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Faculty of Engineering

Non-GPA Module 3992: Industrial Training


Ceylon Electricity Board

From 18th November 2013 to 02nd May 2014


Department of Chemical and Process Engineering


“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have
virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we
repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
It makes a sense about the importance of training to life. When considering about an Engineering
undergraduate, one can understand the significance of that as it is a potential condignity to the

Under non-GPA module 3992, I established my Industrial Training in Ceylon Electricity Board,
as a Chemical & Process Engineering undergraduate of University of Moratuwa for 24 weeks.
This report is consisted with the knowledge and experience I gained during that period in
LakVijaya Power Station, Kelanitissa Combined Cycle Power Station and Sapugaskanda Diesel
Power Station as an in plant trainee. I was there for 16 weeks in LVPS, 5 weeks in KCCP and 3
weeks in Sapugaskanda power station.

Ceylon Electricity Board is one of the most obligatory service providers in Sri Lanka. Under that
I conflated in LVPS which is the 1st ever coal power station generates the highest amount of
electricity and was able to perform few projects also. As well as I was able to experience in
combined cycle power generation at KCCP and thermal power generation at Sapugaskanda.

This report contains mainly 3 chapters and four annexes. First chapter is on introduction to CEB,
its main functions, performance, profitability, SWOT analysis, finance and management aspects,
organizational structure and hierarchy levels etc. Second chapter is reserved for my training
experiences, projects I have done, processes and my involvement in plant activities. Third chapter
is the conclusion of my Industrial Training and finally I have attached the detailed descriptions on
projects, designs I achieved as annexes.



Page ii

I am able to emphasize that this report is the promulgation of final outcome of my Industrial
Training. Hence I am willing to express my profound gratitude and deep regards towards the
people who helped me a lot to see the success of training.

Very firstly I want to thank Eng.Nihal Wijayawickrama, Head of Industrial Training division, for
providing essential resources and information before the training and further inspection and
evaluation my performance during the training period. It was a great help to complete my training

Next I want to praise Mr.Jayantha Seram (DGM - LVPS), Mr.V.V.Janeth (CE- KCCP) for their
exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout time. And also my
gratitude goes to Eng.Nimanthaka Dissanayake, Eng.Nadeera Madumal, Chemist Buddhika,
Eng.Dilini, Chemist Perera and all staff members in HRM in KCCP, LVPS and Sapugaskanda
power stations.

I am obliged to Dr.P.G.Rathnasiri, Head of the Chemical & Process Engineering department, and
Dr.Mahinsasa Narayana for advising me on my projects in KCCP. It was a great help me to
achieve my goal successfully. Beside that I want to express my heartiest regard to DR. Jagath
Premachandra, who helped me a lot when choosing a better training place like Ceylon Electricity

Finally I would like to thank my fellow companions who completed their training with providing
a great support to me. Thank you all!

Page iii
Table of Content

1. INTRODUCTION TO TRAINING ESTABLISHMENT .................................................................... 1

1.1. Introduction to Ceylon Electricity Board ...................................................................................... 1
1.1.1. LakVijaya Power Station (Norochcholei - LVPS) ................................................................ 1
1.1.2. Kelanitissa Combined Cycle Power Station (KCCP) ............................................................ 2
1.1.3. Sapugaskanda Diesel Power Station ..................................................................................... 2
1.2. Main Function of Ceylon Electricity Board .................................................................................. 2
1.3. Organizational Structure and Hierarchical Levels......................................................................... 3
1.4. SWOT Analysis............................................................................................................................. 4
1.4.1. Strengths ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.4.2. Weaknesses ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.3. Opportunities for Improvements ........................................................................................... 5
1.4.4. Threats for Survival ............................................................................................................... 5
1.5. Present Performance ...................................................................................................................... 6
1.6. Profitability.................................................................................................................................... 6
1.7. Usefulness of Ceylon Electricity Board ........................................................................................ 7
1.8. Suggestions to Improve CEB Performance ................................................................................... 7 Constraints to Achieve Above Suggestions ...................................................................... 7
2. TRAINING EXPERIENCE .................................................................................................................. 8
2.1. LakVijaya Power Station Overview .............................................................................................. 9
2.1.1. Water Treatment Process ..................................................................................................... 10
2.1.2. Coal Handling Process ........................................................................................................ 15
2.1.3. Boiler Operations ................................................................................................................ 18
2.1.4. Condensed Water Precision Treatment System (Polishing Plant)....................................... 20
2.1.5. Electro Static Precipitator (ESP) ......................................................................................... 20
2.1.6. Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) ......................................................................................... 21
2.1.7. Hydrogen Generation .......................................................................................................... 22
2.1.8. Chlorination Plant................................................................................................................ 23
2.1.9. Waste Water Treatment ....................................................................................................... 25
2.1.10. Laboratory Tests ...................................................................................................................... 29
2.1.10. Chemical Usage Optimizing................................................................................................ 30

Page iv
2.2. Kelanitissa Combined Cycle Power Plant Overview .................................................................. 31
2.2.1. Gas Turbine ......................................................................................................................... 31
2.2.2. Steam turbine....................................................................................................................... 32
2.2.3. Heat Recovery Steam Generation ....................................................................................... 32
2.2.4. Water Treatment Process at Kelanitissa Combined Cycle Power Station ........................... 34
2.2.5. My Project on Calculating Boiler Stack Efficiency ............................................................ 35
2.3. Sapugaskanda Diesel Power Station ........................................................................................... 37
2.3.1. Process Flow Diagram......................................................................................................... 37
2.3.2. Fuel Oil System ................................................................................................................... 37
2.3.3. Auxiliary Systems ............................................................................................................... 38
2.3.4. Lubrication Oil System ....................................................................................................... 38
2.3.5. Cooling Water System......................................................................................................... 39
2.3.6. Diesel Engine (Section B) ................................................................................................... 40
2.3.7. Administrative and Office Practices, Management practices, financial procedures ........... 40
2.3.8. Safety Procedure.................................................................................................................. 41
2.3.9. Problems and Difficulties Encountered During the Training Period................................... 42
2.3.10. Difficulties affected to Industrial Training .......................................................................... 44
2.3.11. Hands on Experience & Skills Acquired After Completion of Training............................. 44
3. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 46
ANNEX 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... iv
ANNEX 2 ...................................................................................................................................................... xi
ANNEX 3 ..................................................................................................................................................... xv
ANNEX 4 ................................................................................................................................................... xvii

Page v

1.1. Introduction to Ceylon Electricity Board

It is emphasized that Electricity is a predominant energy used for many causatums and different
aspects in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) is the governed body of electricity sector
according to Act No. 17 of 1969 (as amended). CEB has been issued a generation license, a
transmission license and four distribution licenses. Ceylon Electricity Board has to gain and
maintain an efficient and economical feasible way of electricity supply to the country as well as
to generate or acquire supplies of electricity. It was a great opportunity that I got in my life to
have my industrial training under CEB. I was able to extract knowledge and experience by
establishing my training at LakVijaya Power Station (Norochcholei), Kelanitissa Combine Cycle
Power Station and Sapugaskanda Diesel Power Station.

1.1.1. LakVijaya Power Station (Norochcholei - LVPS)

It is identified LakVijaya Power Station as the first ever coal power station in Sri Lanka. This
power plant was built on the shore of
Narakkalliya where 17 km away from
Palavi town Puttalam. Under 3 stages it
is connected to national grid which is
capable of offering 300 MW in each.
Hence after complete plant established
there is possible to add 900 MW to grid
which means 51% of total electricity
production of Sri Lanka. Puttalam Coal
Figure 1.1 LakVijaya Power Station
power project was invested 455 million
USD by China CMEC and 300 million rupees by CEB. Coal is the main fuel used to generate
electricity and 220 kV transmission lines are run from LVPS to Veyangoda for distribution of

Page 1
1.1.2. Kelanitissa Combined Cycle Power Station (KCCP)
Kelanitissa Combined Cycle Power station generates
165 MW total power by gas turbine (110 MW) and
Steam turbine (55 MW). This is categorized under
combined cycle power plant because it consists with a
Heat Recovery Steam Generation (HRSG) unit. It
means steam turbine runs by the steam produced by the
heat of exhaust flue gas of gas turbine. KCCP was

Figure 1.2 Kelanitissa Combined Cycle commissioned in 2003 and building project was funded
by Japan Bank for International Cooperation.
Generating electricity is transmitted to Kolonnawa, Angoda area through a 132 kV transmission
line. As well as required fuel (naphtha & diesel) for gas turbine is taken from petroleum refinery
nearby. Contribution to national grid from KCCP is about 7.37%.

1.1.3. Sapugaskanda Diesel Power Station

Sapugaskanda Diesel Power Station is situated north
bank of river Kelani near to Mabima town. Power
generation is done by running diesel engines. There
are two sections and section A has 4X20 MW engines,
as well as section B has 8X10 MW engines. Those
engines were constructed by MAN B&W (Germany)
and generators were by SIEMENCE. The plant was
first connected to grid in 1984. Heavy fuel and diesel
Figure 1.3 Sapugaskanda Power Station
are used as the fuel to engines. Necessary fuel is
transported from Ceylon Petroleum Cooperation nearby.

1.2. Main Function of Ceylon Electricity Board

CEB has large physical assets including generation stations, substation complexes, transmission
lines and distribution networks located in all parts of the country. It also has a significant human
resource base to operate, maintain and plan the system. Objective of these aspects is transmitting
and distribution generated electricity according to the demand. It is the responsibility of the CEB

Page 2
to make optimal use of the physical and human resources available through the application of
pragmatic and time tested managerial tools and methods taking into account the ultimate goals. It
is the duty of CEB to provide reliable electricity to the entire nation at internationally competitive
prices effectively and efficiently through appropriate technology in sustainable manner while
meeting acceptable environmental standards and a satisfactory rate of return on investments.

1.3. Organizational Structure and Hierarchical Levels

The controller body of CEB is ministry of Power and Energy. Currently, Pavithra
Wanniaarachchi is the minister of that. There is a board of director appointed by the ministry.
General Manager is the responsible person for director board. As well as it is consisted with
several sections. They are generation, transmission, distribution, project centralization and
finance. And also as executive positions it can be said Additional General Manager (AGM),
Deputy General Manager (DGM), Chief Engineers (CE), Electrical Engineers (EE), Mechanical
Engineers (ME) and Chemists. Beside that Electrical Superintended (ES), Mechanical
Superintended (MS), technical Assistants are the next levels. Unskilled workers are the newly
recruited people.

