fill-out a peer evaluation Format which must be attached with
Marketing Project Report (as the last page) or the whole team will
suffer a penalty of 50%.

This professor reserves the right to award an overall

“Failed” grade to any student, suspected of
unethical / conduct unbecoming of a management
professional, on ANY assignment, or in any sphere of
class / academic activity.
Class misconduct (academic & non-academic) will
attract the severest of penality.

Professional conduct, backed by thorough preparation, for

each class coupled with intense interest in every aspect of
Marketing effort as impacting marketing success is
expected of each student that elects to be in this class.

Plagiarism & Any Form of Academic Dishonesty will NOT be

tolerated. USE your own words ONLY. Where quoting
reference – give credit on same page too (use footnotes at
bottom of page) in addition to bibliography.

All submissions MUST have TOC, Acknowledgement, and

Certificate of Originality (must have the four fold
declarations – 1.Have used my words only, 2.Have not
Copied from any source, 3.Have not plagiarised, 4.Have
cited all sources from where adapted or quoted in this
Without this “Certificate of Originality Declarations” – the
submission will not receive ANY marks.

You must retain a copy of each submitted assignment and all

working files including, but not limited to draft versions of your
assignments, articles cited and critiqued, interview transcripts,
surveys (report drafts and raw data collected) – until you have
received your final grade for the whole course.

KEEP IN TOUCH with your Professor & be sure your online submitted
submission(s) have been received by the professor.
In calculating final grades, any assignments, group or partner project grades may
only be considered if the student has an overall passing grade in exams
/Assessments (e.g. midterm, final exam/assessments). This means students
cannot pass the course on the basis of group work alone. Students must pass
individual exams/assessment before any group or partner grades are even

References Written assignments must use the APA style of referencing. See the APA homepage for
more information:

English Assignments must be free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.

Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr
Standards Assignments containing such errors will be penalized (i.e. mark deductions).
Students with documented disabilities requiring academic and/or exam accommodation
Accommodatio should contact Disability Services at UFV Chandigarh.

Grading Scale Grades will be assigned according to the following scale.

(Posting of the numerical grade optional)
Grade Percent Equivalent Grade Point Value
A+ 90 – 100 4.33
A 85 – 89 4.00
A- 80 – 84 3.67

B+ 77 – 79 3.33
B 73 – 76 3.00
B- 70 – 72 2.67

C+ 67 – 69 2.33
C 63 – 66 2.00
C- 60 – 62 1.67

D 50 – 59 1.00
F <50 (fail) 0.00
FD 0 0.00

Standard percentage equivalencies are used to determine the final letter grade. The final
percentage will be rounded to the nearest integer, using standard mathematical practice
(i.e. if the first digit after the decimal place is 5 or higher, rounding is to the next higher
integer) before converting to a letter grade.

An FD grade denotes a fail due to academic discipline and is included in the GPA
calculation. Rules for assigning an FD grade are found in the Procedures and
Regulations document of Policy 70: Academic Misconduct. The FD grade is changed to
an F on the transcript after a period of 12 months provided the student successfully
completes a workshop on Academic Integrity through the Academic Success Centre,
and commits no further violations during the 12 month period. Otherwise, the FD
remains. Once an FD grade is converted to an F, it is subject to the same regulations
as any other F grade a student receives.

Note 1: Some programs may require that courses be completed with a specified letter
grade higher than a D; this requirement will be specified in the UFV academic calendar. In
these cases, courses graded D or higher, but lower than the program minimum, will not
meet the requirements for these programs but may be accepted as elective credits in
other programs.

Note 2: Some programs, to meet external accreditation and/or certification standards,

require a higher minimum percentage to pass program courses. In such cases a fail (F)
grade may be assigned at a higher percentage.
Changes to the This course outline is subject to change and with notice to students. Any changes will be
Course Outline announced in class, and it is the responsibility of the student to be aware of any and all
Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr
changes announced in class, whether or not he or she is present.

Academic Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, giving and receiving information
Misconduct during any test or exam, using unauthorized sources of information during any test;
plagiarizing; fabrication, cheating, and, misrepresenting the work of another person as
your own, facilitation of academic misconduct, and under certain conditions, non-

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. You must reference your work and acknowledge
sources with in-text citations and a complete list of references. This includes direct and
indirect quotes, diagrams, charts, figures, pictures and written material.

