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I. Answer the queastion by choosing A,B.C or D!

The following text is for Question 1.

Please Don’t Feed the Animals

1. What does the notice means?

A. You must save the food for the animals.
B. You must give food to the animals.
C. You are allowed to give food to the animals.
D. You are forbiden to give food to the animals.

The following text is for Question 2.

To: Ambar
Hi, Ambar!
You have passed your English test very well.
Congratulation on your success.

From : Dian

2. Why does Dian write the greeting card to Ambar?

A. Because She wants to passed the English test.
B. Because she wants to congratulate Ambar on his succsess.
C. Because she wants to give English test to Ambar.
D. Because she never succeds in doing English Test

The following text is for Question 3 and 4

HELP!!! Elvin, can you remember where you put the CD

3. Ring
Whatme straight
does Kikoaway.
need Kiko.
from Elvin ?
A. An information about the place of the CD hangman.
B. A help to remember the CD hangman.
C. A call to remind himself.
D. A help to call him

4. “Ring me straight away”

The underlined words mean...
A. After that
B. At once
C. Later
D. Next

The following text is for Questions 5 and 6

Dear Andi,

Come and join the meeting on the preperation for the study tour to
Day : March 9 th,2018
Time :3 p.m.
Venue : School Library
We do appreciate your participation. Thank you.

The committee
5. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To report the preparation formthe study tour.
B. To describe the meeting to Andi.
C. To inform Andi about the meeting.
D. To invite Andi to come to the meeting.

6. When does the meeting be held?

A. 3 o’clock in the morning
B. 3 o;clock in the afternoon
C. 17.00
D. 14.00

The following text is for Questions 7 to9


All students are invited to attend a morning seminar on:

You can learn a lot from Mr. Jonathan, a well- known education consultant.
Date :April 25, 2018
Time : 14.00
Vanue : School Main Hall

Don’t miss this FREE chance. Seating is limited.

To reserve your seat, please call Hanna: 312-795-0988 or 081234557

7. How can you join the seminar?

A. Calling the organizer
B. Presenting the announcement to the organizer.
C. Sending a short form and payment to the organizer.
D. Sending your bussiness card request to the organizer.

8. What is the benefit of attending the seminar?

A. Students can see the education consultant.
B. Students can get the result of the final examination.
C. Students can learn strategies to prepare the final examination.
D. Students can see the evaluator of the final examination.

9. “ You can learn a lot from Mr. Jonathan, a well-known education consultant.”
The underlined word is best replaced by...
A. Brilliant
B. Excellent
C. Famous
D. Professional

The following text is for Questions 10 to 13.


Pangandaran is a small mainland peninsula which is located on the southern

coast of Java. It offers a national park and stunning beaches. It has become a popular
tourist destinationfor local tourists for many years.

Pangandaran is half-way between Bandung and Yogyakarta. The site is 223 km

from Bandung and 400 km from Jakarta. One can go to Pangandaran by car or bus. The
trip by car or bus is recommendable bacause the road conditions are good. It takes 5
hours by bus from Bandung and 8 hours from Jakarta. Twelve kilometers before arriving
at Pangandaran, tourists will see a huge rock on the beach, which is called Karang Nini.

Pangandaran is specially of interest to nature lovers, as there is a wildlife reserve

where wild birds and other indigenous animals live about freely. In Pangandaran, tourist
can also enjoy fine white beaches, blue ocean and seafood.
10. What is the text about?
A. Pangandaran B. Bandung
C. Yogyakarta D. Karang Nini

11. How far is Jakarta from Pangandaran?

A. 5 hours B. 8 hours
C.223 km D. 400km

12. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the text above?
A. It takes 8 hours from Jakarta to Pangandaran by bus.
B. One can visit a national park with beaches in Pangandaran.
C. The trip to Pangandaran can be done by bus or car.
D. Pangandaran has become the most popular tourist destination worldwide for many years.

13. “It offers a national park and stunning beaches.”

The underlined word refers to...
A. Pangandaran
B. Peninsula
C. Beaches
D. Java

The following text is for Questions 14 to 17

It happened on Sunday morning, December 26 th 2004. On that day, I went to the beach in
Meulaboh ,Aceh.

When I arrived there, I saw many people were enjoying the beautiful sunrise. It was such a good
moment. But, suddenly we were shocked by a violent shake in the ground. Everybody was
panic. I soon realized that it was a very big earthqueke although it struck in a very short time.