Figure 1.4 CEB Hierarchies

Page 3
Figure 1.5 Hierarchy levels of Training Establishment

1.4.SWOT Analysis

1.4.1. Strengths
 Organization is governed by government
 Secure from economical threats because of the governing body
 Very large customer base
 Customer base is increasing day by day.
 Work force is relatively higher than other organizations and strength is considerably high.
 Well established union power
 Consists with hydro power, coal power, solar power, wind power and thermal power

1.4.2. Weaknesses

 Some important positions hold by less knowledgeable people about the aspect
 Very large hierarchy does not help for better interaction with top level and lower levels
 Workers and executives more than requirement
 In LVPS, the silent conflict between Electrical Engineers and Mechanical Engineers does
not help in desirable way to plant operations
 There are no enough process engineers which their knowledge is highly required
 When an equipment need for kind of an operation, it takes a long time by approving
number of documents to reach that equipment to needed place

Page 4
 There is a trend to buy new machineries, instruments though it is capable to repair
existing equipment

1.4.3. Opportunities for Improvements

 In LVPS there is an opportunity for Chemical & Process Engineers as it highly

recommended the important of having CPEs, by Indian Specialists who took part in
condenser leakage maintenance
 It can be expanded the birth of renewable energy sources such as solar (Hambantota),
wind (Hambantota, Puttalama & Ambewela). As well as can be added sea wave power
generation to grid in future
 Now CBE has a coal power plant. So, it is possible to increase the number of coal power
electricity generation skilled executives and workers
 CEB has a lot of people who are expert in hydro power. So, that knowledge can be give to
other countries
 Establishing Uma oya (120 MW), Broadlands (35 MW), Moragolla (27 MW) hydro
power plants and Trincomalee Coal power plant (2 X 250 MW) supernumerary for CEB.
Therefore electricity can be sold to other countries such as India.
 LVPS has the opportunity to produce caustic soda, chlorine, hydrogen, oxygen salt,
carbon dioxide from RO outlet brine. So, those products can be sold to carbonate drink
companies, salt companies, welding gas producing companies, chemical producing
companies etc.

1.4.4. Threats for Survival

 Some power plants such as ‘Kelanitissa old’ and ‘Sapugaskanda’ are near to retire from
their operations
 CEB is under government sector and there are so many political influences in board
 Chinese affairs are affected to LVPS in undesirable manner
 When a failure occur in a power plant, it makes a huge media attraction and so many
gossips spreading rapidly as it affects to CEB reputation
 There is a conflict between China & India getting contracts of power plant establishing in
Sri Lanka. So, it influences to international relationships of both countries

Page 5
 A lot of workers have positioned in jobs according to political causatums and that makes
much hard to do operations correctly with their lack of knowledge

1.5. Present Performance


Enrich life through power


To develop and maintain an efficient, coordinated and economical system of electricity supply to
whole Sri Lanka, while adhering to our core values.

As said in Vision and mission CEB carries on several projects to true them such as ‘Nanwamu
Lanweema’, ‘Vidulamu Lanka’, ‘Viduli athwela’, ‘Grama Shakthi’ etc. Presently heavy
dependence on thermal generation is continued and total energy generated through thermal
sources stood at 4995 GWh. As well as CEB crossed 10 billion unit market for annual generation.
CEB is identified as the largest organization in Sri Lanka which deals with electricity as it serves
90% population. Therefore CEB has the monopoly of electricity sector.

Figure 1.6 CEB Distribution Network

Ceylon Electricity Board is not a profit making organization yet. The cumulative loss for past
period was 117 billion rupees. CEB selling for unit is considerably less relatively to the cost

Page 6
which takes to produce unit electricity. But it is assumed that this loss will be getting decrease
after all phases of Lakvijaya Coal Power Plant started up. Phase 1 of plant helps to decrease the
loss about 60 billion.

1.7. Usefulness of Ceylon Electricity Board

If CEB fails to do its job per day, the loss will be billions. Thousands of industrial aspects need
electricity for their production. As well as most of domestic purposes are also depend of
electricity produced by CEB. Hence the usefulness of CEB is ultimate. Better decision making
affects to the future of CEB in better ways. And also CEB is a place a lot of job making.

1.8.Suggestions to Improve CEB Performance

As the first step CEB should be away from unsuitable political structure. Appropriate people
should be positioned in an acceptable relevant way. Number of workers and engineers should be
reduced as there is a redundant. And also Chemical & Process Engineers should be recruited as
their knowledge is essential. Beside that rather than depending on traditional hydro and thermal
power, CEB should have a way developing contribution of solar, wind, coal and sea wave power
to electricity. to Achieve Above Suggestions

Main constraint is political ascendency to CEB. When top managerial takes a better decision
which helps to development of CEB, it will not be approved by politicians as that decision not
makes any advantage them. And also influence of unions also causes constraints in some ways.
Now CEB has to face for the problems internationally that foreign contractor does not do their
job well.

EX: China contribution to LVPS

Page 7
Table 2.1 Experience Distribution Throughout Period

Duration Work site Training completed

19/11/2013 LVPS (operation) Getting overall EE (maintenance)

29/11/2013 understanding about Mr. Nadeera
operations in plant Madhumal
EE (operation)
Mr. Sanojan

02/12/2013 LVPS Making a EE(maintenance)

13/12/2013 (maintenance) maintenance plan for Mr. Chamila
online instruments Aluthgama

16/12/2013 LVPS (operation) Sea water Chemist

27/12/2013 desalination & boiler Mr. Buddhika
water make up Warnakulasooriya
30/12/2013 LVPS (operation) Boiler section with its ME (operation)
17/01/2014 sub systems Mr. Pasindu

20/01/2014 LVPS (operation) Auxiliary Sysytems EE(maintenance)

24/01/2014 for boiler operation Mr. Nadeera

27/01/2014 LVPS (operation) Waste water EE(operation) Mr.

07/02/2014 treatment plant Nimanthaka

10/02/2014 LVPS (operation- Laboratory Chemist

13/02/2014 laboratory) experiments Mr. Buddhika

17/02/2014 LVPS Coal handling process EE(maintenance)

Page 8
21/02/2014 (maintenance) Mr. Shammi

24/02/2014 LVPS Individual Project CE (operation)

07/03/2014 (maintenance) Mr. Pathmasiri
EE (maintenance)

10/03/2014 KCCP (GT) Gas Turbine Section Shift Charge Eng.

14/03/2014 Ms. Dilini

17/03/2014 KCCP (ST) Steam Turbine ME(ST) Mr.

21/03/2014 Section Walisundara

24/03/2014 KCCP (lab) Chemical & (Chemist)

28/03/2014 Laboratory Mr. M. S. Perera
31/03/2014 KCCP (HRSG) Group Project (CE)
04/04/2014 Mr. Janith

16/04/2014 SPS (operation) Section A Mr. Chaminda

25/04/2014 (ME)

28/04/2014 SPS (Mechanical Section B EE Mr. Maani

02/05/2014 Section) Albert

2.1.LakVijaya Power Station Overview

During my training period I studied different sections in LVPS weekly. And also I was able to do
4 projects at that time. So, it was a great opportunity that I got to apply what I learnt in lecture
hall into practice.

Page 9
2.1.1. Water Treatment Process
According to my point of view Water Treatment Process is the most important Chemical &
Process Engineering aspect in LakVijaya Power Station. It is because there are number of unit
operations which are needed to apply Chemical & Process Engineering knowledge directly. As a
matter of fact, effectiveness of this process is entirely affected to the well function of whole plant.
The required water for all processes of the plant is taken from Indian Ocean nearby. Objectives of
water treatment are reducing scaling, prevention corrosion and prevent fouling. Water Desalination System

This is a massive process that undergoes to reduce conductivity of sea water from 60 000 µS/cm
to 0.2 µS/cm. Sometimes initial conductivity can be varied to more than 100 000 µS/cm
according to the sea condition. The purpose of sea water desalination is removing

 Microorganisms
 Suspended solids
 Dissolved solids
 Organic matters
Sea water desalination process is as follows.

Coagulation Gravity Clear water

basin filter basin

UF tank Ultra filter Pre filter

To fulfill the power plant water demand 58 826 m3 amount of water is taken per hour from ocean.
Out of that 290 m3 is used to produce boiler make up & service water. And residue water is used
for condenser and closed cycle cooling water. Sea water intake is situated about 100 m away
from the shore. At the point there is a cage to avoid entering fish and big particles. Continuously
chlorine is dosed to water inlet approximately 1 – 2 ppm for mollusks, algae, slime and weed
controlling. And water is flowing to plant as a result of elevation (gravitational force). Coming

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water can be stopped by a metallic door before the bar screen. The bar screen acts to remove
slightly smaller particles came through intake cage. After the bar screen water goes through a
rotary screen and filter further. At that point also chlorine is dosed to free from undesirable
microorganisms. Then major water content is pumped for Condenser Cooling by CW pumps and
raw water pumps are worked for Coagulation
pumping water to desalination
Pre treatment

Treatment Stages

process. Ultra filtration


Reverse Osmosis (RO) Coagulation Basin
Next the water faces with coagulation and filtration under pretreatment stage. Coagulation is
able to produce particles of a size that can be removed by settlement, flotation or filtration. To
increase efficiency mainly two chemicals are added to water which enters to coagulation basin.

 PAC- Poly Aluminum Chloride

 PAM- Polyacrylamide
They act as coagulant agent and as coagulant. The structure of coagulation basin is made to
increase the sedimentation speed. Water is passed through 12 parts of basin as over the walls and
under the walls respectively. As well as honey cone structured 600 angled tubes help to this
effectively. Sand Filters (Gravity Filters)

Then water is sent to sand filters. In this case water flows for removal of suspended solids
through the filter medium contained in an open tank or vessel under the influence of gravity.
Then the backwashed water is passed to reclaimed water basin. Ultra Filters (UF)

Process of filtration with a semi permeable membrane with pressure relatively lower than to
Reverse Osmosis is called as Ultra Filtration. UF membrane pore size ranges from 0.01 µm to 0.1

Page 11
µm. As well as it acts as a superior turbidity removal and efficiently removes bacteria and most
viruses. UFs are moderated low pressures for this purpose. Reverse Osmosis Unit (RO)

A process which is a solvent passes through a porous membrane in the direction opposite to that
for natural osmosis when subjected to a hydrostatic pressure greater than the osmotic pressure is
called the Reverse Osmosis process. In this situation water is passed to higher water
concentration portion from lower water concentration portion. It removes many types of large
molecules and ions from solutions by applying pressure to the water. Reverse Osmosis unit 1 in
LVPS is capable to decrease conductivity from 60 000 µS/cm to 500 µS/cm.
Here the specifications of Reverse Osmosis membrane.

