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CBIM Form C-3


Municipality: San Julian, Eastern Samar




1. Recognition October 01, 2020 -Hon. Nieto Aseo

Joint BDRRM Meeting @ 1:00 PM (All Officers)
 Group - recognized to Mun. Plaza
BLGU, MLGU level
October 12, 2020 -Hon. Nieto Aseo
Makiki set-in ha SB
-Hon. Ofelia C. Jaradal
Meeting (San Julian O and M Group for Quarantine October 13, 2020
Facility) 9:00 AM --Hon. Nieto Aseo
Brgy. Libas -O & M Officers
2. Accreditation Ngada la anay ha RHU para mag inquire October 12, 2020 Hon. Ofelia C. Jaradal

 The group and Mag inquire ha PhilHealth han mga Requirements October 15, 2020 --Hon. Nieto Aseo 100.00 (c/o Hon.
facilities were Neito Aseo)
accredited to DOH / October 21, 2020 -Hon. Nieto Aseo/
PhilHealth -Meeting
1:00 PM @ Mun. Plaza Secretary juvy Orcuse

3. Roles and Responsibilities Officers:

of Officers and Members Chairman - Presiding Officer
V-chair- In the absence of Chairman
 Duties of each officers Secretary- Responsible of Minutes/ Documents
Treasurer - Ingat Yaman
are being met Pio- Distribute Communication
Members- Participates Activities, meetings, follow the
roles and regulations
4. O&M Group regular Making of communication letter Every second wed. of the Secretary Hon. Juvy
Meeting and Updating month Orcuse/
1:00 PM
 Has regular meeting Mun. Plaza

Distribution of communication letter the 2 days

Note: State how frequent before the activities BLUG/MLGU PIO Officers
Institutional Linkage

1. O&M group is able to -Provincial Aid (thru Resolution)

establish linkages with -Municipal Aid (thru Resolution)
other organizations or - O and M Group meeting Identifying target agencies (NGO
institutions for support & NGA) for network and linkage

Established linkages are:

● Formal (with Coordination to PHO for possible support October 25, 2020 Hon. Neito Aseo
partnership - Sit in in SB session for possible support
agreements, MOA, etc.) Hon. Ofelia C. Jaradal
● Informal

Note: please specify in the

remarks the name of the agency
or partners


1. Policy BLGU & MLGU

With clear policy on daily operation Fund

Coordination w/ Healthcare supervisor for hands on 3rd week of October Judy Quiloňa-Health care
-Capacity of BHERTS for Supervisor
Training for the operation of Quarantine Facility 2020
Operation Hon. Neito Aseo-
Hon. Ofelia C. Jaradal- V-

2. -BHERTS Duties and Coordination with IATF for Scheduling of duties 3rd week of October BHERTS, IATF, COMM. On BLGU & MLGU
Responsibilities Health
2020 Fund
-Set of Schedule of Duties Provided

