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Arenas, Rosemarie C., Ebueza, Paolo Ren V., Lasin, Glen Paolo C.,
Mendoza, Ritchelle Ann P., Tampis, Janxent Mark L.

A Thesis manuscript submitted to the Faculty of School of Computer

Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation with the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Prepared under the supervision of Ms.
Evangeline G. Pamintuan.



Record Management (RM) is the supervision and administration of digital

or paper records, regardless of format. It is a systematic administration of records

and documented information for its entire life cycle from creation/receipt,

classification, use, filing, retention, storage, to final disposition. It is the area of

office management which deals with the maintenance of records. The records

are systematically maintained to preserve for future use. Record management

also refers to the activities designed to control the life cycle of a record. The goal

of records management is to help an organization keep the necessary

documentation accessible for both business operations and complains audits.

(TechTarget, 2009 - 2016)


The study is in line with software and development theory that involves

specifying, designing, programming, documentary, testing, and bug fixing,

involved in creating and maintaining applications frameworks or other software

components. The study consist functions which the users can use conveniently

and also allowing users to capture data, process, and disseminate information in

a systematic way.

Barangay Mag - asawang Ilat Tagaytay City is currently managing and

keeping the records manually. The Barangay Nutrition Committee usually keeps

the data in a handwritten file in a folder and sort it in cabinet provided for nutrition

records. Barangay Nutrition Committee gathered the record of children age 0

months up to 18 years, for vaccination, distribution of vitamin A and iron for the

pregnant women record. Barangay Nutrition Committee is also responsible for

monitoring all the pregnant women in their barangay, giving them prenatal and

postpartum care. The Barangay Nutrition Committee is required to submit reports

regarding their activities in the City Nutrition Office of Tagaytay monthly.

The Barangay Nutrition Committee encountered several challenges in

managing the records such as, difficulties in calculating the Body Mass Index

(BMI) of the children, difficulties in managing the information of the immunized

child and its nutrition status, unsafe record keeping of prenatal and post-natal

care for the pregnant women and difficulties in generating Barangay Health

Worker and Barangay Nutrition Committee’s monthly report.

Based on the problem presented, the researchers were motivated to

develop a system for Barangay Nutrition Committee of Mag-asawang Ilat


Tagaytay City, entitled “Record Management System for Barangay Nutrition

Committee of Barangay Mag-asawang Ilat, Tagaytay City” that will help them in

calculation of the BMI of the children, easy access on infants immunization and

nutrition information, safe record keeping of prenatal and post-natal care for the

pregnant women, and a system that can generate monthly report for Barangay

Health Worker and Barangay Nutrition Scholar.

Statement of the Problem

The main problem of the study was to assist the Barangay Nutrition

Committee in keeping the record of their infant’s immunization information,

children nutrition status, providing a safe record keeping of prenatal and

postpartum care for the pregnant women in the Barangay Mag-asawang Ilat,

Tagaytay City, and to help the BHW and BNS in generating its report monthly.

Specifically, it attempted to answer the following questions:

1. How to design and develop a Record Management System for

Barangay Nutrition Committee of Mag – asawang Ilat, Tagaytay

City which will be capable of:

a. providing a BMI calculator for children 60 - 216 months;

b. providing infants immunization and nutrition information;

c. providing a safe record keeping of prenatal and postpartum care for

the pregnant women; and

d. generating report monthly.


2. How to assess the system performance, unit, acceptance, and

integration testing?

3. What is the level of conformity of the Record Management System

for Barangay Nutrition Committee of Mag – asawang Ilat, Tagaytay

City with regard to the ISO 9126 standard?

4. How to implement and deploy the Record Management System for

Barangay Nutrition Committee of Mag – asawang Ilat, Tagaytay


Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study was to develop a Record Management

System for Barangay Nutrition Committee of Mag – asawang Ilat, Tagaytay City.