Permeate Flow 34.1 m3/day

Salt rejection 99.8%
Type Configuration: Spiral Wound
 Membrane Polymer: Composite Polyamide
 Membrane Active Area: 37.1m2
Application Data
 Maximum Chlorine Concentration: < 0.1 PPM
 Maximum Applied Pressure: 8.27 MPa
 Maximum Operating Temperature: 45 0C
 pH Range, Continuous (Cleaning): 2-11 (1-13)
 Maximum Feed water Turbidity: 1.0 NTU
 Maximum Feed Flow: 17.0 m3/hr

Page 12
Figure 2.1 Reverse Osmosis Device

Establishing a reverse osmosis unit is not much economically feasible if the output of plant is
considerably less. But as the largest power plant of Sri Lanka it was a desirable decision of
constructing a RO unit at LVPS. But further to recovery energy from this section it is used energy
recovery units also here. It means it is needed a very high pressure (8.27 MPa) for brine water
flowing through membranes. To obtain this pressure there should be a high performance pump
which is possible to give a higher head. But the concentrated salt solution also contains a higher
pressure. Energy Recovery unit is the device which converts concentrated water pressure into
inlet water pressure of RO device. It reduces the work of pump.

Figure 2.2 Energy Recovery Unit

Page 13 Makeup Water Treatment
The main target of this plant is supplying high purity boiler makeup water (De – mineralized
water) for boiler. Beside that high purified water is supplied to plant operations such as chemical
lab, sample analysis and closed cycle cooling water system. This treatment process contains 3 sub
parts. They are reverse osmosis section, lime stone filtration, anion – cation and mix bed ion
exchange. Cartridge filters and Reverse Osmosis devices

As the first level, cartridge filters are manipulated as additional protection for the RO membrane
elements to capture any final particles or suspended solids that may enter the feed stream. The
cartridge filters capture relatively large particles (> 5 µm) that may plug the membrane. Those are
replaced when suspended solids plug the filter and increase the differential pressure above a
desired level. Ion exchangers

Next the water goes through cation exchange beds. Ion exchanging resins are insoluble granular
substances which have in their molecular structure acidic or basic radicals that can be exchanged.
The positive or negative ions fixed on these radicals are replaced by the ions of same sign in
solution in the liquid with contact with them. Ion exchange is a reversible process and the ion
exchanger can be regenerated or loaded with desirable ions by washing with an excess of acid or
a base accordingly.

Cation exchanger: R – H + Na+ Cl- R – Na + H+ Cl-

Anion exchanger: R – OH + Na+ Cl- R – Cl + Na+ OH-

Mixed bed: R – H + R – OH + HCl + NaOH R – Na + R – Cl + 2H2O De- gasifier

It helps to eliminate dissolved CO2 as it can cause corrosion in pipe lines, pump impellers and
vessels. By doing this operation CO2 concentration is kept as low as possible in boiler feed water.
Water is circulated through this system by pouring from upper end of the vessel. At the middle
point of vessel, pump inflows an air flow to remove CO2. As a matter of fact LVPS produces
required portable water itself. To do that necessary amount of water is sent to a lime stone filter.
Therefore the hardness is added to necessary level and used as portable water.

Page 14 Boiler makeup outlet water quality
 Hardness ≈ 0 µg/l
 SiO2 ˂ 0.02 mg/l
 Iron ˂ 0.02 mg/l
 Copper ˂ 3 mg/l
 Conductivity (250C) ˂ 0.2 µS/cm

2.1.2. Coal Handling Process

Combustion coal is the way that LakVijaya Power Station receives required energy for steam
generation. The coal handling system of power plant was planned and designed according to
3 X 300 MW. From October to January fire coal is come from Indonesia, South Africa, Australia
or USA. It was a great opportunity that I got during my Industrial Training Period at LVPS (from
November to March) I was able to experience on coal handling process. At that time needed coal
was transported from South Africa. Coal ships are stopped 4km away from the shore. Barges
collect those coal and transport to jetty. Testing
Before start the unloading process, a coal sample is checked to know whether it is according to
necessitate quality. These tests are done in Chemical Laboratory. Total Moisture, Volatile Matter,
Fixed Carbon, Sulphur, Ash, Heating Value are the Proximate parameters and Moisture, Carbon,
Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Sulphur, Ash are the ultimate parameters which are tested.
According to the design condition coal characteristics are as follows.

Table 2.2 Coal Properties

Coal Guarantee Design Rainy Season Range

Proximate (As Received)
Total Moisture % 12.0 16.0 19.0 8.0 – 16.0
Volatile Matter % 27.0 25.0 24.9 21.9 – 39.9
Fixed Carbon % 49.5 43.3 45.5 41.3 – 57.1
Sulphur % 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.2 – 0.7
Ash % 11.0 15.0 10.1 4.5 – 16.0
Heating Value MJ/kg 26.4 25.3 24.7 24.8 – 28.9
Ultimate (As Received)

Page 15
Moisture % 12.0 16.0 19.0 8.0 – 16.0
Carbon % 65.0 60.0 60.5 61.4 – 68.7
Hydrogen % 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.4 – 4.3
Nitrogen % 1.5 1.7 1.4 1.0 – 1.6
Oxygen % 6.2 3.0 5.1 6.5 – 12.1
Sulphur % 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.2 – 0.7
Ash % 11.0 15.0 10.1 4.5 – 16.0 Unloading
After tested samples are according to the relevant conditions coal unloading is carried on. There
are 4 unloading cranes. Out of them two cranes are operated by CEB and others are operated by
CMEC. Normal unloading capacity is about 1500 ton/hr. After putting into coal wharf, coal
feeders are vibrated with 50 Hz average frequency .This can be varied according to the properties
of coal. If it is more powdered coal vibration level is decreased. By this mechanism it is possible
to make a uniform distribution on conveyors. 1200mm width of conveyor belts run with 3.15 m/s
and for 1500 ton/hr rated output. Storing and Environmental Effects

Conveyed Coal is stored in three coal storage yards and the total planned storage capacity is 7
430 000 tons which can supply 300 MW unit for 96 days. As well as there is an indoor coal store
which is capable to store 1 920 000 tons.

To reduce environmental effects there is a wind barrier with the height of 14m to prevent dust
adding to atmosphere. Beside that an impervious membrane is used on the floor of the coal
storage yards to prevent hazardous materials adding to soil. Transporting
To transport from yard to crushing unit there are several machineries. Bucket wheel stacker
reclaimer is used to put coal again to conveyors from yard to crushers. And also TY220 coal
pushers and ZL50 loaders are used to auxiliary operations such as coal transfer between coal
storage yards, pushing coal into underground coal scuttle, cleaning up coal storage yards and
ramming coal etc.

Page 16
Figure 2.3 Bucket wheel stacker Reclaimer Metals, Coal Crushing and Pulverizing.

Magnetic pulley is used to remove metal particles mixed with coal. This is done by an overhead
conveyor at a position in between yard and crushing unit. When it comes to crushing unit, a
double channel sieving unit and hammer encircling crusher are installed as 500 ton/hr output rate
and to achieve material particle size ≤ 300 mm. After that processed coal is sent to coal bunkers.
There are five coal bunkers and one is in standby. Coal feeders are the machineries which feed
coal to pulverizing mills. Eventually those mills reduce the particles sizes more and more same as
a powder. Then this powdered coal is sprayed with air to boiler with the rate of 28 ton/hr. of Coal Handling Process

The coal handling system is controlled by programs and CRT displays. Ship unloaders and
bucket wheel stacker reclaimers are controlled by their own programs which have connections
with procedure control room by signal and telecommunication. The equipment involved in
program control also can have in place start – stop operation. Industrial television camera is
installed in the main parts of the system to monitor the operation states of the equipment.

Page 17
2.1.3. Boiler Operations
Boiler unit can be named as heart of the power
plant. It is because boiler is the system which
converts de mineralized water in to super heated
steam. Coal is used as the fuel in this unit.

To generate 300 MW electric powers, LVPS has a

steam drum boiler with sub critical parameters such
as once intermediate reheating and natural
circulation. Boiler structure is about 70 m height and
made with steel. When starting up the furnace, it is
used diesel and brings the generation up to 150 MW.
Then forced draft fans (FD) air flow streams carry
the pulverized coal powder from mills by mixing
with air. The transported coal powder is sprayed into

Figure 2.4 Boiler Unit boiler furnace while maintaining flames in 5 layers
with each of 4. During normal conditions 28 ton/hr
rate is maintained for coal transferring by a mill.

The flame position can be changed within 300 angles (Top direction or bottom direction).
Burning coal powder causes an ash layer on evaporator tubes, which results a low rate of heat
transfer through them. Therefore a soot blower has installed to remove ash by working once in
every 2 or 4 hours depending on coal burning and dust amount.

The main purpose of the boiler is steam generating. Hence water is evaporated with the rate of
964 ton/hr for steam production. In this phenomena water molecules absorb heat and energized to
escape from liquid form to gaseous form. Less than 14.7 MPa pressure, those water has to
convert to steam by making it to 5430C temperature.

As the 1st step feed water pumps operates to transfer water by preheating inside the economizer.
Then the preheated water is collected into drum. There are number of tubes which are connected
to drum and hang out top of the boiler. So, water is evaporated and cycled through drum. Oxygen
presenting in water can be caused corrosion of pipes, equipment, welded points, and surface

Page 18
discontinuities. Hence to scavenge oxygen, deareator is used. When water enters from the top of
dereator, it mixes with rising steam upwards and releasing dissolved oxygen. This aspect is
named as ‘stripping’. But this is not enough for removing total oxygen. So, to increase oxygen
removal efficiency carbohydrazine and sodium sulfite is added. But as a side effect of that
concentration of boiler water is changed. To overcome that issue continuous blow downing is
ongoing. The upper part of drum contains steam and it goes to super heaters. By radiation heat is
transfer to super heaters and steam becomes super heated steam as its temperature rises above
saturation temperature. Rankin cycle is the most appropriate graphical method to explain the
steam cycle of this plant.

Figure 2.5 Boiler Unit

Next the heated steam is passed to HP cylinder. Again the steam is transferred boiler to add
additional heat by reheaters. Then the IP & LP cylinders operate to maximize the energy
conversion of kinetic energy to mechanical energy. After LP steam has reduced its energy as
much as possible and let it to cool and condense inside the condenser.

Page 19
The axis connected with turbine rotors driven to generate 300 MW power. The tubine is model
number N 300-16.7/538/538 manufactured by Harbin co.LTd (HTC). As well as it is a subcritical
primary reheat, double cylinder, tandem double flow type turbine.