3. Action Plan for Disaster Last week of October BLGU & MLGU
- With waste Disposal Fund

- Group has action plan

for disaster
4. Inventory of Logistics o Purchase of logistics and other material needed to Last week of October -Lemuel Gereňa O & M fund BLGU & MLGU
and Materials (PPEs and support operation services Fund
other Medical Supplies  24 PPE Set will be used per 24 hour shift - Florence Rebamontan
and Amenities) on isolation facility
 Gloves and mask for PUMs (30 box for 15
5. PATIENT CARE o From drop-off checkpoint (Casoroy and san isidro) Last Week of October Judy Quiloňa-Health care BLGU & MLGU
passengers will fall in line into the holding area Supervisor Fund
present their required clearances to the PNP,
proceed to triage and provide the needed data
asked by the interviewee (RHU personnel/ ERT).
From there PUM/PUI will be identified.
Temperature will be checked by ERT, sanitation
and disinfection is a must before they are
transported. Passengers that will present fever
and any other symptoms will be classified as PUI
and will be transported on a different vehicle.
Both PUM and PUI will be escorted by the PNP
and will be dropped off to the designated
quarantine facilities.
o BHERTS and Tanods will have 24-hour duty on
facilities where they are assigned (2 tanods, 2
bhert per shift). Bherts will be the one to monitor
the PUMs and will report to the health care
supervisor (RHU Personnel, ERT, MDDRMO) if
someone will develop symptoms.
o PUM’s will be provided Water and electricity for
the entire 21 days. Food, beddings and other
necessities will be provided by the family. They
will observe sanitation protocol posted in every
room. (daily disinfection of room, hand washing
and disinfection).
o PUM will not be allowed to go out except for
hand washing, shower, and disinfection.
o HOUSE RULES posted in every room should be
o After 14 days of isolation PUM who did not
develop symptoms and assessed as physically fit
will be given certificate that quarantine is
completed. They will then be advised for an
additional 7 days home quarantine with
continuous self-monitoring of sign and symptoms
in coordination with the BHERT
o PUI’s will be assigned to a different isolation
facility. Will be admitted and monitored by HW.
Water, beddings, food will be provided. PUM’s
who will develop symptoms will be transferred to
the same facility.
o PUI will be monitored for 14 days or until
resolved. Those who will be treated in less than a
week, they will be quarantined at San Julian
Central Elementary School reserved room for
resolved PUI to complete the 21 days isolation.
However manifestation of moderate to severe
sign and symptoms will be referred to the nearest
Covid19 Hospital.
o Resolved PUI who completed the 21 days isolation
will be sent home and be advised for additional 7-
days quarantine with self-monitoring of any s/sx.
o All PUM/PUI’s will be disinfected before leaving
the facility and will exit at the designated gate.
(see attached flow chart)
6. HEALTH WORKER CARE At drop-off checkpoint duties consist of: Last week of October Judy Quiloňa-Health care BLGU & MLGU
 5 PNP- security/check clearances Supervisor Fund
 2 Health worker- interview/ declaration
 2 ERT- thermal, disinfection, distribution
of mask, (interview/declaration if 2 teams
of HW will be pulled out to the Isolation
 1 data encoder (ERT)
Health worker will be at the triage area during the
influx of passengers. Duty will start at 8am to 5
pm on the 2 borders ( Casoroy and San Isidro)
beyond 5pm HW will be on call and can be reach
through the RHU Hotline. Service of HW to duty
area will be facilitated by the MRRM office or
Municipal Mayors Office.
HW and other personnel assigned will be oriented
on the operation.
24 hours duty on quarantine facility consist of 2
bherts and 2 tanods.
24 hours Duty will be scheduled with 8 hours per
shift on Isolation Facility with:
 2 security personnel (tanod)
 2 PNP (night shift only 8pm-8am)
 1 waste manager
 1 food server c/o kitchen
 1 in-charge for disinfection
 1 in-charge for laundry of PPEs (1 in
Health care Supervisor (Judy M. Quiloῆa) will be
the one to oversee duties and receive referral
from quarantine facilities and will be the one to
contact ambulance driver and the PUI facility if
one of the PUMs will develop symptoms.
Health workers must enter and exit at the
designated gates.
Will enter Sterile Zone for donning of PPEs, after
duty will undress (Doffing) at Buffer Zone.
Once there is an identified PUI, team covid-1 will
be pulled out to be at the isolation Facility. (see
attached Schedule)
All health workers must submit 7 days isolation to
the assigned facility (ROWANG) after the 7 days
duty on Isolation, food and other necessities will
be provided.
All frontliners MUST observe proper infection and control
practices at all times.

HYGIENE AND SANITATION House rules will be posted in every room in the Last week of October Noli Doligon BLGU & MLGU
isolation facility. Fund
Temporary hand washing and shower area will be
installed in the isolation facility.
Garbage will be disinfected before disposal
Room/ward MUST be cleaned and disinfected
PUI room will be disinfected every shift.
Garbage will be disposed on a different disposal
PUM/PUI will disinfect on designated hand wash

5. AFTER CARE Decontamination and disinfection of the whole Last week of October Judy Quiloňa-Health care BLGU & MLGU
building and vicinity. Supervisor Fund
Repair must done if damage to property has
Put back the rooms in order.
All garbage must be disposed properly.

