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While there are many philosophical and practical connection between Yoga
and Dance, the principle of unifying opposites is essential to both system.
Practitioners of Hatha Yoga often told that the word Hatha represents the
figurative joining of the Sun (HA) and Moon (Tha), respectively masculine
and feminine energies. On a practical level this often translates as the balance
of differing qualities with in a pose, strength and flexibility, inner relaxation
and focus. With in Indian classical Dance forms this balance of masculine and
feminine is understood as the balance of Tandava and Lasya. Tandava is
associated with strong, vigorous movement and is considered the vibrant
dance of the Virile, Shiba. Its compliment, Lasya . the Dance of the Shiva’s
consort Parbati, embodies graceful, fluid movements, dances are often
classified as being Tandava or Lasya in the same way that certain Asanas or
Pranayamas are classified as heat generating or cooling. Another area where
dance and Hatha Yoga meet is in the actual Sadhana where there are many
parallels between the two arts in both of techniques and sprit (Bhaba) of the
dance. All of the Indian classical dance refers back to the Natya Sashtra text
for an elaborate classification of the form. If you thought the technique of
Asana was detailed you should peruse the Natya Sashtra. It is only described
description of the actions of the miner limbs (Angas) the head , chest, sides ,
hips , hands and feet , but also offer a detailed description of the minors limbs
(Upa Angas) including intricate movements of the eyebrows , eyeballs,
eyelids , chin and even the nose to create specific moods and effect.
Add the thumb with the ring finger.

BENEFITS – It overcomes all weakness related to the body. This finger is the
symbol of energy. It has electrical energy, this finger where ever it is touched
it increases the strength of that person in that area. That is why we apply
Tilak on this finger to our favorites. If any physically weak person applies
Tilak on his head with the sandal wood paste, he would regain his strength.
He even can increase his weight. We can enhance glow and strength with this
Mudra. To reduce negative thinking we become extrovert free and frank by
doing this mudra.

Mayura Hasta

@iàò^Ü^ûcòKûwùÂø gäòùÁøPû^ýû_âiûeòZûü û

cdêejÉü K[ôZü KeUòKû aòPlùY ûû

Put the thumb in the Ring finger


cdêeûùiý fZûdûõPgKêù^ acù^ Z[û û

@fKiýû_^ùd ffûUZòfùKhêP ûû109ûû

^\ýê\Kiý ^òùl_ gûÈaûù\ _âiò¡ùK

Gacù[ðhê ~êRýù« cdêeKebûa^ûü ûû 110 ûû

This mudra represent the meaning of peacock face, buts , creepers,

vomiting , to apply Tilak on forehead, holy epic and popularity .
The left arm’s thumb is enclosed with the finger of right hand. Left hand’s
pointer is touched with the right hand’s thumb. The rest finger’s of left hand
touched with the fingers of right hands. This can be interchange.

BENEFITS – It is beneficial for thyroidsm. It is reduced all throat related

problems. Sweetness in voice is enhance. Digestion is also improve. it reduces
all abdominal problems. It effects all the 72,000 nubs related problems .

Sankha Hastah

gòLeû«MðZûwê AZeûwêÂiwZü ûû190ûû

Z{ð^ýû dêZ @gäòÁü gvjÉü _âKúòðZü û

The left arm’s thumb is enclosed with the finger of right hand. Left hand’s
pointer is touched with the right hand’s thumb. The rest finger’s of left hand
touched with the fingers of right hands. This can be interchange.


Gvû\òhê _âùdûRýû$còZý jêbðeZû\dü ûû191ûû

This mudra represent the Conch
Small finger is touched to the thumb lightly

BENEFITS – it treats all the water related ailments, frequent urination and
over sweating.

Trisula Hasta

^òKê^dêZûwêÂK^òÂÉêZâògìkK û
Small finger is touched to the thumb lightly


aòfß_ùZâ ZâòZß~êùq ZâògìkKe BeòZü ûû165ûû

It represent the meaning of leaves of wood apple and the three rod of Trishul.
Small as well as ring finger is touched with each other and also with the
thumb. The other two finger are kept straight .

BENEFITS - it improves bigger and vitality all over the body. Individual over
comes weakness and become fit and fine. The ring finger is the symbol of
bigger. Small finger is the symbol of wisdom. It prevents youthfulnism. It
improves blood circulation. It overcomes all the problems related to life span.
It overcome vitamin deficiency and eye side problem.

Kartari Mukha Hasta

@ùi÷a Pû_ò jÉiý ZRð^ú I K^ùMÜûKû û

Ajòü _âiûeòùZ ù\ßP I Keü KðeúcêLü ûû105ûû

Small as well as ring finger is touched with each other and also with the
thumb. The other two finger are kept straight .


Èú`êiõù~ûÉê aòùgäùh aò_~ýûði_ù\$_ò aû

fêY×ù^ ^d^ûù« P ceùY ùb\aûaù^ ûû106ûû

aò\ýê\ù[ð$ù_ýKg~ýûaòeùj _Zù^Z[û û

fZûdûõ dêRýùZ ~Éê i Keü KðeúcêL ûû107ûû

This is done to gate away with loneliness, problems related to female and
male union and also represent the meaning of death, differentiation, current
slipping alone on bad, undevelopement etc.
Middle finger and touched with the upper pointer of the thumb and other two
finger are kept straight.

BENEFITS - It reduces all toxic matter . It enables to lead a vegetarian life

and you fill very fresh. It reduces all urine related disease. If this mudra is
practice for 45 min. it can released urinary bladder. It reduces piles and
other stomach problems. It keeps the teeth healthy.

Singha Mukha Hastah

c]ýcû^ûcòKûMâbýûcwêùÂû cògâòùZû ~\ò ûû142ûû

ùgùhø _âiûeòùZø ~Zâ i iòõjûiýKùeû bùaZþ û

Middle finger and touched with the upper pointer of the thumb and other two
finger are kept straight.


ùjûùc gùg MùR \bðPkù^ _\à\ûc^ò ûû143ûû

iòõjûiù^ ùa÷\ý_ûùK ùgû]ù^ iµâ~êRýùZ ûû

This mudra represent the meaning of yojna, elephant, use of bow and arrow,
face of a lion medicine and filtration.

Sit in any comfortable meditative posture. Head, neck and spine in a straight
line. Place the tip of the index finger at the root of the thumb. The tips of the
middle finger and ring finger should touch against the tip of the thumb. Place
it on the respective thighs. Close the eyes throughout the practice.

BENEFITS - Excellent practice for heart ailments. Controls the emotion.

Bhramara Hasta

c]ýcûõMêÂiõù~ûùM Z{ð^ú aKâòZ KéZòü ûû152ûû

ùgùhûü _âiûeòZû½ûùiø bâceûbò]-jÉKü û

Touch the middle finger with the thumb. Other finger remain straight


bâcùe P gêùK _ùl iûeùi ùKûKòkû\òhê ûû153ûû

bâceûLý½ jùÉû$dõ KúòðùZû beZûMùc û

It represent the birds like bee, crane, cuckoo .

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