Specifically, the study aimed to:

1. design and develop a Record Management System for Barangay

Nutrition Committee which is capable of:

a. providing a BMI calculation of children 60 - 216 months;

b. providing infants immunization and nutrition information;

c. providing a safe record keeping of prenatal and postpartum care for

the pregnant women; and

d. generate reports monthly.

2. test the system performance through unit, acceptance, and

integration testing.

3. evaluate the level of conformity of the Record Management System

for Barangay Nutrition Committee in order to determine if it

complies with the ISO 9126 standard.

4. prepare an implementation plan for deployment of the Record

Management System for Barangay Nutrition Committee, in order to

maximize organizational benefits.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study entitled “Record Management System for Barangay Nutrition

Committee of Barangay Mag-asawang Ilat, Tagaytay City” focused on managing

records of children’s nutrition and immunization as well as the prenatal and

postpartum care of the pregnant women of the barangay.

This study is composed of three (3) modules, account management,

record management, and the report management module. Account management

module enables the Barangay Secretary Being the Administrator to provide a

secured username and password for the barangay health worker, barangay

nutrition scholar and chairman on nutrition as users. Record management

module provides the records of data’s and information gathered by the barangay

nutrition committee such as prenatal and post-partum information, immunization

information of infants and nutritional status of the children in Barangay Mag-

asawang Ilat. Report management module provides the monthly reports needed

specifically for Barangay Nutrition Scholar and Barangay Health Worker, such as;

prenatal and post-partum information, immunization information of infants, and

the nutritional status of the children.

This study has three (3) access levels. The first level which is the

Administrator level is given to the Barangay Secretary. The Barangay Secretary

is responsible for managing the system; it includes accounts creation, as well as

updating and generating reports. The Administrator is also responsible for

managing data backup, viewing of records, history and action logs of all the

users. Then, the second access level is given to the Barangay Health Worker

and Barangay Nutrition Scholar has given the access of inputting, editing,

updating data and generates their monthly report through the system. The third

access level or the end-user level is assigned to the Chairman on Nutrition with

the privilege of viewing records.

The study is limited only to the transactions of barangay regarding the

nutrition status of children and of the pregnant women, monitor’s the information

of the immunization of the infants, giving of vitamin A, Iron, for school children.

This study does not record the vaccines counts used for immunization, records of

birth control pills or any forms of contraception and does not automatically

compute the Estimated Date of Confinement (EDC) of the pregnant woman by

inputting the Last Menstrual Period (LMP). This system is not intended for mobile

application because some actions are not functional and the interface changes

when viewing using a mobile phone.

Significance of the Study


The study entitled “Record Management System for Barangay Nutrition

Committee of barangay mag-asawang Ilat, Tagaytay City” is intended to provide

quality record management, easy viewing of records, and to produce accurate

and up-to-date data reports.

The Record Management System for Barangay Nutrition Committee of Mag-

asawang Ilat, Tagaytay City will give the following significance particularly to the


Barangay Mag-asawang Ilat Nutrition Committee: The system is a great help

by assisting them in managing the records of the immunized infants, children

nutrition information and prenatal and post-partum care for all pregnant women in

the barangay organizing and securing their data files.

Researchers: developed independent critical thinking skills as they apply their

knowledge of what have they learned from their previews experiences and

lessons, to prepare them for professional services.

Future Researcher: the ideas presented may be used as reference data in

conducting new researches or in testing validity of other related findings this will

serve them as their cross-reference that will give them a background and an

overview in terms of record management system for future research.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a

theory of research study. The theoretical framework introduces and describes the

theory that explains why the research problem under study exists.

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework of Record Management System for Barangay

Nutrition Committee of Mag – asawang Ilat, Tagaytay City

Figure 1 The users of the system have their account with a different level

of access. The Administrator has total access to the system. The system has

three interactive modules namely, account management module, record


management module, report management module. The system will use a local

network (LAN) so it can be accessed on other computer.

Account management module enables the Barangay Secretary to

provide a secured username and password for the Barangay Health Worker,

Barangay Nutrition Scholar and Chairman on Nutrition as users.

