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Name: A Sai Kiran

Roll No: 17EE10001

The voltage level at the generation/power plant is around 11-12kV and it is stepped up to 220kV
for transmission. The 220kV-132kV substation followed by 132kV-11kV and finally from 11kV-220V

India is the world's third largest producer and third largest consumer of electricity. India's electricity
sector is dominated by fossil fuels, in particular coal. The share of power generated by various sources is
as follows:
Power generation Sources

Coal : 200,284.5

Lignite : 6,120

Large Hydro: 46,059.22

MW (12.2%)

Small Hydro: 4,758.46

MW (1.3%)

Solar Power:
38,794.07 MW (10.3%)

Wind Power:
38,683.65 MW (10.3%)

Gas: 24,956.51 MW

Biomass: 10,314.56
MW (2.7%)

Nuclear: 6,780 MW

Diesel: 509.71 MW

Electrical Wiring:
Electrical wiring is an electrical installation of cabling and associated devices such as switches,
distribution boards, sockets, and light fittings in a structure. Homes typically have several kinds of home
wiring, including electrical wiring for lighting and power distribution, permanently installed and portable
appliances, telephone, heating or ventilation system control, and increasingly for home theatre and
computer networks. The power points(plugs, wall sockets etc) are installed throughout the house
wherever there is a requirement of power by any appliance.
contains specifications of various electrical wires with product codes .

The Circuit breakers used for limiting the current. Low-voltage thermal magnetic circuit
breakers are best suited for most single-family homes. They allow for electrical currents that measure
only up to 1000 amps. Medium voltage circuit breakers are used in larger buildings, such as apartment
complexes and businesses, that use up to 72,000 volts on a regular basis.

Preffered ratings for medium voltage circuit breakers

Power demand and Energy consumption at home:

The data below shows the power demand and the approximate energy consumption per day which can
then be used to calculate the energy bill charges.

List of the appliances, their power demand and energy consumed:

Name of the Power rating in No. of appliances Average No. of Total energy
appliance Watts in the house hours per day the consumption per
appliance is used day in Wh
in hours
Light Bulb 14 5 5 350
Television 135 1 6 810
Fan 32 3 7 672
Washing Machine 260 1 1/10 26
Laptop 20 1 7 140
Refrigerator 100 1 12 1200
PC monitor 14.5 1 12 174
TOTAL 3372

The total energy consumption per day is around 3372Wh . The energy consumption for a month is
nearly 101.16kWh.i.e,nearly 101units. According to the recent energy bills it is 108 units.

Slab Rate Units Amount

1-100 Rs 3.30 100 330
101-200 Rs 4.30 1 4.3
Additional Charges - 56
Total 390.3

The total amount charged as calculated is Rs390.3 which is close to

418 as charged in the energy bill.

Solar System installation:

The household requires the energy of 3.37kWh per day. Considering an inverter with 10% power losses.
The Total input energy to be supplied to the inverter is 3.74kWh per day. Considering the DoD to be 50%
then Battery energy storage for a day =7.48kWh. Assuming 10% loss at the battery the energy needed to
be supplied to the battery is 8.32kWh per day. Assuming 25% loss at the solar panel the energy required
to be generated by the panel is 11.09kWh including losses. Assuming hours of solar radiation of
5.5h/day. The power rating of the Solar panel will be 2.01kW.

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