Tabular Comparision of World Empires

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The start of the Tudor dynasty and the Tudor Dynasty became most powerful
reign of Henry VII. He married Elizabeth of families on the throne of English
York uniting the two warring houses of monarch.
York and Lancaster. His rule was great
until he died in 1509. Divorced, wives and beheaded eventually
create on church which known as Church
After his father, the terrible reign of Henry of England
VIII started. He is best known having six
wives whom he either divorced or killed if After dethrone queen Elizabeth, the
THE BRITISH he was not satisfied with them anymore. Spanish Armada restore Catholic over
EMPIRE 1490-1960 Although some of his wives did survived England
such as Anne of Cleves and Catherine
Parr. Overthrown the monarchy which resulted
to the execution of Charles 1 and
The Spanish Armada set sail from Spain in stepping stone to Oliver Cromwell to rule
July with the mission of overthrowing the of the England
Protestant Queen Elizabeth I and to
restore Catholic rule over England. After the death of Oliver Cromwell, the
England return to its monarch
The trial and execution of Charles I. After
his execution, there was a war in Ireland, Slavery became freeman at last
Scotland, and England. Known collectively
as the Third Civil War. Extent the world largest empire and
became the most powerful monarch in
Restoration of English Monarchy after the the world
dead of Oliver Cromwell.

Queen Victoria reigned monarch of the He was related to most of European

British Empire. Her glorious reign lasted royalty and became known as the ‘Uncle
for 64 years. During the Victorian Era, of Europe’.
Great Britain ruled many colonies thus
gaining the title world’s largest empire. Women gain to right to vote
After the death of Queen Victoria, her Controversy no one knows what is the
grandson Edward VII became the King of real reason behind it
A truly world war, it was fought
Women was given the right to vote due to throughout Europe, Russia, North Africa,
The Equal Franchise Act which women and across the Atlantic and Pacific
over the age of 21 have the ability to seaboards. It is estimated that some 55
vote. In achieving the same voting rights million lives were lost in total.
as men, the Act increased the number of
women eligible to vote to 15 million. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Became Queen
of England until today
After the death of his father, Edward VIII
ascended to the throne however he
shortly abdicated and gave his throne to
his brother, George VI.

The British Empire entered WWI.

After the death of George VI due to a

series of serious illnesses. His daughter
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor became
the Queen of England.
During the First French Empire, the 1804 Napoleon became the Emperor of French
constitution was adopted to change and abolished New Holy Roman Empire
THE FRENCH Napoleon from Consul to Emperor.
EMPIRE First: Prussia and French Treaty of Peace
1804-1814 In 1812, the French empire invaded
Prussia Victory of Russia
In hopes of ending the New Holy Roman Treaty of Peace and abdication of
Empire. Napoleon to the throne.

The start of the Second French Empire, Re-establishment of French Monarchy

many wars and events were happening
Second: such as the 1851 French coup d'état, the Napoleon III became the French Emperor
1852-1870 revision of the French Constitution in of First French Empire
1852, the Franco-Prussian War of 1870,
and the Battle of Sedan. Fall of Second French Empire led to the
birth of the French Republic that was led
In the start of Third French Republic, by the formation of Vichy Government
Third: France was fighting off Nazis however
19th they were overpowered thus getting
century defeated by the Nazis.
to the

1878 The end of Germany's Kulturkampf The end of Catholic persecution in

campaign against Catholics. Germany made the country have
alliances with other countries such as a
1879 The dual Alliance between Germany dual alliance with Austria-Hungary and
and Austria-Hungary. triple alliance with Italy. Strengthening
the power of the German Empire.
THE GERMAN 1882 The triple Alliance between
EMPIRE 1871-1914 Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. In the conquest of Germany for power,
the Bulgarians were defeated. However,
1885 The Second Balkan Crisis between when the fall of Otto von Bismarck came
Bulgaria and Serbia. to, everything fell apart.

1890 Kaiser Wilhelm II dismisses Otto Germany since then lost wars against
von Bismarck. Ethiopia and Great Britain.

1896 Battle of Adowa in Ethiopia, allowing

Ethiopia to remain independent.

1899-1902 Boer War in South Africa

between the British and the Africans.
Italy was subjected to many rebellions
however in 1848 it became the first step Italy became unified as one country and
of uniting the warring Italian states. Rome became the capital of Italy.

THE ITALIAN As such at the end of the rebellions the

EMPIRE 1848-1871 Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy had
Making Rome the capital of the country of
1581-1648 Dutch Republic with the The most powerful empire by sea which
series of war trade control the world’s wealth at the time due
to having multiple colonies in Asia. It was
THE DUTCH 1450-1750 1621 Control of the Dutch West India also regarded as Great Britain’s enemy at
EMPIRE Company in spices and resources seas due to having influence in many
countries that Great Britain also wants.
The Start of the Batavian Republic

1415 the conquest of Ceuta started as a Beginning of the Portuguese Empire

mark of the Portuguese Empire in Africa where they colonized many countries to
gain their resources. This lasted for about
1498 the Portuguese empire sought to 300 years.
use a sea route to invade India
THE A dynastic union between Portugal and
PORTUGUESE 1415-1999 1500 among the Portuguese Empire’s Spain however it did not last forever
EMPIRE colonies there was colonial Brazil that was because of corruption and war
rich in resources
Restoration of the Dutch Empire
The Spanish and Portuguese powers Indian almost became independent from
became stronger when they had Iberian Portugal
Union in 1580 which unified their colonial
powers. Dissolution of Portugal Empire

1585 Anglo-Spanish War happened thus

Spain was occupied with Great Britain and
soon after the Dutch–Portuguese War
occurred and both colonial powers were
pre-occupied rather than in expanding
their dominion.

1492 Conquest of the Canary Islands The Beginning of Catholic Monarch with
the marriage of King Ferdinand II of
1494 First Battle of Acentejo Aragon and Catherine of Castile to
Unified as Spanish Empire
Spanish conquest of Iberian Navarre with
the Iberian union with Portugal to Navarre became part of Spanish Empire
strengthen colonial powers and resulted with Castilian-Aragonese
victory but this did not last long due to
Spanish American Wars of Independence corruption and weaken society

THE In the treaty of Paris, the Spanish Empire Spain loses dominion over all their
SPANISH 1492-1976 withdraw all its colonial territory possessions in the continental Americas
EMPIRE and retained only the islands of Cuba and
In 1939, Franco Francisco a Spanish Puerto Rico. Portuguese Empire annexes
dictator began to be weak and decided to the Banda Oriental and United States
re-establish the Spanish monarchy. annexes Spanish Florida.

Ratifications of Spain and United State of

Treaty and the Philippines to withdrawal

Francisco became the Caudillo of Spain in

which he overthrows the Spanish Empire
and turn it into a Republic

Spain became monarchy again after the

death of Franco Francisco and with the
coronation of Juan Carlos of I as the King
of Spain, monarchy rule was re-

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