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Christian Gabriel R.

Topic 1
New Pearls

A. Introduction
Students will be required to do additional research on pearls before the
class. I will then introduce the topic by showing a short clip on how pearls
are formed. I’ll be using an appealing video that will capture the interest
of the students on the topic such as this one from Nat Geo “Formation of
a Pearl | Secret Life of Pearls” Personally, I think having them hooked with
the subject will increase their openness to the topic.

I will then ask feedback from a few students about the clip then I will
introduce the objectives:
a. Know the process of nature in creating pearls
b. Differentiate cultured and natural pearls in detail
c. Know the value of pearls and why is it necessary for you to know?

B. Questioning and breaking down the reading.

I will reiterate the reading have each part be read by the students then
presenting questions that will make them think. In the process of creation, I
will pose these questions:
“Why does the mollusk cover the grain or the parasite?”
“How do you think the color of the pearl is achieved?”
“What are other objects created nature you adore?”
In the part when the cultured pearls are introduced I will pose questions
that could trigger different perspectives on the topic:

“How would you differentiate cultured and natural pearls? Do you
agree in cultivating Pearls? Why? Why not?”
“Which one do you prefer? Natural or Cultured?”
“What other objects created by nature that humans intervened in?
Do you agree? Why? Why not?”

C. Activities

The class will be divided into three groups for discussion and processing of
their own thoughts and personal research about the topic to increase
their knowledge on the topic beyond the reading. After the discussion
each group will share to the whole class. It could be a forum type or a
short skit presentation (this may vary to what the group will prefer) as long
as they will have a talkback or Q & A portion about their discussion. The
students must tackle the purpose of why are we studying pearls and its
value to us as humans and our relationship with nature.

D. Expect more and you will achieve more.

This principle is the least I am connected with. I usually go easy on my

students. I give them time to breathe, I lessen my expectations, I lower the
bar and do it at their pace. I think I can improve on expecting more with
my students and believing that they can do better than what they deliver.
In this lesson I went the extra mile with the activities, I have them do their
own personal research on the topic to give additional information to the
class. I think it will help in broadening their learnings and raising their bars
as students as well.

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