Methods: Participants Included Professional: Statement of Conflict of Interest: 2nd

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Evaluation of Stereo Acuity Titmus Stereo Test/Wirt Circles.


ARTICLE in Professional Baseball and

LPGA Athletes Compared to
to examine the new test for reliability and

Non-Athletes Methods: Participants included professional

baseball players (PBP; n = 265) and professional
Melissa Hunfalvay, PhD
women golfers (LPGA; n = 52), and non-
Rhonda Orr, PhD athletes (n = 107). All participants were tested
Nicholas P Murray, PhD on the RightEye Fine Depth Perception (FDP)
test and a subset (n = 20) was retested to
Claire-Marie Roberts, PhD determine reliability and internal consistency.
Statement of Conflict of Interest: 2nd,
A different subset (n = 81) was tested for
3rd and 4th authors are independent of the validity comparing the Titmus Stereo Test/Wirt
company (RightEye, LLC) with no conflicts of Circles to the RightEye FDP test. Cronbach’s
interest. All analysis and results are conducted
by the 2nd, 3rd and 4th authors. All data
Alpha, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC)
collection was conducted independently of were examined for reliability and ANOVA was
RightEye by experienced vision specialists. conducted to determine convergent validity
The first author works for RightEye as a
scientist, is blind to the analysis and follows all
as well as differences in stereo acuity between
ethical considerations during the scientific and groups.
experimental process.
Results: Results: The test was revealed to have
high reliability and validity, therefore being a
ABSTRACT good measure of stereo acuity. Furthermore,
Purpose: To investigate stereo acuity of significant differences (p<.001) between
professional athletes in an open (baseball) and athletes and non-athletes were found. Both PBP
closed (golf) skilled sport compared to non- and LPGA athletes were significantly different
athletes using a new digitized version of the from non-athletes (p<.05). No differences were
found between athlete groups.
Correspondence regarding this article should be
emailed to Melissa Hunfalvay, PhD, at melissa@ Conclusions: The RightEye FDP test is both All state­ments are the author’s personal
opinion and may not reflect the opinions of the reliable and valid and can therefore be used
College of Optometrists in Vision Development, Vision confidently as a measure of static stereo
Development & Rehabili­ tation or any institu­tion or
organization to which the authors may be affiliated.
acuity. Elite athletes in open and closed skills
Permission to use reprints of this article must be show significantly better stereo acuity than
obtained from the editor. Copyright 2017 College of non-athletes.
Optometrists in Vision Development. VDR is indexed in
the Directory of Open Access Journals. Online access is
available at Stereopsis is the perception of depth from
binocular retinal disparity.1,2 Stereo acuity,
Hunfalvay M, Orr R, Murray N, Roberts CM. Evaluation
of stereo acuity in professional baseball and LPGA is one important component of stereopsis.
athletes compared to non-athletes. Vision Dev & Stereo acuity is the smallest detectable depth
Rehab 2017;3(1):33-41.
difference that can be seen in binocular vision
and is critical to human performance as it
Keywords: athletes; fine depth perception; assists us to see in three dimensions. Stereo
visual performance; LPGA; MLB; acuity is one of the fastest visual depth cues3
Stereo acuity; Titmus 49 Stereo Test; and plays a major role in anticipation timing
Wirt Stereo Test skills such as catching a ball.4 Stereo acuity
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
has also been shown to enhance performance There may be several reasons why the
of fine motor skills such as placing beads on current body of research seems contradictory.
a needle.5 It is critical in both viewing static One reason may be the skill levels of athletes
objects (such as a golf ball placed on a tee) as for comparison.11,13 Another may be the age
well as dynamic movement (such as hitting a of the participants which ranges from children
baseball).6,7 to adults.5 Small sample sizes,12 variation
As stereo acuity is critical to human in measurement tools throughout many
performance across many different tasks, it begs experiments (e.g. Poltavski & Biberdorf,14
the question, is there evidence that athletes, used Nike SPARQ; Paulus et al.,12 used a 3D-
at the highest level of their professions, have TV) and differences between sports (Poltavski
better stereo acuity than non-athletes? If & Biberdorf,14 examined ice hockey athletes;
research can prove this point, this knowledge Paulus et al.,12 examined soccer players, Laby
may be transferred to help others achieve the et al.8 examined baseball players) likely also
same high level of stereo acuity through vision contribute to the differential findings.
