21 Century Literature of The Philippines and The World

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21st Century Literature of the Philippines and the World

Second Semester
AY 2017-2018

Direction:. Write True if the statement is correct and false if it wrong.

1. The word literature is derived from the Latin term litera which means letter.

2. We can appreciate something that we do not understand through literature.

3. Our written literature, which is about four hundred years old, is one of slow

and evolutionary growth.

4. Myth involves reference to one/two images that symbolize the characteristics of an unknown object
that is to be guessed.

5. The Colonial literature is literature of a formative past by the various groups of people who inhabited
the archipelago.

6. Novels are short poems that have been customarily been used as laws or rules on good behavior by
our ancestors.

7. Literature isn’t part of history.

8. Short story is a long narrative divided into chapters and events are taken from true-to-life stories.

9. Short story is an epic poem involving one or more characters, one plot and one single impression.

10. Legends are fictitious narratives, usually about origins.

11. Literature and history are closely interrelated.

12. Literature as an art is the creation of individuals and it is experienced by individuals.

13. Writers are people with visionary or prophetic insight into human life.

14. Wherever there are people there will be a literature.

15. Literature comes from human interest in telling a story, in arranging words in artistic forms, and in
describing in words some aspects of our human experiences.

II. Identify what is being describe. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

16. It is passed down from generation to generation, it becomes part of the

tradition of the community.

A. Folktale B. Riddles C. Chants D. Sayings

17. Story told to explain belief a practice or a natural phenomenon.

A. Tanaga B. Myth C. Epic D. Chants

18. This story is presented as history but unlikely to be true.

A. Epic B. Sayings C. Folktale D. Legend

19. A short musical passage in two or more more phrases used for singing

unmetrical words.

A. Riddle B. Myth C. Chants D. Sayings

20. It is a statement question that has a double meaning.

A. Epic B. Riddle C. Folktale D. Chants

21. A statement that gives advice and information about human life and


A. Salawikain B. Bugtong C. Novel D. Legend

22. It is a long narrative poem which usually related to heroic deeds of the

character of unusual courage and bravery.

A. Epic B. Legend C. Myth D. Chants

23. It is a short poetic forms that is consist of four lines and seven syllables.

A. Bugtong B. Tanaga C. Sawikain D. Tanaga

24. A long written story about imaginary characters and events.

A. Drama B. Epic C. Poem D. Novel

25. It is a sacred song or hymn.

A. Psalm B. Sayings C. Drama D. Prose

III. Identify the kind of literature of the following passages and titles.

__________________ 26. Labaw Donggon

___________________ 27. The Gods and the Goddesses (Ilokos)

___________________ 28. Bakas ng Kahapon

__________________ 29. Tabi, tabi po Ingkong Makikiran po lamang.”

__________________ 30. The Passion

__________________ 31. Dadansoy ( Visaya)

__________________ 32. Noli Me Tangere

III. Read the selection carefully and filled the following spaces up to provide the story a relatively brief

Why the Sun Shines More Brightly Than the Moon

Long, long ago there lived a fairy with two very beautiful daughters. Araw, the older daughter, was very
amiable and had a kind disposition; Buwan, unlike her sister, was dishonest, cruel, and harsh. She was
always finding fault with Araw. One night, when the fairy came home from her nocturnal rambles and
saw Buwan badly maltreating her elder sister, she asked God for help against her unruly daughter.
Before this time, God had prepa red very valuable gifts for the two sisters. These gifts were two
enormous diamonds that could light the whole universe. When God heard the prayer of the fairy, he
descended to Earth disguised as a beggar. Upon learning for himself how bad-tempered Buwan was and
how sweet and kind-hearted Araw was, God gave the older sister her diamond as a reward. Buwan was
greatly angered by this favoritism on the part of the Almighty, so she went to the heavenly kingdom and
stole one of God's diamonds. Then she returned to earth with the precious stone, but there she found
that were jewel was not as brilliant as Araw's. When God went back to heaven and learned what Buwan
had done, he sent two angels to punish her. But the angels abused their commission; they seized both
sisters and hurled them into the sea. They they threw the two stones upward into the sky and there
they stuck. But Araw's diamond was bigger and brighter than the one Buwan stole. Thereafter, the
bigger jewel was called Araw ("day" or "sun") and the smaller one, Buwan ("moon").

33. What is the setting of the story?

34. Who are the characters? (Characterize each)

35. Why the sun and the moon shine at different times of the day?

36. Why the sun shines more brightly than the moon?

37. Why there are spots on the face of the moon, and the sun?

38. What the origin of the stars?

39. Write the summary in 3 sentences.

40. What is the central motif of the myth? (1 sentence only)

IV. Enumerate the following. (Use another sheet of paper if necessary).

1. Genres of Literature:

2. Give the types or examples of the said each Genre:

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