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Design Review Report

Project Number: 39674

August 2008

Kyrgyz Republic: CAREC Transport Corridor I

(Bishkek–Torugart Road) Project

Prepared by Almaz Turgunbaev

For the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Kyrgyz Republic

This consultant’s report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and
ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its contents. (For project preparatory technical
assistance: All the views expressed herein may not be incorporated into the proposed project’s design.)


1. Introduction………………………………………………...1

Project Road Map………………………………………………………………..2

2. Design Review........................................................................3

2.1. Previous Studies, Recommendations and Designs..……………………3

2.2 Detailed Technical Design Review………………………………………8

2.3 Field Survey……………………………………………………………..16

2.3.1 Existing Road Condition……………………………………………….16

2.3.2 Soil Investigation………………………………………………………..18

2.3.3 Axle Load Survey……………………………………………………….19

3. Cost Estimate……………………………………………...19

4. Conclusions and Recommendations……………………..20

Attachment 1. Terms Of Reference

Attachment 2. Typical Cross-Sections

Attachment 3. Pavement Box Design

Attachment 4. Soils Investigation: Prospect Holes

Attachment 5. Axle Load Survey

Attachment 6 Priced Bills of Quantities

Attachment 7 Construction Specification (separately bound)


The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic has applied for a grant from Asian Development
Bank (ADB) to finance the CAREC Transport Corridor 1 (Bishkek–Torugart Road), Project
(the Project). ADB missions were fielded in May and August to prepare the Project for ADB

The Local Highway Engineer was recruited to review engineering designs prepared by the
Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) – the Executing Agency of the Project,
and assist the ADB missions in technical discussions with the MOTC and finalizing the
improvement options.

This Report was prepared by the Local Consultant as part of the tasks assigned in the Terms
of Reference (TOR) (Attachment 1).

The Design Review included review of existing reports and feasibility studies, technical
review of design drawings, prepared by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of
Kyrgyz Republic, and field survey, including visual survey, soils investigation, axle load
measurements, compliance of drawings to the real situation on site etc.

A special attention during the field survey was paid to drainage and safety measures that
might be necessary to be implemented but not considered in the design study.

Based on the review of the drawings and field survey the construction quantities were updated
and few recommendations were given.

As one of the tasks assigned, the detailed cost estimate is prepared.

The TOR for the Local Highway Engineer also prescribes to recommend the construction
specifications to be used. Technical Specifications that normally used on the recent ADB
financed Projects will be proposed to adopt for this Project as well. First of all, they do not
conflict with the National Specifications or construction techniques. Those are internationally
applicable specifications, in the mean time they are known to the local professionals, the
Ministry’s and PIU technical personnel.

Since the proposed Technical Specifications cover all aspects of road construction activities
they are in quite a big volume. Therefore, the set of Specifications as an Attachment 7 is
forwarded to the Ministry of Transport and Communication only. However, it can be
forwarded separately to ADB if so required.
TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

1. Introduction
1. The Bishkek–Torugart road is about 500 1 km long mostly two-lane national highway.
Project Map is shown in Figure 1. The Torugart post is a major border control and customs
facility between the Kyrgyz Republic and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The road
has deteriorated extensively due to poor maintenance.

2. The Bishkek–Torugart road is an important regional trade corridor that forms part of
the CAREC Transport Corridor 1, recently endorsed by the CAREC participating countries. It
is also an important historical heritage as part of the Great Silk Road that linked ancient China
to trade with the west.

3. The entire Bishkek to Torugart will be improved in three phases (projects). This
Project (Project 1) will improve 159 km of the road km 280 to km 439 and include
earthworks, pavement and drainage works, rehabilitation/reconstruction of bridges and
culverts and traffic safety measures.

Alternative route via town of Balykchi is 539 km. This alternative route is not included in the engineering
assessment but considered in the economic analysis for calculation of diverted traffic.
TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

B ishkek - N aryn - T orugart

R oad
ð .× ó
P R O JE C T 1: km 280~ km 439

K azakhstan
L eninskoe

ð .× ó







pass.D olon
H -3016ì
êå ë

P ackage 2 (km 28 0~ km 400)

pass.K yzylbel
358 H -2694ì


P ackage 1 (km 40 0~ km 439)
pass.A kbeit

pass.T uz
500 539

C hina
F igu re 1

TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

2. Design Review
2.1. Previous Studies, Recommendations and Designs

4. The review included (a) Pre-feasibility Study Report (PSR) prepared under ADB TA
6294-REG for Bishkek – Torugart – Kashi Road (2007), and (b) detailed engineering designs
prepared by MOTC for the following sections:

(i) km 234 – km 241

(ii) km 265 – km 280
(iii) km 280 – km 287
(iv) km 287 – km 302
(v) km 339 – km 343
(vi) km 358 – km 539

5. Part 1 – II, Engineering Assessment of the PSR provides description of the road
sections, road conditions, preliminary recommendations of improvement options for each
section of the Bishkek – Naryn – Torugart Road. General findings out of the review of the
PSR under TA 6294 –REG are given below.

6. The road has been divided into sections for the engineering and economic analysis.

(i) Almaty Intersection (km 9) – MOPR (km 18)

(ii) MOPR – Krasnyi River (km 35)
(iii) Krasnyi River – Chim Korgon (km 82)
(iv) Chim Korgon – Burulday Turn-off (km 103)
(v) Deviation (km 103 – 117)
(vi) End deviation – Red bridge (km 130)
(vii) Red bridge – Start Kuvaky pass (km147)
(viii) Kuvaky Pass (km147 to km173 / 214)
(ix) Kuvaky pass – Dolon Pass (km238 / 280)
(x) Dolon Pass –Char Pass (km 325 / 367)
(xi) Char Pass – End of landing strip (km 428)
(xii) End of landing strip – Torugart Pass (km 497 / 539)

a. Km 9 to km 82 (Chim Korgon)

7. The first three sections, from the Almaty intersection to Chim Korgon are part of the
Bishkek by-pass. For much of its length it is adjacent to the Chuy River.

TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

8. For the first nine kilometers the carriageway is two lanes, but the remaining are four
lanes. The international roughness index (IRI) varies between 3.6 and 6.6. The surface
condition is generally poor and ride quality is not good. The most likely reason the road has
subsided unevenly is either inadequate compaction of the base or subsequent water ingress.
Drainage in this section appears to be satisfactory, so it is likely that inadequate compaction
was the problem. The cost estimates have been prepared assuming that the pavement would
be repaired by milling the uneven surface and applying a surface course plus binder course or
surface course only to the damaged areas. A limited amount of digging out and reconstruction
has been allowed for to repair sections where the base remains weak.

9. It is proposed that the first section be widened to a four lane divided carriageway in
order whole section will then be four lanes to Kyrgyz Republic 1B standard.

b. Chim Korgon (km 82) to Boom Gorge (km 117)

10. The road is two lanes between 8.5 and 9.5m wide with 2-3m shoulders. The road
roughness varies between 4.6 and 6.2. The surface condition is generally poor with some 30%
of the pavement area damaged. As for the previous sections, the likely treatment is milling of
high spots and by repairing the damaged areas with surface course plus binder course.

11. At km 103 (Burulday Turn) trucks and buses are directed to a road on the right bank of
the river, rejoining at the beginning of the Boom gorge. Light traffic in both directions takes
the left bank route. The left bank route involves a short narrow section with poor alignment on
an escarpment above the river. There is a landslide risk with an ever-present danger of
collapse on the upper side. Ministry of Transport and Communications would therefore prefer
the right bank route to be adopted.

12. The surface condition on the right bank is poor, with 30% of the surface damaged and
some lengths where the asphalt has failed completely. The IRI is between 6 and 7.5. The
horizontal and vertical alignment is unsatisfactory. In places the super elevation is the wrong
way posing a danger to vehicles. There are some slips evident on the side slopes at km 115.
Remedial action would require improvement to the vertical alignment, milling of the existing
surface where it is uneven, and repair to damaged areas of pavement.

c. Boom Gorge (km 117) to Kuvaky Pass turn off (km 147)

13. These sections follow the Chuy river through the narrow Boom gorge. The
carriageway is two lanes and the pavement is between 8.5 and 9.5 meters wide with 2.5 m
shoulders. The IRI is around 7.5. The surface condition is generally poor with 30% of the area
damaged. From km 117 to 128 the road has poor vertical alignment. The road category is
Kyrgyz class III. At km 132 there is a length of one kilometer where falling rock makes the
road hazardous.

TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

14. The pavement needs to be repaired and uneven surfaces milled. The vertical alignment
could be improved with relatively small-scale works. If the traffic volumes increase
significantly as a result of the Project, this section may need reconstruction and the possibility
of splitting eastbound and westbound traffic on either side of the river should be investigated.

15. Options for addressing the rock-fall hazard include elevating the road on a viaduct
(thus allowing the landslide material to pass underneath) or by-passing the section in tunnel.
Both options have been costed. The viaduct option on the current alignment appears likely to
be the most cost effective solution, but this needs to be confirmed with topographical surveys
and geological testing of the alternate routes.

d. Kuvaky Pass

16. The Kuvaky Pass section is a 26 km “short cut” which cuts 42 kilometers off the
distance from Bishkek to Naryn and beyond. It involves a steep climb, particularly when
traveling north, and the road is narrow with poor alignment in parts. Currently most light
traffic uses this route. Trucks use the “main” road through Balykchi, which follows the Chuy
River on relatively flat terrain. Given the cost of this option both in terms of construction and
maintenance and vehicle operating costs, the economics of making this the main road (i.e.
upgrading it to the extent that laden heavy vehicles would choose to use it) appear doubtful.

17. The carriageway over the pass is two lanes. The width of the asphalt varies from 4m to
7m, and the shoulder width varies between 2m and 3m. The surface condition is bad, with
40% of the paved area damaged. From km162 to km173, this section has inappropriate
geometric horizontal and vertical alignment.

18. The rough surface of the pavement should be millied and an overlay applied and the
damaged area of the pavement should be repaired by binder course after milling. Improving
the horizontal and vertical alignment will improve sight distances and gradient.

19. Although substantially shorter than the “main road”, which follows the Chuy river
through Orto-Tokoi, the steep grades of the pass will make it difficult for heavy vehicles.

e. Kuvaky Pass to Dolon Pass

20. Further, towards to the top of Dolon Pass, the road runs in a generally southward
direction. There is one major town, Kochkor, which is bypassed by the project road. The road
is two lanes, generally 6.5m wide, with 2m unsealed shoulders. The IRI varies between about
6 and 13. The surface condition is mostly poor. The road through this area was substantially
upgraded in the 1980s and the alignment is generally good, but in the vicinity of the Dolon
Pass, there is a short unsealed section where horizontal and vertical alignment is poor.

21. Additional drainage is required to keep the pavement free from water, and the
alignment of a 1.5 km section near the top of the pass needs improvement. Pavement damage
can be repaired by applying a surface course plus binder or surface course. It is assumed that
the full length will be sealed.
TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

f. Dolon Pass to Char Pass

22. The road is two lanes throughout, varying between 6 and 8.5 m wide. The IRI varies
between about 7 and over 20, with the surface condition in some areas being very bad (over
50% damage). In the vicinity of the Dolon and Kyzyl-Bel passes there are sections with
inappropriate horizontal and vertical alignment. About ten kilometers are unsealed.

23. There is an unstable section four kilometers south of Naryn where the road is affected
by landslides. A substantial area of hillside above the road is liable to move and regularly
covers the road endangering traffic and incurring maintenance costs. Three options were
considered, two on the other side of the valley, and one on the present route but raising the
road on a viaduct to allow landslide material to pass underneath.

24. The damaged area of pavement should be repaired by applying a surface course and
binder course. The inappropriate geometric horizontal vertical alignment could be improved
relatively easily.

g. Char Pass to End of Landing Strip

25. From Char Pass, the road is two way, but in parts is only 5.7m wide. About 20 km is
gravel. The IRI of the paved sections varies from 6 to 13. Most of the pavement is badly
damaged and some sections have failed completely due to inadequate or blocked drainage.
There are some sections where the horizontal and vertical alignment is inadequate.

26. Long stretches of seal are have become badly rutted. It is not clear whether this is
because of failure of the base material or whether it is caused by shoving of the surface under
the pressure of heavy axles. If it is the base material that has failed, these sections may need to
be reconstructed. If the water table is close to the surface and additional drainage will be
required to prevent subsequent failure.

27. It is assumed that all the road will be sealed and the alignment will be improved in
those sections where it is inadequate. For costing purposes it has been assumed that 50% of
the damaged area will be reconstructed, while the balance will be repaired.

h. Landing Strip to Torugart Pass

28. This section swings around the end of the At Bashi range (Tyuz Bel pass), skirts
Chatyr-Kul to the Kyrgyz border post (km 492) before climbing to Torugart pass. It is all
gravel surface and is generally 7 – 8m wide. The estimated IRI is 14. There are some sections
in the vicinity of the Ak-Beyit pass, Tyuz Bel pass and Torugart pass that have inappropriate
horizontal and vertical alignment (maximum gradient 10%).

29. Some sections of road have failed completely due to poor drainage – the water table is
close to the surface. New or replacement drainage is required and minor improvements to the
geometric alignment appear warranted. It is assumed that this section will be repaired and
TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

30. Review of the detailed engineering design drawings prepared by the Ministry of
Transport and Communications is also part of the tasks of the local Highway Engineer.
General look through is given below.

31. Drawings for the different sections of the Bishkek – Naryn – Torugart Road starting
from the km 234 to the Kyrgyz border at km 539 were provided by the Ministry. The section
km 439 – km 539 was designed according to parameters of the category IV road. Other
sections are III category roads. Typical cross-sections are shown in the Attachment 2.