2.1.4. Condensed Water Precision Treatment System (Polishing Plant)

Before reuse condensate should be polished; to remove impurities which have the potential to
cause damages to boiler, steam generators, reactors and turbines. The importance of polishing is
avoiding dissolved suspended matter such as SiO2. Addition to that it reduces the other
contaminants which cause corrosion and maintenance issues. Not only that polishing process
helps to remove dissolved minerals and suspended matter. In this case it is used ion exchange
technology. The unit consists with 3 X 50% medium pressure mixed beds each has 500 mm resin
layer. When exchange capacity of resin is exhausted the spent resin is transferred to an external
system for separation, backwashing and regeneration. The resin is a combination of anion and
cation. The separation is done according to the density difference. So, higher density cation resin
can be achieved from the bottom and anion resin is taken from the top of the vessel. Then to
regenerate them resins are washed by caustic soda (anion) and HCl (cation).

Polishing saves the power utilizing, money, fuel, direct labor and mostly blow downing. After
mix beds, NH4OH is used for pH adjusting of boiler feed water. It should be between 9 – 9.7.

Note: further details on Condensed Water Precision Treatment System is available with annex A
–‘Optimizing Condensed Water Precision Treatment System’

2.1.5. Electro Static Precipitator (ESP)

LakVijaya Power Station is thoroughly designed
for avoiding the environmental effects and
certified environmental standards. So, it is
controlled fly ash releasing from furnace after
burning coal. Electro static precipitator is the
section used to remove suspended solids from flue
gas. This unit works with the efficiency of 99.5%.
The phenomena based with electro static charges.
Most of particles come to ESP are negative
Figure 2.6 ESP

Page 20
charges. So, applying positive and negative electro static force, it is possible to attract those
particles and change their motion from flue gas. In other words dynamic particles are set into
static mode using a high voltage.

The voltage difference between plates and poles is about 72kV. When a negative particle enters
to the ESP, it attracts to positive plate and ends its movement. Same as that positive charged
particle ends its journey on a negative charged pole.

There are few electric motors which cause a vibration to plates and poles for removing the
absorbed suspended particles. Then the particles come to conical section of bottom part ESP.
This section is opened to pipes coming from an electric heater. So, it heats the conical area to
avoid freezing of ash. In fact field number1 removes 80% o ash in flue gas. Field number 2, 3 and
4 helps to achieve next 20%. So, the sizes of domes also constructed according to the collecting
fly ash amount. It means 1st dome is bigger than others.

Pneumatic conveyor method is used to transport ash to slag silo. Then the slag is transfer to the
slag silo through those tubes. Finally the suspended particles directly unloaded to trucks at the
bottom of the silo. Then the slag is transported for adding as gypsum in cement manufacturing

2.1.6. Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD)

LVPS is operated by coal as the main fuel and diesel as the auxiliary fuel. Hence, this emits a flue
gas with some amount of SO2. But according to the environmental standards, this gas is
prohibited to release freely. To obtain the necessary standards limits, flue gas purification is done
at the Flue Gas Desulfurization unit. Structure of the system consists with a flue damper, seal fan,
heater, baffle plate, stationary blade adjustable axial flow booster fan, expansion joints of gas
duct, Gas to Gas Heater (GGH), and chimney etc. Within this process, it takes the emitting gas
from boiler into the FGD unit via ID fans. Then raw flue gas from the boiler flows into the
booster fan for pressure increasing. After that it flows into GGH for temperature drop and next to
absorbing tower, flue gas contacts and reacts with sea water sprayed into to the demister
horizontally arranged on the counter flow cooling tower to eliminate the slurry mist in flue gas,
then flows into GGH, then is heated to above 800C ( ≥ 74 0C at low load) using the heat of sulfur
bearing flue gas via GGH and then is exhausted to the atmosphere via chimney. Flue gas washed

Page 21
sea water inside the absorbing tower is acidic and contains relatively much SO3-2, unable to
directly discharge to sea water. Chemical Equations in this Process

SO2 + H2O SO3-2 +2H+

CO3-2 + H+ HCO3-

HCO3- + H+ CO2 + H2O

Sulfite ion oxidizing into SO4-2

2.1.7. Hydrogen Generation

LakVijaya Power Station produces required hydrogen itself. This is mainly used for cooling
purpose of generator. The stator of generator covered with hydrogen and this gas better 7 – 10
times than normal air when considering the heat transfer purpose.

The structure of hydrogen generation is combined type. It consists with following sub equipment.

 Electrolyzer
 Hydrogen separator
 Oxygen separator
 Air absorber
 Condensation separator
 Exhaust valves and meters

The power supply for electrolyzing is passed by 3 phase system. As well as it is operated by 380
V/220 V AC voltage with 50 Hz frequency. The power usage of electrolyzer is about 125 kW. In
addition to that rectification is happened by converting DC voltage 36 V and 370 A current.
When apply this voltage and current, de – min water undergoes in chemical reactions.
To increase the efficiency of this process, NaOH pellets or liquefied NaOH is added to de
mineralized water tank. Produced H2 is stored outside 4 vessels. For safety purposes smoking and
firing (welding) prohibited within the area. Rather than that, it avoids any potential for
electrostatic charges, such as mobile phones, cameras, careless handling of metal equipment etc.

Page 22
Why H2 is used for cooling?

1. Small in density.
2. Decrease windage and ventilation lose.
3. Large thermal conductivity.
4. Higher heat capacity values (CP=14.32, CV= 10.16, γ= 1.405)

2.1.8. Chlorination Plant

Required steam for turbine is produced by purified sea water. Therefore water treatment is an
important task which helps to keep the efficiency of LVPS. Normally sea water consists with
various organisms such as mollusks, algae, slime and weed. These compounds should be
removed at the pretreatment stage. Disinfection is the process which is carried on for this. This is
done by adding an Oxidation agent to the water. Chlorine is used for that because of following

1. The most cost-effective disinfectant available considering its disinfecting power.

2. Ability of obtaining through a variety of sources.
3. Chlorine produces a disinfecting residual.
4. Removing unwanted nitrogen compounds from the water.

Figure 2.7 Chlorination Process

As well as there are some restrictions of using Chlorine as a disinfecting material. For examples
Chlorine must be used and handled very carefully to prevent serious hazards to operators and the
Page 23
public, Chlorine can sometimes form trihalomethanes (THMs) in water supplies. Concentrations
of THMs above the maximum contaminant levels are suspected of causing cancer also. Because
of the economical aspects advertence, LVPS produces necessitate Chlorine itself. Production Process

The raw water which needs to prepare chlorine is taken from CW pump line or raw water pump
lines. But raw water pump lines are used when CW pumps are not operating. After that salt water
is passed to pre filters inside the
chlorination plant building. Then
filtered water is again supplied to
auto filters. To obtain the needed
pressure gradient, there is a pump
working with 0.37 MPa pressure.

Auto filter is also same as the pre

Figure 2.8 Electrolyzer
filter, but achieves its self washing by
an agitator when pressure gradient reach out from its standard range. After the auto filter
temperature of water is about 30.2 0C and flow rate is also measured by magnetic flow meters.
Next main objective of this process is starting – called Electrolyzing. Electrolyzer is applied
35DVC voltage and 6000A current. To increase chlorine production rate, electrolyzer structure
with 8 cells. This can produces 0.2 w/w % NaOCl. Transformer step downing increases the
temperature and it is cooled by a heat exchanger. Cooling water tank is filled with makeup water
and it is cycled through heat exchanger to dissipate heat.

The output of electrolyzer is a mixture of NaOCl and H2. So, to obtain only NaOCl, hydrogen is
removed by spraying at the top of storage tank. At the same time a blower is operated at same
level. Hydrogen density is less and easily goes upwards. This helps to separate H2 from mixture.

Finally NaOCl is distributed to places such as sea water intake and coagulation tanks when it is

Page 24
2.1.9. Waste Water Treatment
Waste water

Domestic sewage Industrial waste water Coal yard waste water Sewage Treatment Process

This is an important unit that I learnt well during my training period at LVPS. It is because this
section was not operated and engineers asked us to prepare a preferable methodology to operate it
again. Hence I was studied deeply about its process. Then separated water is pumped to
equalizing tank (2 units) for further process. The most important task is start after entering water
to tanks. A tank is a combination of 4 phases. Each phase is applicable for different stages of

Phase 1: Primary sedimentation and anoxic

Phase 2: Oxidation tank – primary, secondary, thirdary

Phase 3: Secondary sedimentation tank

Phase 4: Disinfection tank

Except that equalization tank has a blower room, fresh water tank and sludge tank.

Domestic sewage inlet water quality- Domestic sewage out let water quality

 CODCR = 100 ~ 380 ppm  CODCR ≤ 50 ppm

 BOD5 = 50 ~ 200 ppm  BOD5 ≤ 20 ppm
 SS = 100 ~ 300 ppm  SS ≤ 20 ppm
 Total oil ≤ 150 ppm  Total oil ≤ 10 ppm
 pH = 6 ~ 9  pH = 6 ~ 9
 NH3-N ≤ 40 ppm  NH3-N ≤ 4 ppm
 Total Phosphor ≤ 4 ppm  Total Phosphor ≤ 1 ppm
 Residue Chlorine > 0.1 mg/L

Page 25 Primary Sedimentation and anoxic tank
The basic need of this tank is separate large particles by sedimentation. There is a reflux from
thirdary oxidation tank to this tank. As well as anoxic reaction tank is subjected to reaction for
removal of Nitrogen. Under the effect of anaerobic microorganisms, organic nitrogen in waste
water will be decomposed into ammonia nitrogen and at the same time organic carbon source is
applied as the electronic carrier to convert the nitrogen nitrite and nitrogen nitrate into N gas. Part
of the organics, ammonia and nitrogen will react to form new cell material. Use of de-nitrification
process for removal of NH3-N, reflux water pump is provided in subsequent contact oxidation
tank. Oxidation tank

Mainly biological decomposition is ongoing with the effect of anaerobic bacteria digestion within
this phase. Rather than absorption and flocculation reactions are conducted to remove various
organic matters in water. There are two major components inside the biological tank.

Packing material – Three dimensional elastic packing used to increase surface area, long service
life, easy bio membrane build up and corrosion resistance.

Aerator – Micro pore parts for higher transfer rate of dissolved oxygen. Secondary Sedimentation tank

This is used for sludge collecting purpose. Fabrication of bottom surface helps to collect it as the
angled shape and that sludge is sent to sludge digestion tank for stabilization treatment. . Disinfectant tank

The disinfection tank is dosed with liquid chlorine to have all bacteria and viruses killed
completely. As well as tank is steel made integrated structure.

