Health Awareness Promotion Intrapartum Care

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Health Awareness Promotion


1. What is the main idea of the video?

 The video focuses on data, starting from the meaning of the data how to collect it
and how important the data is accurate
2. What can you learn from the video about data in intrapartum awareness promotion?
 A midwife struggling to keep with the volume of patients does her best to fill out
the birth registry like birth weight health and gestational age later the hospital
record officer collects the data in these registries which are then reported to the
district health administrator she looks at the data and seeing a high volume of
preterm infants can decide to allocate more resources like medications supplies
training or nurses she then sends the data on to the ministry of health where it is
combined with data from other facilities and decisions can be made like sending
more midwives to the clinic providing more medicine  and supplies or lobbying
the government to fix the road from a local facility to a district hospital the
ministry the packages the data and sends it to the world health organization where
birth weights neonatal mortality and pretem birth rates are compared to that of
other countries and it is this set of data that is used to determine global priorities
for action
3. What kinds of data will you use when you are asked to promote intrapartum awareness to
women in a local context?
 To carry out health promotion we must know the needy target. In addition to
using secondary data, namely data from the health office and health care services,
we may have to use primary data obtained directly from informants.
Health Awareness Promotion
Postpartum Care
The words I learned
 Further : to encourage growth ˈfərT͟Hər
 Encourage : to motivate inˈkərij
 Synthezise : to combine two or more things to produce a new
 Conducted : to lead kənˈdəktəd
 Ensure : to make sure inˈSHo͝or
 Representativness : the state or quality of being accurately representative of
 Confounder : a person who confound 
 Confound : to confuse, to mix up
 Diverse : Different, dissimilar, distinct  dəˈvərs
 Distinct : very clear, different from one another dəˈstiNG(k)t
 Involvement : the act of  involving inˈvälvmənt
 Involve : fold up 
 Suffering : a state of pain or distress ˈsəf(ə)riNG
 Reluctant : not wanting to take some action, uncertain rəˈləktənt
 Encounter : to meet inˈkoun(t)ər
 Vulnerability : the state of being weak
 Tremendous: extremly large trəˈmendəs
 Milestone : in the history of nation mīlˌstōn
 Cripples :amputation of parts of the body ˈkripəl
 Enhance : make something greater inˈhans
 Greater : from of great
 Weepy : tearfull ˈwēpē
 Onset : attack ˈänˌset
 Afflict : to cause someone pain
 Morbimortality might already be in our dictionary in a slightly different form
 Establish : To make stable or firm; to confirm əˈstabliSH
 Regarding : Concerning, respecting.rəˈɡärdiNG
 Regard : aspect; detail; manner; sense
 Intercurrence : A passing or running between; occurrence
 traverse : A route used in mountaineering, specifically rock climbing. trəˈvərs

Link video :
Health Awareness Promotion

1. Despite : contemptuous of defiance
2. Employed : used
3. Falter : unsteadiness
4. Lay : layout
5. Peer : Something that is an equal level
6. Term : limitation
7. Restriction : to limit;to confine
8. Assesed : to determine value of
9. Eligibility : the state
10. Discrepancy : an inconsistancy between fact or sentiments

1. Gap : an opening in anything made by breaking or parting
2. Robust : Evincing strenght
3. Summarize : to prepare a summary
4. Summary : an abstract or a condensed ; concise
5. Occurence : actual instance where a situation arises
6. Scope : a short version of periscope or telescope
7. Bias : inclination towards something
8. Blinding : a covering for a window to keep out light
9. Pooled :  combine or contribute with others
10. Applicable : suitable for application
11. Rely : to rest with confidence,as when fullystatisfied of the veracity
12. Irrespective: heedless, gardless
13. Desire : something or someone wished for
14. Pacifier : one of pacifies
Link :
Health Awareness Promotion