32. Within the section between km 234 and km 358 the design is not worked out for the
sections below:

(a) km 241 – km 265: from end of Kochkor vil. to Sary-Bulak – 24 km of length

(b) km 302 – km 339: from Ottuk village to the Naryn Bypass junction – 37 km
(c) km 343 – km 358: to the top of the Kyzyl-Bel Pass – 15 km

33. As per the agreement between ADB missions and MOTC, and because the section
around Chatyr-Kul Lake involves complex environmental issues that require preparation of
full Environmental Impact Assessment, the section from km 476 onwards was not included in
Project 1 scope.

34. The road sections from km 280 to km 439 are included in the scope of the Project 1.
Detailed designs for the following sections included in the Project 1 were not available at the
time of preparation of this report:

1. km 302 – km 339: from Ottuk village to the Naryn Bypass junction – 37 km

2. km 343 – km 358: to the top of the Kyzyl-Bel Pass – 15 km
Total - 59 km.

35. The section between km 439 and km 476 must be redesigned and upgraded to class III
road, although not include in Project 1 scope.

36. During the meeting with the Mr. Alibegashvili, Director of State Design Institute
“KyrgyzDorTransProject”, it was found out that the detailed design for the section km 280 –
km 287 (Dolon Pass) had been prepared in 1998. In principle, this design is useful, however,
some minor adjustments are required.

37. The order to prepare the detailed design for the section km 343 – km 358 had been
already issued by the Ministry of Transport and Communication. Mr. Alibegashvili assured
that the design drawings would be ready to the beginning of November 2008.

38. It was also noted that the section km 302 – km 339 could be prepared by the end of
this year, if ordered.

TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

2.2. Detailed Technical Design Review

Section km 280 – km 287 (Dolon Pass)

39. This Section is designed as Class III road with the following technical parameters:
Traffic Speed – 50 km/h
Number of Lanes – 2
Width of the lane – 3.5 m
Carriageway width – 7 m
Embankment width – 12 m
Width of shoulders – 2.5 m
Shoulder strengthening – 0.5 m
Max. longitudinal slope – 8 %
Min. curve radiuses – 20 m

40. Pavement Box is accepted as follows:

Sub-Base: Processed old asphalt added to natural 0-70 gravel material – 30 cm
Base: crushed gravel aggregates – 20 cm
Binder – 6 cm
Wearing – 5 cm

41. Design road centerline follows existing one, additional land allotment is not required.

42. Rehabilitation works include, but not limited to, the following basic items:
- widening of existing road by fill and excavation works;
- construction of new box and pipe culverts: 8 culverts in total;
- protection works, the deck repair works etc;
- river protection works by gabions and Reno mattresses;
- strengthening of ditches and installation of concrete chutes;
- installation of metal barriers;
- construction of bus stops;
- erection of road signs, marker posts and road marking works.

Section km 287 – km 302 (Bottom of the Dolon Pass to Ottuk village)

43. This Section is designed as Class III road with the following technical parameters:

Traffic Speed – 50 km/h

Number of Lanes – 2
Width of the lane – 3.5 m
Carriageway width – 7 m
Embankment width – 12 m
Width of shoulders – 2.5 m
Shoulder strengthening – 0.5 m
Max. longitudinal slope – 5.2 %
Min. curve radiuses – 100 m
TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

44. As the design road centerline follows existing one, additional land allotment is not

45. The pavement box below was adopted for this section of the Bishkek – Naryn –
Torugart Road:

Type I
Sub-Base: Processed old asphalt added to natural 0-70 gravel material – 12 cm
Base: crushed gravel aggregates – 8 cm
Binder – 9 cm
Wearing – 6 cm

46. Rehabilitation works include, but not limited to, the following basic items:
- widening of existing road by fill and excavation works;
- reallocation of communication lines;
- construction of new box and pipe culverts: 14 culverts in total;
- bridge at km 292+800: protection works, the deck repair works etc;
- river protection works by gabions and Reno mattresses;
- strengthening of ditches and installation of concrete chutes;
- installation of metal barriers;
- construction of bus stops;
- erection of road signs, marker posts and road marking works.

47. In general, design drawings for the said section covers all the required aspects. No
major comments can be given concerning to designing of alignment, profile, drainage etc.,
except the following.

48. It is definite that to follow the national design standards, the barriers are to be
designed. It was proposed to install metal barriers. However, in the opinion of the Highway
Engineer, metal barriers must be replaced by concrete parapets of so called “Sapojok” type for
the most dangerous places on the tight curves and high (>4 m) fills in total value of 1341
meters. These sections are written down below:

PK 0+58 – PK 1+16: 58 m
PK 34+38 – PK 38+41: 403 m
PK 59+00 – PK 60+00: 100 m
PK 68+60 – PK 69+38: 78 m
PK 79+09 – PK 81+00: 191 m
PK 83+50 – PK 85+20: 170 m
PK 100+28 – PK 101+26: 98 m
PK 125+50 – PK 127+93: 243 m

TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

Section km 339 – km 343 (Naryn city bypass junction)

49. This Section is also designed as Class III road with the following technical parameters:

Traffic Speed – 80 km/h

Number of Lanes – 2
Width of the lane – 3.5 m
Carriageway width – 7 m
Embankment width – 12 m
Width of shoulders – 2.5 m
Shoulder strengthening – 0.5 m
Max. longitudinal slope – 6.0 %
Min. curve radiuses – 150 m

50. The pavement box below was adopted for this section of the Bishkek – Naryn –
Torugart Road:

Type II (existing surface is gravel)

Sub-Base: Processed old asphalt added to natural 0-70 gravel material – 10 cm
Base: crushed gravel aggregates – 8 cm
Binder – 7 cm
Wearing – 5 cm

Type III (existing surface is loam soil)

Sub-Base: Processed old asphalt added to natural 0-70 gravel material – 24 cm
Base: crushed gravel aggregates – 15 cm
Binder – 7 cm
Wearing – 5 cm

51. As the design road centerline follows existing one, additional land allotment is not

52. Rehabilitation works include, but not limited to, the following basic items:
- widening of existing road by fill and excavation works;
- reallocation of electrical air and communication lines;
- construction of new box and pipe culverts: 12 culverts in total;
- strengthening of ditches and installation of concrete chutes;
- installation of metal barriers and parapets;
- erection of road signs, marker posts and road marking works.

53. In general, design drawings for the said section covers all the required aspects. No
major comments can be given concerning to designing of alignment, profile, drainage etc.

TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

Section km 358 – km 365 (from top of Kyzyl-Bel Pass to the Char Pass)

54. This Section is designed as Class III road with the following technical parameters:

Traffic Speed – 80 km/h

Number of Lanes – 2
Width of the lane – 3.5 m
Carriageway width – 7 m
Embankment width – 12 m
Width of shoulders – 2.5 m
Shoulder strengthening – 0.5 m
Max. longitudinal slope – 8.7 %
Min. curve radiuses – 125 m

55. The pavement box below was adopted for this section of the Bishkek – Naryn –
Torugart Road:

Type II (existing surface is gravel)

Sub-Base: Processed old asphalt added to natural 0-70 gravel material – 10 cm
Base: crushed gravel aggregates – 8 cm
Binder – 7 cm
Wearing – 5 cm

Type III ( existing surface is loam soil)

Sub-Base: Processed old asphalt added to natural 0-70 gravel material – 24 cm
Base: crushed gravel aggregates – 15 cm
Binder – 7 cm
Wearing – 5 cm

56. As the design road centerline follows existing one, additional land allotment is not

57. The rehabilitation works include, but not limited to, the following basic items:
- widening of existing road by fill and excavation works;
- reallocation of electrical air and communication lines;
- construction of new box and pipe culverts: 11 culverts in total;
- strengthening of ditches and installation of concrete drops / chutes;
- installation of metal barriers and parapets;
- erection of road signs, marker posts and road marking works.

TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

Section km 365 – km 400 (from the Char Pass to river At-Bashi )

58. This Section is designed as Class III road with the following technical parameters:

Traffic Speed – 50 km/h

Number of Lanes – 2
Width of the lane – 3.5 m
Carriageway width – 7 m
Embankment width – 12 m
Width of shoulders – 2.5 m
Shoulder strengthening – 0.5 m
Max. longitudinal slope – 8.0 %
Min. curve radiuses – 80 m

59. The pavement box below was adopted for this section:

Sub-Base: Processed old asphalt added to natural 0-70 gravel material – 12 cm

Base: crushed gravel aggregates – 8 cm
Binder – 9 cm
Wearing – 6 cm

60. As the design road centerline follows existing one, additional land allotment is not

61. Rehabilitation works include, but not limited to, the following basic items:
- widening of existing road by fill and excavation works;
- reallocation of electrical air and communication lines;
- protection works,
- construction of new box and pipe culverts: 37 culverts in total;
- strengthening of ditches and installation of concrete drops / chutes;
- construction of sidewalks;
- installation of metal barriers;
- erection of road signs, marker posts and road marking works.

62. In general, design drawings for the said section covers all the required aspects.

63. Metal barriers must be replaced by concrete parapets for the most dangerous places on
the tight curves and high (>4 m) fills in total value of 3134 meters:

PK 0+20 – PK 1+78 (RHS&LHS): 158 m

PK 7+00 – PK 7+88 (RHS): 88 m
PK 7+09 – PK 7+64 (LHS): 55 m
PK 9+68 – PK 9+80 (LHS): 12 m
PK 10+02 – PK 11+24 (RHS&LHS):122 m
PK 18+65 – PK 19+10 (RHS&LHS):45 m
PK 20+30 – PK 20+80 (RHS&LHS):50 m
TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

PK 24+05 – PK 25+33 (LHS): 128 m

PK 26+00 – PK 30+00 (LHS): 400 m
PK 26+50 – PK 27+70 (RHS): 120 m
PK 28+00 – PK 28+85 (RHS): 85 m
PK 30+21 – PK 31+20 (LHS): 99 m
PK 32+00 – PK 33+50 (LHS): 150 m
PK 34+00 – PK 34+97 (LHS): 97 m
PK 35+28 – PK 36+50 (LHS): 122 m
PK 38+10 – PK 39+24 (LHS): 114 m
PK 38+40 – PK 39+10 (RHS): 403 m
PK 43+95 – PK 46+25 (LHS): 230 m
PK 43+95 – PK 45+00 (RHS): 105 m
PK 70+25 – PK 72+00 (RHS): 175 m
PK 79+00 – PK 79+71 (LHS): 71 m
PK 79+50 – PK 79+90 (RHS): 40 m
PK 215+65 – PK 217+30 (RHS): 165 m
PK 301+90 – PK 302+90 (RHS): 100 m

Section km 400 – km 439 (from river At-Bashi towards to Tash-Rabat junction)

64. This Section is designed as Class III road with the following technical parameters:

Traffic Speed – 80 km/h

Number of Lanes – 2
Width of the lane – 3.5 m
Carriageway width – 7 m
Embankment width – 12 m
Width of shoulders – 2.5 m
Shoulder strengthening – 0.5 m
Max. longitudinal slope – 6.9 %
Min. curve radiuses – 120 m

65. Pavement Box is adopted as follows:

Type I (new pavement)

Sub-Base: natural 0-70 gravel material – 28 cm
Base: crushed gravel aggregates – 15 cm
Binder – 6 cm
Wearing – 5 cm

Type II (on top of existing asphalt pavement)

Existing asphalt layer
Binder leveling – 0 – 15 cm
Wearing – 5 cm

TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

66. Design road centerline follows existing one, additional land allotment is not required.

67. The rehabilitation works include, but not limited to, the following basic items:
- widening of existing road by fill and excavation works;
- construction of new box and pipe culverts: 47 culverts in total;
- reconstruction of the bridge at km 400;
- strengthening of ditches and installation of concrete drops / chutes;
- construction of sidewalks;
- installation of metal barriers and parapets;
- erection of road signs, marker posts and road marking works.

68. Existing bridge at km 400+393 is supposed to be completely reconstructed.

69. In general, design drawings for the said section covers all the required aspects. No
major comments can be given concerning to designing of alignment, drainage etc., except the

70. The longitudinal profile had been designed as a line changing its profile every twenty
meters which is unlikely for the Class III road.

71. Metal barriers must be replaced by concrete parapets for the most dangerous places on
the tight curves and high (>4 m) fills in total value of 1868 meters. These sections are written
down below:

Km 399+880 – km 399+940 (RHS&LHS): 60 m

Km 400+020 – km 400+280 (RHS&LHS): 260 m
Km 400+514 – km 400+690 (RHS): 176 m
Km 400+710 – km 400+940 (RHS&LHS): 230 m
Km 402+300 – km 402+480 (LHS): 180 m
Km 403+125 – km 403+900 (LHS): 775 m
Km 413+440 – km 413+627 (LHS): 187 m

Section km 439 – km 476 (Tash-Rabat junction to Ak-Beyit Pass/1st frontier post)

72. This Section is designed as Class IV road with the following technical parameters:

Traffic Speed – 60 km/h

Number of Lanes – 2
Width of the lane – 3.0 m
Carriageway width – 6 m
Embankment width – 10 m
Width of shoulders – 2.0 m
Max. longitudinal slope – 7.5 %
Min. curve radiuses – 60 m

TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

73. “Dortransstroyservice” has adopted gravel pavement only as they designed IV class

Gravel Sub-base – 30 cm
Gravel pavement – 20 cm

74. As the design road centerline follows existing one, additional land allotment is not

75. The rehabilitation works include, but not limited to, the following basic items:
- widening of existing road by fill and excavation works;
- construction of new box and pipe culverts: 45 culverts in total;
- strengthening of ditches and installation of concrete drops / chutes;
- installation of metal barriers and parapets;
- erection of road signs, marker posts and road marking works.

