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Subject - Strength of Materials


Question The designing of a beam based on deflection considerations is known as _______


A stiffness

B toughness

C strength

D hardness

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question At a point of maximum deflection in simply supported beam, the slope is

A zero

B same

C double of deflection

D infinity

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question Which of the following is not correct?

A dy/dx=slope

B d2y/dx2=BM

C d3y/dx3=deflection

D d4y/dx4=load

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The equation governing bending moment M and curvature is given by

A EId2y/dx2=1/M

B EId2y/dx2=M

C EId2y/dx2=M3

D EId2y/dx2=M2

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question Maximum deflection of a beam is obtained by using which of the following relation

A d2y/dx2=0

B d2y/dx2=dy/dx

C dy/dx=0

D none of them

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question A beam of length a+b=L, simply supported at its ends carries a concentrated load
W at a distance a from one end. EI is flexural rigidity of the beam, deflection in
beam under load W

A Wa2b2/4EIL

B Wa2b2/3EIL

C Wa4/3EIL

D none of them

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The expression EId2y/dx2 at a section of a member represents

A shearing force

B rate of loading

C bending moment

D slope

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The expression EId3y/dx3 at a section of a member represents

A shearing force

B rate of loading

C bending moment

D slope

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The expression EId4y/dx4 at a section of a member represents

A shearing force

B rate of loading

C bending moment

D slope

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The product of Young's modulus E and moment of inertia I is known as

A modulus of rigidity

B bulk modulus

C flexural rigidity

D torsional rigidity

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The flexural rigidity of a beam is





Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question A simply supported beam of length L supported at its end carries a central point
load W. The maximum deflection occurs

A at the ends

B at L/3 from both ends

C at the centre

D none of them

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The slope at any end of a simply supported beam subjected to concentrated load
W at centre

A Wl2/16EI

B Wl2/24EI

C WL3/16EI

D WL3/24EI

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The maximum deflection of a simply supported beam of length L with a central
point load W is

A Wl2/48EI

B Wl2/24EI

C WL3/48EI

D WL3/24EI

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question A simply supported beam of length L is loaded with uniformly distributed load of w
per unit length. The maximum deflection is

A wL3/48EI

B 5wL3/384EI

C wL3/192EI

D wL3/384EI

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question A simply supported beam A of length L breadth b and depth d carries a central
point load W. Another beam B of the same dimensions carries a central load equal
to 2W. The deflection of beam B will be ____ as that of A

A one-fourth

B one-half

C double

D four times

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question A cantilever beam of length L carries a point load at its centre. If x is the distance
from fixed end ,the deflection is maximum at x=___________.

A 0

B L/2

C 3L/4


Answer D

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question A simply supported beam of length L carrier a point load at its end. If x is the
distance from the left support, the deflection is maximum at x=________.

A 0

B L/2

C 3L/4


Answer D

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question A simply supported beam of length L carrier a point load at centre.If x is the
distance from the left support,the slope is zero at x=________.

A 0

B L/2

C 3L/4

D L/4

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question A simply supported beam of length L carrier a u.d.l throughout its length.If x is the
distance from the left support,the deflection is maximum at x =__________.

A 0

B L/2

C 3L/4

D L/4

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question A simply supported beam of length L carrier a u.d.l throughout its length.If x is the
distance from the left support,the slope is zero at x= ___________.

A 0

B L/2

C 3L/4

D L/4

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question For a cantilever beam carrying a point load at its free end, the magnitude of slope
at the point of maximum deflection is _______.

A zero

B maximum

C minimum

D None of above

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question Modulus of resilience is

A Resilience/unit volume

B Proof resilience/ unit volume

C Maximum S.E./unit volume

D Both (B) and (C)

Answer D

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The unit of modulus of resilience is

A Mpa

B N.m

C N.m2

D M3

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The extension per unit length of the rod due to suddenly applied load as compared
to the same load gradually applied to the same rod is,

A same

B double

C three times

D half

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The strain energy stored in a body, when suddenly loaded. Is _____ the strain
energy stored when same load is applied gradually

A equal to

B one-half

C twice

D four times

Answer D

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The strain energy stored in a body, when instantaneous stress induced due to
impact loaded W is given by

A σmax=W/A
B σmax=2W/A
C σmax=W/A+√((W/A)^2+2(W/A)Eh/L)
D none of these

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The maximum strain energy that can be stored in a bar without permanent
deformation is known as ___________.

A modulus of resilience

B proof resilience

C resilience

D none of the above

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question Proof resilience = ___________.

A σ2 / 2E
B σ2 x volume
C σ2 / 2E x volume
D None of above

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The S.I unit of modulus of resilience is ___________.