training. Furthermore, it may be used as one Sports have many different requirements
possible predictor in the development of the that determine success. One way to differ­entiate
next generations of athletes. motor skills is determining if they are open
To date, research on stereo acuity levels of or closed skills. Open motor skills are those
athletes compared to non-athletes exists and that involve a nonstable and unpredictable
provides mixed conclusions. Junior baseball/ environment where an object or environmental
softball players demonstrated significantly context is in motion and where the performer
better static near stereo acuity using the determines when to begin action.15 Closed motor
Randot Stereotest than non–ball players, with skills are performed in a stable and predictable
comparable results to professional baseballers.7 environment where the performer determines
Distance stereo acuity in major league baseball when to begin the action.15 These motor skill
players exceeded that of minor league concepts are on a continuum, meaning it is rare
players.8 Dynamic stereo acuity measurements to find a skill that is 100% closed or 100% open.
would be more relevant in sports with moving However, fielding in baseball is an open skill.
targets. For example, professional baseballers Batting in baseball is also open but less open
demonstrated better dynamic stereo acuity than fielding as the pitcher controls the initiation
than inexperienced control participants.9 In of the pitch requiring the batter to respond.
golf, where static stereo acuity is important, Golf is a more closed skill than baseball as the
professional golfers showed superior stereo golfer can take their time hitting the ball and the
acuity response times, compared with amateur ball is not in motion. Stereo acuity is important
and senior counterparts.10 in both these sports. For baseball, viewing the
However, evidence to the contrary also distance of position players. For golf, precisely
exits. College baseball players showed no knowing the depth the ball is from the athlete
correlation between near and distance stereo is important to the biomechanics of the swing
acuity and batting performance.11 Static stereo path. It is unclear in the current state of research
acuity assessed between professional and if athletes at the highest levels, across varying
amateur soccer players as well as those without different motor skills, all have better stereo
a soccer background showed no differences.12 acuity compared to non-athletes. Past research
Similarly, no significant differences were has limitations in terms of great variation in ages
identified between youth elite and sub-elite within and between groups. Such variation can
soccer players in static and dynamic visual affect statistical outcomes.16 Development of
acuity or stereoscopic depth sensitivity.13 stereopsis and in-turn stereo acuity is thought
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
to begin from age 3-5 months,17 mature around
7-9 years of age18 and deteriorate from age 40
Variation in tools used to measure stereo
acuity could be another contributing factor
of equivocal results. The variety of tests
and limited information on test validity and
reliability bring into question the stimuli used
to evaluate stereopsis and therefore the results
of the studies.
To date, in the field of optometry the
Titmus Stereo Test/Wirt Stereo Test is the most
widely used, studied and accepted method of
examining stereo acuity, specifically near static
stereo acuity.20 This test has been determined
to be unbiased culturally with high testability for
all ages.20 The test is based on horizontal retinal
disparity of two images and the identification Figure 1: Titmus Stereo Test/Wirt Stereo Test booklet
of a shape that is apparently closer. The Titmus
test is a two-page design with various stimuli the RightEye database. LPGA participants
at different angles of disparity. The Wirt circles were between the ages of 18-31 years (M =
placed at each corner of a diamond pattern 24.8, SD = 3.5), professional baseball players
(repeated nine times) are situated on the upper were between the ages of 26-31 years (M =
left page (see Figure 1). 28.1, SD = 3.2) and NA participants were
The purpose of this study is to examine between the ages of 19-35 years (M = 27.1, SD
differences in static stereo acuity using a = 5.1), 53% were male (n = 57) and 47% were
digitized version of the most widely used static females (n = 50).
stereo test in optometry, the Titmus Stereo Test/ To test reliability of the digital translation
Wirt circles. Furthermore, this study examined of the Wirt dots, a small subgroup of twenty
the reliability and validity of a new digitized participants was re-tested a second time on
static stereo acuity test: the RightEye Fine Depth the RightEye Fine Depth Perception (FDP) test.