This section is to be completely redesigned and upgraded to class III road with asphalt

76. As we can see from the above, Pre-Feasibility Study Report under TA 6294 – REG
proposed to repair existing asphalt surfaces of the most sections with only minor part to be
reconstructed. The repair works include milling of the uneven surface and applying a surface
course plus binder course or surface course only to the damaged areas. A limited amount of
digging out and reconstruction has been allowed for to repair sections where the base remains

77. As an alternative, options of elevating the road on a viaduct or by-passing the narrow
and rock-fall section in tunnel were proposed for the Boom Gorge. Three options were
considered, two on the other side of the valley, and one on the present route but raising the
road on a viaduct to allow landslide material to pass underneath for the landslide section at the
Kyzyl-Bel Pass. All alternatives are sound to be very expensive and definitely not designed
for the Kyzyl-Bel pass as land slide seem to be stabilized.

78. Drainage system is proposed to be improved which is stated in the PSR and no doubt
this must be implemented.

79. The condition of the existing road is very poor having problems within the base,
embankment and drainage. Therefore, option of repairing of the surface only is considered
insufficient, at least for the Project 1 sections. It is obvious that pavement needs to be
completely reconstructed. This is confirmed by the design and field survey findings described

TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

80. As the Project road divided into sections was designed by three different firms
therefore have different pavement box designs. As this is not practical and traffic flow is not
changed sensibly within the Project Section it is proposed to adopt one type of new pavement
box as follows:
Sub-Base: natural 0-70 mm gravel material – 25 cm
Base: crushed 0-40 mm aggregates – 15 cm
Binder – 7 cm
Wearing – 5 cm

Pavement Box drawing and calculation for the proposed pavement design is included as an
Attachment 3.

2.3. Field Survey

2.3.1. Existing Road Condition

Section km 280 – km 476

81. The section of the Bishkek – Naryn – Torugart Road proposed for the Project 1 starts
at the bottom of the Dolon Pass at the northern side of the pass where the road starts rising
steeply up to the top of the pass. The altitude of the Dolon Pass is 3030 m above the sea level.

82. Existing pavement on the Dolon Pass is gravel with uneven surface. The cross-fall of
the surface is not uniform and does not provide proper water flow from the road to the sides.
Ditches are not clean and full of soil.

83. After the Dolon pass is over the existing pavement to the Solton Sary junction is
gravel. The following section paved with asphalt layer. The high range of deterioration is
observed. The pothole patching work previously carried out shown on the great part of the
section. Deep ruts / wheel tracks are visible in most of the places. Although most of the
section with ruts were repaired by milling / scarifying of the surface and re-laying of scarified
asphalt, this sections need to be reconstructed as they lost the bearing capacity.

84. The relief is mountainous with high ranges and deep river beds. The road runs along
the river Kichi Kara Kujur on the right-hand side in the beginning and the second half of the
road runs on the left-hand side of the river. Then road goes into the wide valley.

85. Crossing the valley the road continues to run along the river Kichi Kara Kujur.
However, comparatively to the previous section the relief more flat. On its way, the road
crosses number of small rivers and streams and in general goes on the embankment with
different heights.

86. The existing pavement is asphalt. As the previous section, this pavement also has
highly deteriorated asphalt. The range of pothole patching works shows the necessity of
reconstruction of the pavement. This road also has too many deep ruts / wheel tracks. It is also
can be seen that sections with ruts were repaired by scarifying the surface.
TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

87. Few villages such as Ottuk, On-Archa are crossed by the road. Due to the problems
with the drainage within the villages, the asphalt pavement in some places is completely
destroyed, especially at the junctions.

88. At the end of the Kara-Kujur canyon, the road turns to the left and runs on the hilly
relief. After the small pass, it starts running down toward the Naryn City. On the length of
about three kilometers road goes through the Naryn city, crosses the same named river and
going through the narrow Kara Suu canyon starts to climb to Kyzyl Bel Pass.

89. Relief is mountain with high ranges and deep river beds. The height of embankment
rises comes about 50 m. The alignment is very tight with the small-radiuses curves.

90. From the first serpentine the asphalt surface is changed to gravel one.

91. While ascending to the Kyzyl Bel Pass the road runs through the landslide section. Till
the last year, this landslide used to keep moving, changing the alignment of the road for two-
three meters a year. However, it seems that this problem is sorted out by arranging a water
discharge from the top of the hill and direction the water to the deepened and cleaned open
drains and ditches. The slope is stabilized and no movement noted from the last year.

92. Further, the terrain becomes more flat and road run within the light-hilly area.

93. Deep wheel tracks are visible in most of the places. The number of settlements and
weak soil spots are seen on this section as well. Unsuitable soils from side borrow-ditches
used during the construction of this section and luck of proper drainage along the low
embankments would be considered as the main reasons. Therefore, replacement of the weak

94. Running on the almost flat terrain road rolls by At-Bashi town and comes to the same-
named river. The river crossed by the bridge of about 250 m long that seem to be in good

95. After the river At-Bashi, road goes through two villages and reaches so called
“aerodrome”: wide section of road, more then 15 m width and length of about 2 km.

96. The whole section of the road is laid on low embankments. This in combination with
soft and weak soils underneath resulted on the quality of the surface: there are too many
potholes, settled areas etc. there is need for embankment at least 1 meter height.

97. Further, the road starts slow climbing towards to Ak-Beyit Pass through light hilly
area. On its way it crosses number of small river and spring beds, mostly seasonal. The height
of fills varies from 0,5 to 3 m.

98. The embankment width is about 9-10 meters, pavement is gravel. As there is no
problem with underground water, the surface has a little deterioration: only few weak spots
are observed.
TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

99. At the end of this section where road is about to reach the Ak-Beyit Pass road is laid
on cut-and-fill sectors. At this area the ditches are full of eroded material and not providing
with the proper drainage. Settlements and weak soil spots are seen on this section.
Replacement of the weak soils in the body of existing embankment will be required.

100. Going towards to Torugart Pass, this section, i.e. proposed Project ends at first
Frontier Post at the beginning of Arpa valley.

101. In general, basic findings on the result of the field visual survey are described below.

102. The surface of the proposed section is greatly deteriorated.

103. Most of the existing culverts and small bridges are in poor condition having settled
and broken elements.

104. Sections of the road with gravel pavements have uneven surface. The cross-fall of the
surface is not uniform and does not provide proper water flow from the road to the sides.

105. High range of deterioration is also observed on the asphalted sections. The pothole
patching work previously carried out shown on the great part. Deep ruts / wheel tracks are
visible in most of the places. There are too many cracks.

106. The number of settlements and weak soil spots are seen all over the road. Replacement
of the weak soils in the body of existing embankment will be required as the repair measures.
Total amount of the soils to be replaced is estimated as approx. 100,000 m3.

107. The most of the weak spots and settlements are observed where the level of subsoil
water is high and water springs are come out from the cut slopes close to the road. This part of
the road will require the construction of the effective drainage system.

108. Few sections of the road slope are being washed out by the river flow and will require
adequate river protection works.

109. In the opinion of the Highway Engineer, existing pavement is to be removed and new
pavement box constructed. Weak spots and soils in the body of existing embankment need to
be replaced with new suitable material. At some locations height of the embankments must be
raised up to 1 meter at least. Drainage system must be designed and constructed.

2.3.2. Soils investigation

110. All the drawings show information on the soils of the existing surface and
embankment body. Mostly, it is gravel material and loam soil underneath of asphalt layer.
Bearing capacity of the existing soils are varying from the lowest CBR value of 7,5 % to the
maximum of 100 %. Some of the drawings do not contain information on thickness of those
layers. This was checked randomly during the field survey and results are shown in
Attachment 4.
TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

2.3.3. Axle Load Survey

111. Upon the approval of the ADB a special team was assigned to measure axle load of
heavy traffic utilizing Project road. The average weight per axle was defined as 15.9 tons
while maximum reaches 19.4 ton.

112. Tabulated form of the axle load survey results are given in Attachment 5.

3. Cost Estimate
113. The detailed designs submitted to the Consultant were reviewed with the special
attention paid to the sub-soils condition, drainage and safety measures.

114. Based on the review of the drawings and field survey, construction quantities were
updated and the detailed Bills of Quantities are prepared accordingly.

115. The Consultant has calculated cost estimates taking into consideration recent tender
prices and market conditions counting possible increase in cost of basic construction materials
and inflation of about 15 percent in general.

116. It should be noted that as previously stated Consultant did not received design
drawings for the following sections:

• km 302 – km 339: from Ottuk village to Naryn Bypass junction – 37 km

• km 343 – km 358: to the top of the Kyzyl-Bel Pass – 15 km

117. Due to absence of the design quantities for these section estimate was calculated based
on approximate per kilometer costs for the similar sections with the same features and scope
of work.

118. In consultation with ADB missions and taking into account available financing from
ADB and the co-financiers, the following packages were designed.

Package 1: Section km 400 – km 439 – 39 km

Package 2: Section km 280 – km 400 – 120 km

with estimated costs as follows

Package 1: US$ 16,327,638.32 or US$ 418,657.41 per kilometer

Package 2: US$ 65,443,230.87 or US$ 545,360.26 per kilometer

119. Bills of Quantities for the Project Road Sections, Package 1 to be financed by ADB
and Package 2 proposed for co-financing, are in Attachment 6.

TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

120. The Bishkek–Torugart road is an important regional trade corridor that forms part of
the CAREC Transport Corridor.

121. The Project will improve regional trade and tourism, remove the difficulties for the
regional and domestic traffic and improve access to markets and services.

122. Based on the review the following findings, conclusions and recommendations are

123. Detailed Design had been prepared for the following sections of the Bishkek – Naryn
– Torugart Road within the proposed Project:

• km 280 – km 302
• km 339 – km 343;
• km 358 – km 539

124. The section km 439 – km 539 had been designed according to parameters of the
category IV road and therefore needs to be redesigned to category III. Other sections are III
category roads.

125. Detailed designs have to be prepared for the sections below.

• km 302 – km 339: from Ottuk village to the Naryn Bypass junction –

37 km;
• km 343 – km 358: to the top of the Kyzyl-Bel Pass – 15 km

126. During the meeting with the related officials it was found out that the detailed design
for the section km 280 – km 287 (Dolon Pass) prepared in 1998 will be used after some minor
adjustments are done.

127. It was assured that the design drawings for the section km 343 – km 358 would be
ready by the end of the year 2008.

128. It was also noted that the section km 302 – km 339 could be prepared by the end of
this year, if ordered.

129. The Project road located in the area with difficult climate conditions is greatly
deteriorated due to poor maintenance. Additional cause of the problem could be increase of
heavy traffic.

130. Most of the existing culverts and small bridges are in poor condition having settled
and broken elements.

TA-7066 (KGZ): Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek – Torugart Road) Project
Design Review Report

131. Sections of the road with gravel pavements have uneven surface. The cross-fall of the
surface is not uniform and does not provide proper water flow from the road to the sides.

132. High range of deterioration is also observed on the asphalted sections. Deep ruts /
wheel tracks are visible in most of the places. There are too many cracks.

133. The number of settlements and weak soil spots are seen all over the road. The
improvement works will require replacement of the weak soils in the body of existing
embankment. Construction of the effective drainage systems, as well as river protection
works, is also necessary measure.

134. Existing pavement is to be completely removed and new pavement box constructed.
Weak spots and soils in the body of existing embankment need to be replaced with new
suitable material. At some locations height of the embankments must be raised up to 1 meter
at least. Drainage system must be designed and constructed.

135. Metal barriers must be replaced by concrete parapets for the most dangerous places on
the tight curves and high fills in total value of 6343 meters.

136. The Project road divided into sections was designed by three different firms therefore
have different pavement box designs. As this is not practical and traffic flow is not changed
sensibly within the Project Section it is proposed to adopt one type of new pavement box.

Sub-Base: natural 0-70 mm gravel material – 25 cm

Base: crushed 0-40 mm aggregates – 15 cm
Binder – 7 cm
Wearing – 5 cm

137. Upon the approval of the ADB a special team was assigned to measure axle load of
heavy traffic utilizing Project road. The average weight per axle was defined as 15.9 tons
while maximum reaches 19.4 ton. In this case, there are two options coming out from the field
axle load surveys findings. First is to construct stronger, in other words more expensive
pavement box which is unlikely. Rough calculations show 25 percent increase in cost of the
pavement. Second option is to take measures to avoid overloading by means of exclusion of
overloaded traffic or unloading of tracks and redistribution of goods.

138. Reviewing detailed designs submitted to the Consultant and taking into consideration
field survey, approximate quantity estimates for the sections were no detailed design
prepared, the cost of the Project was estimated as follows:

Package 1: US$ 16,327,638.32 or US$ 418,657.41 per kilometer

Package 2: US$ 65,443,230.87 or US$ 545,360.26 per kilometer

Attachment 1. Terms of Reference
Appendix 2


Contract S15349
TA - 7066 (KGZ) : Small-Scale Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport Corridor I
(Bishkek-Torugart Road) Project
Expertise Highway Engineer
Source Local Category Independent
Objective/Purpose of the Assignment:
The purpose of the SSTA is to design a project that is agreed with the Government of the Kyrgyz
Republic and suitable for ADB financing under a multitranche financing facility (MFF). The SSTA will (i)
undertake feasibility of the ensuing project, (ii) recommend improvement options for the project road
including Kyrgyz/PRC border post, (iii) prepare project costing and financing plan, and (iv) undertake due
diligence on social and environmental safeguard issues in accordance with ADB policies on environment,
resettlement and indigenous peoples.

Scope of Work:
This assignment is for a local Higway Engineer for 2 person-months. The candidate will be required to (i)
undertake review of the existing studies relevant to the project, (ii) recommend alternative alignment and
pavement treatment options, (iii) review and update project costs, (iv) assist ADB fact-finding and
appraisal missions on technical discussions with the EA and Government agencies, (v) coordinate and
facilitate work of environmental and social safeguard specialists.