After that, I saw the water became shallow. Then, many kinds of fish were left behind on the
sand. I was astonoshed by the view until I realized there was a huge wavemoved very fast and
came towards us. It destroyed everything in its way. I did not realize what had happened until I
found myself hanging on a branch of a tree. On Sunday morning, December 26th 2004, a
tsunami hit the coast quickly without any warning. It traveled far in land and caused serious
flooding and loss of life.

14. What does the text mainly discuss?

A. A terrible earthquake
B. The writer’s experience with tsunami
C. Simple steps to survive from tsunami
D. The description of a beach in Meulaboh

15. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. Many fish were left behind on the sand.
B. The view of the beach astonished the writer.
C. The writer did not realize what he wrote.
D. A tsunami occurred and destroyed everything.

16. Why was everybody panic?

A. Because the sun rises in the east
B. Because there was an earthquake
C. Because the beach was beautiful
D. Because there was an amazing view in the sea

17. “ It travelled far in land and caused serious flooding and loss of life.” (Paragraph 3)
The underlined word refers to...
A. Fish
B. Wave
C. Tsunami
D. Flooding
The following text is for Question 18 to 21


Ingredient :
1 long Island duck 1 tablespoon salt
2 cups boiling-hot water 1 teaspoon black pepper
Preparation :
Put oven rack in the middle position and preheat oven to 200 *C
Rinse duck inside and out. Prick skin all over with sharp fork.
Pour boiling- hot water over duck (to thighten skin). Cool duck.
Rub duck inside and out with salt and pepper.
Roast duck, breast side up, until skin is brown and crisp, then remove from the oven.

18. What does the text tell about?

A. The way to cook Crisp Roast Duck
B. Information about Crisp Roast Duck
C. The way to have Crisp Roast Duck
D. The description about Crisp Roast Duck

19. Where can you usually find the text above?

A. In a story book
B. In a pocket book
C. In a recipe book
D. In a drawing book

20. “ Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.”

What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. Eat something
B. Move something around
C. Make a small hole in something
D. Cook something in an oven or a fire

21. How many ingredients are needed to make Crisp Roast Duck?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five

The following text is for Question 22 to 26

The Good Stepmother
Once upon a time, there lived an old witch. She was very cruel and likes eating people.
One day, the witch caught two boys, Hansel and Gretel. The old witch locked Hansel and Gretel in a
cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She planned to eat them both. Each night the children cried and
begged the witch to let them go.
Meanwhile, at home, their stepmother was thinking of them. She missed them a lot. Then, she was
begging to wish that she had never tried to get rid of the children. “ I must find them,” she said and set off
into the forest.
Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her lips were dry from thirst, she came
to the cottage belonging to the witch. The stepmother peeped through the window. Her heart cried out when
she saw the two children.
She picked up the broom leaning against the door and crept inside. The witch was putting some stew
in the oven when the stepmother gave her an almighty push. The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother
shut the door.
“Children, I have come to save you,” she said, hugging them thightly. I have done a dreadful thing.
Let me take you home and we become a family again. They returned to their home and the stepmother
became the best mother anyone could wish to have, and of course they lived happily ever after!
22. The story is about a stepmother who...
A. Cried every night
B. Planned to eat her children
C. Tried to run away from a witch
D. Saved her children from a witch

23. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

A. The witch caught Hansel and Gretel.
B. Hansel and Gretel cried every night.
C. Gretel had to clean the house.
D. The witch locked hansel in the cage.

24. Which statement is TRUE about the stepmother?

A. She was the witch’s friend.
B. She loved her stepchildren.
C. She hit the witch with the broom.
D. She visited the witch to see her children.

25. What can we learn from the story?

A. Not all stepmothers treat her children badly.
B. We have to be careful to a stranger.
C. A witch is always bad.
D. A stepmother always loves her children.

26. “....and of course they lived happily ever after!” (last paragraph)
What does the word “they” refer to?
A. Hansel and Gretel
B. Hansel, Gretel and their stepmother
C. Hansel and the stepmother
D. Hansel, Gretel and the witch

Read the sailing Schedule below and answer question 27 and 28.

No. Name of Date Route

ship arrival departure from to
1. Lawit - 2-1-2018 - Sulawesi
2. Aru - 1-2-2018 - Palangkaraya
3. Dewa Ruci - 3-1-2018 - Banjarmasin
4. Yos 4-2-2018 - Pontianak -
5, Tendean - 1-2-2018 - makassar

27. The text above tells us about…

a. The name of the ship
b. Sailing schedule
c. Lesson schedule
d. Leaving route

28. From the data above we can say that…

a. Dewa Ruci will depart on February to Pontianak

b. Aru will arrive from Pontianak on January 2018

c. Yos Sudarso will arrive from Pontianak on on February 2018

d. Tendean will arrive from Makassar on February 2018

The following text is for Questions 29 to 31.