For group projects, the responsibility for academic integrity, which can result in academic
misconduct and its resulting penalties, rests with each person in the group and sanctions
would be bourn by each member.

"Any plagiarism that is detected, or a suspected incident will be reported to the Academics
Manager, School of Business."

For more information see UFV Policy 70 on Student Academic Misconduct, visit and watch the videos at

Assessments/ Examinations / Assessments must be written submitted at the scheduled, time, date
and location – as specified by the professor. The final examination period includes
Tests and
Saturdays. Writing the final examination at a time other than the one in the posted examination
Examinations schedule will only be permitted when a student has a direct conflict between two scheduled
examinations. Two exams / assessments submissions on a single day is not considered a valid
reason for moving an exam/ submission deadline. Student must notify the affected instructor of a
conflict ASAP.
Student must be in regular touch with the professor and ensure he has information of all
assessment/exam deadlines and dates.

Exams/assessments may be scheduled at a time or day of the week different from the class
meeting time. You must adjust your schedule accordingly. Only severe extenuating circumstances
(such as serious illness) will be accepted as a reason for not writing an exam/submission as
scheduled. In this case, the instructor must be notified by the student at the earliest possible
opportunity, and a doctor's certificate must be provided. The instructor will establish the alternate
date and location for the make-up exam/assessment if satisfied.

Any travel plans need to be made for dates after the scheduled exam period which is
published well in advance in the UFV Calendar Schedule of Events.

No electronic devices (other than simple calculators, if required) will be allowed. Where
calculators are allowed, the professor reserves the right to clear the calculator’s memory.
All papers, mobile phones, books, bags and outer garments must be placed at the front
of the class or under the desk as specified by the professor.

Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr
Involvement, Attendance is mandatory. You are expected to attend ALL online classes regularly, to
Participation, arrive on time, to work well with faculty & outside expert / sponsor, & others, and to
and actively participate in and contribute to class discussions and exercises. Pay attention to
Contribution instructions as regards online class mannerisms & requirements. Your demonstration of
success in these areas will impact your overall grade in the course significantly.
If you miss two or more class (for any reason) you will lose 50% of
attendance/participation points. You miss 4 classes and you will be out of the course.
Late is absent.

Eating food in/during class is a distraction and it is not permitted. Mobiles MUST be
brought, and deposited at entrance - before start of class in appointed box. Any smart
watch, or similar electronic device is not allowed in class, & must be reported to the
No evaluation instrument (quiz/test) is allowed to be taken outside the class.
Return back to your classroom seat within the span of time allowed for class break.
Late-comers will NOT be permitted (admitted) into class – at the start, and after mid
class break.

Assignments All assignments would be done ethically & originally, and e-submitted on time as required
Tests / Exams on Turnitin AND email provided ( within time deadline
Guest Speakers stipulated. Non submission on Turnitin will mean NO credit.
Seminar Each student group will make time to (video) meet the professor, & the real-world
Cases sponsor (NPS), of term project at specific times – and complete all assigned tasks.
Turnitin Maintain a diary & record of meetings & minutes of discussions.
This record of meetings (dates & duration) will be part of the Group Term Marketing
Project Report – as a separate annexure.
e-Tests / assessments & Surprise quizzes may be given in class. Be prepared.

MidSemester Assessment: There will be two major midsem assessments as a part of

continuing evaluations – as indicated in class activities schedule later in this course
The format for the midterms may be multiple choice, fill-in-blanks, true/false, short &
long answer questions/case on topics discussed in class and in the course textbook &
other readings and the overall marketing environment.
Final Assessment /Exam: The final assessment/exam will take place during the final exam
period – or the week after last class (as indicated in class).
Look up the end-semester final assessment/exam schedule or ask the professor.
Assessment/exam will be comprehensive & cumulative, and it will include questions based on
course readings, cases & classroom discussions, the marketing environment and text.