Detailed Tasks:
The detailed responsibilities include:

(i) review existing reports and feasibility studies including ADB TAs 6294-REG and 6309-REG, study by
Islamic Development Bank (1997) and other relevant technical studies, and
(ii) review detailed engineering design prepared by the Executing Agency (EA);
(i) based on the results of the review, compose a survey team and supervise additional surveys (special
consideration to be given for geotechnical investigations and pavement investigations);
(ii) with the information gathered, update the recommended improvement options, in particular, alignment
and pavement design;
(iii) confirm and/or update work quantities and recommend construction specifications to be used;
(i) based on the updated improvement options and costs, preapre detailed cost estimates based on the
recent market prices for construction inputs;
(ii) suggest local inflation factors for major construction materials;
(i) advise and support ADB fact-finding and appraisal missions on technical discussions with the EA and
the Government agencies;
(ii) provide technical justification for the proposed improvement options in discussions with the EA and
Government agencies.
(i) facilitate and take part in project stakeholders consultation process;
(ii) in finalizing alternative improvement options, consult and coordinate with safeguard specialist to
include necessary components and costs in overall cost estimates;

Output/Reporting Requirements:
1. The consultant will submit (i) brief progress reports at ADB’s request, (ii) consolidated report detailing
findings on project documentation review, engineering surveys, update of the improvement options and
costs and other activities requested under the detailed tasks above.

2. All reports will be delivered in a format and substance satisfactory to the Government and ADB. Six
copies (three each in English and Russian) will be provided to MOTC and three copies (in English) to
ADB. An electronic copy of the final report (one copy in Microsoft Office compatible format and one copy
in Abode Acrobat format copied on CD-ROM) will be submitted to ADB (in English) and the EA (in English
and Russian) at the end of services.
Places of Assignment: Days Estimated Dates (dd/mm/yyyy)
OTH, Home Office, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 40 14/05/2008 - 12/07/2008
OTH, Outside Bishkek 20 14/05/2008 - 12/07/2008
TOTAL DAYS (Continuous) 60
NOTE: Actual schedule to be confirmed with User Unit.
Attachment 2. Typical Cross-Sections
Excavation up to 1.0m

2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0

% 4.0 % 2.0 % 2.0 % 4.0
1:4 1:4

Type 13A
Excavation up to 12.0m


2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0


% 4.0 % 2.0 % 2.0 % 4.0
1:4 1:4 1:1

Type 22A
Excavations on slope benches

2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0

% 4.0 % 2.0 % 2.0 % 4.0
1:4 1:4
Type 24
semifill - semipits on slopes

2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0

% 4.0 % 2.0 % 2.0 % 4.0



Type 1
Fill up to 3m

2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0

% 4.0 % 2.0 % 2.0 % 4.0


Type 2
Fill up to 3m

2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0

1: 1 % 4.0 % 2.0 % 2.0 % 4.0

.5 1:4 1:4 .5
Type 3
Fill up to 6m

2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0

% 4.0 % 2.0 % 2.0 % 4.0 1:4


Type 5
Fill up to 6m

2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0

% 4.0 % 2.0 % 2.0 % 4.0

Type 6
Fill up to 12m

2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0

% 4.0 % 2.0 % 2.0 % 4.0

1:4 1 :m


Type 6
Fill on slopes

2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0

% 4.0 % 2.0 % 2.0 % 4.0


1 :1
Attachment 3. Pavement Box Design

Тип доpожной одежды - 1 Категоpия доpоги - 3
Тип местности по усл. увлажнения - 1 Попpавка к относительной влажности - .00
Вpемя непpеpывной эксплуатации 16.0 лет Тип pасчетной нагpузки автомобили А
Автоваpьиpование пpи pасчете - да Пpизнак pасчета на динамические нагpузки - да
Дорожно-климатическая зона - 3 Дорожно-климатическая подзона -
║ │ │ │ │ ║ Е ЭКВ. │ ИЗГИБЕ │ │ │ K3 ║
║ │ │ см │ см │ см ║ МПа │ МПа │ гpад │ МПа │ ║
║ 1 │ 2 │ 5.0 │ 5.0 │ .0 ║ 3200.0 │ 2.8000 │ .0 │ .2000 │ 1.1 ║
║ 2 │ 9 │ 7.0 │ 7.0 │ .0 ║ 2000.0 │ 1.7190 │ .0 │ .3000 │ 1.6 ║
║ 3 │ 35 │ 15.0 │ 15.0 │ .0 ║ 350.0 │ .0000 │ .0 │ .0000 │ .0 ║
║ 4 │ 50 │ 15.0 │ 70.0 │ 1.0 ║ 180.0 │ .0000 │ 45.0 │ .0300 │ 9.5 ║
║ 10 │ 222 │ .0 │ .0 │ .0 ║ 50.7 │ .0000 │ 35.4 │ .0124 │ 1.5 ║
Слой N 1 Плотная асф.бет. смесь типа Б 1 марки, мелкозерн. на щебне изверженных пород
Слой N 2 Пористая асф.бетонная смесь 1 марки, круп.зерн. на щебне изверженных пород
║ 1 │ 2 │ 3200.0 │ 4500.0 │ 200.0 │ 900.0 ║
║ 2 │ 9 │ 2000.0 │ 2800.0 │ 250.0 │ 700.0 ║
Расчетная влажность - .679 Сpеднее давление колеса на покpытие - .60 МПа
Диаметp следа колеса - 37.00 см Коэффициент пpочности - .94
Тpебуемый модуль упpугости - 225.00 МПа
╟───┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ НА ├─────────────────┬────────┤ МОДУЛЬ ║
║ │ │ │Общий модуль упp.│ .0080 │ ║
║ 2│плотный асфальтобетон I-II маpки БНД-60/90 │ 5.0 │ │ .0000 │ 225.30 ║
║ 9│поpистый а/бетон из кам.матеpиалов извеpж. поpод БНД-60/90 │ 7.0 │Раст. при изгибе │ .2864 │ 182.03 ║
║ 35│щебень.фpакц. 1-3кл. улож.заклинк.из пpочн.осад.поp.-основан│ 15.0 │ │ .0000 │ 138.69 ║
║ 50│песчано-гpавийная смесь │ 25.0 │Сдвиг в подст.сл.│ 5.5428 │ 93.65 ║
║222│супесь 3 доpожно-климатическая зона │ .0 │Сдвиг в грунте │ .8527 │ 50.66 ║
Толщина констpукции - 52.00 см
Pavement design
centre line

3.5 0.5 2.0

% 2.0 % 4.0

Natural Sub-Base course, 0-70mm - 0.25m
Crushed Base course, 0-40mm - 0.15m
Asphalt-concrete Binder course - 0.07m
Asphalt-concrete Wearing course - 0.05m
Attachment 4. Soils Investigation: Prospect Holes
Field Survey

Soils Investigation
Bishkek – Naryn – Torugart Road
Section km 287 – km 302

Prospect-hole No. 25 (km 287+000) 3,5 m LHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
5 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 27 (km 289+880) 2,0 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
8 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 41 (km 297+040) 3,0 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
14 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 45 (km 299+010) 3,0 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
9 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 51 (km 301+990) CL

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
10 cm

30 cm
Section km 339 – km 343

Prospect-hole No. 1 (km 340+000) 2.5 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
18 cm

Gravel (over-wet)
30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 2 (km 341+000) 0.5 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
7 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No.3 (km 341+900) 2 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
7 cm

15 cm

Sandy soil (over-wet)

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 4 (km 343+120) 2 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
13 cm

30 cm
Section km 358 – km 365

Prospect-hole No. 1 (km 358+280) 2 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
10 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 2 (km 360+990) CL

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
10 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 3 (km 363+730) 2 m LHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
15 cm

30 cm
Section km 365 – km 400

Prospect-hole No. 1/4 (km 366+960) CL

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
12 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 2/4 (km 367+990) 2 m LHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
13 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No.3 (km 369+976) 1.5 m LHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
Loam Soil (over-wet)
Existing Asphalt Concrete second Layer

Loam Soil (over-wet)

Prospect-hole No.4/18 (km 373+025) 2 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
Loam Soil (over-wet)
Existing Asphalt Concrete second Layer

Existing Asphalt Concrete third Layer
39 cm
Prospect-hole No.5/30 (km 379+000) 1m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
Existing Asphalt Concrete second Layer


Prospect-hole No. 6/30 (km 393+870) 1 m LHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
10 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 7/62 (km 397+000) 1 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
11 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 8/68 (km 400+000) 1 m LHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
13 cm

30 cm
Section km 400 – km 439

Prospect-hole No. 1 (km 401+010) 2 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
10 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 2 (km 405+780) CL

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
6 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 3 (km 408+980) 3,50 m LHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
12 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 4 (km 410+590) 1,0 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
7 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 5 (km 413+010) 2.5 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
8,5 cm

30 cm
Prospect-hole No. 6 (km 419+300) CL

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
16 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 7 (km 424+130) CL

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
6 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 8 (km 427+130) CL

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
8 cm

30 cm

Prospect-hole No. 9 (km 429+520) 3,0 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
7 cm


Prospect-hole No. 10 (km 433+780) 3,0 m RHS

Existing Asphalt Concrete Layer
6 cm


Loam Soil (over-wet)

Prospect-hole No. 11 (km 437+800) CL

Gravel Layer

33 cm
Attachment 5. Axle Load Survey

Link name: Surveyor:

Count station: Ilbirs Date of testing: 03.07.2008

1 Axle Load (kg)

Vehicle Type S/N Hr Direction Vehicle Goods
Type carried Truck + Semi-Trailer Trailer
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
1 10 42 Bishkek HOWO Rice 10920 8700 13430 14350
Truck Semi-Trailer 2 11 1 Torugart MAZ Metal 5670 16420 15570 15540 15840
3 11 14 Bishkek Mersedes Consumer goods 6610 18050 18260 6650 2270 3690
4 11 35 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6600 18060 18160 6710 2560 3700
5 12 1 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6530 17650 18060 6570 2270 3450
6 12 30 Bishkek JAC Consumer goods 6320 18040 18240 6490 2170 3450
7 12 47 Naryn STAR Foam Plastic 4390 5470 5570 5560
8 13 4 Naryn STAR Foam Plastic 4360 5470 5570 5520
9 13 19 Naryn STAR Foam Plastic 4350 5470 5540 5500
10 13 35 Naryn STAR Foam Plastic 4300 5470 5520 5490

112 11 13 50 Naryn STAR Foam Plastic 4280 5520 5570 5480

112 12 14 55 Bishkek JAC Consumer goods 4360 5480 5480 5490

112 13 15 4 Bishkek JAC Consumer goods 4400 5500 5510 5500

123 14 15 28 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6530 17700 18100 6570 2260 3600

123 15 15 38 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6610 18100 18240 6710 2270 3710

123 16 15 47 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6570 18090 17900 6490 2190 3450

123 17 15 55 Bishkek HOWO Glassfiber 6590 18600 19400 6710 2490 3900

123 18 16 4 Bishkek STELLING Consumer goods 6600 18060 18160 6740 2270 3680

Link name: Surveyor:

Count station: Ilbirs Date of testing: 03.07.2008

1 Axle Load (kg)

Vehicle Type S/N Hr Direction Vehicle Goods
Type carried Truck + Semi-Trailer Trailer
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
123 19 16 15 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6640 18020 18040 6480 2430 3540

123 20 16 21 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6580 17690 18060 6340 2210 3570

123 21 16 27 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6630 18170 18240 6440 2340 3600

123 22 16 34 Bishkek STAR Rice 6680 18400 18290 6600 2440 3800

123 23 16 45 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6470 17650 18090 6210 2160 3530

123 24 16 54 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6460 17630 18120 6630 2690 3710

123 25 16 59 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6620 17480 18030 6710 2380 3450

123 26 17 5 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6590 18600 17900 6410 2860 3100

123 27 17 9 Bishkek HOWO Glassfiber 6480 18410 17650 6600 2800 3720

123 28 17 14 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6610 18140 17950 6510 2530 3010

123 29 17 19 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6490 16920 18400 5920 3510 2900

123 30 17 24 Bishkek DELONG Consumer goods 6680 18900 17450 6100 3100 3610

123 31 17 29 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6530 18100 18240 6490 2490 3680

123 32 17 40 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6630 17650 18060 6640 2270 3410

111 33 17 44 At-Bashi MAZ Foods 5710 17710 18090

122 34 17 52 At-Bashi Kamaz

123 35 17 59 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6610 18100 17480 6520 2340 3510

123 36 18 4 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6590 17480 18000 6710 2290 3400

Link name: Surveyor:

Count station: Ilbirs Date of testing: 03.07.2008

1 Axle Load (kg)

Vehicle Type S/N Hr Direction Vehicle Goods
Type carried Truck + Semi-Trailer Trailer
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
123 37 18 11 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6680 18050 17400 6200 2900 3210

123 38 18 19 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6490 18010 17020 5900 3200 2510

123 39 18 22 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6600 18010 17690 6500 3210 3100

123 40 18 24 Bishkek MAN Consumer goods 6400 16900 18100 6900 3010 2890

123 41 18 29 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6580 17800 18050 6870 2200 2900

123 42 18 34 Bishkek JAC Consumer goods 4500 5600 5430 5470

123 43 18 38 Bishkek JAC Consumer goods 6600 18030 18100 6400 2530 3400

123 44 18 42 Bishkek HOWO Glassfiber 6600 18020 18040 6480 2440 3490

123 45 18 48 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6590 17490 18600 6870 2900 3290

123 46 18 51 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6480 17400 18100 6710 2560 3710

