What Is Faith?

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1. What is faith?

“Faith, itoyungbagaynatotooperohindinatinnakikitaperoinaasahannatin,
tiyaknatinnaandyan at totoo.
Pinanghahawakanmoyungisangbagaykahitnahindimoitonakikita. Tuladnatin,
Sumasampalatayatayonasapamamagitan ng kanyangsalita ay nalikhaniya ang
mundo. Alamnatintotoosiya kaya patuloytayongnaniniwalasakanya”

Related Literature

According to the bible, Hebrews 11:1 (book of Hebrews chapter eleven

verse one) “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen.” And in Hebrews 11:3 “Through faith we understand that the
worlds were formed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not
made of things which do appear.”
The bible verses above is related to Pastor Felix’s answer because he
stated that faith is something real but unseen. He also said that like us, we
believe in God even though we do not see him, and we believe that God created
the world by his Words.

2. Who is God in one’s life?

“Sa tanongna who is God in one’s life, ito ay dependesatao. Sa

isangtaonananampalataya, para sakanya ang Diyos ay Creator niya,
tagapagligtas at dapatnasinusunodniyasakanyangbuhay. Naniniwalarinna ang
Diyos ay patas at buhay, on the other hand, saisangtaohindinananampaltaya,
para sakanya ang Diyos ay
kanilangkilalasapangalanperohindinilasiyapinaniniwalaan at pinahahalaghan.”

Related Literature

As written in the bible, Romans 3:6 “God is certainly fair.” And in Matthew
22:32 “He said ‘I am the God of Abraham. I am the God of Isaac. And I am the
God of Jacob’ he is not the God of the Dead. He is the God of the Living.”
For Pastor Felix’s opinion, God in one’s life is depends on the person
whether they believes in God or not. He said that if the person believes in God,
for him/her God is the creator, savior, fair and living and also he/she follow God
in his/her lives. His answers is related to the bible verse written above, verses
Romans 3:6 and Matthew 22:32

3. Cite three things necessary for the salvation of humanity?


“Para sakaligtasan ng tao, ang unangkailangan ay ang (GOSPEL). ang gospel ay

ang kapangyarihan at kaparaanan ng Diyosnaipinrovideniya para
sataoupangsila’ymaligtas. Ang Gospel ay ang MESSAGE or the word of God.
Pangalawa ay ang MEANS ng Gospel, ang means ng salvation ay by faith, so
kapag ang tao ay nanampalatayasamabutingbalita, ang tao ay maliligtas.
Kailangan din ang Salvation ng messenger, at iyonnaman ang ginagawa ng
lingkod ng Diyos. Ipinipreachnila ang gospel para ang mabutingbalita ay
malaman ng tao. Ang pangatlo ay METHOD or pamamaraan para ang kaligtasan
ay makamit. Ang methodnasinasabi ay preaching, yung means nakaligtasan ay
ang banal naespirito ang nagbubukassaisipan ng tao. Sa tuwingipinapahayag ang
salita ng Diyos at naniwala ang taosapangako ng Diyosnakaligtasan at
kapagnanampalataya din ang tao, ibigsabihin ang kaligtasan ay dadatingsatao,
hindiitodahilsamgagawanasasabihin ng mgataona (ginawa ko ito kaya
mabutiakongtao at hindiakokatulad ng ibananagnanakaw o pumapatay)
perohindiiyon ang kaligtasan, ang kaligtasan ay sapamamagitan ng
pananampalatayanaibinigay ng Panginoonsaatin. Si Kristo ay namatay para
saatingkasalanan at kung maniniwalatayodoonnakasamayungatingkasalanandoon
ay lilinisin at patatawarintayo ng Panginoon at higitsalahatbibigyanniyatayo ng

Related Literature

In Bible, According to the book of John 1:1 “In the beginning, the word
was already there. The word was with God, and the word was God” and 1 peter
1:25 “But the word of God lasts forever”

This verse is related to Pastor Felix’s answer because he said that the
Message or the words were provide by God for the people to be saved. The
message, word or the gospel is God.

As written in the bible, book of Romans 1:16 “I want to preach because

I’m not ashamed of the good news. It is God’s power to save everyone who

Pastor Felix’s said that means of salvation is by faith and when man
believes in God they will be saved, that’s why servant of God share the Gospel to

As stated in the Bible, 1 corinthians 1:17 “God did not sent me to

baptized. He sent me to preach the gospel,he commanded me not to preach with
wisdom and fancy words. That would take all the power away from the cross of

The verse above is connected to Pastors answer because he explain that

the third things necessary for the salvation is the Method/preaching the word of
God to others. Preaching is one of God’s Command.

According to the book of Ephesians 2:8-9 “God’s grace has saved you
because of your faith in him. Your salvation doesn’t come from anything you do.
It is God’s gift.”

Pastor Felix’s said that salvation of humanity will not be based on anything
that people do something Good, salvation comes when man have faith because
salvation is given by God.

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