A Nm

B Nm2

C N/m

D N/m2

Answer D

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question If an axial load P is applied gradually to a rod, the stress developed in it is

A 2P/A

B P/2A



Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question In a beam, the boundary condition/s at roller support is/are……

A only y = 0

B only dy/dx = 0

C Both y and dy/dx are zeroes

D None of the above

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question In a beam, the boundary condition/s at hinge support is/are…….

A only y = 0

B only dy/dx = 0

C Both y and dy/dx are zeroes

D None of the above

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question In a beam, the boundary condition/s at fixed support is/are…….

A only y = 0

B only dy/dx = 0

C Both y and dy/dx are zeroes

D None of the above

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question Deflection variation of the beam under loading is called as ----

A Deflection curve

B Elastic curve

C cubic curve

D None of the above

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question For which support out of following, the slope of elastic curve at support is zero?

A Roller Support

B Hinge Support

C Fixed Support

D None of the above

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question In cantilever beam, the deflection of the elastic curve of the beam is zero at ------

A Free end

B Middle

C Fixed end

D None of the above

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question In cantilever beam, the slope of elastic curve of the beam is zero at ----

A Free end

B Middle

C Fixed end

D None of the above

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question If a cantilever beam of span ' L ' is subjected to a point load of ' P ' at free end,
then the maximum slope of deflected beam acts at --------

A Free end

B Middle

C Fixed end

D None of the above

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question If a cantilever beam of span ' L ' is subjected to a point load of ' P ' at free end,
then the maximum deflection of deflected beam acts at --------

A Free end

B Middle

C Fixed end

D None of the above

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question If a cantilever beam of span ' L ' is subjected to a bending moment of ' M' at free
end, then the maximum deflection of deflected beam acts at -

A Free end

B Middle

C Fixed end

D None of the above

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question If a cantilever beam of span ' L ' is subjected to a UDL of intensity 'W' throughout
its length, then the maximum slope of deflected beam acts at

A Free end

B Middle

C Fixed end

D None of the above

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question If a cantilever beam of span ' L ' is subjected to a UDL of intensity 'W' throughout
its length, then the maximum deflection of deflected beam acts at --------

A Free end

B Middle

C Fixed end

D None of the above

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question If a cantilever beam of span ' a+b ' is subjected to a point load of ' P ' at distance '
a ' from fixed end, then the maximum deflection of the beam takes place at --------

A fixed end

B Middle

C Under Load P

D At free end

Answer D

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question If a cantilever beam of span ' a+b ' is subjected to a point load of ' P ' at distance '
a ' from fixed end, then the maximum slope of deflected beam takes place at

A fixed end

B For part from free end to point of application of load

C Under Load P

D only at free end

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question If member is subjected to a uniform bending moment(M), the radius of curvature of

deflected form of member is given by





Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question Which one of the following equation is correct

A 1/R=d2y/dx2=EI/M

B 1/R=d2y/dx2=M/EI

C R=d2y/dx2=M/EI

D R=d2y/dx2=EI/M

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The expression EI dy/dx at section represents

A Shearing force

B rate of loading

C bending moment

D slope

Answer D

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The expression EI d2y/dx2 at section represents

A Shearing force

B rate of loading

C bending moment

D slope

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The expression EI d3y/dx3 at section represents

A Shearing force

B rate of loading

C bending moment

D slope

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The expression EI d4y/dx4 at section represents

A Shearing force

B rate of loading

C bending moment

D slope

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question For simply supported beam with centre point load, deflection at support is always

A maximum

B zero

C L/4

D none of above

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question For simply supported beam with centre point load, slope at support is always

A maximum

B zero

C dy/dx

D none of above

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question For cantilever beam with point load at free end , deflection at support is always

A maximum

B zero


D none of above

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question For cantilever beam with point load at free end, slope at support is always

A maximum

B zero


D none of above

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question For cantilever beam with point load at free end , deflection at free end is always

A maximum

B zero


D none of above

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question For cantilever beam with point load at free end, slope at free end is always

A maximum

B zero


D none of above

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question For cantilever beam with centre point load, deflection at free end is always

A maximum

B zero


D none of above

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question For cantilever beam with centre point load, slope at free end is always

A maximum

B zero


D none of above

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question A large part of deflection of beam is due to

A shear

B bending moment

C couple

D none of above

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question Unit of stiffness is……


B N/m

C N/m2

D m/N

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question at a point of maximum deflection in simply supported beam, slope is

A maximum

B same

C zero

D none of above

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question For simply supported beam of length L carrying a couple moment Mo at the
centre, the deflection at centre will be

A Zero




Answer A

Marks 1

Unit A4

Question The amount of deflection of a beam subjected to some type of loading depends

A cross section

B bending moment

C Both of above

D None of above

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit A4

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