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1- Roots and plant and Skeleton in animal support them on land against the force of.
(a) Attraction (b) gravity (c) adhesion (d) cohesion
2- Membrane that bounds vacuole is called
a) tonoplast (b) protoplast (c) chloroplast (d) leucoplast
3- In terrestrial plants major mechanical stress is composed by
(a) Gravity (b) temperature (c) wind (d) Soil
4- Fibers sclrieds and vessels are three types of
(a) Chollenchyma (b) sclerenchyma (c) parenchyma (d) cambium
5- Schlerenchyma cell foundin sead coats and nut shells are the
(a) Fiber (b) vessels (c) trachieds (d) sclrieds
6- The chollenchyma cell have protoplast and nsvolly lack
(a) Secondary wall (b) primary wall (c) cell membrane (d) vacuole
7- Schlerenchymatous cells are highly lignified and found in
(a) Epidermis (b) cortex (c) pith (d) xylem
8- The group of cells usually lack secondary wall and have angular thickening
(a) Scherenchyma (b) Chollenchyma (c) Fiber (d) vessels
9- The inactive non-conducting wood is called
a) Heart wood (b) sap wood (c) cork (d) bark
10- In old trees the active conducting portion of wood is called
(a) Sap wood (b) Heart wood (c) cedar wood (d) cork
11- This type of wood is more resistant to decay and insect attack
(a) Callus (b) Heart wood (c) Heart wood (d) sap wood
12- Which of these are long , cylindrical and exist as bundle caps
(a) Scleriedes (b) vessels (c) Trachea (d) Trachieds
13- The spontaneous movement due to internal cause is
(a) Autonomic (b) Para tonic (c) Tactic (d) Tropic
29- Plant movement due to external cause
(a) Trugor (b) Tactic (c) growth (d) Para tonic
29- The forked leaflets of mimosa regain their turgity after about in minutes to
(a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) 15
16- Growth movement are of
(a) Two types (b) three types (c) four types (d) five types
17- Action of Venus fly trap is an example of
(a) Nyctinasty (b) Haptonasty (c) Hyponasty (d) Photo nasty
18- Opening of follower bid follows
(a) Photo nasty (b) Epinasty (c) Hyponasty (d) Haytonasty
19- Leaves go to sleep position, when turgor pressure decreases on lower side of
(a) Pelvis (b) Pulvinus (c) Callus (d) Pubis
20- Plant movement in response to stimulus of touch is
(a) Turgor (b) Tactic (c) photoperodism (d) Thigmo tropism
21- The hyphae of fungi show movement
(a) Thigmotropism (b) Chemotropism (d) Hydrotropism (d) Geotropism
22- The growing tip of young stem moves in zigzag fashion for the appear is:
(a) Hyponasty (b) Epinasty (c) Notation (d) Haptonasty
23- Hyponasty is caused by
(a) Auxin (b) Cytokinins (c) Gibberellins (d) Abscisic acid
24- Which one of the following has hydro skeleton?
(a) Mollusk (b) human (c) Jelly fish (d) Both A and C
25- All the changes of molting are controlled by the nervous system and the hormone:
(a) Serotonin (b) Epinephrine (c) Ecdysone (d) melanin
26- Living cells of cartilage are called:
(a) Osteoblast (b) Osteocyte (c) Chondrocyte (d) Osteoclast
27- The bone dissolving cells are:
(a) Osteoblas (b) stem cell (c) Osteocyte (d) Osteocylast
28- The one of the following is not an unpaired bone:
(a) Mandible (b) Vomer (c) Sphenoid (d) Nasal
29- Which one is not a bone of axial Skeleton?
(a) Ribs (b) Sternum (c) Pelvic (d) cranium
30- Number of Thoracic vertebrae in Thoracic region are:
(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 14
31- The fusion of four posterior vertebrae present in pelvic region form:
(a) Cervical (b) coccyx (c) Lumber (d) Sacrum
32- Human vertebral column has vertebrae.
(a) 20 (b) 23 (c) 33 (d) 37
33- Femur, Tibia and fibula are the bones of
(a) Neck (b) Skull (c) Forelimb (d) Hind limb
34- Fibro joints are found in:
(a) Skull (b) Pelvis (c) Chest (d) Pectoral girdle
35- Joints that are held together by short fibers embedded in connective tissue
(a) Fibrous Joints (b) cartilaginous joints
(c) Synovial joints (d) Hinge joints
36- The joints that allows the movement in two direction:
(a) Hinge joints (b) ball and socket joints
(c) Cartilaginous joint (d) Fibrous joint
37- A bone which connect scapula with Sternum:
(a) Humerus (b) Ischium (c) Pubis (d) Clavicle
38- The inner semi fluid present in disc is:
(a) Annulus (b) Nucleus pulposus (c) Herniation (d) Spondylosis
39- Which of the following is not a joint disease?
(a) Arthritis (b) Sciatica (c) Disc slip (d) Spondylosis
40- A condition in which palatine fail fuse the hormone:
(a) Caleft Plate (b) Microcephally (c) Cretinism (d) Myxedema
41- Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic arthritis which is a degenerative joint disease also cause by:
(a) Genetic defect (b) Hormonal defect
(c) Nutritional defect (d) Environmental
42- Rickets in children result in bowed legs and deformed:
(a) Head (b) Pelvis (c) chest (d) pectoral girdle
43- Cardiac muscles are the muscles of:
(a) Heart (b) Body (c) Blood vessel (d) Stomach
44- Which of the following is the earliest form of muscles?
(a) Cardiac muscle (b) Smooth muscle
(c) Skeleton muscle (d) alary muscle
45- The protein filament which binds to the calcium is:
(a) Astir (b) Myosin (c) Troponin (d) Tropomyosin
46- The unit of structure Z-lines is known as:
(a) Sarcolemma (b) Sarcoplasm (c) Sacromere (d) Myolemma
47- The skeletad muscles are attached with bone trough the:
(a) Ligament (b) Tendons (c) Sarcolemma (d) Myofibrils
48- The problem in which contraction of entire muscle take place and it last for just a few second to several
hours is:
(a) Tetanus (b) Tatary (c) cramp (d) Muscle Fatigue
49- Tetanus is caused by:
(a) Bacteria (b) virus (c) Fungi (d) Protests
50- A disease cause by low calcium level in the blood is:
(a) Cramp (b) Paralysis (c) Tatary (d) Tetanus
51- Cramp is also known as:
(a) Tatary (b) Titanic contraction (c) Tetanus (d) Muscle fatigue
52- What is mortality rate in developing countries due to tetanus:
(a) 35% (b) 40% (c) 45% (d) 50%
53- Muscle fatigue is caused by accumulation of:
(a) Co2 (b) Fumaric Acid (c) Lactic Acid (d) Alcohol
54- Generally each and of the entire muscle is attached to bond by bundle of collagen non elastic fibers known
(a) Tendon (b) Ligaments (c) Brachial is (d) origin
55- Bond to bone attachment is by:
(a) Tendon (b) Nerves (c) Muscle (d) Ligaments
56- Most efficient way of supporting the body is seen in:
(a) Fishes (b) Aves (c) Reptiles (d) Manimals
57- Which on of the following is Plant grades?
(a) Rabbit (b) Monkeys (c) Horses (d) Goats
58- Mammals who walk on tips of toes, modified into hooves are called:
(a) Plant grades (b) Vnguligrade (c) Digitigrades (d) Brach grade
59- Which is not unghigrade?
(a) Cat (b) Dog (c) Bear (d) Cheetah
60- Which animal shows digitigrades mode of Locomotion?
(a) Bear (b) dear (c) rabbit (d) Horse

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