123 47 18 54 Bishkek VOLVO Consumer goods 6490 18140 17060 6500 3100 3030

123 48 18 59 Bishkek Mersedes Consumer goods 6570 18090 18240 6430 2190 3480

112 49 19 1 Naryn JAC Glassfiber 4360 5490 5540 5580

123 50 19 5 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6590 17600 17940 6400 2210 3500

123 51 19 9 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6630 18090 18100 6790 2860 3380

123 52 19 14 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6600 18100 17460 6800 2930 3460

123 53 19 19 Bishkek HOWO Foam Plastic 6490 16700 17450 6500 3010 3400

123 54 19 25 Bishkek HOWO Foam Plastic 6480 17100 17900 6430 2870 3290


Link name: Surveyor:

Count station: Ilbirs Date of testing: 03.07.2008

1 Axle Load (kg)

Vehicle Type S/N Hr Direction Vehicle Goods
Type carried Truck + Semi-Trailer Trailer
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
123 55 19 28 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6670 17800 18060 6530 2430 3110

123 56 19 32 Bishkek MAN Consumer goods 6530 18060 18100 6420 2240 2980

123 57 19 38 Bishkek HOWO Consumer goods 6620 17810 18200 6480 2350 3230

NOTES: 1. 35% of cars driving from China are weighted

2. Traffic flow towards China is the same, all cars are empty, the net weight is 22.8 tonnes

Attachment 6. Priced Bills of Quantities
Bishkek-Naryn-Torugart Road Rehabilitation Project
Package 1: km 400 - km 439
N Items Description Amount

1 General Items 833 260,00

2 Control of Works and Materials 65 974,00

3 Earth Works 1 827 283,30

4 Drainage Works 426 761,82

5 Pavement Works 11 184 224,20

6 Bridge Works -

8 Road Furniture 479 897,30

9 Miscelenious Works -

10 Schedule of Dayworks 25 907,40

Labour 200,50
Materials 19 709,50
Equipment 5 997,40

SUBTOTAL 14 843 308,02

Contingency 10 - % 1 484 330,80
TOTAL 16 327 638,82

Average 1 km cost 418 657,41

1. General Items
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
1.2-1 Allow the cost of progress photographs L.S. 1 2 000,00 2 000,00
1.4-1 Costruct detour roads as directed by the Engineer km 10 6 300,00 63 000,00
1.4-2 Maintain detour roads by grading and watering month 10 900,00 9 000,00
1.4-3 Maintain existing road month 24 1 500,00 36 000,00
1.6-1 Provision of a site office building for the Engineer No. 1 65 000,00 65 000,00
1.6-2 Provision of a site laboratory building for the Engineer No. 1 40 000,00 40 000,00
1.6-3 Provision of living accomodation for the Engineer (Type1) PS 2 12 600,00 25 200,00
1.6-4 Provision of living accomodation for the Engineers staff (Type2) PS 2 10 500,00 21 000,00
1.6-5 Provision of living accomodation for the Engineers staff (Type3) PS 3 10 500,00 31 500,00
1.6-7 Furnish and equip office for the Engineer L.S 1 20 000,00 20 000,00
1.6-8 Furnish and equip laboratory for the Engineer L.S 1 15 000,00 15 000,00
1.6-9 Furnish and equip living accomodation for theEngineer (Type1) L.S 2 7 000,00 14 000,00
1.6-10 Furnish and equip living accomodation for theEngineer (Type2) L.S 2 5 000,00 10 000,00
1.6-11 Furnish and equip living accomodation for the Engineer (Type3) L.S 3 4 000,00 12 000,00
1.6-12 Maintain and provide consumables for the Engineers site office Mth 24 600,00 14 400,00
1.6-13 Maintain and provide consumables for the Engineers site laboratory Mth 24 500,00 12 000,00
1.6-14 Maintain and provide consumables for the Engineer accomodation (Type1) Mth 50 250,00 12 500,00
1.6-15 Maintain and provide consumables for the Engineer accomodation (Type2) Mth 50 200,00 10 000,00
1.6-16 Maintain and provide consumables for the Engineer accomodation (Type3) Mth 72 180,00 12 960,00
1.6-17 Telephone charge for international communication calls P.S 1 6 300,00 6 300,00
1.6-18 Provision and maintenance of the Engineers survey equipment L.S 1 30 000,00 30 000,00
1.6-19 Allowance for wages to local hired technical staff of the Engineer Mth 120 500,00 60 000,00
Allow for payment of field allowances of local hired technical staff of the
1.6-20 Engineer Mth 120 500,00 60 000,00
1.6-22 Provide new vehicles (Type1) for the exclusive use of the Engineer No 1 40 000,00 40 000,00
1.6-23 Provide new vehicles (Type2) for the exclusive use of the Engineer Staff No 2 25 000,00 50 000,00
1.6-24 Provide new vehicles (Type3) for the exclusive use of the Engineer Staff No 2 15 000,00 30 000,00
Provide driver, fuel, repair and maintenance for vehicle (Type1) for an average
1.6-25 of 2500 km per month Mth 24 1 200,00 28 800,00
Provide driver, fuel, repair and maintenance for vehicle (Type2) for an average
1.6-26 of 2500 km per month Mth 48 850,00 40 800,00
Provide driver, fuel, repair and maintenance for vehicle (Type3) for an average
1.6-27 of 2500 km per month Mth 48 850,00 40 800,00

1.6-28 Mileage charge for vehicle Type 1 in excess of 2500 km per month km 20000 0,35 7 000,00

1.6-29 Mileage charge for vehicle Type2 in excess of 2500 km per month km 20000 0,35 7 000,00

1.6-30 Mileage charge for vehicle Type 3 in excess of 2500 km per month km 20000 0,35 7 000,00
TOTAL 833 260,00
BILL 2 - Control of Works and Materials

Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Setting out of road base with angles and pickets outside the road
2.1-1 reserve km 39,00 850,00 33 150,00
2.1-2 Setting out of road center line km 39,00 700,00 27 300,00
2.1-3 Setting out of structure center lines km 0,80 1 280,00 1 024,00
Perform pre-construction testing-of bituminous binders as directed by
2.4-1 the Engineer (Fixed Provision Sum) P.S 0,30 15 000,00 4 500,00

TOTAL 65 974,00
BILL 3 - Earth Works

Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

3.2-1 Clearing and Grubbing ha 0,58 750,00 435,00
Removal and disposal of existing road structures, fences and
3.2-2 signboards and transportation to store as directed by the Engineer m3 1 047,00 30,00 31 410,00
3.3-3 Dressing of mountain slopes and removal of ravine material m2 - 5,00 -
3.3-4 Excavation to spoil of ordinary soil m3 104 560,00 3,00 313 680,00
3.3-5 Excavation to spoil of rock m3 - 6,00 -
Extra over on items 3.3-4 and 3.3-5 for hauls in excess of 1 km free
3.3-6 haul m3km 313 545,00 0,50 156 772,50

3.3-7 Existing asphalt pavement to break-up and dispose of to stockpile m3 29 400,00 3,50 102 900,00
3.4-1 Embankment fill, ordinary soil from cut and borrow pit m3 60 540,00 3,50 211 890,00
3.4-2 Embankment fill, rock material from cut and borrow pit m3 29 025,00 5,20 150 930,00
Extra over in item 3.4-1 and 3.4-2 for hauls in excess of 1km free
3.4-3 haul m3km 268 695,00 0,50 134 347,50
3.5-1 Subgrade, suitable material m3 140 224,00 3,50 490 784,00
3.5-2 Subgrade, selected material m3 - 5,50 -
Extra over in item 3.5-1 and 3.5-2 for hauls in excess of 1km free
3.5-3 haul m3km 420 673,00 0,50 210 336,50
Preparation of existing subgrade level surface only, including
3.5-4 scarifying, shaping , watering and compaction м2 79 326,00 0,30 23 797,80
TOTAL 1 827 283,30
BILL 4- Drainage Works

Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

4.2-1 Excavation for open drains, common material, 0-2 m depth m3 260,00 3,50 910,00
4.2-2 Excavation for open drains, in rock, 0-2 m depth m3 - 8,00 -
Overhaul on excavated material carted to spoil for haul in excess of
4.2-3 1,0 km free hauling distance m3km 780,00 0,50 390,00
Excavation for prefabricated concrete pipe and box culverts in
4.4-1 common material depth 0-2 m m3 2 334,00 3,50 8 169,00
4.4-2 Same with 4.4-1, but depth 2-4 m m3 775,00 5,20 4 030,00
Excavation for prefabricated concrete pipe and box culverts in rock
4.4-3 material depth 0-2 m m3 - 9,50 -
4.4-4 Same with 4.4-3, but depth 2-4 m m3 - 10,00 -

4.4-5 Backfilling of concrete pipe and box culvert with excavated material m3 409,00 5,00 2 045,00
Backfilling of concrete pipe and box culvert trenches, using imported,
4.4-6 selected material m3 272,00 7,00 1 904,00

4.4-7 Overhaul of backfilling material for haul in excess of 1,0 km free haul m3km 816,00 0,50 408,00
4.4-8 Provide and place reinforced concrete pipe dia, 1.0 m m 195,00 145,00 28 275,00
4.4-9 Provide and place reinforced concrete pipe dia, 1.5 m m 92,00 250,00 23 000,00
4.4-10 Provide and place reinforced concrete box culverts - -
opening 2x2 m 74,76 425,00 31 773,00
opening 2x3 m - -
opening 2.5x4 m - 520,00 -
Provide and place concrete precast elements: wingwalls, headwalls
4.4-11 and ets m3 383,30 300,00 114 990,00
4.4-12 Repair of existing culverts no - 550,00 -
Cast in-situ concrete for foundations for pipes and box culverts,
4.5-1 wignwalls, catchpits, spillways m3 -
4.5-1a Concrete B-15 m3 - 120,00 -
4.5-1b Concrete B-20 m3 594,00 150,00 89 100,00
Protection coating, sealing and jointing of precast concrete pipe and
4.5-2 box culverts m2 3 554,00 2,50 8 885,00
4.5-3 Provide and install pre-cast scour-checks m3 - 200,00 -
Cast in-situ concrete for outlets, inlets, strengthening of bottom and
4.5-4 slopes of channels, dams etc m3 200,00 120,00 24 000,00
4.6-1 Stone pitching m3 25,00 16,50 412,50
4.6-2 Excavation for gabions, Reno matrasses and scour-ckecks m3 - 3,50 -
Provide and install gabion mattresses from galvanized wires of double
4.6-3 twisting m3 - 120,00 -

4.6-6 Rip-rap for slope and bed protection m2 - 14,50 -

4.6-7 Provide and place pre-cast concrete chutes m - 29,19 -
4.6-8 Excavation for pre-cast concrete chutes m3 - 3,50 -
4.6-9 Greval-sand pad m3 - 8,60 -
4.6-10 м3 - 122,50 -
4.6-11 Provide and place pre-cast concrete curbs elements БР100.20.8 м 7 718,00 6,23 48 083,14
4.6-12 Provide and place pre-cast concrete curbs elements БР100.30.18 м 2 580,00 15,20 39 216,00
4.6-13 Provide and place concrete beams П-1 for chutes м3 6,20 188,90 1 171,18
TOTAL 426 761,82
BILL 5- Pavement Works

Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Provide, place and compact natural gravel size 0-40 mm subbase
5.2-1 material for upper shoulders m3 7 850,00 8,60 67 510,00
Provide, place and compact natural gravel size 0-70 mm material for
5.2-1a low shoulders m3 36 894,00 8,60 317 288,40
5.2-2 Provide, place and compact natural gravel subbase layer m3 127 725,00 8,50 1 085 662,50

5.2-3 Extra over on item 5.2-1 and 5.2-2 for haulage in excess of 1.0 km m3km 493 860,00 0,50 246 930,00
Provide, place and compact crushed graded rock aggregate for base
5.2-4 course m3 49 140,00 18,50 909 090,00
Apply prime cot of MC-70 cutback bitumen at a rate of 0.85 kg per
5.5-1 sq.m m2 327 600,00 0,50 163 800,00
Add to or deduct from item 5.5-1 for increasing or decreasing the rate
5.5-2 of spread of MC-70 as directed by the Engineer (Rate only) kg - 0,70 -
Apply tack coat of RS-1 bituminous emulsion at a rate of 0.4 litre per
5.6-1 sq,m at a carriageway m2 327 600,00 0,25 81 900,00
Add to or deduct from item 5.6-1 for increasing or decreasing the rate
5.6-2 of spread of tack-coat ( Rate only) kg - 0,70 -
Provide, lay and compact asphalt concrete wearing course, 0/10 mm
5.6-3 with 5.5% bitumen content m3 16 380,00 225,10 3 687 138,00
Provide, lay and compact asphalt concrete binder course, 0/20 mm
5.6-4 with 4.5% bitumen content m3 22 932,00 196,40 4 503 844,80
Add to or deduct from item 5.6-3, 4, 5 for increasing/ decreasing
5.6-5 bitumen content as direcred by the Engineer kg - 0,70 -