Koalas are marsupial mammals. They are mostly found in Australia. As marsupial mammals, Koalas are
unable to survive on their own at birth. Their eyes are closed, and they have no ears or fur. Koala babies,
which are known as joeys, stay inside a pouch on the mother’s abdomen for about seven months while
they grow fur and their eyes and ears develop.
29. What does the text tell about?
A. Mammals
B. Marsupials
C. Koalas
D. Australia

30. From the text we know that...

A. Koalas’ eyes are closed.
B. Koalas have no ears or fur.
C. Koala babies have no eyes.
D. Koala babies have no ears and fur.

31. How long do joeys stay inside a pouch on the mother’s abdomen while they grow fur and their eyes and
ears develop?
A. 6 months
B. 7 months
C. 8 months
D. 9 months

The following text is for Questions 32 to 33


Two –storey house. It is located near Patrol highway, Jalan Sastrawan No. 3, Flores. The house consists of
the followings:

 A living room, a drawing room, a dining room, a study room, a kitchen, two bathroom and a garage.
 Children’s and nanny’s bedrooms upstairs and a main bedroom downstairs.
 A sofa and some chairs in the drawing room.
 A refigerator, an electric fan, and television.
 Kitchen utensils, such as pots, pans, kettles, gas stoves and kitchen sink.

It also has 3000 V power, telephone line, hot spot, and a water heater.

Contact Tia: 987654

32. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To show the location of the house.
B. To describe the house.
C. To promote the house.
D. To invite someone to come to the house.

33. How many bedrooms are there available in the first floor?
A. One bedroom
B. Two bedrooms
C. Three bedrooms
D. Four bedrooms
The following text is for Questions 34 to 35.

Jalan Jambu 17
Gondangdia, Jakarta
January 22, 2018
Dear Dave,
How we miss you and how we envy you, too! Congratulations on your Chevenin scholarship.
Why don’t you send us some photograph of London?
By the way, the English Club members met last week and elected you as a lifetime member.
Wha t do you think of that? They were ready to expel me for not paying my dues, but I hurriedly
borrowed fifty thousand rupiahs from Fred, and that save the day.
How about you? All your friends here are eager to hear news from you. Even Mrs. Tioman, the
math teacher, sent her regards. You still remember her, don’t you?
Dave, we are waiting for your letters. Fred says to put lots of different stamps on the envelope
for his collection. Write soon.


34. The purpose of writing the letter above is...

A. To describe a particular person
B. To complain about something
C. To ask for confirmation
D. To retell the writer’s experience

35. “They were ready to expel me...” (paragraph 2 line 2)

The underlined word refers to...
A. The English club members
B. Dave and the writer
C. Dave’s friends
D. Fred and Mrs. Tioman

Read the text and answer questions 36 to 38.

There are many kinds of cactus plants, but most grow in deserts and other dry places. These plants have
adaptations, or special features, that let them live in places where there is little water.

Imagine only having to take one big drink of water two or three times a year. That’s all the water a cactus
plant needs. The cactus is made up mostly of stems and roots. Most kinds of cactus have no leaves or leaves
that are very small. The cactus is made for storing water, and water can escape through leaves.

The roots of a cactus spread out close to the surface of the ground. When it rains, the roots soak up as much
water as possible. Cactus plants do not grow close to one another. Each plant needs lots of room to collect
water. The stem of the cactus stores the water for later use.

36. What is the purpose of writing the text?

A. To give information about cactus plants.
B. To announce cactuses to the reader.
C. To tell the reader how to find cactuses.
D. To remind the reader about the unusual plant.

37. Cactus plants do not grow close to one another because … .

A. the roots of a cactus spread out close to the ground
B. they need a lot of rooms to collect water
C. they need to soak water through leaves
D. the stem of the cactus stores the water
38. “ …. the roots soak up as much water as possible.” (paragraph 3)
What does the underlined word phrase mean?
A. Absorb
B. Take out
C. Include
D. Spread

Read the text and answer questions 39 to 42

Last weekend the girl scouts and the boy scouts of my school had their first fun camping outside the
They left for Cikoneng at 05. 00 am. After a long and thrilling drive they arrived at the village and found a
good camping site.
“Let’s set up our tents there,” said the leader while pointing at the garden. Then, they started to work. In a
short time the tents were ready and they put a small flag on the top of each tent. After that, some girl scouts
made a fire while some others cooked their lunch. The boys were busy working. The lunch was ready at 03.00
and they immediately started to eat. After that, they took a little rest.
At 04.30 pm the leader blew his whistle and all the girl scouts and the boy scouts gathered around to start
their fun camping programs.