Record management module provides the records of data’s and

information gathered by the barangay nutrition committee such as prenatal and

postpartum information, immunization information of infants and nutritional status

of the children in Barangay Mag-asawang Ilat.

Report management module provides the monthly reports needed

specifically for Barangay Nutrition Scholar and Barangay Health Worker, such as;

prenatal and post-partum information, immunization information of infants, and

the nutritional status of the children.


Conceptual Model of the Study

On the basis of foregoing concepts, theories and findings of related

literature, studies and insights taken from them a conceptual model was

developed as shown below.

Figure 2. Conceptual Model of Record Management System for Barangay

Nutrition Committee of Mag – Asawang Ilat, Tagaytay City

The conceptual model, as illustrated in Figure 2 shows the different stages

of the processes involved in order to achieve the objectives of the study, the

input stage, process stage, implementation stage, and the evaluation stage.

The Input stage consists of the knowledge requirements, software

requirements, and hardware requirements in relation to the development of the


study. The knowledge requirements were made of records which satisfy the

Record Management System of Barangay Nutrition Committee of Barangay Mag

– asawang Ilat, Tagaytay City such as; prenatal and post-partum record, infant’s

immunization record, and children nutrition record. The software requirement of

the system supported the following platform of Php, xammp and notepad ++, the

system also requires Google Chrome as its browser to get the best function of

the system, and requires Windows 8.1 or higher for its operating system, while

hardware requirements are computer set or laptop and server.

In Process stage, the researchers used the Iterative Model, this model has

six (6) phases namely; Planning and Requirement Phase, Analysis and Design

Phase, Implementation Phase, Testing Phase, Evaluation Phase, Deployment

Phase. Planning and Requirement Phase is the first stage of the iterative model,

where proper planning is done by the team, the researchers went to Barangay

Mag-asawang Ilat, gathered requirements, interviewed the Barangay Nutrition

Scholar, and the Barangay Health Worker for the preparation of creating the

system. After data gathering, requirements gathering and interviews are done,

the researchers move to the second phase, the Analysis and Design Phase

where the researchers analyzed and design the flow of the system.

Implementation Phase, this is the third and the most important phase of the

iterative model where the system is created and ready to be tested. Testing

Phase, the researchers went to Barangay Mag-asawang Ilat and conducted unit,

integration and acceptance testing. In Evaluation Phase, the created system was

evaluated by 190 students, 17 IT professionals/professors, and 4 clients


according to the ISO 9126 and rated as “Very Good” using the slovins formula.

Deployment Phase, after several testing’s, thorough evaluation has done, the

system now is ready to be deployed and used by the Barangay Nutrition

Committee of Mag-asawang Ilat.

The Output stage is the developed the Record Management System for

Barangay Nutrition Committee of Mag-asawang Ilat, Tagaytay City.

The last stage of the conceptual model is the Evaluation stage, where the

developed system is evaluated systemically based on ISO 9126 standard.


Operational Definition of Terms

BCG – bacillus Calmette – Guerin vaccine, is a vaccine primarily used against

tuberculosis or leprosy.

BHW – Barangay Health Worker is one of the front-liners who provide health

care services for the barangay.

BNS - Barangay Nutrition Scholar, monitor the nutritional status of children

and/or link communities with nutrition and related service providers.

Committee – a group of people who are chosen to do a particular job or to make

decisions about something.

EDC – Estimated Date of Confinement

LMP - Last Menstrual Period

Module - any of a number of distinct but interrelated units from which a program

may be built up or into which a complex activity may be analysed.

OPV – Oral Polio Vaccine, vaccine used to prevent poliomyelitis (polio).

PENTA – pentavalent vaccine, or 5-in-1 vaccine, is a combination vaccine with

five individual vaccines conjugated into one, intended to actively protect

people from multiple diseases.

Postpartum – relating to the period of time following the birth of a child.

Prenatal – relating to pregnant women and their unborn babies.

STI – Sexually Transmitted Infection

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