Focus Group Analysis

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Focus Group Analysis Types

ANALYSIS TYPE Memory based Note based Tape based Transcript based
analysis analysis analysis analysis

DESCRIPTION Moderator Moderator prepares Moderator prepares Analyst prepares

analyzes based on a brief written written report written report
memory and past description based based on an based on complete
experiences and on summary abridged transcript transcript. Some
gives oral comments, field after listening to use of field notes
debriefing to notes and selective tapes plus field and moderator
client review of tapes notes and debriefing

ORAL OR Usually oral Usually oral and Usually oral and Usually oral and
WRITTEN report only written report written report written report

TIME REQUIRED Very fast Within Fast Fast Slow

PER GROUP minutes following Within 1-3 hours Within 4-6 hours About 2 days per
the discussion per group per group group

PERCEIVED Minimal Moderate Moderate to High High


RISK OF ERROR High Moderate- Low Low

depending on
quality of field

Krueger, R. A. (2006). Focus Group Interviewing.

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