Introduction of Bridge Engineering

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INTRODUCTION OF BRIDGE must not deform severely or even collapse

ENGINEERING under design static or dynamic loads) and

serviceability (i.e., bridge sway that may cause
BRIDGE discomfort to the bridge users should be
•A bridge is a construction made for carrying
the road traffic or other moving loads in order • Bridge engineering theory is based upon
to pass through an obstacle or other modern mechanics (rational knowledge) and
constructions. empirical knowledge of different construction
materials and geometric structures.
•The required passage may be for
pedestrians, a road, a railway, a canal, a • Bridge engineers need to make innovative
pipeline, etc. and highly efficient use of financial resources,
construction materials, calculation, and
•Obstacle can be rivers, valleys, sea channels,
construction technologies to achieve these
and other constructions, such as bridges
themselves, buildings, railways, or roads.

•Bridges are important structures in modern

highway and railway transportation systems, BRIDGE COMPONENTS
and generally serving as lifelines in the social
infrastructure systems. Structural components of bridges are based
on parametric definitions involving deck types
and various bridge properties.

BRIDGE ENGINEERING Superstructure, Bearings, and Substructure

Bridge structures are composed of:
•Bridge engineering is a field of engineering • superstructure
(particularly a significant branch of structural • bearing
engineering) dealing with the surveying, plan, • substructure
design, analysis, construction, management, • accessories
and maintenance of bridges that support or
resist loads. 1. Superstructure
•This variety of disciplines requires • In general, the superstructure
knowledge of the science and engineering of represents the portion of a bridge
natural and man-made materials, composites, above the bearings.
metallurgy, structural mechanics, statics, • Superstructure is the part of a bridge
dynamics, statistics, probability theory, supported by the bearings, including
hydraulics, and soil science, among other deck, girder, truss, etc.
topics • The deck directly carries traffic, while
other portions of the superstructure
• Like other structural engineers, bridge bear the loads passing over it and
engineers must ensure that their designs transmit them to the substructures.
satisfy given design standard, being • In case, the deck was divided as a
responsible to structural safety (i.e., bridge separate bridge component, and the
structural members between the deck structures (like columns and piles,
and the bearings are called as bridge drilled shafts that made of wood,
superstructure. masonry, stone, concrete, and steel)
• The superstructure may only include a • Both abutments and piers are vertical
few components, such as reinforced structures used for supporting the
concrete slab in a slab bridge, loads from the bridges bearings or
• or it may include several components, directly from the superstructures and
such as the floor beams, stringers, for transmitting the load to the
trusses, and bracings in a truss bridge. foundation.
• In suspension and cable-stayed • However, the abutments refer to the
bridges, components such as supports located at beginning or end
suspension cables, hangers, stays, of bridge, while the piers are the
towers, bridge deck, and the intermediate supports.
supporting structure comprise the • Therefore, a bridge with a single span
superstructure has only abutments at both ends,
while multispan bridges also need
intermediate piers to support the
bridge superstructures.