5.6-6 Provide, place and compact natural gravel subbase layer for sidewalks м2 9 760,00 5,60 54 656,00
Provide, lay and compact asphalt concrete wearing course, 0/10 mm
5.6-7 with 5.5% bitumen content H-3cm for sidewalks м3 295,00 225,10 66 404,50
TOTAL 11 184 224,20
BILL 8- Road Furniture
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Precast, paint and place new kilometer posts, including excavation,
8.1-1 foundation and backfilling No 39,00 110,00 4 290,00
Precast, paint and place new road marker posts, including excavation,
8.1-2 foundation and backfilling No 866,00 35,00 30 310,00
Provide and place triangilar warning signs, side 900mm, incl,concrete
8.3-1 posts and foundation No 102,00 120,00 12 240,00
Provide and place suare warning signs, 500x2250 mm on double
8.3-2 concrete posts and foundation No - 205,30 -
Provide and place prohibition signs, d=700 mm on concrete posts and
8.3-3 foundation No 9,00 140,50 1 264,50
Provide and place informative road signs, size 350x700mm on double
8.3-4 concrete posts and foundation No. - 205,30 -
Provide and place informative road signs, size 700x700mm on single
8.3-5 concrete posts and foundation No - 220,20 -
Provide and place informative road signs on double concrete posts
8.3-6 and foundation - -
2000х680 No - 310,20 -
2500х680 No - 543,16 -
3000х680 No - 570,40 -
4000х680 No - 670,50 -
Provide and place informative road signs, size 900x600mm on single
8.3-7 concrete posts and foundation No 53,00 210,70 11 167,10
8.3-8 Ditto, 200х300 No 39,00 18,50 721,50
8.3-9 Ditto, 1050х700 No - 238,30 -
8.3-10 Individual signs - -
УЗДП-25 5000х1020 No - 950,00 -
УЗДП-10 2500х680 No - 470,20 -
УЗДП-21 4000х1020 No - 865,20 -
УЗДП-17 2500х1500 No - 570,20 -
УЗДП-19 3000х1500 No - 890,00 -
УЗДП-15 2000х1500 No - 420,00 -
8.3-11 Concrete posts for item 8.3-10 - -
concrete м3 - 140,00 -
Steel A-I кг - 2,20 -
Steel А-III кг - 2,20 -
Binding wire Вр-1 кг - 2,20 -
8.3-12 Concrete foundation for item 8.3-10 - -
concrete м3 95,00 140,00 13 300,00
steel кг 1 461,00 2,20 3 214,20
Binding wire Вр-1 кг - 2,20 -
Lay, 100mm wide, continuos white road marking line at road center
8.4-1 line m 2 060,00 2,50 5 150,00
Lay 100mm wide continuos white carriage way marking lines at both
8.4-2 sides of road m 81 404,00 2,50 203 510,00
Lay 100mm wide, broken white line at the road center line,
8.4-3 Correlation between dashes and intervals 1:3 m 35 250,00 1,50 52 875,00
Lay 100mm wide, broken white line at the road center line,
8.4-4 Correlation between dashes and intervals 3:1 m 2 100,00 1,30 2 730,00
Lay 100mm wide, broken white line at the road center line,
8.4-5 Correlation between dashes and intervals 1:1 m 1 760,00 1,53 2 692,80
Lay 200 mm wide, broken white line at the road center line,
8.4-6 Correlation between dashes and intervals 1:3 m - 1,86 -
8.4-7 Other road markings m2 1 062,00 33,10 35 152,20
8.5-1 Remove and place in store reusable concrete parapets and bloks m - 5,10 -
8.5-2 Place reusable concrete parapets m - 15,60 -
Provide and place new concrete parapets on sand padding, including
8.5-3 jointing of parapets l.m - 150,00 -
8.5-4 Concrete casting for joints of parapets m3 - 125,00 -
8.5-5 Provide and place new steel guard, incl. concrete posts m 1 348,00 60,00 80 880,00
8.6-1 Construction of new enclosed bus-stops no 4,00 4 500,00 18 000,00
8.6-2 Repair of existing enclosed bus-stops no 2,00 1 200,00 2 400,00
TOTAL 479 897,30
BILL 9 - Miscelenious
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
9.1-1 Reallocation of overhead line 0,4 kV ( supports, wire A50) (PS) km - 8 000,00 -
9.1-2 Reallocation of high-voltage line 10 kV (supports, wire AC70) (PS) km - 8 000,00 -
9.1-3 Providing and assembling of overhead line 10 kV (PS) km - -
9.1-4 Reallocation of overhead communication line (PS) km - 8 000,00 -
9.1-5 Providing and assembling of overhead line 0,4kV (PS) km - 8 000,00 -
BILL - Schedule of Dayworks

Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

10.10-1 Unskilled labour h 10,00 1,75 17,50
10.10-2 Working forman h 10,00 2,90 29,00
10.10-3 Timberman h 10,00 2,50 25,00
10.10-4 Carpenter/Stone Mason h 10,00 2,50 25,00
10.10-5 Concreter h 10,00 2,50 25,00
10.10-6 Mechanic h 10,00 2,50 25,00
10.10-7 Artisan h 10,00 2,50 25,00
10.10-8 Alpinist h 10,00 2,90 29,00
SUB-TOTAL 200,50

BILL - Schedule of Dayworks


Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

10.20-1 Ordinary portland cement t 5,00 160,00 800,00
10.20-2 Sulphate resistant cement t 5,00 180,00 900,00
10.20-3 Fine aggregate (sand) m3 5,00 35,20 176,00
10.20-4 Coarse aggregate m3 5,00 18,20 91,00
10.20-5 Mild steel reinforcement t 5,00 1 600,00 8 000,00
10.20-6 Timbering for trenches m2 25,00 16,60 415,00
10.20-7 Formwork, rough finish m2 25,00 16,60 415,00
10.20-8 Formwork, fair finish m2 25,00 18,50 462,50
10.20-9 Bitumen,, cutback MC-70 t 5,00 520,00 2 600,00
10.20-10 Bitumen, penetration 90/130 t 5,00 570,00 2 850,00
10.20-11 Bitumen emulsion t 5,00 600,00 3 000,00
SUB-TOTAL 19 709,50
BILL - Schedule of Dayworks
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
10.3-1 100-200 kW dozer or equivalent complete with blade and ripper h 10,00 24,00 240,00
10.3-3 300-400 kW dozer or equivalent complete with blade and ripper h 10,00 32,00 320,00
10.3-5 Motor grader complete with scarifier h 10,00 18,00 180,00
10.3-7 Heavy sheepfoot or grid roller with tractor h 10,00 19,20 192,00
10.3-9 5-6t drawn vibrating roller with tractor h 10,00 21,60 216,00
10.3-10 10-15t pneumatic self-propolled roller h 10,00 15,60 156,00
10.3-12 10-12t vibratory, self-propolled roller h 10,00 21,60 216,00
10.3-13 16-18 t vibratory, self-propolled roller h 10,00 21,60 216,00
10.3-15 Pneumatic hand operated compactor h 10,00 12,00 120,00
10.3-16 Vibratory plate compactor h 10,00 27,60 276,00
10.3-17 Excavator, bucket size 1m3 h 10,00 28,80 288,00
10.3-18 Excavator, bucket size 2 m3 h 10,00 37,18 371,80
10.3-19 5 t flatbed truck h 10,00 19,20 192,00
10.3-20 5 t tipper lorry h 10,00 19,20 192,00
10.3-21 10 t tipper lorry h 10,00 27,60 276,00
10.3-22 1 t pick-up h 10,00 15,60 156,00
10.3-23 3 t pick -up h 10,00 15,60 156,00
10.3-24 Four wheel-drive car h 10,00 14,30 143,00

10.3-25 Compressor (3.2m3/min) complete with all tools, drill bits and hoses h 10,00 22,80 228,00
10.3-29 75 mm water pump with motor h 10,00 12,00 120,00
10.3-30 Concrete mixer, 220 V capacity h 10,00 20,40 204,00
10.3-31 Concrete vibratory poker h 10,00 12,00 120,00
10.3-32 Wheel loader , 1 m3 bucket h 10,00 24,00 240,00
10.3-33 Wheel loader , 2 m3 bucket h 10,00 32,00 320,00
10.3-36 Water bowser with pump, 6 m3 h 10,00 15,26 152,60
10.3-37 mechanical tractor broom h 10,00 16,80 168,00
10.3-38 Agricultural tractor h 10,00 16,80 168,00
10.3-39 Bitumen handspray unit h 10,00 12,00 120,00
10.3-40 Mechanical bitumeen spray unit h 10,00 25,00 250,00
SUB-TOTAL 5 997,40

TOTAL 14 010 048,02

Bishkek-Naryn-Torugart Road Rehabilitation Project
Package 2: km 280 - km 400 Cost of 67 km
Items Description Amount

1 General Items 2 625 660,00

2 Control of Works and Materials 119 123,44

3 Earth Works 5 533 595,10

4 Drainage Works 1 193 327,86

5 Pavement Works 19 219 950,08

6 Bridge Works 18 291,29

8 Road Furniture 2 835 874,99

9 Miscelenious Works 71 704,00

10 Schedule of Dayworks 140 089,60

Labour 5 785,00
Materials 109 705,00
Equipment 24 599,60

SUBTOTAL 31 757 616,35

Contingency 10 - % 3 175 761,64
TOTAL 34 933 377,99

Cost Estimate for Package 2 (120 km)

Item average cost per 1 km Cost of all Road

General Items 2 625 660,00

Control of Works 1 832,67 219 920,20
Earth Works 85 132,23 10 215 867,88
Drainage Works 18 358,89 2 203 066,82
Pavement Works 295 691,54 35 482 984,76
Bridge Works 281,40 33 768,53
Road Furniture 43 628,85 5 235 461,51
Miscelenious Works 1 103,14 132 376,62
Schedule of Dayworks 140 089,60

SUBTOTAL 56 289 195,91

Contingency 10 - % 5 628 919,59
TOTAL 61 918 115,50

Average cost per 1 km 515 984,30


1. General Items
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
1.2-1 Allow the cost of progress photographs L.S. 1 2 000,00 2 000,00
1.4-1 Costruct detour roads as directed by the Engineer km 50 6 300,00 315 000,00
1.4-2 Maintain detour roads by grading and watering month 36 900,00 32 400,00
1.4-3 Maintain existing road month 36 1 500,00 54 000,00
1.5-1 Mobilization cost of the Contractors site facilities L.S 1 300 000,00 300 000,00
1.6-1 Provision of a site office building for the Engineer No. 1 65 000,00 65 000,00
1.6-2 Provision of a site laboratory building for the Engineer No. 1 40 000,00 40 000,00
1.6-3 Provision of living accomodation for the Engineer (Type1) PS 2 12 600,00 25 200,00
1.6-4 Provision of living accomodation for the Engineers staff (Type2) PS 4 10 500,00 42 000,00
1.6-5 Provision of living accomodation for the Engineers staff (Type3) PS 6 10 500,00 63 000,00
1.6-7 Furnish and equip office for the Engineer L.S 1 45 000,00 45 000,00
1.6-8 Furnish and equip laboratory for the Engineer L.S 1 35 000,00 35 000,00
1.6-9 Furnish and equip living accomodation for theEngineer (Type1) L.S 2 11 000,00 22 000,00
1.6-10 Furnish and equip living accomodation for theEngineer (Type2) L.S 4 9 000,00 36 000,00
1.6-11 Furnish and equip living accomodation for the Engineer (Type3) L.S 6 6 000,00 36 000,00
1.6-12 Maintain and provide consumables for the Engineers site office Mth 42 800,00 33 600,00
1.6-13 Maintain and provide consumables for the Engineers site laboratory Mth 42 500,00 21 000,00

1.6-14 Maintain and provide consumables for the Engineer accomodation (Type1) Mth 84 250,00 21 000,00

1.6-15 Maintain and provide consumables for the Engineer accomodation (Type2) Mth 168 200,00 33 600,00

1.6-16 Maintain and provide consumables for the Engineer accomodation (Type3) Mth 252 180,00 45 360,00

1.6-17 Telephone charge for international communication calls P.S 1 6 300,00 6 300,00

1.6-18 Provision and maintenance of the Engineers survey equipment L.S 1 35 000,00 35 000,00

1.6-19 Allowance for wages to local hired technical staff of the Engineer Mth 324 500,00 162 000,00
Allow for payment of field allowances of local hired technical staff of the
1.6-20 Engineer Mth 324 500,00 162 000,00

1.6-22 Provide new vehicles (Type1) for the exclusive use of the Engineer No 2 40 000,00 80 000,00

1.6-23 Provide new vehicles (Type2) for the exclusive use of the Engineer Staff No 4 32 000,00 128 000,00

1.6-24 Provide new vehicles (Type3) for the exclusive use of the Engineer Staff No 6 22 000,00 132 000,00
Provide driver, fuel, repair and maintenance for vehicle (Type1) for an
1.6-25 average of 5000 km per month Mth 72 1 500,00 108 000,00
Provide driver, fuel, repair and maintenance for vehicle (Type2) for an
1.6-26 average of 5000 km per month Mth 144 1 500,00 216 000,00
Provide driver, fuel, repair and maintenance for vehicle (Type3) for an
1.6-27 average of 5000 km per month Mth 216 1 200,00 259 200,00

1.6-28 Mileage charge for vehicle Type 1 in excess of 5000 km per month km 40000 0,50 20 000,00

1.6-29 Mileage charge for vehicle Type2 in excess of 5000 km per month km 40000 0,50 20 000,00

1.6-30 Mileage charge for vehicle Type 3 in excess of 5000 km per month km 60000 0,50 30 000,00
TOTAL 2 625 660,00
Sections km 280 - km 287; km 287 - km 302; km 339 - km 343; km 358 - km 365; km 365 - km 400

BILL 2 - Control of Works and Materials

Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Setting out of road base with angles and pickets outside the road
2.1-1 reserve km 67,48 850,00 57 358,00
2.1-2 Setting out of road center line km 67,48 700,00 47 236,00
2.1-3 Setting out of structure center lines km 3,15 1 280,00 4 029,44
Perform pre-construction testing-of bituminous binders as directed by
2.4-1 the Engineer (Fixed Provision Sum) P.S 0,70 15 000,00 10 500,00