Beside that there is a sludge digestion tank to minimize the size of sludge and improve the
stabilization. Industrial Waste Water Treatment Process

Page 26
LakVijaya Power Station has designed to minimize the impact to environment by plant

Figure 2.9 Waste Water Treatment Plant

operations. So, it discharges
highly treated water back to sea. CIP, washing and boiler blow down waste water is treated in
industrial waste water treatment process. As the 1st step generated waste water all around the
plant is come to industrial waste water storage tank. Then it is pumped to couple of air blowing
tanks. Two blowers are established to provide air to these tanks. It helps to provide oxygen to
microorganisms which do respiration fro decomposing organic matter. While this operation
ongoing, NaOCl is added for disinfection. And also to control pH, NaOH or HCl is dosed
according to the condition. After pH equalizing water is pumped to two clarifiers for sludge
removing. 80 m3 volume of clarifier has made with to maximize setting by a honey cone shaped
angular structure. Then it is possible to take off sludge from bottom portion of clarifier and that

Page 27
sludge is sent to sludge collection tank. This sludge is gone through a filter press and extracts
water further and remove solid waste to outside. Sometimes that solid waste used to produce
bricks, but nowadays that is dumped in dumping yard at back end of plant. Next air floating basin
is filled with up thrust water content of clarifier. Compressed air is blown up to remove oil from
that water inside the tanks. Oil density is less than water density and using that that property oil is
collected to a railing drain operated by a motor which can move along the top edges of tanks. So,
oil is stored in top oil drain tank and water is stored in primary treated water collection tank. This
water goes through a duel media filter as the final step. This filter has a sand layer to remove fine
particles and activated carbon layer to avoid odors. Treated water collected to a tank until
discharge to sea. Coal yard Waste Water Treatment Plant

LVPS has 3 coal yards and planned storage capacity is about 7 430 000 tons. It consists with a
bio membrane to avoid coal particle mixed water, transferring to soil. Hence, this water has to be
purified before let it goes to soil. To make it there is a water treatment plant between coal yard
and bottom ash dumping yard. So there is a possibility to clean up water of bottom ash dumping
area also.

Mainly this plant has 2 parts. One is for coal yard purification and other one is for bottom ash
yard’s water treatment. Firstly, collected water from coal yard is sent to equalization tanks.
Coupled tanks have 6 submerged sludge discharging pumps to suck the sludge. This sludge is
sent to drainage beside and it has a slope towards the sludge thickening tank. As well as
submerged pumps are connected to a moving rail, which able to collect sludge all over the tanks.
Up thrust water of tank is sent to CWITS units. This unit rides to remove sludge from water
further more. To help that there is an angled structure.

Page 28
Figure 2.10 WWT Plant - Coal yard

There are sensors to identify position of clothed and if it is not, automatically rollers are adjusted
to make it on correct path. Sludge is pressed between filter clothes for separating water and
dump. Purified water in clean water tank is used for washing purposes.

Rain water from cindery yard is also clean up by this plant. There is another equalization tank to
collect that water. At the rear end of tank, there is an angled sludge thickening pit. The water is
sent to CWITS unit as above and sludge is sent to sludge dehydrator. Finally, treated water from
CWITS mixed with H2SO4 and passes to intermediate tank for purification.

2.1.10. Laboratory Tests

It is essential to know about the water quality of consuming water and steam cycle of the plant.
So, laboratory has established to carry on those chemical tests. Mainly PO4-3 ion concentration,
Na+ concentration, SiO2 amount, pH and total hardness are the tests which are done inside the

Page 29
laboratory. Frequently water samples are taken from the sampling room for these tests. Ion
selective electrodes, colorimetric instrument and titration methods are used to know about the
amount of above ingredients. There are minimum values for each item and if that is not within
range, sampling test frequency is increased up. Again the data is not in relevant limit – it is taken
necessary actions to analyze the section performance which that water sample was taken.
Following experiments are mainly done.

Na+ Concentration:-
PO4-3 Concentration:-

Rather than testing water samples laboratory is doing fuel tests also. Especially total moisture,
volatile matter, fixed carbon, sulphur, Ash is measured.

2.1.10. Chemical Usage Optimizing

LakVijaya Power Plant widely uses various kinds of chemicals in distinct treatment process. Out
of them, so many chemicals are manipulated to water treatment process. For examples chlorine is
used to disinfection purpose, HCl and NaOH are used for regeneration and pH controlling
systems, Cabo – Hydrazine is used to scavenge oxygen, phosphoric is used to pH adjusting etc.
According to my focus area (condensed water precision), I understood that caustic soda is the
chemical that can be optimized with what we have within the plant. As well as it is economically
feasible because much amount of money has to be spent for caustic soda purchasing annually.
Average caustic soda price is about 58 /= per 1kg and average usage is about 33 800 kg per year.

To produce caustic soda, mainly brine is needed as raw material. The purity depends on the
uniform of this raw material. In Ion exchange membrane processes electrolyzing is done by a
titanium anode and nickel cathode separated with a polymer membrane. Specialty of this
membrane is, it allows only for Na+ to go through it, but not for chloride ions. Therefore cathodic
room discharges Chorine gas and anodic room discharges Hydrogen gas. Hence there is an
additional advantage of H2 and Cl2 production.

Caustic Soda Plant Design

I suggest getting RO1 device’s out let waste product (high NaCl concentrated) as the raw
material. By absorbing Ca+, K+ ions using a mixed bed the purity of caustic soda can be
Page 30
increased. In other words, if we do not need much purity from this unit we can take sea water
from chlorination inlet also. Next the brine is sent to electrolyzer and apply 6700 A current (this
can be changed according to the number of electrodes) to decompose and compose NaCl and
NaOH respectively. Mathematical calculations and plotted graphs show that 10 kg/hr caustic soda
amount can be achieved through this process. Additionally 1400 L/hr Cl2 gas and 2800 L/hr H2
gas also produced via this operation.

When proposing this plant I had to design a caustic soda storage vessel, an elecrolyzer,
evaporator and mixed bed. By considering operating pressure and temperature; as well as
environmental effects, cost I chose a material for storage vessel. It is SS304L. I found the
thickness, welding type, level measuring instrument, compensates from calculations and design

And also examining the eletro-chemical reactions, I was able to know the required current for the
electrilyzer. I browsed the internet and chose several manufactures who are manufacturing IEM
elecrolyzers according to our requirement.

Eventually I checked for a phase to establish the proposed caustic soda plant. Emphasizing
building cost and incoming profit rate this plant is proved economical friendly as it has a payback
period of 5 months. The detailed project proposal with calculations is attached as annex ____

2.2.Kelanitissa Combined Cycle Power Plant Overview

Kelanitissa Combined Cycle Power Plant started its commercial operations on 27 th March 2003
and for constructions, Japan Bank for international Co operation (JBIC) funded. This power plant
has two kinds of power generation methodologies. They are gas turbine power generation and
steam turbine power generation. The energy which needs to produce steam is taken by exhausting
gas of turbine. In fact it is called a combination of a gas turbine (simple cycle) and steam turbine.

2.2.1. Gas Turbine

This is operated by fuel (naphtha and diesel) and igniting causes the given energy. This unit
consists with a compressor, combustion chamber a turbine and a generation. This section is
capable of producing 100 MW. Nearly 328 m3/s amount of air is taken for combustion. There is a
duct with series of filters to increase the purity of intake air. The compressor is used to compress
this air and its mechanical structure helps to optimize this task. Mixing fuel with air is happening

Page 31
inside the combustion chamber. There are 14 cylindrical chambers located around the compressor
top end and 13 and 14 chambers consist with sparks plugs. Once a spark was done it travels
around the chambers by igniting them continuously and there are flame detectors in 4, 5, 10, 11
chambers to make sure that operation has happened successfully. Air and fuel mix according to
the ration inside the duel fuel nozzle. Ultra violate flame detectors are gas filled sensors which
helps to know presence of UV radiation. If it fails to detect the flame, it will inhibit further
process of sequence. Fuel guns inject 11.7 L/s rate of fuel and that helps to provide high pressure
burnt air flow to turbine. Compressor, turbine and generator situated in same axis and because of
that generator produce 110 MW. Exhaust gas temperature is about 5600C.

2.2.2. Steam turbine

This power plant does not release exhaust gas as a waste. It has a high temperature and this heat
is taken to produce steam. I t is called Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) system. De-
mineralized water used to generate this steam and HP/IP turbines operate by that. Hence this unit
capable to produce 55 MW by recovering the heat from GT. Steam cycle produces 210 ton/hr
steam inside the HP and LP drums. Condensed steam is done by a wet cooling tower. Generator
couples in between turbines and it helps to optimize power generator.

2.2.3. Heat Recovery Steam Generation

Traditional simple cycle power generation system runs a gas turbine and let it to exhaust flue gas
freely. But this flue gas has a high temperature. It means flue gas contains a lot of a lot of energy
and it becomes a waste.
But this simple cycle
system can be turned into
a combined cycle power
generation system by
using this waste flue gas to
produce steam which can
run another turbine. It is
called a Heat Recovery
Steam Generation (HRSG)
system. The positioning of
Figure 2.11 Gas Turbine

Page 32
diverter damper causes the inlet heat to stack. For example in start up the damper is opened about

KCCP has a vertical boiler. Temperature of flue gas drops down along the stack. At the top end
of the boiler keeps its temperature at 1350C and 1070C respectively when running by diesel and
naphtha. The purpose of this is to avoid sulfur deposition inside the boiler. Deposition sulfur
makes corrosion on water and steam tubes. As well as NOx, O2, dusts are the other emissions and
those are measured continuously by emission monitoring system. When values exceed present
level, an alarm will be indicated in CCR. Additionally sampling nozzles, probes are located at top
– side of main stack to get reading about humidity, temperature and pressure. KCCP, HRSG is a
multi pressure unit. It is because it has two steam drums called HP and LP. Rankin cycle is the
most appropriate way to describe the behavior of water- steam circle. After condensate pumping,
pre heating increases its temperature. And the flows enter to HP and LP drums as saturated water.
Evaporation methodology undergoes too establish an equilibrium in between water and steam
inside drums. According to the configurations of steam drums, there are spring type safety valves
to maintain HP drum pressure to 73 bars and LP drum pressure to 7 bar. NH3 and Na3PO4
chemicals are dosed to drum for pH maintaining. Because of the temperature and pressure, drum
inner layer covered with Hematite and it acts as a self protection layer. The ambition of
maintaining pH in desired level is, to secure that layer. To achieve this pH level maintaining
furthermore, a blow downing process is done. And also make up water is added to condenser to
avoid blow downing loss. HP drum produces HP steam which can inject to HP turbine. But its
outlet is also in super heated level and that steam properties are compatible with LP steam.
Hence, LP turbine receives both of LP and HP out lets, as total system generates 55 MW in
normal operational conditions. HP turbine rotates about 9400 rpm and a gear box coupled to
transfer it as 3000 rpm.

Condenser inlet has a vacuum to suck outlet water to condenser. A closed cooling system
operates to reduce the temperature of condensate. This closed cooling water runs through a
cooling tower which contains 4 draft fans and honey cone structure. It increases the efficiency of
cooling. Br2 and NH3 dosed to sprayed water for disinfection and pH maintain.