2. Bearings 4. Accessory structures

• A bridge bearing is a component of a • Bridge accessories are structure
bridge transmitting the loads received members subordinate to the main
from the deck on to the substructure bridge structure, such as parapets,
and to allow controlled movement service ducts, and track slabs.
due to temperature variation or • Deadweight of accessory structures
seismic activity and thereby reduce shall be considered in the design, but
the stresses involved. their load carrying capacities are
• A bearing is the boundary between generally ignored.
the superstructure and the
3. Substructure
• Substructure is the portion of the
bridge below the bearing, used for
supporting the bridge superstructure
and transmits all those loads to
• In this sense, bridge substructures
include: abutments piers wing walls or
retaining walls and foundation
BRIDGE LENGTH, SPAN LENGTH, AND BRIDGE  Clearance above bridge floor is the
WIDTH space limit for carriageway and
sidewalk, which is generally specified
• The distance between centers of two
in the bridge design specification to
bearings at supports is defined as the
ensure the traffic safety (enough
span length or clear span.
height or space) above the bridge.
• The distance between the end of wing
walls at either abutments or the deck
lane length for bridges without using
abutments is defined as total bridge
length. 1. Materials of Construction
• Deck width is the sum of the 2. Span Length
carriageway width, sidewalk width, 3. Position-Movable Bridges
shoulder width, and the individual 4. Interspan Relation
elements required to make up the 5. Deck Location
desired bridge cross section. 6. Geometric Shape
• The total bridge width not only 7. Usage
includes the deck width but also the 8. Structural Form
width of the bridge accessories such as
parapets. 1. Bridge Classification by Materials of
• The lane width is determined accrdng Construction
to the bridge design codes, generally  Steel
with the minimum wid of 3.5 m.  Concrete
 Timber
 Stone
 Advanced Composite Materials
 Clearance of bridge span is generally
measured from the water surface (or - This is not suggested that only one kind of
ground, if there is no water) to the material is used exclusively to build these
undersurface of the bridge. bridges.
 The measurement from the mean
highest high water (MHHW) is the - Frequently, a combination of materials is
most conservative clearance, thus in used in bridge building. For example, a bridge
most cases the real clearance is larger may have a reinforced concrete deck and
than this value due to the lower water steel main girders, which is typically used in
surface than the highest point at highway bridge superstructures.
MHHW. - New materials such as advanced composite
 Enough clearance should be materials have also been widely used in
considered in the bridge design to bridge construction.
ensure the traffic safety under the
2. Bridge Classification by Span Length Swing Bridges
(Taly, 1997)
- In swing bridges, the girders together
with the deck can be swung about the vertical
support ring at the pier in the middle (or
abutment at the end), to allow the traffic to
In general, certain types of bridges are
suitable only for a certain range of span Small swing bridges may be pivoted
lengths. only at one end, opening like a gate, but
require substantial base structure to support
For example, a suspension bridge or a
the pivot.
cable-stayed bridge is generally used for long
spans, thus it should not be considered as an Tower Bridge (built 1886-94) crosses the River
alternative for a short-span bridge. Similarly, a Thames in London is a combined suspension
bridge type suitable for short-span bridges bridge and bascule.
(such as a type of beam bridge) should not be
Lift Bridges
used for bridges with long spans.
- In lift bridges, gantries are provided
at the piers at either end of the span.
3. Bridge Classification by Position-Movable
Both girder and the floor system are lifted by
a hydraulic arrangement to the extent
A moveable bridge is a bridge that moves required for free passage of the ship.
to allow passage usually for boats or barges.
In addition to those moveable bridges
An advantage of making bridges moveable is
mentioned above, drawbridges, folding
the lower construction cost due to the
bridges, retractable bridges, curling bridges,
absence of high piers and long approaches.
tilt bridges, and Jet bridges are also usually
 Bascule Bridges used. However, in comparison with other
 Swing Bridges bridges, the moveable bridges are generally
 Lift Bridges characterized as:

Bascule Bridges o higher inspection cost

o higher maintenance costs,
- A bascule bridge is a kind of widely
o difficult to widen in the future, and
used moveable bridge whose main girders can
o poor seismic performance
be lifted together with deck about the hinge
located at the end of the span.

Depending on the bridge width, the bascule

bridge can be designed as either single or
double leafed.
4. Bridge Classification by Interspan relatively large negative bending moment and
Relation shear forces at intermediate supporting
sections, larger girder depth than that in span
Simply Supported Bridges
center section is generally used.
- In general, the bridge is divided into
• In addition, the continuous bridge requires
several individual spans with relatively short-
only one bearing at each pier as the bearings
span length.
which can be placed at the center of piers in
Due to the maximum bending moment at comparison with two bearings for a simply
the mid span and maximum shear force at supported bridge, and the reactions at piers
girder ends, simply supported bridges are are transmitted centrally.
generally designed with constant girder
• However, the continuous bridges also have
height to simplify the design and
some disadvantages, such as the design is
more complicated because they are statically
For this type of bridge, the load carrying indeterminate.
member is simply supported at both ends.
• In the negative bending moment zone,
They are statically determinate structures concrete deck is easy to crack while the
and suitable to be constructed at bridge bottom steel girder is vulnerable to buckling.
foundations that uneven settlements are Also, large internal forces may occur due to
likely to happen. temperature variation or uneven settlement
of supports.