TOTAL 119 123,44

BILL 3 - Earth Works

Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

3.2-1 Clearing and Grubbing ha 3,30 750,00 2 475,00
Removal and disposal of existing road structures, fences and
3.2-2 signboards m3 1 868,90 30,00 56 067,00
3.3-3 Dressing of mountain slopes and removal of ravine material m2 4 350,00 5,00 21 750,00
3.3-4 Excavation to spoil of ordinary soil m3 213 988,00 3,00 641 964,00
3.3-5 Excavation to spoil of rock m3 250 053,00 6,00 1 500 318,00
Extra over on items 3.3-4 and 3.3-5 for hauls in excess of 1 km free
3.3-6 hail m3km 757 555,00 0,50 378 777,50

3.3-7 Existing asphalt pavement to break-up and dispose of to stockpile m3 52 780,00 3,50 184 730,00
3.4-1 Embankment fill, ordinary soil from cut and borrow pit m3 168 757,00 3,50 590 649,50
3.4-2 Embankment fill, rock material from cut m3 65 423,00 5,20 340 199,60
Extra over in item 3.4-1 and 3.4-2 for hauls in excess of 1km free
3.4-3 haul m3km 612 294,00 0,50 306 147,00
3.5-1 Subgrade, suitable material m3 315 019,00 3,50 1 102 566,50
3.5-2 Subgrade, selected material m3 - 5,50 0,00
Extra over in item 3.5-1 and 3.5-2 for hauls in excess of 1km free
3.5-3 haul m3km 742 672,00 0,50 371 336,00
Preparation of existing subgrade, scarifying, shaping , watering and
3.5-4 compaction м2 122 050,00 0,30 36 615,00
TOTAL 5 533 595,10
BILL 4- Drainage Works

Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

4.2-1 Excavation for open drains, common material, 0-2 m depth m3 235,0 3,50 822,50
4.2-2 Excavation for open drains, in rock, 0-2 m depth m3 252,0 8,00 2 016,00
Overhaul on excavated material carted to spoil for haul in excess of
4.2-3 1,0 km free hauling distance m3km 1345,0 0,50 672,50
Excavation for prefabricated concrete culverts in common material
4.4-1 depth 0-2 m m3 4696,0 3,50 16 436,00
4.4-2 Same with 4.4-1, but depth 2-4 m m3 1388,0 5,20 7 217,60
Excavation for prefabricated concrete culverts in rock material depth 0-
4.4-3 2m m3 120,0 9,50 1 140,00
4.4-4 Same with 4.4-3, but depth 2-4 m m3 35,0 10,00 350,00
4.4-5 Backfilling of concrete culvert with excavated material m3 1066,0 5,00 5 330,00
Backfilling of concrete culvert trenches, using imported, selected
4.4-6 material m3 540,0 7,00 3 780,00

4.4-7 Overhaul of backfilling material for haul in excess of 1,0 km free haul m3km 3235,0 0,50 1 617,50
4.4-8 Provide and place reinforced concrete pipe dia, 1.0 m m 517,3 145,00 75 009,95
4.4-9 Provide and place reinforced concrete pipe dia, 1.5 m m 314,1 250,00 78 527,50
4.4-10 Provide and place reinforced concrete box pipe culverts 0,0 0,00
opening 2x2 m3 182,7 425,00 77 639,00
opening 2x3 m3 0,0 0,00
opening 2.5x4 m3 0,0 520,00 0,00
Provide and place concrete precast elements: wingwalls, headwalls
4.4-11 and ets m3 1258,1 300,00 377 418,00
4.4-12 Repair of existing culverts no 0,0 550,00 0,00
Cast in-situ concrete for foundations for pipes, wignwalls, catchpits,
4.5-1 spillways m3 0,0 0,00
4.5-1a Concrete B-15 m3 71,1 120,00 8 527,20
4.5-1b Concrete B-20 m3 968,1 150,00 145 216,50
Protection coating, sealing and jointing of precast concrete pipe and
4.5-2 box culverts m2 5914,9 2,50 14 787,25

4.5-3 Provide and install pre-cast scour-checks m3 108,1 200,00 21 620,00

Cast in-situ concrete for outlets, inlets, strengthening of bottom and
4.5-4 slopes of channels, dams etc m3 407,7 120,00 48 928,80
4.6-1 Stone pitching m3 3561,2 16,50 58 759,80
4.6-2 Excavation for gabions, Reno matrasses and scour-ckecks m3 1311,2 3,50 4 589,20
Provide and install gabion mattresses from galvanized wires of double
4.6-3 twisting m3 1324,0 120,00 158 880,00
4.6-4 Pitching with precast concrete mats thickness 100-150 mm m2 5350,0 4,80 25 680,00
4.6-5 L.m 0,0 276,80 0,00
4.6-6 Rip-rap for slope and bed protection m2 2928,0 14,50 42 456,00
4.6-7 Provide and place pre-cast concrete chutes m 282,0 29,19 8 231,58
4.6-8 Excavation for pre-cast concrete chutes m3 135,0 3,50 472,50
4.6-9 Greval-sand pad m3 10,2 8,60 87,72
4.6-10 м3 0,0 122,50 0,00
4.6-11 Provide and place pre-cast concrete curbs elements БР100.20.8 м 332,0 6,23 2 068,36
4.6-12 Provide and place pre-cast concrete curbs elements БР100.30.18 м 332,0 15,20 5 046,40
4.6-13 Provide and place concrete beams П-1 for chutes м3 0,0 188,90 0,00
TOTAL 1 193 327,86
BILL 5- Pavement Works

Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Provide, place and compact natural gravel size 0-40 mm subbase
5.2-1 material for upper shoulders m3 17544,00 8,60 150 878,40
Provide, place and compact natural gravel size 0-70 mm material for
5.2-1a low shoulders m3 59109,30 8,60 508 339,98
5.2-2 Provide, place and compact natural gravel subbase layer m3 219611,00 8,50 1 866 693,50

5.2-3 Extra over on item 5.2-1 and 5.2-2 for haulage in excess of 1.0 km m3km 1147192,00 0,50 573 596,00
Provide, place and compact crushed graded rock aggregate for base
5.2-4 course m3 84680,00 18,50 1 566 580,00
Apply prime cot of MC-70 cutback bitumen at a rate of 0.85 kg per
5.5-1 sq.m m2 563300,00 0,50 281 650,00
Add to or deduct from item 5.5-1 for increasing or decreasing the rate
5.5-2 of spread of MC-70 as directed by the Engineer (Rate only) kg 0,00 0,70 0,00
Apply tack coat of RS-1 bituminous emulsion at a rate of 0.4 litre per
5.6-1 sq,m at a carriageway m2 563300,00 0,25 140 825,00
Add to or deduct from item 5.6-1 for increasing or decreasing the rate
5.6-2 of spread of tack-coat ( Rate only) kg 0,00 0,70 0,00
Provide, lay and compact asphalt concrete wearing course, 0/10 mm
5.6-3 with 5.5% bitumen content m3 28304,00 225,10 6 371 230,40
Provide, lay and compact asphalt concrete binder course, 0/20 mm
5.6-4 with 4.5% bitumen content m3 39512,00 196,40 7 760 156,80
Add to or deduct from item 5.6-3, 4, 5 for increasing/ decreasing
5.6-5 bitumen content as direcred by the kg 0,00 0,70 0,00

5.6-6 Provide, place and compact natural gravel subbase layer for sidewalks м2 546,00 5,60 3 057,60
Provide, lay and compact asphalt concrete wearing course, 0/10 mm
5.6-7 with 5.5% bitumen content H-3cm for sidewalks м3 16,30 225,10 3 669,13
TOTAL 19 219 950,08
BILL 8- Road Furniture

Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Precast, paint and place new kilometer posts, including excavation,
8.1-1 foundation and backfilling No 68,00 110,00 7 480,00
Precast, paint and place new road marker posts, including excavation,
8.1-2 foundation and backfilling No 1488,00 35,00 52 080,00
Provide and place triangilar warning signs, side 900mm, incl,concrete
8.3-1 posts and foundation No 106,00 120,00 12 720,00
Provide and place suare warning signs, 500x2250 mm on double
8.3-2 concrete posts and foundation No 7,00 205,30 1 437,10
Provide and place prohibition signs, d=700 mm on concrete posts and
8.3-3 foundation No 0,00 140,50 0,00
Provide and place informative road signs, size 350x700mm on double
8.3-4 concrete posts and foundation No. 18,00 205,30 3 695,40
Provide and place informative road signs, size 700x700mm on single
8.3-5 concrete posts and foundation No 16,00 220,20 3 523,20
Provide and place informative road signs on double concrete posts and
8.3-6 foundation 0,00 0,00
2000х680 No 2,00 310,20 620,40
2500х680 No 2,00 543,16 1 086,32
3000х680 No 8,00 570,40 4 563,20
4000х680 No 0,00 670,50 0,00
Provide and place informative road signs, size 900x600mm on single
8.3-7 concrete posts and foundation No 22,00 210,70 4 635,40
8.3-8 Ditto, 200х300 No 104,00 18,50 1 924,00
8.3-9 Ditto, 1050х700 No 4,00 238,30 953,20
8.3-10 Individual signs 0,00 0,00
УЗДП-25 5000х1020 No 2,00 950,00 1 900,00
УЗДП-10 2500х680 No 7,00 470,20 3 291,40
УЗДП-21 4000х1020 No 1,00 865,20 865,20
УЗДП-17 2500х1500 No 2,00 570,20 1 140,40
УЗДП-19 3000х1500 No 3,00 890,00 2 670,00
УЗДП-15 2000х1500 No 1,00 420,00 420,00
8.3-11 Concrete posts for item 8.3-10 0,00 0,00
concrete м3 5,98 140,00 837,20
Steel A-I кг 162,48 2,20 357,46
Steel А-III кг 118,30 2,20 260,26
Binding wire Вр-1 кг 277,23 2,20 609,91
8.3-12 Concrete foundation for item 8.3-10 0,00 0,00
concrete м3 84,77 140,00 11 867,80
steel кг 656,46 2,20 1 444,21
Binding wire Вр-1 кг 716,96 2,20 1 577,31
Lay, 100mm wide, continuos white road marking line at road center
8.4-1 line m 18758,00 2,50 46 895,00
Lay 100mm wide continuos white carriage way marking lines at both
8.4-2 sides of road m 108609,24 2,50 271 523,10
Lay 100mm wide, broken white line at the road center line,
8.4-3 Correlation between dashes and intervals 1:3 m 44672,00 1,50 67 008,00
Lay 100mm wide, broken white line at the road center line,
8.4-4 Correlation between dashes and intervals 3:1 m 3523,00 1,30 4 579,90
Lay 100mm wide, broken white line at the road center line,
8.4-5 Correlation between dashes and intervals 1:1 m 1066,00 1,53 1 630,98
Lay 200 mm wide, broken white line at the road center line,
8.4-6 Correlation between dashes and intervals 1:3 m 575,00 1,86 1 069,50
8.4-7 Other road marking m2 7539,40 33,10 249 554,14
8.5-1 Remove and place in store reusable concrete parapets and bloks m 0,00 5,10 0,00
8.5-2 Place reusable concrete parapets m 0,00 15,60 0,00
Provide and place new concrete parapets on sand padding, including
8.5-3 jointing of parapets l.m 9652,00 150,00 1 447 800,00
8.5-4 Concrete casting for joints of parapets m3 68,44 125,00 8 555,00
8.5-5 Provide and place new steel guard, incl. concrete posts m 9615,00 60,00 576 900,00
8.6-1 Construction of new enclosed bus-stops no 8,00 4 500,00 36 000,00
8.6-2 Repair of existing enclosed bus-stops no 2,00 1 200,00 2 400,00
TOTAL 2 835 874,99
BILL 9 - Miscelenious
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
9.1-1 Reallocation of overhead line 0,4 kV ( supports, wire A50) (PS) km 1,81 8 000,00 14 480,00
9.1-2 Reallocation of high-voltage line 10 kV (supports, wire AC70) (PS) km 0,235 8 000,00 1 880,00
9.1-3 Providing and assembling of overhead line 10 kV (PS) km 0,53 8 000,00 4 240,00
9.1-4 Reallocation of overhead communication line (PS) km 4,638 8 000,00 37 104,00
9.1-5 Providing and assembling of overhead line 0,4kV (PS) km 1,75 8 000,00 14 000,00
TOTAL 71 704,00
BILL - Schedule of Dayworks

Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

10.10-1 Unskilled labour h 1500 1,75 2 625,00
10.10-2 Working forman h 200 2,90 580,00
10.10-3 Timberman h 200 2,50 500,00
10.10-4 Carpenter/Stone Mason h 100 2,50 250,00
10.10-5 Concreter h 200 2,50 500,00
10.10-6 Mechanic h 200 2,50 500,00
10.10-7 Artisan h 100 2,50 250,00
10.10-8 Alpinist h 200 2,90 580,00
SUB-TOTAL 5 785,00