Guest Industry Speakers / Marketing Seminar : Professor may invite accomplished

top marketing professional to class to share their marketing expertise & experience with
students. Given prior information, all students are expected to attend class in formal
dress-code & participate, and help organize the brief talk actively.
You will make a write-up – each time an industry speaker comes to class and submit the
“IS Write-up” at the next class session. “IS-Write up” will have a Title Page (details to be
discussed in class), and 3 Sub-heads – 1.Summary, 2.Issues Highlighted, 3.What I Learnt
from This Interaction, 4.Relationship With Concepts Discussed in Class.
Student groups interested in organizing/ participating in e-Marketing Seminar to be

Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr
organized on weekend (Sat or Sun) TBD./ bring top marketing practitioners / speakers to
class – will be appreciated, and this will add to class participation grade.
Students are strongly advised NOT to miss ANY e-class session or ANY activity
or submission/presentation deadlines. Ensure a robust Internet connectivity and
keep their audio & video “ON” for the full duration of e-class session.

Assignments / Cases: Assignments & Case submissions/ presentations & discussions

are an important part of the course.
You will be expected to have read the cases in advance of the class and to have reflected
on the end-of-case questions. All cases are group cases – and each case will be handled
under five sub heads – 1.Summary, 2.Questions & Answers, 3.Relationship to Concepts,
4.Original Research, and 5.Bibliography / References.
All cases and all e-submissions will be submitted on due dates at start of class – under a
title page (with Subject, Group #(if a group submission), Group/ member names, and
details, Date Due, Date Submitted details as required in class). If you have any doubt,
please connect with me immediately.

This professor may make use “Turnitin” - originality checker a mandatory/optional

component of this course for all submissions.
“Turnitin” software compares student papers to the current and archived web, other
student work, millions of journal articles and e-books. Students are hereby informed and
asked NOT to indulge in any form of plagiarism.

DO NOT INDULGE IN PLAGIARISM or any form of malpractice at all ! Students

agree that by taking this course, assignments may be required to be submitted to or that the instructor may submit questionable text on behalf of a student.

Official Turnitin Statement

The University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) is committed to the fundamental values
of preserving academic integrity as defined in UFV policies.
Use of Turnitin contributes to student success by enabling students to have their
papers evaluated for plagiarism by Turnitin before the work is assessed by an
Students agree that by taking this course, assignments may be required
to be submitted to – or that the instructor may submit
questionable text on behalf of a student.
Students will be required to create an account with Turnitin, and to
submit their work via that account, on the terms stipulated in the
agreement between the student and Turnitin – alongwith Turnitin
report /results.
This agreement includes the retention of your submitted work as part of the
Turnitin database. Students should be aware that Turnitin servers reside in the
United States. Accordingly, students may use an anonymous identity in their
interactions with Turnitin. Students who have concerns about the Turnitin tool
should consult with their instructor in advance of any submission deadline.

Deadlines Assignments and all required submissions must be submitted on time, at start of

Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr
Late written case / or any other assignments or project will NOT be accepted ;
“one day late - one grade attrition policy” may be followed in exceptional

Standard Class Policies: (let me put my worst foot forward - first !!)

-Attendance at e-class sessions is mandatory, important, essential, & strongly

recommended, for an active participation in class, & to get the max learning from these
online class sessions.

-Class sessions will NOT be available or emailed to students this semester. You must
bring questions for clarification, & participate actively to get the max from class.

-Need your undivided attention & active participation in each class.

-Any one absent /not in class is expected to find out what went on in the class, and to come
to next class fully prepared.

-Being prepared for class (with prior reading of topical text, review of previous session
recording, review of professor provided PPts on topical issues to be taken up in class) is
required & expected.

-Must enter the class sessions punctually, attend the full 2 hr duration, maintain Online
class decorum. Keep their video “on” upon entering class, raise hand if wanting clarification,
& always be equipped with a writing instrument & paper.
Do not disturb others in class.
If experiencing in any technical other difficulty in entering the session while the session is in
progress – please connect with & follow instructions on class behaviour as indicated by this
professor’s TA (I will introduce in my first session). Anyone not following TA’s class
behaviour instructions may be removed from class forthwith.