Continuous Bridges
Cantilever Bridges
• Continuous bridges are statically
indeterminate structures, whose spans are • The cantilever bridge is a bridge whose main
continuous over three or more supports. structures are cantilevers, which are used to
build girder bridges and truss bridges.
• In comparison with simply supported girder
bridges, the continuous bridges have been • A cantilever bridge has advantages in both
used extensively in bridge structures due to simply supported and continuous bridges, like
the benefits of higher span-to-depth ratio, they are suitable for foundation with uneven
higher stiffness ratios, reduced deflections, settlement; they can be built without false-
less expansion joints, and less vibration. works but has larger span capacity.

• In continuous bridges, the positive bending • For cantilever bridges with balanced
moment is much smaller than that in simply construction, hinges are usually provided at
supported span due to the absence of the contra flexure points of a continuous span,
negative bending at the intermediate piers; and an intermediate simply supported span
thus, they generally need smaller sections and can be suspended between two hinges.
have considerable saving compared to simply
supported bridge construction. • Due to the
• Cantilever bridges were not only built as 6. Bridge Classification by Geometric Shape
girder bridges but also widely used in truss
Straight Bridges
• If the bridge axis follows a straight line, then
it is a straight bridge.

• The bridges should be constructed in

straight to avoid the extra forces such as
torsions and to simplify the bridge design,
analysis, and construction.

Skewed Bridges

• Skewed bridges are often used in highway

design when the geometry cannot
accommodate straight bridges.

5. Bridge Classification by Deck Location • Skewed bridges are generally not preferred
and sparingly chosen due to the difficulties in
• According to the relative location between
the design.
the bridge deck and the main (load carrying)
structure, the bridge superstructures are • However, it is sometimes not possible to
classified as deck bridges, through bridges, arrange that a bridge spans square to the
and half-through bridges. feature that it crosses, particularly where it is
necessary to keep a straight alignment of a
• The bridge is defined as a deck bridge when
roadway above or below the bridge.
the deck is placed on the top of the main
structure. • On this occasion, a skew bridge is required.

• If the deck is located on the bottom of the

main structure, it is a through bridge.
Curved Bridges
• While, if the deck is located on the middle
of the main structure, it is a half-through • In comparison with a straight bridge, a
bridge. curved bridge is more difficult in both design
and construction.
• Considering the traffic, the bridges should
be built as a deck bridge if possible. • Most highway and railway bridges follow a
straight alignment, while some bridges need
• As a special case, the bridge will be to be designed as partly or wholly curved in
classified as a double deck bridge if two layers plan for different purposes.
of deck are used.
• For road bridges, like interconnected urban
vehicular overpasses, curvature is usually
required for the convenience in spatial In addition to highway and railway bridges,
arrangement. there are some other bridges designed to
carry non-vehicular traffic and loads.
• For pedestrian bridges, curvature may be
employed either for providing users a unique These bridges include pedestrian bridge,
spatial experience, to bring them into airport runway bridge, aqueduct bridge,
unattainable locations, or for esthetic pipeline bridge, and conveyor bridges.
Pedestrian bridge (or referred to as a
• Like the skew bridges, the bearing footbridge) is designed for pedestrians,
arrangements in curved bridges also need to cyclists, or animal traffic, rather than
be carefully designed. vehicular traffic.

In many cases, footbridges are both beautiful

works of art and functional as a bridge.

Airport runway bridge is built as runways for

airplanes, and its width mainly depends on
the wingspan of the aircraft, which varies
widely. The design of the airport runway
bridge depends on the weight, the landing
gear pattern, and the wingspan.