Page 33
2.2.4. Water Treatment Process at Kelanitissa Combined Cycle Power Station
KCCP utilizes water for mainly 3 aspects. They are for boiler make up water, as cooling tower
water and as closed cooling system water. Normally water is taken from river as well as use town
water according to the situation. And also this water amount is varied according to the
requirement. System was designed to 2000 µSi/cm and this limit passes during drought season as
sea water mixes with river water. So, it leads water taking from town water. Indeed normal water
consumption is about 250 m3/day.

When considering the river water it consists with 4 types of impurities. Those are suspended
solids, dissolved solids, microorganisms and organic matters. Hence different methodologies
undergo with different equipment to reduce above matters. Not only are that, several types of
chemicals dosed in different stages to increase water purification efficiency. As the first step
NaOCl is added at the intake to disinfection process. It is the treatment method for
microorganism. Required NaOCl is produced plant itself by electrolyzing a brine solution.

Next, it is started the removing suspended solid impurities. This is done through several stages
such as clarifier, pressure filter and multimedia filter. Clarifier operates under precipitation
method for turbidity removing. At the inlet of clarifier operates under precipitation method for
turbidity removing. At the inlet of clarifier Al2(SO4)3 and caustic soda added. Al2(SO4)3 combines
with OH- ions and provides a charge to mud particles. Al(OH)3 is curd precipitate and increase
the sedimentation. As well as removing OH- from the medium causes acidity and to reduce it,
caustic soda is added. Poly amide is dosed as the coagulant aid. This improves the bonds among
the Al(OH)3. In fact slowly agitation at clarifier improves the process. This unit reduces the
turbidity from 60 NTU to less than 5 NTU. Water which needed to cooling tower is taken from
this stage. After that clarified water stores in a clarified tank. Next the water is sent through a
pressure filter contains sand as medium. After that water (3 NTU) stores in a filtered water tank
until filtering inside multimedia filter. Sand and activated anthracite carbon are contained as filter
mediums. Dissolved solids and organic matter removing is started after pre-filtering at RO unit. Density Index [SDI]

This is an experiment done to understand the water quality of Ro membrane inlet. It is measured
the suspended particles by a physical measurement. The required water sample is taken in
between free filter and RO device. It is checked the time to fill 500 ml of water through milli pore

Page 34
membrane filter. The required pressure difference is about 3 bar and additional pumps are
switched on if current pressure is not sufficient. When water flows through this membrane silt
reduces the flow rate by scaling on pores. Pore size is about 0.45 µm and there will be a time
difference because of the scaling.

t1 t2

500 ml 500 ml


If water is in relevant quality SDI < 3. Otherwise Silt Density Index is greater than 3. So,
necessary steps should be taken up for protectiveness of RO membrane.

2.2.5. My Project on Calculating Boiler Stack Efficiency

I was asked to find boiler stack efficiency by Chief Engineer of KCCP. Therefore flue gas
analyzed and efficiency was calculated with the help of Rankin Cycle, The detailed calculations
and project proposal was attached as annex 1.

Page 35
Figure 2.12 Boiler Stack

Page 36
2.3.Sapugaskanda Diesel Power Station
Sapugaskanda Diesel Power Station was established in 1969 and it holds monopoly of
transmission of power while playing main role in generation and distribution. Now it is operated
under ministry of power and energy.

Figure 2.13 Process Flow Diagram of Diesel Engine

2.3.1. Process Flow Diagram

Sapugaskanda power station has two sections called A & B. A section was built in 1984 and it
has 4X20 MW PIELSTICK (France) engines with ALSTHOM generators. And also B section
was built in 1998 and it has 8X10 MW MAN B&W (Germany) engines with SIEMENS

2.3.2. Fuel Oil System

Sapugaskanda Power Station is a diesel/heavy fuel power plant with installed capacity of 4X20
MW and currently running capacity of 4X16 MW. It is possible to generate 1 kWh energy by

Page 37
0.25 l of diesel when current running load and 3.916 m3 when running by heavy fuel. Required
fuel is taken from Sapugaskanda refinery nearby and unloaded them into storage tank A and B
with the capacity of 1500 m3.

Fuel system related characteristics values:-

Plant A Plant B
Viscosity at 500C mm2/s max 16 to 21 40
Density at 150C kg/m3 max 991 981
Flash Point C min 60 60
Pour Point C max 21 24
Table 2.3 Fuel Oil in Section A & B

2.3.3. Auxiliary Systems

To establish engine performance in systematical way, there are several auxiliary systems also.
They are

 Lubrication oil storage and flow system

 Cooling water system
 Hot water system

Beside that incineration unit is for sludge treating.

2.3.4. Lubrication Oil System

A lubricant is a substance introduced to reduce friction between moving surfaces. It may also
have the function of transporting foreign particles. The property of reducing friction is known as
lubricity. Lubrication oil system is an important auxiliary aspect in Sapugaskanda Power Station.
Lubricants used in power station should be possessed following characteristics.

 High boiling point  Thermal stability

 Low freezing point  Hydraulic stability
 High viscosity index  Demulsibility

Therefore lubrication is mainly done cooling of piston/connecting rod, sealing piston liners,
reducing friction, corrosion reduction etc. In lube oil system used oil is collected into the lube oil

Page 38
sump. Then this oil is cooled using couple of lube oil coolers. Cooling medium is charge air
cooling water and lube oil pump is used to transport oil from sump to coolers.

2.3.5. Cooling Water System

Sapugaskanda Power Station has two types of cooling systems for section A and B. Cooling
system consists with 2 methods called Radiator bank and cooling towers.

There are 3 types of cooling purposes.

 Engine Cooling
 Charge air cooling
 Nozzle Cooling

Advantages of radiator bank over cooling tower:-

 Maintenance is less
 Does not spend money/energy on makeup water to cooling tower(draft fans help to leave
some amount of water to atmosphere and that amount has to be refilled by town water)

Figure 2.14 Cooling System

Page 39
2.3.6. Diesel Engine (Section B)
Sapugaskanda Power Station generates utility power by 8X10 MW diesel engines in section A
and 4X20 MW diesel engines in section B. Those are 4 stroke engines with 580 mm cylinder
bore and 640 mm piston stroke. As well as rated rotational speed of shaft is about 428 rpm.
Direct and piston per cylinder is injection type and efficiency is 38%. When running by diesel,
44% when running by heavy fuel.

Diesel is the fuel used in starting up and shutting down. In between time heavy fuel is used. HF
viscosity is relatively high and hot water is used to heat. It helps to decrease the viscosity. When
starting up each cylinder was supplied 30 bar compressed air according to the firing order. After
reaching 90 rpm as rotational speed fuel is supplied to combustion chamber. And also air is
compressed to increase its density by turbo charger. That compressed air is cooled by primary
and secondary coolers of turbo charger. Next that air is inserted to chambers while they
performing 4 – stroke order. Needed fuel is injected to chamber by a nozzle and chamber has
4500C temperature; as well as 327 bar pressure. Pressurized gas expansion causes the linear
movement of piston and it is converted into rotational movement by a crank shaft. The generator
coupled to shaft produce electricity because of this motion.

Using exhaust gas, heat is produced using a boiler which helps to provide heat to hot water
production. Several auxiliary systems such as engine cooling, nozzle cooling, hot water system,
and fuel treatment are related with engine operations.

2.3.7. Administrative and Office Practices, Management practices, financial procedures LVPS:-
There is a Deputy General Manager for responsibility of all operations going on in LVPS. Under
him there are 3 chief engineers related to Maintenance, operations, fuel & coal handling.
Electrical and Mechanical engineers work under them. Chemist is responsible for chemical
dosing, water treatments etc. Mechanical and Electrical superintends, technical officers are the
next work force. Under them skilled and non skilled people do their jobs. There is a human
resources department and financial department also. Transport facilities and other workers
problems are solved by HR division. As well as financial department is responsible for financial

Page 40
aspects such as salary providing, equipment/instrument buying, maintenance, chemicals
purchasing etc. KCCP:-
In KCCP, chief engineer is the person who responsible for all aspects. Under him, there are two
engineers (Electrical and Mechanical) for gas turbine and steam turbine. Shift charge engineers
look for overall process in any time. Chemist is the person who does entire water treatment and
chemical purchasing. There are technical assistants, skilled and non skilled worker for operations
and maintenance. Spatiality of this plant is, it is controlled under ‘S5’ concept. Therefore
everything is easy and neat in this plant. It is a highlighted point that I recognized during my

2.3.8. Safety Procedure
 All ways looking for drum levels. Further boiler inspection is done periodically. All
chemicals are checked before dose in drum. There are de super heating lines, by pass
lines for increase the safety. As well as every unit has standby equipment for an
 There is a fire fighting unit to avoid sudden fires. And also there are few fire assembly
points also.
 Coal yard consists with a wind barrier to avoid coal dust and there is a geo membrane to
avoid coal mixed water adding to soil.
 Waste water system has established to avoid adding hazardous waste and water to
 Workers are provided safety equipments such as helmets, gloves, goggles and masks.
 Safety committee responsible for the safety aspects and they record/analyze injuries
happened because of safety problems.
 Well maintained fire fighting system and fire fighting crew.
 Workers are provided safety equipments such as helmets, gloves, goggles and masks
(Specially in chemical dosing)

Page 41
 Safety notices have stuck in relevant places Diesel Power Station:-

 Head phones are used to avoid huge noise from engines
 Workers are provided safety equipments such as gloves and masks in chemical dosing
 Safety is less relatively to KCCP & LVPS

2.3.9. Problems and Difficulties Encountered During the Training Period

LVPS:- leakage
When I was in LVPS there were mainly 3 failures in plant. The most critical one was condenser
leakage which got a wide media
attraction as it caused to shut down
plant for nearly 2 months. Within that
period plant was unable to generate
electricity. Engineers asked to find out
the issue and solutions. We were able
to understand how the leak was
initialed. In fact condenser tube was
made with titanium and under that
temperature and pressure titanium
tubes welded points were started to
hydrogen corrosion.

There are two condensers and each

have 8000 tubes. So, it was a hard
purpose to find exact tubes which are

Figure 2.15 Condenser Leak - UV detection damaged. Firstly, they were filled the
steam portion of condenser by water.
Then water was come through damaged points inside to tubes. Then it was able to see wetting
the edge points of tubes by flowing water to outside interface of condenser. But that method was

Page 42
not so much successful. So, they used liquid with ultra violate particles dissolved, instead of
water in above methodology. Then used a light which can find ultra violate illumination. It was
success that leaking points were shown better. Those tubes were blanked as the solution. As well
as they used another method named ‘eddy current method’ to find leakages. tube damage

Economizer is the unit which is used to pre heat de
mineralized water of steam cycle, by flue gas. There
are parallel tubes where de mineralized water flowing.
As well as flue gas containing ash and that fumes
cover the tube. That results decreasing of heat transfer
to water. To overcome this problem, there is a
equipment named ‘soot blower’ which inject a high

pressure water to remove fumes on tubes. But that Figure 2.16 Economizer Tube Leak

water injection was very powerful and it damaged the

economizer tubes as it cause a leak. This leak has to be repaired and it took nearly 3 days and
plant was shut down at that time. Tripping problem

At my last day of LVPS plant was shut down because of turbine tripping. It happened because of
a failure in a base distribution. So, the
load was reduced and turbine started to
run in high speed. This caused a heavy
vibration of turbine building and over
speed tripped the turbine automatically.
That issue could be solved by pressure,
drum level maintain, but it was not.