Perception test. This study includes adults only The subgroup included participants of the NA
whose development of stereo acuity should be group between the ages of 22-33 years (M =
at its peak. Additionally, this study compares 26.0, SD = 3.8), 50% were male (n = 10) and
two groups of professional athletes and non- 50% were females (n = 10).
athletes, and athletes in an open skilled sport To test validity the Stereo Fly Test (SFT)
(baseball) are compared to athletes in a closed specifically the nine Stereotest Circles (SC; see
skill sport (golf) for differences in stereo acuity. Figure 1) was used on a subgroup of 81 partici­
pants. The subgroup included participants of
METHODS the NA group (n = 40) between the ages of
Participants 20-34 years (M = 26.6, SD = 4.8), 45% were
52 Ladies Professional Golf Association male (n = 20) and 55% were females (n = 20).
(LPGA) and 265 professional baseball players The subgroup also included participants of
(PBP), approximately 40% playing in the Major the PBP group (n = 41). All were minor league
League (ML) and 107 non-athletes (NA) were athletes between the ages of 26-30 years (M =
retrospectively obtained for this study through 28.2, SD = 2.8), all were male.
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
LPGA participants were recruited as part of then asked to complete the informed consent
“The A-Team”, headed by Dr. Don Teig, and and demographic information (age, gender,
included a group of sports trained eye care skill level and years playing at a professional
professionals. PBP participants are RightEye level) in the RightEye application. Participants
clients and testing was conducted by the sport were then seated at 60cm distance from the
vision doctor for these teams. NA participants computer system before testing. They were
were recruited through advertisements placed instructed to don the 3D glasses. Then the
on the internet, social media, bulletin boards, fine depth perception test commenced. The
and via word of mouth. Testing for the NA participant read the following instructions:
group was conducted by sport vision specialists You will see 4 circles, press the arrow key
in Maryland. All testers were experienced on the keyboard that matches the circle that
sport vision specialists (e.g. optometrists, looks like it sticks out. A visual demonstration
ophthalmologists) and had received and passed and two practice trials were given to model
the RightEye training, education, and protocol appropriate behavior.
procedures prior to testing. To test reliability of the digital translation
Participants were excluded from partici­ of the Wirt dots, participants was re-tested
pation in the study if they met any of the a second time on the RightEye Fine Depth
following pre-screening conditions: neuro­logical Perception (FDP) test. To test validity the Stereo
disorders (such as concussion, traumatic brain Fly Test (SFT) specifically the nine Stereotest
injury, Parkinson’s Disease, Huntington’s Disease, Circles (SC; see Figure 1) was employed. The
cerebral palsy); vision related issues that prevented RightEye Fine Depth Perception (FDP) and
successful21,22 calibration of all 9-points (such the SFT test was conducted immediately after
as extreme tropias,23 phorias,23,24 static visual one another. Half the group was randomly
acuity of greater than 20/40,21 nystagmus,21,25 selected to be tested on the RightEye FDP
cataracts26 or eye lash impediments26); small test first and the other half on the SFT test
vessel strokes; consumption of drugs or alcohol first. Instructions outlined in the instruction
within 24 hours of testing. All subjects provided booklet were followed by each tester. This
informed consent to participate in this study in included holding the booklet straight before
accordance with IRB procedure (IRB: UMCIRB the participant to maintain the proper axis of
13-002660). polarization as well as providing good light, but
avoiding reflections on the shiny surface. The
Materials and Equipment booklet was held at sixteen inches, measured
The participants were seated in a stationary by each instructor using an extended ruler.
(non-wheeled) chair that could not be adjusted The polarized viewers (glasses) were donned
in height at a desk within a quiet, private for each test.
testing room. The participants were asked to RightEye Fine Depth Perception Test.
look at a NVIDIA 24-inch 3D Vision monitor The RightEye FDP test is similar in stimuli
and Alienware gaming system that could be presentation to the Stereo Fly Test (SFT)
adjusted in height. Participants wore NVIDIA specifically the nine Stereotest Circles (SC; see
3D Vision Glasses, and a Logitech (model Figure 1). The RightEye FDP test differs from
Y-R0017) wireless keyboard and mouse were the SC test as the 3D is computer generated
used. Participants heads were unconstrained. and is presented on monitor not in a physical
book (see Figure 2).