7. Bridge Classification by Usage Aqueduct bridge is a bridge constructed for

carrying water, like a viaduct that connects
A bridge can be categorized by what it is points of same height.
designed to carry, such as road traffic, rail
traffic, pedestrian, a pipeline or waterway for Pipeline bridges are designed for carrying the
barge traffic, or water transport. fluids such as water, oil, and gas when it is not
possible to run the pipeline on a conventional
According to the utility (or function), bridges bridge or under the river. A walkway may be
can be classified into highway bridges, railway equipped in a pipeline bridge for maintenance
bridges, pedestrian bridges, aqueduct bridges, purposes. But, in most cases, this is not open
pipeline bridges, airport runway bridges, for public access for security reasons.
combined bridges, etc.
In addition, a conveyor bridge is designed as
Highway bridges are designed for vehicle an automatic unit for the removal of
load, pedestrian load, and other loads. overburden and for dumping it onto the inner
spoil banks of open cut mines.
Railway bridge is built mainly for carrying
railroad traffic, either cargo or passenger. Combined bridge is designed for two or more
Road-rail bridge designed as double deck
carries both road and rail traffic In addition, temporary bridges that are used
in natural disasters (also named as emergency
bridges) and in the war (military bridges) that
can be easily assembled and then taken apart Sometimes, the beam bridges are also
in the war are also used in practice. classified into slab bridges, beam bridges, and
girder bridges.
On the contrary, the bridges used for long
periods are defined as permanent bridges. o Slab bridges refer to spans without
support below the deck
o Beam Bridges represents bridges with
8. Bridge Classification by Structural Form only longitudinal support below the
deck and;
Bridges with different structural forms have o Girder Bridges refer to bridges with
their load transfer path and suitable range of both longitudinal and transverse
application structural members under the deck
Beam bridges (also referred to as Girder Rigid-Frame Bridge (also known as Rahmen
Bridges) are the most common, inexpensive, Bridge) consists of superstructure supported
and simplest structural forms supported on vertical or slanted monolithic legs
between abutments or piers. In its most basic (columns), in which the superstructure and
form, a beam bridge is just supported at each substructure are rigidly connected to act as a
end by piers (or abutments), such as a log unit and are economical for moderate
across a creek. medium-span lengths. The use of rigid-frame
The weight of the beam and other external bridges began in Germany in the early 20th
load need to be resisted by the beam itself, century.
and the internal forces include the bending The rigid-frame bridges are superstructure-
moment and shear force. substructure integral structures with the
When subjected a positive bending moment, superstructure can be considered as a girder.
the top fibers of a beam are in compression Bridges of superstructure-substructure
(pushed together) while the bottom fibers are integral structure include braced rigid-frame
in tension (stretched). bridges, V-leg rigid-frame bridges, and
viaducts in urban areas.
This is more complex than a cable only in
tension or an arch mainly in compression. The connections between superstructure and
Therefore, only materials that can work well substructure are rigid connections which
for both tension and compression can be used transfer bending moment, axial forces, and
to build a beam bridge. shear forces. A bridge design consisting of a
rigid frame can provide significant structural
Obviously, both plain concrete and stone are benefits but can also be difficult to design and
not good materials for a beam because they construct. Moments at the center of the deck
are strong in compression, but weak in of a rigid frame bridge are smaller than the
tension. Though ancient beam bridges were corresponding moments in a simply
mainly made of wood, modern beam bridges supported deck. The connections between
can also be made iron, steel, or concrete with superstructure and substructure are rigid
the aid of prestressing. connections which transfer bending moment,
axial forces, and shear forces. A bridge design
consisting of a rigid frame can provide V-shaped rigid frame - is an efficient way to
significant structural benefits but can also be support a longer bridge where using only one
difficult to design and construct. Moments at span isn't feasible. Each v-shaped pier
the center of the deck of a rigid frame bridge supports the deck in two places while only
are smaller than the corresponding moments requiring one foundation. The bending
in a simply supported deck. moments experienced in the piers are
minimal, allowing significant reductions in the
Therefore, a much shallower cross section at
foundation size. Additionally, the effective
mid-span can be used. Additional benefits are
length of each span is shortened compared to
that less space is required for the approaches
the spans of a bridge with vertical piers.
and structural details for where the deck
bears on the abutments are not necessary. However, this system is less commonly used
in rigid frame bridges because the piers need
However, as a statically indeterminate
to be approximately centered under the
structure, the design and analysis is more
bridge. Often the bridges span over roadways
complicated than that of simply supported or
or waterways and construction of piers in
continuous bridges.
those cases can be costly and challenging.
Types of Rigid-Frame Bridges
Batter-post rigid frame bridges - are defined
1. Single span
2. V-shaped by their supports that run from the deck to
3. Batter-post the abutments at an angle. This design
supports the deck in a similar way to v-shaped
Single span rigid-frame bridges - are typically piers but differs in how the foundations must
made of reinforced concrete and are be built.
commonly used on parkways and other
roadways. The piers bear on or next to the abutments,
eliminating the need for foundations directly
This design is an efficient use of material as beneath the bridge.
the cross section at mid-span is relatively
narrow and the amount of concrete needed This is particularly advantageous when the
at the abutments is reduced. bridge crosses a river and constructing a
foundation in the water is challenging. As a
The narrow section at mid-span gives the result, either the abutments have to be made
bridge profile a slight arch shape making this larger or additional foundations must be
design particularly useful when large placed next to the abutments.
headroom is required.
Truss Bridges - is a structure of connected
The profile also makes the bridge more elements forming triangular units, and a
architecturally pleasing than a beam bridge. bridge whose load-bearing superstructure is
Rigid-frame design may be the most efficient composed of a truss is a truss bridge.
bridge type for spans between 35 and 80 feet.
If steel is used, the economic advantage Truss bridges are one of the oldest types of
extends to spans of 120 feet. modern bridges.
In order to simplify the calculation, trusses are
generally assumed as pinned connection
between adjacent truss members.

