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EL 115 – Literary Criticism

September 29, 2020
Activity 1
Mode: Asynchronous Learning

1. As depicted in figure 1 above, what kind of Science and Art is Literary Criticism?

Traditionally, art and science have been treated as two separate disciplines. Science
referred to the systematic and logical approach to discover how things in the universe
work. On the contrary, art deals with creativity and emotions. It is a form that
expresses one’s self in a diverse range of human experiences. But, when these two
terms are studied together, the impact one has on the other is visible. Art and science
are very similar. They are both creative fields that explore ideas, break boundaries,
and use a similar language. Just like the artists and scientists who work with abstract
symbols, representations for values realities, and working tools, the critiques or
literary criticism, in general, becomes a science and art through looking for patterns
that shape the whole literary form. Meaning to say, literary criticism is also
systematic. It is not just a study or an attempt to understand, evaluate, and interpret
literary piece but also an appreciation of the works of literature.
2. What is the function of the above “Idea Wheel” in Literary Criticism?

Literary criticism is an extension of this social activity of interpreting. One reader writes
down his or her views on what a particular work of literature means so that others can
respond to that interpretation. The critics’ specific purpose is to make value judgments on
work, to explain his or her interpretation, or to provide other readers with relevant historical
or biographical information. Its general-purpose is to enrich the reader’s understanding of a
literary work. And to be able to achieve these purposes, one must acknowledge the necessary
skills first. The function of the “Idea Wheel” in literary criticism is to ensure that the critics
are making a specific, arguable point and reasoning. It also guides them to produce a high-
quality judgment in criticizing literature. Thus, the Idea Wheel sums up what a literary critic
must-have. Critical or logical reasoning is one important factor in formulating fair judgments
and justifying a position. Identifying also plays a fundamental role to ensure that the
information we are using is reliable or credible. Analyzing is about looking beyond the
surface of what is said and examining assumptions and reasoning behind a perspective while
reflecting involves thinking about thinking. And lastly, evaluating allows us to reach
conclusions and make decisions while justifying them with reasons. Thus, this Idea wheel or
principles serves as a valid basis to rely on and to be able to maintain stability for the artists.
3. Explain the relationship of each idea from the viewpoint of Literary Criticism.

It starts with the work itself is placed in the center because all of the
approaches must deal with the artistic product itself. It denotes that we must focus on the
intrinsic qualities of the work and the analysis of the text in isolation. Second, the artist. This
time, he/she sees literary work as an expression of the individuality of the writer. The
relationship of the text with the author has something to do with how the artist creates the
work and what it is the artist expresses. The third is the universe. Its connection with the text
takes place on how it views literary works as an imitation, reflections of life, and
representation of the reality focusing on how it impacts the world and of human life and
character. And lastly, the audience. It distinct work as something designed to produce certain
emotional and moral responses in the readers such as aesthetic pleasure, instruction, or any
kind of emotions. It emphasizes the artistic strategies on what the author or the work of art
has/ should have that influences its readers. This viewpoint of Literary Criticism tells us the
relationship between authors, readers, texts, and the larger context, the universe, and how it is
inseparable from the others.

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