Testing Procedure The RightEye FDP and the SC test use stimuli
If participants passed pre-screening require­ where one of the four dots are presented with
ments and all 9-points of calibration they were crossed binocular disparity, creating the illusion
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
disparity to respond. If they respond correctly,
then the next smaller level of disparity is shown
until participants respond incorrectly. Once
they respond incorrectly the testing phase
begins at that level. For example, if a person
responds correctly in the screening phase
Figure 2: Sample of the RightEye FDP stimuli. One of the
four dots will appear to float when shown in 3D. at 800 arc seconds, the next trial shows 400
seconds. If participants respond incorrectly
that it protrudes (floats) toward the viewer. in the screening phase at 400 arc seconds,
Target disparities range from 800 to 20 seconds participants begin the testing phase at 400
of arc, and decrease as the test progresses. arc seconds. The purpose of the screening
There are 10 levels of disparity in the RightEye phase is to reduce testing time by getting
FDP 217 test (see Table 1). the participant in the general area of his/her
individual disparity threshold before requiring
Table 1: RightEye FDP levels, arc seconds and centimeters multiple correct responses at the testing phase.
(cm) of disparity Once screening is complete testing begins. In
Level # Angle of Disparity (arc seconds) testing, if the subject correctly responds to 3
1 800 of 3 or 3 of 4 stimuli then the disparity level
2 400 gets smaller. The participant sees no more
3 200
than 4 stimuli at any one level of disparity. If
4 140
they get 2 incorrect responses the stimuli show
5 100
6 80
a larger disparity. When the participant fails a
7 60 testing level, that is, the participant gets more
8 50 than one trial wrong within a level of disparity
9 40 during the testing phase, the next stimulus is
10 20 shown at the next highest disparity level, if
passed the test ends and the score reported
One dot at each level is presented in is the last passed level. Output is reported in
crossed disparity and the location of the arc seconds (800-20), levels (1-10) and distance
disparate dot is randomly selected to reduce of disparity (2.21-0.06cm).
learning or memorization effects. Stimuli are
shown for 60-seconds or less depending on Validity by Design
when the user responds on the keypad. If the Validity by design also considered “face
user responds in 10 seconds, then the test validity” or “priori validity” is concerned with
proceeds to the next stimuli. If a participant whether the test seems to measure what is
fails to respond within 60-seconds that trial is being claimed. The RightEye FDP test has
considered a failure. several validity by design elements built into
The administration of the test is conducted the test. These fall into two categories: 1. test
in three consecutive phases, each phase has stimuli, 2. test logic and flow.
independent logic: phase one is practice, Test stimuli are modeled after a standard
phase two is screening and phase three is clinical measure, the Titmus Stereo Test/Wirt
testing. In the practice phase a total of two circles. This clinical test is one of the most
practice trials are given before the screening used tests for static stereo acuity.27 Relative
phase starts. Practice trails are set at 800 and distances between dots and size of overall
400 arc seconds. During the screening phase stimuli were mathematically calculated to be
the participant have one attempt per level of representative at the 60cm distance required
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
for digitized testing. Color, contrast, and movement of the participant, left or right, rather
arc seconds (distance of disparity) were all than staying still, looking directly at the stimulus,
mathematically calculated using standard is also measured through error proofing.
conversion to a 60cm visual angle. Therefore, Should the participant move to one side or the
the RightEye FDP test stimuli were consistent other or move too close to the stimulus this
with a known, gold standard, the Titmus Stereo is recorded and will require the participant to
Test/Wirt circles making the translation from retake the test. Furthermore, the Titmus Stereo
booklet to 3D screen comparable and provide Test/Wirt circles test booklet may be tipped or
validity by design of the stimuli. Test logic and moved when held by patients during testing
flow: after careful consideration of the Titmus to gain an advantage. All such test logic and
Stereo Test/Wirt circles test and other test flow decisions enhance the RightEye FDP test’s
logic such as the Amblyopia Treatment Study validity by design, providing further confidence
(ATS) – HOTV Visual Acuity Test Protocol28 as in the accuracy of the results.