-Exam/assessment questions are based on class discussions and text & slides shared/
materials. Be prepared for viva assessments, and know what you submit to your professor.

All submissions / Presentations at start MUST have a –

a)Title page,

b)Table of Contents (with page numbers),

c)Acknowledgement page (with names & details of any (industry) experts that were
contacted, and provided information. Use your words ONLY.

d)Certificate of Originality (which MUST specifically state “4 declarations” :

1.Have used own words only,
2.Have not Copied, 3.Have not Plagiarized,
4.Have Cited all sources from where quoted or adapted.

Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr
e)Original Research Undertaken (all students are strongly encouraged and required to relate
all materials and assignments to practical applicability in business/ marketing – and views
from practicing businessmen/ marketing professional on all these issues are of interest to
this professor and to your learning in this class. Do contact professionals and experts
remotely on phone, email, chats sms etc) to elicit views in these Covid times. Do not require
you to physically go out of home.

f)Bibliography, in addition to use of Footnotes.

Any submission / presentation without above stated will be heavily penalized / may get NIL

-No “late assignments” will be accepted, & students may not email and re-mail
Assignment(s) without prior approval in writing from this professor.
-No “make-up / missed exam/ assessment” will be provided.

-Surprise e-quizzes/ assignments / may be given in e-class sessions.

-Group changes are not allowed usually. Permitted only in special cases.

-Class groups (to work on group cases and on marketing project) are expected &
encouraged to e-meet & confer every week to fine-tune case solutions, rehearse/record
audio/video case presentations, assess project progress, division of work responsibilities
and finalize write-ups and to work on project & cases.

Do maintain a record of group meetings. You can be a group by yourself. But no group
should be of more than 4 students.

There should be NO copying, NO plagiarism & NO malpractice – which would be

noted, reported and severely penalized by this professor.

NO TOLERANCE to breach of ethics please.

Use only your own words on all submissions. DO NOT use any exotic software to
improve / change wordings or correct grammer / syntax.

Students are encouraged to opt for extra credit assignment at end of term, and to
opt for BOWS (Bonus Optional Write-up Scheme).

Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr
Course Coverage Schedule for Bus 120 A (Tue) Essentials of Marketing – Winter, 2021
Date/Day Chapter Tentative activities scheduled / due
(Contents subject to Instructor revision – Note TWO MidSemester Assessments/Tests (15%+15% of total Grade) in Wk 6 & 9 th tentatively)
All exams / tests/Assessments to be comprehensive, & may have MCQs, Fill-in-blanks & short/long answers
Wk1. 12th Jan. Introduction, Role & Importance of Marketing – an overview. Business.
An overview Ch 1, 2, 3. Ever Changing Consumer, Needs & Wants, Changing marketing
landscape. Marketing –mix, Marketing strategy, Marketing Plan. Customer Acquisition,
Retention & Relationships. Env. of Marketing – Controllables & Uncontrollables.
Ansoff’s Grid. Group (of max 4) formations & Open general discussion. (e-distribute cases)
Individual Trial Intro Assignment – as discussed in class – becomes due at start of next class on 19th Jan.
Wk2. 19th Jan. Managing Information to make business / marketing decisions
An overview Ch 4, 5, 6.7 Market Information – Market Research. Fact base.
LRO. Research Process. MIS. Consumer & Competitor insights & Buying Behaviour Model.
Consumer/Business Markets. India /Canada demographics. Segmentation. Target
Markets, USP. Differentiation. Positioning. Eval Opportunities in changing environment.

Building Products/ Brands & the marketing-mix around consumer requirements

Overview of Ch 7, 8, 9 Create value. Products. Brands. Services. New Product
Development Process. Product Life Cycle (PLC) & Diff types consumers - implications .
Grp Project topics to be selected/finalize by weekend – e-submit to professor in writing.
Group Case # 1 - submission by all groups & presentation by group #1. Quiz # 1
Wk3 26th Jan. – Holiday No class – Republic Day
Group Case # 2 e-submission due before 9:30 am this date. Presentation on 2nd Feb.
Wk4. 02nd Feb. - Pricing, & Communication Decisions. An overview Ch 10, 11, 12, 13.
Importance & role. Value based & Cost based, Competitor based pricing approaches.
Pricing Objectives. Pricing Strategies.
Quiz# 2, Group Case # 2 Prsntn, Group Case 3 (Prsntn & e-Subm)
Wk5. 09th Feb – Brief Review.
Place Channel Distribution, Retailing / etailing decisions and implications
An overview Ch 11, 12, 13 Channel Roles. Objectives. Importance. Decisions.
Different Channel Systems. Logistics & Supply Chain Mgt, Retailer types &
developments. Types of Wholesalers & trends. Etailers v/s retailers.
Group Case #4 . Individual Assignment #`1 due this date