39. When did the scouts begin their fun camping programs?
A. At night.
B. In the evening.
C. In the morning.
D. In the afternoon.

40. The scouts set their tents up.…

A. on the mountain
B. beside the road
C. at the garden
D. in the valley

41. “… and some others cooked their lunch.” (paragraph 3 line 5)

What does the underlined phrase refer to?
A. The teachers.
B. The girl scouts.
C. The boy scouts
D. The leader of scouts.
42. What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. The scouts set up their tents.
B. The scouts came to the camping site.
C. The scouts prepared everything for camping.
D. The scouts started their activities in camping site.

Read the text to answer questions 43 to 45

There was a couple who lived on the foot of Mount Bromo, Roro Anteng and Joko Seger. After
eight years of marriage, they had not had any children. For six years they prayed, pleaded with gods to
give them children. Finally, their prayer was complied on one condition: they would have to sacrifice their
youngest son to the Bromo crater.
After some time, Roro Anteng gave birth to a child. And it happened every year until they had 25
children. They lived happily and ignored the agreement. The Mount Bromo erupted signaling that the
gods asked the couple to fulfill their promise. But they didn’t want to let their youngest son, Raden
Kusuma, be sacrificed to the crater.
Raden Kusumo learned about the deal his parents had made. Meanwhile, the lava from the crater
had made the people living near the mountain suffered. Raden Kusuma was a kind and noble man. He
didn’t want his siblings and the people suffered because of him. Therefore, he went to Mount Bromo and
sacrificed himself to the crater. The eruption suddenly stopped.

Since that day, every Kasodo 14th in the Tenggerese calendar, the Tengger people (descendants of
Roro Anteng and Joko Seger) give offerings to the crater, as Raden Kusuma had asked before the
43. What was the agreement between the couple and the gods?
A. The couple must give their sons to the Bromo crater.
B. The couple must sacrifice their children to the gods.
C. The couple must give offerings to the Bromo crater.
D. The couple must sacrifice their youngest son to the Bromo crater.

44. “ He didn’t want his siblings and the people suffered … .” (paragraph 3) The word underlined has same
meaning as … .
A. family
B. parents
C. grandparents
D. brother or sister

45. Based on the story. What caused the eruption of mount Bromo?
A. Gods were angry since there were too many people lived on mount Bromo.
B. People never gave offerings to Bromo crater.
C. The couple reluctant to do their vow.
D. The couple had too many children.

For numbers 46 to 48, choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks.
A disaster is a sudden event that causes great damage or suffering.
Disasters can be (46) ... or man –made.

Natural disasters can be (47) ... by extreem weather events and climatic conditions. Natural disaster include
hurricans, (48) ... , droughts, cyclones and tornadoes. Man-made disasters are usually the result of wars and
accidents. Man-made disasters include major wars, nuclear accidents and road accidents.

A. Natural
B. Elegant
C. Terrible
D. Awful
A. causing
B. Because
C. Cause
D. Caused
A. Flow
B. Floods
C. Crime
D. Traffic jam

49. Choose the best arrangement of the words to make a correct sentence.
Beautiful – visit – place – Bukittinggi – is – very – a – to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. 1 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 3 – 8 – 7 – 4
B. 2 – 1 – 4 – 8 – 7 – 3 – 5 – 6
C. 4 – 5 – 1 – 7 – 6 – 8 – 2 – 3
D. 4 – 5 – 7 – 6 – 1 – 3 – 8 – 2

50. Choose the best arrangement of the sentences to make a good paragraph.
1. The Asmat people in Papua are skillful at wood carving.
2. They carve chairs which are made of wood and rattan.
3. For decades, beautifully carved figures have been fashioned by folk artists.
4. Meanwhile, people in jepara use teak wood to make decorative chairs.
5. Wood carving is one of the oldest crafts.
6. Some of the balinese people are also very good at carving.
A. 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 6
B. 2 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 3 – 5
C. 5 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 3 – 1
D. 4– 2 – 6 – 5 – 1 – 3

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