well as discussions with leaders in the field of
optometry and ophthalmology, it was decided Data Analysis
that the most effective testing protocol would Reliability was evaluated using intraclass
be the three-phase approach discussed correlation coefficients (ICC) between trials. In
above (see RightEye FDP test). Specifically addition, trial-to-trial reliability was evaluated
considering accuracy of results the three-phase with Cronbach’s Alpha (CA) and the Intraclass
logic provided the most likely consideration of: Correlation of Coefficients Standard Error
a) limited testing time to reduce the possibility of Measurement for each ICC. Alpha level
of fatigue; b) reducing the ability to guess due was set at p<0.05 for all statistical test. The
to presenting only one stimuli (25% chance of ICC indicate the relative reliability and are
guessing correctly) at each level of disparity interpreted using the following criteria ICC >
as is the case for the Titmus Stereo Test/Wirt 0.75 specifies excellent reliability and 0.40 <
circles test; c) reducing the ability to malinger ICC>.74 represents fair to good reliability.29
by controlling time, allowing the participant Convergent validity was investigated by
to have enough time (60-seconds) but not too calculating the bivariate correlation coefficient
much time to respond. The randomization of the Righteye FDP stereo acuity (sec arc) and
of the disparity was also added to reduce a SC arc seconds. Validity was also examined
learning or memorization effect which is more using the convergent findings within the
likely in the Titmus Stereo Test/Wirt circles test. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test.
When a level is incorrectly answered in the To test the difference between groups
Titmus Stereo Test/Wirt circles test the patient (LPGA, PBP and NA), a one-way ANOVA was
is asked to go back to the previous level, which used with alpha set at p = .05 as the critical level
was often answered only a few seconds earlier, of significance. Tukey’s HSD post hoc test was
and the circle of disparity has not changed. used when necessary to evaluate significant
Therefore, unless the patient has a short-term effects. Also, when necessary, violations of
memory loss it is often easily remember as the the sphericity assumption were corrected
previous level of disparity is tested within only using Greenhouse-Geisser adjustments of the
a few seconds. Error handling, such as known degrees of freedom.
location of the participant’s eyes on the screen
further enhances the confidence that the RESULTS
participant was not guessing because the eyes Table 2 shows the means and standard
can be confirmed as “on the stimuli” target devia­­tions of arc seconds for the three groups.
when the response was made. Furthermore, CA, ICC’s, and associated SEM for trial reliability
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
(Trial 1 & Trial 2) are reported (see Table 2). Discussion
The CA demonstrated reliability within an The purpose of this experiment was to
acceptable level. Calculated SEMs suggest the examine differences in stereo acuity using a
measures are capable of accurate assessment digitized version of the Titmus Stereo Test/Wirt
of stereo acuity represented in arc seconds. All circles. To provide a confidence level in the
ICC were statistically significant at the p<0.05 results the Titmus Stereo Test/Wirt circles were
level. The test-retest reliability and internal used as they are the most widely used and
consistency provides a clear indication these accepted measure of static stereo acuity. As the
are in fact measuring stereo acuity. test was translated to a digitized version using
the ATS-HOTV Visual Acuity Testing Protocol it
Table 2: Means followed by standard deviations of
groups LPGA, PBP and NA was important to test the reliability and internal
Arc Seconds
consistency of the digitized version as well as
LPGA 49.42 (25.27) validity. The translation of this standardized test
PBP 53.35 (18.43) to the 3D digitized version (RightEye FDP test)
NA 94.48 (54.84) showed strong reliability. Furthermore, internal
test consistency was examined and provided a
Table 3: Cronbach’s Alpha (CA) and Intraclass Correlation clear indication that the test measured stereo
Coefficients (ICC) acuity. Furthermore, validity results between
CA ICC the Titmus Stereo Test/Wirt circles and the
Arc Seconds .625 .456* RightEye FDP test was high, indicating that the
*p<.5 results of the new digitized version can be used
and compared accurately to the Titmus Stereo
Convergent validity via a correlation Test/Wirt circles results. These results indicate
ses revealed high positive significant
analy­­ that both the translation of the visual stimuli and
correlations between the Righteye FDP the testing logic (ATS-HOTV) provides similar
test degree of stereo acuity and the SC results to the Titmus Stereo Test/Wirt circles
test (r = .979, n = 82, p < .001). To provide and therefore subsequent analysis between
further evidence of validity, the ANOVA for groups can be considered with confidence.
