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Business Research Methods

Final Project Report

Group Members:
-M. Hassan Khan (170141)
-Sameer Khalid (171198)
BBA – 7 (A)
Submitted to:
Mam Fakhra

Introduction: ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Research Objectives: .................................................................................................................................. 3
Theoretical Framework : ........................................................................................................................... 4
Hypothesis: .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Research Design .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Elements of Research Design ................................................................................................................. 6
1. Research Strategy: ...................................................................................................................... 6
2. Extent of Researcher Interference: ........................................................................................... 7
3. Study Setting: .............................................................................................................................. 7
4. Unit of Analysis: .......................................................................................................................... 7
5. Time Horizon: ............................................................................................................................. 7
Research Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 7
Type of Research Questions:.................................................................................................................. 7
Sampling Type: ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Quantitative Data Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 8
1. Descriptive Analysis: ...................................................................................................................... 8
2. Reliability Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 13
3. Correlation Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 17
4. Regression Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 21
Conclusion: ................................................................................................................................................ 23
Recommendations: .................................................................................................................................... 24

Social media are web-based services that gives individual the opportunity to create either a
public or semi-public profile, add a list of others with whom they share a connection and view
their list of connections and those made by others within the system. Therefore, this research
was done with the goal of investigating the impact of use of social media on students’ academic
performance in Higher educational Institutions. The independent variables includes: time
appropriateness, time duration, Nature of Usage, Health Addiction, Friend & People connection
and security/privacy problems while the dependent variable was student academic performance.
This research adopted descriptive research design. It was a cross-sectional study and the survey
method was online questionnaire that contained 24 items with a Likert Scale (Disagree-1 and 5
for Agree). The sample of 74 students from different universities was selected using convenient
sampling method. The data collected was analyzed through descriptive means and regression via

The use of social media among students has reached high levels and has affected their study time
and effected their reading and writing skills when socializing on social media as well as diverting
their attention from their studies Students spend much of their study time using social media than
in their academic activities and it has affected their academic performance. So this research was
conducted which had several objectives.

Research Objectives:
The overall objective of the research is to investigate the social media impact on academic
performance of students. Precisely :
 To investigate the impact of time appropriateness on students’ academic performance of
social media on time appropriateness.
 To investigate the impact of nature of usage on students’ academic performance.
 To investigate the impact of health addiction on students’ academic performance.
 To investigate the impact of time duration on students’ academic performance.
 To investigate the impact of friends and people connection on students’ academic
 To investigate the impact of security/privacy problems on students’ academic

Theoretical Framework :
There were 6 Independent variables and 1 Dependent variable involved.
Independent Variables : Time Appropriateness, Time Duration, Friends & People Connection,
Nature of Usage, Health Addiction, Privacy Problems
Dependent Variable : Student’s Academic Performance


Time Duration

Friends & People

Connection Student's Academic
Nature of Usage

Health Addiction

Privacy Problems

1- Theoretical Framework

Based on the research objectives, following hypothesis were developed.
H1 : There is a significant relationship between Time Appropriateness and Students’ Academic
H2: There is a significant relationship between time duration and students’ academic
H3: There is a significant relationship between friends and people connection and students’
academic performance.
H4: There is a significant relationship between nature of usage and students’ academic
H5: There is a significant relationship between health addiction and students’ academic
H6: There is a significant relationship between privacy problems and students’ academic

Research Design
Research design is a plan for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data, which has been
created to answer the research questions.
This research was designed carefully by choosing the appropriate design according the research
objectives. Decisions regarding many research elements were made which are discussed below.

Elements of Research Design

1. Research Strategy:
A research strategy is developed to set the path for achieving research goals. The research
strategy used for this research was “ Survey Research ”. The survey strategy is most commonly
used in business research, because it allows the researcher to collect quantitative and qualitative
data on various types of research questions. As the research was Descriptive, surveys were used
to collect data about people, events, & situations.
Data collection method:
Data was collected through “Questionnaires”. The questionnaire type was “Electronic &
Online Questionnaire” which was created using google forms. The survey form contained 24
closed questions. Out of 24, 3 questions were related to demographics (age, gender, educational
level) and the remaining were the targeted questions.
Measurement of Scale:
A 5-point Likert scale was used to examine how strongly subjects agree or disagree with
statements where 1=Strongly Disagree & 5=Strongly Agree

2. Extent of Researcher Interference:
The extent of interference was “Minimal Interference”. As the study was Correlational (the
impact of social media was being studied on student’s academic performance) and a correlational
study is performed in a natural environment. Only descriptive analysis was done and none of the
variables were manipulated.