Wk6. 16th Feb. Mid-Sem Test/Assessment –1 of 2 (90 min. duration) & Recap.
Group Assignment # 2 MR due this date.
Wk7. 23rd Feb Review Session.
Managing Marketing Communications – Integrated Approach (IMC), & tools
An overview Ch 14, 15, 16.17 What is Communication ? Communication
Objectives. Communication Process. Tools of Promotion Management. Integrated
Marketing Communications. Steps in Developing Effective Communications. Setting
Budgets. Selecting Media. Socially Responsible MARCOM. Group Case # 5 & 6

Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr

Wk8. 02nd Mar. Managing Advertising, PR, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling
An overview Ch 15, 16.17. Ad Objectives, Budgets. Advertising Strategy &
tools. Evaluating advertising effort. What is PR ? How it works & why. Role & rapidly
growing importance of Sales Promotion – SP Objectives, tools, on-going SP programs.
Personal Selling – its role, organizing sales force structure, strategy, recruiting,
compensating, motivating sales force. The Sales Process.
Group Assignment # 3 etailers v/s retailers–a situation analysis (e-submission due at start of class)
Group Case # 7

Wk9. 09th Mar. Mid Term Test/Assessment –2 of 2 (90 min. duration)

Past, Present & Future of Marketing Competition. Technology.
Group Marketing “Project Progress” Presentation-1 & e-submission (50pts)
– each group gets to inform the class in a max 5 min.
Group Assignment # 4 – Note on the communication process & tools of promotion
– may relate to your NPS’s advertising & communication effort that is being assessed by u.

Wk10. 16th Mar. Managing Direct & Online Marketing Effort

An overview Ch 17, 18. Role, Growth & Benefits (to buyers & sellers) of Direct
Marketing effort. Customer Databases. Forms of Direct Marketing. Online Marketing.
Some irritants. Regulatory issues.
Managing Competition. Creating Competitive Advantage.
An overview Ch 18, 19, 20. Who is competition ? Identifying, assessing analysing
Competitors. Strategies to handle competition. Attack. Avoid. Emulate. Ethical
considerations. Reading – “Competition comes out of nowhere !”
(optional) Quiz 4.

Wk11. 23rd Mar.

Group Marketing “Project Progress” Presentation-2 & e-submission (50pts)
– each group gets to inform the class in a 5 min.
Global / International Marketing Environment. Challenges & Rewards. Where to go –
how to enter international marketing strategies.
Totality of the Marketing Effort. Tools of Control. Managing Societal Expectations &
Special Topics in Marketing. Marketing.
Students Complete / e-submit any activity missed after discussion w/professor
Everyone check their semester performance on professor’s laptop (gradesheet).

Wk12. 30th Mar.

In-class Grp Project Presentations (max 7min.) Brief Review–Open General Discussion. Viva

Email Group Term Project Report & Presentation (max 10 min), by Mid night on 29 th Mar.
Extra Credit Optional Case in Office Hr. Last interactive Class !
Everyone check their semester performance on professor’s laptop (gradesheet).

Final Assessment /look up Final/ Assessment schedule 08th – 18th Apr

(End-Semester Final Exam/ Assessment will be a comprehensive and cover all materials covered to date).

Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr
Good Luck!

Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr


Mandatory to attend all Online Sessions. Must bring paper and writing instrument to each e-class session.
Pay undivided attention. Follow Online Class decorum discussed in first class session. MUST bring cell phone
& keep with you. Resort to Hotspot if electricity trouble. Participate actively in class discussions. Question &
clarify concepts. Share examples & experiences in class & in response to questions on tests /assessments.