6. DISPOSAL OF BODIES If in case of covid related death disposal and Last week of October Noli Doligon BLGU & MLGU
burying of bodies will be in front of Pagbabangnan Fund
Isolation Facility.
Body bags will be used c/o MDRRMO.

7. SUPERVISION AND o Daily inspection and monitoring of the facility. Last week of October IATF BLGU & MLGU
MONITORING o Ensure patient-health workers confidentiality. Fund
o Ensure adequate supplies needed in the facility.
o Weekly meeting of the LGU COVID Task Force if
the need arises.
o Psychological assessment must be done daily to
o Weekly physical assessment and psychological
first aid to frontliners in the isolation facility.
Turn over rooms to school officials.

8. Waste Management o Last week of October Noli Doligon BLGU & MLGU
Disposal Fund

9. Water system o Last week of October Glenda Robiene MLGU

10. Security Personnel o Last week of October Brgy. Tanods assisted BLGU & MLGU
by: Fund

Pnp Chief/ Bernard

Christian Tabinas & PNP

11. Food Server o Last week of October Nonito Cabago MLGU

12. Launder for PPEs o Last week of October Tita Casis MLGU

1. Segregated financial
management duties and
● Collection
● Cashiering
● Recording
● Audit and Inventory
2. Inventory and recoding
● Conduct of regular
inventory of materials
and inventory
● Conduct of regular
inventory of available
products (for product
based enterprise)
● With proper recording of
service rendered (for
enterprise involved in
rentals and other

3. Bank Account
● Existing bank account
with leastthree(3)
● Account signatories are
not personally related
4. Expenditures
● Approved Disbursement
voucher for every
disbursement or
● OR issued
● Pre-numbered Invoice
5. Books of Accounts
● Record of collections
● Record of account
● Record of expenses
(cash book)
● Record of Accounts
6. Financial reports
● Periodic Report of
Income and Expenses
● Balance Sheet
7. Financial Control
● Conduct of regular
internal audit
● Conduct of on-the-spot
cash check
● Conduct of external
8. Collection efficiency
● Collection mechanism
● Proof of Collection
(OR/AR issued for
collections or substitute)
with duplicate copy

9. Petty Cash Fund

● With available petty cash


Classify if PUM or PUI escorted by PNP PAGBABANGAN- brgy. 1-6 Poblacion

HOLDING AREA PUM San Julian Central Elementary School-Pagbabangnan,
San isidro San Miguel, Bunacan
o 5 PNP- clearances NNHS- libas, Campidhan- facility
o 2 HW- interview/Declaration -proceed to designated quarantine SJNHS- Nena, CAsoroy, Lunang
o 2 ERT- thermal Scanning, disinfection, distribution of mask Nena Elementary School- Putong
(interview/declaration if in case 2 teams of HW
will be pulled out to the isolation facility)
o 1 data encoder (ERT) escorted by PNP
PUI Admission to isolation Facility until resolved

With 1 or 2 s/sx:
-febrile (37.8 and above)
-cough and colds
-sore throat
-difficulty breathing
If PUI manifest moderate
24 hours DUTY (8 hours per shift) If PUM will not develop any s/sx and
s/symptoms refer to a
assessed as physically fit they will be
-2 health worker Covid 19 Hospital.
allowed to go home and advised for an
-2 security personnel
additional 7days quarantine.
-2 PNP (night duty only 8pm-8am)
-1 waste manager
-1 in-charge for disinfection, laundry(1 in 3days)

PUM FACILITY PUI Resolved in less than week, move to reserved

( 2BHERTS, 2 Tanods)
room for Resolve PUI at SJCES.
-BHERTS will monitor the PUMs Resolved PUI who completed the 21 days isolation
-BHERTS and TANODS will have 24 hours shifting duty (8 hours/shift)
will be sent home and be advised for additional
-If PUMS will develop signs and symptoms they will report to the assigned
Health care Supervisor 7days quarantine with self-monitoring of any s/sx.

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