3. Study Setting:
This study setting of this descriptive study was “Non-contrived” because it was done with
normal flow of events. It was also a “Field study” because no experiment was performed during
the research.

4. Unit of Analysis:
It refers to the collection of the data which has to be studied during the data analysis stage of the
research. As the objective was to study the impact of social media on student’s academic
performance, the researcher’s interest was on students. Hence the unit of analysis was

5. Time Horizon:
As it was a one-time study, the data was gathered at one point in time. So the time horizon was
“Cross-sectional” & 74 responses were collected from students in the span of one week.

Research Methodology
Quantitative method was chosen for the research. The data was collected using primary data set
through the distribution of online questionnaire by the researchers.

Type of Research Questions:

“Descriptive questions” were asked from the respondents because the researcher wanted to
describe the characteristics of the variables of interest in the situation. Descriptive study also
provides ideas for future research.

Sampling Type:
In the investigation, Convenient sampling method was used because it is not complicated,
economical and the research members (students) were readily approachable to be a part of the
sample. The sampling size was 74 students. We sent the electronic form link to the students who
were available and were willing to participate in the research.
The respondents differ from first semester students to final year students.

Quantitative Data Analysis
Quantitative data analysis was performed of the data. Following four analysis were performed
using SPSS software.
 Descriptive analysis
 Reliability analysis
 Correlational analysis
 Regression analysis

1. Descriptive Analysis:

Gender Age EL

N Valid 74 74 74

Missing 2 2 2

Mean 1.6892 1.7973 2.0000

Median 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000

Mode 2.00 2.00 2.00

Std. Deviation .49451 .49600 .33104

Range 2.00 2.00 2.00

Minimum 1.00 1.00 1.00

Maximum 3.00 3.00 3.00

From the statistics table we identified that the total number of respondents for each demographic
variable (gender, age, and education level) are 74. Out of 74, 72 are valid and 2 are the missing
As the minimum and maximum values are according to the survey data so we can say that the
above statistic table has minimum amount of error.
1) Gender:
From descriptive analysis it is shown that the range for gender lies from 1 to 3 where,
 1 as male
 2 as female
 And 3 as prefer not to say

2) Age:
From descriptive analysis it is identified that the range for age lies from 1 to 3, where
 1 as 17-20
 2 as 21-24
 3 as 25-28

3) Education Level:
From above analysis we can say that the range for EL lies from 1 to 3, where
 1 as intermediate
 2 as bachelors
 3 as masters

1. Gender:
From above analysis it is shown that the average respondents of our questionnaire were Female.
We identified this with the mode value of 2, which means we have majority proportion of
female out of 74 responses who has filled the form.

2. Age:
The average age of respondents lies from 17-24 as the mean value is 1.79(1-2 range), which
means that majority of respondents were of ages between 17-24.

3. Education level:
The average educational level of respondents 2, which means that majority were bachelor’s
students out of total 74 respondents.

1. Gender:

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Male 24 31.6 32.4 32.4

Female 49 64.5 66.2 98.6

Prefer not to say 1 1.3 1.4 100.0

Total 74 97.4 100.0

Missing System 2 2.6

Total 76 100.0

From the frequency analysis it is shown that out of 74 respondents 24 were Males, 49 were
Females, and 1 was the one who preferred not to say.
Valid percentages are:
Male : 32.4%
Female : 66.2%
Not to say : 1.4%

From the graph it is clearly

shown that we have the
average majority of female
respondents with above
60% in person out of 74.

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2. Age:

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid 17-20 18 23.7 24.3 24.3

21-24 53 69.7 71.6 95.9

25-28 3 3.9 4.1 100.0

Total 74 97.4 100.0

Missing System 2 2.6

Total 76 100.0

Out of 74 respondents, the age of 18 respondents lies within 17-20, 53 lies within 21-24, and 3
lies within 25-28
Valid percentages are:
17-20 : 24.3%
21-24 : 71.6%
25-28 : 4.1%

Bar chart shows

we have majority
proportion of age
respondents lies
between 21-24.

