POL SCI 202 First Midterm Review Sheet AU 20

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POL SCI 202 First Midterm Review Sheet

You will asked to be choose from among the questions taken from this list. Please follow the
directions on the exam carefully! The exam will be made available Tuesday, October 27 at 6 PM
and is due Wednesday, October 28 at 6PM. The exam is not designed to take a full day to
complete; the estimated time for the typical student is 90 minutes – 2 hours. There will also be a
strictly enforced total page limit.
 According to Federalist #46, how do states and the people check the power of the federal
 What does Julia Azari mean by “democratic values” as opposed to “norms?” How can
these lessons be applied to the contested election of 1800?
 What were the Articles of Confederation? Why did they ultimately fail as a system of
 Briefly describe the “Virginia Plan.” Why did some members of the constitutional
convention object and what was their primary response?
 Name and briefly describe at least four of the “5 principles of politics” found in Lowi et
al, giving a short example for each.
Pp pg 3
 Explain the concept of “checks and balances.” How is the Constitution designed to limit
power? Why was Madison skeptical of “parchment rights” as a check?
PP Pg 93
 According to Charles Beard, what was the primary motivation for the creation of the
 Describe Rogers Smith’s “multiple traditions” thesis.
 According to Federalist Paper #15, what are the main flaws in the Article of
Confederation and multiple sovereignties? Why did Hamilton think that US needed a new
form of government? 
 What are the four major historical stages of federalism?
 Identify and explain the three theories on voters’ behavior from Louis Menand’s essay.
 Briefly explain the difference between a plurality (or “first-past-the-post”) electoral
system and an electoral system based on proportional representation. Why are multi-party
systems less likely in the former?
 Briefly summarize what you consider the best arguments for and against the Electoral
 What are some of the factors that can lead to decreased turnout in elections?

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