BILL - Schedule of Dayworks

Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

10.20-1 Ordinary portland cement t 50 160,00 8 000,00
10.20-2 Sulphate resistant cement t 10 180,00 1 800,00
10.20-3 Fine aggregate (sand) m3 350 35,20 12 320,00
10.20-4 Coarse aggregate m3 350 18,20 6 370,00
10.20-5 Mild steel reinforcement t 20 1 600,00 32 000,00
10.20-6 Timbering for trenches m2 450 16,60 7 470,00
10.20-7 Formwork, rough finish m2 450 16,60 7 470,00
10.20-8 Formwork, fair finish m2 350 18,50 6 475,00
10.20-9 Bitumen,, cutback MC-70 t 20 520,00 10 400,00
10.20-10 Bitumen, penetration 90/130 t 20 570,00 11 400,00
10.20-11 Bitumen emulsion t 10 600,00 6 000,00
SUB-TOTAL 109 705,00
BILL - Schedule of Dayworks
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
10.3-1 100-200 kW dozer or equivalent complete with blade and ripper h 100 24,00 2 400,00
10.3-3 300-400 kW dozer or equivalent complete with blade and ripper h 50 32,00 1 600,00
10.3-5 Motor grader complete with scarifier h 50 18,00 900,00
10.3-7 Heavy sheepfoot or grid roller with tractor h 30 19,20 576,00
10.3-9 5-6t drawn vibrating roller with tractor h 30 21,60 648,00
10.3-10 10-15t pneumatic self-propolled roller h 30 15,60 468,00
10.3-12 10-12t vibratory, self-propolled roller h 30 21,60 648,00
10.3-13 16-18 t vibratory, self-propolled roller h 30 21,60 648,00
10.3-15 Pneumatic hand operated compactor h 50 12,00 600,00
10.3-16 Vibratory plate compactor h 30 27,60 828,00
10.3-17 Excavator, bucket size 1m3 h 50 28,80 1 440,00
10.3-18 Excavator, bucket size 2 m3 h 30 37,18 1 115,40
10.3-19 5 t flatbed truck h 50 19,20 960,00
10.3-20 5 t tipper lorry h 20 19,20 384,00
10.3-21 10 t tipper lorry h 50 27,60 1 380,00
10.3-22 1 t pick-up h 50 15,60 780,00
10.3-23 3 t pick -up h 50 15,60 780,00
10.3-24 Four wheel-drive car h 30 14,30 429,00

10.3-25 Compressor (3.2m3/min) complete with all tools, drill bits and hoses h 30 22,80 684,00
10.3-29 75 mm water pump with motor h 25 12,00 300,00
10.3-30 Concrete mixer, 220 V capacity h 50 20,40 1 020,00
10.3-31 Concrete vibratory poker h 30 12,00 360,00
10.3-32 Wheel loader , 1 m3 bucket h 50 24,00 1 200,00
10.3-33 Wheel loader , 2 m3 bucket h 20 32,00 640,00
10.3-36 Water bowser with pump, 6 m3 h 20 15,26 305,20
10.3-37 mechanical tractor broom h 100 16,80 1 680,00
10.3-38 Agricultural tractor h 20 16,80 336,00
10.3-39 Bitumen handspray unit h 20 12,00 240,00
10.3-40 Mechanical bitumeen spray unit h 50 25,00 1 250,00
SUB-TOTAL 24 599,60

TOTAL for SECTION 280-365 29 113 665,07

BILL 6- Bridge Works

6.Bridge Works at km 292+925

Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
1.Preparatory Work
Remove existing a/c pavement, protection layer, concrete drain triangle, joints
6.1-1 concreting of old bridge; haul debris to approved spoil area м3 9,600 9,50 91,20
6.1-2 Clearing of slabs' surface from dust, dirt etc. м2 80,000 5,60 448,00
2. Existing Bridge Repairs 0,00
Sealing of bowholes, spalls and cracks on abutments, span structures and
6.2-1 sidwalks м3 2,500 122,50 306,25

6.2-2 Sealing of cracks on the surface of beams and abutments with cement mortar м2 4,000 95,50 382,00
6.2-3 Pave sidewalk surface with filmforming material м2 13,000 7,20 93,60
6.2-4 Painting of railings кг 10,000 12,80 128,00
3.Construction of Bridge Deck
6.3-1 Н-7 cm preparatory layer м3 5,560 122,50 681,10
а.Mesh reinforcement т 0,567 2 000,00 1 134,00
6.3-2 Waterproofing м2 80,000 71,40 5 712,00
6.3-3 Н-4 cm protection layer м3 3,200 122,50 392,00
а.Mesh reinforcement т 0,370 2 000,00 740,00

6.3-4 Lay asphalt concrete pavement on the bridge, approaches and shoulders м3 9,700 260,70 2 528,79
6.3-5 Boring of holes in kerbs, placement of bars and concreting, В-35 м3 1,350 135,70 183,20
а. Reinforcing т 0,569 2 000,00 1 138,00
4. Retaining Walls 0,00
Clearing of river bed by crane truck from rock material to underside upto
6.4-1 30m, strengthening of river bed м3 9,0 11,50 103,50
6.4-2 Excavation for foundations of retaining walls м3 93,0 4,50 418,50
In-situ concrete of body of the retaining walls and foundations В-20, incl.
6.4-3 formwork м3 27,3 95,50 2 607,15
6.4-4 Waterproofing of buried walls with paiting м2 50,0 9,52 476,00
6.4-5 Backfilling of cuts м3 112,0 6,50 728,00
ИТОГО 18 291,29
Project rehabilitation of Bishkek-Naryn-Torugart road km.280-400
Bridge at km 400+393
Item Description Unit Q-ty Unit Rate $ Amount $

Remove existing a/c pavement, protection layer, concrete drain triangle, joints
6.1-1 concreting of old bridge; haul debris to approved spoil area m3 261,00 25,18 6 571,98
Ditto steel structures t 14,10 33,4 470,94
Dismantling of sidwalk slabs and blocks, transition slabs and bridge span
6.1-2 structure beams m3 552,00 65,5 36 156,00

6.1-3 Remove soil behind existing abutments, ordinary soil m3 350,00 3,5 1 225,00
2.Foundations -
6.2-1 Excavate to undeкside of foundation Kato in common excavation m3 3300 3,50 11 550,00
6.2-2 Backfilling of abutments, granular material m3 350 6,50 2 275,00
Provision, supply, place and dismantling of prefabricated concerete slabs for
6.2-3 placing drilling machine "КАТО" -
а.Concerete Class 20/20 m3 72 115,50 8 316,00
б.Reinforcing steel Grade А-I t 0,4 2000,00 800,00
с.Reinforcing steel Grade А-III t 0,65 2000,00 1 300,00
3.Foundation Repairs -
6.3-1 Sealing of cracks, blowholes and spalls on the existing piers m3 6 95,50 573,00
4. Abutments -

6.4-1 Boring of holes for abutments by drilling machine "КАТО" in ordinary soil l.m. 244 1342,00 327 448,00
6.4-2 Concrete piers concreting, concrete class В-25 m3 277,2 122,50 33 957,00
a.Reinforcing Grade А-III t 21,94 2000,00 43 880,00
b.Reinforcing Grade А-II t 0 2000,00 -
c.Reinforcing Grade А-I t 6,58 2000,00 13 160,00
6.4-3 Provision and place of steel case d-1020mm on transitional piers t 17,11 2100,00 35 931,00
6.4-4 Cutting of pile heads No 15 85,70 1 285,50
Provision and place of concrete blocks of capping beam incl. concreting with
6.4-5 piles No 15 571,40 8 571,00

Expansion of capping beam of the existing abutments with concrete В-25, incl.
6.4-6 boring of holes and place of bars m3 1,1 135,70 149,27

5. Abutment Walls -
6.5-1 .-grade ШС-1 No 2 485,70 971,40
6.5-2 .-grade ШС-2 No 4 485,70 1 942,80
6.5-3 .-grade ШС-3 No 0 -
6.5-4 .-grade ШС-4 No 2 565,00 1 130,00
In-situ concreting and reinforcing of joints of capping beams, piles and
6.5-5 abutment walls, incl. Formwork -
а.Concrete Class 30/20 м3 0,5 122,50 61,25
в.Reinforcing Grade А-I t 0,048 2000,00 96,00
Concreting and reinforcing of abutment stone ans seismic support, incl.
6.5-6 formwork -
a.Concrete Class 30/20 m3 36 122,50 4 410,00
b.Reinforcing Grade А-III t 0,169 2000,00 338,00
c.Reinforcing Grade А-I t 4,25 2000,00 8 500,00
6.5-7 Concreting of spillway using cement mortar class 20/20 m3 3,75 95,50 358,13
6.5-8 Waterproofing of buried concrete surfaces with bitumen mastic m2 290 3,07 890,30
6.Span Structure -
6.6-1 Provision and place of rubber-metal bearing pads type ROCHSP No 196 105,70 20 717,20
6.6-2 Provision and place of prefabricated edge concrete beams No 28 6571,40 183 999,20
6.6-3 Provision and place of prefabricated ordinary concrete beams No 70 5714,30 400 001,00
6.6-4 Concreting of joints of beams of span structure and faces -
a.Concrete class В-25 m3 116,2 122,50 14 234,50
b.Reinforcing Grade А-I t 2,72 2000,00 5 440,00
c.Reinforcing Grade А-III t 2,26 2000,00 4 520,00
d.Embedded Parts t 3,19 2000,00 6 380,00
6.6-5 Provision and place of prefabricated kerb blocks -
а.Grade БО-1 no 140 96,46 13 504,40
б.Grade БО-1,54 no 28 119,43 3 344,04
6.6-6 Provision and place of prefabricated sidewalk blocks no 0 428,60 -
6.6-7 Provision and place of prefabricated sidewalk blocks t 22,61 2200,00 49 742,00
7. Bridge Deck and Sidewalks -
6.7-1 Н-3 cm preparatory layer, concrete class В-25 m3 83,7 122,50 10 253,25
6.7-2 Waterproof layer using fibreglass m2 2792 71,40 199 348,80
6.7-3 Н-4cm В-25 protection layer m3 111,6 122,50 13 671,00
а.Reinforcement Mesh t 10,94 2000,00 21 880,00
6.7-4 Apply tack coat of cutback bitumen at a rate 0,71kg per sq.m m2 2346 1,20 2 815,20

6.7-5 Provide, lay and compact levelling a/c coarse 7cm with 5.5% bitumen content m3 164,22 260,70 42 812,15
6.7-6 Deformation joints m 178,4 14,30 2 551,12
8.Junction with bank -
6.8-1 Crushed stone pad for approach slabs m3 90,4 10,99 993,50
6.8-2 Provide and place prefabricated approach slabs No 14 285,70 3 999,80
6.8-3 In-situ concerete of approach slabs m3 1,84 122,50 225,40
6.8-3 Concreting and reincforcing of joints of approach slabs -
а.Concrete class 30/20 m3 2,48 122,50 303,80
б.Reinforcing t 0,314 2000,00 628,00
6.8-4 In-situ concerete of preparatory coarse m3 1 122,50 122,50
6.8-5 Paiting of approach slabs with bitumenous material m2 160 9,52 1 523,20
6.8-6 Apply tack coat of cuttback bitumen ar a rate 0,71 kg per sq.m m2 80 1,20 96,00

6.8-7 Provide, place and compact levelling a/c coat 6 cm, with 4.5% bitumen content m3 5,00 226,50 1 132,50
6.8-8 Apply tack coat of cutback bitumen at a rate 0.27 kg per sq.m m2 80 1,20 96,00
Provide, place and compact of wearing coarse of м/з a/c 9 cm, with 5.5%
6.8-9 bitumen content m3 7,2 260,70 1 877,04

6.8-10 Reinforcement of bridge cone and guidbank slopes using Reno matts 5х2х0,3 m2 6070 8,20 49 774,00
Construction of supports using Gabions 1х1х1,5, incl. filling with stones and
6.8-11 excavation no 900 55,40 49 860,00
6.8-12 Construction of guidbanks -
а. Excavation of soil in borrow pits, haul to dam at a distance of 1km with
compaction m3 3150 6,50 20 475,00
б. Planning of slopes and top of dam m2 15540 3,10 48 174,00
TOTAL 1 726 812,17
Project rehabilitation of Bishkek-Naryn-Torugart road km.280-400
BILL 6- Bridge Works
6.Bridge Works at km 388+227
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
1.Preparatory Work

Remove a/c pavement, protection layer, сточного треугольника and

6.1-1 waterproofing, concrete retroreflective warning signs m3 15,22 9,50 144,59
6.1-2 Clearing of slabs' surface from dust, dirt etc. m2 120,00 5,60 672,00
2. Existing Bridge Repairs 0,00
Sealing of bowholes, spalls and cracks on abutments, span structures
6.2-1 and sidwalks m3 1,50 122,50 183,75
Boring of holes in the existing abutments, placement of bars and
6.2-1а reinforcing with subsequent plastering using cement mortar В-15 m3 1,84 135,20 248,77
а. Mesh reinforcement and bars t 0,09 2 000,00 172,00
Sealing of cracks on the surface of beams and abutments with cement
6.2-2 mortar m2 5,00 95,50 477,50
6.2-3 Pave sidewalk surface with filmforming material m2 0,00 7,20 0,00
6.2-3а Provide and place railings y 0,50 2 000,00 1 000,00
6.2-4 Painting of railings kg 10,00 12,80 128,00
3.Construction of Bridge Deck
6.3-1 Н-7 cm preparatory layer m3 2,58 122,50 316,05
а.Mesh reinforcement t 0,00 2 000,00 0,00
6.3-2 Waterproofing m2 50,00 71,40 3 570,00
6.3-3 Н-4 cm protection layer m3 2,00 122,50 245,00
а.Mesh reinforcement t 0,25 2 000,00 500,00

6.3-4 Lay asphalt concrete pavement on the bridge, approaches and shoulders m3 4,20 260,70 1 094,94
6.3-5 Boring of holes in kerbs, placement of bars and concreting, В-35 m3 0,00 135,70 0,00
а. Reinforcing t 0,00 2 000,00 0,00
4. Retaining Walls 0,00
Clearing of river bed by crane truck from rock material to underside
6.4-1 upto 30m, strengthening of river bed m3 25,00 11,50 287,50
6.4-2 Excavation for foundations of retaining walls m3 0,0 4,50 0,00
In-situ concrete of body of the retaining walls and foundations В-20,
6.4-3 incl. formwork m3 0,0 95,50 0,00
6.4-4 Waterproofing of buried walls with paiting m2 0,0 9,52 0,00
6.4-5 Backfilling of cuts m3 0,0 6,50 0,00
Total 9 040,10

TOTAL 1 735 852,26

Attachment 7. Technical Specifications

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