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3. Education level:

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Intermediate 4 5.3 5.4 5.4

Bachelors 66 86.8 89.2 94.6

Masters 4 5.3 5.4 100.0

Total 74 97.4 100.0

Missing System 2 2.6

Total 76 100.0

Out of 74 respondents, 4 were from Intermediate, 66 were from Bachelors and 4 were from
Valis percentages are:
Intermediate : 5.4%
Bachelor’s : 89.2%
Masters : 5.4%

Bar chart shows

that the majority
were bachelors
(89%) who
responded out of

12 | P a g e
2. Reliability Analysis
Reliability is also known as “Consistency”. The reliability of a measure shows the extent to
which it is without any kind of biasness and thus ensures consistent measurement across the
different items in the instrument. The consistency of the measurement was examined through
“Interitem consistency reliability test”.

Interitem Consistency Reliability Test:

This test measures the consistency of respondents’ answers to all the items in a measure. The
most prevalent test of interitem consistency reliability is Cronbach’s coefficient alpha which is
used for multipoint-scaled items. This test was run using SPSS and results of all the variables
were gathered. The higher the Cronbach coefficients, the better will be the measuring instrument
used on the research.

The results of this test are following.


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.882 2

According to the table the number of questions that were asked for the TD variable were 2. From
the summary we can see that all the values are valid no value has been excluded with 100%

For the number of questions, the value of Cronbach alpha is 0.882 that is 88.2%. As our value is
above the standard acceptable value of α, the instrument used is reliable that the questions to
determine the impact of time duration on student’s academic performance are reliable.

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Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.529 2

According to the table the number of questions that were asked for the TA variable were 2. From
the summary we can see that all the values are valid no value has been excluded with 100%

For the number of questions, the value of Cronbach alpha is 0.529 that is 53%. As standard
accepted rule of α is 0.5-0.7 which indicates the reliability of the instrument. The α value is
satisfactory in this case considering the reliability of other instruments. So the instrument used is
reliable that the questions to determine the impact of time appropriateness on student’s academic
performance are reliable.


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.662 5

According to the table the number of questions that were asked for the FAPC variable were 5.
From the summary we can see that all the values are valid no value has been excluded with
100% validity.

For the number of questions, the value of Cronbach alpha is 0.662 that is 66.2%. As our α value
is close to 0.7 which is acceptable so our instrument used is reliable that the questions to
determine the impact of friends & people connections on student’s academic performance are


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.605 3

14 | P a g e
According to the table the number of questions that were asked for the HA variable were 3. From
the summary we can see that all the values are valid no value has been excluded with 100%

For the number of questions, the value of Cronbach alpha is 0.605 that is 60.5%. As our α value
is close to 0.7 which is satisfactory so our instrument used is reliable that the questions to
determine the impact of health addiction on student’s academic performance are reliable.


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.784 2

According to the table the number of questions that were asked for the NU variable were 2. From
the summary we can see that all the values are valid no value has been excluded with 100%

For the number of questions, the value of Cronbach alpha is 0.784 that is 78.4%. As our α value
is above 0.7 or 70% our instrument used is reliable that the questions to determine the impact of
nature of usage on student’s academic performance are reliable.


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.815 2

According to the table the number of questions that were asked for the SP variable were 2. From
the summary we can see that all the values are valid no value has been excluded with 100%

15 | P a g e
For the number of questions, the value of Cronbach alpha is 0.815 that is 81.5%. As our α value
is above 0.7 or 70% our instrument used is reliable that the questions to determine the impact of
privacy problems on student’s academic performance are reliable.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.863 4

According to the table the number of questions that were asked for the SAP variable were 4.
From the summary we can see that all the values are valid no value has been excluded with
100% validity.

For the number of questions, the value of Cronbach alpha is 0.863 that is 86.3%. As our α value
is above 0.7 or 70% our instrument used is reliable that the questions to determine the student’s
academic performance are reliable.

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3. Correlation Analysis
The correlation matrix shows the relationship between variables.
Correlation Matrix

TD_MEAN Pearson Correlation 1
Sig. (2-tailed)

N 74

TA_MEAN Pearson Correlation .035 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .766

N 74 74

FAPC_MEAN Pearson Correlation .215* .433** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .046 .000

N 74 74 74

HA_MEAN Pearson Correlation .003 .204* .073 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .979 .047 .539

N 74 74 74 74

NU_MEAN Pearson Correlation .264* .099 .117* .348 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .023 .402 .021 .014

N 74 74 74 74 74

SP_MEAN Pearson Correlation .525** .131 -.191 .019 .506** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .267 .104 .870 .000

N 74 74 74 74 74 74
** ** * * **
AP_MEAN Pearson Correlation .246 .758 .549 .805 .701 .766** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .031 <.001 .039 .047 <.000 .000

N 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

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From the correlation table we will look upon the significant (2-tailed) value and Pearson
correlation value.