Only when you will respond comprehensively to questions asked, cite examples, & your personal opinions on
marketing issues - will you do well in conveying your understanding of issues.
Take good notes, and keep up with readings, and what is happening in current day marketing environment.
There would be NO Recording of e-class sessions to be shared this semester.
Must review all discussions & read ahead before next class.

There are 16 e-submissions required on Turnitin this semester (including individual and group e-submissions).
Organize your time, and meet deadlines. All e-submissions must be sent to Tunitin AND email
( – and to none other platform.
Electronic Copies of e-Cases and Project & video Presentations must be submitted on time (on Turnitin AND
email provided),– before presentation in class.

Your NPS (Non Paying Sponsor) MUST fill-out & sign & seal the “NPS Format” which please e-submit to
professor. The NPS MUST be a senior marketing professional in a public or private limited company with a
professional marketing set-up and organization with a substantial sales turnover (of more than Rs 25
crore/annum) – mention clearly NPS’s approx sales turnover in the Project at start, along with highlights of NPS
details – like the product/brand, major competitors, marketing organization, and channel arrangements.

Simple but important advice –

Identify & select an NPS who is a “manufacturer & a marketer” of the firm’s product – and not simply a
retailer/dealer to obtain max learning as regards all aspects of marketing.

He/she/they (NPS) must provide an assessment/evaluation of your group’s project work – on their official
letter-head, which must be put in Marketing Project Report e-submission – right after Title Page, TOC,
Acknowledgement, and COO.

The “Peer Evaluation Format” must be filled, marked, by all members of your marketing group fairly and
objectively and should be the last page of your class group marketing project.

You are welcome to seek clarifications to understand what is required of you in discussions with your professor
during class e-sessions, or in office hr – right after class.

One member of the group MUST stay back after e-class session (in office hr) to interact with professor to
give update on “group’s marketing project progress” accomplished in previous seven days.
This is a graded activity.

Detailed project guidelines are separately provided.


Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr

Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr
Some Guidelines on each set of Activity

ALL e-submissions must have :

Title page, Table of Contents (with page #s), Acknowlegement, and Certificate of Originality (with four given
statements), and Bibliography – and MUST be submitted on Turnitin AND email before due date & time indicated
Individual Trial Intro Assignment :

This “trial assignment” requires you to introduce yourself comprehensively.

Write a few lines to indicate on each of the following points –

-Who you are – your family, schooling, subjects of interest, and what you aspire to want to be - in life

-Indicate why this course interests you – if it does, and whether marketing is important or relevant to business
or not - and what you aspire to obtain as learning, from this course.

-Indicate how you will organize yourself and approach the work required to meet all deadlines in this course,

Case 1 – 7 :
Attempt the case under five sub-heads – Summary, Questions & Answers, Relationship to Concepts, Original Research,
and Bibliography / References.

Individual Assignment 1 :
Separate guidelines provided for this field assignment which requires an interaction with a senior marketing
professional of a reputable brand/firm. (preferably with recording on Zoom / facetime).
Must specifically inform of details (name, address, email, phone #, of the senior marketing professional interviewed),
and the salient details of the organization - the product, market, competing brands, sales turnover of the brand/firm,
and challenges of the marketing effort.

Group Assignment 2 :
Market / Consumer based secondary data research assignment.
Your group needs to identify sources and data to be included in e-submission – after looking at what is required.
Separate guidelines provided for this assignment.

Group Assignment 3 :
etailers v/s retailers – a situation analysis – a comprehensive write-up as regards explosive growth of
e-commerce and online purchases. Research and provide facts, figures. Cite sources always.
Group Assignment 4 :
Using the tools of Marketing communications (MARCOM).
Talk of advertising, Public Relations, Sales Promotions, Personal Selling and Direct/Online marketing efforts by
reputable firms/brands in the real world. Provide their organizing, budgets, and reasons why they are doing
this. Provide facts & figures and results. Your group can use NPS examples and figures too.
Group Marketing “Project Progress” Presentation-1 & 2 :
Informally, at least one group member from each class group formations is required to stay back during office
hr, and inform the professor of the specific progress the group makes as regards marketing project activities
accomplished each week.
The formal “Project Progress Presentation” (1 & 2) are an opportunity to inform the entire class of group’s
effort, and to obtain any suggestions/constructive advice from peers & professor. These are graded activities.
Provide specifics and concrete facts briefly.
Divide your effort/submissions under sub-heads :
Product category & background - What was planned – What has been accomplished – What is intended to be
accomplished, How Satisfied is the group is with its progress (Good-Fair-Poor).

Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr
From the desk of
Prof Shyam Vyas, PhD Bonus Optional Write-ups Scheme
e-Bonus Optional Write-ups Scheme up to a max. of 5% of the total grade!!
Students that want to get more out of the class are encouraged to participate in this Optional
Bonus Write-up Scheme – which requires students to read 10 articles (pertinent to the subject),
and critique them. The articles must have focus and direct relationship to any aspect of marketing,
be of minimum 1000 words, and be published/printed in a reputable publication (print or
electronic) not earlier than 2 years).
Student is required to use the following five sub-headings – in addition to TOC, Acknowledgement,
and Certificate of Originality.
a) Summary of the Article, b) Issues Raised, c) Original Research Undertaken
(interact with a successful top marketing professional (preferably a recorded Zoom or face-time) to
revalidate or refute major points / what the article says)
d) What I Learnt (your learning from the article critiqued) e) Bibliography / References
Xerox copy of the article so critiqued, needs to attached with the write-up submission (which
must have a title page) with the following information:

Fraser Valley India, Chandigarh Campus

-Course Title: Bus 120 Essentials of Marketing
-Bonus Optional Write-Up Number ……..(1 thru 10)
-Article Title:
-Source Publication / Date of Publication
-Name of Student Phone / email Date Submitted Date Due

What would make the BOWs truly of great quality would be addition of subheads “Original
Research Done” (by eliciting views/opinions of real-world industry practitioners to support /
repudiate what the article says), and Bibliography / Reference citations - that buttress/
support opinions expressed in the article and your learning(s) from the article.

A write up is due at start of class on each day the class meets (2 nd to 11th Class – as
indicated on Turnitin) – Late (BOWS) submissions will not be accepted, & may NOT be
given ANY credit.

Students are strongly advised to go beyond the article being critiqued by them, analyse
them, juxtapose author views compared to their own views, and take examples and
experiences from real-world and relate the same to what might be central learning(s)
from the article. That would make the critiques truly original & worthy of better credits.

No late e-submissions will be accepted. Students are expected to be prepared to discuss their
article in class and share their viewpoints.
Only those students who submit ALL 10 articles (on Turnitin & email), and their critiques
on time, AND share the same with class, would be considered for credits under “BOWS”.

A note of serious caution:

All write-ups must be original i.e. use only your own words. NO plagiarism or copying please.
Academic dishonesty will attract the strictest penalty – including the failed grade for
entire course. I repeat - USE YOUR OWN WORDS ONLY. NO exotic software to
improve English/change words.
ZERO TOLERANCE to Plagiarism & any sharing of your submission with ANY OTHER than the professor in this
class or an industry/business expert in a real world corporation.
Suggestion – select 15-20 odd published articles related to any key aspects of marketing from reputable sources –
photocopy/download them, read them all, and critique the ten best - most interesting & critically relevant ones! Submit on
time - as scheduled above. Should give you good materials to actively discuss & raise many subject related issues in class !

Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr

Course Syllabus: Bus 120 Winter (Jan-Apr
About the Professor :
Dr Shyam Vyas did his initial schooling from Mayo College, Ajmer, (recognized as one of the finest public school in India),
and his initial graduation from the prestigious Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani. He went on to earn his BBA
and MBA from Western Illinois University in USA. His Ph.D. is from JNVU. He has taught at AACSB accredited
universities (WIU, and UW-L) in USA for many years with distinction. He was repeatedly nominated for “Teacher of the
Year Award” at University of Wisconsin – La Crosse, USA – and was Faculty Advisor to American Marketing Association
Collegiate Chapter at both American universities, & was one of the most active consultants to local industry through
university’s Small Business Development Centre.