the SC test (F(2, 79) = 6.01, p < .001; ω = Results between groups revealed that
.12) produced equivalent group differences athletes (LPGA and PBP) were significantly
with the Righteye FDP test. In addition, better at static stereo acuity measured by the
validity was also established by design (see RightEye FDP. However, differences between
Methods section; Validity by Design). A one- LPGA and PBP athletes were not significant.
way ANOVA was conducted to analyze the These results are consistent with past research
differences in stereo acuity between groups. by Soloman et al.9 where professional baseball
Significant effect of stereo acuity on groups athletes showed better stereo acuity than
was identified, F(2, 421) = 13.822, p < .001, inexperienced controls. It is also consistent
ω = .45. Tukey’s HSD tests showed that with past research that shows athletes who
both LPGA golfers and PBP players scored play a sport but differ significantly in skill
statistically significantly lower (p<.05) than level of that sport also show differences in
the NA group. However, stereo acuity did not their stereopsis (Laby et al.,8 baseball; Coffey
differ between the LPGA and PBP athletes. et al.,10 348 golf). These results indicate that
In addition, the one-way ANOVA for disparity it does not matter if the sport requires more
indicated significant effect for groups, F(2, open skills (baseball) or closed skills (e.g. golf).
421) = 10.483, p < .001; 324 ω = .21. Superior stereo acuity seems to be important
for different sports at the highest level.
Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017
Results also reveal less variability in static this ability should be measured against a
stereo acuity ability at the highest levels of fully developed person. Also, as children are
both golf and baseball. In other words, not only developing stereo acuity abilities they should
were the athletes significantly better than non- be measured against one another within
athletes, but the athletes were also more like one those developmental levels. As development
another. This further supports that static stereo is not linear, that is, some children develop
acuity is significantly better for elite athletes stereo acuity faster than others, longer term
irrespective of gender as the LPGA golfers were predictions about a final level of stereo
all female and the PBP were all male. acuity should be considered with great care.
Results of this study differ from past Furthermore, it would incorrect to predict a
research in soccer by Ward & Williams13 where child’s ability at a sport based on stereo acuity
no differences were found between static as a potential predictor, before full maturity
stereo acuity of youth elite and sub-elite soccer of stereo acuity is realized. Further research
players. This may be explained through human at various developmental levels of stereo
development of stereopsis. The participant acuity need to be examined. Additionally,
group in the current experiment was selected any prediction of stereo acuity for those who
based on mature stereopsis and stereo acuity18 have mature stereo acuity abilities should be
and before developmental deterioration (after considered as only one of many potential
age 40, Lee & Koo19). Ward and Williams14 factors that may contribute to success in sport.
participants included a group of children nine Examination of dynamic stereo acuity as well
years and younger. Leat et al.18 state that as distance stereo acuity and stereopsis would
stereopsis does not mature in some children provide a more complete picture of the visual
until nine years old and that development is abilities of these groups.
not linear in nature. Therefore, if changes in
development are still occurring at different CONCLUSIONS
rates it could be a confounding variable that Overall conclusions show that the RightEye
accounted for the non-significant differences FDP test is reliable, internally consistent, and
in the results found by Ward and Williams.13 valid and can therefore be used confidently as
It is also possible that the nonsignificant a measure of static stereo acuity. Elite athletes
results found by Ward and Williams13 may in open and closed skills show significantly
occur due to different sport demands between better stereo acuity than non-athletes.
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Vision Development & Rehabilitation Volume 3, Issue 1 • April 2017

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