Significant value:
If significant value < 0.05, then the relationship between variables is Significant.
If significant value > 0.05, then the relationship between variables is Insignificant.
Pearson correlation value:
It tells us about the strength of correlation.
If the correlation value < 0.4 or 40%, then the relationship is Weak.
If the correlation value is between 0.4 – 0.6, then the relationship is Moderate.
If the correlation value > 0.6 or 60%, then the relationship is Strong

From the correlation table, we have examined the following relationships of variables.

 Correlation between TD & TA

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that TD & TA are insignificantly correlated with
each other with the insignificant value of 0.766.

 Correlation between TD & FAPC

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that TD & FAPC are significantly correlated with
each other with the significant value of 0.046 and the correlation between both the variables is
weak because the correlation co-efficient is 0.21 or 21% which less than 0.4.

 Correlation between TD & HA

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that TD & HA are insignificantly correlated with
each other with the insignificant value of 0.979

 Correlation between TD & NU

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that TD & NU are significantly correlated with
each other with the significant value of 0.023 and the correlation between both the variables is
weak because the correlation co-efficient is 0.264 or 26% which less than 0.4

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 Correlation between TD & SP
From the correlation table, we have analyzed that TD & SP are significantly correlated with each
other with the significant value of 0.001 and the correlation between both the variables is
moderate because the correlation co-efficient is 0.525 or 52%.

 Correlation between TD & AP

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that TD & AP are significantly correlated with each
other with the significant value of 0.031 and the correlation between both the variables is weak
because the correlation co-efficient is 0.246 or 24%.

 Correlation between TA & FAPC

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that TD & FAPC are significantly correlated with
each other with the significant value of 0.001 and the correlation between both the variables is
moderate because the correlation co-efficient is 0.433 or 43%.

 Correlation between TA & HA

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that TD & HA are significantly correlated with
each other with the significant value of 0.047 and the correlation between both the variables is
weak because the correlation co-efficient is 0.204 or 20%.

 Correlation between TA & NU

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that TD & NU are insignificantly correlated with
each other with the insignificant value of 0.402.

 Correlation between TA & SP

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that TA & SP are insignificantly correlated with
each other with the significant value of 0.267.

 Correlation between TA & AP

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that TA & AP are significantly correlated with each
other with the significant value less than 0.001 and the correlation between both the variables is
strong because the correlation co-efficient is 0.758 or 76%.

 Correlation between FAPC & HA

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that FAPC & HA are insignificantly correlated
with each other with the insignificant value of 0.539.

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 Correlation between FAPC & NU
From the correlation table, we have analyzed that FAPC & NU are significantly correlated with
each other with the significant value of 0.021 and the correlation between both the variables is
weak because the correlation co-efficient is 0.117 or 12%.

 Correlation between FAPC & SP

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that FAPC & SP are insignificantly correlated with
each other with the significant value of 0.104.

 Correlation between FAPC & AP

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that FAPC & AP are significantly correlated with
each other with the significant value of 0.039 and the correlation between both the variables is
moderate because the correlation co-efficient is 0.549 or 55%.

 Correlation between HA & NU

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that HA & NU are significantly correlated with
each other with the significant value of 0.014 and the correlation between both the variables is
weak because the correlation co-efficient is 0.348 or 35%.

 Correlation between HA & SP

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that HA & SP are insignificantly correlated with
each other with the significant value of 0.870.

 Correlation between HA & AP

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that HA & AP are significantly correlated with
each other with the significant value of 0.047 and the correlation between both the variables is
strong because the correlation co-efficient is 0.805 or 80%.

 Correlation between NU & SP

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that NU & SP are significantly correlated with each
other with the significant value of less than 0.001 and the correlation between both the variables
is moderate because the correlation co-efficient is 0.506 or 50%.

 Correlation between NU & AP

From the correlation table, we have analyzed that NU & AP are significantly correlated with
each other with the significant value of less than 0.001 and the correlation between both the
variables is strong because the correlation co-efficient is 0.701 or 70%.