Therefore, the truss members like chords,

verticals, and diagonals act only in either
tension or compression.

For modern truss bridges, gusset plate

connections are generally used, then bending
moments and shear forces of members
should be considered for evaluating the real
performance of the truss bridges, which is
achieved by the aid of finite element

For the design point of view, however, the

pinned connection assumption is considered
for security concerns and for simplifying the
structural design and analyses.

In addition, as the axial forces (but not Arch Bridges - is a bridge shaped as an
bending moments and shear forces) are upward convex curved arch to sustain the
generally governs the stress conditions of the vertical loads. A simple arch bridge works by
members, such assumption generally will not transferring its weight and other loads
cause large errors between the real bridges partially into a horizontal thrust restrained by
and the design models. the strong abutments at either side.

According to this assumption, the truss The arch rib needs to carry bending moment,
members can be in tension, compression, or shear force, and axial force in real service
sometimes both in response to dynamic conditions. A viaduct (a long bridge) may be
loads. made from a series of arches although other
more economical structures are typically used
Owing to its simple design method and today.
efficient use of materials, a truss bridge is
economical to design and construct. For statically indeterminate arch bridges, the
internal forces will occur due to the
Short-span truss bridges are built as simply temperature variation and settlement of
supported, while the large span truss bridges supports. For this reason, if the arch bridges
are generally built as continuous truss bridges are constructed in soft soil foundations, the
or cantilever truss bridges. bridge deck is generally designed to sustain
the horizontal forces.
and they are practically suitable for spans up
to around 1000 m.