Figure 2.17 DCSC - Turbine Tripping

Page 43
During our training period it was maintained a transformer busher. In fact busher is used to avoid
high voltage passing into plant. When apply a high voltage busher material reduces its resistance
and allow current to earth via it. In other times its resistance is high and no current floating to
ground. But unfortunately this mechanism was not happened perfectly and busher was blast.
That was repaired in my training period.

2.3.10. Difficulties affected to Industrial Training

I was faced a problem when doing sewage treatment plant re operating project. We were able to
understand all parts and way how to re construct it. To make it operational level, it was just to
maintain the two sub merged pumps. But it was not done because of the doctrinaire of LVPS.

 As well as in Sapugaskanda Power station is too much noisy. So, when inspecting it was
very hard to extract information from workers at that environment.

2.3.11. Hands on Experience & Skills Acquired

After Completion of Training
 Laboratory chemical tests were done in
 Repaired atomic absorption spectro photo
meter with Win lab AA software in KCCP
 Experienced the fighter fighting session
and operated a fire monitor.
 Detected gas leakages using ‘gas detector’
in hydrogen plant of LVPS.
 Find the reasons and solutions for a sudden
issue occurring (Condenser tube leakage problem)
Figure 2.18 Fire Fighting Inspection  Got to know, how to gain experimental
values, literature values, data to obtain the goals of
a project and how to prepare a project proposal

Page 44
 Experienced to study a running power plant and constructing power plant at the same
time (In LVPS phase 1 was running and phase 2, 3 was constructing. I was able to
understand components in steam turbine by touching them which means a very rare
chance that trainee can have)
 Learnt to read P&I diagrams correctly and identify the components in plant relatively to
 Studied the ways of optimize an existing Chemical related system (Condense water
precision system)
 Learnt how to prepare an online monitoring system with daily inspections, maintenance
plans (Detailed Project is as ANNEX 3)
 Learnt how to design a process according to a requirement (Caustic soda plant design)
 Learnt how to manage time when completing a target/project
 Basics of Programming Logic Controls and Trend analysis were learnt
 Experienced to work with different people (Executives, officers, workers) in distinct
levels and cultures
 Experienced to work with a crew to achieve a goal (Industrial Training Crew.

Page 45
As a Chemical & Process Undergraduate of University of Moratuwa, in fact it was a great
opportunity that I got to train under CEB in LVPS, KCCP and Sapugaskanda Power Plants. It is
because I was able to apply theories in practical situations as much as possible. Not only that I
gained knowledge which would be important to my future academic areas. Apart that, I tried to
show the cardinality of Chemical & Process Engineer’s role to a power plant through my

The main scope of Industrial Training is practicing an engineering undergraduate to behave as a

practical oriented engineer in future time. Rather than academic aspects I understood how to
handle public relations. In real life it is hard to understand humans than machines. That practice
was extracted during my training. Not only that I was able to know the management behaviors of
power plants. Beside that other significance is I practiced to complete projects with team spirit.

I was so lucky to establish my training in well-known 3 power plants in Sri Lanka. It includes the
first ever coal power plant, a combined cycle power plant and a thermal power plant.
Dr.Narayana and Mr.Rathnayaka visited to inspect our training representing university when I
was in KCCP. As well as Mr.S.Kodikara from NAITA visited us and acclimated us about the
performance. We contacted Dr.P.G.Rathnasiri and Dr.Narayana to get advices to our ‘Boiler
stack efficiency’ calculating project. They clarified how to do a flue gas analyze and pinch
analyzing system.

It was an eminent conjuncture to be a trainee at LakVijaya Power Station. It is because LVPS is

the largest power plant in Sri Lanka. Not only that phase 1 is under operation and phase 2, 3 is
under constructing. Therefore I got to trained operating and building power plant at the same
time. As well as I was able to study how the most powerful steam turbine in Sri Lanka
positioning and internal components of that. Not only that when I was in LVPS, there was a shut
down period of 2 months. So, I was capable to examine condenser inlet and how that problem
solved. As well as at that time period I visited the inner part of boiler which a trainee can have
very rare chance. It is considered as the largest boiler in Sri Lanka which height is about 70m.
Visiting phase 3 constructing is the most amazing experience I got in my entire training period as
it will never get to another trainee in future. Phase 2 was commissioned and connected to grid

Page 46
when I was there. Rather than boiler operations I studied and involved in water treatment
process. It is considered as the best water treatment plant where someone can gain an ultimate
knowledge. And also, I examined flue gas desulphurization, electro static precipitator, waste
water treatment, coal handling, polishing plant, laboratory test and auxiliary systems such as
hydrogen plant, chlorination plant, chiller plant etc. DGM of LVPS Mr.Seram, CEs, Electrical
and Mechanical engineers, helped us by arranging sessions, transport, inspecting our trainings,
advising on projects etc. Other good thing is I got two projects for ‘Chemical usage optimizing’
and ‘optimizing Condenser precision treatment system’. Those are recognized by DGM. And
also we carried out a project on ‘online analyzing instrument monitoring’. It was also worthy
project we carried out. Therefore I can say training at LVPS is the best time I ever had as a
Chemical & Process Engineering undergraduate.

In Kelanitissa Combined Cycle Power Station, I was under the inspection of Chemist Mr.Perera.
So, I got a knowledge on lab tests, water treatment system from him. Chief Engineer Mr.Janeth
asked us to calculate boiler stack efficiency. Necessary data is collected from DCS, manuals and
shift charge engineers, Steam and gas turbine engineers helped for that much. We completed
project and proposed a project proposal. It was highly appreciated by him and invited us to do a
presentation in a meeting. I was able to participate in a fire fighting practice session and
experienced on operating a fire monitor system to fuel tanks.

As the last establishment, I recruited to Sapugaskanda diesel power station for 3 weeks. Indeed it
was a somewhat different experience than previous training place as it generates electricity by
diesel engines. There also I studied about fuel, lube oil, boiler, incineration, water treatment
systems and cooling system by radiator bank/ cooling towers. I am studying ‘Energy &
Environment’ minor in my degree program. So, I learnt about mass and heat transfer, particulate
matter, transport phenomena, unit operations and applied them in applications which were I
found in my training period. I think professionalism reached my life through my Industrial
Training period with the experience of CEB. As well as I hope I contributed to change the myths
about chemical engineer and was able to show the difference between chemist and chemical
engineer. Hence, I hope I tried to enhance the reputation of Chemical & Process Engineer with

Page 47
my self confidence. Finally I believed I was capable to gain knowledge and experience as much
as possible by training as an apprentice in Ceylon Electricity Board.

Page 48

Over view

The study of converting brine into caustic soda, chlorine and hydrogen by electrolysis process
under an economical feasible way

Technology Outline

Caustic soda, chlorine & Hydrogen products are indispensable chemicals for a variety of
industrial and public infrastructure.

Brine electrolysis methods such as Castner-Kellner Cell (Mercury Process), Nelson Diaphragm
Cell, Membrane Cell are used for manufacturing of caustic soda, chlorine and Hydrogen.

Lak Vijaya Power Plant has enough sea water as raw materials for above processes. According to
assertorical knowledge there is a chlorine plant and Hydrogen plant running on. In one’s sight
LakVijaya Power Plant has basic needs for caustic soda production.

Using concentrated outlet of the reverse osmosis devices is the most economical appropriate way
to caustic soda production. By side it can increase the Hydrogen gas and chlorine gas production

LakVijaya Power Plant use caustic soda widely for anion resin regeneration in polishing plant,
lye production in hydrogen plant and pH maintaining in waste water plant. But required caustic
soda is buying from the outside. Essential raw materials and technology for caustic soda
manufacturing exists with plant. Hence, there is a great opportunity to produce required caustic
soda itself with plant.

Average caustic soda usage per week = 650kg

Cost of caustic soda 1kg = 54.29LKR

Annual cost for caustic soda = 650kg X 52 X 54.29

= 1 835 002 LKR

If this plant established in LVPP 1 835 000 LKR amount of money will be able to save annually
for CEB by caustic soda production only.
Page iv
2.1.Basic Process

2.2. Membrane Process Reaction

 Favored method for producing sodium hydroxide as there is no hazardous waste, very
 pure sodium hydroxide is produced and it has the lowest energy requirements. 
 Ion-exchange membrane selectively allows Na and water to flow to the cathode
 compartment but prevents products from moving between compartments. 
 Saturated brine enters the anode compartment where chlorine gas is formed. 

Anode (positive electrode): titanium

Anode (oxidation):
2Cl (aq) -----> Cl2 (g) + 2e

Cathode (negative electrode): nickel


Page v
2H2O(l) + 2e -----> H2(g) + 2OH

- + + -
2H2O(l) + 2Cl (aq) + 2Na (aq) -----> 2Na (aq) + 2OH (aq) + H2(g) + Cl2(g)

Product is concentrated sodium hydroxide.

Summary of Caustic soda storage tank


According to the mathematical calculations summary of caustic soda storage tank

 Fabrication material is AISI 304L Stainless steel

 Design pressure is 0.128Mpa
 Design temperature is 35 C
 Diameter of the vessel is 2.0 m
 Height of the vessel 1.8m
 Liquid level height is 1.6m
 Liquid volume of the tank is 5m
 Vessel thickness is 3mm
 Vessel head is flat heat bolted flanged and head thickness is 11mm

Page vi



Three equations relate these quantities:

  amperes x time = Coulombs 

  96,485 coulombs = 1 Faraday 
 1 Faraday = 1 mole of electrons 

The thought process for interconverting between amperes and moles of electrons is:

amps & time Coulombs Faradays moles of electrons

To determine the amount of current necessary to produce a known quantity of

substance in a given amount of time:

  Find the quantity of substance produced/or consumed in moles. 