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 Correlation between SP & AP
From the correlation table, we have analyzed that TD & SP are significantly correlated with each
other with the significant value of less than 0.001 and the correlation between both the variables
is strong because the correlation co-efficient is 0.766 or 76%.

4. Regression Analysis
Regression Analysis tells that whether the Independent variable is causing any change in the
Dependent variable or not. If yes, then how much the change is caused by the dependent

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .885 .783 .764 .43488
a. Predictors: (Constant), SP_MEAN, HA_MEAN, TA_MEAN,

 The model summary table identifies then change in DV due to IV’s. From the table, it can
be assessed that the R-square value of our regression model is 0.783 or 78% which
means that 78% Variance in DV’s is caused by the IV’s.
 R-square value also shows that the variables are Strongly positively correlated to each

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 45.827 6 7.638 40.386 <.001b
Residual 12.671 67 .189
Total 58.497 73
a. Dependent Variable: AP_MEAN
b. Predictors: (Constant), SP_MEAN, HA_MEAN, TA_MEAN, FAPC_MEAN, TD_MEAN,

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ANOVA table is used to check the fitness of your model that how fit your model is.


If ANOVA < 0.05, then the model is fit

If ANOVA > 0.05, then the model is not fit

 From the ANOVA table, we can say that our model is Fit as the Significance value of our
model is less than 0.001.

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .409 .401 1.020 .311
TD_MEAN .040 .056 .048 .707 .482
TA_MEAN -.431 .066 -.030 -.472 .039
FAPC_MEAN -.046 .084 -.037 -.550 .584
HA_MEAN .120 .059 -.117 -2.039 .045
NU_MEAN .623 .083 .511 7.463 <.001
SP_MEAN .411 .067 .474 6.155 <.001
a. Dependent Variable: AP_MEAN

Co-efficient table tells us about the significance of each variable and also the strength of their


If significance value < 0.05, then the variable will be used for analysis
If significance > 0.05, then the variable will not be used for the analysis

From the Co-efficient table, we can assess that the Variables TA, HA,NU & SP are
significant as their significance value is less than 0.05 and they can be used for
further analysis.
The Unstandardized (B) value tells us about the strength of the significance of

22 | P a g e
 Time Appropriateness is significant variable with the significance value of
0.039 and it is causing 43% change on student’s academic performance.
 Health Addiction is significant variable with the significance value of 0.045
and it is causing 12% change on student’s academic performance
 Nature of Usage is significant variable with the significance value of less
than 0.001 and it is causing 62% change on student’s academic performance
 Security Problems is significant variable with the significance value of less
than 0.001 and it is causing 41% change on student’s academic performance

It is concluded that social media platforms has a significant impact on students’ academic
performance in tertiary institutions. Among the six variables used in this research, Time
Appropriateness, Nature of Usage and Security Problems has a stronger significant impact on
students’ academic performance. This might be because time management plays an important
role in defining the success or failure of an individual. Thus students who mis-manages his time
can easily be a victim of the negative impact of social media platforms. Similarly, Nature of
Usage also impacts the student’s academic performance because students now have a variety of
options on social media from where they can get help regarding their academics. They can join
academic forums, educational groups on social media to improve their academic performance.
Also, Health Addiction also effects because students tends to skip their meals which has a health
impact on them. Finally, Security problems also effects the student’s academic performance
because due to excess usage of social media, students now are more concerned regarding the
privacy of their social media platforms and if they show carelessness in this regard it can stress
them which will ultimately affect their academic performance. This was proved form Regression

23 | P a g e
I would like to give the following recommendations based on the analysis that how we can
improve the impact of social media on student’s academic performance.
 Time Appropriateness is causing 43% impact on student’s academic performance so if
universities and colleges in educate their students to effectively manage their time to use
social media and keep a balance between their social and academic life, it can have a
positive impact on their academic performance.
 Nature of Usage is causing 62% impact on student’s academic performance. If students
spend their time on social media sensibly and remain associated with knowledge forums
and groups which help them in solving their academic problems, it will greatly put a
positive impact on their academic performance. Instructors can also help in this regard by
giving them assignments which students have to do with the help of social media.
 Security Problems are causing 41% impact on student’s academic performance.
Universities can arrange some seminars to guide students about the safe use of the social
media platforms.

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