Additionally, he has been a visiting faculty on semester-long assignments to Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University, China,
Simon Fraser University, Canada, and at University of the Fraser Valley (previously UCFV), Abbotsford, Canada. He
continued to be associated as visiting faculty with UFV Chandigarh campus in India since 2007 – and is currently UFV full-
time Professor of Marketing & Business.
Prof Shyam Vyas was awarded “UFV Teaching Excellence Award – 2018”.
He was appointed “Principal”, UFV India, Chandigarh in 2019.
He decided to unilaterally leave his role as Principal, UFV India/FVI in Sept 2020, and only pursue his teachings, writings,
speaking engagements, & business consulting.
In India, he has taught (as visiting faculty in the areas of marketing) at reputed management programs such as Faculty of
Management Studies (FMS’s MBA program), Shriram College of Commerce’s Post Graduate “Global Business Operations”
program, at The Times Group’s Times School of Marketing, Infinity Business School, Birla Institute of Management
Technology, and the Fore School of Management’s MBA Programs. He has been PhD guide to research scholars enrolled in
PhD programs in marketing at Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, and at NorthCap University, Gurgaon. He is member of
PhD Thesis Evaluation Panel at NorthCap University, Gurugram.
Prof. Shyam Vyas, was Coordinating Head of MBA Dept at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi (1996–2006), and their
Professor of Marketing until Aug 2008 – when he decided to leave the Bhavan to pursue his writings, research and
consultancies. He has been Founding Director of Aashlar Business School (Delhi-Agra Highway), Founding Executive Dean
of Ansal Institute of Management Technology, and Founding Director of Shyam Vyas MARC School of Business, and has also
been Program Director & Lead faculty at G-Marc Executive Excellence Program at Gargi College, Delhi University, New
He is also the President & Managing Director of his marketing consulting firm Shyam Vyas MARC Pvt. Ltd., that operates
globally, and is actively involved in domestic & international marketing effort, and in assisting businesses deal effectively
with emerging marketing issues and opportunities.
Dr Shyam Vyas has been associated with many types of organizations and their marketing effort as a consultant to assist
them – these include Modi Revlon, Modi Lufthansa, MMTC, Tata Rallis, NAFED, NDDB, Texplas Group, Classic, Crystal-
sun Ventures, The Train Co., Cargill India, Fertilizer Association of India (FAI), SBEC Sugar, Win Medicare, Senator, Delhi
Tourism, Omega, Havells India etc. to name a few, and has organized more than 100 seminars on marketing related topics in
India and abroad. He specializes & enjoys taking time-bound “U-turn Marketing” consulting assignments.
Additionally, he serves as an Independent Director on “Board of Directors” for a few large reputable public limited
companies, advising them on marketing & business matters.
Author of three major text books in Marketing, Consumer Behavior and Market Research areas. Dr Vyas has published a
total of 13 text books, and has been published in international journals like Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS),
Asia Productivity Journal (APJ), and Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management (JPSSM). He has published/presented
many international & domestic conference research papers including the prestigious Annual - Global Research Symposium
on Marketing & Entrepreneurship.
He has been a keynote speaker at several national & international conferences including the 39 th World Marketing
Conference. Recently he was invited to address the “International Conference on Changing Economic Scenario : Strategies
for Business Sustainability”; Conducted Seminar in Research Methodologies for PhD. scholars, Faculty & MBA students at
GLA Univ., Mathura, and delivered Key note addresses at UGC sponsored Conferences at KP Group of Institutions, Agra,
JNU, & MMV, Jodhpur among others.
What he likes most, cherishes & enjoys most is interactions with his students. Feel free to connect with him anytime &
without any hesitation.
This syllabus & schedule is tentative only. and is subject to change with notice in class.
PLAN YOUR TIME and effort WELL IN ADVANCE of due dates please !!1
Comments/Criticism/Problems: Are very welcome. If you have any comments / criticism / problems – please feel free
to bring them to this instructor. This will in no way affect student grade – and will in fact be seen as a positive
contribution. ________________________________________________ end of Syllabus Dr SV Bus 120 MM- UFV Winter, 2021


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