  Write the equation for the half-reaction taking place. 
 Calculate the number of moles of electrons required. 
  Convert the moles of electrons into coulombs of charge. 
 Calculate the current required. 
- -
NaOH : OH : e- : Cl
1 1 1 0.5

Assume NaOH production per hour is xg

NaOH mol = (x/40) mol

From above stoichiometric relationship e mol
= (x/40) mol

Convert the moles of electrons into coulombs

of charge

( x /40) mol e X = (x / 40) F

( x /40) F X = (x / 40) X 96 485C

Calculate the current required

Page vii
I X 3600s = (x /40) X 96485C

I = (x/40) X (96 485C/ 3600s)


Assume this plant operates 300 days annually.


Unit cost of caustic soda = 54.29 LKR (per 1kg)

Amount of production per year = 10kg/hr X 24 X 300

= 72 000 kg

Annual cost for caustic soda = 72 000kg X 54.29LKR =

3 908 880 LKR

But 33 800kg caustic soda needed for operations annually and 38 200kg excess amount can
be produced. If that amount sell to outside (54 LKR per 1kg) 1 986 400 LKR can be
earned. Hence total profit to plant by caustic soda production and selling is 3 821 402LKR.

Needed SS amount for storage vessel = (cylindrical section volume + head and bottom section
volume) X density of SS

= [(π x (12-0.9972) x 1.8) + (2 x π 1.052 x 0.011)]m3 x8000kg/m3

= 880.62 kg
Let consider a US $1 equals to LKR130. SS304L material cost is US $ 0.8 per 1kg.

Cost for caustic soda storage vessel = Material cost (without fabrication cost)

= (880.62 X 0.8 X 130)

= 91 584 LKR
Electrolyzer cost = 5300 X 130

= 689 000 LKR

Evaporator cost = 2000 X 130


Page viii

Unit volume (per kg) of Hydrogen cost = $1.5

Hydrogen purification unit cost = 258 X 130 = 33

540 LKR

In standard pressure and temperature 2800L H2 gas is similar to 0.25kg.

Saving amount of money by Hydrogen production = 0.25kg/hr X 24 X 300 days X 1.5 X 130 =
351 000LKR


Unit mass (1 kg) of chlorine cost = US $2.22

Standard pressure and temperature 1400L Cl2 gas is similar to 4.4375 kg.

Saving amount of money by chlorine production = 4.4375kg/hr X 24 X 30 days X 2.22 X 130 =

922 077 LKR (for 30 days operation)


Cost for mixed be construction = US $3100

= 403 000LKR

Total cost = (91 584 + 689 000 + 260 000 + 33 540 + 403 000) LKR

= 1 477 124 LKR

Payback period = (amount spent for caustic soda plant/ Total Profit)

= (1 477 124 LKR) /(3 821 402 LKR/yr)

= 0.3865 yr

= 4.6 ≈5 months

Page ix
Overall heat exchanging efficiency of the heat recovery steam generator

The assignment is carried out to determine the efficiency of Heat Recovery Steam Generation
System and to present our suggestions as Engineering Trainees for design improvements in order
to establish a well performing system for steam generation in Kelanitissa Combined Cycle Power

Boiler Efficiency:

Boiler Efficiency related to the boilers energy output to the boilers energy input can be
expressed as:

Calculating overall heat capacity ( Cp) of the flue gas

Assuming ideal gas behavior and atmospheric temperature = 32 0C;

PV = nRT

Specific Heat
Component Mass Percentage Capacity
( )

CO2 4.901% 1.02104

H2O 14.600% 1.9606

Page xi
SO2 0.042% 0.6400

NO2 0.007% 0.8066

O2 4.450% 0.9755

N2 76.000% 1.0579

Flue gas 100.000% 40.1730 kg

= (3.1481 1.02104+3.8365 1.9606+0.0392×0.6400 + 0.0047 0.8066+

2.0778 0.9755+ 31.0657 1.0579)/ 40.1730
= 1.1367kJ/kgK
Gas turbine exhaust energy
Ein = ṁCpΔT
= (1335
= 804.2721 GJ/h
Calculating HP & LP inlet energy

Page xii
Qin HP = (B -> C) + (D -> E) + (E -> F) + (F -> G)

= (hC - hB)xFAB + (hE – hD) xFCD + (hF – hE) xFFG + (hG – hF) xFFG

= (567.3889 - 217.9688) x 218 x 103 + (1260.24 - 578.0278) x 185.8 x 103 +

(2773.82 - 1260.24) x 185.8 x 103 + (3437.357 – 2773.82) x 185.8 x 103

= 607.437 GJ/ h

Qin LP = (d -> e) + (e -> f ) + (f -> g)

= (he – hd) xFCd + (hf – he) xFfg + (hg – hf) xFfg

= (710.3333 – 570.4134) x 35.9 x 103 + (2766.7778 – 710.3333) x 35.9 x 103 +

(2877.6017 – 2766.7778) x 35.9 x 103

= 82.8281 GJ/h

Q Total = QHP + QLP

= 607.437 GJ/h + 82.8281GJ/h

= 690.265 GJ/h

= 85.83%


Recovery heat from boiler blow down:-

It is possible to produce steam from the boiler blow down using heat exchangers. So, that steam
can be added to dearator as an implement of total efficiency of steam cycle.

Establishing an external furnace for reliability:-

Page xiii
Sometimes gas turbine has to shut down because of maintenance or failures. When it happens
steam turbine also has to be shut down without any undesirable reason of it. So, we lose an
opportunity to generate 55 MW. But establishing a furnace which can produce flue gas same as
gas turbine, it is possible to generate electricity from steam turbine when gas turbine is not

Page xiv

Prepared Sample Stickers for online instruments such as Silica Analyzer, pH meter, intelligent
conductivity meter, Oxygen Analyzer


(Established by Act of Parliament No. 17 of 1969) (Established by Act of Parliament No. 17 of 1969)
Lakvijaya Power Station Lakvijaya Power Station
Narakkalliya, Norachcholai, Sri Lanka Narakkalliya, Norachcholai, Sri Lanka

Date Date

General cleaning General cleaning

Ambient (0-50) C
Calibration Calibration
Place Spare parts Place Spare parts


Equipment Name: …………………………….

Equipment Model No: ………………………...

3 months

6 months

9 months



1 Battery
2 Valve
3 Tubes

Page xv
4 Pumps

5 Calibration
6 Reagents:
1. Nitric
2. Oxalic
3. Molibdate
4. Ammonium


Equipment Name: …………………………….

Equipment Model No: ………………………... Week starting …. / …. / ….

Instruction: Check daily before each shift

 = Ok
X = Action needed

Part Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1 Battery
2 Valve
3 Tubes
4 Pumps
5 Probes
6 Display
Signature of the

Page xvi

LakVijaya Power Station was shut down on 6th of December, 2013 due to maintenance and in
that period there was a sea water leakage. The leakage was identified in condenser and it was
successfully mended. While detecting the leakage there was a sudden pH drop and Na+ increment
in Condensate Polishing Plant on 23rd of December, 2013. We were asked to identify the issue
and give solution regarding to it.


Boiler feed water used in LVPS for turbine of subcritical drum is highly treated sea water. After
steam travels through HP, IP and LP turbines, it cools and condensates. Again it feeds as boiler
feed water in a cyclic process. Before reuse condensates should be polished to remove impurities
which have the potentials to cause damages to the boilers steam generators, reactors and turbines.
As well as polishing helps to avoid dissolved suspended matters such as SiO2 and other
contaminants which cause corrosion and maintenance issues. Polishing uses ion exchange
technology to remove dissolved minerals. Addition to that the unit equipped with 3x 50%
medium pressure mixed beds each contains 500mm resin layers. When an exchange capacity of
the resin is exhausted the spent resin transferred to an external system for separation, back
washing and regeneration.


 There are cracks in condenser tubes.

 When operation is ongoing those tubes are heat up and cracks are expanded.
 Sea water (high Na+ concentration) passes through these tubes.
 Steam flow happens under the vacuum condition.
 So there is a tendency to mix sea water with steam, because of the pressure difference
(vacuum sucks sea water from tubes).
 Hence, Na+ concentration of steam condensate is increase.

Page xvii
 This condensate undergoes in polishing process to reduce undesirable matters.
 Within the polishing procedure cations such as Na+, Mg2+, K+, and Ca2+ trapped by the
cation rasin and anions such as PO43-, SO42-, Cl- trapped by the anion resin.
 When this happens cation resin releases H+ and anion resin releases OH- ions. Both of
these ions react each other and neutralize and make H2O.

 But in this issue sudden increase of Na+ (because of the leakage) makes immediate H+
releasing as follows;

R-H+ + Na+ R-Na + H+

 But, to neutralize this H+ there was no OH- ions because of the

1. Incomplete regeneration of anion resin.
2. Properties of the anion resin has been changed.
3. Resin has been lost due to previous failures.
 Therefore, this causes to pH drop from about 7 to 3.3.
 Huge amount of Na+ trapping makes the cation resin sudden saturation.
 After saturation no H+ is added to medium and it continues the 3.3 pH level.
 But, Na+ adding is continuously happening through the leakage.
 Hence, Na+ level increases.

When the polishing plant stops the pH level doesn’t change and Na+ level increase continuously.


 Sea water leakage should be identified and it should be mended (Already done).
 Cation and anion resins should be regenerate again.
 There should be sample points from regeneration vessels to check the properties of resins.
 Identify the regeneration procedure happens successfully according to the following
laboratory experiments.


Page xviii

According to the equation showed up in page 2 the equation indicates that cataion resin traps
cations while releasing H+ ions to the liquid and the anaion resin traps the anaions by releasing
OH- ions.

The following experiment will help to determine the amounts of released H+, Na+ ions and OH-
ions in two beds separately.

Apparatus and chemicals:

1. Known weight of cation resin.

2. Known weight of anion resin (The quantity of anion resin should be one and half times of
the quantity of cation resin).
3. Two samples of condensed water of volume V ml. ( The quantity of Na+ should be
4. Sufficient amount of hydrochloric acid with known concentration.
5. Sufficient amount of Sodium hydroxide solutions with known concentration.
6. pH Indicator Sample in
7. pH meter.
8. Na+ meter.
9. Burette.

Cation resin

A. Check the amount of Na+ (sodium ions) in the sample outlet

Take the difference between initial and final amount

Sample out

The trapped Na+ ion amount will be equal to the difference

Page xix

I. Take Z ml from the outlet sample

Titrate with NaOH solution
The amount of H+ in the sample can be calculated
Hence trapped total cation amount can be determined


1 : 1

Same experiment can be carried out to determine the released OH- amount from the anion resin
for that method ‘B’ should be followed. Instead of NaOH, HCl can be used.

1 : 1

Page xx
II. Measure the pH in initial sample and final sample
Hence released H+ amount can be determined


We can extend this experiment to identify the performance of the resin compared to original resin
sample under same conditions. The same procedure can be carried out using original samples of
resin. As mentioned above released H+ and OH- ion amounts are calculated. By comparison of
the results in two cases, performance of used resins can be found.


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