Cable-Stayed Bridge - is a structure with

several points in each span between the
towers supported upward in a slanting
direction with inclined cables and consists of Suspension Bridges - A typical suspension
main tower(s), cable-stays, and main girders. bridge is a continuous girder suspended by
suspension cables, which pass through the
In comparison with the continuous girder main towers with the aid of a special
bridges, the internal forces due to both dead structure known as a saddle, and end on big
load and live load are much smaller in cable- anchorages that hold them.
stayed bridges.
The main forces in a suspension bridge are
For mechanical point of view, a cable-stayed tension in the cables and compression in the
bridge is a statically indeterminate continuous towers.
girder with spring constraints. The cable-
stayed bridges are also highly efficient in use The deck, which is usually a truss or a box
of materials due to their structural members girder, is connected to the suspension cables
mainly works in either tension or compression by vertical suspender cables or rods, called
(axial forces). hangers, which are also in tension. The weight
is transferred by the cables to the towers,
Cable-stayed bridges have the second-longest which in turn transfer the weight to the
spanning capacity (after suspension bridges), anchorages on both ends of the bridge, then
finally to the ground.
The curve shape of the suspension cables is SELECTION OF BRIDGE TYPES
like that of arch. However, the suspension
The selection of the proper type of bridge is
cable can only sustain the tensile forces,
determined based on the results of
which is different from the compressive
forces in the arch. Also because of this, the  topographic survey
cable will never buckle and highly efficient use  geological survey
of high strength steel materials becomes  traffic survey
possible.  geotechnical survey
 hydro technical survey
The use of suspension bridges makes longer
 seismic survey and
main spans achievable than with any other
 meteorological survey
types of bridges, and they are practical for
 cost
spans up to around 2 km or even larger.
 environmental impact
 esthetics

While, the maximum span length (or spanning

capability) is generally an important factor
that should be considered for designing the
bridge superstructure since each bridge type
has its own scope of application.

Selection of the bridge superstructures is

closely related to the use of construction

Based on the materials used for

superstructure construction, the modern
bridges can be roughly divided into concrete
bridges and steel bridges, with different
structural forms.

Benefit by the high strength to weight ratio,

steel construction requires less material than
other traditional technologies and contributes
to reducing a bridges environmental impact.

The steel bridges are generally built in large

spans such as arch bridges, truss bridges,
cable-stayed bridges, and suspensions

Especially for large span bridges, as the dead

weight governs the load carry capacity of
bridges, the bridge superstructures are built For large span bridges longer than 500 m, the
in steel but not concrete. cablestayed bridge and the suspension
bridges are promising solutions. A cable-
Concrete is a brittle material, like stone, good
stayed bridge is the successor to the
in compression but weak in tension, so it is
suspension bridge for spans up to 600 m, and
vulnerable to crack under bending or twist.
the largest span of cable-stayed bridge 1104
Concrete must be reinforced with steel to
improve its ductility, naturally its emergence
follows the development of steel. However, for super bridges with span length
larger than 1000 m, a suspension bridge is still
However, for some structural forms of
the best choice.
bridges, concrete will be a perfect material to
build, such as the arch bridges whose The bridge foundation is another factor that
members are mainly under compression. may affect the selection of the bridge
Also, concrete bridges are also widely used
for short-span bridges due to the relative low When unyielding foundation is attainable for
cost and less maintenance in service stage. building the intermediate piers, then
continuous girders supported by independent
In addition, with the development of the
piers and multispan rigid frames will be good
prestressing technique, the prestressed
concrete bridges can also be built in medium
spans. When unyielding foundation is available for
building the abutments, the arch and rigid-
When unyielding foundation is attainable, the
frame bridge can be alternatives.
rigid-frame bridges and arch bridges may
provide the most economical solution for For soft foundations, other bridge types with
span length. larger spanning capacity should be selected to
avoid the intermediate piers.
For medium-span bridges, the continuous
girder bridges, the truss bridges, and the arch To sum up, each bridge type has its own
bridges can be considered as an alternative. suitable range of application and should be
considered in the selection of the bridge
The availability of the construction materials
should be considered in the selection of the
bridge superstructures.

The mechanical characteristics of each bridge

type are the determinant factor for an
appropriate span capacity. Based on the
discussion above, the simply supported
structure is statically determinate and is
simplest to design, and generally is suitable
for short-span bridges.

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