1. Family planning allows people to attain their desired number of children and
determine the spacing of pregnancies
2. WHO claimed that it is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the
treatment of infertility.
3. A large and growing body of literature explores the social and economic benefits of
women’s ability to use reliable contraception to plan whether and when to have
4. Compared to other interventions, investments in family planning have been shown to
be highly cost effective
5. It is inexpensive and the return on investment is high.
6. Family planning interventions have powerful poverty reduction effects in addition to
providing health and human rights benefits
7. The promotion of family planning in countries with high birth rates has the potential
to reduce poverty and hunger and prevent 32% of all maternal deaths and nearly 10%
of childhood deaths
8. It would also substantially contribute to the empowerment of women
9. Achievement of universal primary schooling, and long-term environmental
10. Over the last 40 years, family planning programmes have played a key part in raising
the prevalence of contraceptive practice.
11. From less than 10% to 60% and reducing fertility in developing countries from six to
about three births per woman.
12. However, in half of the 75 larger low-income and lower-middle income countries
(mainly in Africa)
13. Contraceptive practice remains low and fertility, population growth, and unmet need
for family planning are high
14. Empowering women – enabling them to plan the size and timing of their families 
15. Saving women’s lives – enabling them to avoid unwanted pregnancies; and, avoid
unsafe abortions
16. Increasing household savings
17. Increasing investment in individual children – children in smaller families are better
18. Increasing work productivity, in particular female work participation
19. Increasing the size of the labour force (demographic dividend), and, domestic savings
20. Reducing poverty, and, accelerating the demographic transition 
21. Slowing down population growth and reducing pressure on the environment and
natural resources 
22. Making progress towards a sustainable human population
23. Contraceptive use has increased in many parts of the world, especially in Asia and
Latin America
24. But continues to be low in sub-Saharan Africa.
25. An estimated 225 million women in developing countries would like to delay or stop
childbearing but are not using any method of contraception
26. Limited choice of methods
27. Limited access to contraception, particularly among young people, poorer segments of
populations, or unmarried people
28. Fear of experiencing of side-effects
29. Cultural or religious opposition
30. Poor quality of available services

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Health Awareness Promotion

1. toddler ; A quite young human being
2. slightly ; a small degree
3. protrudes ; To extend from
4. relatively ; Proportionally
5. wide : Large in scope
6. measure ; The quantity
7. decreases ; An amount by which a quantity is decreased.
8. lungs ; A biological organ that extracts oxygen from the air
9. gain : The act of gaining
10. skull : The main bone of the head
11. enormous ; Extremely large.
12. fontanels ; Alternative spelling of fontanelle.
13. fuse ; A cord that, when lit, conveys the fire to some explosive device.
14. fusion ; The act of melting or to liquify something by heating it.
15. bald ; Having no hair
16. reaches : The act of stretching or extending
17. sparser ; A large quantity or number
18. puffy ; Of or pertaining to puffs or puffiness
19. Caregivers ; A carer
20. babbles ; Idle talk
 Link :

Health Awareness Promotion

1. develop ; Commendation, thanks
2. cuddling ; A snuggle
3. Praise ; Commendation
4. secure ; To make secure (in all the above senses).
5. fussy ; Anxious or particular about petty details
6. cuddling ; A snuggle
7. alert : Attentive
8. exhaustion ; The point of complete depletion
9. caregivers ; A carer.
10. aggravation ; making worse
11. choking ; The process in which a person's airway becomes blocked
12. bites ; The act of biting
13. might ; Physical strength
14. carry ; To lift (something)
15. pediatrician ; A physician who specializes in pediatrics
16. shots ; The result of launching a projectile or bullet
17. throughout ; In every part; everywhere
18. saucers ;  A small shallow dish to hold a cup and catch drips.
19. prolonged ; Lengthy in duration
20. Shaken ; To cause (something) to move rapidly from side to side.
21. sooner ; Rather.
21. gradually ; In a gradual manner
21. dangling ; Suspended from above
21. propelling ; To cause to move
21. briefly ; In a brief manner
21. Cruise ; To sail about, especially for pleasure.
21. babbling ; form of: babble
21. chart ; To draw a chart or map
21. particular ; Specific; discrete; a part or portion of something
21. Grip ; A handle or other place to grip.

Link :
The Final Project
1) Topic of Video : Family Planning
2) Purpose of Video:
To inform you that mothers know the importance of family planning in order to
regulate pregnancy spacing
3) Targetted Audiences:
- Mothers
4) Length of the video: 1-10 minutes
5) What will you say in the introduction:
- Greeting
- The topic that I want to cover, then the purpose of the video
6) What will you say in the closing:
- I hope that this video can convey the message well
7) The points you want to address:
- advantages and disadvantages family planning
- explanation of the IUD family planning

Link final project

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