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NIT : 20203111



This happened a few months ago, I still remember clearly, because that moment
I will never forget. That night my friends came to my house to play games as usual, one
by one my friends came up to say 5 people including me. That night the final
announcement of the admission of the transportation cadets that I participated in was
issued, the intention was that we were waiting for the announcement together while
playing games, and without realizing it, it was already 12 o’clock at night while the
announcement had not come out every time I checked the website on the sidelines of
playing our games, I felt tired and I thought maybe the announcement was postponed
tomorrow, because the announcement was postponed, we continued to play the game,
until the clock was almost 4 in the morning at that time we were playing games and I
was idly checking the notification on my cellphone.

already out, I immediately rushed to leave my game and told my friends, they
also quit the game to see the results of the announcement together, then I opened the
announcement site page, and downloaded the file, after the file was downloaded my
heart felt like it was beating fast, meanwhile my hands were shaking and my body
temperature was hot and cold before I opened the file I prayed first, it arrived when I
opened the file, my friend told me to look slowly without using the search feature, one
by one my name passed until I arrived at the writing showing the agency I chose, after
that I quickly searched for the study program that was I followed and arrived from the
first sequence, at that time my hands were shaking even more until I decided to place
my cellphone on the floor while my index finger continued to scroll through the files, on
the first page I could not find my name, and I told my friend that there was no my name,
at that time I was disappointed and sad, while lowering my head, I don’t know what I
gave when I suddenly scrolled the page down again it turned out that there was me in
the order of 22 out of 24 people, I was hysterical and shouted to my friend that I found
my name which means I was accepted, at that time my friend took it My cellphone one
and saw it then they shouted congratulations while shaking my hand, we were
screaming until the sound of the dawn call to prayer suddenly rang out, they went home
and I also immediately prayed at dawn after I gave the news to my brother, while my
parents had not I will tell you, my intention is in the morning I want to tell them.

And it turned out that at 6 am I was awakened by my mother, that my uncle

called my father’s cellphone because my uncle called on my cellphone I didn’t pick up,
my mother asked if I was accepted, and I answered him proudly and gladly because I
was accepted, until my neighbor asked my mother why at dawn my house was busy
screaming that I thought there was a fight even though it was me and my friends
screamed at me I was declared accepted.
Moral value “never give up when you struggle, sad if you give up before fighting”

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